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榜单信息来源人民日报、密码管理公司 SplashData


1. 密码太多,想不出来;

2. 密码想的太简单了怕被盗(有时候平台要求各种数字、符号结合很难想啊…)

3. 复杂密码想出来了记不住(几十上百个平台真记不住…)

4. 随手记在备忘录或者其他地方回头也不方便查找……














1. 用谐音或相似符号设置密码。比如“我今天要吃吃吃”就直接设置为“wjt1777”。(这是个什么鬼密码????)

2. 多用造句设置密码。热爱诗歌的朋友们嗨起来,“doWhile(1){LeavesFly();YangtzeRiverFlows();”,多么炫酷的密码(鬼都记不住),其实是“无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来”。

3. 数字+符号+大小写混合,越复杂安全系数越高。


















于是他开始修改第一个有意义的密码――Forgive@her (原谅她),背后的含义是“ 致甩了我的前妻”。神奇的事情发生了,每一天输入这个密码,强大的心理暗示起作用了。有一天小哥突然发现自己终于可以接受婚姻结束时发生的事情了。


Quit@smoking4ever (永远不再抽烟)← 真的管用了。

Save4trip@thailand (攒钱去泰国玩)← 也管用。

Eat2times@day (每天只吃两顿)← 没用,我还是个胖子。


Ask@her4date (约她出来)← 有用,我又坠入了爱河。

No@drinking2months (两个月不喝酒)← 有用,真爽!

MovE@togeth3r(和女友住一起) ←有用。

Get@c4t! (养只猫)←有用,我们养了只漂亮的猫咪。

Facetime2mom@sunday(周日和妈妈视频通话) ←有用,我每周都和妈妈通话





1. 有哪些高大上的密码?――知乎

2. 你的密码安全吗?九图教你密码设置,速收学习![围观]――人民日报微博

3. 《How a Password Changed My Life》――Momo Estrella Momo Estrella

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank


Continuing with our series on the Hack the Box (HTB) machines, this article contains the walkthrough of another HTB machine. This one is named “Bank.”

HTB is an excellent platform that hosts machines belonging to multiple OSes. It also hosts some other challenges as well. Individuals have to solve the puzzle (simple enumeration and pentest) in order to log into the platform so you can download the VPN pack to connect to the machines hosted on the HTB platform.

Note: Only writeups of retired HTB machines are allowed. The machine in this article, known as “Bank,” is retired.

Let’s start with this machine.

1. Download the VPN pack for the individual user and use the guidelines to log into the HTB VPN.

2. The Bank machine IP is

3. We will adopt the same methodology of performing penetration testing. Let’s start with enumeration in order to gain as much information for the machine as possible.

4. Below is the output of the nmap scan. As we can see, there are lot of ports opened on this machine, including port 22, 80 and 53. Note that DNS is listening on TCP port 53, so Zone transfer is also possible.

<<nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap >>

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

5. We’ll start with port 80 enumeration. However, it just points to a standard apache page installation. It looks like that for further enumeration on port 80, it needs a hostname. At this point, the hostname had to be guessed for this machine; this turns out to be bank.htb. This follows the standard convention of HTB machines of the format <machinename>.htb.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

6. In order to resolve it, let’s add the entry in /etc/hosts. The screenshot below depicts the same thing.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

7. And it can be seen now. The login page is presented now if port 80 is browsed again.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

8. We tried several things on this login for an early and easy win, but to no avail. So that means we’re going back to enumeration. We can launch dirbuster to find out if more directories exist by following these steps:

Launch dirbuster: <<dirbuster>> URL: http://bank.htb Wordlist: /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt Extension : php Start

9. After this, observe the output of dirbuster. An interesting point to note is that for the page support.php, we have a 302 redirect, but the size is too big.

10. Let’s try to see if we can analyze the support.php page contents before the redirection happens.

11. Start up Burp and enable the server intercept response as shown below.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

12. Let’s browse to the login.php page again. Now that we can control the redirection, we can see that the support.php page has a complete html page served before any redirection happens.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

13. Redirecting the same request to Burp’s responder, we can see the complete request and response for the support.php page.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

14. Opening the loaded html for support.php in the browser presents the page below.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

15. To load this in Firefox, we can install the NoRedirect plugin and add the URL hxxp://bank.htb/login.php so that no automatic redirects happen under this URL.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

16. Now if we browse to the login page, we can see the support.php page, which gives us the ability to upload files.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

17. Before we start exploiting the upload feature, looking into the source code of the page reveals an important configuration, which states that .htb files will be executed as php. This means that we have to upload php files in a .htb wrapper.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

Ethical Hacking Boot Camp ― 93% Exam Pass Rate

18. Following the analysis as described above, we will try to upload the php shell as an .htb file in support.php page. But before we do that, let’s edit the file to point back to the attacking machine IP and port.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

19. After making the required changes to php backdoor , the file is saved as shell.htb and uploaded as shown below.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

20. Before we browse the uploaded file, let’s start a netcat listener on port 1234.

<<nc -nlvp 1234>>

21. Browsing the uploaded file spawns back the shell, as shown below.

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

22. The shell is spawned back as www-data, but we are allowed to visit the directory of user “chris,” as shown below. The commands below were used to grab user.txt file.

<< cd chris>

<< ls >>

<< cat user.txt >>
Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

23. To perform privilege escalation, one of the first things I always check is to find out which binaries which have SUID bit set.

<< find / perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null >>

Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

24. We can see that there is binary under /var/htb/bin/emergency, which is a SUID bit. Browsing to directory and looking into file type and executing it, we can see that the file is 32-bit ELF executable. Upon executing, we are root.

<< cd /var/htb/bin >>

<< ls -l >>

<< file emergency >>

<< ./emergency >>

<< id >>
Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

25. Since we are root now, we’re browsing to get the root.txt file.

<< cd /root >>

<< ls >>

<< cat root.txt >>
Hack the Box (HTB) Machines Walkthrough Series ― Bank

So this was another machine from the HTB platform. One interesting thing to learn from this machine was how to analyze 302 redirects. Privilege escalation was straightforward.

We will continue this series with more walkthroughs of such machines.

Red Team Assessment Phases Everything You Need to Know!


The antagonistic approach of a Red Team makes things challenging to an organization’s system, policies, anticipations and adaptations. These days, organizations want the Red Teams to challenge the physical security in addition to the digital security.

What Exactly Is a Red Team?

The term originally came from the military. In that context, the purpose of a Red Team was to organize a team of skilled professionals to break in or attack the security setup in order to test the security measures in place.

Speaking in terms of information technology, a Red Team comprises of a group of skilled professionals. The organization wants this team to act like real hackers and intruders. This means that the Red Team divides the operation into smaller projects and uses different techniques, replaces one plan to another if needed and even rejects a plan altogether in a given situation.

Before we dig in deeper, it is important to clarify the difference between a Red Team assessment and conventional penetration testing.

Penetration Testing vs. Red Team Assessment

A Red Team assessment is not a component of penetration testing. Even though they may feature similar components at times, they are two different things.

Penetration testing involves the evaluation of configuration and vulnerabilities. It exploits existing vulnerabilities to measure the level of risk

This means that penetration testing is about evaluating the expected or the existing rather than trying to see what else could cause issues. During penetration testing on an organizational level, general objectives revolve around gaining access to:

Information containing trade secrets Personally Identifiable Information Protected Health Information Domain administrator

The Red Team assessment is well-targeted and goes beyond the identification of vulnerabilities. The Red Team tries to challenge the organization’s ability to

Detect and anticipate security issues Respond to the security issues What Are the Objectives of the Red Team Assessment?

The main objective of a Red Team assessment is to minimize the risk of cognitive errors. In an organization, being incisive and objective is highly important for critical thinking. The planning can go wrong if there is a lack of objectivity at any level the planning phase.

For an organization, Red Teaming has become a popular practice to ensure foolproof security.

A Red Team tries to challenge an organization’s:

Existing plans for information security Concepts about information security prevailing in the organization Security measures in place

The organization’s confidential and sensitive information is the prime target and the Red Team tries to access it invisibly by using any method whatsoever. It is a long procedure and requires as much as a month, whereas penetration testing requires less than a couple of weeks.

Organizations That Need Red Team Assessment

Red Team Assessment is not for every organization. You first need to consider the maturity level of the information security posture. Penetration testing suffices in most of the cases.

