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首先创建 KeyPairGenerator 类的对象,用于生成公钥和私钥对

// 生成公钥和私钥对,基于RSA算法生成对象 KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");


// 初始化密钥大小为1024位 keyPairGen.initialize(1024);

利用 keyPairGen 对象生成密钥对,保存在 KeyPair 类中

KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();

从 keyPair 类中获取公钥和私钥

RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic(); RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate(); 加密(encrypt) protected static byte[] encrypt(RSAPublicKey publicKey, byte[] srcBytes) { if (publicKey != null) { try { // Cipher负责完成加密或解密工作,基于RSA Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); // 根据公钥,对Cipher对象进行初始化 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey); // 加密,结果保存进resultBytes,并返回 byte[] resultBytes = cipher.doFinal(srcBytes); return resultBytes; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } 解密(decrypt) protected static byte[] encrypt(RSAPublicKey publicKey, byte[] srcBytes) { if (publicKey != null) { try { // Cipher负责完成加密或解密工作,基于RSA Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA"); // 根据公钥,对Cipher对象进行初始化 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey); // 加密,结果保存进resultBytes,并返回 byte[] resultBytes = cipher.doFinal(srcBytes); return resultBytes; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } 完整代码 import java.security.*; import java.security.interfaces.*; import javax.crypto.*; public class RSA { private RSAPublicKey publicKey; private RSAPrivateKey privateKey; private byte[] resultBytes; private final static String ALGORITHM = "RSA"; public RSA() { try { String message = "你好,我很喜欢加密算法"; System.out.println("明文是:" + message); // 生成公钥和私钥对,基于RSA算法生成对象 KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(ALGORITHM); // 初始化密钥对生成器,密钥大小为1024位 keyPairGen.initialize(1024); // 生成一个密钥对,保存在keyPair中 KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair(); // 得到公钥和私钥 publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic(); privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate(); // 用公钥加密 byte[] srcBytes = message.getBytes(); resultBytes = RSA.encrypt(publicKey, srcBytes); String result = new String(resultBytes); System.out.println("用公钥加密后密文是:" + result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected static byte[] encrypt(RSAPublicKey publicKey, byte[] srcBytes) { if (publicKey != null) { try { // Cipher负责完成加密或解密工作,基于RSA Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); // 根据公钥,对Cipher对象进行初始化 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey); // 加密,结果保存进resultBytes,并返回 byte[] resultBytes = cipher.doFinal(srcBytes); return resultBytes; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } protected byte[] decrypt(RSAPrivateKey privateKey, byte[] encBytes) { if (privateKey != null) { try { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); // 根据私钥对Cipher对象进行初始化 cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey); // 解密并将结果保存进resultBytes byte[] decBytes = cipher.doFinal(encBytes); return decBytes; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) { long rsaStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); RSA rsa = new RSA(); byte[] decBytes = rsa.decrypt(rsa.privateKey, rsa.resultBytes); String dec = new String(decBytes); long rsaEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("用私钥解密后的结果是:" + dec); System.out.println("共计用时:" + (rsaEnd - rsaStart)); } }







NCSC去年向微软披露了 3 个漏洞,包括两个 windows Defender 关键漏洞和一个Edge及IE11浏览器脚本引擎远程代码执行漏洞。






面对WannaCry的可怕后果,微软总裁 Brad Smith 抨击美国间谍机构“囤积”漏洞危害消费者的行为,呼吁制定新的规则迫使政府向厂商报告漏洞。1个月后,使用同一NSA漏洞利用代码的NotPetya勒索软件爆发,给欧洲和美国公司企业带来了超过 10亿美元 的损失。


3层决策系统包括安全专家、情报机构成员、政府机构代表和由NCSC首席执行官 Ciaran Martin 出任主席的公平监管委员会。NCSC于2016年10月组建,旨在帮助英国公司企业响应网络攻击,在公平裁决过程中起到重要作用。

















以上代码if(empty($template)) 在进行变量定义的时候可以跟进来看下,通过extract进行变量的声明与注册,如果当前的注册已经有了,就不会覆盖当前已有的声明,导致可以变量伪造与注入。

我们再来跟踪该代码找到template函数,看到调用到了include目录下的global.func.php文件,该代码里的function template会对传递过来的定义值进行判断,默认TPL_REFRESH是为1的参数值,也就是说自动开启了模板缓存功能。当需要更新缓存的时候就会先判断有没有变量注册,如果有就会进行更新缓存。



























表1 部分参与传播本次勒索病毒的应用程序信息



图1 传播程序与勒索病毒部分代码对照







表2 恶意文件释放路径










表3 攻击者使用的三组“白利用”



图4 保存在豆瓣的加密字符串


图5 解密后的配置文件内容



图6 程序下载的由正常图片和压缩包拼接而成的图片



图7 木马程序中硬编码的下载地址



图8 攻击者释放的勒索病毒相关文件


图9 被加入启动项的勒索病毒及命令行



图10 传播本次勒索病毒的下载器对相关域名请求的波动趋势




图11 勒索病毒放过的文件类型



图12 生成密钥存放到appCfg.cfg中



图13 勒索病毒加密过程


一些建议 不要相信刷量、外挂、打码、私服等一些较为灰色的软件所声称的“杀毒软件误报论”。 对来自即时通讯软件或邮件附件中的陌生软件要提高警惕。尽可能不下载、不运行,如确实需要,一定要提前用安全软件进行查杀以保障安全。 养成良好的安全习惯,即使更新系统和软件,修补漏洞。不给黑客和恶意程序可乘之机。 360安全卫士可正常拦截该病毒攻击,并可解密已被该勒索病毒加密的文件,请即使安装和确保其正常运行

图14 360安全卫士可正常拦截本次勒索病毒


图15 360解密大师可成功解密被该勒索病毒加密的文件













【PConline 资讯】如今,很多企业步入了异地或移动的新办公时代,员工需要远程访问公司内部系统,以便及时共享文件、访问云盘、调看视频监控等等。如何实现公司总部、分部、门店以及移动办公人员之间的高效互联互通?


我们说,传统的企业组网方式,不仅需要申请固定公网IP,还要专业IT设备,对于那那些中小型企业甚至门店而言,不仅部署复杂,且维护过程以及投入成本都很高。现在好了,蒲公英针对异地组网推出了一款新品--G300 Pro,一款小成本高性能的企业级千兆机架式路由器。

据了解,蒲公英G300 Pro拥有自主研发的云虚拟专网技术,可适用于复杂网络结构,且无需公网IP。与传统设备不同的是,通过蒲公英G300 Pro的在线云端管理页面或管理App,就可以完成异地虚拟局域网的组建。除了多台蒲公英路由器之间硬件组网外,还可搭配软件客户端用于多种场景。


外观方面,蒲公英G300 Pro采用标准的1U机箱设计,支持服务器机架的同时更减少占地,便于同其他网络设备连接与管理。在保证数据安全方面,蒲公英G300 Pro组网后支持银行等机构广泛使用的非对称RSA/AES算法加密,有效可靠的同时兼顾运算速度快、资源损耗低等优势。


配置方面,为了更好的满足办公环境下的多设备接入,及保障网络高效稳定,蒲公英G300 Pro搭载X86架构四核四线程处理器,同时具备4个全千兆网口,多网口负载均衡,满足多条线路接入的组网需求,后期还将支持WAN/LAN可配置端口;软件客户端同时兼容windows、Mac、linux、Android、iOS系统,轻松应对各种需求和场景。

Day 03 little helper multiplot


(This article was first published on r-bloggers STATWORX , and kindly contributed toR-bloggers)

We at STATWORX work a lot with R and we often use the same little helper functions within our projects. These functions ease our daily work life by reducing repetitive code parts or by creating overviews of our projects. At first, there was no plan to make a package, but soon I realised, that it will be much easier to share and improve those functions, if they are within a package. Up till the 24th December I will present one function each day from helfRlein . So, on the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me…

Day 03   little helper multiplot
What can it do?

This little helper combines multiple ggplots into one plot. This is a function taken from the R cookbook .

