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1. 在 《移动端网络钓鱼2018:当今每个现代企业面临的神话与事实》 白皮书中,Lookout进行了统计,发现自2011年以来,用户点击网络钓鱼链接的速度平均增长了85%。

2. 在最新的 《网络钓鱼活动趋势报告》 中,反钓鱼工作组(Anti-Phishing Working Group)透露,支付行业在2018年第一季度中持续被网络钓鱼威胁行为者列为首选的目标行业(36%)。

3. 同样,在反钓鱼工作组的报告中还声称,所有的网络钓鱼站点中,有35%使用了HTTPS协议和SSL证书。

4. 由于Google现在已经将非HTTPS网站标记为“不安全”,预计会有更多网络钓鱼者滥用HTTPS网站“值得信赖、合法”的公认概念。

5. 在 《2018年度网络钓鱼状况》 中,Wombat Security重点提到了短信网络钓鱼作为攻击媒介这一点。随着2017年媒体报道的增加,他们认为利用短信的行为将继续呈现增长趋势,特别是在移动端网络钓鱼安全意识较低的国家。

6. PhishLabs在 《2018年网络钓鱼趋势和情报报告》 中表示,电子邮件和在线服务是2017年下半年最易受到攻击的目标行业(占比26.1%),其中高度集中于模仿Microsoft Office 365的网络钓鱼URL,这也表明针对企业的网络钓鱼活动呈现出上升趋势。

7. 同样,PhishLab的报告还指出,基于用户对SaaS(软件即服务)公司(占比7.1%)的信任,相应的网络钓鱼活动急剧增加。在2015年,针对该目标的攻击是不存在的,但在接下来的两年之中增长了一倍以上。

8. Wandera 表示 ,有48%的网络钓鱼攻击都发生在移动设备上。他们还 声称 ,iOS用户遭遇网络钓鱼的可能性比下载恶意软件高出18倍。




3.1 短信钓鱼

SMiShing是指通过短信进行的网络钓鱼。Android高级分析专家Nathan Collier撰写了一篇安全文章,描述了他的同事在Android设备上收到一条钓鱼消息的分析过程,这条消息自称来自于一家人力资源公司,推荐了一个Amazon公司Prime专员的职位。




在我们收到您的回复之前,您的Apple ID已经被停用。通过点击{短网址URL}确认您的个人信息来重新启用。――苹果公司。

3.2 语音网络钓鱼

Vishing,或语音信箱钓鱼(有时也包含VoIP网络钓鱼),是指利用设备的呼叫功能进行网络钓鱼。网络钓鱼者可能会向目标留下了诱导的留言信息,可能留下一个让目标回拨的号码,也可能直接呼叫目标。其中,留下诱导的留言信息正是Ars Technica编辑Sean Gallagher在2018年7月发表的一篇iOS网络钓鱼骗局文章中所描述的攻击者策略。根据Gallagher的说法,攻击者会发送一封电子邮件,将用户引导到一个虚假的Apple网站,该网站弹出一个对话框,并开始呼叫一个名为“AppleCare员工Lance Roger”的人员。AppleCare实际上是Apple提供的延长保修期服务。




3.3 其他类型:即时通讯、社交网络和广告钓鱼













这些假冒的应用程序,都以流行的品牌名称来命名,并承诺用户下载和安装后,将会得到某些特权或福利。Google Play商店发现多个虚假Instagram应用程序收集用户凭据的事件就是一个例子,这些应用程序已经被下载150万次,并且这些应用程序承诺能够提升关注者、评论和点赞的数量。



1. 消息突然出现,声称用户赢得了奖品,或者有帐户或订阅服务突然停用(没有说明具体原因),或者需要用户迅速进行操作来解决问题。这样的情况,通常都是社会工程学的伎俩,用户应该提高警惕。

2. 但考虑到这些通知也有可能是真实的,用户需要针对真实通知及时做出响应,我们建议用户应该避免直接点击这些通知中的链接,而是直接访问合法域名(从浏览器书签中加载,或手动输入网址),并从合法域名中登录帐户查看具体情况。

3. 如果一条消息来自未知的号码或未知的发件人,同时消息声称它来自您实际使用的服务,请加倍谨慎。由于几乎不可能在移动设备上向服务提供商确认该通知内容是否属实,因此用户最好能自行验证这一通知的真实性,如上面所述,并检查相关帐户的可疑活动。如果无法确定,建议联系服务提供商的用户支持部门。

4. 如果消息中包含伪造的超链接,对于一些用户来说是显而易见的,但对于其他一部分用户来说则难以甄别。了解您所使用服务的官方网址URL是非常有用的。如果您认为该链接与以往访问的网址不太一致,或者有任何怀疑,都应该谨慎行事,避免点击该链接。

5. 消息使用缩短后的URL(短网址服务)。缩短URL是有效利用字符数有限的消息服务的一种绝佳方法。但不幸的是,这也会掩盖可能看起来非常明显的恶意URL。

6. 如果没有任何说明,消息或来电者要求用户提供个人信息,则应引起警惕。大多数合法且声誉良好的企业不会致电或发送消息要求用户提供敏感信息。在某些情况下,如果银行怀疑您的帐户存在潜在的欺诈活动,他们会直接致电。银行可能会核实用户的身份,但绝对不会要求用户提供帐户密码或身份证号码。

7. 如果邮件或来电者不清楚您的姓名,也应该引起警惕。大多数企业,都明确知道他们服务的客户具体是谁,并且一般会以尊称的方式直呼其名。

8. 如果访问的URL没有绿色挂锁图标,这就意味着该网页没有使用HTTPS协议。尽管使用HTTPS的不一定都是合法网站,但没有使用HTTPS的依然需要提高警惕。

9. 如果访问的URL前面一段是正确的,但后面还包含一些无法解释的破折号,那么应该引起注意。网络钓鱼这正在使用一些被称为URL填充的技术,他们创建一些子域名,该子域名由合法的网站地址组成,但后面还带有连字符,以隐藏真实的域名,并增强假域名的可信度。



如果用户在移动浏览器上访问Punycode URL,那么用户会收到警告,告知他们所访问网站的风险性。但是,并不能保证浏览器已经充分考虑所有的同形异义词。根据Wandera的研究,在Android和iOS上的许多通信和协作工具都没有将Punycode URL标记为可疑。

Wandera的内容营销经理Liarna La Porta在一篇 文章 中写道,

只有Facebook Messenger、Instagram和Skype会通过显示xn前缀的网络预览的方式,为用户提供识别PunyCode URL的可能性。在Skype中,不会使用Unicode为域名提供超链接,这就意味着用户无法直接点击信息中的URL。尽管这些应用程序没有提供最佳的防御方法,但它们至少提供了进一步评估可疑链接的可能性。


2017年4月,一位在某台湾电子制造公司工作的立陶宛男子,成功对两家知名企业发起了 网络钓鱼攻击 ,并迫使每家公司都向其支付超过1亿美元的“封口费”,而这两家知名的企业分别是Google和Facebook。








Security+认证在国际上影响力很大,和CISSP一样同属国际十大认证之一。目前拿到Seurity+认证的专业人员遍布全球 147 个国家/地区,受到了全球的广泛认可。

美国国防部高度重视 Security + 认证,因此将其纳8570.01-M 指令。中国各大企业也逐渐开始高度重视Security + 认证,并逐渐开始培养Security +人才,持有Security +证书人才的职业发展前景无限好。









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Security Think Tank: Let’s get back to basics in 2019

One thing predicted for 2018 that did not happen

As the clock struck midnight on 1 January 2018, the massiveEquifax breach, disclosed just a few weeks prior, was still weighing heavily on the minds of those in the information security profession. Sure, we’d seen breaches of gargantuan scale before, and we all knew that Equifax surely wouldn’t be the last, but something felt different this time.

The scale, combined with the fact that a non-trivial percentage of the millions of people caught up in the breach had little to know exposure to Equifax, and the level of detail the company stored about them, placed the credit reporting industry under levels of scrutiny that it had never experienced before.

There was shock, outrage, frustration and an overwhelming sense that corporations that handle our personal information need to truly be held accountable. Perhaps Equifax was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and inspired the change we all deserve? Some even opined that it might be the end for Equifax as an organisation altogether how couldit survive this disaster?

Yet here we are, 12 months later, and Equifax is still standing. There have been a few slaps on the wrists,from various public bodies, along the way. There have been fines, brought by private lawsuits and hamstrung government departments, but Equifax has survived, and has never looked like being brought down by a breach that was so poorly handled, and would have been so easy to prevent. The news cycle changed, and the world moved on to the next major breach. The accountability we all craved was found lacking.