The Red Team Assessment is generally meant for:

Listed companies Companies with highly sensitive digital assets Capital-intensive industries Organizations which require high-end information security to protect sophisticated information An organization which need to consistently challenge their information security measures Planning for Red Team Assessment (Digital Recon and Physical Recon)

Let’s think of a scenario where your organization wants your Red Team to break in its internal network and take away a confidential document.

So the Red Team assessment planning begins with thinking of the possible ways to silently access the organization’s internal network. To keep things simple, there are a couple of possible ways

Digital Recon: You can opt for a deep scanning of the public-facing system or social hacking Physical Recon: You can think of entering the premises, installing a stealth system to share the information over the network

These days, most Red Teams require to work on both.

Experts call this phase the Initial Recon and it requires utmost precision, because the whole operation depends on the accurate collection of necessary information.

A search engine aggregator is a good tool to facilitate the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). The websites, press releases and domains of the organization often reveal important information about the employees and the executives. This information is crucial for social engineering.

Then comes the Digital Recon, which involves the quest for the company’s security devices, domains and IP address. Most of the big organizations tend to have static IP addresses. They help in identifying the servers. The Digital Recon phase also requires information about open ports, database software along with the version, operating systems and the services facilitating the file transfer.

Physical Recon is also important these days because it has become harder to reveal all the required information by just focusing on the Digital Recon. Marlon Brando’s The Score (2001) is a must-see movie if you want to know how exactly physical recon works. Remember, invisibility is the key!

During Physical Recon, never forget to carry a Wi-Fi antenna booster and wireless signal scanner to sneak in if you have the chance to access a router. It may take a team of two or three intruders to efficiently record each and everything within the premises. Locking technology, employee timing, checkpoints and security features ― you need to precisely record each and everything.

Analysis of the Recon Data

This stage begins with sorting the recon data. It is important to reject the useless information, which mainly comes from OSINT.

First, you need to target the individuals: email addresses of the employees and the executives, their social media accounts and so on. You need to determine the relevance of each of these individuals to know which information is useful.

Secondly, focus on the technologies prevailing in the organization. Get to know the infrastructure of the organization and how it works with the networks. DBMS, CRM and other front-end and back-end technologies are important. These are the things which give you an idea of what you can do to use the possible loopholes.

Remember, each and every feature of the organization’s IT infrastructure is going to tell you something. You can’t proceed with guesswork. You can only finalize your line of action if you know the operating systems, file-sharing servers, and software and applications.

Ethical Hacking Boot Camp ― 93% Exam Pass Rate

Dry Run

Once your Red Team finalizes the plan, you need to go through a trial run. If something goes wrong, you have the chance to make the necessary changes. If you try to jump on your target straight away, the slightest of mistakes can ruin the whole effort.

Don’t focus on one or two weak links. A Red Team assessment is all about contingency plans, so you need to have plan B and plan C in your mind.


The execution phase is not only important for the Red Team but is also highly significant for the organization. The results are going to change the thinking of the executives and decision-makers. Everything must work according to the plan. You don’t control the organizational setup, so you can’t be certain when something unexpected will occur. This is why you need to test plan B and plan C during the Dry Run.

Controlling your nerves is crucial because often it happens that if any member of the Red Team fails to get someone to perform an action for some reason, he/she tends to feel adrenaline rush. You need to train yourself for such a situation. Keep calm, because panic is going to trigger the alarm. For instance, if you fail to access the laptop of a targeted employee, there is no point in blaming him/her for not opening the patched file. Jump to plan B rather than thinking why plan A didn’t work.


The Red Team assessment is far effective than the penetration test, but it doesn’t mean that every organization needs outsource or build a Red Team. It depends on the organization’s security requirements. If penetration testing is continuously generating the desired results, then there is no need to push things further. But if your organization is of a type mentioned under “Organizations That Need Red Team Assessment,” you need to take things seriously.

Sources Penetration Test vs. Red Team Assessment: The Age Old Debate of Pirates vs. Ninjas Continues , Rapid7 Red Team Assessment and Penetration Testing , Yash Red team assessments and post-assessment posture improvement , TechTarget What is red teaming? , TechTarget Inside Red Team Operations, Part 1: Planning, Recon and Equipment , Imminent Threat Solutions Inside Red Team Operations, Part 2: Analyzing Recon Data and The Dry Run , Imminent Threat Solutions Inside Red Team Operations, Part 3: Execute, Execute, Execute! , Imminent Threat Solutions

Change one password


It is that time of year where security professionals the world over end up talking with friends and family about security. It will be inevitable, almost as inevitable as someone wearing a stupid Christmas sweater they are a little too proud of.

The standard advice we've been giving for years is pretty simple:

Don't re-use your passwords across sites Use a password manager

Anyone that has done technical support for anyone that isn't as familiar with IT knows well that as soon as you complicate something, you end up getting twice the calls, even for things that are not your fault; "Well, since you setup that password thing my printer won't print" ...

It is fantastic advice, it is where we should all strive to be, we should all have password managers and should never re-use passwords.

However let's change one single password. Start small.

There is likely to be a single account that is the root of trust for all other accounts. An email address, either at an ISP somewhere (and maybe this is the year you get them to switch from that old Earthlink email address?) or more likely a free email provider.

That's the account we want to target.

If we can secure the root of trust, the email address that can be used for password reset emails and for phishing we've already won a large battle. Individual accounts may still be "vulnerable", but now we've closed one giant hole.

After all, we all learn to walk before we learn how to run. This small step can set the tone for even more and better security later.

Should we go further? Absolutely, identify the primary accounts that are high risk, as an example:

Facebook Apple iCloud Microsoft account Twitter

Facebook Login/Twitter is used across many different websites, Apple's iCloud allows remote wipe of devices, and Microsoft Account is used for access to local machines and likely to OneDrive and other online accounts storing personal documents and files.

There are many more that I am missing, those can be next, but even the above tend to roll back up to a single email address.

There is nothing new under the sun, and password re-use is well known and ridiculed, even Randall Munroe of XKCD fame published a comic about password re-use a long time ago, however there is one comic that comes to mind to help create better passwords:

correct horse battery staple

Pick four random words from the English language, create a funny sentence and you are off to the races. Don't use correct horse battery staple as a password, it's a terrible password now, but the idea behind generating such a password is fantastic.

Just changing one password can increase someones security posture just a little bit, and who knows, next year you'll have received less spam email that can be traced back to their address book being siphoned off and then abused.

For bonus points, have them sign up for ';--have i been pwned? , now each time a new service is breached your friends or relatives will get a little bit of notice, and can get an idea for why different passwords are a necessity these days, and maybe next year they will ask you to show them how to set up that password manager so they can be even more secure!

Happy Holidays, and good luck with your IT help desk duties this year, especially getting that printer driver installed, because lets be honest, we'll get blamed for the broken printer in two months whether we touched it or not.

Crypto Hijackeing Shows No Signs of Slowing down Eset Report


The latest report from ESETThreat Radar Report indicates that the year 2019 will not stop showing the number of crypto jacking courses. Despite the downtrend in most altcoins, crypto jacking attacks are increasing with the hackers being set on more crypto jacking malware.

According to the Eset’s report, hackers are eyeing on smart devices and home assistants to build crypto mining farms. The report further declares that the cybersecurity in 2019 will likely to be more in numbers and will impact the businesses in the coming year.

It reveals out the five cases that it let impact towards the business;

Cryptomining continues to rise Despite the severe crash in 2018, experts believe the mining of cryptocurrency will increase in upcoming year which will be processed via ‘crypto jacking’. A security researcher David Harley of Eset senior says;

“We can expect to see more coin-mining software attempting to remove competing coinminers on compromised systems in order to get a higher-calorie slice of the processing pie,” said Harley.

Up-gradation social engineering campaigns Crybercriminals are more likely to use ‘the automation and machine learning’. The usage of these advanced technologies will enable hackers to gather more data of users to frame out the best social engineering campaigns.

“While some phishing and other fraud scams have certainly improved in their ability to mimic legitimate sources, many are still painfully obvious fakes. Machine learning could help increase efficiency in this area.”

Data Privacy There was a number of cases on data privacy and privacy missteps found in the year 2018 including the case of Cambridge Analytica. Stephen Cobb, Eset senior security researchers, and Lusa Myers asserted that the most effective firm which manages data privacy at its best can stay in the business ecosystem in the year 2019.

Move to a global privacy law California, Brazil and Japan are more likely to follow the footstep of EU legislation for a ‘global privacy law’. It’s quite difficult to manage the customer’s data and ensure the privacy of sensitive information of the users globally. Moreover, it will take GDPR-style privacy a step forward.

