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AWS Security Hub - An Overview


AWS Security Hub was announced in Andy Jassy's re:Invent 2018 Keynote(46:23) and pitched as "a place to centrally manage security and compliance across your whole AWS environment (applause)" and then went on to announce an array of partners who were part of the initial integration effort (muted applause). While this announcement enjoyed just 3 minutes on centre stage, this is a significant development.

Security Hub - why is this significant?

One of the notable developments included in this announcement is the creation by AWS and adoption by AWS and select AWS partners of a standard format for security events called the 'AWS Security Finding' format . This common format is a key enabler of the aggregation of 'Findings' into Security Hub as it pushes the responsibility for conformance onto the findings emitter rather than requiring the aggregator to build and maintain multiple parsers for all findings sources. The AWS services GuardDuty, Macie, and Inspector, if configured, will automatically have their findings aggregated in SecurityHub once it is enabled.

Given that many of the security partners involved compete with one another to some extent or offer Security Operations Centre (SOC) services providing the black box magic of event ingestion and correlation into incidents, one can imagine that the incentive to standardise on a format which could level the playing field just a little bit must not have been great. The inexorable change of the market and the dominant agent of that change together clearly made a compelling case!

Coming together

The standard findings format ensures that the attributes required for the correlation of findings are present. 'Insights' are light-weight correlation rules, essentially filter and grouping operations to linked to an 'action'. This 'action' as set up in Security Hub is simply an identifier for an event which will be sent to CloudWatch Events if triggered. It is in CloudWatch Events where any notifications, automations, or integrations will be configured. As it stands today, actions must be manually triggered from the 'insight' and cannot be associated and triggered automatically . One assumes that this will be addressed in future releases.

Usefully, some standard findings are made available by AWS for such conditions as 'S3 buckets with sensitive data and public read permissions' which on their own should spare a great deal of pain to AWS customers!

On the theme of aggregation, Security Hub supports a master/member model where the designate master account can invite member accounts to pool findings. Once accepted, the findings from the member account are aggregated in Security Hub in the master. The member has access to view their own findings, while the master has a view of findings from itself and all members. It should be notes that at this time, Security Hub is a regional service.

Under the 'Standards' menu, AWS provides the first of its automated compliance checks 'CIS AWS Foundations' - with 43 automated rules as of 11th December 2018.

A brisk walk-through

Let's take a brief look in practice at how these various concepts and components work together. We'll be working with a single test account rather than trying to demonstrate master/member.

We've enabled GuardDuty for our test account to provide us with some findings to work with. In the ** AWS Console -> GuardDuty -> Settings ** we've clicked 'Generate Sample Findings' which has generated a spread of 45 findings. Since GuardDuty findings are automatically aggregated in SecurityHub, after a short delay, these same 45 findings are available for us to manipulate in SecurityHub. Today, we are concerned about resource theft for BitCoin mining, so let's see what GuardDuty has identified for us in this regard: aws securityhub get-findings --filter '{"ResourceType": [ { "Comparison": "CONTAINS", "Value": "AwsEc2Instance" } ], "Type": [{"Comparison": "CONTAINS", "Value": "TTPs/Command and Control/CryptoCurrency:EC2-BitcoinTool.B!DNS"}] }'

And, indeed, we do have a match output in the AWS Security Finding format :

{ "Findings": [ { "LastObservedAt": "2018-12-12T12:59:54.166Z", "FirstObservedAt": "2018-12-12T12:59:54.166Z", "GeneratorId": "arn:aws:guardduty:eu-west-1:9876123456789:detector/00b3cc1abf112994d0a265ad873033bc", "Severity": { "Product": 5, "Normalized": 50 }, "Title": "Bitcoin-related domain name queried by EC2 instance i-99999999.", "Resources": [ { "Tags": { "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag4": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue4", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag5": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue5", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag6": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue6", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag7": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue7", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag1": "GeneratedFindingInstaceValue1", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag2": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue2", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag3": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue3", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag8": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue8", "GeneratedFindingInstaceTag9": "GeneratedFindingInstaceTagValue9" }, "Region": "eu-west-1", "Partition": "aws", "Details": { "AwsEc2Instance": { "VpcId": "GeneratedFindingVPCId", "ImageId": "ami-99999999", "IpV4Addresses": [ "", "" ], "LaunchedAt": "2017-12-20T23:46:44.000Z", "SubnetId": "GeneratedFindingSubnetId", "Type": "p2.xlarge" } }, "Type": "AwsEc2Instance", "Id": "arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:9876123456789:instance/i-99999999" } ], "WorkflowState": "NEW", "ProductArn": "arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1::product/aws/guardduty", "ProductFields": { "action/dnsRequestAction/domain": "GeneratedFindingDomainName", "additionalInfo": "{\"threatListName\":\"GeneratedFindingThreatListName\",\"sample\":true}", "archived": "false", "resourceRole": "TARGET", "action/dnsRequestAction/protocol": "UDP", "aws/securityhub/SeverityLabel": "MEDIUM", "count": "1", "detectorId": "00b3cc1abf112994d0a265ad873033bc", "action/dnsRequestAction/blocked": "true", "aws/securityhub/ProductName": "GuardDuty", "aws/securityhub/FindingId": "arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1::product/aws/guardduty/arn:aws:guardduty:eu-west-1:9876123456789:detector/00b3cc1abf112994d0a265ad873033bc/finding/92b3d14048db77e93aae9a8693e937b8", "action/actionType": "DNS_REQUEST", "aws/securityhub/CompanyName": "AWS" }, "RecordState": "ACTIVE", "CreatedAt": "2018-12-12T12:59:54.166Z", "UpdatedAt": "2018-12-12T12:59:54.166Z", "Description": "EC2 instance i-99999999 is querying a domain name that is associated with Bitcoin-related activity.", "SchemaVersion": "2018-10-08", "Id": "arn:aws:guardduty:eu-west-1:9876123456789:detector/00b3cc1abf112994d0a265ad873033bc/finding/92b3d14048db77e93aae9a8693e937b8", "Types": [ "TTPs/Command and Control/CryptoCurrency:EC2-BitcoinTool.B!DNS", "Effects/Resource Consumption/CryptoCurrency:EC2-BitcoinTool.B!DNS" ], "AwsAccountId": "9876123456789" } ] } Let's create an insight with these filter criteria so that we can quickly isolate further findings of this type: aws securityhub create-insight --name "bitcoin miner" --filter '{"ResourceType": [ { "Comparison": "CONTAINS", "Value": "AwsEc2Instance" } ], "Type": [{"Comparison": "CONTAINS", "Value": "TTPs/Command and Control/CryptoCurrency:EC2-BitcoinTool.B!DNS"}] }' --group-by AwsAccountId { "InsightArn": "arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:9876123456789:insight/9876123456789/custom/45be0f15-d947-4bf7-8c27-83eef7487141" } There is no aws CLI option to create an action just now, so we'll need to go to the ** AWS Console -> SecurityHub -> Settings -> Custom actions. ** Click on 'Create custom action'
AWS Security Hub - An Overview
It's now time to create our CloudWatch Events rule: aws events put-rule --cli-input-json '{"Name": "SecHub", "EventPattern": "{\"source\":[\"aws.securityhub\"],\"resources\":[\"arn:aws:securityhub:eu-west-1:9876123456789:action/custom/bitcoin-miner-dns\"]}","State": "ENABLED"}' { "RuleArn": "arn:aws:events:eu-west-1:9876123456789:rule/SecHub" } For our rule target , we'll make use of an SNS topic which is already in use for other security notifications: aws events put-targets --rule SecHub --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:9876123456789:security_events"

our subscription to this topic looks like this:

aws sns get-subscription-attributes --subscription-arn "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:9876123456789:security_events:14bc3d5c-0bc8-463d-a920-c52c87ba8730" { "Attributes": { "PendingConfirmation": "false", "Endpoint": "secevents@example.com", "Protocol": "email", "RawMessageDelivery": "false", "ConfirmationWasAuthenticated": "false", "Owner": "9876123456789", "SubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:9876123456789:security_events:14bc3d5c-0bc8-463d-a920-c52c87ba8730", "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:9876123456789:security_events" } } So far, so good! Time for action...In the ** AWS Console -> Security Hub -> Insights ** panel, we find the insight which we created earlier:
AWS Security Hub - An Overview
Clicking through on that insight , we see the finding we previously turned up in our seach. We highlight this and select the action we created earlier from the dropdown. We are notified in a green across the top of the panel that this operation has been successful.
AWS Security Hub - An Overview
While we wait for the email notification to arrive, we can validate that CloudWatch Events has seen and processed the event triggered by our action by visiting ** AWS Console -> CloudWatch -> Events -> Rules ** and click on our SecHub rule:
AWS Security Hub - An Overview

If we view the metrics for this rule, we should should see TriggeredRules reporting a value of 1 . Before long, however, an email will appear in our Inbox with the full raw contents of the finding .