One thing that happened in 2018 that was not predicted

As 2018 rolled on, there were some positive signs that things were changing in this regard. One such example was in the US state of California, where, in direct response to the 2016Mirai botnet incident, in which thousands of devices making up the internet of things (IoT) were used to disrupt a non-trivial chunk of the internet, the state adopted new legislation. The Information Privacy: Connected Devices bill (otherwise known as Senate Bill 327 ) contained something that is often found lacking in cyber security legislation specific actions to be taken to improve the standard of information security. This was something many had hoped would happen, but few predicted they see so quickly; legislation moving in lockstep with current technology imagine that.

The bill lists a series of requirements for IoT device manufacturers, most notably the banning of hardcoded default credentials, the entry vector leveraged by Mirai and other IoT malware variants. It’s an extremely basic step, but one that required the passing of specific legislation to address. Although this law was passed in California, it’ll hopefully have a positive impact globally, as device manufacturers design their offerings around the new requirements.

You’d think that something as simple as a default password on a device would be a no-brainer, but clearly, given the need for such specific legislation, it’s not. You might also think the timely application of a patch to address a known software vulnerability on an exposed web server is a no-brainer too, but as Equifax showed us, it’s not. Which brings us to 2019.

One thing that should happen in 2019, but probably will not

Next year, the cyber security industry will continue to pump out new offerings that use advanced technologies in the name of breach prevention. Solutions using machine learning , artificial intelligence (AI), anomaly detection and, dare I say it, blockchain (ugh, now I feel dirty) will all feature at trade shows and on airport billboards around the world. Companies will purchase these solutions, and will partially deploy them before getting bored, limited by cost or other business pressures, instead of doing something that would have a much more profound impact on security, such as getting back to basics.

This includes taking the time to rediscover your assets and data stores, deploying strong authentication, taking the time look at built-in settings in the operating systems and software you already have and hardening them, encrypting data, and patching promptly.

These are all things that should be top of mind in 2019, but won’t be. Instead, the buzzwords, graphical UI’s and overhyped marketing of the industry will serve to distract and confuse. Asset management isn’t sexy. Patching is boring. But, if we really want to stem the tide of significant incidents and breaches, then this back-to-basics approach is the right way to go. Let’s make 2019 the most boring year ever!

CW Security Think Tank contributors’ wish list for 2019 Prioritise multifactor authentication in 2019 .

Top Azure Security Fails with Karl Ots


Top Azure Security Fails with Karl Ots

Carl Franklin is Executive Vice President of App vNext , a software development firm focused on the latest methodologies and technologies. Carl is a 20+ year veteran of the software industry, co-host and founder of.NET Rocks!, the first and most widely listened to podcast for .NET developers, a Microsoft MVP for Kinect for windows , a Microsoft Regional Director , and Senior Executive of Pwop Studios , a full-service audio and video production/post production studio located in Southeastern Connecticut.

He was awarded the MVP for Kinect because of his work on gesture recognition. Namely, KinectTools and GesturePak . KinectTools is an abstraction over the Kinect 2.0 SDK that takes the detail work out of using the Kinect in a Windows application. GesturePak lets you record, edit, and recognize gestures in a Windows application. Both are free open source products.

Carl is also the creator of Music to Code By , a set of 25-minute long instrumental music pieces designed to get you into a state of flow and keep you there. Music to Code By has been praised widely by developers for keeping them focused and helping them solve difficult problems.

Carl has been a leader in the .NET community since 2002, and in the Visual Basic (VB) community before that. In the very early days he wrote for Visual Basic Programmer’s Journal, authoring the Q&A column of that magazine as well as many feature articles for VBPJ and other magazines. He has authored two books for John Wiley & Sons on sockets programming in VB, and in 1994 he helped create the very first web site for VB developers, Carl & Gary's VB Home Page.

Before he started .NET Rocks! in 2002 (three years before the word ‘podcast’ became popular) he developed and taught hands-on training classes for VB.NET and ASP.NET via his training company, Franklins.Net.

Carl has spoken regularly at conferences around the world, such as DevIntersection , NDC , NDC London , OreDev , Microsoft TechEd, Microsoft TechEd Europe, DevTeach , DevReach , and others.

In addition to his work in the development field, Carl works in the music business as a composer, recording engineer, producer, multi-instrumentalist, and vocalist. With his band, the Franklin Brothers , he has produced two albums, Lifeboat to Nowhere and Been a While . Both albums get nothing but five star reviews. Noted guitar virtuoso John Scofield has collaborated with Carl on two songs, Chain Reaction and Groove or Get Out of the Way .

Follow Carl
Top Azure Security Fails with Karl Ots

Richard Campbell started playing with microcomputers in 1977 at the age of 10. He's really never done anything else since. In that time he's been involved in every level of the PC industry, from manufacturing, to sales, to development, and into large scale infrastructure implementation. He has been a witness and participant to the Bill Gates vision of "A PC on every desktop."

For years he's served as a consultant to companies in many countries, including Barnes&Noble.com, Dow Chemical, Johnson & Johnson Health Care Services, Reuters, Subaru/Isuzu and the U.S. Air Force, providing advice on architecture, scaling systems and mentoring development teams. His long experience in working with large scale systems made him a sought-after consultant during the halycon years of the DotCom boom. He worked closely with venture capital and private equity firms providing architectural guidance and due diligence.

He is a Microsoft Regional Director and is recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in the area of ASP.NET development.

In 2004 Richard first met Carl Franklin, creator of .NET Rocks (www.dotnetrocks.com), The Internet Audio Talkshow for .NET Developers. Richard was a guest on show 69, but his friendship with Carl quickly evolved into a partnership and by show 100 in early 2005 he came onboard as co-host. In 2007 he started RunAs Radio ( www.runasradio.com ), a podcast for IT Professionals.

He is a co-founder of Strangeloop Networks, which was acquired by Radware in 2013 and spent five years on the board of directors of Telerik which was acquired by Progress Software in 2014.

In 2012 Richard founded the Humanitarian Toolbox ( www.htbox.org ), an organization designed to let developers around the world donate their skills to disaster relief organizations by building open source software. By 2014, Humanitarian Toolbox became a 501(c)3 registered US charity, working on a number of different projects for the United Nations, US Center for Disease Control and Red Cross.

Today Richard is a consultant and advisor to a number of successful technology firms as well as the co-owner and content planner of the DevIntersection ( www.devintersection.com ) group of conferences.

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How Do You Measure Your Investment in Security?


When evaluating enterprise security tools for their effectiveness, it can be challenging to find the right model for best calculating your “Return on Security Investment” (ROSI).

Just a few years ago, the potential cost attributed to a security breach was likely to be primarily related in the assessed financial cost into a business’ reputation, with only a relatively small number of cases ever reaching significant legal or sustained loss of service related costs. But with GDPR (as well as an increasing number of international laws) bringing new fines to consider and the steadily growing number and sophistication of security intrusions over the last few years, assessing both the possibility and resulting impact is increasingly imperative and demands ever more robust assessments of your security expenditure.

Working out how you get the best “bang for your buck”

The most popular model I’ve seen deployed for security budget scoping in the real world is based on simply assessing cost asking what’s the most I can get for my dollar based on my budget (or quite simply where can I get the best “bang for your buck”). This is a useful starting place for establishing budget sizing, but in order for even this simple methodology to work, it is necessary to assess “the bang” aspect, and it is here that things can become more challenging.

To put it a financial model around security “value,” we can consider an objective of trying to mitigate as much risk as possible, preferably up to the point where the cost of implementing additional security controls is as close to any possible value of additional savings from security incidents. This is where concepts like Foundational Controls offer a sensible way of making this problem tractable. By identifying measurable controls (especially industry supported ones like those developed for (Read more...)





Cybersecurity Ventures 曾在2016年做出预测:到2021年,网络犯罪将给世界造成 6万亿美元 损失,比2015年的3万亿翻一倍。这代表着史上最大经济财富转移,危及创新与投资热情,甚至比全球所有非法药物交易都要赚钱。


Frank W. Abagnale 为FBI当了40多年顾问,是伪造、侵吞公款与安全文档方面全球最受尊崇的权威之一,同时也是斯皮尔伯格2002年电影《逍遥法外》中莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥饰演的神骗主角的原型人物。他很赞同6万亿美元的网络犯罪损失预测。


Cybersecurity Ventures 的损失预测是基于历史网络犯罪数据的,包括近些年一年比一年增多的网络犯罪事件数量、敌对国家支持的黑客团体及有组织犯罪团伙黑客行动的急剧增加,还有到2021年将迎来指数级增长的网络攻击界面。

Cybersecurity Ventures 预测,2021年,网络犯罪将给世界造成6万亿美元损失,比2015年的3万亿翻一倍。


全球托管安全服务提供商(MSSP) Herjavec Group 的创始人兼首席执行官 Robert Herjavec 表示:损害成本的急剧上升只会促使更多的公司企业疏于应对网络攻击。








Cybersecurity Ventures 预测2022年时互联网用户数将达60亿(届时世界总人口数80亿中的75%),2030年时将超过75亿(届时全球6岁以上总人口数85亿的90%)。



