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SMG Comms Chapter 10: Actions and RSA Keys


~ This is a work in progress towards an Ada implementation of Eulora's communication protocol. Start withChapter 1.~

Eulora's communication protocol uses RSA keys only for new players who don't yet have a set of Serpent keys agreed on for communication with the server. The main reason for not using RSA for all client-server communications is simply that RSA is essentially too expensive for that. As it happens, it turns out thatrepublican RSA with its fixed-size 256 octets (2048 bits) public exponent is anyway too expensive even for this reduced role - communicating all those octets to the server inside a RSA package takes quite a lot of space. As a result, Eulora will use a smaller e, on only 8 octets (64 bits) that fit neatly into the message structure for requesting a new account in the game (5.1 RSA key set). This means of course that I'll also have to patchEuCrypt to allow arbitrary size of the public exponent in order to have a way to actually generate such RSA key pairs but this will have to be the next step and another post on its own. For now, at the level of read/write from/to SMG Comms messages, there's no direct concern with the crypto lib itself: the e will simply be 8 octets long at its specified place in the message and that is that.

Since the RSA Key Set message includes also some client information (protocol version and subversion, client hash, preferred padding), I've first defined a new data structure (in data_structs.ads) to hold all this in one place:

type Player_RSA is record -- communication protocol Version number Proto_V : Interfaces.Unsigned_8; -- communication protocol Subversion number Proto_Subv : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; -- Keccak hash of client binary Client_Hash: Raw_Types.Octets_8; -- public exponent (e) of RSA key (64 bits precisely) -- nb: this is protocol-specific e, aka shorter than TMSR e... e : Raw_Types.Octets_8; -- public modulus (n) of RSA key (490 bits precisely) n : Raw_Types.RSA_len; -- preferred padding; magic value 0x13370000 means random padding Padding : Raw_Types.Octets_8; end record;

The choice to have the new structure shown above comes mainly from the fact that all the information in there is on one hand related (as it belongs to and describes one specific player at any given time) and on the other hand of no direct concern to this part of code. In other words, this part of the code reads and writes that information together but it has no idea regarding its use (nor should it have). It's for this same reason also that I preferred to keep e and n simply as members like any others of the Player_RSA record rather than having them stored already inside a RSA_pkey structure. For one thing there's no need for the read/write part to even know about the RSA_pkey structure (which is defined in rsa_oaep.ads where it belongs). And for another thing, having e and n as members of the record just like any others keeps the code both clear and easy to change in principle at a later time. Basically the read/write do as little as they can get away with - there is even no attempt to interpret e for instance as a number although its reduced size makes that possible here. Note that the protocol version and subversion are however interpreted as integers but in their case there's no point to keep them as raw octets. On the other hand, the choice of padding is kept as raw octets precisely because this is how it will be needed and used anyway.

Choosing the correct place for storing the padding option also gave me a bit to think about because it's not fully clear to me at this stage exactly where the padding belongs. Strictly speaking, padding is entirely the job of this level so there shouldn't normally be any leaking outside/upwards of anything to do with it. However, having the ability to choose types of padding means that the protocol itself effectively pushes this particular aspect upwards since it's the user ultimately who makes this choice. As a result, I decided to keep the mechanics of padding local (i.e. actual padding of messages + the magic value for requesting random padding + the interpretation of a padding parameter) while providing this Padding value in the Player_RSA record and otherwise refactoring all the Write procedures to require a Padding parameter indicating the desired choice of padding for that write. Moreover, to have this padding stuff in one single place, I also extracted the writing of counter+padding into its own procedure and then refactored all the Write procedures to call this one (since ALL messages always have at the end precisely a counter + padding). The main benefit to this is that it reduces the chances of making an error in one of the multiple places where otherwise one has to write the counter and then check the requested padding and then pad (if needed) accordingly. Other than this benefit, there isn't necessarily a big reduction in number of code lines nor really much an increase in clarity of the code since there is another procedure call to follow in there. Nevertheless, the alternative is worse: having copy-pasted same stuff in every write procedure and having to change all of it if anything changes. So here's the new Write_End procedure which is private to the Messages package since this is just a helper for all the other Write procedures:

-- Writes Counter and padding (rng or otherwise) into Msg starting from Pos. procedure Write_End( Msg : in out Raw_Types.Octets; Pos : in out Natural; Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Padding : in Raw_Types.Octets_8) is begin -- check that there is space for Counter at the very least if Pos > Msg'Last - 1 then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- write counter Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter ); -- pad to the end of the message if Pos <= Msg'Last then if Padding = RNG_PAD then RNG.Get_Octets( Msg( Pos..Msg'Last ) ); else -- repeat the Padding value itself for I in Pos..Msg'Last loop Msg(I) := Padding( Padding'First + (I - Pos) mod Padding'Length ); end loop; end if; -- either rng or fixed, update Pos though Pos := Msg'Last + 1; end if; end Write_End;

After the above changes, the read/write procedures for RSA key set from/to RSA messages are quite straightforward to write:

procedure Write_RKeys_RMsg( K : in Player_RSA; Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Pad : in Raw_Types.Octets_8; Msg : out Raw_Types.RSA_Msg) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; begin -- write correct message type Msg( Msg'First ) := RKeys_R_Type; -- write protocol version and subversion Msg( Pos ) := K.Proto_V; Pos := Pos + 1; Write_U16( Msg, Pos, K.Proto_Subv ); -- write keccak hash of client binary Msg( Pos..Pos + K.Client_Hash'Length-1 ) := K.Client_Hash; Pos := Pos + K.Client_Hash'Length; -- write e of RSA key Msg( Pos..Pos + K.e'Length - 1 ) := K.e; Pos := Pos + K.e'Length; -- write n of RSA key Msg( Pos..Pos + K.n'Length - 1 ) := K.n; Pos := Pos + K.n'Length; -- write preferred padding Msg( Pos..Pos + K.Padding'Length - 1 ) := K.Padding; Pos := Pos + K.Padding'Length; -- write counter + padding Write_End( Msg, Pos, Counter, Pad ); end Write_RKeys_RMsg; -- Reads a RSA Keyset (Player_RSA structures) from the given RSA Message. -- Opposite of Write_RKeys_RMsg above procedure Read_RKeys_RMsg( Msg : in Raw_Types.RSA_Msg; Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16; K : out Player_RSA) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; begin -- check type id and raise exception if incorrect if Msg(Msg'First) /= RKeys_R_Type then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- read protocol version and subversion K.Proto_V := Msg( Pos ); Pos := Pos + 1; Read_U16( Msg, Pos, K.Proto_Subv ); -- read Keccak hash of client binary K.Client_Hash := Msg( Pos..Pos+K.Client_Hash'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.Client_Hash'Length; -- read e K.e := Msg( Pos .. Pos + K.e'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.e'Length; -- read n K.n := Msg( Pos .. Pos + K.n'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.n'Length; -- read choice of padding K.Padding := Msg( Pos .. Pos+K.Padding'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.Padding'Length; -- read message counter Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter ); -- the rest is message padding, so ignore it end Read_RKeys_RMsg;