Where to from here?

As a PoC, this is interesting, but this is merely a start. CloudWatch Events provides a broad selection of targets, which enable a high degree of versatility, whether you want to push events to another system, generate a ticket in order to engage human specialists, or automate remediation. What can you accomplish? Sign up for the Security Hub preview and share your thoughts and experiences below.

Something to watch is the extent to which the AWS Security Finding format takes on a life of its own outside of AWS. Having been compelled to conform to a standard, does this development serve as a catalyst for further cooperation between vendors or the inspiration behind yet to be conceived OSS projects? There does not appear to have been much movement on Security Device Event Exchange and the Cisco extension CICEE in recent years, just perhaps this is the impetus which has been lacking.

Resources Security Hub in Andy Jassy's re:Invent 2018 keynote(46:23) re:Invent 2018 SEC397 breakout session on Security Hub

Portal for ArcGIS Critical Security Patch Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilit ...


A critical vulnerability in the Portal for ArcGIS component of ArcGIS Enterprise has been discovered, where an ordinary authenticated user can elevate themselves to be administrators of the portal once a set of special steps is taken by that authenticated user. Portal for ArcGIS 10.3 and higher users are impacted.

As this is a critical vulnerability and the exploit not in yet in the wild, we strongly encourage everyone to apply this patch within the next two weeks to minimize risk. If you are not using the latest version of a release, such as 10.5, we have provided a patch for those versions, but recommend moving to at least the latest version of the release such as 10.5.1 so that you can apply the cumulative security patch incorporating all of the available security patches for the product version.

The cumulative and non-cumulative security patches are available here:

Portal for ArcGIS Security 2018 Update 3 Patch is available for versions 10.6.1, 10.5.1, 10.4.1, and 10.3.1 and is a cumulative security patch for all issues available for the Portal version.

Portal for ArcGIS Privilege Escalation Security Patch is available for versions 10.6, 10.5, 10.4, and 10.3 and is non-cumulative This patch only includes a fix for this specific issue.

A support summary of the issue is availablehere.

Esri Software Security & Privacy Team

Single Sign On via Consensus


The Infrastructure Team at Coinbase has the goal of enabling any engineer in the company to quickly and securely access and deploy complex infrastructure. This effort started with our secure deployment pipelineCodeflow, was extended by our codification tooling GeoEngineer , and utilized by our blockchain infrastructure project Snapchain .

Our latest project to empower engineers was to make it easy and safe to elevate their own permissions temporarily to perform complex infrastructure changes.

Everything that engineers do at Coinbase is locked down by a mechanism that implements consensus. In order to interact with any production environment you must have a quorum of engineers approve the permissions, code, and configuration. This creates strict guardrails around making changes to our production environments along with an audit trail. This also enables us to secure customers funds with confidence.

Our philosophy of consensus also applies to access to critical services such as AWS and GitHub since our production services depend on them. In the past we have manually onboarded employees onto such services with consensus and an audit trail. Manually provisioning accounts to services has been easy for us to do until this year. In 2018 Coinbase has experienced incredible hypergrowth growing from 200 to almost 600 employees. This means that the number of employees joining per week has increased dramatically. Manually provisioning accounts resulted in operational toil. This is an obvious place for us to eliminate toil through automation.

We have built a Single Sign On (SSO) system that fulfills our consensus philosophy by protecting all changes to a user’s permissions via consensus to eliminate this source of toil. The system that we built had the following requirements to meet our high security and productivity standards:

Reduce the manual toil to maintain user accounts through centralized management Full codification of users’ permissions Audit trail of users’ permissions over time MFA for all authentication, ideally push based Highly available and 12 factor , allowing for blue/green deploys Minimal surface area for vulnerabilities Help us scale 10x more engineers to 10x more critical services with ease Work with our current workflows e.g. `assume-role`

To build this identity provider (a service that authenticates users on behalf of other services) we use a combination of SAML, LDAP, and consensus.

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is the defacto enterprise SSO protocol. It is used to send cryptographically signed assertions about a principal (ie. their permissions) to service providers like AWS and GitHub. These assertions are used to authorize users into their platform. SAML profiles describe the different request-response protocols that identity providers and service providers can use to communicate with each other. SAML bindings describe which lower level communication and messaging mechanisms are used in the steps of SAML profile specifications.

LDAP is a tried-and-true directory service that is typically used to represent organizations in a tree-like structure. It also has secure native authentication mechanisms for users.

In order to understand how consensus is used to protect changes to users’ permissions, we will first explain how consensus is used at Coinbase.

Consensus at Coinbase
Single Sign On via Consensus
Software development process at Coinbase utilizing consensus. ( Heimdall is licensed under CC BY-SA3.0 ).

In the software development process at Coinbase engineers can only deploy code to production environments that meet a specific set of checks and requirements. These checks and requirements are numerous but one of the key requirements is that all deployed git branches much be checked via consensus by a tool we wrote called Heimdall. This tool enforces an immutable git history that has ensured all commits have consensus.

The general software development process to deploy code to production environments is as follows:

Engineer creates a pull request to a protected branch with immutable history (ie. master). N qualified reviewers engage in a code review process, where N is configurable on a per-repository basis. N depends on how sensitive the repository is or is not. After all qualified reviewers ensure that the code is of high quality they may approve the pull request (ensuring consensus). A webhook triggers to notify Heimdall that all commits of the pull request have consensus. The engineer merges the pull request into the git branch with immutable history. Heimdall marks the new merge commit with consensus. This ensures that all commits to the protected branch have consensus. The engineer attempts to deploy a commit to a production environment with our secure deployment pipelineCodeflow. Codeflow asks Heimdall if the commit has consensus. If and only if it has consensus the deploy initiates! The Single Sign On System
Single Sign On via Consensus
Architecture of the Single Sign Onsystem.

In our configuration of LDAP we have two directories ― users and groups.

The groups directory describes which groups users are a part of. Service providers use this to translate into permissions specific to that service.

When an engineer would like to elevate their permissions to a service they make a pull request to a repository that is used to build the groups directory. This repository is protected by consensus with Heimdall. This repository then updates the groups directory which is served from a read-only filesystem. The git commit history creates an audit trail which is one of our requirements for compliance.

The users directory contains information about users as well as their cryptographically hashed passwords. Users authenticate against this directory as well as MFA with a push notification from Duo Push .

To allow LDAP to be blue/green deployed in a highly available mode by fulfilling the 12 factor requirement of having stateless instances we use the slapd-sql module for the user directory. We store the data in Postgres ( Amazon’s RDS ) instead of on dis

Email security threats that can ruin your company's holiday season


Email security threats that can ruin your company's holiday season

Most people understand that retail becomes a target for cybercriminals during the holidays. But even businesses not related to the retail sector will often find the holidays their most vulnerable time of year. After all, many individuals (that is, employees) are focused on wrapping up projects before the holidays truly start or are looking ahead to the coming year with the added distraction that the holidays bring.

Businesses need to protect themselves from potential cybersecurity threats during the busy holiday season -- many of which will come in the form of the world’s most commonly used utility, email. In this post, we will take a look at some of the biggest on-premises and cloud email security threats your business faces this holiday season.

Holiday Chaos = Big Opportunities for Cybercriminals

The holiday season creates an opportune time for cybercriminals. At the office, employees are often faced with end-of-the-year initiatives and larger overall workloads. Outside of the office, they are juggling holiday parties, travel plans, gift purchasing, and a plethora of other activities. In short, they are extremely busy, have limited time, and not as attentive as they normally would be. As a result, they become far more vulnerable. For example, employees may:

Become lax with their password security and protocols Lose things like phones, tablets, or laptops that have company-related information on them Forward documents without properly password-protecting them Share information unthinkingly, without validating someone else’s identity or credentials

Email, however, is likely the most common way in which your company can be targeted by a cybercriminal. While it varies a bit by industry, employees will often have a lot more to do during this time of year, and in some cases get a lot more email than they normally would. Some of these may come in via their work email, but many more will come in from personal emails that are read on devices connected to your network.

This influx of email and the clever holiday-oriented email subject lines and content that criminals dream up this time of year increase the chance of an employee clicking on a malicious link or responding to a phishing email. Even if your staff is well trained, the chances that they will follow through on that training decreases when they are distracted or in a rush to get everything done before a holiday vacation.