Attackers set their sights on smart home devices Crypto attackers are taking the increasing number of smart devices which are connected to the internet as a way to enter for crypto attacks. Crypto adoption and such devices are paving the way for crypto mining farms in 2019. It is to be noted that the earlier this year, attackers have widely used IoT devices to get into the planning of attacks and thus the increasing apps and the connected devices will push them for cryptocurrency mining through the scam and hijack.

What’s your stake on cryptojacking in the year 2019? Let’s discuss.

The post Crypto Hijackeing Shows No Signs of Slowing down Eset Report appeared first on Coingape .



我写了一个项目,项目的功能是抓取服务器上的http包,当有人通过http 访问我的服务器的时候,我的项目就把request请求显示出来。






屏幕快照 2018-12-25 下午5.09.59.png

大家也可以看我的后台在线数据: http://www.cpython.org:8080/html/


还有很多其他方法,基本都是php的。有的会执行install.bak.php 什么的。


另外:项目源代码是用golang 写的,

放在 github 上了。 https://github.com/asmcos/httpdump

主要利用了golang 的gopacket库。gopacket 其实是libpcap的封装。

[图片上传中...(屏幕快照 2018-12-25 下午5.47.27.png-b72bf5-1545731320973-0)]

屏幕快照 2018-12-25 下午5.47.27.png

Dreaming of a white Christmas with ggmap in R


With the holidays approaching, one of the most discussed questions at STATWORX was whether we’ll have a white Christmas or not. And what better way to get our hopes up, than by taking a look at the DWD Climate Data Center’s historic data on the snow depth on the past ten Christmas Eves?

But how to best visualize spatial data? Other than most data types, spatial data usually calls for a very particular visualization, namely data points overlaying a map. In this way, areal data is automatically contextualized by the geographic information intuitively conveyed by a map.

The basic functionality of ggplot2 dosen’t offer the possibility to do so, but there is a package akin to ggplot2 that allows to do so: ggmap . ggmap was written by David Kahle and Hadley Wickham and combines the building blocks of ggplot2 , the grammar of graphics as well as the static maps of Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Stamen Maps or CloudMade Maps. And with all that, ggmap allows us to make really fancy visualizations:

Dreaming of a white Christmas   with ggmap in R

Above-average snow depth on Christmas Eve (2008-2017)

The original functionalities of ggmap used to be somewhat more general, broad and “barrier-free”, but since those good old days aka 2013 some of the map suppliers changed the terms of use as well as mechanics of their APIs. At the moment, the service of Stamen Maps seems to be the most stable, while also being easily accessible e.g. without registering for an API that requires one to provide some payment information. Therefore, we’re going to focus on Stamen Maps.

First things first: the map

Conveniently, ggmap employs the same theoretical framework and general syntax as ggplot2 . However, ggmap requires one additional step: Before we can start plotting, we have to download a map as backdrop for our visualization. This is done with get_stamenmap() , get_cloudmademap() , get_googlemap() or get_openstreetmap() or the more general get_map() . We’re going to use get_stamenmap() .

To determine the depicted map cutout, the left, bottom, right and top coordinates of a bounding box, have to be supplied to the argument bbox .

Conveniently, there is no need to know the exact latitudes and longitudes of each and every bounding box of interest. The function geocode_OSM() from the package tmaptools , returns whenever possible the coordinates of a search query consisting of an address, zip code and/or name of a city or country.

library(scales) library(tidyverse) library(tmaptools) library(ggimage) library(ggmap) # get the bounding box geocode_OSM("Germany")$bbox xmin ymin xmax ymax 5.866315 47.270111 15.041932 55.099161

The zoom level can be set via the zoom argument and can range between 0 (least detailed) and 18 (most detailed, quick disclaimer: this can take a very long time). The zoom level determines the resolution of the image as well as the amount of displayed annotations.

Depending on whether we want to highlight roads, political or administrative boundaries or bodies of water and land different styles of maps excel. The maptype argument allows to choose from different ready-made styles: "terrain" , "terrain-background" , "terrain-labels" , "terrain-lines" , "toner" , "toner-2010" , "toner-2011" , "toner-background" , "toner-hybrid" , "toner-labels" , "toner-lines" , "toner-lite" or "watercolor" .

Some further, very handy arguments of get_stamenmap() are crop , force and color :

As implied by the name, color defines whether a map should be in black-and-white ( "bw" ) or when possible in color ( "color" ).

Under the hood get_stamenmap() downloads map tiles, which are joined to the complete map. If the map tiles should be cropped so as to only depict the specified bounding box, the crop argument can be set to TRUE .

Unless the force argument is set to TRUE , even when arguments changing the style of a map have been altered, once a map of a given location has been downloaded it will not be downloaded again.

When we’ve obtained the map of the right location and style, we can store the “map image” in an object or simply pass it along to ggmap() to plot it. The labels, ticks etc. of axes can be controlled as usual .

# getting map plot_map_z7 <- get_stamenmap(as.numeric(geocode_OSM("Germany")$bbox), zoom = 7, force = TRUE, maptype = "terrain") # saving plotted map alone plot1 <- ggmap(plot_map_z7) + theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank()) # getting map plot_map_z5 <- get_stamenmap(as.numeric(geocode_OSM("Germany")$bbox), zoom = 5, force = TRUE, maptype = "terrain") # saving plotted map alone plot2 <- ggmap(plot_map_z5) + theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank()) # plotting maps together plot <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, nrow = 1)
Dreaming of a white Christmas   with ggmap in R

Example for maptype = terrain“ with zoom = 7 (left) vs. zoom = 5 (right).

Business as usual: layering geoms on top

We then can layer any ggplot2 geom we’d like on top of that map, with the only requirement being that the variables mapped to the axes are within the same numeric range as the latitudes and longitudes of the depicted map. We also can use many extension packages building on ggplot2 . For example, we can use the very handy package ggimage by Guangchuang Yu to make our plots extra festive:

# aggregating data per coordinate df_snow_agg <- df_snow %>% dplyr::mutate(LATITUDE = plyr::round_any(LATITUDE, accuracy = 1), LONGITUDE = plyr::round_any(LONGITUDE, accuracy = 1)) %>% dplyr::group_by(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE) %>% dplyr::summarise(WERT = mean(WERT, na.rm = TRUE)) # cutting into equal intervals df_snow_agg$snow <- as.numeric(cut(df_snow_agg$WERT, 12)) # setting below average snow depths to 0 df_snow_agg <- df_snow_agg %>% mutate(snow = ifelse(WERT <= mean(df_snow_agg$WERT), 0, snow)) # adding directory of image to use df_snow_agg$image <- "Snowflake_white.png" # getting map plot_map <- get_stamenmap(as.numeric(geocode_OSM("Germany")$bbox), zoom = 7, force = TRUE, maptype = "terrain") # plotting map + aggregated snow data with ggimage plot <- ggmap(plot_map) + geom_image(data = df_snow_agg, aes(x = LONGITUDE, y = LATITUDE, image = image, size = I(snow/20))) + # rescaling to get valid size values theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element





《纽约时报》表示,这1100份外交电报是由一家名叫 Area1 的信息安全初创公司提供给他们的,而这家公司据说是由三名前美国国家安全局官员创立的。

NSA上一次被爆出与窃取国家机密相关的新闻是当时与NSA前系统管理承包商Edward Snowden的那件事情(NSA窃取全球互联网通信数据)。













*参考来源: theregister ,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自CodeSec.Net

MD5 and SHA-1 Still Used in 2018


Last week, the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence published a draft document -- " SWGDE Position on the Use of MD5 and SHA1 Hash Algorithms in Digital and Multimedia Forensics " -- where it accepts the use of MD5 and SHA-1 in digital forensics applications:

While SWGDE promotes the adoption of SHA2 and SHA3 by vendors and practitioners, the MD5 and SHA1 algorithms remain acceptable for integrity verification and file identification applications in digital forensics. Because of known limitations of the MD5 and SHA1 algorithms, only SHA2 and SHA3 are appropriate for digital signatures and other security applications.

This is technically correct: the current state of cryptanalysis against MD5 and SHA-1 allows for collisions, but not for pre-images. Still, it's really bad form to accept these algorithms for any purpose. I'm sure the group is dealing with legacy applications, but I would like it to really push those application vendors to update their hash functions.