An advantage over facets is, that you don't need all data for all plots within one object. Also you can freely create each single plot which can sometimes also be a disadvantage.

With the layout parameter you can arrange multiple plots with different sizes. Let's say you have three plots and want to arrange them like this:

With multiplot it boils down to

multiplot(plotlist = list(p1, p2, p3), layout = matrix(c(1,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,3), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE))
Day 03   little helper multiplot
Code for plot example # star coordinates c1 = cos((2*pi)/5) c2 = cos(pi/5) s1 = sin((2*pi)/5) s2 = sin((4*pi)/5) data_star <- data.table(X = c(0, -s2, s1, -s1, s2), Y = c(1, -c2, c1, c1, -c2)) p1 <- ggplot(data_star, aes(x = X, y = Y)) + geom_polygon(fill = "gold") + theme_void() # tree set.seed(24122018) n <- 10000 lambda <- 2 data_tree <- data.table(X = c(rpois(n, lambda), rpois(n, 1.1*lambda)), TYPE = rep(c("1", "2"), each = n)) data_tree <- data_tree[, list(COUNT = .N), by = c("TYPE", "X")] data_tree[TYPE == "1", COUNT := -COUNT] p2 <- ggplot(data_tree, aes(x = X, y = COUNT, fill = TYPE)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_fill_manual(values = c("green", "darkgreen")) + coord_flip() + theme_minimal() # gifts data_gifts <- data.table(X = runif(5, min = 0, max = 10), Y = runif(5, max = 0.5), Z = sample(letters[1:5], 5, replace = FALSE)) p3 <- ggplot(data_gifts, aes(x = X, y = Y)) + geom_point(aes(color = Z), pch = 15, size = 10) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Reds") + geom_point(pch = 12, size = 10, color = "gold") + xlim(0,8) + ylim(0.1,0.5) + theme_minimal() + theme(legend.position="none") Overview

To see all the other functions you can either check out our GitHub or you can read about them here .

Have a merry advent season!

ber den Autor
Day 03   little helper multiplot
Jakob Gepp

Numbers were always my passion and as a data scientist and statistician at STATWORX I can fullfill my nerdy needs. Also I am responsable for our blog. So if you have any questions or suggestions, just send me an email!



is a consulting company for data science, statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence located in Frankfurt, Zurich and Vienna. Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and receive reads and treats from the world of data science and AI.

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2018.10:丽笙(Radisson)酒店,具体泄露数据量未公布。 2018.8:华住酒店集团,泄露数据量:5亿条,并在暗网售卖。 2017.10:凯悦酒店集团,泄露数据涉及全球的41家凯悦酒店。 2017.4:洲际酒店集团,泄露数据涉及超过1000家酒店。 2014和2015:希尔顿酒店集团,泄露数据涉及超过36万条支付卡数据。 酒店集团数据泄露事件三大主因


1. 未经授权的第三方组织窃取数据

虽然万豪并未明确指出数据泄露的原因,但从官方声明中提到的”an unauthorized party”,可以猜测本次数据泄露与第三方支持人员有很大关系。酒店管理系统比较复杂,通常涉及大量第三方参与系统开发与运维支持。因此很容易出现第三方支持人员或者内部人员利用系统漏洞取得数据库访问权限。而2017年凯悦酒店集团的数据泄露事件也是一些酒店IT系统被注入第三方恶意软件代码,通过酒店管理系统的漏洞获取数据库的访问权限,从而提取酒店客户的支付卡信息并解密。

2. 特权账号被公开至Github导致泄露


3. POS机被恶意软件感染













严控代码 :此时此刻,就立即告诉包括第三方外包服务商在内的所有开发人员,不允许将任何的开发代码上传到第三方平台,已经传上去的代码立即删除;阿里云已经看到太多企业因为代码传至Github而引发的大规模数据泄露事件;

全业务渗透测试 :如果你的企业已经有超过半年以上没有进行过渗透测试,尽快启动一次针对全业务的渗透,堵上可能存在威胁数据安全的漏洞。为什么是全业务?因为你可能并不清楚一些不起眼的边缘业务系统里可能就有公司内部人员的账号;

权限梳理 :尽快完成对业务系统敏感数据、访问人员和权限的梳理。对大部分中小企业来说,完成梳理并不需要太多时间,而且自己就可以完成,成本较低;

数据加密 :对梳理出来的敏感数据进行分类分级,确定哪些字段必须加密,利用第三方的透明加密系统、云上的加密服务/密钥管理服务逐步完成系统改造;

审计与分析 :建设数据访问控制、日志审计和异常行为分析手段,对第三方系统、外包人员和内部人员的权限进行严格限制,对数据访问行为进行审计、分析和监控;

数据脱敏 :在开发测试和运维环节,建设数据静态/动态脱敏手段,确保生产数据的抽取、查看受到严格保护;在应用系统后台管理中严格限制数据导出落地,同时在系统中做好日志埋点;

办公网安全 :建设办公网的数据防泄漏系统,完成数据防泄漏从生产网到办公网的闭环。






Crypto-Mining(加密货币挖矿)攻击在2018年不断发展和演变。由于加密货币的价值和普及程度的提高,黑客越来越倾向于利用受害者设备的CPU资源来进行加密货币挖矿操作。网络安全公司Check Point表示,在整个一年中,他们看到了相关报告和攻击数量的大幅增加。尽管最近加密货币的价值趋于平稳,但这种攻击方法和技术仍然在独创性和有效性方面不断改进。

KingMiner是一种针对windows服务器的Monero-Mining(门罗币挖矿)恶意软件。该恶意软件于2018年6月中旬首次出现,并在随后迅速发布了两个改进版本。由于攻击者采用了多种逃避技术来绕过仿真环境和安全检测,因此一些反病毒引擎针对该恶意软件的检测率都普遍变现为很低。根据Check Point对其传感器日志的分析,KingMiner攻击尝试的数量一直都在稳步上升。


Check Point表示,根据他们的调查结果,他们可以肯定该恶意软件的目标是Microsoft服务器(主要是IIS\SQL),涉及到尝试猜测其密码。

一个Windows Scriptlet文件(.sct)会在受害者的设备上被下载并执行。


检测设备的相关CPU架构。 如果存在旧版本的攻击文件,则会杀死相关的exe文件进程,并删除这些文件。 根据检测到的CPU架构下载一个payload ZIP文件(zip\64p.zip)。请注意,这并不是一个真正的ZIP文件,而是一个XML文件,被用来尝试绕过仿真环境。


XML payload包括一个二进制大对象(blob),一旦经过Base64编码,将生成预期的“ZIP”文件。


json-XMRig CPU miner配置文件。 txt -仅包含字符串“zzz”的文本文件。 exe(在旧版本中被命名为fix.exe)-主要的可执行文件。 dll/soundbox.dll-包含一些函数的DLL文件,这些函数将由powered.exe导出。 txt/y.png-二进制blob文件。注意,这不是一个真正的PNG文件。





在提取所有文件之后,md5.txt文件(“zzz”)的内容将附加到相关的DLL文件(sandbox.dll\active_desktop_render_x64.dll,两者中的内容相同)。不过,Check Point表示他们还没有看到这种行为对恶意软件活动产生任何影响。





ClearDesktopMonitorHook-该函数返回值1。可能会在未来的版本中使用。 King1-创建一个线程并解码相关二进制blob文件(txt/y.png)的内容。结果是一个可执行文件,它是XMRigCPU miner的一个精简版本,只保留了主函数。


King2-返回值1。 King3-返回值1。 King4-返回值1。 SetDesktopMonitorHook-调用King1。

图5.函数“king1”,创建一个线程并将二进制blob y.png/x.txt作为参数。



XMRig CPU Miner运行,并耗尽受害者设备的全部CPU资源





Check Point的研究人员在KingMiner过去6个月的整个演变过程中,一直在监控它的活动。自首次出现以来,KingMiner已经发布了两个新版本。该恶意软件一直在不断地添加新的功能和逃避技术,以绕过仿真环境。