Just as worrisome is when employees are traveling and unable (or unlikely) to access work email, which happens more often during the holidays. Cybercriminals like to wait for periods of time in which businesses are short handed in order to launch attacks. For example, a cybercriminal may use the acquired email credentials for a CMO when that person is out of the country (perhaps made plain by their automated away message). Knowing this, the criminal sends an email from the CMO’s account to the company’s financial department requesting a wire transfer, stressing end-of-year urgency to send the money immediately, a classic Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam. Since the real CMO is out of the country and not easily accessible, he or she may not notice the email exchange until back from their holiday, when it’s too late.

The Email Security Threats to Watch Out For This Season

Businesses need to be vigilant about their email security, as email is among the easiest and most popular methods of cyberattack. The high volume of these threats greatly increases the chances that your business will become a target.

In addition to the BEC scheme described above, here are some of the most common on-premises and cloud email security threats you’re likely to experience during the 2018 holidays:

Phishing and malware-less threats . Traditional email security products (i.e., secure email gateways) can’t always detect phishing attempts. Phishing and other malware-less threats may be nothing more than a request for system credentials appearing to come from a trusted source. A rushed employee during the holiday season may not question whether the email was really sent by their boss. Moreover, social media has made it easier for bad actors to present themselves as individuals associated with a known business partner, supplier, or customer, as they can easily see a company’s connections. Ransomware . While it didn’t make headlines quite as much in 2018, Ransomware continues to be a threat . The cost of not being able to operate can be millions of dollars per day for a large business, and many small businesses are not able to survive a lengthy business disruption. Cybercriminals know that the holidays are a critical time for many businesses and therefore company execs will be more likely to pay the ransom rather than being shut down while they waste time (and profits) on resolving the situation. Malware . Distributing other types of malware, such as key loggers, cryptominers, credential stealers, and rootkits, also are a goal of increased threats during the holidays. The impact can be accounts that are compromised, confidential data that’s stolen, or network and system performance that’s degraded. While older malware threats can be easily identified through on-premises and cloud email security, newer and more advanced threats are more difficult to detect. If your business, like many, is particularly hectic during the holidays,malware could go undetected for some time.

Your organization has to protect itself from email security threats during the holidays. But it can be difficult to do so when your -- and your employees’ -- time and attention is elsewhere. An automated solution can help. Advanced, next-generation solutions don’t just identify traditional threats such as ransomware, they also can identify the hallmarks of phishing schemes and social engineering attempts, and identify when an "employee" may be compromising sensitive information.

Next-generation cybersecurity solutions are able to automatically strip out potentially harmful attachments from emails, thereby reducing the chances that your employees could accidentally fall victim to an attack that results in your network being breached. Further, should an attack still slip through, these solutions are able to detect the anomalous network activity, enabling your security team to quickly remediate these threats before they can do harm to your company’s network and your company’s sales. Through next-generation solutions that can detect email attacks, you can prevent disruption even when employees let down their guard.

Photo credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock

Email security threats that can ruin your company's holiday season
Bert Rankin is Chief Marketing Officer at Lastline . He has over 25 years of experience successfully bringing enterprise solutions to market and has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to develop market-leading brands, dramatically expand the sales pipeline, and translate customer requirements into compelling products. Prior to joining Lastline, Rankin served as Chief Marketing Officer of ThreatMetrix, where he transformed the company into the leading online fraud prevention solution.

Using one of the worst passwords of 2018 is a great way to get hacked


No matter how much we read about hacks and data breaches and the importance of taking solid security precautions, one of the unchangeable truths of the world is that people on average are absolutely terrible when it comes to choosing passwords. We use the same ones over and over, to the delight of hackers, and the ones we come up with tend to be pathetically easy so that we’re able to remember them.

SplashData is out with its eighth annual compilation of the Worst Passwords of the Year, a ranking it produces after evaluating more than 5 million passwords that have been leaked on the Internet. If you use any of these, we can’t stress this enough. As SplashData puts it themselves, anyone using any of these passwords is putting themselves “at substantial risk of being hacked and having their identities stolen.”

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A few notes about this list: 2018 was the fifth straight year that saw these passwords in the Number 1 and 2 spots for being the absolute worst: “123456,” and “password.” The five worst passwords after those 2? They’re all just numerical strings.

SplashData is a provider of password management applications TeamsID, Gpass, and SplashID. “Our hope by publishing this list each year is to convince people to take steps to protect themselves online,” says SplashData CEO Morgan Slain. “It’s a real head-scratcher that with all the risks known, and with so many highly publicized hacks such as Marriott and the National Republican Congressional Committee, that people continue putting themselves at such risk year-after-year.”

Without further ado, here’sSplashData’s “Worst Passwords of 2018” list:

123456 password 123456789 12345678 12345 111111 1234567 sunshine qwerty iloveyou princess admin welcome 666666 abc123 football 123123 monkey 654321 !@#$%^&* charlie aa123456 donald password1 qwerty123

SplashData estimates almost 10% of people have used at least one of these 25 passwords and that some 3% of people have used the worst password, 123456.

Here are some tips from SplashData on how to be better at password security:

1. Use passphrases of twelve characters or more with mixed types of characters.

2. Use a different password for each of your logins. That way, if a hacker gets access to one of your passwords, they will not be able to use it to access other sites.

3. Protect your assets and personal identity by using a password manager to organize passwords, generate secure random passwords, and automatically log into websites.

Image Source: Cultura/REX/Shutterstock

Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

[0day] Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

sidestepping a poorly implemented protection, has significant privacy implications!

November 29, 2018

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Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky
Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky
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In this short blog post, we’ll detail a trivially exploitable privacy issue that despite Apple’s (rather feeble) attempts to prevent, allows sandboxed applications to surreptitiously spy on unsuspecting users - even on the latest version of macOS!


This issue was originally disclosed (by yours truly) at Objective-See’s Mac Security Conference: “Objective by the Sea” . This blog post dives more deeply into the technical details of the flaw.

Slides from the talk: “Protecting the Garden of Eden”


From a security and privacy point of view, sandboxes are an excellent idea. In short, within the constraints of a properly designed and implemented sandbox, an application is largely limited in a variety of ways. For example, amongst other constraints, it cannot arbitrarily access user files (i.e. your pictures or downloads), capture keystrokes, or subvert the OS. Hooray!

Of course, any sandbox implementation will have its flaws, allowing malicious applications to either “escape” the sandbox completely, or while still in the sandbox, bypass some specific sandbox constraint. In this post, we’re dealing with the latter, specifically side-stepping Apple’s sandbox constraints on “distributed notifications” in order to gain valuable insight into the environment outside the sandbox and monitor (some) private user and OS activities.

OSX/macOS allows applications or system components to broadcast notifications “ across task boundaries. ” Aptly termed “distributed notifications” such events are broadcast by means of the DistributedNotificationCenter class. Described in the distributed notification class documentation , Apple states this class is a “ notification dispatch mechanism that enables the broadcast of notifications across task boundaries. “

More specifically:

“ A DistributedNotificationCenter instance broadcasts NSNotification objects to objects in other tasks that have registered for the notification with their task’s default distributed notification center. “

As we’ll shortly see, at any given time a myriad of (interesting) notifications are globally broadcast by apps, programs, and system daemons. Tapping into this steam, by registering a global distributed notification listener reveals a lot about the “goings on” of the system, as well as what the user is up to!

To globally register to receive all distributed notification, simply invoke the CFNotificationCenterAddObserver function (shown below) with 'nil' for the 'name' parameter. The callback specified will be invoked anytime a distributed notification is broadcast by anyone.

Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

Here in code, we register a global distributed notification listener (note: the name parameter is nil , to specify we want to listen for all notifications):

//callback // invoked anytime anybody broadcasts a notification static void callback(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name_cf, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef userInfo) { NSLog(@"event: %@", (__bridge NSString*)name_cf); NSLog(@"user info: %@", userInfo); NSLog(@"object: %@", (__bridge id)object); return; } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { //register for distributed notifications // note: as name is nil, this means "all" CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter(), nil, callback, nil, nil, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately); [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]; return 0; }


One can also globally register to receive all distributed notifications via a NSDistributedNotificationCenter method:

- (void)addObserver:(id)observer selector:(SEL)selector name:(NSNotificationName)name object:(NSString *)object suspensionBehavior:(NSNotificationSuspensionBehavior)suspensionBehavior;

If we compile and execute the following code, we can begin observing a variety of system events, such as screen locks/unlocks, screen saver start/stop, bluetooth activity, network activity, and user file downloads:

$ ./sniffsniff 2018-11-19 20:54:08.244963-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.screenIsLocked 2018-11-19 20:54:08.244994-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 20:54:08.245039-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: 501 2018-11-19 20:54:11.150683-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.screenIsUnlocked 2018-11-19 20:54:11.150727-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 20:54:11.150751-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: 501 2018-11-19 20:55:00.033848-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.screensaver.didlaunch 2018-11-19 20:55:00.033882-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 20:55:00.033898-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: (null) 2018-11-19 20:55:00.414571-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.screensaver.didstart 2018-11-19 20:55:00.414663-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: { runFromPref = 0; } 2018-11-19 20:55:02.744793-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.screensaver.willstop 2018-11-19 20:55:02.744831-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 20:55:02.744843-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: (null) 2018-11-19 20:55:02.760187-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.screensaver.didstop 2018-11-19 20:55:02.760292-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: { runFromPref = 0; } 2018-11-19 20:55:02.760312-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: (null) 2018-11-19 20:55:15.733963-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: IOBluetoothDeviceDisableScan 2018-11-19 20:55:15.733993-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 20:55:15.734011-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: (null) 2018-11-19 20:56:15.720241-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.CFNetwork.CookiesChanged.2e3972d12eadbbbef05326fe6f5f0c3e1c05bdcc 2018-11-19 20:56:15.720292-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 20:56:15.720307-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: (null) 2018-11-19 21:01:12.870597-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] event: com.apple.DownloadFileFinished 2018-11-19 21:01:12.870626-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] user info: (null) 2018-11-19 21:01:12.870641-1000 sniffsniff[50098:11034854] object: /Users/patrick/Downloads/LuLu_1.1.2.zip


The value of the ‘CFDictionaryRef userInfo’ and ‘const void *object’ parameters is dependent on the notification. For example for the ‘com.apple.DownloadFileFinished’ notification, the ‘object’ parameter contains the name of the file that was downloaded.

By design, no special permissions are needed to register such a global listener - and this is all well and good. However, in the context of sandbox, obviously such notifications should not be delivered (to a global listener originating the sandbox) as this would, at least from a privacy point of view, clearly violate the foundational concept of sandbox isolation.

Distributed Notifications in the Sandbox!?
Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

Apple clearly (and correctly), realized that from a privacy (and also possibly a security) point of view, a sandboxed application should not be able globally capture distributed notification. As such, if a sandboxed application attempts to globally register for distributed notifications, the OS sandbox will rather sternly block this action:

$ ./sniffsniff 2018-11-19 21:21:41.202420-1000 sniffsniff[50388:11098618] *** attempt to register for all distributed notifications thwarted by sandboxing. Date/Time: Mon Nov 19 21:21:41 2018 OS Version: 18B75 Application: sniffsniff Backtrace: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff3c082c46 __CFGenerateReport + 197 1 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff3c015f43 __CFXNotificationRegisterObserver + 1035 2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff3bef1af2 _CFXNotificationRegisterObserver + 14 3 Foundation 0x00007fff3e28845a -[NSDistributedNotificationCenter addObserver:selector:name:object:suspensionBehavior:] + 233 4 Foundation 0x00007fff3e28836b -[NSDistributedNotificationCenter addObserver:selector:name:object:] + 29 5 sniffsniff 0x000000010000125e -[AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 142

Ok so Apple’s macOS sandbox clearly seeks to prevent malicious applications (running in the sandbox) from globally sniffing distributed notifications: *** attempt to register for all distributed notifications thwarted by sandboxing

All is good?

Unfortunately, not at all! Contrary to Apple’s pontifications, it seems security at Cupertino is often approached rather lackadaisically. In other words, it’s often not really thought through. Their attempts to block the receiving of distributed notifications (globally) from within the sandbox, is a perfect example of this…

Globally Sniffing Distributed Notifications in the macOS Sandbox

A fully patched Mojave box (and likely those running any other versions of macOS) fails to adequately prevent sandboxed applications from receiving (possibly sensitive) distributed notifications. Though Apple prevents such an application from registering to receive distributed notifications globally, (passing in 'nil' for the 'name' parameter), there is nothing preventing a sandboxed application from registration to receive any notification by name (e.g. com.apple.DownloadFileFinished ). Thus, a malicious application can trivially circumvent Apple’s (weak) sandboxing attempts, by simply registering any (and all?) distributed notifications directly by name. Though this takes a few extra lines of code, the affect is that any application can cumulatively register to receive (capture) all distributed notifications - even within the sandbox!

Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

Let’s look at an example. Say a malicious application wants to monitor user downloads. When executed in the context of the macOS sandbox, normally this is something that would be strictly prohibited - and rightly so! By definition, a sandbox seeks to provide an isolated environment, protecting both the user’s security and privacy.

However, by registering to receive the com.apple.DownloadFileFinished distributed notification by name, the (sandboxed) application can still surreptitiously monitor all files the user downloads:

First, let’s be sure to sandbox our malicious application ( sniffsniff ):
Mojave's Sandbox is Leaky

Then, write some code to listen for the com.apple.DownloadFileFinished distributed notification:

static void callback(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name_cf, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef userInfo) { NSLog(@"event: %@", (__bridge NSString*)name_cf); NSLog(@"user info: %@", userInfo); NSLog(@"object: %@", (__bridge id)object); return; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { NSString* name = @"com.apple.DownloadFileFinished"; CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter(), nil, callback, (CFStringRef)name, nil, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately); }

Running sniffsniff from within the macOS sandbox, even on a fully patched Mojave box, rather surprisingly allows us to surreptitiously monitor the user’s downloads:

./sniffsniff 2018-11-22 12:50:38.175 sniffsniff[93641:15431613] event: com.apple.DownloadFileFinished 2018-11-22 12:50:38.175 sniffsniff[93641:15431613] user info: (null) 2018-11-22 12:50:38.175 sniffsniff[93641:15431613] object: /Users/user/Downloads/thePeeTapes.mov


The ‘com.apple.DownloadFileFinished’ distributed notification appears to only be broadcast for files downloaded from a user’s browser. However, this includes those downloaded in incognito mode!

Now, it’s important to note that though we can now monitor user downloads from within the sandbox, we can’t actually read the contents of such files due to other sandboxing rules. However, file names themselves, can be rather implicative…

As we must register for each notification by name (in order to circumvent the sandbox protections), a valid question is how to determine the names of notification of interest (i.e. 'com.apple.DownloadFileFinished' , etc.) Thought there may be a more comprehensive solution, I choose to simply install a global listener for all distributed notifications (of course this had to be done outside the sandbox), then simply observe what notification names. Returning to the sandbox, we can then register for any notifications of interest (by name!).

Thought we could utilize the code mentioned earlier in this post, I instead made use of the powerful monitor capabilities of Digita Security ’s (soon to be released) MonitorKit . As this framework contains a monitor to globally observe distributed notifications, in a few lines of code we can activate said monitor and begin to receive the names of all broadcast distributed notifications:

import Cocoa import MonitorKit @NSApplicationMain class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) { //call into MonitorKit // enable 'distributed notifications' monitor let monitor = DistributedNotifcationsMonitor() monitor.start() { event in print("event: ", event.name.rawValue) if let userInfo = event.userInfo { print("event info: ", userInfo) } if let object = event.object { print("event object: ", object) } } } }


OMG Swift code!? …I know

Executing this code reveals some interesting distributed notifications (that a malicious sandboxed application could register to observe):

Newly Installed Applications:


event info: [AnyHashable("bundleIDs"): <__NSArrayM 0x600000c57bd0>( com.objective-see.KnockKnock)

Opened Source Code Files:


新一代杀毒策略 “组合拳”打败网络“高级黑”


原标题:新一代杀毒策略 “组合拳”打败网络“高级黑”


APT指高级持续性威胁(Advanced Persistent Threat),它的“高级”在于“用间谍打头阵”。例如,谷歌遭受的著名的“极光行动”中,黑客研究了一位谷歌普通员工与好友的共同爱好,伪装成其好友向其发送邮件,员工访问邮件后中招,谷歌内部终端被未知恶意程序渗透数月,窃取了大量信息。

























Drivers Licenses are Going Digital in Louisiana


Finland announced plans for a digital drivers license this year, and several U.S. States are running similar pilot programs of their own. So far, digital drivers license systems have been fairly limited, but a report by IEEE Spectrum claims that could change in Louisiana soon. According to the report, the developers of the app LA Wallet claim that "bars, restaurants, grocery stores and other retailers" will be allowed to accept digital IDs as proof of age next week. The founder of the app company claims about 71,000 people have downloaded the app, but so far, only police offers are required to accept it as a form of ID, limiting its usage. Spectrum points out that it would be possible to steal someones digital identity in the same way that credit card info is stolen, but there are major security benefits to the system too, and Louisiana has no plans to make plastic IDs obsolete yet.