Tags:algorithms, identification , MD5 , SHA-1

Managing and Securing Containers Just Got Easier


When it comes to securing a public cloud infrastructure, many organizations are under the impression that the workloads they run are secured by their cloud services provider. This just isn’t so, and the lackadaisical attitude has resulted in a number of high-profile breaches, including the exposure of 1.8 million records pertaining to U.S. voters.

These events continue to occur despite the steady reminders from Amazon (and others) that public cloud, when it comes to security and regulatory compliance, is a shared responsibility model . As you can see, the reality is organizations have to keep their workloads in the cloud secure. Increasingly those workloads are software containers.

Right now software containers are hot as enterprises seem ways to workloads to easily move from one environment to another environment. The application container market is one of the most rapidly growing technology markets today. According to the Application Market Research Report the global application container market is expected to grow from its 2017 $890 million in to $4.4 billion by 2023. That’s a compound annual growth rate of roughly 31 percent.

While application containers promise to help developers to more effectively build and manage applications, more readily adopt microservices, and improve software environment portability ― they can also increase risk. This is especially true if not managed properly, as we covered in a number of posts including When it Comes to Container Security Enterprises Are Their Own Worst Enemy , The significant impact of containers on security , and the Five keys to consider when it comes to securing containers .

While traditional applications installed on servers require those dependencies to run, containers are software packages that include all of the application code and dependencies so that, unlike traditional servers, the application can easily move from one environment to another.

Of course, agility and portability aren’t free. Nothing comes without a tradeoff. And containers, just like with virtualization, make it all too simple for bad habits to slide in and containers that aren’t managed to security policy or kept up to date to spread throughout the environment. Soon, these poorly managed, or unmanaged, containers pose a significant risk.

Good container and cloud security should provide minimal impact, be as elastic as the cloud service, and be easily to integrate into the cloud and workflow.

Recently, there’s been movement to help rein in container risk.

At AWS:Invent, AWS announced its secure micro-virtual machine manager dubbed Firecracker . Firecracker promises to provide fast and secure microVMs in non-virtualized environments. Additionally, AWS announced AWS Marketplace, which enables AWS users to deploy AWS containers from the marketplace. AWS also announced a private marketplace that enables IT administrators to create their own organizational catalogue of containers from third-parties that are deemed safe for their staff to run.

The CIS(Center for Internet Security, Inc.) recently announced the availability of its Hardened Container Image on the Cmazon Web Services Marketplace for Containers. CIS Hardened Images are cloud-based images secured according to the proven configuration recommendations of the CIS Benchmarks. The CIS Benchmarks are recognized as global standards and best practices for securing IT systems and data against cyber threats. The CIS Hardened Container Image reflects baseline requirements in accordance with applicable CIS Benchmarks to optimize systems running containers. AWS customers can now use the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) console and AWS Marketplace for Containers website to discover, produce, and deploy container solutions including the CIS Hardened Images.

The hardened container follows the CIS and Docker guidance published earlier in the CIS Docker 1.11.0 Benchmark [. pdf ]. The Benchmark provides guidance for six categories covered: Host configuration security

Security recommendations that prep a host machine that will run containerized workloads. By securing the Docker host and implementing infrastructure security best practices, a foundation for securely executing containerized workloads.

Docker daemon configuration

Security recommendations to security the Docker server (daemon). This will help secure all instances running from the server by reviewing Docker related files and directory permissions.

Container Images and Build File

Base images and their build files are what guide how the container behaves, which is vital to a healthy container infrastructure.

Container Runtime

By securing the launch, risks of the container being infected are greatly mitigated. The guidance in this section of the document for verifying the veracity of the runtime environment.

Docker Security Operations

This section is a solid overview of current security best practices that should be extended to the container environment.

With the container now on now available on the marketplace, it’s easier to make certain that needs to deploy a container can grab a hardened container without much concern.

Snap employees reportedly feel CEO Evan Spiegel is aloof thanks to private jet f ...


Snap employees perceive their chief executive Evan Spiegel as an aloof leader, thanks to the fact he takes private jets and wants full-time armed guard.

That's according to a Wall Street Journal dive into Spiegel's character as a leader, after its stock sank below $5 for the first time .

According to employees speaking to the newspaper, Spiegel flew on his own private jet during Snap's investor roadshow last year, while bankers handling its IPO flew on another plane. The 28-year-old CEO is also super hot on security, often accompanied by a heavy security team that clears out several floors before he arrives at other Snap offices. According to the report, Spiegel once requested armed guard thanks to a spate of violent incidents near Snap's headquarters, but executives pushed back over worries about having guns in the office.

Read more: A 'nonsense' valuation of $1 billion, a failed sale to Snap, and an investor fight: Inside Blippar's dramatic collapse

Spiegel, the report says, also sits on the top floor of Snap's Santa Monica headquarters with two assistants. Employees have reportedly nicknamed this the "ivory tower."

That distance appears to feed into an overall sense that Spiegel wields a huge amount of control at Snap. He controls almost 50% of the firm's voting shares and takes gut decisions, such as introducing Snapchat's disastrous redesign apparently without seeking input from his executive team.

Business Insider has contacted Snap for comment.

Part of Spiegel's privacy may stem from his celebrity status. Unlike most other Silicon Valley CEOs, Spiegel is married to an A-lister, the model Miranda Kerr.

The attitude appears to filter through into Snap. The company famously held secret gatherings at the advertising festival Cannes in a secret compound marked only by a subtle ghost logo on the gate.

Speaking to Business Insider in September , Snapchat's international chief Claire Valoti said the company had a "perception versus reality" problem.

"I can only speak to my own experience, but I haven't felt the secrecy," Valoti said at the time. "I have never felt so connected to my peers or the wider company, so I've never faced that challenge."

You can read the full Wall Street Journal report here .









图1 控制系统结构图


供水厂目前基本摆脱了技术上低水平重复建设的局面,不仅在净化工艺方面采用了国内外较先进和成熟的模式,选配了性能较好的设备,并且部分水厂实现了制水过程自动化控制,先进的在线检测仪器、仪 表也得到广泛使用。





4管理方面 4.1管理机构的设置































New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8


According to Nessus 8.1.0 release notes, Tenable finally solved the problem with Mixed Plugin groups. At least partially. I will briefly describe the problem. Let’s say we found out that some Nessus plugins crash our target systems. This happens rarely, but it happens. So, we decided to disable these plugins in the scan policy:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

Ok, problem is solved. But here is the question: what will happen with the new NASL plugins that will be added by Tenable in the same group, for example Misc. ?

The answer is quite sad: Nessus doesn’t know if they should enabled of disabled, so they will be disabled in the scan policy by default. And this can lead to some False-Negatives. For example, on this screenshot you can see a fresh plugin “Xen Project Guest p2m Page Removal Error Handling DoS (XSA-277)” Published: December 13, 2018 was automatically disabled.

Previously, it was necessary to monitor this situation and add these plugins to Enabled manually or via API. But now with a new Dynamic Scan Policy template, this might be changed.

A new universal template looks like this:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

And it’s pretty much like the Advanced Policy Template, but there is no Compliance section (I don’t know why) and the Plugins (Dynamic Plugins) tab looks differently:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

In fact, these are the same filters that we can use in the scan results. We can combine them by AND or OR:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

We can use any properties of the plugin:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

And set the conditions:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

Thus, we can exclude the following plugins from the scan policy:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

As a nice bonus, we can also choose some interesting groups of plugins, for example, only the plugins with a link to Metasploit and preview these plugins in each plugin group:

New Advanced Dynamic Scan Policy Template in Nessus 8

It seems to me that there may potentially be problems with some linked plugins, but I hope Tenable already thought about it.