微软预测,2020年时的在线数据规模将是2016年时的 50倍 以上。


Cybersecurity Ventures 预计,云端存储的数据总量到2021年将是现在的100多倍,其中包括供应商和社交媒体公司运营的公共云(比如AWS、推特和Facebook)、可被公民和公司企业访问的政府自有云,以及中小型企业拥有的私有云。









Fairchild Semiconductor 微机电系统及传感解决方案副总裁 Janusz Bryzek 预测,20年之内将出现45万亿联网传感器。IoT、手机及可穿戴设备市场的增长、数字医疗、上下文计算、全球环境监测和IBM“5 in5”――人工智能(AI)、超图像、超摄镜、芯片医疗实验室、硅光子,是联网传感器激增的推动力。





Cybersecurity Ventures 预计,2017-2021年5年全球网络安全产品及服务开支累计将超1万亿美元。也就是说,这5年里网络安全市场平均年增长率将达12-15%。

Cybersecurity Ventures 预计2017-2021年全球网络安全开支将超1万亿美元。



网络安全开支追踪的问题在于,除了IBM和思科,其他科技巨头并不总会公布网络安全盈利数据,手机恶意软件和数据恢复上的消费者安全开支大幅削减更是从不会被列入报告内容。与企业类似,消费者也在为网络攻击花费时间与精力。所以,一些业内分析师的网络安全开支预测与 Cybersecurity Ventures 的万亿美元5年市场预测之间存在偏差也正常。




2016年末,每40秒就有一家公司沦为勒索软件的受害者。Cybersecurity Ventures 预测,到2019年,该间隔将缩短到每14秒一家,2021年将达美11秒有一家公司受害。


Cybersecurity Ventures 预测,到2019年,每14秒就会有一家公司沦为勒索软件攻击受害者,2021年时这一间隔将缩短至每11秒。



专精勒索软件攻击检测与响应员工培训的KnowBe4公司创始人兼首席执行官 Stu Sjouwerman 称:






美国证券交易委员会(SEC)互联网强化办公室前主任 John Reed Stark 在去年的博客文章中写道:今天最大的实际威胁不是国家支持的网络攻击、新奇的隐秘恶意软件,或黑客文化横行;信息安全领域最危险的阴云是严重的网络安全人才短缺。

Palo Alto Networks 研究中心的业内专家称,到2019年,全世界对网络安全人员的需求将增至约600万人。





美国最大医药提供商CVSHealth首席安全官 Jim Routh 称:



虽然黑客年报总是点缀着聪明程序员找出系统漏洞完成恶意入侵的传说,但绝大多数网络攻击其实始于简单的电子邮件。超过 90% 的成功黑客攻击和数据泄露源于网络钓鱼。网络钓鱼者精心编制电子邮件诱使收件人点击钓鱼链接、打开藏毒附件,或向本不应该发送的对象转发信息。

美国主流医疗企业 Northwell Health 副总裁兼首席信息安全官 Kathy Hughes 表示:安全链中最弱的一环是人。企业可以拥有各种精妙的技术和安全防护层,但安全最终落脚到人身上,那些真正意识到威胁且知晓如何检测与报告的人。









Infoworld计算机安全专栏作家,在微软担任了11年首席安全架构师的 Roger Grimes 表示:每家公司都将被黑。



思科调查访问的制造业安全人员中40%表示他们并不具备正式的安全策略。制造业杂志 Process Industry Informer 认为,因为普遍缺乏网络安全投入,又越来越依赖现代技术, 制造业是目前最脆弱最容易被网络罪犯盯上的行业 。

















Herjavec Group 《2019网络犯罪年度报告》:





阅读: 13

绿盟科技发布了本周安全通告,周报编号NSFOCUS-18-50,绿盟科技漏洞库本周新增149条,其中高危62条。本次周报建议大家关注Microsoft Outlook 远程代码执行漏洞等,Microsoft Outlook由于没有正确处理内存中的对象,在实现中存在远程代码执行漏洞。远程攻击者可借助特制的文件,利用该漏洞在当前用户的安全上下文中执行操作。目前厂商已经发布了升级补丁以修复这个安全问题,请到厂商的 页面 下载。


焦点漏洞 Microsoft Outlook 远程代码执行漏洞 CVE ID CVE-2018-8587 NSFOCUS ID 42171 受影响版本 Microsoft Office 2019 Microsoft Outlook 2016 Microsoft Outlook 2013 SP1 Microsoft Outlook 2013 RT SP1 Microsoft Outlook 2010 SP2 漏洞点评 Microsoft Outlook是一款Office套件中所捆绑的电子邮件客户端软件。Microsoft Outlook由于没有正确处理内存中的对象,在实现中存在远程代码执行漏洞。远程攻击者可借助特制的文件,利用该漏洞在当前用户的安全上下文中执行操作。目前厂商已经发布了升级补丁以修复这个安全问题,请到厂商的 页面 下载。


一. 互联网安全威胁态势 1.1 CVE统计


1.2 威胁信息回顾 标题:微软发布12月补丁修复39个安全问题 时间:2018-12-14 简介:微软于周二发布了12月安全更新补丁,修复了39个从简单的欺骗攻击到远程执行代码的安全问题,产品涉及.NET Framework、Adobe Flash Player、Internet Explorer、Microsoft Dynamics、Mi2crosoft Exchange Server、Microsoft Graphics Component、Microsoft Office、Microsoft Office SharePoint、Microsoft Scripting Engine、Microsoft windows、Microsoft Windows DNS、Visual Studio、Windows Authentication Methods、Windows Azure Pack、Windows Kernel以及Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers。 链接:http://toutiao.secjia.com/article/page?topid=111166 标题:Google+ API 中的漏洞可导致5250万用户数据泄露 时间:2018-12-10 简介:本周一,谷歌宣布Google+ API中漏洞作为11月7日软件更新的一部分已修复。该漏洞暴露了用户未公开的Google+个人资料数据,例如姓名,年龄,电子邮件地址和职业,以及一些不应该访问的用户之间私下共享的个人资料数据。 链接:https://www.wired.com/story/google-plus-bug-52-million-users-data-exposed/ 标题:Adobe 12月安全更新 时间:2018-12-12 简介:当地时间12月11日,Adobe官方发布了12月安全更新,修复了Acrobat and Reader的多个漏洞。 链接:http://blog.nsfocus.net/adobe-12-update/ 标题:卡巴斯基曝光DarkVishnya银行内网攻击案件细节 时间:2018-12-11 简介:2017~2018 年间,卡巴斯基实验室的专家们受邀研究了一系列的网络盗窃事件。据悉,东欧至少有 8 家银行成为了这种袭击的目标(统称 DarkVishnya),造成了数千万美元的损失。 链接:https://securelist.com/darkvishnya/89169/ 标题:Google Play 里的 22 款应用发现含有后门 时间:2018-12-12 简介:安全研究人员从Google Play官方应用商店发现了22款包含后门的应用,应用的总下载量超过200万,最流行的一款是手电筒应用Sparkle Flashlight,其下载量超过一百万。应用含有的后门能悄悄从攻击者控制的服务器上下载文件。这些应用主要被用于广告欺诈,Google 已经从商店里移除了这些恶意应用。 链接:https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2018/12/06/android-clickfraud-fake-iphone/ 标题:银行木马DanaBot新增散布垃圾邮件功能 时间:2018-12-10 简介:DanaBot的运营商最近一直在测试电子邮箱地址收集和垃圾邮件发送功能,能够滥用现有受害者的Webmail帐户来进一步传播恶意软件。 链接:https://www.welivesecurity.com/2018/12/06/danabot-evolves-beyond-banking-trojan-new-spam/ 标题:Operation Sharpshooter攻击全球关键基础设施 时间:2018-12-14 简介:研究人员发现一项针对核、能源、金融等行业的全球性攻击,Operation Sharpshooter利用内存植入物下载和检索第二阶段植入物,我们称之为Rising Sun。据分析,Rising Sun植入物使用来自Lazarus Group 2015年后门Trojan Duuzer的源代码,在新的框架中渗透这些关键行业。 链接:https://securingtomorrow.mcafee.com/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/operation-sharpshooter-targets-global-defense-critical-infrastructure/ 标题:结合EmPyre和XMRig的Mac恶意软件 时间:2018-12-15 简介:一种新的Mac恶意软件,它将两种不同的开源工具 EmPyre后门和XMRig密码系统结合用于恶意目的,恶意软件通过名为Adobe Zii的应用程序进行分发。 链接:https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2018/12/mac-malware-combines-empyre-backdoor-and-xmrig-miner/

(数据来源:绿盟科技 威胁情报与网络安全实验室 收集整理)