此外,作为该恶意软件不断发展的一部分,Check Point发现许多占位符被用于未来的操作或即将发布的更新,这将使得这种恶意软件更加难以检测。



对zip/64p.zip文件进行混淆处理-ZIP文件包含基本的XML格式数据。在解析后,可以看到预期的ZIP文件。 主要的可执行文件,exe(在旧版本中被命名为fix.exe),从DLL文件(sandbox.dll/active_desktop_render_x64.dll)导出函数。仅执行可执行文件,确保任何活动不被发现。 将txt的内容附加到DLL文件(sandbox.dll/active_desktop_render_x64.dll)。 将txt/y.png的内容解码为可执行文件XMRig CPU miner。



KingMiner的运营者使用了私有采矿池来阻止对其活动的任何监视。目前,采矿池的API已经被关闭,所涉及的钱包也没有在任何公共采矿池中使用。Check Point表示,他们尚没有能够明确KingMiner使用了哪些域名,因为攻击者采用的是私有域名。然而,与之相关的攻击目前正在大范围蔓延,从墨西哥到印度,以及挪威和以色列。


KingMiner是一种仍在不断发展的Crypto-Mining恶意软件,它可以绕过常见的安全检测和仿真环境。通过实施简单的逃避技术,攻击者能够增加攻击成功的概率。Check Point预测,这样的逃避技术将在2019年继续发展,并成为Crypto-Mining攻击的主要(以及更常见的)组成部分。





网络安全公司Yoroi在上周披露,在过去的几个月里,他们观察到了一起针对意大利用户的恶意电子邮件活动。目前,尚不清楚这些攻击尝试到底是由一个成熟的网络犯罪团伙在修改其TTP之后发起的,还是由一个全新的网络犯罪团伙发起的。但无论如何,Yoroi公司已经启用了内部代号“Sload-ITA”(TH-163)来追踪这一威胁。此外,在今年5月份,SANS ICS的研究人员在英国也观察到了类似的活动。类似的恶意软件组件投递方式以及利用压缩文件来隐藏恶意代码的技术,将这两起活动联系在了一起。



图1. SLoad恶意软件感染链



一个伪装成指向系统文件夹的快捷方式文件,被命名为“invio fattura elettronica.lnk”; 一个隐藏的JPEG图像文件,被命名为“image _20181119_100714_40.jpg”。



这个powershell脚本会搜索与“documento-aggiornato-novembre - * .zip”格式匹配的所有文件。如果文件存在,脚本则会从其末尾提取一段代码,然后通过“IEX”原语调用。在下图中,你可以看到真正涉及压缩文件内容的代码被标识为粉色和黄色,而附加的恶意代码则被标识为蓝色。



zip文件的这一部分包含一段将由powershell脚本调用的可执行代码。通过滥用“bitsadmin.exe”,这段代码可以从“firetechnicaladvisor.com”下载其他脚本。然后,将所有新下载的文件存储到“%APPDATA%/ ”文件夹中。下图展示的是恶意软件组件下载后,文件夹所包含的内容:





图4. 恶意软件组件的安装脚本






“ConvertTo-SecureString”, [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Encrypted); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($slStr);




解密“web.ini”的内容,可以得到恶意软件使用的C&C服务器地址:https[://hamofgri.me/images/和 https[://ljfumm.me/images/。

Sload恶意软件会收集有关受害者设备的信息,如域名、dns缓存、正在运行的进程、ip和系统架构。此外,它还会定时抓取受害者当前桌面的屏幕截图,搜索Microsoft Outlook文件夹并收集有关用户目录中是否存在“* .ICA”Citrix文件的信息。所有这些信息都会被发送给C&C服务器。提交数据后,它会直接从攻击者那里接收到用于实施进一步攻击的PowerShell代码。这种行为是木马/间谍软件的代表特征之一,通常被用来完成入侵目标设备前的侦察工作,以及某些更复杂攻击的初始阶段。











这一点对英国和德国尤其适用,这两个国家目前都处在通用数据保护条例(GDPR ) 的管辖之下。然而,在美国,内部威胁却在增加,从2017年的72%上升到了2018年的80%,这很令人担忧。


2017年5月, WannaCry 发布之后,造成了数千亿美元的损失,短短数天就影响到了150个国家的30万台电脑。据CyberEdge Group的一份 报告 显示,2017年,全球55%的企业都成为了勒索软件的受害者;约有87%的企业选择不支付赎金,而多亏了离线数据备份系统,他们仍然能够检索数据。而在那些除了支付赎金别无选择的企业中,只有一半的企业能够检索到数据。





毫无疑问,我们确实需要更好的解决方案。据Verizon的 2015年数据泄露调查报告 显示,即使发布了 通用漏洞列表 (CVE),即使有可用补丁,仍有99.9%的被利用漏洞会被持续利用一年多的时间。

这是为什么呢?尽管IT安全专家会坚持定期监控并及时修复漏洞,但这样做也存在一些挑战;会让系统离线的补丁反过来又会影响员工生产力和企业收入。一些企业甚至因为缺少合格的工作人员而无法实现补丁。事实上, 83%以上 的企业都表示遇到过补丁问题。



Moonday Morning: North Korean hackers are after your Bitcoin


The first weekend of December has been and gone, so Christmas must be just around the corner. But the blockchain doesn’t care about Christmas, it keeps on going no matter what.

Which means, there’s some catching up to do. Here are Hard Fork’s top cryptocurrency and blockchain news picks from the last weekend.

1. At the latest G20 summit in Buenos Aires, world politicians discussed a global cryptocurrency business tax . It’s currently illegal for a country to tax a business that doesn’t have a physical presence there, so it almost makes sense. If the tax does materialize, it’s a while away yet, as G20 countries are to go away and make make proposals for a final version to be created by 2020.

2. North Korean hackers are continually finding new ways to steal cryptocurrency from unsuspecting victims. The latest scandal sees hackers from the country going after the Bitcoin stashes of individuals . Previous tactics from North Korean hackers have targeted institutions likeuniversities and cryptocurrency exchanges . Analysts say that Pyongyang is using the method to generate additional income as the country buckles under international sanctions.

3. The Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA) is looking set to deploy a regulatory framework for initial coin offerings (ICOs). According to local sources, the FSA is looking to protect citizens by limiting the amount one can invest in an ICO. The framework will also require ICOs to be registered with the agency too. While Japan may have granted the cryptocurrency industry self-regulatory status , this doesn’t prevent the FSA from setting some of the rules.

4. Venezuela’s President Maduro has done everything Satoshi Nakamoto said couldn’t be done and has manipualted the price of the country’s cryptocurrency, the Petro . Maduro has announced that the Petro has increased from 3,600 sovereign Bolivars to 9,000. That said, the cryptocurrency is barely a cryptocurrency, let alone a currency. There is still no wallet to support Petro, and purchases of the coin are issued to buyers with certificates (paper wallets). It would seem the cryptocurrency isn’t totally immune to inflation.

5. Mobile phone manufacturer, Huawei, made the launch of its Blockchain Services (BCS) earlier this month official in a press release published late last week. Much like Amazon’s recent announcement of its own blockchain cloud services, Huawei is claiming the service will help developers create, deploy, and manage blockchain applications. Huawei’s system is built on the open source blockchain software, Hyperledger Fabric.

Even though the cryptocurrency market has had one of its worst weeks this year, governments still want regulation, there are still hackers, and there are yet more talks of cryptocurrency taxes. Maybe these are the only things we can be certain of in cryptocurrency’s future.