Drivers Licenses are Going Digital in Louisiana
There's also a handy security feature that allows anyone with the LA Wallet app to authenticate another person's Louisiana digital driver's license. In our Bourbon Street bar scenario, the bartender and the young woman would use the app's "VerifyYou" feature. It allows the bar patron to select which information she would like to reveal to the bartender-in this case, simply the fact that she is over 21. That information is displayed on the phone with a photo and embedded QR code. The bartender scans the code with her app, which tells her that the woman seated on the other side of the bar is indeed over 21. None of the customer's personal information, such as her name, birth date, or address, is displayed or stored on the bartender's phone. Together, the VerifyYou feature and the security seal make the digital driver's license hard to fake. That's because the cryptography is time-based and can only be used once.


Posted byalphaatlas 9:56 AM (CST)


安全公司 Certfa 研究人员 报告 ,伊朗黑客最近针对美国政府官员、活动人士和记者的钓鱼攻击使用了能绕过二步认证的技术。这一事件凸显了基于短信的二步认证的风险。攻击者首先向目标发送钓鱼邮件,邮件嵌入了隐藏的图像,能在目标查看邮件时实时提醒攻击者。当目标在假的 Gmail 或 Yahoo Mail 登录页面输入密码,攻击者几乎能实时在真实的登录页面输入登录凭证。如果目标账号受到二步认证的保护,攻击者能将目标重定向请求一次性密码的新页面。黑客使用的钓鱼域名和 IP 地址与伊朗政府有关联的黑客组织 Charming Kitten 相关联。









例如,如果预算增加,也就是CISO明年要求 120万美元 网络安全支出而不是原计划的100万美元,那么首席财务官(CFO)就会希望了解这笔钱用到了哪些地方?企业为此获得了哪些额外保护?企业高管、GRC经理和网络安全专业人员正试图通过使用模糊指标分析不完整数据来弄清楚如何衡量网络安全支出的投资回报率。这里迫切需要改进。







该研究为我们描绘了一幅清晰的图景: 网络风险管理对于管理人员来说变得越来越重要,但对于CISO和网络安全团队来说则更为困难。









网络安全世界里,创建安全环境意味着运用反恶意软件程序、垃圾邮件过滤器和PC防护措施来阻止用户安装软件。创建一个安全的环境不仅可以过滤掉 99.9% 的潜在攻击,让威胁根本沾不到用户的边儿,还能阻止来自用户自身的破坏或伤害。但很明显,仍有攻击能够突破防线,所以意识培训仍是减少风险的必备措施。








相约FIT 2020,我们不见不散 | FIT 2019收官日主论坛全记录


FIT 2019大会会期为2018年12月12日-13日,今日已圆满落下帷幕。昨天的大会主论坛议程聚焦「全球高峰会」、「WitAwards颁奖盛典」、「X-TECH技术派对」、「HACK DEMO」四大版块内容,同时「中国首席信息安全官高峰论坛」、「漏洞马拉松线下邀请赛」也在特色分会场同期举行。回顾首日盛况,请看: 安全圈年终大趴,FIT 2019首日盛况全程回顾

今天的大会主论坛包含「 WIT2018现场最受欢迎奖颁奖 」和「前沿安全神盾局」两大主题,此外独立分设「白帽LIVE」及 「企业安全俱乐部」两大分论坛,与来自全球的安全从业者、优秀技术专家、企业安全建设者、白帽专家、研究机构等同展开演讲与探讨。在今天的主论坛上,我们通过现场投票的方式角逐出了“WIT2018现场最受欢迎奖”,演讲嘉宾与我们分享了2018年度安全行业创新硕果,共同探索和展望未来安全新边界。

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WIT 2018现场最受欢迎奖

本次WitAwards 2018采用7+1的形式,在七大奖项――年度创新产品、年度技术变革、年度品牌影响力、年度安全人物、年度国家力量、年度安全团队、年度热门产品及服务的基础上,组委会特别新设「WIT现场最受欢迎奖」,旨在为获奖者提供更多展示核心技术和产品的机会。

入围本次WIT 2018现场最受欢迎奖角逐的有「年度创新产品」腾讯云、「年度安全团队」无糖信息、「年度技术变革」百度安全以及「年度安全人物」看雪学院段钢。在今天的大会现场,经过观众与评委的共同票选,WIT 2018现场最受欢迎奖最终花落 「百度安全」

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物联网、人工智能、区块链、互联网+等前沿客季在2018年引起了一波又一波的话题热潮,逐渐成为信息时代产业发展的主要技术经济形态,它们在各种社会领域中的参与度越来越高。在新趋势、新变化带来便利的同时,网络安全隐患日益彰显,安全隐患源头与种类越来越多,成为了影响行业发展乃至国家安全的重要因素。FIT 2019第二日主论坛特设「前沿安全神盾局」版块,汇聚国内外顶级专家学者,带来多个新鲜议题,共话前沿安全。

IoT安全的To B和To C
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率先上台的是海康威视CSO王滨,带来的议题是《IoT安全的To B和To C》。他从公众眼中的IoT安全和安全研究人员眼中的安全作为出发点讨论了他对于“To B”和”To C”的区别理解,对于目前的IoT设备安全态势而言,这是一种很好的厘清方式。因为对于C端而言,消费者看到的很多安全方面的报道都存在很大的局限性,因为很多问题的根源来自于上游设备,而不是IoT本身。

要做好 IoT to C 的安全,首先要做好云安全,其次是 APP安全、设备安全、端到端加密以及口令安全。由于开放接口多、用户安全意识淡薄、系统网络环境复杂、历史问题堆积、纵深防御难实施等多个问题,IoT to B 的安全需要厂商提供更高的产品安全需求,同时为用户提供轻管理的安全防护方案。



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IoT市场规模极具扩张,设备数量大大增长也导致了DDoS攻击的攻击面、攻击量、攻击效果大大提升。骇极安全CEO Zenia从攻击者的思路出发,以「协议逆向」为突破口讨论了IoT安全,她带来的议题是《IoT攻击实践:高效协议分析》。



同样这种统计特征出现在一些IoT协议中,例如设备标识符这类决定设备唯一性的字段(基因)在一堆协议数据中基本保持不变,其变化率远远小于那些控制数据字段,例如温度,亮度等操作数据,也就是说字段变化次数: 设备标识符 < 操作标识符 < 数据字段。




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“前沿安全神盾局” 下午的下午场首先由联想安全实验室研究员杨欢带来了《巧用EvilUSB攻击智能路由器》的议题分享,在现场带来了智能路由器攻击测试的演示视频。



配置项的审计比源代码审计更为重要;对于无关的功能模块应当予以删除。以usb存储为例,ext文件系统可以不予支持; 用正确的协议实现正确的功能。

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多维度对抗windows Applocker
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360企业安全云影实验室负责人计东带来的议题是《多维度对抗Windows Applocker》。首先,他从三个维度指出了对抗安全策略的意义:




支持Metasploit ShellCode,自动生成攻击向量(可执行文件或程序集);支持Regasm、InstallUtil 两种方式载入;项目地址: https://github.com/Ivan1ee/Regasm_InstallUtil_ApplockerBypass 。

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还有一款开源shockwave工具分享: https://github.com/XuanMaoSecLab/shockwave,支持爬取合约、静态检测、regex/match、人工审计等功能。

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相约FIT 2020,我们不见不散 | FIT 2019收官日主论坛全记录

Binance Hackathon to address security concerns in crypto


The inaugural Binance SAFU Hackathon will bring blockchain developer teams from around the world to build a safer environment for users to exchange cryptocurrencies

Winning teams stand to win US$100,000 in prizes

SINGAPORE, 14 December 2018 Binance , the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange , will hold the first Binance SAFU Hackathon in Singapore on 19 and 20 January, 2019. The 32-hour round-the-clock hackathon will empower blockchain engineers to rapidly prototype blockchain solutions to solve problems identified in systems we have in place today.

With the theme ‘ Query Platform for Address Security: Is the transaction address you are sending your crypto to SAFU?’ , the Binance SAFU Hackathon encourages long-term, sustainable growth of the blockchain industry, calling for top developers from around the world to build a safer community where users are protected from scams, hackers and money laundering.

To find the best global talent to compete in the Binance SAFU Hackathon, Binance has partnered with different groups to hold pre-hackathons in San Francisco, Seoul, Singapore and Hong Kong, from December to January. The first pre-hackathon was held in San Francisco on 11 December, 2018. To qualify for the final Binance SAFU Hackathon in Singapore, developers who missed the SF event still have a chance to join one of the remaining three pre-hackathons. For more information on registration for the pre-hackathons, do follow Binance Blockchain Week on Twitter .