二. 漏洞研究 2.1 漏洞库统计


IBM Marketing Platform XML外部实体注入漏洞(CVE-2018-1424) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-1424 IBM Marketing Platform XML外部实体注入漏洞(CVE-2018-1920) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-1920 Apache Commons FileUpload DiskFileItem远程代码执行安全漏洞(CVE-2016-1000031) 危险等级:高 BID:93604 cve编号:CVE-2016-1000031 IBM WebSphere Application Server 信息泄露漏洞(CVE-2018-1957) 危险等级:低 cve编号:CVE-2018-1957 IBM DataPower Gateways 信息泄露安全漏洞(CVE-2018-1663) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-1663 McAfee True Key (TK) 弱目录权限漏洞(CVE-2018-6755) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-6755 McAfee True Key (TK) 权限提升漏洞(CVE-2018-6757) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-6757 McAfee True Key (TK) 任意命令执行漏洞(CVE-2018-6756) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-6756 Rockwell Automation多个产品远程拒绝服务漏洞(CVE-2018-17924) 危险等级:高 BID:106132 cve编号:CVE-2018-17924 GE Global Discovery Server XML外部实体注入漏洞(CVE-2018-15362) 危险等级:高 BID:106133 cve编号:CVE-2018-15362 LibRaw “samsung_load_raw()”函数信息泄露漏洞(CVE-2018-5807) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5807 LibRaw “identify()”函数类型混淆漏洞(CVE-2018-5804) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5804 LibRaw nikon_coolscan_load_raw()’函数漏洞(CVE-2018-5812) 危险等级:低 cve编号:CVE-2018-5812 LibRaw nikon_coolscan_load_raw()’函数信息泄露漏洞(CVE-2018-5811) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5811 LibRaw “LibRaw::parse_exif()”栈溢出漏洞(CVE-2018-5809) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5809 LibRaw “find_green()”栈溢出漏洞(CVE-2018-5808) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5808 LibRaw “parse_qt()”函数整数溢出漏洞(CVE-2018-5815) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5815 LibRaw “identify()”函数整数溢出漏洞(CVE-2018-5816) 危险等级:中 cve编号:CVE-2018-5816 php 拒绝服务漏洞(CVE-2018-19935) 危险等级:中 BID:106143 cve编号:CVE-2018-19935 Nagios Cmdsubsys.php命令注入漏洞(CVE-2018-15709) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-15709 Nagios Magpie_debug.php命令注入漏洞(CVE-2018-15708) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-15708 Cisco Prime Infrastructure 任意文件上传漏洞(CVE-2018-15379) 危险等级:高 BID:105506 cve编号:CVE-2018-15379 ManageEngine OpManager SQL注入安全漏洞(CVE-2018-9088) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-9088 ThinkPHP 5.x版本远程命令执行漏洞 危险等级:高 cve编号: Windows Kernel权限提升漏洞(CVE-2018-8611) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-8611 .NET Framework拒绝服务漏洞(CVE-2018-8517) 危险等级:高 cve编号:CVE-2018-8517

Charming Kitten王者归来


Charming Kitten王者归来

网络钓鱼攻击是受伊朗政府支持的黑客惯用的攻击手段。我们对最新的网络钓鱼攻击进行了跟踪,并将其命名为“The Return of The Charming Kitten”。





该用户还提到了一个域名:accounts[-]support[.]services。这个域名与一些由伊朗政府支持的黑客有联系。我们认为这些黑客和之前曾报道过的伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)存在关联。 距这些活动发生一个月后,运营accounts-support[.]services的黑客们扩大了攻击规模,开始针对民权和人权活动家、政治人士以及伊朗和西方的新闻工作者攻击。 攻击手段


通过未知邮件、社交媒体及消息账户进行钓鱼攻击 通过已经被黑客入侵的公众人物的邮箱、社交媒体及消息账户进行钓鱼攻击



虚假的未授权访问警告 对网络钓鱼攻击样本进行分析,这些黑客主要使用电子邮件发送虚假警报对目标进行欺骗,例如通过notifications.mailservices @gmail [.]com, noreply.customermails @gmail [.]com, customer]email-delivery[.]info等向目标发出信息,提示说有未经授权的个人试图登陆他们的帐户。
Charming Kitten王者归来


Google Drive虚假文件共享

发送带有标题的链接(例如来自Google Drive的共享文件)是近年来黑客使用的最常见的技巧之一。与之前的攻击相比,这些攻击的独特之处在于他们使用了看似为Google 站点的页面,黑客构造虚假的Google Drive下载页面来欺骗用户,使受害者认为这一个真正的Google Drive页面,不存在安全问题。

Charming Kitten王者归来

图2:虚假Google Drive文件共享页面

例如,黑客使用hxxps://sites.google[.]com/view/sharingdrivesystem来欺骗用户,用户会因为在浏览器的地址栏中看到了google.com而相信该网页是真正的 Google Drive。

通过伪造具有相同界面的Google Drive文件共享页面,黑客假装与用户共享文件,用户本应该下载并运行共享的文件。然而该页面没有任何文件,他们使用入侵的Twitter,Facebook和Telegram帐户发送这些链接来寻找新的受害者。通过此页面将目标用户定向到虚假的谷歌登录页面,诱使用户输入身份验证信息。

攻击流程 恶意链接


Charming Kitten王者归来


非受信任阶段:由于Google可以快速识别并删除sites.google.com上的可疑链接和恶意链接,所以黑客会使用自己的网站进行伪造,进行攻击。钓鱼网站的链接几年前的网络钓鱼活动曾使用的链接非常类似。例如,攻击者在域名或网络钓鱼URL中使用诸如“management”, “customize”, “service”, “identification”, “session”, “confirm” 等关键词来欺骗那些想要验证自己网址的用户。



Charming Kitten王者归来









Charming Kitten王者归来

图6 :获取Gmail帐户密码的虚假页面

Charming Kitten王者归来
图7:获取Gmail 2步验证码的虚假页面
Charming Kitten王者归来
Charming Kitten王者归来
图9:获取Yahoo!2步验证码的虚假页面 追踪



Charming Kitten王者归来


根据相关技术分析,我们认为参与此活动的攻击者通过虚拟专用网络(VPN)和代理,使用荷兰和法国IP地址来隐藏自己。尽管如此,我们还是通过足够的细节,找到了攻击者的真实IP地址位于伊朗。(IP:89.198.179 [。] 103和31.2.213 [。] 18)

此外,这些攻击中对域名和服务器的命名方式,所用的技巧,针对的目标都与拥有伊朗政府背景的黑客组织――Charming Kitten非常相似。因此,我们认为这是Charming Kitten组织的伊朗黑客发起了新一轮的网络攻击,并且将以色列公民和美国公民作为重点目标。






停止使用基于纯文本的2步身份验证。 使用安全密钥(如YubiKey)对个人敏感操作进行2步身份验证。 不使用单击登录验证。


及时了解网络钓鱼威胁活动,建议使用Yubikey等安全密钥进行2步身份验证并激活Google的Advanced Protection Program。 始终使用公司邮箱收发机密信息,而不是个人邮箱 。根据公司邮箱策略,限制从工作网络外部接收电子邮件。例如,G Suite允许管理员拒收来自未授权地址或域名的电子邮件。 建议在帐户中使用Google Authenticator等移动应用进行2步身份验证。


不点击未知链接。要查看帐户中的可疑警报或更改密码,可以直接从电子邮件转到“我的帐户”进行设置,而不是点击任何链接。 使用PGP对敏感邮件进行加密,防止黑客窃取邮件信息。 不将敏感信息以纯文本形式存储在邮箱中。 URL域名之前的HTTPS只是HTTP协议的安全扩展,并不意味着网站的内容是安全的或可信的 。要知道许多钓鱼网站也使用了HTTPS。 IOCs 178.162.132[.]65 190.2.154[.]34 190.2.154[.]35 190.2.154[.]36 190.2.154[.]38 46.166.151[.]211 51.38.87[.]64 51.38.87[.]65 51.68.185[.]96 51.38.107[.]113 95.211.189[.]45 95.211.189[.]46 95.211.189[.]47 213.227.139[.]148 54.37.241[.]221 54.38.144[.]250 54.38.144[.]251 54.38.144[.]252 85.17.127[.]172 85.17.127[.]173 85.17.127[.]174 85.17.127[.]175 89.198.179[.]103 31.2.213[.]18 accounts-support[.]services broadcast-news[.]info broadcastnews[.]pro com-identifier-servicelog[.]info com-identifier-servicelog[.]name com-identifier-userservicelog[.]com confirm-session-identification[.]info confirm-session-identifier[.]info confirmation-service[.]info customer-recovery[.]info customize-identity[.]info document-share[.]info document.support-recoverycustomers[.]services documentofficupdate[.]info documents.accounts-support[.]services documentsfilesharing[.]cloud email-delivery[.]info mobile-sessionid.customize-identity[.]info mobiles-sessionid.customize-identity[.]info my-scribdinc[.]online myyahoo.ddns[.]net notificationapp[.]info onlinemessenger.com-identifier-servicelog[.]name podcastmedia[.]online recoveryusercustomer[.]info session-management[.]info support-recoverycustomers[.]services continue-session-identifier[.]info mobilecontinue[.]network session-identifier-webservice.mobilecontinue[.]network com-messengersaccount[.]name invitation-to-messenger[.]space confirm-identification[.]name mobilecontinue[.]network mobile.confirm-identification[.]name services.confirm-identification[.]name mobile-messengerplus[.]network confirm.mobile-messengerplus[.]network com-messengercenters[.]name securemail.mobile-messengerplus[.]network documents.mobile-messengerplus[.]network confirm-identity[.]net identifier-sessions-mailactivityid[.]site activatecodeoption.ddns[.]net broadcastpopuer.ddns[.]net books.com-identifier-servicelog[.]name mb.sessions-identifier-memberemailid[.]network sessions-identifier-memberemailid[.]network sessions.mobile-messengerplus[.]network confirm-verification-process[.]systems accounts.confirm-verification-process[.]systems broadcastnews.ddns[.]net account-profile-users[.]info us2-mail-login-profile[.]site us2.login-users-account[.]site login-users-account[.]site live.account-profile-users[.]info signin.account-profile-users[.]info aol.account-profile-users[.]info users-account[.]site