Published December 3, 2018 ― 09:52 UTC

万豪2015年曾有机会发现漏洞 黑客在系统中潜伏3年


万豪2015年曾有机会发现漏洞 黑客在系统中潜伏3年

腾讯科技讯 据外媒报道,万豪称,在最近获悉遭遇大规模数据入侵后,它立即作出了反应。但是,网络安全专家称,该公司其实在三年前就有机会阻止这次大规模入侵事件发生。




“他们拥有强大的资源,本可以在2015年就揪出这些黑客的。”安全公司Recorded Future Inc的研究员安德烈-巴里塞维奇(Andrei Barysevich)称。







几名民主党人士,包括弗吉尼亚州的参议员马克-华纳(Mark Warner)和马萨诸塞州的伊丽莎白-沃伦(Elizabeth Warren),均在上周五批评万豪,并呼吁建立全美国数据入侵法。“如果不设定相应的惩罚规定,这些CEO是不会认真担起保护我们的数据之责的。”参议员沃伦在微博网站Twitter上发推文说。



专家称,这些黑客之所以瞄准酒店,是因为这些酒店的电脑上存有大量的信用卡数据,而且因为这个行业通常会有税收保护政策。“酒店行业从来没有成为安全的中心。”安全咨询公司Bishop Fox的合伙人文森特-刘(Vincent Liu)说。





“这是一个很好的攻击目标。”酒店行业顾问保罗-韦斯特(Paul West)说。尤其是支付系统最容易遭到攻击。“在某些地方,例如某些度假屋中的小酒吧,其支付系统根本没有人管理。”韦斯特说。





上周日,安全公司和万豪称,它们没有发现这些被窃数据在黑市上叫卖,这可能是因为黑客还无法从万豪的网络中删除它们窃取的信息。但是,安全公司Recorded Future的研究员安德烈称,考虑到此次入侵事件持续的时间,这似乎并不可能。



Marriott’s Costly Mistake: Letting Compliance Trump Security


Friday’s news of Marriott’s massive breach sent shock waves throughout the cybersecurity industry and consumer sectors alike. Brian Krebs described the “colossal intrusion” and numerous other security experts joined in to analyze what missteps the chain may have taken, how the breach could have been prevented, and what we as an industry can learn from the catastrophe.

Marriott’s Costly Mistake: Letting Compliance Trump Security

While we don’t yet know what exactly occurred, I have to say I’m not surprised. Given the nature of the hospitality industry, there’s no question that Marriott was checking the boxes on compliance―for example, they obviously were PCI compliant in order to store credit card information in member profiles. I’m not suggesting that compliance isn’t important, but a lot of people think that if they are compliant they are secure―and that simply isn’t the case.

I suspect that Marriott made compliance-driven investments rather than implementing a comprehensive security strategy that truly mitigated risk, and that’s why we’re analyzing their mistakes today.

I’ve seen it countless times across industries. This “compliance-first” mindset satisfies requirements and keeps the lawyers happy, but it also sets companies up for significant vulnerabilities and, quite often, devastating breaches. When companies are purchasing tools just to check the compliance box, security clearly is not the first priority. Worse, these products can actually take away from security value by adding the time and resource burdens of managing multiple tools to already strapped security teams.

My advice to all organizations that are analyzing their IT investments and strategies in light of the Marriott situation is to focus on security first, and as a result, you will become compliant.

Click here for a brief video from yours truly expanding on the above.

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...


Reuters recently reported a hacking campaign focused on a wide range of targets across the globe. In the days leading to the Reuters publication, Microsoft researchers were closely tracking the same campaign.

Our sensors revealed that the campaign primarily targeted public sector institutions and non-governmental organizations like think tanks and research centers, but also included educational institutions and private-sector corporations in the oil and gas, chemical, and hospitality industries.

Microsoft customers using the complete Microsoft Threat Protection solution were protected from the attack. Behavior-based protections in multiple Microsoft Threat Protection components blocked malicious activities and exposed the attack at its early stages. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection caught the malicious URLs used in emails, driving the blocking of said emails, including first-seen samples. Meanwhile, numerous alerts in windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection exposed the attacker techniques across the attack chain.

Third-party security researchers have attributed the attack to a threat actor named APT29 or CozyBear, which largely overlaps with the activity group that Microsoft calls YTTRIUM. While our fellow analysts make a compelling case, Microsoft does not yet believe that enough evidence exists to attribute this campaign to YTTRIUM.

Regardless, due to the nature of the victims, and because the campaign features characteristics of previously observed nation-state attacks, Microsoft took the step of notifying thousands of individual recipients in hundreds of targeted organizations. As part of the Defending Democracy Program , Microsoft encourages eligible organizations to participate in Microsoft AccountGuard , a service designed to help these highly targeted customers protect themselves from cybersecurity threats.

Attack overview

The aggressive campaign began early in the morning of Wednesday, November 14. The targeting appeared to focus on organizations that are involved with policy formulation and politics or have some influence in that area.

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

Phishing targets in different industry verticals

Although targets are distributed across the globe, majority are located in the United States, particularly in and around Washington, D.C. Other targets are in Europe, Hong Kong, India, and Canada.

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

Phishing targets in different locations

The spear-phishing emails mimicked sharing notifications from OneDrive and, as noted by Reuters, impersonated the identity of individuals working at the United States Department of State. If recipients clicked a link on the spear-phishing emails, they began an exploitation chain that resulted in the implantation of a DLL backdoor that gave the attackers remote access to the recipients machines.

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

Attack chain

Analysis of the campaign Delivery

The spear-phishing emails used in this attack resemble file-sharing notifications from OneDrive.

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

The emails contain a link to a legitimate, but compromised third-party website:

hxxps://www.jmj.com/personal/nauerthn_state_gov/TUJE7QJl[random string]

The random strings are likely used to identify distinct targeted individuals who clicked on the link. However, all observed variants of this link redirect to a specific link on the same site:


When users click the link, they are served a ZIP archive containing a malicious LNK file. All files in a given attack have the same file name, for example, ds7002.pdf , ds7002.zip , and ds7002.lnk .


The LNK file represents the first stage of the attack. It executes an obfuscated PowerShell command that extracts a base64-encoded payload from within the LNK file itself, starting at offset 0x5e2be and extending 16,632 bytes.

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

Encoded content in the LNK file

The encoded payloadanother heavily obfuscated PowerShell scriptis decoded and executed:

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

Decoded second script

The second script carves out two additional resources from within the .LNK file:

ds7002.PDF (A decoy PDF) cyzfc.dat (The first stage implant) Command and control

The first-stage DLL, cyzfc.dat , is created by the PowerShell script in the path %AppData%\Local\cyzfc.dat . It is a 64-bit DLL that exports one function: PointFunctionCall .

The PowerShell script then executes cyzfc.dat by calling rundll32.exe . After connecting to the first-stage command-and-control server at pandorasong[.]com (, cyzfc.dat begins to install the final payload by taking the following actions: Allocate a ReadWrite page for the second-stage payload Extract the second-stage payload as a resource Take a header that is baked into the first payload with a size 0xEF bytes Concatenate the header with the resource, starting at byte 0x12A . De-XOR the second-stage payload with a rolling XOR (ROR1), starting from key 0xC5 .
Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

The second stage is an instance of Cobalt Strike, a commercially available penetration testing tool, which performs the following steps:

Define a local named pipe with the format \\.\pipe\MSSE-<number>-server , where <number> is a random number between 0 and 9897 Connecting to the pipe, write it global data with size 0x3FE00 Implement a backdoor over the named pipe: Read from the pipe (maximum 0x3FE00 bytes) to an allocated buffer DeXOR the payload onto a new RW memory region, this time with a much simple XOR key: simple XORing every 4 bytes with 0x7CC2885F Turn the region to be RX Create a thread that starts running the payload’
Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...
Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...
Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

The phase that writes to global data to the pipe actually writes a third payload. That payload is XORed with the same XORing algorithm used for reading. When decrypted, it forms a PE file with a Meterpreter header, interpreting instructions in the PE header and moving control to a reflective loader:

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

The third payload eventually gets loaded and connects to the command-and-control (C&C) server address that is baked-in inside configuration information in the PE file. This configuration information is de-XORed at the third payload runtime:

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

The configuration information itself mostly contains C&C information:

Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

CobaltStrike is a feature-rich penetration testing tool that provides remote attackers with a wide range of capabilities, including escalating privileges, capturing user input, executing arbitrary commands through PowerShell or WMI, performing reconnaissance, communicating with C&C servers over various protocols, and downloading and installing additional malware.