An esteemed panel of judges will select the hackathon champions based on quality of technology, innovation, demo and pitch. Winners will split a prize pool of US$100,000 in BNB, have a chance to meet senior leadership from Binance, and potential access to incubation programs run by Binance Labs , the investment arm of Binance, and Tribe Accelerator, a Singapore government-backed blockchain accelerator.

Binance SAFU Hackathon welcomes any developers age 18 or older who are passionate about building a safer digital asset world for the future. Attendees can apply on the event website as individuals or with a team of no more than five. Registration for the hackathon is open until 9 January, 2019.

The Binance SAFU Hackathon is part of the inaugural Binance Blockchain Week from 19 to 22 January, alongside the Binance Conference that brings together over 2,000 industry leaders across Blockchain, traditional enterprises and governments.

To join the Hackathon, please register at https://www.binancefair.com/safu-hackathon/

For further updates, follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/eventbinance .

About Binance

Binance is a Blockchain ecosystem comprised of Exchange, Labs, Launchpad, Info, Academy, Research, Trust Wallet and Charity.

Binance Exchange is the leading global cryptocurrency exchange, with users from over 190 countries and regions. Capable of processing more than 1.4 million orders per second, Binance Exchange is the largest crypto exchange by trade volume and one of the fastest in the world. The platform focuses on security, robustness, and execution speed ― attracting enthusiasts and professional traders alike.

For more information on Binance, please proceed here .

For media enquiries, please contact:

Victoria Mak +65 9173 3801

Ang Hwee Min

+65 8698 0456

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision ( BSV ) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BSV is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision forBitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

Information Security Monthly Newsletter Dec 2018


The newsletter consists of high-level executive summary of most of the important news, articles, data breaches and Microsoft patches details that have been published on information security. Each news item is very briefly summarized and includes a reference on the web for detailed information. We have tried to keep you updated with the ongoing news in the cyber world to keep you safe from being compromised or hacked.

Click below to download our newsletter.

<b></b><b><a href="http://blog.isecurion.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Newsletter-December-2018.pdf" target="_blank" rel="attachment noopener wp-att-430">ISECURION Newsletter December</a> </b>

网络安全事件 今年同比减少30%


南都讯 记者王靖豪 近日,珠海市公安局网络警察支队公布了2018年“成绩单”,网络安全案(事)件同比减少30%以上。今年以来,网警支队采取“现场宣讲+传统媒体+新媒体”的立体宣传模式,充分利用报刊、电台、电视台、手机短信,以及网站、微信公众号等新媒体,有效提高了珠海网络安全防范意识和技术水平。


网警支队利用传统媒体和新媒体手段进行广泛宣传,如依托报纸发新闻报道,联合电台制作防范网络安全节目,在网站制作在线访谈节目等,免费向市民推送诸如安全使用公共W iFi、个人网络安全提醒、等级保护知识普及等短信23万余条,共计11期。


DevOps Chat: Container Security and Aqua 3.5 with Rani Osnat and Andy Feit


In just a little more than three years Aqua Security has set its mark in the container security space. With its major new release of Aqua 3.5, the company has again raised the bar with serverless and container encryption upgrades and feature sets.

I sat down with the Aqua Enforcer himself, Rani Osnat, and “Boston” Andy Feit to discuss the details of this major release. Rani and Andy give us an inside peek.

As usual, the streaming audio is immediately below, followed by the transcript of our conversation.


Alan Shimel:Hey everyone, it’s Alan Shimel, DevOps.com, and you’re listening to another DevOps Chat. Today’s chat is a little bit about cybersecurity, container security, Kubernetes and a major new release coming out of our friends at Aqua, Aqua Security. I’m happy to be joined with the dynamic duo of marketing at Aqua, Andy Feit and Rani Osnat. Andy, Rani, welcome.

Rani Osnat:Hi Alan, thank you.

Andy Feit:Hi Alan, good to talk to you.

Shimel:And just so people know, Andy, you’re joining us from Boston today. And Rani, you’re out in Israel. Is that correct?

Feit:Yes. Yes. Today I am in _____ _____ [Crosstalk].


Shimel:Modern technology. We have a worldwide panel. But guys, the big news is, Aqua just announced version 3.5 of their platform suite of tools. And you know, Aqua’s not a company that every single new time there’s a new release, and the DevOps mantra, you can’t get too excited about any one release. Right? Because there’s always a next one and a next one and a next one. But this is one to get excited about, huh?


Osnat:We certainly think so.

Shimel:So why should we be excited?

Feit:Rani, you want to take that one?

Osnat:Yeah, I’ll take this one. So, with every release we make, especially, and in the beginning of course everything’s new. But we’ve been in this space now for three years. Which is not a long time, but in this space it’s a very long time. And so now we’re at the point where we have a lot of large enterprise customers using our product. And we have a market that’s looking for innovation.

And with every new release we try to balance these factors of, you know, offering something new that the market wants. But at the same time ensuring that our enterprise customers can make use of our platform, as they themselves grow their cloud native container implementations. So there is a maturity factor here as well as an innovation factor.

And so on the innovation side, we’re introducing a few significant innovations. First and foremost, risk assessments for serverless functions. Which is a, you know, a kind of a sideways expansion for us into the serverless technology space, in addition to containers. Thinking that you know, what we see as, it’s basically the same teams and the same benefits that are gotten from containers people expect to get from serverless, it’s just another means to get the same end.

And so we want to provide our customers with all the controls they need to address any challenges they have around securing those technologies. And it doesn’t matter if they use containers or serverless or both, or any sort of mixed environment. We also added something that’s innovative in the space, which is container encryption, and we can talk about that.

And then on the side of enterprise scalability and ease of use, we’ve added quite a significant I would say rearchitecting of how we manage both administrative controls on our platforms and what users can do in terms of access. As well as the policy engine to make it a lot more scalable for multicloud, multiteam, multiapplication use.

Shimel:Got it. Got it. Andy, did Rani leave anything out you want to add?

Feit:No, I mean, those are the big pieces that are in the release. As he said. I mean, it’s very much being driven by our customer base and where they’re headed. And you know, in some aspects, it’s the technology elements. Like adding serverless. And in other aspects, it’s really about living with the solution. You know, as our customers, we now have customers that are we think the largest container deployments in the enterprise.

We have some very large users and span of different industries. As they look to roll out, they’re finding they have multiple teams working on these projects. And they need to implement different levels of security. And in many cases, they’re implementing that on different technology stacks. And some are using containers, some are using serverless environments.

And they may be using even different underlying providers of some of the infrastructure. Whether that’s tools for development or the cloud provider itself. And so we’re really, we’re becoming very heterogeneous in terms of what we need to support. And for our customers who, on the security side, are trying to look at that whole context and manage that whole context and have consistent policies, all our consistent reporting across all of them, and not be monitoring 17 different dashboards. It’s important that it be easy to do, to be able to see that whole network of activity. And that’s really what a lot of this release is about.

Shimel:So guys, one of the things that you mentioned, both of you actually mentioned, was the serverless piece. And this is something that we are, we’re hearing a lot about from our readers and from people we speak to. You know, how quickly, and we live in crazy times, right? So the whole container revolution, if you backed up on hypervisors. And now, how quickly serverless is you know, gaining a foothold and people are building around that type of infrastructure.


Shimel:Let’s, just baseline, what are some of the security challenges that you guys are seeing around this?

Osnat:Right. So I’ll preamble that, you know, just add one more thing. There’s, you know serverless has been around almost as long as containers have, in terms of the, you know, its current incarnation of the use in the cloud. But, the use cases is quite different. And while it is gaining traction, the use cases are much more limited than containers. There’s a whole kind of religious war, you know, between the proponents of containers and the proponents of serverless. Personally I don’t believe it’s a zero sum game. I think that both are going to end up being used, and both are going to end up being used in hybrid architectures.

Shimel:Yeah, I don’t think it’s either or.

Osnat:Yeah, I know, but some people would like you to think it is. I don’t think it is. I think it’s both. And so we, but there are some fundamental differences between containers and serverless when it comes to security. First of all, most of the serverless workloads that happen today are cloud based and specific to a cloud provider, right? Mostly Amazon, because Amazon is the larger cloud provider in general, as well as in serverless specifically with Lambda.

But basically you run those functions and it’s quite cloud specific. That’s one area of difference. The other is of course that you know, these are very small single-function entities that can run for a fraction of a second. So when we talk about run time security for serverless, for example, there is a lot less to do there than you have with containers.

Containers are, there are applications that can run, they could run for a minute but they often run for a lot longer than that. With something that runs for a split of a second, there is really only so much you can do when it’s already running. So a lot of t

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Samsung Patches CSRF Issues That Could Allow Hackers to Take Over User Accounts


A series of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) bugs found by security researcher Artem Moskowsky inSamsung’s website could allow potential attackers to take over user accounts completely.