As usual, I also wrote the tests for all the new procedures, including the private Write_End. However, the testing package as it was could not directly call this private procedure from Messages. My solution to this is to change the declaration of the testing package so that it is effectively derived from Messages - at the end of the day it makes sense that the tester simply needs to get to all the private bits and pieces. This change makes however for a lot of noise in the .vpatch but that's how it is. The new test procedure for the counter+padding is - quite as usual - longer than the code it tests:

procedure Test_Padding is Msg : Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg := (others => 12); Old : Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg := Msg; Pos : Natural := 16; NewPos : Natural := Pos; Counter : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2; Pad : Raw_Types.Octets_8; Pass : Boolean; begin -- get random counter RNG.Get_Octets( O2 ); Counter := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 ); -- test with random padding Pad := RNG_PAD; Write_End( Msg, NewPos, Counter, Pad ); -- check NewPos and counter Pass := True; if NewPos /= Msg'Last + 1 then Put_Line("FAIL: incorrect Pos value after Write_End with rng."); Pass := False; end if; Read_U16(Msg, Pos, U16); if U16 /= Counter then Put_Line("FAIL: incorrect Counter by Write_End with rng."); Pass := False; end if; -- check that the padding is at least different... if Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) = Old(Pos..Old'Last) or Msg(Pos..Pos+Pad'Length-1) = Pad then Put_Line("FAIL: no padding written by Write_End with rng."); Pass := False; end if; if Pass then Put_Line("PASS: Write_End with rng."); end if; -- prepare for the next test Pass := True; Pos := Pos - 2; NewPos := Pos; Msg := Old; -- get random padding RNG.Get_Octets( Pad ); -- write with fixed padding and check Write_End( Msg, NewPos, Counter, Pad ); Pass := True; if NewPos = Msg'Last + 1 then -- check counter + padding Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 ); if U16 /= Counter then Put_Line("FAIL: Counter was not written by Write_End."); Pass := False; end if; for I in Pos..Msg'Last loop if Msg( I ) /= Pad( Pad'First + (I - Pos) mod Pad'Length ) then Put_Line("FAIL: Msg(" & Natural'Image(I) & ")=" & Unsigned_8'Image(Msg(I)) & " /= Pad(" & Natural'Image(Pad'First+(I-Pos) mod Pad'Length) & ") which is " & Unsigned_8'Image(Pad(Pad'First+(I-Pos) mod Pad'Length))); Pass := False; end if; end loop; else Put_Line("FAIL: Pos is wrong after call to Write_End."); Pass := False; end if; if Pass then Put_Line("PASS: test for Write_End with fixed padding."); end if; end Test_Padding;

With the above read/write of a RSA key set, all the RSA messages specified in the protocol are provided. Of the Serpent messages, those not implemented are the Client Action, World Bulletin, Object Request and Object Info. All of those still require some details to be filled in but for the moment I went ahead and implemented read/write for Client Action based on a text representation of the action itself (i.e. precisely as specified in the protocol for 4.5 although the action can be/is in principle a fully specified structure by itself as described in section 7 of the specification). At this stage I'm not yet sure whether to provide another layer of read/write for that action text or whether to attempt to read/write directly the Action structures. So this will have to wait and as details are becoming clearer, the code will get changed /added to, no big deal. Anyway, the Write_Action and Read_Action for now:

-- writes the action (octets+length) into the specified Serpent message procedure Write_Action( A : in Raw_Types.Text_Octets; Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Pad : in Raw_Types.Octets_8; Msg : out Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; MaxPos : Natural := Msg'Last - 1; --2 octets reserved for counter at end U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin -- check whether given action FITS into a Serpent message if Pos + 2 + A.Len > MaxPos then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- write correct type ID Msg( Msg'First ) := Client_Action_S_Type; -- write action's TOTAL length U16 := Interfaces.Unsigned_16(A.Len + 2); Write_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 ); -- write the action itself Msg( Pos..Pos+A.Len-1 ) := A.Content; Pos := Pos + A.Len; -- write counter + padding Write_End( Msg, Pos, Counter, Pad ); end Write_Action; -- reads a client action as octets+length from the given Serpent message procedure Read_Action( Msg : in Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg; Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16; A : out Raw_Types.Text_Octets) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin -- read and check message type ID if Msg( Msg'First ) /= Client_Action_S_Type then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- read size of action (content+ 2 octets the size itself) Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 ); -- check size if U16 < 3 or Pos + Natural(U16) - 2 > Msg'Last - 1 then raise Invalid_Msg; else U16 := U16 - 2; --size of content only end if; -- create action, read it from message + assign to output variable declare Act : Raw_Types.Text_Octets( Raw_Types.Text_Len( U16 ) ); begin Act.Content := Msg( Pos..Pos+Act.Len-1 ); Pos := Pos + Act.Len; A := Act; end; -- read counter Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter ); end Read_Action;

As previously with the components of a RSA key, I chose to keep the "action" as raw octets rather than "text" aka String. This can be easily changed later if needed but for now I fail to see any concrete benefit in doing the conversion to and from String. The new Text_Octets type is defined in Raw_Types and I moved there the definition of Text_Len (previously in Messages) as well since it's a better place for it:

-- length of a text field (i.e. 16 bits, strictly > 0) subtype Text_Len is Positive range 1..2**16-1; -- "text" type has a 2-byte header with total length -- Len here is length of actual content ONLY (i.e. it needs + 2 for total) type Text_Octets( Len: Text_Len := 1 ) is record -- actual octets making up the "text" Content: Octets( 1..Len ) := (others => 0); end record;

There is of course new testing code for the read/write action procedures as well:

procedure Serialize_Action is O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2; U16: Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Len: Raw_Types.Text_Len; Counter: Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin Put_Line("Generating a random action for testing."); -- generate random counter RNG.Get_Octets( O2 ); Counter := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 ); -- generate action length RNG.Get_Octets( O2 ); U16 := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 ); if U16 < 1 then U16 := 1; else if U16 + 5 > Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg'Length then U16 := Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg'Length - 5; end if; end if; Len := Raw_Types.Text_Len( U16 ); declare A: Raw_Types.Text_Octets( Len ); B: Raw_Types.Text_Octets; Msg: Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg; ReadC : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin RNG.Get_Octets( A.Content ); begin Write_Action( A, Counter, RNG_PAD, Msg ); Read_Action( Msg, ReadC, B ); if B /= A then Put_Line("FAIL: read/write of Action."); else Put_Line("PASS: read/write of Action."); end if; exception when Invalid_Msg => if Len + 5 > Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg'Length then Put_Line("PASS: exception correctly raised for Action too long"); else Put_Line("FAIL: exception INCORRECTLY raised at action r/w!"); end if; end; end; end Serialize_Action;

The (rather lengthy) .vpatch for all the above and my signature for it can be found on myReference Code Shelf as usual or through those links:

smg_comms_actions_rsa.vpatch smg_comms_actions_rsa.vpatch.diana_coman.sig

The next step now is to patch the rsa/oaep part of SMG Comms to use the 8-octets public exponent and then to get back to EuCrypt and patch it to allow arbitrary size public exponent - so much for fixed size. In other words, it's a very good opportunity to re-read and review EuCrypt!