End-to-end defense through Microsoft Threat Protection

Microsoft Threat Protection is a comprehensive solution for enterprise networks, protecting identities, endpoints, user data, cloud apps, and infrastructure. By integrating Microsoft services, Microsoft Threat Protection facilitates signal sharing and threat remediation across services. In this attack, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection and Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection quickly mitigated the threat at the onset through durable behavioral protections.

Office 365 ATP has enhanced phishing protection and coverage against new threats and polymorphic variants. Detonation systems in Office 365 ATP caught behavioral markers in links in the emails, allowing us to successfully block campaign emailsincluding first-seen samplesand protect targeted customers. Three existing behavioral-based detection algorithms quickly determined that the URLs were malicious. In addition, Office 365 ATP uses security signals from Windows Defender ATP, which had a durable behavior-based antivirus detection ( Behavior:Win32/Atosev.gen!A ) for the second-stage malware.If you are not already secured against advanced cyberthreat campaigns via email, begin a free Office 365 E5 trial today.

Safe Links protection in Office 365 ATP protects customers from attacks like this by analyzing unknown URLs when customers try to open them. Zero-hour Auto Purge (ZAP) actively removes emails post-delivery after they have been verified as maliciousthis is often critical in stopping attacks that weaponize embedded URLs after the emails are sent.

All of these protections and signals on the attack entry point are shared with the rest of the Microsoft Threat Protection components. Windows Defender ATP customers would see alerts related to the detection of the malicious emails by Office 365 ATP, as well the behavior-based antivirus detection.

Windows Defender ATP detects known filesystem and network artifacts associated with the attack. In addition, the actions of the LNK file are detected behaviorally. Alerts with the following titles are indicative of this attack activity:

Artifacts associated with an advanced threat detected Network activity associated with an advanced threat detected Low-reputation arbitrary code executed by signed executable Suspicious LNK file opened

Network protection blocks connections to malicious domains and IP addresses. The following attack surface reduction rule also blocks malicious activities related to this attack:

Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criteria

Through Windows Defender Security Center, security operations teams could investigate these alerts and pivot to machines, users, and the new Incidents view to trace the attack end-to-end. Automated investigation and response capabilities, threat analytics , as well as advanced hunting and new custom detections , empower security operations teams to defend their networks from this attack.To test how Windows Defender ATP can help your organization detect, investigate, and respond to advanced attacks, sign up for a free Windows Defender ATP trial .

The following Advanced hunting query can help security operations teams search for any related activities within the network:

//Query 1: Events involving the DLL container
let fileHash = "9858d5cb2a6614be3c48e33911bf9f7978b441bf";
find in (FileCreationEvents, ProcessCreationEvents, MiscEvents,
RegistryEvents, NetworkCommunicationEvents, ImageLoadEvents)
where SHA1 == fileHash or InitiatingProcessSHA1 == fileHash
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
//Query 2: C&C connection
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
| where RemoteUrl == "pandorasong.com"
//Query 3: Malicious PowerShell
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
| where ProcessCommandLine contains
"-noni -ep bypass $zk=' JHB0Z3Q9MHgwMDA1ZTJiZTskdmNxPTB4MDAwNjIzYjY7JHRiPSJkczcwMDIubG5rIjtpZiAoLW5vdChUZXN0LVBhdGggJHRiKSl7JG9lPUdldC1DaGlsZEl0"
//Query 4: Malicious domain in default browser commandline
| where EventTime > ago(10d)
| where ProcessCommandLine contains
//Query 5: Events involving the ZIP
let fileHash = "cd92f19d3ad4ec50f6d19652af010fe07dca55e1";
find in (FileCreationEvents, ProcessCreationEvents, MiscEvents,
RegistryEvents, NetworkCommunicationEvents, ImageLoadEvents)
where SHA1 == fileHash or InitiatingProcessSHA1 == fileHash
| where EventTime > ago(10d)

The provided queries check events from the past ten days. Change EventTime to focus on a different period.

Windows Defender Research team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center , and Office 365 ATP research team

Indicators of attack

Files (SHA-1)

ds7002.ZIP: cd92f19d3ad4ec50f6d19652af010fe07dca55e1 ds7002.LNK: e431261c63f94a174a1308defccc674dabbe3609 ds7002.PDF (decoy PDF): 8e928c550e5d44fb31ef8b6f3df2e914acd66873 cyzfc.dat (first-stage): 9858d5cb2a6614be3c48e33911bf9f7978b441bf



C&C servers

pandorasong[.]com ( (first-stage C&C server)
Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unide ...

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The post Analysis of cyberattack on U.S. think tanks, non-profits, public sector by unidentified attackers appeared first on Microsoft Secure .

Analyzing Core i9-9900K Performance with Spectre and Meltdown Hardware Mitigatio ...


One of the key aspects of the most recent Intel processor launch, its Core 9 th Generation processors, is that the new design affords some hardware-based protection for a couple of the Spectre and Meltdown family of security vulnerabilities. When these vulnerabilities were first discovered, they were patched using a combination of software and firmware, which unfortunately led to some performance regressions over an unpatched processor. The ultimate goal is for a hardware patch, which is always enabled, that loses zero performance we’re testing out what the new patches have for us today.

A Recap: Spectre and Meltdown

At the start of 2018, it was announced that two new architecture-based attack vectors had been discovered in modern computer processors . These vectors are based in what are called side-channel attacks: the ability to probe or infer what something else on the processor is doing without actually seeing the workload or its data. But more fundamentally than that, the reason these attacks can occur is down to how the processor is designed. Side-channel attacks on processor speculation, for example, can expose data that wasn’t even intended to be accessed by the program in the first place. And other side-channel attacks can break through memory permission barriers between software like a Buick through a barn.

Because security is the number one factor in all modern day computing (and unfortunately in some cases, an afterthought), this became a serious potential problem quite quickly. The specific vulnerabilities have so far mostly fallen under two broad headings which are now synonymous with these attacks: Spectre and Meltdown. For completeness, there are similar attacks that don’t fall under these headings, but side-channel security is still at the heart of what is being broken.

All vulnerable processor makers were told about these attack vectors around six months before the public, in what is known in the industry as responsible disclosure find a vulnerability, inform the vulnerable parties, and give them sufficient time to fix the issue before going public, in order to prevent any nefarious individuals exploiting it (and creating what is called a 0-day). In that time, the known attacks were analysed and software-related patches were built. For example, over the course of 2018, Intel started with its newest and high-priority platforms first, and slowly worked its way back through its product catalogue. Other companies had executed similar plans, however Intel has by far been the most high profile of them all.

One big issue surrounding these attacks is unsecured embedded systems running high-performance processors those that are deployed in the field and can be easily compromised. This is beyond the scope of this article, but it’s important to understand how many devices might still be vulnerable in ten years.

How To Fix Spectre and Meltdown: Security

Since the disclosure of these new attack vectors, new vulnerabilities similar to them have been discovered but follow in the same vein. In order to protect against these issues, one extreme answer is a full top-to-bottom redesign of how modern computer processors are designed. This is a massive undertaking, so in the end we have a sliding scale of security patches.

Perhaps the easiest patch to implement is the operating system software patch . For home and office users, this is going to be the one that they experience first, given the prevalence of windows and Mac OS to provide regular updates to the security of their platforms.

However, not everything can be solved by a traditional software patch, especially when the offending areas of the CPU design cannot be adjusted in at a high level software. More fundamental aspects of the CPU might require a microcode update, which involves uploading very small and low-level code to the CPU to make important changes to the CPU and particularly to patch around errata.

The ideal way to distribute microcode updates is as part of a larger system firmware (e.g. BIOS) update, this way the updated microcode is available to the CPU immediately at boot. However it's also possible to distribute microcode updates at the OS level to be loaded alongside the OS and this is what has been happening given the serverity of the issue and the fact that OEMs tend to give up on firmware updates rather quickly. As a result, all the major OS vendors have been able to distribute the necessary microcode to affected CPUs through mainstream OS update mechanisms, allowing most PCs to be hardened against these attacks by combining the microcode fixes with OS changes to leverage the fixes.

Analyzing Core i9-9900K Performance with Spectre and Meltdown Hardware Mitigatio ...

