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How AppSec Reduces Unplanned Work


Unplanned work is the enemy of productivity in all aspects of life. Any activity that pops up unexpectedly and eats up your time and resources is a productivity killer. You’ve probably experienced this at home you drop your son at baseball practice, drive home, and then get a call that he left his glove at home and needs you to bring it to him. Or you’ve experienced it at work an email is sent out to all customers accidentally, and you have to spend hours doing damage control. In the end, you can’t eliminate all unplanned work life will always be full of surprises but reducing the number of unplanned tasks will make you more effective. How do you do this? At home, you can post a baseball-practice checklist for your son next to the door. At work, you can build in quality checks and other controls to prevent mistakes that will create unplanned work. In the world of software development, a robust and effective application security program is one of those controls that can prevent unplanned work.

Unplanned work in software development

Software development is about delivering software on time, and it’s about planned activity toward that delivery. But it is also about delivering quality, secure software. And that means that anytime you find a security issue that you need to resolve, it’s an instance of unplanned work. This unplanned work is going to cost time and money, and reduce your capacity to do planned work. In contrast, reducing the amount of unplanned work will boost your capacity for planned work. The bottom line here is that if you reduce the number of security-related defects introduced into your software, your software development will become more effective. Furthermore, if you can tackle your unplanned work in a more efficient way in this case, remediating software-related defects you reap even greater productivity benefits.

In the end, implementing an effective application security program will save you money and increase business agility. It will increase the capacity for your business to deliver software that has value. But the key word there is “effective” application security done right will produce these benefits, application security done wrong will slow your process down and end up costing you money. This involves expanding your application focus beyond finding and fixing it’s prevention that is going to make the biggest difference to your bottom line.

Application security tactics that reduce unplanned work

If you think about application security through the lens of unplanned work, you want it to both reduce the number of “surprise” tasks, plus make those tasks easier to handle. With that in mind, you want to make sure your application security program includes:

Developer education:The flaw that’s easiest to fix is that one that’s never introduced. Most developers have had no training, either in school or on the job, on secure coding. So if your application security plan only involves scanning your code, your developers won’t know how to address the scan results, and won’t know how to avoid the same mistakes in the future. Address this problem with training on secure coding for your development teams, some kind of remediation coaching, and the creation of security champions on development teams who can help keep security issues top of mind, and help addressing security problems when they arise.

To put some numbers behind this idea we’ve found that development teams that take advantage of secure codingeLearning improve their fix rates by 20 percent. Those that useremediation coaching see fix rates improve by as high as 88 percent.

Integration and automation:This falls under the “make the unplanned work less painful” category. Application security that is automated and integrated into the tools development and security teams are already using makes it easier to find and address security-related defects. If you have to stop what you’re doing and switch tools to conduct a security test you’re adding to, rather than easing, your unplanned work. Also, with security testing integrated into early development phases, you’re addressing security defects much more quickly and inexpensively than if you wait until later in development phases.

Application security can reduce unplanned work and boost your bottom line, but only if you ensure that you implement a program that goes beyond identifying security-related defects to focus on both ease of identification and remediation and on prevention.





结果显示,IT部门高估了特定信息类型的价值,比如PII;同时严重低估了其他信息的价值,比如财务报告和研发数据。总体上,IT安全部门给出的数据资产价值比数据拥有者给出的要低 50% 。



这种数据价值认知上的差距关系重大,因为会影响到安全公司保护不同类型数据和让这些数据在企业中有效流转和存储的方式。 错误的数据价值评估可能会带来错误的安全控制措施实现 。








数据显示, 公司企业需将数据当成资产而不仅仅是一种责任来管理 。IT安全团队需考虑基于用例、新旧、重建成本、遗失或被盗代价来给不同数据类型赋予不同的数据价值。











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hxxp://piecejointe[.]pro/facture/redirect[.]php hxxp://mail-server-zpqn8wcphgj[.]pw?client=XXXXXX 这些链接要么位于HTML/XHTML/HTM附件中,要么直接存在于电子邮件的正文中。另外,电子邮件所使用的附件名称大多数都是“document_[随机数].xhtml”。


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在几天之后的11月15日,攻击者开始使用Twitter短网址在pste.eu URL之间添加重定向。他们通过Twitter帐户发布了298个pste.eu URL,然后将这些t.co URL添加在他们的网络钓鱼电子邮件中。攻击者所使用的Twitter帐户似乎都是一些广告帐户,自2012年创建以来只有很少的动态更新,并且大多数推文和转推都与Twitter广告活动、产品或彩票等有关。