In conclusion

A pretty convenient feature, but there are some drawbacks:

It will be necessary to create new policies using this new template Advanced grouping of conditions cannot be done; you will have to create multiple policies and this can be tricky, given the difficulties in storing scan credentials inside of Nessus scan policies For some reasons it is impossible to set Compliance checks in the policy






二、最新活动分析 1. 攻击方式


2. 诱饵分析















3. Dropper 分析










4)拼成HTTP GET请求头并发送到C2:



5)接收数据,从中搜索Yes file,如果找到Yes file 则继续从其后搜索[] 标志,提取其中的字符。




4. 下载的功能模块分析


下载url: http://aroundtheworld123.net/healthne/healthne/regdl




2) 模块二:

下载: http://aroundtheworld123.net/healthne/healthne/igfxsrvk









下载: http://aroundtheworld123.net/healthne/healthne/spoolvs











5. 受害用户分析


三、关联分析 1)和蔓灵花的关系








d:\Backupfrom OLD BLDG\C++\new_downloader_wingames_180917\Release\new_downloader.pdb




D:\Backupfrom OLD BLDG\C++\keylogger_06092017\keylogger_06022017with feature of filesizecheck n copy to neat file\offkl\Release\kill.pdb


C:\Users\Bit\Desktop\uploader-Catroot 09-09-14 - Edit me\Final Uploader for ibmsoft-16-07-2014 - Copy -Copy\Uploader\fupldr_wapp\Release\svcf.pdb D:\c++\downloader_sandywin seperate download\Release\ndlr.pdb C:\Users\John\Desktop\Edit\dnew23062015-runno rest req - Copy\Release\dwe01.pdb C:\Users\John\Desktop\dnew01052015-runmul exes avgok\Release\dwe01.pdb D:\Backup fromOLD BLDG\C++\keylogger_06092017\keylogger_06022017with feature of filesizecheck n copy to neat file\offkl\Release\kill.pdb
























而捕捉到的利用Inp漏洞CVE-2017-12824针对巴基斯坦进行攻击的样本:SOP forRetrieval of Mobile Data Records.inp(863f2bfed6e8e1b8b4516e328c8ba41b)的下载地址为 http://khurram.com.pk/js/drv ,而该地址的关联样本正好为c3f5add704f2c540f3dd345f853e2d84,该样本确认为蔓灵花。此外,某诱饵(e152b5b7e9079f689ebaaa9b8fe2ed66)拉取蔓灵花的网络地址为 http://hartraders.com/wp-sig (拉取到的蔓灵花样本hash为68a1ca909e2fa34b5ffe42fa62312766),而该地址也跟文章中提到的地址结构高度相似:




此外,我们也在腾讯御见威胁情报中心的样本库中进行挖掘,同样发现了白象和蔓灵花的一些相似的地方。我们以样本:Karachi violence hands of Indian intelligence agencies.exe(9dd90551b6299787ddb478e5a0ab9eab)为例进行分析。
















综合趋势科技和我们自己的分析,我们判断,蔓灵花组织和白象组织存在非常大的相似性,极有可能是来自同样地区的攻击小组。 四、武器库演变












1)downloader:该下载器主要应用于漏洞利用类型的攻击,该下载器运行后会将自身拷贝到特定的目录以及通过开机设置自启动实现长期驻留,早期版本会复制自身到%appdata%目录中,并设置HKCU RUN注册表实现开机启动、后期则是将自身复制到c:\intel目录。

2)new_downloader:该下载器主要用于自解压类型诱饵的攻击,由dropper直接释放到指定目录,因此后期取消了将自身拷贝到指定目录的操作,而早期与downloader一样也是释放到%appdata%目录下,此外在自启动方面,早期通过HKCU RUN注册表实现,后期(如本次版本)则把设置开机启动单独列为一个模块由控制端下发。











3) 汇总





诱饵 :cocktail andthe dinner in last week of dec.doc(488f39e81fa6ab497062631595da2bb8)

payload 下载地址: http://fst.gov.pk/images/winsvc





RAThash spoolvs.exe(fc516905e3237f1aa03a38a0dde84b52)















八、IOCs MD5








































Top 30 A+ Interview Questions for 2019


The CompTIA A+ is an entry-level PC computer service technician certification. This is often the first certification one earns in their IT career and can help land you a job that will be a springboard into the wide-open world of IT job positions. However, before one can use a job as a springboard, you first have to land that first job.

This article will detail what questions you can expect during an A+ job interview, with interview questions categorized according to their difficulty level: Entry-Level, Intermediate Level and Advanced Level. Job interviews can be stressful, but don’t worry use this article as a refresher before your interview and you will be in a good spot to ace the interview.

Level 1 Entry-Level

This first level of A+ interview questions covers the most basic, yet some of the most necessary, interview questions for related positions (since A+ is just a certification that can be applied to many different types of computer service technician jobs). It goes without saying that computer fundamentals are required for these positions, and this first level of questioning will be one of the most important measuring sticks for the apparent value that an interviewee will bring to their organization.

1. What Operating Systems Do You Have Experience Working With and How Long Have You Been Working With Them?

OK, so there it is: an icebreaker question that also serves as a basic gauging of a computer technician’s experience level. Organizations will want to know that you have a significant amount of experience working with the operating system used at the organization, but they also want someone well-rounded in their experience set. With that said, use this time to elaborate on your experiences and show your prowess around computers.

2. For the Record, and to Satisfy Our Interest, Do You Know Any Coding Languages?

This may seem like a curveball, or possibly a red herring question given the job description, and you are right to think so. Positions relying on A+ as their certification benchmark for candidates will not likely require you to use much coding, or any at all, on the job. Organizations sometimes just like to ask a question that will establish a candidate’s familiarity (and possibly mastery) of quasi-related topics; for a “coding” question to come up on an interview like this would be a bit out of left field but should be totally expected at the same time.

3. What Is a Motherboard?

You will definitely face some questions that may seem basic for A+ positions, but there is a reason for questions like this. They let the interviewers better see if you are at the competency level to excel at the position. Yes, a motherboard is a basic component to a PC and you should answer back that it is the main board of a PC. Throw in a bit about your specific experience level, such as “I am very confident around motherboards and have installed/changed out many in my previous position(s)”.

4. How Do You View the Notion of Being a Team Player With Regard to This Position?

As in many other, if not all, positions in IT and information security, being a team player will be crucial to your success. This definitely extends to A+ computer technicians, as they can often be seen as the “front line” of the IT squad when interfacing with other employees within the organization that encounter computer issues.

Moreover, if you are using your A+ certification for a Tier 1 support position (such as with an MSP) being a team player is vital because you will be the first contact point for support within the organization. This does not mean you have to be the most outgoing person of the bunch, but you definitely have to be approachable, friendly and a good listener.

5. Let’s Assume That a Printer Is Printing Dirty Pages. What Would Be the Best Way to Test to See If the Issue Is Resolved?

As a CompTIA A+ certified technician, you will probably spend a good portion of your day solving issues related to printers and other peripheral devices for organization employees. When a problem such as this arises, you test to see if the issue is resolved by running several blank pages through the printer. If they come out dirty, then you will know that the issue has not been resolved and other means must be used to solve it. True, this is a bit of a softball question, but it uses the basic logic and reasoning required to be good at this position, so it should be in your roster of questions to expect.

6. How Comfortable Are You With End-User Communication?

One of the most important functions of an A+ certified computer technician is to communicate with end users to solve their day-to-day computer and other work-related technology issues. Common issues to expect may be replacing a computer mouse, fixing an office shared printer and, if you have administrator rights, even changing a user’s network ID password. All of these tasks should be expected of your position, so you should indeed be quite comfortable with this.

7. Have You Ever Been Granted Permission to Use an Administrator Password?

This question is related to the last one, and how you will answer it should just be an honest answer of whether you have been granted custodianship of an organization administrator password. As you most likely know, often A+-certified computer technicians will need access to this password in order to make changes to end user computers and/or user profiles. This position would actually be quite limited to only basic tasks without the use of an administrator password, so if you have practical work experience in this area you probably have used this password before.

8. Give Me an Example of a Common Task Requested of You by an End User at a Previous Job

Another way for interviewers to gauge your experience level is to ask about common tasks you were responsible performing in a previous job. When you are asked this question, the interviewers are not trying to find out the outlier tasks you have performed, such as the one time a previous manager asked you to image a drive. Give them a general idea of the tasks you were responsible for performing on a daily basis and you will be conveying the right information to make the right decision in hiring. Remember, although you may need a job, if you are not the right fit for the position you will not be the right fit for the organization.

9. Tell Me About a Time When You Had to Solve an Issue for an End User by Thinking on the Spot, and How Was it Resolved?

As important as your ability to communicate is your ability to think well on your feet, with as much creativity as the occasion calls for, when you are not sure how to resolve an issue. Problem-solving is paramount for an A+ certified computer technician and the interviewers know this. Bring up a time when your problem-solving skills saved the day, such as when you googled the issue and found an appropriate solution from a (hopefully reputable) source online.