But even as great as microcode is, it's still a software workaround for a hardware issue, incurring some performance penalties along the way . Ultimately there needs to be a hardware fix in place to ensure that the processor is secure at all times. This cannot happen on any current products, and requires new products over the next few years to have fixes in place.

Ultimately there are two types of hardware fix: a hardware patch or a hardware redesign . The hardware patch does the same as the software or microcode patches: stops the security issue. A hardware resign fundamentally changes the way the hardware operates, removing the issue entirely.

As stated, security is always a number one priority here. However priority one-point-five is performance. This is the reason for this review.

How To Fix Spectre and Meltdown: Performance

The reason why some of these new attack vectors have been so surprising is because they have arisen out of techniques designed to increase the performance of a modern day microprocessor. A key innovation to performance in the modern era is speculation the ability for the processor to ‘predict’ (for lack of a better word) what data will be needed by the software at a future date, saving long trips out to main memory and hiding those delays. One of the slowest things you can do on a modern processor is main memory latency, so a lot of work has gone in to optimizing the hardware that performs speculation and pre-fetching data. As a result, speculative execution is one of the cornerstones of modern, high-performance processors.

The security problem arises when data is pre-fetched but not needed. If another program can access that data or infer about what the data contains, which may have been within a secure area in main memory, it’s a security nightmare. Or even another program can access that speculative memory even during the speculation itself, it’s a nasty thing to track. In an ideal world, everyone keeps to their own lane and everything runs fast and smooth. However, in order to keep that part of the memory secure, a fix needs to occur: either a patch, or a fundamental redesign of the hardware.

The patches for security issues such as speculation, therefore, have the potential to be dire for performance. If all of a sudden one of the techniques for increasing single core performance was disabled, that’s a lot of performance out of the window. Depending on whom you ask, the performance results of the initial software and firmware patches varied.

Speaking with Intel and their own internal performance numbers on server workloads, there were three main trends to speak of: most of the performance regression happened with memory and IO-related workloads (due to what is called kernel switching, one of the fixes applied), it has more of an effect with faster storage such as NVMe-based SSD (because HDDs already take a longer time to be ready), and it affects the newest processors the least. Going through the numbers on their tests for cloud servers, an IO/compute mix workload on modern hardware, such as HHVM Wordpress, would experience a 9-10% decrease in performance. An older platform such as Broadwell-EP or Haswell-EP performs similarly in all tests before and after patch, but may experience a 30-60% decrease an synthetic IO bound workloads such as FIO (worst case scenario) Skylake-SP is less affected.

Analyzing Core i9-9900K Performance with Spectre and Meltdown Hardware Mitigatio ...
Analyzing Core i9-9900K Performance with Spectre and Meltdown Hardware Mitigatio ...

However, it was published in other media that some video game servers saw their game servers move from being 20% active to 50% active when the patches were applied. This increases costs and an inability to scale, so it has been suggested that some performance-limited deployments may not be using these fixes because of this. Others, such as compute-limited HPC, have seen no decrease in performance. Notably, it wasn’t even a topic at Supercomputing this year as to performance related issues.

The ultimate goal is to have a patch that minimizes the performance deficit, but keeps 100% of security. This has been erroneously reported in some press as the holy grail ‘hardware fix’, but those publications fail to differentiate between a hardware patch and a hardware redesign . A ‘simple’ hardware patch would still have many of the same performance issues as a software patch, just with the guarantee that said fixes are always there. But ultimately a hardware patch that minimizes performance loss is the goal.

Intel’s March to Hardware Fixes

If you have been following our coverage this year of Intel’s product portfolio, back in September it was announced that Intel’s next generation of server processors, Cascade Lake-SP, would implement a number of fixes at the hardware level . Lisa Spelman, VP of Intel’s Data Center Group, confirmed this in our interview, saying that the processor design hit the intercept for when the fixes were ready. Intel also stated that its Whiskey Lake 15W processors, built in the 14++ process, would have similar hardware fixes. And most recently, the new 9 th generation Coffee Lake Refresh process would also have the same fixes. As a result, we get a table like this of what is fixed and what is not:

Spectre and Meltdown on Intel

Families with Any Hardware Mitigations

AML-Y Spectre Variant 1 Bounds Check Bypass OS/VMM OS/VMM OS/VMM OS/VMM Spectre Variant 2 Branch Target Injection SW + FW SW + HW SW + FW Meltdown Variant 3 Rogue Data Cache Load Hardware Hardware Hardware Firmware Meltdown Variant 3a Rogue System Register Read Firmware Variant 4 Speculative Store Bypass SW + FW Variant 5 L1 Terminal Fault Hardware Hardware Hardware Firmware

So for the newest Core i9 Coffee Lake Refresh processors, CFL-R Intel has two hardware fixes, for Meltdown (aka Variant 3)and the closely related L1TF (aka Variant 5). All others will be covered by a mix of firmware and software patches.

As mentioned, the hardware fix is a minimum requirement for security, but says nothing about performance. The question then becomes if this fix is purely a patch, or something more. Out of all the vulnerabilities, Spectre Variant 2 has been quoted as the biggest source for performance regression.

Luckily, Intel has made this testing easy for us. The new 9 th generation Coffee Lake Refresh processors are microarchitecturally identical to the 8 th generation Coffee Lake family. As a result, we can take one processor from each, fix them to identical frequencies/core counts/memory, run them in the same motherboard with the same BIOS, and compare the benchmark results. This is what we did. If the hardware fix is more than just a patch, we should see the 9 th generation outperform the 8 th generation.

Test Setup

For our testing we took the newest Core i9-9900K and the special edition Core i7-8086K and initiated a face off. Each processor was set to four cores each with no hyperthreading, with the frequency set to 3.0 GHz for all workloads at all times. The motherboard of choice was our ASRock Z390 Pro Gaming Core i7, using BIOS P3.20, and we used 4x8GB of Crucial Ballistix DDR4-2666.

Analyzing Core i9-9900K Performance with Spectre and Meltdown Hardware Mitigatio ...

We ran through our whole benchmark suite, both our professional/office tests and our gaming tests using an MSI GTX 1080 at four different resolution/quality combinations. The results may shock you.


Rather than several pages of graphs with two values in each, here’s a summary of the results split up by section.

Analyzing Core i9-9900K Performance with Spectre and Meltdown Hardware Mitigatio ...

In all cases, performance was within the margin of error between both processors. The biggest single CPU test gain was 4.0% (in LuxMark C++) and the worst was -2.7% (in Agisoft). The usual culprits for this sort of test, DigiCortex and WinRAR, were both within the margin of error. As a result, this hardware fix appears to essentially be a hardware implementation of the fixes already rolled out via microcode for the current Coffee Lake processors.

Cascade Lake-SP has similar fixes, but also has a hardware patch for Spectre Variant 2. In our interview with Lisa Spelman, she stated that Cascade overall will offer higher performance than Skylake-SP.

The long and short of matters then is that based on the testing we've done thus far, it doesn't look like Coffee Lake Refresh recovers any of the performance the original Coffee Lake loses from the Meltdown and Spectre fixes. Coffee Lake was always less impacted than older architectures, but whatever performance hit it took remains in the Refresh CPU design.

But at least the security for the two variants that Coffee Lake has hardware patches for is baked in, no matter where that processor goes. And Cascade will improve that further. It will be interesting to see where the next set of hardware fixes will land. If we can get some numbers, we’ll let you know.

Kicking off the Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon


Kicking off the Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon

Cybersecurity is one of the hottest sectors in tech with Gartner predicting worldwide information security spending to reach $124 billion by the end of 2019. New startups and security solutions are coming onto the market while attackers continue to find new ways to breach systems. The security solutions market has grown at a rapid pace as a result. Our customers face immense challenges in integrating all these different solutions, tools, and intelligence. Oftentimes, the number of disconnected solutions make it more difficultrather than easierto defend and recover from attacks.

We invite you to participate in the Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon for a chance to help solve this pressing challenge and win a piece of the $15,000 cash prize pool . * This online hackathon runs from December 1, 2018 to March 1, 2019 and is open to individuals, teams, and organizations globally.