在这场活动中使用的最新链接是会导致302重定向的随机.icu域名,交付方法仍然是电子邮件中的XHTML/HTML附件或链接。另外,这场活动的发展十分迅速,攻击者在生成新域名和探索新的重定向和混淆方法方面表现得尤为活跃。在撰写本文时,payload URL会导致重定向广告,涉及到多个不同的域名和URL,而这些域和URL均包含了大量的恶意广告。






“All in One Checker”工具-一款可用于验证电子邮箱账户和密码是否有效的工具 .vbsdropper-用于在执行“All in One Checker”工具时将后门释放到用户系统的脚本 由“All in One Checker”工具创建的文件夹-以“All in One Checker”工具执行时的当前日期和时间命名,包含几个文本文件: txt-用于记录任何错误 txt-用于记录验证结果 txt- Ostatok代表的是“the rest”或“remainder”

.zip文件包含的内容:“03.10_17:55”是由“All in One Checker”创建的文件夹;两个.vbs是完全相同的后门dropper;剩下的是“All in One Checker”的配置文件和可执行文件。





Book Review: Hacking for Dummies 6th Edition


Book Review: Hacking for Dummies 6th Edition
Hacking for Dummies by Kevin Beaver is an information security professional’s introduction to ethical hacking. It is 22 chapters of information ranging from definitions (kept to a minimum) to reporting findings and everything in between. It also includes an appendix full of tools and resources useful for testing, reporting, and researching. It is not the end-all be-all of ethical hacking. There are topics on which it scratched the surface and others where it spends a little more time. On just about every topic, the author refers to additional resources that are also listed in the appendix. What follows is what I felt were the good points of the book, the not so good, and a final recommendation. As Sun Tzu wrote some 2500 years ago, “Know yourself and know your enemy and you need not fear the outcome of 100 battles.” 1 The Good

This 6 th version of the popular book has a lot going for it. The first section on understanding your adversary is point on. Part of any risk assessment, whether doing a penetration test or just an general risk assessment for your information systems is understanding the threat (Nikoli & Rui-dimitrijevi, 2009; NIST, 2014; Nourbakhshian, Rajabinasr, Hooman, & Seyedabrishami, 2013; Ross et al., 2012) 2 . In this case the author introduces two overarching types of threats: the insider/malicious user and the criminal hacker or cracker. The major differentiator between these two is the level of access they have: one is internal and the other external. The major differentiator between these two is the level of access they have: one is internal and the other external (Beaver, 2018) 3 . This was covered briefly but with enough depth for the reader to recognize each adversary.

From the introductory section the author gets into more of the bread and butter of penetration testing. The author spends time with helping the reader build a business case for penetration testing and goes into the initial steps that rely on non-technical means of gaining access or obtaining sensitive information. These include scouring the internet for any publicly available information on the target to social engineering to physical security. Next, the author talks about passwords. Each of these topics is a surface scratch, as they are each a deep topic and could fill volumes with information relevant to them. From here the author spends the bulk of the rest of the book on the technical aspects of “ethical” hacking.

Each chapter in these sections provides information on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities for the chapter topic. These topics ranged from wireless and wired networks to web applications and the backends that support them. Each section includes relevant tools for doing the test as well as practical countermeasures. The author uses relevant experience in each chapter to highlight what worked in the past as well as what didn’t. From testing and gathering data, the author next takes you into reporting and the other less glamorous aspects of testing, fixing what is found.

For this section, the author provided some insight into what to include in a report to the client as well as what steps can be taken to fix what was found. The author also provided some tips on outsourcing information security. Of the sections, this one was my least favorite. While I found that what he suggested to be included in the report were accurate, I also found that my organization has their own reporting format. This might be worth mentioning, especially in a “Dummies” series. And on that note, I am off to what I didn’t like.

The Bad

For the most part this read like a CEH boot camp. Get to the nitty gritty and just scratch the surface, but it won’t prepare you to be a professional pentester. The author spoke of tools to use and even provided walk-throughs for some of those tools (mostly windows based). And I am not knocking the use of tools, as I am a big fan of the right tool for the right job. However, most seasoned pentesters use linux much more than Windows (and some exclusively). Although many of the examples from the book are Windows based, there is an extensive listing of tools in the appendix with both Windows and Linux tools. This once again illustrates that this is more of a book to give you a basic understanding of the topics and not necessarily how to become a pro. But even as an introductory book, I felt a more realistic balance of platforms would be useful in helping the reader decide if this is the path for them.