Moskowsky told ZDNet that the three issues were reported to Samsung during this month and the company rewarded him with $13,300 through its bug bounty program.

As further detailed by the researcher, the threeCSRF security issues affected the account management system on Samsung's website and they allowed attackers to change a user's security questions, disabletwo-factor authentication, and change the vulnerable account's profile info.

Cross-site request forgery attacks allow bad actors to execute commands through a user's web browser via a web application the victim is currently logged in.

In the case of the XSRF bugs found byMoskowsky, attackers could change the security questions and answers of any account by persuadingthe targeted Samsung users to click on a maliciously crafted link.

The CSRF issue streamed from the absence of referrer header checks of the data requests

Following a successful compromise of the Samsung account, the attacker could reset the password with the help of the new security question and then log into the user's profile with the new credentials.

The attack worked because the vulnerable Samsung web app did not correctly check the referrer header of the data requests made by the attackers to make sure that they were made from domains with the proper access.

Because the referrer header checks weren't performed correctly, any domain could have requested the current security questions of any account on Samsung'saccount management system leading to theCSRF vulnerability.

"Due to the vulnerabilities, it was possible to hack any account on account.samsung.com if the user goes to my page. The hacker could get access to all the Samsung user services, private user information, to the cloud," told Moskowsky to The Register .

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编辑推荐: 本文来自于codeceo,本文详细介绍了TLS中可被配置的算法,会话恢复以及OCSP(在线证书状态协议) 等相关知识。






OCSP stapling

TLS 缓冲区优化

TLS false start



SSL和TLS都是用于保障端到端之间连接的安全性。SSL最初是由Netscape开发的,后来为了使得该安全协议更加开放和自由,更名为TLS,并被标准化到RFC中,现在主流的是TLS 1.2版本。

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从上图,可以看出SSL/TLS是介于应用层和传输层之间,并且分为握手层(Handshake Layer)和记录层(Record Layer)。



从TLS 1.2 RFC可以了解更多: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5246.txt



数字签名 :RSA、DSA

流加密 :RC4

分组加密 :DES、AES

认证加密 :GCM

公钥加密 :RSA

消息认证码 :SHA

密钥交换 :Diffie Hellman

密码套件决定了会使用到的算法,例如执行openssl ciphers -v 'ALL' | grep ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:


表明该算法是在TLS 1.2中支持的,密钥交换采用ECDH(EC是指采用椭圆曲线的DH),数字签名采用RSA,加密采用128位密钥长度的AESGCM,消息认证码采用AEAD(AEAD是一种新的加密形式,把加密和消息认证码结合到一起,而不是某个算法,例如使用AES并采用GCM模式加密,就能够为数据提供保密性、完整性的保障)。


A 将明文M加密后为MC,发给B,B解密,得到明文。 如果此时有中间人C,将MC替换为CMC(虽然C不知道A怎么加密的,但这没关系),B将CMC解密,得到明文(那么B拿到的其实是错误的明文)。 所以需要引入消息认证码,B才能够判断收到的密文是否被篡改过。 这里你可能会问:那如果C同时伪造消息认证码呢? 这个就得看MAC和加密是如何配合的了,详情可以查看认证加密中的Approaches to Authenticated Encryption章节。






不知是否有人发现并没有提到压缩算法,如果google下TLS压缩优化相关的内容,会发现没有,因为目前在TLS 1.2 RFC中,关于压缩方法的结构定义为enum { null(0), (255) } CompressionMethod;,即只有null方法(不进行压缩)。目前存在对TLS压缩的攻击: http://www.CodeSec.Net/articles/web/5636.html ,可能是基于此原因,TLS压缩目前只是个概念性的东西,没有被真正应用起来。


通常加密算法的安全性依赖于密钥的长度,且不同加密算法,即使密钥长度相同,但提供的安全性也可能是不同的,相关资料: key size 。所以并没有一个标准的归一化方法去衡量所有的加密算法,但是有来自世界上各个组织/机构对不同类型算法安全性的评估,可以看下这个网站: https://www.keylength.com/

执行openssl ciphers -v 'ALL' | wc -l会发现有100+个密码套件(不同openssl版本提供的密码套件有点差异),然而,实际只会使用到其中一部分,因为openssl提供的不少算法是不安全的,需要排除掉。

执行openssl ciphers -v 'HIGH MEDIUM !aNULL !eNULL !LOW !MD5 !EXP !DSS !PSK !SRP !CAMELLIA !IDEA !SEED !RC4' | wc -l,发现只剩下50+个密码套件。

筛选后剩下的密码套件还是挺多的,一个个做性能测试的话,会GG的= =。其实可以根据需要支持的客户端,再筛选出主流的密码套件。网址: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/clients.html ,提供了绝大部分客户端对TLS的支持情况,点击相应的User agent可以查看到其支持的密码套件,并且各套件的安全性也被标注出来了。

网址: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ ,可以用于测试服务器的SSL配置情况,并会给出得分,如下图google的得分为A:

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数字签名:ECDSA vs RSA



openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out ec_key.pem

openssl req -new -x509 -key ec_key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

-param_enc参数使用默认的named_curve就可以了,如果使用explicit,会发现生成的证书nginx能配置成功,但客户端连接时会出现handshake error。


openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout rsa_key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out cert.pem

执行openssl speed rsa2048 ecdsap256测试下:

sign verify sign/s verify/s

rsa 2048 bits 0.000834s 0.000024s 1198.9 41031.9

sign verify sign/s verify/s

256 bit ecdsa (nistp256) 0.0000s 0.0001s 21302.5 9728.5

可以看到签名性能ECDSA > RSA,而验证性能RSA > ECDSA。


服务端:1台虚拟机CentOS 4核 openresty 2个worker

客户端:4台虚拟机CentOS 4/2/2/2核(手头只有这些虚拟机= =), 用shell脚本模拟并发的ab -c 800 -n 800(并发的ab实例数=2*CPU_NUM),使用time命令获取消耗的时间



为什么不用jmeter?我用了1Master3Slave的jmeter分布式压测发现,jmeter对于在该场景(CPU bound)下的性能测试不行,服务端压力上不去




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从表格中的数据可以看出ECDSA的性能要比RSA好点,这里ECDSA的测试尚未压榨完服务端呢。从openssl speed的结果也可以看出ECDSA的签名性能是要远超过RSA的,而且签名是在服务端做的,所以面对海量的客户端,服务端应该选择使用ECDSA。

密钥交换:RSA vs ECDHE



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ECDHE支持 前向保密(Forward Secrecy) ,简单理解:中间人可以保存下来客户端和服务端之间的所有通信数据,如果使用RSA握手,那么未来某一天,中间人如果获取到了服务端的私钥,就可以解密所有之前采集的通信数据了;如果采用ECDHE握手的话,就可以避免这个问题。而且使用ECDHE握手的话,还有可能开启TLS false start的特性(下文中会提到)。


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对称加密:AES256-GCM vs AES256 vs AES128-GCM vs 3DES

测试环境同上,但只使用了4核一台客户端机器发请求,ab参数为ab -n 2000 -c 10,ab实例4个,测试页面153K。因为是要压测对应用层数据的加密解密性能,所以连接数少,但每个连接的请求数多。


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从表格中的数据可以看出AES128GCM > AES256GCM > AES256 > 3DES。

消息认证码:SHA256 vs SHA1 vs AEAD



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从结果中可以看出AES256-GCM-SHA384 > AES256-SHA > AES256-SHA256。


Session Cache

客户端希望恢复先前的session,或者复制一个存在的session,可以在ClientHello中带上Session ID,如果服务端能够在它的Session Cache中找到相应的Session ID的session-state(存储协商好的密码套件等信息),并且愿意使用该Session ID重建连接,那么服务端会发送一个带有相同Session ID的ServerHello。

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目前Nginx 只支持单机Session Cache,Openresty 支持分布式Session Cache,但处于实验阶段。

Session Ticket

Session Cache需要服务端缓存Session相关的信息,对服务端存在存取压力,而且还有分布式Session Cache问题。 对于支持Session Ticket的客户端,服务端可以通过某种机制将session-state加密后作为ticket发给客户端。客户端凭借该ticket就可以恢复先前的会话了。

类似于HTTP中用Json Web TOken作为cookie-session的另一种选择。

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OCSP(在线证书状态协议) stapling

当客户端在握手环节接受到服务端的证书时,除了对证书进行签名验证,还需要知道证书是否被吊销了,那么需要向证书中指定的OCSP url发送OCSP查询请求。

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对于同一份服务端证书,如果每个客户端都自己去查询一次证书状态就浪费了。所以,OCSP stapling就是为了解决这一问题,由服务端查询到证书状态(通常会缓存一段时间),并返回给客户端(客户端会在本地校验这个证书状态是否真实)。