The Microsoft Graph Security API offers a unified REST endpoint that makes it easy for developers to bring security solutions together to streamline security operations and improve cyber defenses and response. Tap into other Microsoft Graph APIs as well as mash up data and APIs from other sources to extend or enrich your scenarios.


In addition to learning more about the Microsoft Graph and the security API, the hackathon offers these awesome prizes for the top projects:

$10,000 cash prize for the first-place solution, plus a speaking opportunity at Build 2019 . $3,000 cash prize for the runner up solution. $2,000 cash prize for the popular choice solution, chosen via public voting.

In addition, all three winning projects, and the individuals or teams in the categories above, will be widely promoted on Microsoft blog channelsgiving you the opportunity for your creative solutions to be known to the masses. The criteria for the judging will consist of the quality of the idea, value to the enterprise, and technical implementation. You can find all the details you need on the Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon website.

Judging panel

Once the hackathon ends on March 1, 2019, judging commences immediately after by our amazing judges. Well announce the winners on or before April 1, 2019. The hackathon will be judged by a panel of Microsoft and non-Microsoft experts and influencers in the developer community and in cybersecurity, including:

Ann Johnson , Corporate Vice President for Cybersecurity Solutions Group for Microsoft Scott Hanselman , Partner Program Manager for Microsoft Mark Russinovich , CTO Azure for Microsoft Rick Howard , Chief Security Officer Palo Alto Networks

We will announce more judges in the coming weeks!

Next steps Start your Microsoft Graph Security hack at the hackathon website and invite your friends to join in the fun! Get to building integrated security applications . Learn how the Microsoft Graph Security API helps to streamline security operations and improve cyber defenses.

Let the # graphsecurityhackathon begin

*No purchase necessary. Open only to new and existing Devpost users who are the age of majority in their country. Game ends March 1, 2019 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time. For details, see the official rules .

The post Kicking off the Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon appeared first on Microsoft Secure .

Risk-based vulnerability management a better form of cyber defense


Protecting an organization from threats is becoming increasingly difficult, as the number and sophistication of threats continues to increase exponentially. A big issue is finding, prioritizing, and fixing vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

That has always been a top priority for security professionals, but the growing number of vulnerabilities makes it difficult, if not impossible, for legacy vulnerability assessment tools to be effective.

Many security tools, such as anti-malware and intrusion detection systems, have used artificial intelligence (AI) as a way to modernize and keep up with current trends, but the vulnerability assessment market has not. Infusing AI into this market would shift the market from treating all vulnerabilities as equal to enabling businesses to evaluate and prioritize them based on risk. However, one approach doesn’t replace the other, but rather complements, as both are required to protect against the widest range of attack vectors.

Vulnerability assessment falls behind

Vulnerability assessmenthas been a tried-and-true method for finding vulnerabilities for over a decade now. The technology looks for out of date software, operating systems that need patching, and other basic holes in software. There is obviously some value in vulnerability assessment, but it hasn’t evolved much in the past decade. vulnerability assessment tools struggle with discovering all enterprise assets, particularly with new types of enterprise assets, such as mobile devices, unmanaged assets, and Internet of Things (IoT) devicdes.

Also, vulnerability assessment doesn’t look for advanced attack vectors, such as bad passwords or phishing, which are often a bigger problem than unpatched systems.

Another issue with legacy vulnerability assessment is that it doesn’t prioritize the vulnerabilities it finds. Security teams see a massive list of vulnerabilities with no context. That means a contractor’s computer in an isolated segment would appear to have the same level of criticality as the CFO’s laptop that has out-of-date financial software. The security team is left to triage the list and determine which ones should be addressed first. This obviously wastes valuable time, is often unachievable, and exposes the company to unnecessary risk. Representative vulnerability assessment vendors include Rapid7, Qualys, and Tenable (formerly SecurityCenter). This is still important information, but it often lacks any insights to make it actionable.

Threat and vulnerability management an improvement, but not a complete solution

Threat and vulnerability management (TVM) is a newer approach that layers on top of vulnerability assessment and uses security analytics to apply some logic and analysis to vulnerability assessment data to help understand the risk level of the associated vulnerabilities. Making sense of this data through manual inspection is impossible, as even the most seasoned security professional couldn’t connect the dots in the massive amount of data collected.

This is where analytics has value in that it analyzes the data in real time and uses multiple factors and logic to provide the security team with a list prioritized by risk. This is certainly a step function improvement from traditional vulnerability assessment, but it still doesn’t solve the whole problem.

First, one can’t forget about the information that the legacy systems provide ― it’s important because threat and vulnerability management tools don’t gather their own internal inventory data and use vulnerability assessment feeds. Like vulnerability assessment systems, threat and vulnerability management tools omit hundreds of advanced attack vectors, such as password reuse, phishing, and user behavior from their calculations. Nor do they take into account the actual business impact of assets and users. Also, there’s no sense of how to remediate the identified and prioritized issues. Many vendors play in this market, including Brinqa, Core Security, Kenna Security, and SkyBox.

So, what’s a security team to do? It looks like they need to run both a threat and vulnerability management tool and traditional vulnerability assessment. That might seem logical, but it’s suboptimal. Running dual security tools leads to something called “swivel chair management” where the administrator needs to quickly pivot between the two, and any kind of correlation must be done manually. Also, analyzing the data across systems isn’t feasible given the volume of data coming from the two systems.

Risk-based vulnerability management offers the best of both worlds

A better approach is risk-based vulnerability management where both traditional vulnerability assessment and newer threat and vulnerability management capabilities are unified in a single platform. AI is used to continuously discover and update the enterprise inventory and to provide predictive risk analytics across hundreds of attack vectors, threats, business impact, and compensating controls.

This is akin to what’s happened in the anti-malware space where legacy vendors such as Symantec and McAfee catch known viruses, and AI-based companies such as Cylance are able to detect new malware. One doesn’t replace the other. Customers need both for maximum protection. Unfortunately, such a unified product doesn’t exist in the anti-malware market yet. But one does for risk-based vulnerability management. Balbix currently offers this capability, and Tenable has a defined roadmap to get there.

The Balbix/Tenable approach gives customers a complete view of the attack surface through a single pane of glass that includes vulnerability information across a very broad set of vulnerability types, as well as AI-derived risk and contextual information. The risk-based information and prioritized action list in the Balbix dashboard, for example, make it easy for security teams to ensure energy is being directed to close off the vulnerabilities and assets that could cause the most damage.

Locating vulnerabilities has been a core focus area for security professionals as long as we have had computer systems. Breaches occur when these vulnerabilities go unnoticed and unpatched. Traditional methods, such as vulnerability assessment and threat and vulnerability management,were effective in the past when the size of the attack surface was manageable. Today that's changed, and the attack surface has grown exponentially, as has the rate at which threats are hitting companies. AI-based risk-based vulnerability management provides security professionals with a complete view of the attack surface and the contextual knowledge to understand how to prioritize the security team's efforts.

Introducing the Virtual Cloud Network Readiness Assessment


Is your network ready for applications, automation, multi-cloud, containers and more? Here’s a truth bomb for you: the network that got us here today is not sufficient for tomorrow. Sorry to be sardonic, but here are the facts: today, new business models, cloud adoption, and the explosion of connected devices are now must-haves for organizations that are prioritizing digital transformation initiatives. But legacy network approaches rooted in hardware just don’t cut it anymore; technology is rapidly shifting and improving at a rate that is undeniably fast. To keep up, modern networks must be able to support operations across data centers, multiple clouds, branch locations, and edge devices while prioritizing security for the ever-growing amount of application data that flows from every point within a network.

Despite these shifts and needs, many organizations do not have a unified approach to management, automation, and security. Do you know if your network does? Find out how software-first networking can transform your business.