Mobile security needs a rethink for the 5G era


The anticipated impact of futuremobile network applications, such as connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), virtual reality gaming, the internet of things (IoT) and gigabit download speeds, to name but a few, means the UK needs to rethink its mobile security strategy if it is to capture the benefits of 5G.

This is the key finding of a new report released through the government’s 5G Testbeds and Trials programme , with input from, among others, the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre and three ofthe ongoing testbeds AutoAir, 5G RuralFirst, and the Worcestershire 5G Testbed.

“We are expecting the first 5G enabled services to come to market next year and we are already doing significant work across the UK test beds,” said Rahim Tafazolli, University of Surrey Regius professor and founding director of the 5GIC. “The benefits of being prepared for what 5G offers are clear for all to see.

“Performance risk in such a complex network means that we need to reconsider many of our digital security processes. We believe that with the sound recommendations made in this paper, the UK will be in a good position to continue our leadership position in 5G innovation, development and deployment.”

Peter Claydon, project director of AutoAir, said: “Since the age of 2G, mobile networks have been some of the most secure things on the planet, helped by the fact that each one is controlled by a single network operator. 5G opens up mobile networks, allowing network operators to provide ‘slices’ of their networks to customers.

“Also, customers’ data can be offloaded and processed at the edge of the network, without going through the secure network core. This report is a timely reminder of the security challenges that these new features raise.”

The report’s authors believe the UK needs to innovate to create a “new way to predict and pre-validate” 5G network connections possibly using mobile AI-based autonomous technology whether those come from smartphones, other home IoT devices or machines, so that the network can recognise them quickly and efficiently and confirm their security and validity without compromising experience or performance.

Read more about network security The proliferation of poorly secured network-connected devices has prompted the UK government to publish new best practice guidelines. Do these go far enough? IT groups need to consider varying layers of security. For instance, the similarities and differences between cyber security and network security are closely entwined. A significant shortage of cyber security staff, poorly configured firewalls and unmanaged end-user mobile devices are some of the top network security threats .

The report made three further key recommendations: first, that a cross-layered process be designed to allow end-to-end security for critical 5G services in areas such as transport or health; second, that a dedicated body be established to monitor and encourage security-by-design practice around 5G; and third, that existing UK testbeds be involved in further testing of 5G security standards and capabilities as they emerge.

Robert Driver, head of UK5G, the country’s national 5G innovation body, said: “The paper highlights the challenges and inevitable trade-offs between cost, security and performance in the development and deployment of 5G. In a new environment of multiple use cases, each with different performance requirements, along with the expected introduction of new market players, alignment and cooperation between parties will be essential. Systems need to be ‘secure by design’ and new approaches, including the use of AI, will be required.”

Secure-24 Successfully Completes Fall SOC Evaluation


Adopts AICPA’s New Trust Criteria Ahead of Schedule


an NTT Communications Company, and a leading global provider of

comprehensive managed cloud services, IT operations, applications

hosting, and managed security services, today announced the successful

completion of the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 & 3 evaluation in

compliance with the newest


Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Secure-24 Successfully Completes Fall SOC Evaluation

With fluid regulatory landscapes and increased demand for transparency

into controls and processes, the AICPA continually refines the reporting

criteria used in SOC reports. In April 2017, the organization updated

the Trust Services Principles and Criteria (now the 2017 Trust Services

Criteria) impacting the controls required to be included with SOC 2 and

3 reports. Secure-24 has adopted the new Trust Services Criteria earlier

than December 15, 2018 as required by the AICPA.

“Information security is our highest priority and Secure-24 prides

itself on establishing the highest quality standards for process

improvement. We are pleased that our SOC 1, SOC 2 and SOC 3 Reports

affirm that Secure-24 has implemented the highest controls to mitigate

risk,” said Jaclyn Miller, Vice President of IT and Compliance at

Secure-24. “The reports provide clients with third-party verification

that our operations meet process and control requirements relevant to

user entity financial statements and also meet internationally

recognized standards.”

Issued by Ernst & Young LLP, global accredited and independent

accountants, SOC 2 and SOC 3 compliance confirms that Secure-24 has

controls in place to ensure the security, availability, processing

integrity and confidentiality of its managed cloud services. Secure-24

is among the first to issue a SOC 3 Report to clients regarding its

compliance to the new AICPA Trust Services Criteria.

The AICPA Trust Services Criteria aligns the SOC 2 and SOC 3 control

requirements to COSO 2013 Internal Control Integrated Framework. A SOC

3 compliance report is designed to meet the needs of existing or

potential customers who need assurance about the effectiveness of

controls at a service organization that are relevant to the security,

availability or processing integrity of the system used by the service

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Details about the security updates in Trezor One firmware 1.7.2

Details about the security updates in Trezor One firmware1.7.2


On Tuesday December 18th, we released the firmware update 1.7.2 for Trezor One devices. This is a release which brings support for sending OMNI assets. OMNI is a platform built on top of Bitcoin used by various cryptocurrencies such as Tether. It also fixes a security issue located in the U2F subsystem that we have discovered internally on November 26th.

Please note that several other vendors are also affected by this issue, which influenced aspects of our disclosure process. We would like to thank these vendors for their immediate response and willingness to release their updates so quickly.

The vulnerability consists of an information disclosure in the initial handshake of the U2F protocol which could potentially be leveraged to extract sensitive data. It was found during research by Christian Reitter (independent security researcher working closely with SatoshiLabs) in coordination with Dr. Jochen Hoenicke (security researcher at SatoshiLabs) and was immediately disclosed.

After assessing the impact on the Trezor One, Christian identified a number of external open-source projects which also used the affected data structure and began a coordinated responsible disclosure to inform them confidentially over encrypted and authenticated channels. During this process, we have worked with several projects to help them determine the practical impact on their project. All projects have agreed to the proposed coordinated disclosure.

There is no evidence that the vulnerability has been used in practice. However, we encourage everyone to keep their Trezor devices up-to-date at all times.

Details about the U2FHID_INIT_RESP information leak vulnerability Background

The open Universal 2nd Factor ( U2F ) standard is a strong second factor security mechanism that helps user to keep their important accounts safe. Two factor authentication systems help in the unfortunate event that account credentials are e.g. stolen by malware. In this scenario, despite obtaining username and password, an attacker will be unable to derive the cryptographic key held within the U2F device and is blocked from authenticating successfully without it to sites that have this protection enabled.

The Trezor One enumerates as a standard U2F HID USB device to fulfill its role as a fully featured U2F hardware token. This functionality was developed on the basis of the C/C++ reference implementation for U2F by Yubico , one of the companies that created this security standard. This reference implementation defines essential data structures & protocol characteristics and is therefore used in parts for several other U2F implementations such as the Trezor One, and the affected data structure originates there.

At the beginning of each U2F session, host computer and U2F client device perform a basic two-way handshake before any cryptographic request such as a site authentication is issued. This handshake contains the information leak that is described in the following paragraph.


The C struct `U2FHID_INIT_RESP` represents the U2F message payload of the U2FHID_INIT handshake reply sent by the Trezor. It is intended to store 17 bytes as defined by the FIDO U2F HID specification . However, due to automatic optimizations related to memory layouts and address boundaries, this particular struct is transparently padded to a new size of 20 bytes by default during compilation. The resulting three additional bytes of hidden data are inaccessible through the regular struct fields, but the `sizeof()` value is increased. This configuration is referred to as an unpacked struct and compilers generally do this to speed up accesses. However, only a minority of structs will be padded, making this behavior easier to miss in practice.

In the `u2fhid_init()` function, `U2FHID_INIT_RESP` is used directly to assemble the message contents of the reply message, and during this process, every regular data field is overwritten with valid data. However, since the struct memory area was not cleared with zeros during initialization and the three hidden data bytes are never written to, these three bytes still contain the raw data that was present in this memory area during the struct initialization, which represents discarded memory of previous Trezor operations .