10. Do You Have Any Other Certifications That Will Help You In This Role?

While this question is not necessarily required for you to excel in this role, answering in the affirmative may help you better secure the job. If you have any other information-related certifications (which you may not, since the A+ is an entry-level certification), bring them up. Besides just information-related certifications, other professional certifications such as management can be applied to this role as well. For example, if you have a management-related certification, it may help you secure a future role of team lead or manager of other A+-certified computer technicians.

Level 2 Intermediate Level

The next level of A+ certified computer technician interview questions is, drumroll please … Intermediate Level! This level of interview questions will be more difficult than the last, but not anything that even an inexperienced candidate could not swing.

11. How Do You Expect to Apply Your A+ Certification to This Position?

This type of question is trying to see if you have internalized just how the CompTIA A+ certification will impact your desired position at the organization. Before the interview, take time to map out the skills that A+ certifies you are competent in. To do this, match up the different responsibilities and tasks to the skills covered by the A+ certification to show that you have done your homework on the position and ready to put A+ to real-world use.

12. Why Is Staying on Top of Current Technologies Important for This Position?

When you are faced with this kind of question, the interviewers are trying to gauge how you will be as an evolving technician. Staying on top of current technologies is important because technological changes impact the workplace. As new technology emerges, the business world modifies its approach and adapts what they can use from what is new. Staying on top of these changes will make you a better technician.

13. Do You Have a Troubleshooting Procedure That You Follow? If So, Please Describe It.

As a technician, you had better have a good troubleshooting procedure established! This is the bread and butter of a lot of the responsibilities of an A+-certified computer technician, so they will be expected to have at least some plan established.

For example: When issues arise, you can say that you first ask the end user the following questions.

When did the issue start? When was the last time it worked? Are you the only user experiencing this issue?

Then follow this up with your following steps, such as research, testing the solution and then ultimately resolution.

14. If You Could Change Anything About This Position, What Would You Change and Why?

This is a common question in job interviews generally, and A+-certified computer technician jobs are no different. When you encounter this question, please note that interviewers are also trying to measure your pet peeves; if they are related to basic job functions, then the interviewer’s job is made easy because it shows the candidate is not a good match. For this answer, use something that is secondary to the position, such as filing paperwork, and then differentiate yourself from candidates that would be disqualified by this question.

15. What Are Some of Your Sources of Information to Keep Your Skills Sharp On The Job?

Let’s be honest, everyone has “cheat sheets” that they go to when things get tough at work. CompTIA A+ computer technicians have (as you know) a vast wealth of knowledge at their fingertips with the Internet and I know that you personally have some favorite sites or forums that you visit for tips. Simply name a short list of some places that you go to, such as InfoSec Institute , SpiceWorks, EServiceInfo.com or Stack Overflow, and you will be golden.

16. This Position Can Be Demanding at Times. How Well Do You Handle Stressful Situations?

It goes without saying that A+-certified computer technician positions can feel like stress-laden, thankless jobs. You are the first line of support for end users and these positions are often the ones that will be asked to work longer hours at times, and even some weekends. You will definitely want to convey not only your comfort level but also your approach. Make sure to indicate that you have a high ability to work well under pressure, that you have 5-star prioritization skills and that you are efficient when troubleshooting.

17. Let’s Say a Test Server We Use Needs Servicing. How Comfortable Would You Be Working on It?

Servicing servers is sometimes required by A+-certified computer technicians. The one caveat here is that some technicians are a bit wary when working on servers. Part of this may be caused by the importance of servers in organizations. You should be comfortable working on servers and should definitely convince the interviewer that you have the skills to at least diagnose the issue often times, new parts are needed, and many times organizations have service contracts that will send a technician from the manufacturer to service the device. However, if you are a true dynamo at this, then insist that you can handle all service and repairs of servers as long as you have the required parts/materials.

18. We Have a Production Server That Is Still Online But an Existing Issue Requires a Reboot to Resolve Itself. What Do You Do?

This is one of the best questions to measure the ability of a computer technician to think on their feet with appropriate focus on the business. If the server can still be accessed and used by users, then say that you will just wait to reboot when all the users go home at night because of the server’s importance to the organization. If the server cannot be used by users, then it does not matter when the reboot occurs and frankly, the sooner the better in this case. The key is that you can discern when it would be acceptable to reboot a heavily-used production server, given its importance to the organization’s daily business.

19. What Are Some Different CPU Technologies Used Today?

There are different CPU technologies in use today and they have different uses. Some examples include multicore, hyperthreading, overclocking and throttling. Make sure to convey that you are knowledgeable in this area and that you know when the different technologies are used.

20. What Are Some Different Examples of Hard Disk Drive Connectors Used Today?

Again, this question will gauge your experience and knowledgeability as an A+-certified computer technician. Although this information can easily be learned on the job, it is also covered by A+, so you should know this even if the interview is for your first job in IT. Different connector types include SATA, IDE/EIDE/PATA and SCSI.

Level 3 Advanced Level

We have finally reached the third and last level of A+-certified computer technician interview questions Advanced Level! As you can guess by now, this level is more difficult than the last. By my estimation, the most difficult questions will stem from actual practice of the skills covered by the CompTIA A+ certification. Buckle in and prepare for the last level of interview questions but do not worry, this is nothing that you can’t handle!

21. What Has Been the Most Difficult/Advanced Task You Have Had to Perform From a Computer Technician Perspective?

Simply put, organizations want to hire somebody who is knowledgeable, confident and can be trusted with even the most difficult technician situation if it pops up. To this end, think back on your experience and be truthful here no one wants to hire somebody who says they can do something that they cannot. Aim high, provide detail and the interviewer is going to be impressed.

22. What Are Some Examples of Common System Files?

While just examples were asked for, make sure to inject a bit of your knowledge about when they are used which is basically in the background and for various boot tasks for computers. Some examples include SYS, Registry Data Files, INI, NTLDR and others. Also make sure to include a little about what they do. For example, INI files allow you to choose boot options as well as which OS to use if more than one is installed.

23. What Are Some Different Methods of Installing Operating Systems?

What this question comes down to is essentially how you would deliver this installation. There are multiple methods available, such as installation from boot media such as a CD, alternative boot media including USB flash drives, imaging and network installation. As long as you provide examples here, you should have all your bases covered.

24. Most of Our Computers Are From Dell. Do You Know How You Would Install an Operating System on a Dell Computer With How They Currently Do It?

Different companies may use preferred methods to install operating systems and Dell is no exception here. Currently, Dell requires users to download a media creation file that will allow you to create media, such as a USB flash drive, that will be the installer for the operating system. This extends to upgrades as well, such as when you upgrade from windows 8 to Windows 10 on a Dell computer.

25. Do You Have Experience Working With Antivirus Systems? To What Extent Have You Managed AV Solutions?

Sometimes, as a computer technician, you will be responsible for managing AV for an organization. This generally happens when there is no information security department, or when they are too busy with other tasks and delegate it to the technicians. Regardless, you will probably be asked to perform at least some AV solution tasks. If you have, think of some situations where you had to install AV or respond to an AV issue and that you brought it to a favorable resolution.

26. If You Were Asked to Estimate How Long It Would Take You to Expand a PC’s RAM, How Quickly Could You Perform This Task?

Alert! Another quick-thinking, real-world-practice technician question emerges! This is one of the easier hardware/software tasks that a technician will have to perform, which essentially requires you to pop the PC case off and carefully insert a RAM stick into an available RAM slot. Make sure to include that unplugging the system will be vital to your safety and to not jeopardize the PC as well.

27. Let’s Say Our CEO Needs Support on Their Work Office PC. How Comfortable Would You Be Helping Them?

A+-certified computer technicians have to be comfortable helping everyone in the organization, not just lower-level end users that need their passwords changed. C-level executives are not always the most tech-savvy, and they often require support or assistance quickly because of their importance in the organization. Convey that you are very comfortable with helping the CEO and the interviewers will be satisfied.

28. During a Boot Process, Where Do Systems First Count Memory From?

This is one of the most difficult questions, because it will require you to think a few levels deep to where a system first processes memory. The answer is that memory is first counted from the system board before anywhere else.

29. Speaking of Boot Operations, What Does BIOS Mean?

BIOS is an important part of computing and can be thought of as the most primitive level to interface with a computer on. The acronym BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System, and it is where you can change boot order and perform other basic, yet vital, system tasks.

30. We Have an Older (and We Do Mean Older) PC That We Keep for Historical Purposes. What Is the Purpose of the 34-Pin Connection on Its I/O Card?