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二. 病毒分析 2.1 传播方式


1. JBoss反序列化漏洞

2. JBoss默认配置漏洞(CVE-2010-0738)

3. Tomcat任意文件上传漏洞(CVE-2017-12615)

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Windows 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/win-x64/node.exe

macOS 64-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1.pkg

macOS 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz

linux 32-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-x86.tar.xz

Linux 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-x64.tar.xz

Linux PPC LE 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-ppc64le.tar.xz

Linux PPC BE 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-ppc64.tar.xz

Linux s390x 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-s390x.tar.xz

AIX 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-aix-ppc64.tar.gz

SunOS 32-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-sunos-x86.tar.xz

SunOS 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-sunos-x64.tar.xz

ARMv6 32-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-armv6l.tar.xz

ARMv7 32-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-armv7l.tar.xz

ARMv8 64-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1-linux-arm64.tar.xz

Source Code: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/node-v6.15.1.tar.gz

Other release files: https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.15.1/

Documentation: https://nodejs.org/docs/v6.15.1/api/


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12月2日凌晨,360发布消息称:360互联网安全中心日前发现一款名为“ UNNAMED1989 ”的勒索病毒,该病毒系国人自主研发,通过伪造成私服、外挂工具进行传播。目前, 360已首家发布病毒预警并于12月2日凌晨上线解密工具,可有效拦截该勒索病毒的攻击,已经中招的用户亦可使用360解密大师进行破解。



用户在遭遇该勒索病毒攻击后, 加密文件中会留下一个“解密工具”的图标,引导用户支付赎金。 用户点击这个图标后,会跳转到一个二维码页面。用户通过微信“扫一扫”功能支付110元赎金,黑客描述称收到赎金后方可解密。目前,该收款二维码已被微信官方冻结。


360互联网安全中心技术人员介绍:该勒索病毒不仅收款方式非常中国化,加密的方法也开始走简约路线了。 该病毒在加密文件时采用了较为原始的异或加密方法,运行后会将特定标识符、版本信息以及随机字符串进行简单处理后存放到C:\Users\unname_1989\dataFile\appCfg.cfg文件中。






对于已经中招的用户,360解密大师已经支持对此勒索病毒的解密,用户可以在安全卫士 功能大全中搜索下载“360解密大师”解密被加密的文件。

SSL &sol; HTTPS C Client


I've written a simple SSL/HTTPS client in C using some example code I found, when I use it to send a GET request to an https server I get an unusual response, this is the response from stackoverflow.com:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: public, no-cache="Set-Cookie", max-age=36 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Expires: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:54:57 GMT Last-Modified: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:53:57 GMT Vary: * X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Set-Cookie: prov=407726d8-1493-4ebd-8657-8958be5b2683; domain=.stackoverflow.com; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2055 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:54:20 GMT Content-Length: 239129

<title>Stack Overflow</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflow/img/favicon.ico?v=038622610830"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon image_src" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflow/img/apple-touch-icon.png?v=fd7230a85918"> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Stack Overflow" href="/opensearch.xml"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <meta name="twitter:domain" content="stackoverflow.com"/> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:image" itemprop="image primaryImageOfPage" content="http://cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflow/img/<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-cfemail="c6a7b6b6aaa3ebb2a9b3a5aeebafa5a9a886f4e8b6a8a1">[email protected]</a>?v=fde65a5a78c6"


When I use the openssl command line tool to perform the same operation I get a normal response containing the index page. I've tried changing some of the code and followed different tutorials but nothing seems to work. How do I get the program to return the index page instead of the response I currently get?, here's the source code for the program:

#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <openssl/bio.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <openssl/err.h> /** * Simple log function */ void slog(char* message) { fprintf(stdout, message); } /** * Print SSL error details */ void print_ssl_error(char* message, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, message); fprintf(out, "Error: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error())); fprintf(out, "%s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ERR_print_errors_fp(out); } /** * Print SSL error details with inserted content */ void print_ssl_error_2(char* message, char* content, FILE* out) { fprintf(out, message, content); fprintf(out, "Error: %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(ERR_get_error())); fprintf(out, "%s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); ERR_print_errors_fp(out); } /** * Initialise OpenSSL */ void init_openssl() { /* call the standard SSL init functions */ SSL_load_error_strings(); SSL_library_init(); ERR_load_BIO_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); /* seed the random number system - only really nessecary for systems without '/dev/random' */ /* RAND_add(?,?,?); need to work out a cryptographically significant way of generating the seed */ } /** * Connect to a host using an encrypted stream */ BIO* connect_encrypted(char* host_and_port, char* store_path, SSL_CTX** ctx, SSL** ssl) { BIO* bio = NULL; int r = 0; /* Set up the SSL pointers */ *ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method()); *ssl = NULL; r = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(*ctx, store_path, NULL); if (r == 0) { print_ssl_error_2("Unable to load the trust store from %s.\n", store_path, stdout); return NULL; } /* Setting up the BIO SSL object */ bio = BIO_new_ssl_connect(*ctx); BIO_get_ssl(bio, ssl); if (!(*ssl)) { print_ssl_error("Unable to allocate SSL pointer.\n", stdout); return NULL; } SSL_set_mode(*ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); /* Attempt to connect */ BIO_set_conn_hostname(bio, host_and_port); /* Verify the connection opened and perform the handshake */ if (BIO_do_connect(bio) < 1) { print_ssl_error_2("Unable to connect BIO.%s\n", host_and_port, stdout); return NULL; } if (SSL_get_verify_result(*ssl) != X509_V_OK) { print_ssl_error("Unable to verify connection result.\n", stdout); } return bio; } /** * Read a from a stream and handle restarts if nessecary */ ssize_t read_from_stream(BIO* bio, char* buffer, ssize_t length) { ssize_t r = -1; while (r < 0) { r = BIO_read(bio, buffer, length); if (r == 0) { print_ssl_error("Reached the end of the data stream.\n", stdout); continue; } else if (r < 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(bio)) { print_ssl_error("BIO_read should retry test failed.\n", stdout); continue; } /* It would be prudent to check the reason for the retry and handle * it appropriately here */ } }; return r; } /** * Write to a stream and handle restarts if nessecary */ int write_to_stream(BIO* bio, char* buffer, ssize_t length) { ssize_t r = -1; while (r < 0) { r = BIO_write(bio, buffer, length); if (r <= 0) { if (!BIO_should_retry(bio)) { print_ssl_error("BIO_read should retry test failed.\n", stdout); continue; } /* It would be prudent to check the reason for the retry and handle * it appropriately here */ } } return r; } /** * Main SSL demonstration code entry point */ int main() { char* host_and_port = "stackoverflow.com:443"; char* server_request = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: stackoverflow.com\r\n\r\n"; char* store_path = "mycert.pem"; char buffer[4096]; buffer[0] = 0; BIO* bio; SSL_CTX* ctx = NULL; SSL* ssl = NULL; /* initilise the OpenSSL library */ init_openssl(); if ((bio = connect_encrypted(host_and_port, store_path, &ctx, &ssl)) == NULL) return (EXIT_FAILURE); write_to_stream(bio, server_request, strlen(server_request)); read_from_stream(bio, buffer, 4096); printf("%s\r\n", buffer); /* clean up the SSL context resources for the encrypted link */ SSL_CTX_free(ctx); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }

You call read_from_stream to read at most 4096 bytes, but the answer may be much longer than this. You must retry to read until the call returns 0. You msut also clean the buffer before each read. Like this:

int l; bzero(buffer,4096); // clean the buffer while ((l=read_from_stream(bio,buffer,4096)) { // try to read 4096 bytes printf("%s",buffer); // write exactly what was read... bzero(buffer,4096); // clean the buffer }

Be careful that the server can send you ASCII nul bytes (rare in HTML pages, but possible for another kind of data)... This code doesn't take this into account.