U2FHID_INIT_RESP resp; // several write operations to the regular resp data fields // [...] memcpy(&f.init.data, &resp, sizeof(resp));

At the end of `u2fhid_init()`, the memcpy copies all 20 bytes including the problematic trailing bytes into the packet transmit buffer, from where they are transmitted over USB with each U2FHID_INIT packet.


The information leak consists of three memory bytes. The returned value have been observed to be stable between subsequent U2F handshake packets and device reboots, but can vary depending on previous actions on the Trezor. This behavior suggests that particular memory contents such as the existing stack protection defense mechanism are likely not impacted. Additionally, Trezor functions that handle sensitive data are designed to scrub the memory areas of the relevant variables before discarding them, which reduces the probability that the information leak can directly expose sensitive data. This can be seen as a mitigating factor, but we are taking no risks and have moved forward to release a patched firmware as soon as possible. This is also motivated by the fact that the problematic function can be invoked without any form of authentication and is not protected by the PIN, because of the U2F design.

Please also note that due to memory layout differences, the exact leak behavior will differ between firmware versions and vendors.

How does this affect the TrezorOne?

The described vulnerability can be used by an attacker with local access to the U2F interface to read a small area of previously discarded memory of the Trezor One. During research, we have so far been unable to escalate this to any meaningful compromise or exposure of sensitive data.

How was the issuefixed?

The bug was fixed by correcting the memory layout of the affected struct via the __attribute__((packed)) and overwriting it with zeros upon initialization.

Timeline 2018 11 26: U2FHID_INIT_RESP information leak is discovered 2018 11 30: Advance notice to vendor #2 2018 12 05: Disclosure to vendor #2 2018 12 12: Disclosure to vendor #3 2018 12 15: Disclosure to vendor #4 (no practical impact) 2018 12 18: Coordinated public disclosure Frequently Asked Questions Is my Trezor Onesafe?

The described vulnerability can be used to read a small area of discarded memory. During research, we have so far been unable to escalate this to any meaningful compromise or exposure of sensitive data. In addition, there is no evidence that this vulnerability has been used in practice . However, we encourage everyone to keep their Trezor devices up-to-date at all times.

Is Trezor Model T affected?

Facing bans, Huawei promises greater security and touts growing sales


(Reuters) ― Huaweion Tuesday said it would spend $2 billion over the next 5 years to focus on cybersecurity by adding more people and upgrading lab facilities, as it battles global concerns about risks associated with its network gear. The typically secretive Chinese technology giant made the comments at one of its most indepth press conferences at its Dongguan offices, after welcoming about two dozen international journalists into its new campus in the southern Chinese city.

Huawei has been in the news these past weeks for the arrest of its chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou ― also the daughter of its billionaire founder Ren Zhengfei ― in Canada at the request of the United States.

This has exacerbated the woes of the Chinese firm, which has already been virtually locked out of the U.S. market and has been prohibited by Australia and New Zealand from building 5G networks amid concerns its gear could facilitate Chinese spying.

“Locking out competitors from a playing field cannot make yourself better. We think any concerns or allegations on security at Huawei should be based on factual evidence,” its rotating chairman Ken Hu said. “Without factual evidence we don’t accept and we oppose those allegations.”

Huawei has been communicating with governments worldwide regarding the independence of its operation, he said. He added that Japan and France had not formally banned its telecom equipment. Recent media reports have indicated moves by these governments to shun the company’s equipment.

Sources have told Reuters that Japan planned to ban government purchases of equipment.

Other media reported that the country’s three top operators planned not to use current equipment and upcoming 5G gear from Huawei, and that France was considering adding items to its “high-alert” list that tacitly targets Huawei.

Huawei has repeatedly said Beijing has no influence over it.

At the tour of Huawei’s Shenzhen headquarters on Tuesday, journalists glimpsed some of Huawei’s most advanced R&D labs housed in a three-story building with a white facade and four columns, referred to by insiders as the “White House.”

Wu said Huawei had secured more than 25 commercial contracts for 5G, slightly above the 22 the Chinese technology giant had announced in November.

The company has shipped more than 10,000 base stations for the fifth generation of mobile communications, he said, adding that Huawei expects revenue to exceed $100 billion this year ― up 8.7 percent from last year.

Huawei is the world’s largest supplier of telecommunications network equipment and second-biggest maker of smartphones and unlike other big Chinese technology firms, derives half its revenue from overseas.


Wu said on Tuesday Huawei was looking forward to “a just conclusion” in the case of Meng, who was arrested in Vancouver on December 1 after U.S. officials alleged Huawei was trying to use banks to evade sanctions against Iran and move money out.

She is awaiting possible extradition to the United States in a case that has roiled global markets amid concerns it would exacerbate tensions between the United States and China, which are already strained over trade matters.

Meng, the 46-year-old daughter of Ren, has said in a sworn affidavit she is innocent and will contest the allegations against her at trial if she is surrendered to the United States.

Wu said Meng’s arrest has had no impact on the travel of the company’s senior executives.



北京时间12月18日晚间消息,据路透社报道,华为今日表示,未来五年将投资20亿美元用于强化网络安全,招募更多员工,并升级实验室设施。报道称,华为今日在东莞新园区接待了20多名国际记者。 华为在记者招待会上表示,为缓解全球对其网络设备安全风险的担忧,公司在未来5年将投入20亿美元用于加强网络安全,增加相关人员,升级实验室设施。








9 Key Players for a Winning Security Team


Basketball legend Michael Jordan once said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” When it comes to something as important as your company’s security, you can’t afford to rely on anything less than a championship security team.

What does a championship security team mean for your organization? You may have hired the best individuals across the spectrum of IT roles, but if they aren’t working together, you’re missing out on game-changing productivity.

We pulled together a list of key players for a winning security team based on our experience in the industry. Titles almost certainly vary from one company to the next, but the focus and responsibilities of the roles are certainly familiar to IT and security professionals alike. Here’s what you need to build your winning security team:

Chief Information Officer

A majority of records within organizations are now stored electronically, meaning the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has a vested interest in the overall security strategy. The traditional role of the CIO is expanding from IT resource management, policy development, standard operating procedure development, and more. They are now accountable for more than technology management. As the number of digitally captured business functions continues to expand, the CIO is getting involved strategically in additional functions, departments, and business decisions.

CIOs must not only be involved in, but leading the cybersecurity strategy planning. They are connected to several important parts of the organization, and need to get buy-in from these teams in order to execute an effective software security plan.

Chief Information Security Officer

While the CIO works on the business management part of an organization, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is critical in the age of security breaches . The CISO’s role is to monitor and analyze potential security risks, and to work closely with the CIO to increase IT risk mitigation. A good CISO must develop, deploy, and maintain an InfoSec program to protect the data an organization stores and processes.

The CISO must identify risk across the entire operation, from verifying that IT facilities are secure to educating employees on the organization’s security policies and practices and how to respond if a breach occurs. The potential penalties from regulations such as PIPEDA and GDPR are significant if data is misused and/or poorly secured. CISOs must integrate security policies and protection strategies, working closely with key players in the organization to deploy, revise, and oversee security strategy.

Cloud Operations Leader

As someone who works closely with the CIO and CISO and handles the design and implementation of cloud storage strategies, the leader of Cloud Operations efforts is a critical player on a successful security team.

Their practices need to be safe, reliable, and perfectly aligned with the overall software security plan. They need to be involved in the strategic planning and implementation of security plans because they have unique knowledge of cloud best practices―and won’t fall victim to insecure code or data breaches.

IT Security & AppSec Specialists

IT Security Specialists are critical in the implementation and management of the software security plan. These team members are the people on the line actually doing the work.

Having a variety of background and experience levels helps diversify the knowledge and approach within your security team. This diversity leads to a wider range of knowledge and better decision making when it comes to the best way to approach implementing security throughout your software development lifecycle (SDLC).

IT Security Specialists are responsible for the successful implementation and management of your security plan. They are also critical in helping to train and promote the importance of software security throughout other parts of the organization.

Security Champions

Every organization benefits from the internal evangelists who sit in the engineering team and promote AppSec best practices . In a rapidly accelerating software delivery environment, these internal evangelists can help your organization keep up with the evolving challenges of application security.


Don’t discard entry level tech resources as not knowing enough to be involved. Instead, tap into them as resources for internal talent development. For your experienced developers, it’s important not to make assumptions about their knowledge. Ensure that their training is up to date too, and then validate their knowledge periodically.

Finding and hiring new and experienced tech resources is expensive, so it’s important that you continue to develop your own internal teams. Push their boundaries of security knowledge and help them learn. You may even get some new takes on old processes while you’re at it.

9 Key Players for a Winning Security Team
Business Leaders

To implement an effective software security plan rapidly, you need buy in from the rest of the business leadership team.