While these questions are for 2019 A+ computer technician position roles, once in a blue moon you may be asked to work on an old PC. The 34-pin connection on its I/O card connects to the floppy drive. Yes, this is a brutal trick question and possibly the hardest in the interview; you may see this question, though, so you should have it in your repertoire of answers.


The CompTIA A+ certification is a solid first certification for those entering the IT industry. After you earn the certification, perhaps get some experience (somehow) and start applying for your first technician jobs, use this article as a guide before your interview. Between reviewing these questions and your resume (for an experience refresher), you will perform well at the interview and will be on your way toward a bright career!

Sources 53+ A+ (Plus) Hardware Questions and Answers , Global Guideline CompTIA A+ Interview Questions and Answers , Educational Info Zone 7 Technician Interview Questions and Answers , Indeed.com About the CompTIA A+ certification , Indiana University

Happy Holidays! Here’s your Business Email Compromise (BEC) gift card scam


Deck the hall with sad employees, Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

‘Tis the season to be swindled, Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

I am not too proud to admit that I was a victim of Business Email Compromise by being duped into buying gift cards for my “CEO” for the holidays. As a professional in the security industry, it becomes even more difficult for me to come to terms that I actually fell for one of these social engineering attacks. You get inundated with phishing awareness training and think that you are smarter than the attackers but somehow… you recoil in horror when you realize that you, too, are ‘Dave’, the embodiment of human error:

Happy Holidays! Here’s your Business Email Compromise (BEC) gift card scam

You see: the dilemma is that I spent my whole career trying to encourage organizations to adopt products that protect them from users like ‘Dave’. Whether it is a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution or a phishing simulation product, I have done countless customers calls trying to convince them that they cannot rely on their users to do the right thing.

We all think that we are above our natural human instincts: that we are somehow better, smarter, faster than the malicious actors who are trying to take advantage of our very visceral reactions.

Guess what? I am here to tell you: WE ARE NOT.

People will continue to make mistakes: to click on links, to respond to fake CEO emails, to give out sensitive information, to download executables unsuspectingly. In a very lovable way, we are conditioned to trust others and that is where the problem lies:

BEC compromise works because it exploits our basic human instincts to follow authority. This is especially true during the holidays when people are in merrier spirits and are more willing to help out customers, fellow employees, and especially authority figures. While the typical BEC compromise usually targets someone in HR/Finance as they have the sensitive financial information, attackers have gotten more sophisticated and found creative ways to target and groom other personnel in an organization: like me . BEC gift card scams work like a traditional BEC scam:

Happy Holidays! Here’s your Business Email Compromise (BEC) gift card scam

But instead of a wire transfer or a document containing sensitive financial information, scammers will request the unwitting victim to send over images of the back side (with the pin exposed) of a gift card to the person of authority. The scammers will then cash out the gift card before the unsuspecting victim has any idea what just happened.

Here are some tips from the FBI on how to protect your employees against BEC gift card scams during the holidays:

Look at the email header of the sender. Keep an eye out for email addresses that look similar to, but not the same as the ones used by your work supervisors or peers (abc_company.com vs. abc-company.com).

Be wary of requests to buy multiple gift cards, even if the request seems ordinary.

Watch out for grammatical errors or odd phrasing.

Notice language that tries to pressure you to purchase the cards quickly.

Finally, be wary if the sender asks you to send the gift card number and PIN back to him.

Don’t rely on email alone. Talk to your CEO directly.

Happy Holidays! Here’s your Business Email Compromise (BEC) gift card scam

Human error will never go away and will always be the weakest link in information security. While the FBI gives good advice to the end user on how to deal with a potential BEC gift card scam, we cannot simply rely on the end users to protect against BEC attacks. There needs to be a more automated solution, based on modern technology, that can circumvent human error.

In general, my philosophy towards information security is to take an approach that reduces the amount of human decision-making. We need to stop relying on the end user (or even the administrator) to do the right thing. With advances in machine learning and other tools that can help protect against risky activities, organizations should always leverage security products that remove burden and decision making. Tools that allow auto-remediation or active enforcement should always be prioritized over products that could introduce more human error.

For example, machine learning and analytics have made it completely easy to detect anomalous behavior. When an intelligent solution is deployed into an organization’s network, it can start tracking the behavior of the users and accounts and see what normal behavior looks like. Based on that risk profile that is created, they can tell what behavior is normal and what isn’t. It would have to take an email security solution with visibility and real-time remediation capabilities to stop this particular BEC compromise from happening as referenced in this blog .

The steps as outlined by Proofpoint are applicable to every security product. Most notably, customers need to take into account three critical steps in protecting against malicious actors:

Getting Visibility: In order to understand what is going on in your organization, you must first start out with visibility of all threats you may face. This requires you to gain insights into all users, accounts, and access activities within your network and continuously monitor which accounts may have the potential to be compromised. Reducing risk is the easiest way to reduce the attack surface and prevent compromised credentials. Find a solution that lets you see all identities across your organizations so that you can have a single source of truth.

Detecting Threats: Getting visibility is not enough if you do not have the context to be able to detect suspicious activities or risky behavior. Gaining deeper context with network traffic, and data sources (such as VPN gateways or SSO) allows for more robust behavioral analytics and risk scoring. With an intelligent view of user and account activity in your network and cloud applications, you can not only spot risky users but also protect against the use of reconnaissance and attacks tools such as MimiKatz, Powershell, PsExec, and Bloodhound. Real-time threat detection helps reduce false positives, identifies specific attack tools, and enhances the investigative and threat hunting process.

Auto-Remediating in Real-Time: Lastly, visibility and detection mean nothing if you can’t block or remediate risk when you see it. While no security solution on the market is able to prevent all attacks from occurring in your envir



什么是单向加密算法。简而言之就是不可解密的加密方法,也叫作非可逆加密, 用这种方法加密过的东西,地球上现有的人类在有限的时间内是无法解密的,包括加密者自己。





func Sum(data []byte) [Size]byte


初始化一个MD5对象.Sum 函数是对hash.Hash对象内部存储的内容进行校验和计算然后将其追加到data的后面形成一个新的byte切片。因此通常的使用方法就是将data置为nil。


func New() hash.Hash
返回一个新的使用MD5校验的hash.Hash接口。初始化一个MD5对象. func main() { h := md5.New() h.Write([]byte("123456")) // 需要加密的字符串为 123456 cipherStr := h.Sum(nil) fmt.Println(cipherStr) fmt.Printf("%s\n", hex.EncodeToString(cipherStr)) // e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e } Base64编码 const ( base64Table = "123QRSTUabcdVWXYZHijKLAWDCABDstEFGuvwxyzGHIJklmnopqr234560178912" ) var coder = base64.NewEncoding(base64Table) func base64Encode(src []byte) []byte { return []byte(coder.EncodeToString(src)) } func base64Decode(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { return coder.DecodeString(string(src)) } func main() { // encode hello := "hello world" debyte := base64Encode([]byte(hello)) // decode enbyte, err := base64Decode(debyte) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) } if hello != string(enbyte) { fmt.Println("hello is not equal to enbyte") } fmt.Println(string(enbyte)) }

Wishing Our Readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Wishing Our Readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Wishing Our Readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
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Looking forward to 2019

Computer Business Review wishes all of our loyal readers a wonderful Christmas.

We will be back, bringing you the news, interviews and insight that count in 2019.

It has been a intriguing year, punctuated by myriad large-scaledata breaches, tough new regulations likeGDPRandNIS, andmajor acquisitions.

The technology we cover is evolving at a breath-taking pace and the capabilities it brings enterprises is ever more crucial to commercial success.

What is around the corner in 2019?

We see it as a year in which AI and machine learning will be trulydemocratised; Open Source’smidlife crisis will reach a zenith; lessons about Critical National Infrastructure security may be learned the hard way; and one of industry consolidation insemiconductors,DevOps andinformation security (expect some big deals).

We also see it as a year in which the power of technology to drivesocial andenvironmental as well as commercial transformation becomes more of a talking point: expect to read more about big data analytics in public policy making, a powerful environmental Internet-of-Things as sensors get ever cheaper and smaller and some breakthroughs in drug development, powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Looking back, we have enjoyed some fantastic interviews and events: our engagements with theCEOs of Mitel andDatabricks,Founder of Mulesoft, andAWS’s blockbusterRe:Invent all stand out. Thank you to all our industry readers for your interest and invitations; keep them coming!