Normally you have to decode headers, and decode the Content-Length: one. It is intended to give you the number of bytes of data to read after HTTP headers (in your example it is 239129).




Distill Networks――机器人如何影响航空公司

通常被称为机器人的自动化过程其目的可能是好的也可能是坏的。在Distil Networks 11月14日发布的一份报告中,研究人员表示,恶意机器人在航空公司网站、移动应用程序和API上尤其普遍,占流量的43.9%。


Distil Networks服务副总裁Mike Rogers表示:“最近几个月,航空公司的不法行为有所上升,这表明这个行业已经具备了足够的信息,可以用于盈利或制造破坏。


11月14日发布的《Fortinet全球威胁前景报告》(Fortinet Global Threat Landscape report)全面审视了过去几个月网络安全方面的一些趋势。



“网络威胁正在迅速增长,每个组织都感受到了影响,每天的检测和攻击都在增加。”在此之前,勒索软件是当时的热门话题,而现在加密、移动恶意软件和针对关键业务供应链的攻击正在激增,”Fortinet首席信息安全官Phil Quade表示。





InteliSecure首席执行官Steven Drew表示:“尽管对企业的威胁在规模、成熟度和频度上持续增长,但网络安全行业技能短缺显然更加令大多数企业感到失望,尤其是那些选择单干的企业。”






ObserveIT首席执行官Mike McKee在一份声明中写道:“这项研究不仅证实,员工外出旅行时并不把网络安全放在首位,而且还突显出安全意识培训方面的不足,不能有效缓解远程工作带来的威胁。”“尽管技术让人们无论身处何地都能高效工作,但它也为黑客侵入原本安全的系统创造了新途径。”


Ping Identity:后黑客时代的态度和行为

数据泄露对消费者忠诚度和参与度有何影响?这是Ping Identity 2018消费者态度与行为调查回答的关键问题。



Ping Identity首席技术官Sarah Squire表示:“随着数据泄露的盛行,企业必须有适当的控制措施,否则它们将面临失去消费者信任和业务的风险。”“正如人们期望品牌为用户提供友好的体验一样,它们也必须理解强大的身份管理策略的价值以及重要性。”


Risk Based Security2018年第三季度报告

尽管Fortinet报告称,它发现的独特恶意软件家族数量有所增加,但Risk Based Security在2018年第三季度的漏洞报告中提供了不同的观点。



“在大多数组织意识到这些问题之前,我们就已经看到了很多漏洞被积极利用。”在损害已完成后才对漏洞有所了解,这是一个很不幸的情况。负责基于风险的安全漏洞情报的副总裁Brian Martin说。



SailPoint于11月13日发布的第10届年度市场脉动调查(Market Pulse Survey)提供了对身份治理实践的深入了解。



SailPoint的CMO Juliette Rizkallah说:“为了保障和支持当今的员工团队,用户已经成为新的‘安全边界’,他们的数字身份是组织在数字转型每个阶段的IT生态系统的共同纽带。”


Secureworks: :2018年网络犯罪状况报告




“网络犯罪是一个利润丰厚的行业,它能够成为强大、有组织的团体分支也就不足为奇了,”安全工程反威胁部门(Secureworks Counter Threat Unit)网络情报单元高级主管Don Smith表示。






StackRox首席执行官Kamal Shah说:“DevOps的影响以及容器化和Kubernetes的快速普及使得应用程序开发比以往任何时候都更加无缝、高效和强大。”“然而,我们的调查结果显示,在企业的容器战略中,安全仍然是一个重大挑战。”






Tanium 的CSO David Damato说:“技术发展的速度和复杂性已经促使企业购买多种工具,以解决IT安全和运营方面的挑战。”“反过来,这又造成了端点管理和安全解决方案的碎片化集合,使得企业环境变得脆弱,易受攻击,缺乏能够减轻威胁所需的业务弹性。”





“当一切都很紧急时,分流就会失败。”产品管理高级总监Tom Parsons说。“作为一个行业,我们需要意识到,如果要有效的降低网络风险,首先要对问题进行有效的优先排序。”


December security patch rolling out to Pixel & Nexus, factory images and O ...


The Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL received its first update to address a handful of bugs with last month’s security patch . Since then, more issues have arisen, with the December security patch rolling out today to address them. Meanwhile the Nexus 5X and 6P are still receiving updates for this month.

The Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, and Pixel C are still receiving security updates , despite meeting the required three-year deadline of required fixes from Google last month. Meanwhile, the Pixel and Pixel XL patch is again delayed, like in November.

There are 17 issues resolved in the December security patch dated2018-12-01 and 36 for 2018-12-05. Vulnerabilities rangefrom high tocritical, with the most severe relating to the media framework and a remote attacker possibly executing arbitrary code through a crafted file.

As usual, Google notesthat there are no reports of customers being affected by these security issues. The company cited in its 2017 year in review of Android security that 30% more devices are getting patches compared to the prior year.

The dedicated bulletin for Google’s phones and tablets lists one additional security fix and 13 functional updates.

December security patch rolling out to Pixel &amp; Nexus, factory images and O ...

The full download and OTA links for the December security patch are below. If you need help, check out our guides on how toflasha factory orOTA image.

Android 9.0 Pixel 3 XL: Android 9.0 ―PQ1A.181205.006 ― Factory Image ― OTA Pixel 3: Android 9.0 ―PQ1A.181205.006 ― Factory Image ― OTA Pixel 2 XL: Android 9.0 ―PQ1A.181205.002 ― Factory Image ― OTA Pixel 2: Android 9.0 ―PQ1A.181205.002 ― Factory Image ― OTA Pixel C: Android 8.1― OPM8.181205.001― Factory Image ― OTA Nexus6P: Android 8.1―OPM7.181205.001 ― Factory Image ― OTA Pixel 5X: Android 8.1―OPM7.181205.001 ― Factory Image ― OTA

Check out 9to5Google on YouTube for more news:

Q&A Rain Capital’s Chenxi Wang on ‘DevSecOps’


CloudBees sponsored this story, as part of an ongoing series on “ Cloud Native DevOps .” Check back through the month on further editions.

Turning your IT shop into a DevOps shop is the way to go if you are in a competitive industry based any way at all on the quality and feature set of your software. But, as Marriott has just discovered , all your work will be for naught if a malicious attacker penetrates your system. But how do you get security into the flow of your software lifecycle?

For answers, we sought out Dr. Chenxi Wang , the founder and General Partner of Rain Capital , an early stage Cybersecurity-focused venture fund. Dr. Wang is also the co-founder of the Jane Bond Project , a cybersecurity consultancy.

Prior to that, Chenxi served as the Chief Strategy Officer at Twistlock, was in large part responsible for that cloud native security company’s early growth. Before that, Chenxi built an illustrious career at Forrester Research, Intel Security, and CipherCloud. At Forrester, Chenxi wrote many hard-hitting research papers. At Intel Security, she led the ubiquity strategy spanning both hardware and software platforms. Chenxi started her career as a faculty member of Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

Q&amp;A Rain Capital’s Chenxi Wang on ‘DevSecOps’
So, we want to find out more about security for cloud native operations, and how it affects DevOps practices…

The cloud native environment is such that things just come and they go very easily. You’ve got an ephemeral sort of workload. And you also got very a potentially a large scale system. Lots of cloud native environments have internet-scale applications. So, you got very large systems that are dynamically orchestrated. So that’s kind of the nature of it.