Your CIO and/or CISO needs to build critical relationships with other key decision makers such as the Director of Operations, the CFO, and the CEO, and explain how their software security initiative supports other critical business functions. For example, if there is a large security breach that costs the business millions, everyone experiences the repercussions.

If all of the business leaders can get on the same page and work together to build a more security-focused organization, the security team can execute their software security plan much more effectively and efficiently.

The Legal & Compliance Teams

Even though other players in the security team have the best intentions of “following the rules,” no one has rule-following down quite like the legal and compliance teams.

The CIO, CISO and other team members rely on their legal team to make sure the organization is following policy within their own business, and identifying the industry standards and regulations they must adhere to, such as GDPR, PCI-DSS , HIPAA and many more. Industry standards can change frequently, so it’s important to have dedicated resources who keep the team on point when it comes to compliance.

The security team also relies on the compliance team to ensure that record keeping and documentation policies are being followed by the entire organization.

The Business Owners (Users of the Data)

Lastly, the actual data users play a huge role in the success of a solid software security plan.

While it seems like individual users may be too far downstream to matter, these users are the people most often handling the data.

Understanding how this team needs to process the data is critical. You need to make sure there is no gap between the legal and compliance teams thinking of how data should or must be used and the reality of how it is ac

OSS Security a Top Priority in National Cyber Strategy


The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce recently released its Cybersecurity Strategy Report, in which the committee identified several key concepts and principles to address and prevent cybersecurity incidents .

“ The support and stability of the open-source software (OSS) ecosystem,” ranked third among the top six priorities identified by the government. Recognizing that “modern information systems and products have continued to grow in scale, sophistication, and complexity,” the committee members wrote to the executive director of the linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin, acknowledging that OSS has become part of the nation’s “critical cyber infrastructure.”

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OSS Security a Top Priority in National Cyber Strategy
“It is the collective responsibility―and imperative―for business, industry, academic and technology leaders to work together to ensure that OSS is written, maintained and deployed as securely as possible, and [i]t is essential that the corresponding OSS communities are supported and properly enabled to be proactive enough to manage future security challenges that will arise over time,” the letter stated.

In large part, the security issues in OSS have been overlooked by everyone, yet few would disagree that there are security challenges that must be addressed.

Increasingly concerned about OSS-based attacks, Jason Glassberg, managing principal at Casaba Security, said that because the code is not very well-scrutinized, there are increasing security risks that often go unknown.

Security Problems in Open Source Software

Whether software is proprietary or open source, there are always risks, but for a long time many people functioned under the belief that more eyes on the code inherently elevated the code’s security. Until Heartbleed.

That’s not to say that proprietary software written behind the curtain can buy greater protection. It’s true that with OSS everyone has access to the code. Theoretically millions of eyes are looking at it, which makes it somewhat safer because more people have access to it.

“The problem is when it is used without rigorous controls. People risk using components they don’t understand, and when you are not controlling the end-to-end production of software, you may be introducing risks you don’t know about,” Glassberg said.

This lack of understanding is often the result of a lack of inventory, said Carlos Perez, head of threat R&D at TrustedSec. “ Many people do not keep a list of the full OSS components they are using in their environments which means they don’t know they are vulnerable even after a vulnerability has been disclosed,” he noted, which was an issue recently when an attacker was publishing rights to EventStream .

Old Habits, New Concerns

Because OSS is easier and faster than building code from scratch, it has become much more widely used. “We’ve seen a marked increase in the development and usage of OSS, even from major players in the software world. Microsoft is making a huge push into the OSS sphere, and it looks to be that OSS is the future of development,” Glassberg said.

Because everyone is jumping on the bandwagon without really understanding the components their using, the risks have increased as well. In the committee’s letter, U.S. Reps. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) wrote, “Its pervasiveness also creates widespread, distributed, and common points of potential risk across organizations when OSS vulnerabilities are found.”

The Future of Open Source Security

It’s often said that, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and it will take an entire industry to make OSS as secure as possible.

“Once you realize the problem exists, you can look for ways to solve the problem,” Glassberg said. As the committee recognized, there are ongoing efforts, such as the Linux Foundation , to transition from the Wild West to a more structured and f irmly established process on how things are updated and developed.

“As more of these efforts become mainstream, the process will be much more organized for updates and patches,” Glassberg said.

But the subject needs to be discussed more openly. The industry needs to come together, and Perez said organizations such as NIST and CERT can have great influence when it comes to creating standards for inventory and testing.

The reality is that if you have a problem, you have two choices: either hide it or release a fix to it and move on. “That’s the whole beauty of the white hat movement,” Glassberg said. “It’s always better to have bad news come from friends rather than enemies because the bad news is coming one way or the other.”

Fortunately, the future of the security industry will provide lots of opportunities to build friendly relationships with security researchers, according to a new report, “ Inside the Mind of a Hacker ,” from Bugcrowd.

“ Cybersecurity isn’t a technology problem, it’s a people problem―and in the white hat hacker community there’s an army of allies waiting and ready to join the fight,” said Casey Ellis, founder and CTO at Bugcrowd.

Decentralised Storage Systems―Offering Optimum Security and Efficiency


Decentralised Storage Systems―Offering Optimum Security and Efficiency
Representing decentralised cloudstorage

The advancement in the digital realm has certainly streamlined and improved the way people received services. Presently, common masses have access to vast information and services on the go. However, data security and efficiency have been a critical challenge that companies across the globe are continuously dealing with. While present cloud storage options offer vast space, there are challenges that keep enterprises from completely relying on centralised data storage systems.

Challenges of Existing Data Storage Systems

Below are the fundamental setbacks of conventional data storage options:-

Privacy and Security Issues

Internet privacy threats such as identity thefts, tracking, hacking, etc. have been significantly impacting individuals and enterprises alike. In fact, according to a recent survey, 96% of internet users think an online privacy threat is the biggest internet challenge that they fear. Centralised storage systems are always vulnerable to data breaches, making it an ineffective option.

Lack of Flexibility

Companies evidently have a huge amount of data to store. While centralised databases offer adequate space to store their data, there are challenges that cannot be overlooked. A centralised database offers low adaptability and only focuses on certain specific tasks. This leaves no scope for collaboration and results in a rigid storage process.

Lack of Speed

In the high-speed world that we live in, nobody has the time or patience to wait on technology. Therefore, the speed of a service is extremely important. However, cloud storage fails to provide the high network bandwidth that is required for fast data transfer, making data accessibility a rigid process

Friend; Rendering Digital Freedom

Friend is an open source community developed within blockchain technology that envisions to provide effective solutions to the aforementioned problems. By eliminating these pitfalls, the platform aims to offer digital independence to internet users. With icons, menus, and apps, Friend looks similar to an operating system. However, it is a platform that empowers operating systems to offer a robust network that is backed by blockchain-powered applications. It is basically an autonomous cloud computer that is entirely controlled and managed by users. It is an ecosystem which is free from oppression and censorship and personal information of every individual is secure

Essential Features of Friend Platform

Below are the essential features of the Friend Ecosystem:-

Full Control

The platform provides a decentralised cloud storage that allows users to have full control over their data. Users can decide where their data is stored and who has access to it, therefore, ensuring there is optimum transparency and security in the system.

Efficient Data Sharing

The network allows organisations to easily deploy applications, services, and data on its decentralised infrastructure. Users can either join the global Friend Network or set up a private network for their organisation to efficiently share applications, data, services, etc.

Easy Collaboration

The inbuilt collaboration functionality by Friend Chat allows users to conduct live discussions while viewing the dataset. Moreover, shared presentation sessions enable everyone to view the same content on their respective screens, thereby offering flexible collaboration option.

Security and Privacy

The Friend network focuses on protecting the important data of its users. By encrypting the user’s device, the platform protects private data before it is even stored on the server. Moreover, users can also obtain anonymous access, thereby preventing their identity from being disclosed. It liberates users from Big Techs and provides a secure ecosystem where users can store their data and obtain freedom to develop and collaborate using any device and software.

Transformation Towards Decentralised Computing Solutions

With the aforementioned challenges of centralised storage options, companies are increasingly looking for decentralised solutions to security and efficiency. Blockchain-based cloud storage solutions allow users to secure their data and participate in digital activities with utmost effectiveness. Friend is one such unique cloud computing platform that allows users to garner maximum efficiency from its decentralised servers.



12月18日,金融科技公司乐信(NASDAQ:LX)宣布,正式通过DNV-GL国际权威审核认证,获颁ISO 27001(信息安全管理体系标准)认证证书。这标志着,乐信的信息安全管理和服务已达到业界领先水平,实现了与国际主流模式的接轨。


此次乐信ISO27001标准信息安全管理体系建立,历时8个多月,一共编写发布制度文档54个, 26个部门,进行体系落地优化,输出多轮资产识别和风险评估分析,不断进行问题整改优化,最终顺利通过评估。“今后DNV GL愿与乐信一道推动该体系的进一步完善,提升整个行业的信息安全服务水平。” 该认证的评审机构DNV GL大中华区副总裁陈立表示。


Pressure on Pipe Networks over telecoms code rules contravention


Pipe Networks, a subsidiary of telecom services provider TPG, has been ordered by the telecommunications regulator to comply with new rules for small mobile phone base stations (small cells) following two investigations which found the company had contravened code rules.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has warned Pipeworks that if it fails to comply with its direction, it may issue an infringement notice or commence proceedings in the Federal Court.