Virtual Cloud Network Readiness Assessment

The Virtual Cloud Network Readiness Assessment can help you assess the current state of your network and security for free. By answering a few questions in this 10-minute survey, you’ll get a personalized report that summarizes your organization’s current capabilities against the IT priorities you share, including:

Insights: we’ll highlight whether your organization is as ready as it could be to support new innovation today. Next steps: learn how you can leverage software to transform your organization’s network and security and realize your objectives. A recap of business obstacles: help position your organization’s needs and challenges against common organizational hurdles and arm yourself with a clearer vision of where you need to be. Inspirational case studies: You’ll also get information on how other VMware customers who have faced similar challenges have been able to achieve greater flexibility, speed and value for their businesses with software-first networking.

Whether the ultimate answer will lean toward “sometimes the truth hurts” or “sometimes knowing is half the battle,” this pop quiz will ultimately serve your organization, because “knowledge is power,” as they say. Put simply, the report can arm you with the knowledge you need to help take your organization to the next level. With it, you can sharpen your knowledge of how implementing networking and security entirely in software provides pervasive, end-to-end connectivity for your apps and data, wherever they are. If you’re ready to take the next steps, dive inhere.

Scaling a governance, risk, and compliance program for the cloud, emerging techn ...


Governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) programs are sometimes looked upon as the bureaucracy getting in the way of exciting cybersecurity work. But a good GRC program establishes the foundation for meeting security and compliance objectives. It is the proactive approach to cybersecurity that, if done well, minimizes reactive incident response.

Of the three components of cybersecurity―people, processes, and technology―technology is the viewed as the “easy button” because in relative terms, it’s simpler than drafting a policy with the right balance of flexibility and specificity or managing countless organizational principles and human behavior. Still, as much as we promote technology and automation at AWS, we also understand that automating a bad process with the latest technology doesn’t make the process or outcome better. Cybersecurity must incorporate all three aspects with a programmatic approach that scales. To reach that goal, an effective GRC program is essential because it ensures a holistic view has been taken while tackling the daunting mission of cybersecurity.

Although governance, risk, and compliance are oftentimes viewed as separate functions, there is a symbiotic relationship between them. Governance establishes the strategy and guardrails for meeting specific requirements that align and support the business. Risk management connects specific controls to governance and assessed risks, and provides business leaders with the information they need to prioritize resources and make risk-informed decisions. Compliance is the adherence and monitoring of controls to specific governance requirements. It is also the “ante” to play the game in certain industries and, with continuous monitoring, closes the feedback loop regarding effective governance. Security architecture, engineering, and operations are built upon the GRC foundation.

Without a GRC program, people tend to solely focus on technology and stove-pipe processes. For example, say a security operations employee is faced with four events to research and mitigate. In the absence of a GRC program, the staffer would have no context about the business risk or compliance impact of the events, which could lead them to prioritize the least important issue.

Scaling a governance, risk, and compliance program for the cloud, emerging techn ...

GRC has a symbiotic relationship

The breadth and depth of a GRC program varies with each organization. Regardless of its simplicity or complexity, there are opportunities to transform or scale that program for the adoption of cloud services, emerging technologies, and other future innovations.

Below is a checklist of best practices to help you on your journey. The key takeaways of the checklist are: base governance on objectives and capabilities, include risk context in decision-making, and automate monitoring and response.

Governance Identify compliance requirements

__ Identify required compliance frameworks (such as HIPAA or PCI) and contract/agreement obligations.

__ Identify restrictions/limitations to cloud or emerging technologies.

__ Identify required or chosen standards to implement (for example NIST, ISO, COBIT, CSA, CIS, etc.).

Conduct program assessment

__Conduct a program assessment based on industry processes such as the NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) or ISO/IEC TR 27103:2018 to understand the capability and maturity of your current profile.

__ Determine desired end-state capability and maturity, also known as target profile.

__ Document and prioritize gaps (people, process, and technologies) for resource allocation.

__ Build a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) team .

__ Draft and publish a cloud strategy that includes procurement, DevSecOps, management, and security.

__ Define and assign functions, roles, and responsibilities.

Update and publish policies, processes, procedures

__ Update policies based on objectives and desired capabilities that align to your business.

__Update processes for modern organization and management techniques such as DevSecOps and Agile, specifying how to upgrade old technologies.

__ Update procedures to integrate cloud servicesand other emerging technologies.

__Establish technical governance standards to be used to select controls and that monitor compliance.

Risk management Conduct a risk assessment*

__Conduct or update an organizational risk assessment (e.g., market, financial, reputation, legal, etc.).

__ Conduct or update a risk assessment for each business line(such as mission, market, products/services, financial, etc.).

__ Conduct or update a risk assessment for each asset type.

* The use of pre-established threat models can simplify the risk assessment process, both initial and updates.

Draft risk plans

__ Implement plans to mitigate, avoid, transfer, or accept risk at each tier, business line, and asset (for example, a business continuity plan, a continuity of operations plan, a systems security plan).

__ Implement plans for specific risk areas (such as supply chain risk, insider threat).

Authorize systems

__ Use NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) or other process to authorize and track systems.

__Use NIST Special Publication 800-53 , ISO ISO/IEC 27002:2013 , or other control set to select, implement, and assess controls based on risk.

__Implement continuous monitoring of controls and risk, employing automation to the greatest extent possible.

Incorporate risk information into decisions

__ Link system risk to business and organizational risk

__ Automate translation of continuous system risk monitoring and status to business and org risk

__ Incorporate “What’s the risk?” (financial, cyber, legal, reputation) into leadership decision-making

Compliance Monitor compliance with policy, standards, and security controls

__ Automate technical control monitoring and reporting (advanced maturity will lead to AI/ML).

__ Implement manual monitoring of non-technical controls (for example periodic review of visitor logs).

__ Link compliance monitoring with security information and event management (SIEM) and other tools.

Continually self-assess

__ Automate application security testing and vulnerability scans.

__ Conduct periodic self-assessments from sampling of controls, entire functional area, and pen-tests.

__ Be overly critical of assumptions, perspectives, and artifacts.

Respond to events and changes to risk

__ Integrate security operations with the compliance team for response management.

__ Establish standard operating procedures to respond to unintentional changes in controls.

__ Mitigate impact and reset affected control(s); automate as much as possible.

Communicate events and changes to risk

__ Establish a reporting tree and thresholds for each type of incident.

__ Include general counsel in reporting.

__ Ensure applicable regulatory authorities are notified when required.

__ Automate where appropriate.

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December 2018 Android Security Update Goes Live for Pixel, Nexus Devices


Google just released the December 2018 Android security patch for Pixel and Nexus devices. It appears that we already have both factory image and OTA files ready to be downloaded for those willing to do some manual labor, or as always, you can sit back and wait for the update to arrive over-the-air (OTA) to your device.

So far, we are seeing new 9.0.0 files for Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL (PQ1A.181205.006) and Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL (PQ1A.181205.002). The regular Pixel and Pixel XL do not have December builds available just yet.

Other Google devices that still receiving security patches on Oreo are getting the following updates: Nexus 6P (OPM7.181205.001), Nexus 5X (OPM7.181205.001), and Pixel C (OPM8.181205.001).

Functional Patches for Pixel/Nexus: References Category Improvements Devices A-117522738 Performance Improved memory performance in certain circumstances Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-110969183 Camera Improved camera capture performance Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-111008450 Pixel Stand Improved notification visibility when using Pixel Stand Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-112376366 Android Auto Improved Android Auto compatibility Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-115666282 Camera Adjusted autofocus behavior Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-115624433 Pixel Stand Improved hotword performance when using Pixel Stand Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-116758282 Display Improved Always On Display triggering Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-111964925 Audio Improved USB-C Audio accessory detection Pixel 3 XL A-111716107 Bluetooth Adjusted volume behavior when toggling Bluetooth Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-111159723 Android Auto Improved audio performance for when using Android Auto in certain vehicles Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-112228430 Media Improved contouring on HDR color on certain media apps Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-113151604 Camera Improved camera shutter performance Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL A-111277984 Performance Improve unlocking performance when using Bluetooth Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL

You can grab each image or OTA file at the links below. For instructions on how to flash a factory image,here you go. For instructions on how to flash an OTA .zip file,here you go. To check for the update, head into Settings>System>Advanced>System update.

As more details arrive, we’ll update this post.

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