So a few things security cannot rely on is, for instance, security becoming part of an infrastructure, you have to be very careful about embedding security into the infrastructure.

For instance, in the past, you could instrument the server, right? But if you don’t know where your workloads going to run tomorrow. They go from this cloud to the other cloud, then you may not be able to count on this type of server instrumentation everywhere.

If you are using serverless then you can’t really instrument the server, so lot of things have to push up the stack into the application layer. [The instrumentation] travels with the application for instance. Or it’s done through a different set of infrastructure, like security is done through the orchestrator, for instance. So thinking about where in the infrastructure layer security is going to fit is an interesting thing for the cloud native environment.

I’m kind of curious about the idea of moving up the stack to the application layer. Either you think about the application security and you also think about doing as much through the orchestrator as possible because those are the key elements are always going to be there in a cloud environment.

I’m seeing less of the kernel level agents more the user-land capabilities. I’m also seeing a lot of data that is only now decrypted at the application, not in the network. The data security policies all have to happen very close to the application. So, that’s the part that is really interesting I think.

Things are coming out of infrastructure and getting pushed to the application layer. But I don’t mean things that are embedded into the application per se but they are actually being separated out from the application as a separate entity. So if you think about the service mesh ―the service mesh is a new capability that abstracts networking and security from the application.

So at the same time as things get pushed to layer seven things also getting more modular in the sense that application developers can focus on application. They don’t have to worry about networking, they don’t have to worry about security and, security and networking functions are being encapsulated into sort of manageable units itself being microservice driven. So I see that as a march trend where things are moving in that direction.

Authentication itself is a difficult thing to do. And so it’s better [this way]. Somebody in the organization sets up a standard for the useful tools [to use]. And here’s your certificate authority because that would be a lot to ask of each at each developer for each application even to do it correctly. That’s something for all of them to agree on something. That sounds a bit like the Google Zero Trust Model ?

Yes. So it’s … I wouldn’t say the Google Zero Trust model, the Zero Trust models actually defined by Forrester. Google had its own version of zero trust, which it called BeyondCorp . And at the most fundamental layer, they are both the same thing. They basically say “OK, so if I’m an application, I want to talk to the other application. I want that network between us to just be a conduit. The network is not going to see me anything other than metadata. It’s not a new process payload is not going to process identities. It’s just going to be a dumb pipe.”

And that has a lot of implications when you cannot do network level, interception and filtering. So things have to happen either on the endpoint or the application. It’s happening more readily in a cloud native environment because everything is decentralized anyway, and it’s easier to treat [issues] inside your corporate [environment] in the same way as [those] external to your company Are there issues we should think about when talking about security DevSecOps?

Yes, absolutely. So another aspect of cloud native applications is that they are updated all the time. And as new functions getting pushed to production systems, security has to be with it. Security has to be part of the CI/CD pipeline.

In the past you have with the major releases, you have your security reviews and security testing all done. Everything else stops until you finish that. That doesn’t work anymore, so vulnerability scanning has to be done in a way that fits seamlessly into the CI/CD process.

Are you finding that there are two total providers who are moving in this direction?

If you look at security, automation is probably one of the biggest recurring themes we’ve heard of late. Security has gone from the manual review to security engineering, meaning that the tasks are carried out automatically. The metrics are gathered automatically, the different tasks are stitched together automatically and reporting is done automatically.

I don’t think we are 100 percent there yet, it’s definitely happening in that direction.

Culture seems to be a big issue that an organization must face when moving to DevOps. It’s getting developers and system administrators on the same page and having them rethink their jobs.What are some of the issues that people should think about in terms of DevOps in light of security? So, yes. One thing in terms of culture is I think security products and security technology in the past are predominantly produced for security users right? So you, the users of

Google addresses Pixel 3 RAM management, camera performance, and more w/ Decembe ...


Google detailed the December security patch this morning for all Android devices. For the Made by Google lineup, this update addressesa number of issues that have cropped up since the launch of the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL . Fixes includeRAM management and camera performance.

ThePixel / Nexus Security Bulletin for December 2018 notes 13 “functional patches,” in addition to one security update.

These updates are included for affected Pixel devices to address functionality issues not related to the security of Pixel devices. The table includes associated references; the affected category, such as Bluetooth or mobile data; improvements; and affected devices.

One of the most important issues addressed by this month’s patch is aggressive memory management that would prevent some apps from runningsimultaneously. For example, snapping a picture with the camera app stopped background audio playback for some users.

Last month,Google confirmed that the fix would“keep background apps from being prematurely closed,” with it being refered to as “ Improved memory performance in certain circumstances ” and “ Improved camera capture performance ”in the December security patch. It applies to both the Pixel 2 and Pixel 3 line.

Also on the camera front, Google notes “ Adjusted autofocus behavior ” and “ Improved camera shutter performance ” for the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. There is also “ Improved contouring on HDR color on certain media apps ” for the new phones. Meanwhile, the Pixel Stand benefits from “ Improved notification visibility ” and “ Improved hotword performance . “

Google notes “ Improved Android Auto compatibility ” for the second and third-generation Pixel devices, as well “ Improved audio performance for when using Android Auto in certain vehicles ” on the Pixel 3.

Another issue with the display involves flickering on the Ambient Display is likely fixed with “ Improved Always On Display triggering . ”

As they move the device around, the Pixel 3 display flickering issue kicks in and lights up the bottom portion of the display in a bright white before going back to normal. In this user’s case, the issue started about three weeks after receiving the phone.

Other fixes include “ Improved USB-C Audio accessory detection ” on the Pixel 3 XL, while all Pixel phones benefit from “ Adjusted volume behavior when toggling Bluetooth ” and “ Improve unlocking performance when using Bluetooth .”

Google addresses Pixel 3 RAM management, camera performance, and more w/ Decembe ...

Check out 9to5Google on YouTube for more news:

Mesosphere Partners with Macquarie Government


Today, we are excited to announce our partnership with Macquarie Government . This exclusive partnership will make Mesosphere’s industry-leading cloud management technologies available to the Australian government and combines the power of Mesosphere’s big data platform-as-a-service and next generation application development with Macquire’s federally accredited cloud services.

This partnership will enable government agencies, throughout the country, to drive and leverage their big data investments, reduce their public cloud spend by up to 30 percent, and cut project application development lifecycles by almost 50 percent. In addition, it will give them the freedom and choice in their IT environment, all while accelerating their time to value for new digital initiatives.

“Macquarie Government is committed to delivering innovations that create a performance and security benefit for our government customers and steer their agencies toward a more efficient digital future,” said Aidan Tudehope, Managing Director.

The Macquarie Government and Mesosphere partnership will enable government agencies to modernize their IT environment for increased agility, flexibility, management, and security.

“The partnership with Macquarie Government is exciting, as it will expand the data services and frameworks offered on the DC/OS Service Catalogue,” said William Freiberg, Chief Operating Officer, Mesosphere.