We’vebroken scores of stories, kept you abreast ofmajor UK tenders and covered everything from autonomous troop carriers to emergingcoding languages;subterranean sensors tocloud migrations and UK intelligence’s new foundlove of transparency. Expect more robust reporting in 2019.

The broader macroeconomic and geopolitical backdrop shows every sign of being volatile in 2019.Enterprises wanting to sustain a competitive edge in a challenging climate will increasingly be looking to automate, streamline and personalise products.

Team Computer Business Review will keep you top of all the tools and techniques you need to stand out. We’ll be bringing you investigations, more interviews with industry leaders, including the B2B tech world’s emerging rock star C-suite; insight and analysis from peers; fast-paced reporting on industry earnings and much more.

Meanwhile, the mulled wine is brewing…

Wishing you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Ed Targett (Editor).

Wishing Our Readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

6 Easiest InfoSec Certifications


6 Easiest InfoSec Certifications

There are few areas in IT that receive more scrutiny than information security. Barely a week goes by without news of a major data breach. These incidents are often followed by reports of the ever-growing information security job gap ― a gap that’s only expected to get worse .

Given that fact, breaking into the security field is a smart move. The ever-growing field is extremely relevant ― even to professionals outside the IT sphere. Everyone from CEOs to admins and analysts can benefit from a fundamental understanding of security issues.

However, figuring out the right entry point into InfoSec can be challenging. There is such a wide variety of certifications covering a broad spectrum of issues. As a result, it can be confusing ― even intimidating ― to decide which first step is right for you.

Here are six certifications that are ideal for IT professionals hoping to enter the high-demand field of InfoSec. Keep in mind that this list is also great for general professionals looking to gain a better understanding of how to protect their systems and data.

1. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Security Fundamentals

Microsoft’s MTA Security certification is a great jumping-off point for anyone interested in working with Microsoft tech. Familiarity with those products is recommended, but there are no formal prerequisites to take the exam.

The MTA Security Fundamentals exam covers security matters relating to operating systems, networks and software in 30-50 multiple choice questions, which a test-taker has 50 minutes to complete. Because individual exams vary, passing scores are scaled.

Most IT certifications expire, but the newer MTA does not. While the MTA is not a direct stepping stone to a more advanced certification, it does provide foundational knowledge that can be useful as you build your credentials.

At $127, the MTA is a cost-efficient way to lay a foundation for working in information security.

2. CompTIA Security+

Another excellent starting point for InfoSec is the CompTIA Security+ certification. It’s vendor-neutral, so you do not need to be familiar with any specific products. It is recommended that you have at least two years of experience as an IT admin with a focus on security. So, don’t let the entry-level tag fool you.

The 90-minute exam consists of 90 questions with a passing score of 750 (out of 900). It covers threats and vulnerabilities, network security, and access, identity and risk management.

The exam fee is $320 and the certification is valid for three years. To stay current, you’ll need to earn 50 continuing education credits (CEU) within those three years, as well as pay an annual maintenance fee of $50.

An approved baseline certification for U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Level II IAT security positions, the Security+ certification is a well-respected credential. It represents a solid first step in demonstrating your dedication to the security field and lays the groundwork for a career in InfoSec .

3. ISACA CSX Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate

Unlike the others on this list, the Cybersecurity Nexus (CSX) Fundamentals credential is a certificate, not a certification. As such, it might not have as much clout with employers. But it is a solid starting point for budding security professionals. The CSX will give you some of the latest security skills, increase your ability to tackle threats hands-on, and give you a base to chase higher-level opportunities.

The CSX Fundamentals exam, priced at $150, covers introductory concepts in network, applications and data systems ― as well as evolving technologies in the cybersecurity realm. It has 75 multiple-choice questions that need to be completed within two hours. A score of 65 percent is required to earn the certificate.

IT professionals can make the most of a CSX Fundamentals certificate by treating it as a stepping stone toward earning the more-robust CSXP certification . The CSX also shows a basic knowledge of security fundamentals for managers, auditors, and other non-IT professionals.

4. Check Point CCSA R77/R80

If you work with Check Point security products ― or plan to ― you’d be well-served to pursue the CCSA certification. At least six months of product experience and having a solid understanding of networking principles and TCP/IP is recommended.

Both the R77 and R80 exams have 100 questions and 90 minutes to reach a passing 70 percent score. R77 is more product-focused than R80, which covers unified policy and threat management, as well as security consolidation and cloud technologies.

The cost for either exam is $250 and the certification is valid for two years.

It’s worth pointing out that the R77 certification is rumored to be retired soon. So if you’re thinking about sitting for this exam, do your research. Your long-term InfoSec goals might be more aligned with the CCSA R80 certification.

5. (ISC)2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)

The Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) is another DoD baseline certification for Level II IAT security positions. Vendor-neutral and covering a full range of security concerns, the SSCP is an excellent way to break into InfoSec.

A bit more demanding than some of the other credentials on this list, qualifying for the SSCP exam requires at least a year of experience in one of the (ISC)2 Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) domains. You can also just happen to have a B.A. or M.A. in a cybersecurity program, and that’ll fill the prerequisite.

The exam will run you $250 and has 125 questions that need to be completed within a three-hour period. A score of 700 (out of a 1,000) will earn you the certification, which needs renewed every three years. To do that, you need to earn 60 Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE).

6. White Hat Hacking

Getting certified in ethical or “white hat ― hacking is an outstanding way to show your dedication to InfoSec skills. White Hat hackers learn and implement cybercriminal practices to help good guys, using hacking techniques in a preventative and productive way.

Candidates for associated certifications should have at least two years of experience in the cybersecurity space. The four-hour exam involves 125 questions, with a passing score being between 60-85 percent. If you possess the prerequisite experience, the exam will cost you $500. But it’s $600 if you don’t have the recommended experience.

Unquestionable Value

Any cert on this list can be your entry point into the high-demand field of InfoSec. Whether you stick with one cert, build upon it to advance along a specific track, or use it as one part of building your stackable credentials, an InfoSec certification will be useful to you.

With the daily need for IT security specialists and the constantly growing InfoSec job gap, the value of an InfoSec certification is unquestionable. Putting the time and effort into establishing InfoSec credentials will benefit your career. Building on these certifications only leaves room to raise the demand for your InfoSec skills and expertise.



*本文作者:littt0,本文属 CodeSec 原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载。


在应急响应的过程中,客户反馈深信服防火墙AF 报告客户服务器僵尸网络警告,服务器试图解析恶意域名msupdate.info。于是客户使用360,火绒剑等杀毒软件均没有发现异常现象。于是求助我,遂有此文章。


SHA256: c765ba5eedcd87b6f98eb503df640f5a8b077d3a30f02c6019feec1b5a553981

文件名: cspsvc.exe


0×00 day1

接到应急,远程登录一把梭,netstat -ano 查看异常外连,由于病毒发起的外连已经被深信服防火墙AF所拦截,重点关注SYN_SENT和TIME_OUT,经过排查。并未发现异常外连,于是通过process hacker 查看异常进程。然而也没有发现异常进程,也没有挖矿进程占用大量的cpu资源。于是排查一度陷入江局。

这时候束手无策的我只能上微软闭环工具sysmon 对系统进行监控。观察病毒的一举一动。


sysmon.exe-accepteula i -n
0×01 day2 收获日













0×02 分析



cspsvc.exe 是启动程序用于加载ps脚本程序。





$argv0 = Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition







$exeName = "$serviceName.exe" $exeFullName = "$installDir\$exeName"


接着就从C:\windows \fonts\arial\config.xml或者C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\config.xml 读取配置文件,不存在就新建了一个fonts\arial\ 目录:









从域名msupdate.info通过 网络下载矿机:




结合通过autoruns发现计划任务GpCheck.ps1计划任务,和下面的写操作可以发现该脚本写入位于system32\drivers\en-US\GpCheck.ps1 的该文件:

0×03 清理病毒 停止服务Cryptographic Service Providers 删除计划任务 GpCheck 删除C:\Windows\System32\drivers 目录下cspsvc.exe、 cspsvc.ps1、cspsvc.pdb 文件 删除 注册表项cspsvc
删除C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\config.xml 删除 adm用户 删除C:\Windows\Fonts\arial 删除 C:\Windows\Fonts\Logs 删除 C:\Windows\Fonts\temp 删除 C:Windows\system32\drivers\en-US\GpCheck.ps1 删除 C:Windows\system32\drivers\ WmiPrvSE.ps1 0×04 后记



*本文作者:littt0,本文属 CodeSec 原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载。

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