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在nginx的配置中,可以选择性的配置是否对OCSP response做校验,防止将非法的证书状态发送给客户端。如果设置了校验,ssl_trusted_certificate参数需要为包含所有中间证书+根证书的文件。

如下图是对nginx请求OCSP Server的抓包,可以看到发了个http的ocsp请求:

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nginx默认的ssl_buffer_size是16K(TLS Record Layer最大的分片),即一个TLS Record的大小,如果HTTP的数据是160K,那么就会被拆分为10个TLS Record(每个TLS Record会被TCP层拆分为多个TCP包传输)发送给客户端。

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如果TLS Record Size过大的话,拆分的TCP包也会较多,传输时,如果出现TCP丢包,整个TLS Record到达客户端的时间就会加长,客户端必须等待完整的TLS Record收到才能进行解密。

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如果TLS Record Size小一些的话,TCP丢包影响的TLS Record占比就会小很多,到达客户端的TLS Record就会多些,客户端干等着的时间就相对少了。但是,TLS Record Head的负载就增加了,可能还会降低连接的吞吐量。


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通常,在TCP慢启动的过程中,TLS Record Size小点好,因为这个时候TCP连接的拥塞窗口cwnd较小,TCP连接吞吐量也小。而在TCP连接结束慢启动之后,TLS Record Size就可以增大一些了,因为这个时候吞吐量上来了。所以更希望能够动态的调整nginx中ssl_buffer_size的大小,目前官方nginx还不支持,不过cloudflare为nginx打了个patch,以支持动态的调整TLS Record Size: Optimizing TLS over TCP to reduce latency

TLS False Start

某一端在发送 Change Cipher Spec、Finished 之后,可以立即发送应用数据,无需等待另一端的 Change Cipher Spec、Finished 。这样,应用数据的发送实际上并未等到握手全部完成,从而节省出一个RTT时间。

完整握手时,Client Side False Start:

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简短握手时,Server Side False Start:

HTTPS 性能优化学习笔记

可以看下这篇文章:TLS False Start究竟是如何加速网站的 和 Transport Layer Security (TLS) False Start

RFC7918中并没有对Server Side False Start进行定义(其之前的草案中就有提到,draft-bmoeller-tls-falsestart-00/01),文中的说明:However, if the server sends application data first, the abbreviated handshake adds two round-trip times, and this could be reduced to just one added round-trip time by doing a server-side False Start. There is little need for this in practice, so this document does not consider server-side False Starts further.

可能是在之前的HTTP 1场景下,对Server Side False Start的需求并不强烈,或者说实践不多(当然其他应用层协议可能会有,例如websocket)。

Client Side False Start需要的条件:










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<td height="25" bgcolor="#f5f5f5"> Hello World!</td>




自己写了个go程序用于检测密码套件列表支持/不支持的客户端: sslciphersuitescheck

HTTPS 性能优化学习笔记

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&CK Noise

Demystifying MITRE’s ATT&CK Evaluation

Imagine if each alert you received was actually usable and could tell a complete, linked, relevant story that’s exactly what SentinelOne did in the MITRE ATT&CK simulation. We built our product to be bold and different. In MITRE terms, each SentinelOne alert curated 37 commands. Alert fatigue ends here.

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise

Don’t be fooled: Missed real-time alerts yield attacker dwell time which increases risk and damage. Minimize real-time misses by mastering detection with a performant product versus a delayed service.

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise

Missed real-time alerts yield attacker dwell time which increases risk and damage

It was 1996; Gary Kasparov, the world’s greatest chess grandmaster lost to IBM’s Deep Blue computer. In the EDR space, a similar watershed moment happened a few weeks ago: for the first time, in a third party test, SentinelOne proved that autonomous technology is independently and efficiently capable of the most nuanced EDR in real-time.

In MITRE’s recent ATT&CK Evaluation, the SentinelOne agent detected, tracked, and linked the context of all APT attacks with ONE autonomous agent in real-time without delayed cloud or human powered resources. Other EDR vendors have “store and analyze” dependencies, making them reliant on skilled people, cloud services, and required service modules. SentinelOne’s patented prevention capabilities stop attacks before and during execution at the source; in addition, all analysis is done on-agent, by the agent, in real-time, providing maximum EDR detection, visibility, and control.

Key Takeaways Technology that does more inherently helps people do more. The SentinelOne autonomous agent was able to do in real-time what required competitors’ MDR teams hours and days to do (their products alone cannot perform). It’s the first time this claim has been proven in a 3rd party EDR test. Alert fatigue is real: “crying wolf” alerts don’t solve problems. The MITRE ATT&CK evaluation simulated an end-to-end nation state campaign style attack. It wasn’t a standalone alert test of 78 different MITRE techniques or a standalone alert test of the 190 actions taken to execute those techniques. See which products represent the simulation as curated attacks, not a barrage of isolated events/alerts: the product with the most alerts doesn’t win in the real world operational alerts and in-context telemetry enables your SOC to be effective, efficient, and win. Dependency on connectivity is a very dangerous assumption. Some of the tested products require endpoints to be online and responsive in order for a SOC analyst to query for results. SentinelOne’s autonomous agent detected, mapped, and streamed the indexed attack data in real-time to the console for presentation. Expecting an endpoint to be online when you need to gather data about an APT-level attack isn’t something you can rely on in the real world. The ATT&CK simulation was solely about detection, not about response and protection capabilities. The MITRE evaluation was performed in what we call a Legacy EDR or “Detect-Only” policy: SentinelOne’s default policy is “Protect.” In this policy, the autonomous agent contains, stops, and immunizes the enterprise environment from the MITRE attacks in real-time without human interaction or cloud reliance. Online and offline, SentinelOne’s performance is equivalent: no reliance on prior knowledge, “threat intel,” or non-product sources. SentinelOne believes this to be the most compelling finding in the attack test. The MITRE Simulation: Two Attacks. Three Devices. Four SentinelOne Behavioral Alerts.

The MITRE test consisted of two multi-staged attacks using the Cobalt Strike and PowerShell Empire frameworks. The attacks used a total of three devices. SentinelOne showed four behavioral alerts in the console: this is by design. Each alert represents the complete story of an attack in real-time on the device it was detected on, with all of the information mapped in the alert details. Each alert was generated during the very first phase of each attack. Below is the SentinelOne console used for the test:

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise

Under the alerts, the autonomous agent automatically captured and correctly mapped over 205 observed actions in real-time. If performed as standalone actions, SentinelOne alerts on each action the brilliance is how SentinelOne recognized and autonomously mapped the orchestrated attack.

In the case of the test, SentinelOne doesn’t spawn multiple (unnecessary) alerts for the same attack even if it observes other alertable or enriching behavior in the attack as it progresses. Instead, SentinelOne maps the additional observed actions into the attack story, making a complete story which is much easier for SOC analysts to understand. In total, the autonomous agent mapped over 34,000 observed actions including C2 to their correct attack story lines.

Check out the real screenshots showing the attack story lines from the attack commands:

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise
SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise
Understanding the Tests’ Implications

Delayed Detections

According to MITRE, this is a negative alert modifier for detections.

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise

Delayed detections are detections that happened after commands had completed and required an MDR service to find them after the fact. The time between when the command was completed and the alert showed in a console is added (and unnecessary) dwell time for the attacker to exploit an environment. According to MITRE testing guidelines, delayed detections were permitted to appear up to 24 hours following the completion of a command. In the real world, delayed detections can appear in hours, days, or sometimes even longer.

A real-life example : A person breaks into your house and steals a bunch of stuff. This is recorded on a video surveillance system which is reviewed hours later when the break in is discovered. The delayed detection of the break in lets you know what happened on camera, hours later, but not what happened off camera. Furthermore, the damage is done before it was even detected. And you must ask yourself: is the criminal still running around your house?

A valid way of looking at MITRE ATT&CK evaluation results is to focus on real-time data . Below is an example of the data when viewed from combining delayed and missed alerts and telemetry as reported by MITRE.

A performant EDR solution is one that doesn’t increase attacker dwell time with missed or delayed alerts.

“Tainted” Detections

According to MITRE, “tainted” is a positive modifier for telemetry:

SentinelOne’s Autonomous EDR Cuts Through the MITRE ATT&amp;CK Noise

“Tainted” detections links other commands or actions to a previous alert. This linking is something that the SOC analyst doesn’t have to spend time performing. Some vendors had to manually perform queries after the fact to the infected endpoints to obtain this data. In the case of SentinelOne, the “tainted” telemetry was mapped in real-time to the correct context of each attack.

A real-life example : A person is trying to enter your house. If you detected the person picking your door lock, you would know that
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