“We look forward to working with the Macquarie Government team to assist federal and state governments to break the shackles of proprietary cloud lock-in and deliver an accelerated time-to-market with the infrastructure and services needed to deploy machine learning and IoT applications at scale.”

December security update brings fixes for memory, camera, and more to the Google ...


At the beginning of every month, Google releases new Android security patches for their devices and outlines updates for the ecosystem as a whole. These updates are usually not terribly exciting with a few notable fixes here and there. This month, however, includes pretty big updates for thePixel 3,Pixel 3 XL, Pixel, andPixel 2 XL. Google is finally addressing the aggressive RAM management, among other things.

The Pixel/Nexus Security Bulletin this month includes a whopping 13 functional patches, most of which are for Pixel 3 devices. You’ll notice the theme around the patches is “improved” and “adjusted.”

Category Improvements Devices Performance Improved memory performance in certain circumstances Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Camera Improved camera capture performance Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Pixel Stand Improved notification visibility when using Pixel Stand Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Android Auto Improved Android Auto compatibility Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Camera Adjusted autofocus behavior Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Pixel Stand Improved hotword performance when using Pixel Stand Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Display Improved Always On Display triggering Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Audio Improved USB-C Audio accessory detection Pixel 3 XL Bluetooth Adjusted volume behavior when toggling Bluetooth Pixel,Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Android Auto Improved audio performance for when using Android Auto in certain vehicles Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Media Improved contouring on HDR color on certain media apps Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Camera Improved camera shutter performance Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL Performance Improve unlocking performance when using Bluetooth Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL

The first patch on the list is something Pixel owners have been complaining about for a while. Google stuck with 4GB of RAM on the Pixel 3 and the aggressiveRAM management forces apps to close prematurely. This can be annoying when switching between apps frequently. They also “improved” the performance of the camera, which is another thing that was a common complaint.

Pixel 3 XDA Forum Pixel 3 XL XDA Forum

The OTA files and factory images for the Pixel and Nexus devices can be found at the links below.Find the Android security files for your device and click “Link” to start the download. To flash the update manually without losing all of your data, follow the steps outlined in this tutorial .

Arlo's new security camera has a 4K sensor and built-in spotlight


A more technically impressive device than the Arlo or Arlo Pro cameras, the Ultra is a high-end, indoor and outdoor solution for smart home security. The 4K lens, which as a 180-degree diagonal field of view, makes it easy to zoom in on small details on captured footage. The camera is also smart enough to spot action on its own with audio and motion detection. When it identifies someone or something of interest, the Ultra can start blaring a siren, use its bright spotlight or evencall 911 for you.

To get the most out of the Arlo Ultra, you'll have to combine the camera with the company's subscription service, Arlo Smart. You'll get one year free if you buy the camera but will have to fork over at least $29 per year after that, depending on what types of features you're looking for. It's worth noting that the free year of the Smart subscription will only save your footage in 1080p, not the full 4K resolution that the camera is capable of. For that, you'll need to purchase another add-on. Alternatively, you can use an SD card to save the footage locally.

A single Arlo Ultra camera will run $400, and you can save a little when you purchase a multi-camera system. Arlo is offering bundles of up to four cameras. While the company's security suite is generally well-regarded, it suffered somesignificant outages earlier this year that knocked cameras offline.

What is Data Sprawl?


Imagine that you need to complete your taxes, but all your relevant papers are secreted in drawers, hidden in closets, and stuffed under couch cushions. Now imagine that you have multiple copies of the forms in these places, and some are written in Greek, while others are written in English and Spanish. How will you do your taxes, or clean your house for that matter, when this is the state of things? Unfortunately, this is a problem that is starting to plague companies across the world. This is data sprawl.

Data sprawl refers to the overwhelming amount and variety of data produced by enterprises every day. With the growing number of operating systems, data warehouses, various BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) devices, and enterprise and mobile applications, it’s no wonder that the proliferation of data is becoming a problem.

The problem of data sprawl is twofold:

Getting value from your data . One issue is that the data is spread out across many data stores, and on different devices and servers. This makes it incredibly difficult to get value from your data. How can you perform comprehensive analytics when your data may be stored across many locations, or is duplicated in locations, and is in different formats? How will you gather all this information in one place? How will you get your data into a similar format so that you can compare apples to apples? Security . Data sprawl also creates security concerns. BYOD proliferating in the workforce means that endpoints must be secured, even as data is leaving your network via an array of devices. But, what about your servers and data stores that are maintained by different departments? Are these systems secure? Do they all follow the same compliance requirements? Is personally identifiable information (PII) being removed when moving data from one system to another? Is the data encrypted when it’s being shared across systems? These are all security concerns that are magnified by data sprawl. Why does data sprawl happen?

Data sprawl happens for many reasons.

Employees may bring an array of devices to work and use those devices for work purposes. There are vast numbers of new data sources available from many places, such as JSON files, new RDBMS sources, or streaming data from traffic sensors, health sensors, transaction logs, and activity logs. Your company may use varied operating systems such as windows, Mac, linux. Your data may be stored in a variety of data storage systems across your network and the cloud. Your data might be siloed, so that it is stored in multiple places based on department, geography, or some combination of these. Your data may be duplicated across numerous systems and use a range of formatting. How can you manage data sprawl?

There are a number of tools to handle the security aspect of data sprawl. For example, there are many DLP (Data Loss Prevention) tools that help identify sensitive data in your network and ensure that it doesn’t leave your network in non-secure ways. Popular vendors include Checkpoint , Forcepoint , and Symantec .

For cloud tools, there are single sign-on tools that help employees to seamlessly access cloud applications outside of the network while maintaining a secured sign-on. Popular vendors include JumpCloud , Microsoft Azure , Okta , and Onelogin . This can help control the security for BYOD devices.

But, what about how data sprawl affects the way that you do business? What tools are available to help you handle your data, get it in one place, remove duplicates, and ensure that it’s secure while you move it? A powerful ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) tool can help you bring your data together where you can analyze it. As you move the data, you can cleanse it, remove duplicates, and transform the data types so the data formatting is aligned. Popular vendors includeAlooma, IBM Infosphere ,Informatica, andTalend.

The Alooma difference

Alooma is an ETL data pipeline designed to help you handle data sprawl issues by getting your data into one place securely. Alooma brings all your data sources together into data warehouses like Azure, BigQuery, Redshift, and Snowflake, or cloud storage like Amazon S3. It can also handle the widest range of data sources ― flat files, RDBMS, S3 buckets, CSVs, among others.

Alooma can help you cleanse your data and align your data types on the fly while you move data to the target store. And Alooma can do this in near real time, so that you can make decisions at the speed of business.

Not only can Alooma help you bring your data together , but security is a cornerstone of Alooma’s business. Alooma meets critical compliance regulations, including SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA, GDPR, and EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, and supports OAuth 2.0. In addition, data is encrypted while in motion and at rest.

Are you ready to reign in your data sprawl?Contact Alooma today to see how we can help!

Optus Wholesale signs network partner deal with Transatel for Australia


Optus Wholesale has secured an agreement as the Australian network partner for European mobile virtual network company, Transatel, currently expanding its global network coverage to support its Internet of Things (IoT) offering.

Under the three-year agreement, Transatel will leverage the Optus mobile network to deliver an inbound data roaming solution for its customers’ end users in Australia.