The ACMA’s direction follows two ACMA investigations where PIPE Networks was found to have contravened code rules:

By failing to provide accurate and up-to-date information to a local council and residents during consultations on a proposed base station deployment By starting work before concluding consultation on the proposed deployment.

The Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Industry Code aims to ensure mobile telcos consult with local councils and communities before deploying mobile phone infrastructure.

“It’s important for telcos to keep affected communities in the loop and to consider their feedback when deploying new infrastructure”, said ACMA Chair, Nerida O’Loughlin.

“We expect to see more and denser deployments of small cells as demand for mobile services increases and as 5G networks are built,” O’Loughlin said.

The ACMA recently registered a revised version of the code which includes new, tailored consultation provisions dealing specifically with the deployment of small cells, and says these provisions are better suited to the rollout of small, rather than large infrastructure.

The new code also contains provisions that enable community consultations about mobile base stations to use digital communication channels, such as social media and email.

“The ACMA will closely monitor the deployment of small cells to ensure communities are consulted in line with the new version of the Code, and to identify any new concerns’, O’Loughlin said.


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New Private Security Startup, Abacus Secured $2 Million From VCs


Cryptocurrency market has crashed to its lowest level in 2018 but managed to get a greener graph in early today, as per coinmarketcap. However, this might be the reason at some point on why investors, analysts, and VCs are still confident in the future of cryptocurrency and its underlying technology thus investing million dollars in new startups.

New Private Security Startup, Abacus Secured  Million From VCs
Abacus Raised $2Million To Encouraged Tokenized Liquidity Program

KuCoin exchange was the latest crypto trading platform reported by Coingape that has secured the funding of $20 million from VCs. Nevertheless, the team has researched yet another crypto firm called ‘ Abacus ’ that has raised $2 million to aid investors and startups for managing their tokenized liquidity programs. Specifically, it has raised $1million from investor Justin Kan and serial entrepreneur whereas the other players in funding round of Abacus was ‘Y Combinator (YC) and Coinbase’.

Abacus is a brain child of Pradyuman Vig and Ian Macalinao developed to streamline the overall mechanism of tokenized securities. According to reports, it will help SEC and other auditing team to scrutinize the security by doing both automating ‘the compliance for tokenized security transactions as well as to keep track of chain of custody of private securities’ . Moreover, the founding team notes that it helps them from the issuance of tokens to administration and settlement the tokenized securities on blockchain via smart contracts.

Coinbase to Be First Exchange Partner of Abacus

Coinbase exchange with its funding contribution towards Abacus will possibly count among its ‘first exchange’s partners. Beside Coinbase, Abacus is also focusing on the other market leaders, in fact, it has already partnered with a New-York based P2P trading platform called AisSwap. Furthermore, it is closely looking at ‘Chicago-based exchange ‘OpenFinance’ to join hands with which is presently planning to begin trading its first security token.

Vig notes that “We don’t have a formula yet for our SaaS Model,” by adding that“It depends on the number of people involved in a particular offering, and how complicated compliance is.” The Revenue and The Vision

Indeed the key mission of Abacus is to make private security trading more transparent but still, the firm’s operation is very small. Vig asserted that they are programmatic and automatic’ and doesn’t need ‘an army of engineers’. Moreover, they are already working with a Texas-based VC firm, SpaceFund and gaining a significant portion of revenue. Vig notes that

“We don’t have a formula yet for our SaaS Model,” by adding that“It depends on the number of people involved in a particular offering, and how complicated compliance is.”

The core idea that Abacus is supporting to SpaceFund is that the same investors can sell their own ‘SpaceFund tokens’ to other investors once the value of these tokens upsurge. On the other hand, Abacus is charging ‘a subscription fee’ from SpaceFund’.

“We want to allow more visionary people to get involved, support the entrepreneurs opening space to humanity, and share in the wealth it will create. This offering is both a giant leap and a first step in that direction.”

― @RocketRick @CryptovestMedia https://t.co/VefgBNz1o4 pic.twitter.com/YaS6fMIFVl

― SpaceFund (@SpaceFundInc) December 16, 2018

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3 Ways AI is Securing Crypto Exchanges


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a darling of the press and may be a term that is frequently overused. Truth be told, AI that is indistinguishable from human intelligence is more science fiction than reality, like what we’ve seen in “Ex Machina.” At the same time, more mundane approaches to AI such as statistical analysis, regression analysis and deep learning have been established as key technologies for businesses. This practical AI has permeated the enterprise, with marketing, IT, human resources, security and other departments leveraging the technology to streamline processes and increase efficiency. Given the speed and scale required of today’s global businesses, this reliance on automation is a natural progression.

In particular, AI use cases have picked up significantly in security. Here’s why: A recent survey by PCI Pal found that 44 percent of U.S. consumers have suffered the negative consequences of a security breach. This influx in online criminal activity has made it difficult for any organization to defend against increasingly sophisticated hackers, especially as they refine their tactics and leverage AI. The same survey found that 83 percent of U.S. consumers will stop spending with a business for several months in the immediate aftermath of a security breach, representing a significant loss in revenue. To keep up with the rate of cybercrime and avoid reputational and/or financial repercussions resulting from a data breach, security teams across a number of industries have turned to AI.

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3 Ways AI is Securing Crypto Exchanges

The crypto industry is not really that different from any other FinTech online service. Crypto exchanges are just websites where you can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrencies for other digital or traditional currencies such as the U.S. dollar or euro. They’ve been around for a while, but they’ve recently boomed with the surge in Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency. With the cryptocurrency market estimated to hit $1 trillion this year, it’s no surprise that cybercriminals are targeting these exchanges and getting away with massive sums. In fact, in the past year, there were several major attacks targeted at crypto exchanges, including the following:

NiceHash $63 million stolen in December 2017 Coincheck more than $500 million stolen in January 2018 BitGrail around $195 million stolen in February 2018 Coinrail around $40 million stolen in June 2018 Bithumb $30 million stolen in June 2018 Zaif $59 million stolen in September 2018

It’s hard to talk about crypto and AI in the same breath. It feels as though the conversation has been overloaded by fashionable acronyms, a sort of “bullsh*t bingo.” That said, driven by this escalation in attack activities, the crypto industry is paying more attention to security and is looking toward newer and automated technologies including AI and machine learning to protect themselves.

Within the crypto industry, security needs to address all three fundamental layers of crypto economy: coins or tokens (protocol), exchanges and personal wallet security. If there’s an issue at the protocol layer and a hacker is able to identify and exploit protocol flaws, it doesn’t matter how secure the second and third layers are, hackers will get in. And because crypto exchanges are similar to a centralized web application, they’re prone to the same security issues as all other websites. This is bad news for issuers and crypto exchanges alike, given their livelihood depends on the security of crypto assets and confidence from the public.

To circumvent these issues, the crypto industry leverages AI to effectively and quickly automate security protocols and identify vulnerabilities not visible to the human eye. More specifically, AI is being used to secure cryptocurrency exchanges in the following ways:

Proactive Attack Blocking.By analyzing website and application traffic, AI is able to identify and block attacks before they do damage to the website. By leveraging attack data, including payloads, attack types and endpoints, AI is able to actively verify and prioritize threats and determine whether they are a high-risk incident or simply irrelevant aggressive noise.

Fraud Identification.AI can be designed to detect fraud in transactions via a predefined set of rules that automatically detect when something on the exchange is awry. AI is already being implemented by banks and other financial technology companies, making it an easy jump to retool AI capabilities for crypto exchanges.In addition, AI-centric fraud detection should be at the foundation of transparent exchanges, which would make it even easier to regulate the exchange of currency and detect any malicious hacks.

Vulnerability Detection.Not specific to AI but still very important to the security of the crypto industry is timely detection of vulnerabilities. An automated security system should be used to continuously analyze network perimeters and discover exposed assets and services. Further, continuous security testing should be used to automatically scan for vulnerabilities in crypto exchanges that could potentially be exploited by hackers. AI can help here to assess how risky the vulnerability might be and to quickly generate a virtual patch.

As long as cryptocurrencies remain in use, we can expect hackers to target crypto exchanges for profit. With cybercriminals becoming increasingly skilled, it will be important for issuers and crypto exchanges to continue to incorporate AI into security processes to effectively defend against the constant threat of a breach. And because exchanges grow their business by having the trust of consumers, it will be imperative for them to leverage technologies such as AI to monitor and secure assets in real time.

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