Optus says the agreement is the first of its kind from Optus Wholesale and represents a major step forward in the evolution of its wholesale IoT product suite, “helping organisations unlock the value of networks in today’s connected and global economies”.

Along with the inbound roaming access, Optus Wholesale will also provide operational and business support to Transatel.

“Optus Wholesale is delighted to be appointed as Transatel’s exclusive network partner in Australia.” said John Castro, Acting Managing Director of Optus Wholesale and Satellite.

“The agreement between Optus and Transatel provides a foundation for global connectivity in Australia, helping industries and consumers capitalise on the growing IoT market. It ensures continuity of service and availability at a time when network connectivity is essential to nearly every facet of modern life.”

“Transatel prides itself in offering some of the industry’s most flexible and universal cellular connectivity solutions for MVNO businesses and the emerging IoT sector,” said Jacques Bonifay, Transatel CEO.

“Our commitment to delivering these services meant the reach and capabilities of the Optus network, along with the company’s continued investment in building next generation networks, were all significant factors in our decision.

“We’re excited to partner with Optus Wholesale in preparing the future of the IoT and cellular connectivity.”


With 4 keynotes + 33 talks + 10 in-depth workshops from world-class speakers, YOW! is your chance to learn more about the latest software trends, practices and technologies and interact with many of the people who created them.

Speakers this year include Anita Sengupta (Rocket Scientist and Sr. VP Engineering at Hyperloop One), Brendan Gregg (Sr. Performance Architect Netflix), Jessica Kerr (Developer, Speaker, Writer and Lead Engineer at Atomist) and Kent Beck (Author Extreme Programming, Test Driven Development).

YOW! 2018 is a great place to network with the best and brightest software developers in Australia. You’ll
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Register now for YOW! Workshops

Sydney 27-28 November

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Animating regression models in R using broom and ggplot2


Animating regression models in R using broom and ggplot2
My first article on Towards Data Science was the result of a little exercise I set myself to keep the little grey cells ticking over. This is something of a similar exercise, albeit a bit more relevant to a project I’ve been working on. As I spend my time working in a marketing department, I have to get used to wearing [at least] two hats.

Often, these hats are mutually exclusive, and sometimes they disagree with each other. In this case, the disagreement is in the form of another piece of animated data visualisation. As with the animated Scottish rugby champions graph, this example doesn’t really benefit from adding the animation as another dimension to the plot.

The graph is simply to show the trends for some metrics to do with UK university fundraising over time. I only really need x and y to represent the value and the year, but where’s the fun in that? That’s the sort of thing we can plot ridiculously easily using ggplot2 :

ggplot(fund_tidy, aes(x = year, y = value, colour = kpi)) + geom_line()

Why not use this as a bit more of a learning exercise? I’ve played about with the gganimate package before, but never really spent any quality time with it. This seemed like a good opportunity.

The datavizconflict

And that brings us on to the butting of hats. I don’t think that an animated plot is the best way to represent these data. I don’t know if it technically counts as non-data ink, but you get the idea: it’s just not necessary. If x and y were already taken and I wanted to show how those two values changed over time, animation presents those changes in a way that’s easy to understand. In this case, it’s redundant.

For further adventures where marketing meets data science, follow Chris onTwitter .

However, a lot of graphs are made not to represent the data as simply and accurately as possible, but to get attention. In many cases, particularly in the world of the marketing agency, there is a tendency to turn what could be presented as a clear, straightforward bar chart, into a full-on novelty infographic. Tourist footfall over time represented as a cartoon foot with the size of the toe representing the value for each year anyone? But that’s a story for another day.

The truth is, animation catches the eye, and it can increase the dwell time, allowing the reader time to take in the title, axes labelling, legends and the message. Possibly. As well as increasing exposure to any branding. I do have some principles though, so I wouldn’t ever intentionally set out to make a graph that was misleading. Playing with the colour schemes and layout to make it look a bit sleeker? Absolutely, but the data has to come first.

A CASE oftrends

I had been doing some university fundraising work looking at historic Ross-CASE reports , and thought it would be interesting to look at how some of the key performance indicators had changed over time. I’d looked at some of the main ones before, but hadn’t looked at a few others, and thought it might be interesting to look at them together. And it would be some good ggplot2 and gganimate practice. So let us begin.

n.b. As the aim of this exercise was to compare underlying trends and spend more time with gganimate, not to produce a publication-quality figure, hence a somewhat ‘cavalier’ attitude to y axis labelling!

No onion skinninghere

As ever, importing my pre-made dataset and having a quick look was first on the agenda:

# import yearly data (total, summed values, not means or medians) # dataset compiled from historical Ross-CASE reports library(readr) fund_df <- read_csv("year_sum.csv") # quick look at data library(dplyr) glimpse(fund_df) Observations: 12 Variables: 6 $ year <int> 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2... $ new_funds_raised <int> 452, 548, 682, 532, 600, 693, 7... $ cash_received <int> 324, 413, 438, 511, 506, 560, 5... $ fundraising_staff <int> 660, 734, 851, 913, 1043, 1079,... $ contactable_alumni <dbl> 5.7, 6.2, 6.9, 7.7, 8.3, 8.0, 8... $ contact_alum_x100 <dbl> 570, 620, 690, 770, 830, 800, 8... library(ggplot2) ggplot(fund_df, aes(x = year, y = new_funds_raised)) + geom_line()
Animating regression models in R using broom and ggplot2

Okay, we have a dataset that seems to look how I would expect it to from previous work, so hopefully I’ve not screwed things up at the first hurdle. Onward!

As the values for contactable_alumni were a couple of orders of magnitude away from the rest of the values, I created a new column where those were multiplied by 100 to put them on the same scale. I then gathered the data into a tidy, ‘long’, format:

# create contactable alumni x100 variable to place values on equivalent scale fund_df <- fund_df %>% mutate(contact_alum_x100 = contactable_alumni * 100) # create tidy dataframe library(tidyr) fund_tidy <- fund_df %>% gather(kpi, value, - year) %>% mutate(kpi = as.factor(kpi)) glimpse(fund_tidy) Observations: 60 Variables: 3 $ year <int> 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 20... $ kpi <fct> new_funds_raised, new_funds_raised, new_fund... $ value <dbl> 452, 548, 682, 532, 600, 693, 774, 681, 807,...

With the data transformed, we were ready to create our first animated plot, remembering to start by filtering out out original contactable_alumni variable:

# create animated plot library(gganimate) library(transformr) first_animate <- fund_tidy %>% filter(kpi != "contactable_alumni") %>% ggplot(aes(x = year, y = value, colour = kpi)) + geom_line() + # this next line is where the magic happens: transition_reveal(kpi, year) + labs(title = "Trends in University Fundraising KPIs Over Time", subtitle = "Data from Ross-CASE reports", x = "Year", y = 'Value', caption = "y axis labelling omitted due to differences in scale between KPIs", colour = "KPI") + scale_colour_discrete(labels = c("Cash received", "Contactable alumni", "Fundraising staff", "New funds raised")) + scale_y_discrete(labels = NULL) + theme_chris()
Animating regression models in R using broom and ggplot2

And we’re off. But is that as good as it could be? I don’t think so. The main thing for me is that, as we’re interested in trends, we should have trendlines on there as well. How to go about that…?

To do that in a non-animated way, we’d simply add a geom_smooth() to our plotting code:

# create non-animated plot with trendlines fund_tidy %>% f

BUF早餐铺 | 苹果终向印度政府妥协,同意安装防骚扰App;国产勒索病毒爆发,腾讯连夜发 ...


各位 Buffer 早上好,今天是 2018 年 12月4日星期二,农历十月二十七。今天的早餐铺内容有: 苹果终向印度政府妥协,同意安装防骚扰App; 警告:客户服务人员或许能够实时看到你输入的内容;国产勒索病毒爆发,腾讯连夜发布解密工具; 公安部网络安全保卫局发布 《互联网个人信息安全保护指引(征求意见稿)》 面向社会征求修改意见; 特朗普上台后,中国网络间谍活动再次飙升。

BUF早餐铺 | 苹果终向印度政府妥协,同意安装防骚扰App;国产勒索病毒爆发,腾讯连夜发 ...



TRAI DND应用程序可以在iOS应用商店免费下载。它要求iOS版本需在12.1及以上。[ ithome ] 警告:客户服务人员或许能够实时看到你输入的内容

据汽车博客Electrek消息,一位特斯拉车主成功破解了自己的Model 3汽车,并让它变成了一台昂贵的“Ubuntu电脑”。

比起Model S和Model X,Model 3的破解难度要更高。不过,Reddit用户trsohmers成功完成了破解,并发布了一个视频,表示自己成功地获取了Root、跑起了Ubuntu系统,还能上YouTube看视频。他表示,破解操作是建立以著名拆解网站Ingineerix的操作为基础的。

Ingineerix早先已经成功完成了破解,并进入了“工厂模式”。不过虽然成功攻击了Model 3的MCU,但无法访问Autopilot计算机。[ ithome ] 国产勒索病毒爆发,腾讯连夜发布解密工具



该工具为灰色产业从业人群使用的工具,这部分人群使用的工具有许多会被杀毒软件查杀,他们常常会无视杀毒软件的拦截提示。因而,这个勒索病毒针对灰产从业者的定向传播十分奏效。[ cnbeta ] 公安部网络安全保卫局发布 《互联网个人信息安全保护指引(征求意见稿)》 面向社会征求修改意见


为凝聚各界共识和智慧,进一步完善防护措施,更好地为互联网企业和广大网民保护个人信息提供指导指引,现面向社会广泛征求意见。公众可以登陆“全国互联网安全管理服务平台”( http://www.beian.gov.cn )查阅征求意见稿,有关建议可通过电子邮件方式发送至[emailprotected],或传真至010-66262319。[ beian ] 特朗普上台后,中国网络间谍活动再次飙升

三年前,美国总统贝拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)与中国达成了一项几乎没有人认为有可能达成的协议:习近平主席同意结束中国多年来的做法――闯入美国企业、军事承包商和政府机构的电脑系统,以获得设计、技术和公司机密,通常是为了中国国有企业的利益。该协议是最早的网络空间控制协议之一。





但随着特朗普和习近平准备于本周末在阿根廷举行的20国集团领导人峰会上见面,中国的企业间谍活动再次成为美国抱怨的核心问题。美国贸易和情报官员,以及私人网络安全公司的专家都承认,之前的协议已完全破裂。他们一致认为,这使人们更难以想象特朗普与习近平之间达成的任何新协议能够成为解决问题的永久性方案,这个问题已经持续多年,而且似乎根植于对何谓合理竞争的迥异看法。[ nytimes ]

"微信支付"勒索病毒愈演愈烈 边勒索边窃取支付宝密码




其次,该病毒还窃取用户的各类账户密码,包括淘宝、天猫、阿里旺旺、支付宝、163邮箱、百度 云盘 、 京东 、QQ账号。其次,该病毒还窃取用户的各类账户密码,包括淘宝、天猫、阿里旺旺、支付宝、163邮箱、百度云盘、京东、QQ账号。


图:日均感染量图,最高13134台(从病毒 服务器 获取的数据)

据火绒安全团队分析,病毒作者首先攻击软件 开发 者的电脑,感染其用以编程的"易语言"中的一个模块,导致开发者所有使用"易语言"编程的软件均携带该勒索病毒。广大用户下载这些"带毒"软件后,就会感染该勒索病毒。整过传播过程很简单,但污染"易语言"后再感染软件的方式却比较罕见。截止到12月3日,已有超过两万用户感染该病毒,并且被感染电脑数量还在增长。




















libcef.dll中的恶意代码被执行后,首先会请求一个豆瓣网址链接( https://www.douban.com/note/69 *56/)。与被感染的易语言编译环境中的病毒插入的病毒代码逻辑相同,恶意代码可以通过豆瓣链接存放的数据,该数据可以解密出一组下载配置。解密后的下载配置,如下图所示:





通过筛查豆瓣链接中存放的加密下载配置数据,我们发现在另外一个豆瓣链接( https://www.douban.com/note/69 *26/)中存放有本次通过供应链传播的勒索病毒Bcrypt。下载配置,如下图所示:





火绒通过病毒作者存放在众多网址中的加密数据,解密出了病毒作者使用的两台mysql服务器的登录口令。我们成功登录上了其中一台服务器,通过访问 数据库 ,我们发现通过该供应链传播下载的病毒功能模块:至少包含有勒索病毒、盗号木马、色情播放软件等。









四、 附录




*本文作者:si1ence,本文属 CodeSec 原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载。




0×1 功能介绍

Openfire 是基于XMPP 协议的IM 的服务器端的一个实现,虽然当两个用户连接后,可以通过点对点的方式来发送消息,但是用户还是需要连接到服务器来获取一些连接信息和通信信息的,所以服务器端是必须要实现的。Openfire 也提供了一些基本功能,但真的很基本的!庆幸的是,它也提供插件的扩展,像Spark 一样,同样强烈建议使用插件扩展的方式来增加新的功能,而不是修改人家的源代码。


0×2 过程溯源














0×3 过程分析





Main plugin class 提示这里是你的插件全路径:







0×4 总结



*本文作者:si1ence,本文属 CodeSec 原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载。

December 2018 security patch now rolling out for Pixel devices

Load it up! December 2018 security patch now rolling out for Pixel devices Latest patch addresses the Pixel 3 RAM management issues, along with some general improvements for all Pixel devices.

Marc Lagace

3 Dec 2018

Google is rolling out the last batch of security updates for 2018. Officially announced on December 3, the latest security patch delivers general security patches for some remote and local flaws affecting all Android devices, and also includes a number of updates and fixes specifically targeting Pixel devices.

Google said it would address RAM management issues on the Pixel 3 back in early November, and the fix has arrived with the December security update. The update is said to improve memory performance in certain circumstances, which pertains to issues reported by Pixel 3 users of the phone mismanaging memory for the sake of saving battery power in weird ways, such as randomly killing a music app left running in the background because you launched the camera.

Other fixes affecting Pixel devices include updates from both HTC and Qualcomm for low-level device drivers and bootloaders. Updated Pixel devices will also get camera improvements and improved Android Auto compatibility, Bluetooth patches, and improved notifications when using the Pixel Stand.

Both the factory images and OTA files are live right now, meaning you can already flash the patch to your phone if you don't feel like waiting for the over-the-air update to hit your phone.

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