While some of the content has been updated for the 6 th Edition like the inclusion on Windows 10 and Server 2016, some things were not that should have been. A prime example that sticks out is the use of a Windows GUI for nmap. The GUI referenced is no longer maintained and is available for historic reasons. There was no reference to the GUI, Zenmap, that is packaged with nmap. The author (or at least the technical editor) should have taken the time to verify tools prior to referencing them or including links. I do understand that links sometimes change and am allowing for that, but the use of a deprecated tool without mentioning that or providing an alternative is not good. This is especially true for the intended audience, those who are completely new to this topic.

The only other downside I noticed were a few typos. There were instances of words with a space between letters in that word or words with an extra letter at the beginning. These should have been caught during the editing process.


Hacking for Dummies is a great book when viewed as an introduction to penetration testing. The one example of the outdated tool and a few typos do not take away from the overall content of the book. It provides the reader with enough information to build upon but also to decide if outsourcing may be the route to go. Armed with the knowledge contained within this book, the reader can begin to explore penetration testing. More importantly, if outsourcing the penetration testing is chosen. they will know if someone is blowing smoke or really knows what they are doing. The author follows a set path and continues to build upon the foundation established early on. The Kevin Beaver 4 shoots to hit 20% of the items that will cause 80% of your problems, and I feel he does.

This is a book that I will add to my shelf as a quick reference and a resource as I continue to build my own skillset and for supporting the programs under my watch in my own organization. And while Google can and does provide some resources, the list here may get you some tools you did not think of or may have forgotten. If you are an experienced penetration tester or want to do penetration testing as a profession, then this book probably isn’t for you. Being part of “Dummies” series, it’s intended to give the reader just enough to understand the topic. That it does incredibly well. So, if you are a jack-of-all trades IT professional that wants to get a basic understanding of penetration testing, or you already work in informati





顾伟,某世界 500 强企业日本及亚太地区业务信息安全官。负责日本及亚太地区所有业务部门相关联的信息安全,风险管理和合规隐私。顾伟先生有超过 14 年的信息安全领域工作经验,在多个世界 500 强跨国外企中担任过信息安全架构和信息安全管理等工作。同时,还是国内最早从事云安全治理、数据安全、ISO27001、CARTA模型等方面咨询的专家顾问。

一、安全的价值在于推动业务 安全牛:作为一名知名外企的CISO,主要日常工作都有哪些?










二、最关注数据安全与政策合规 安全牛:你最关心哪些可能的安全风险?



内部泄露方面,因为我们对数据保护更加注重,所以刚才说到了使用DLP。并且,我们还在自己的SOC里运用了安全自动化技术,智能化的收集和分析日志,结合外部情报做判断,最后再做处置,我们叫ASOC(Advanced SOC)。





三、安全需要信任感 灌输和强制反人性























Security Think Tank: Prevention and detection key to disrupting malware comms


Attackers use command and control servers to maintain communications with systems that have been compromised within a network that has been targeted. This allows them to “direct” malware that can enter the enterprise systems via a number of channels.

Identifying these types of attack requires a two-pronged approach of prevention and detection to reduce risks to a tolerable level. The right preventative controls stop the code or malware deployment in the first place; these need to be combined with effective monitoring and scanning (the detective element).

The minimum level of threat detection capability deemed necessary to protect the organisation which could be influenced by the criticality of the server, the application running on it, the type of data stored or the frequency of use needs to be deployed at all network access points, and updated regularly.

Activities could include scanning all incoming emails for viruses as well as access-triggered virus scanning, which flags when access to a server is requested.

For particularly sensitive systems, such as customer web portals or core financial applications, it is also important to reduce the surface area across which an attack is possible in order to limit the chance of it taking place. This could be through access restrictions and network segregation , thus reducing the ability to technically access the infrastructure or the application directly.

Effective firewalls play a critical role in preventing unwanted external communications, but traffic from internal network destinations also needs to be restricted to prevent a potential attack via a compromised laptop or device from within the network.

Adopting tactics of this nature provides a proactive defence line that minimises the potential for such threats to be launched into the operating environment.

But keeping out unwanted entities is only half the equation when it comes to preventing any kind of attack. Based on the general consensus that in today’s environment it is not “if” an attack takes place but “when”, it is also critical to ensure that monitoring systems are in place to quickly identify any incidents once they occur.

This could be in the form of a Siem ( security information and event monitoring ) tool that looks for suspicious behaviours in the operational systems. For example, a server might suddenly switch from focusing on internal traffic to communicating with the “outside world”.

Here it is important to take into account the logic behind the rules. The deployed virus or malware might be designed to mimic “usual” behaviours and actions, so a first glance might not detect a significant deviation from normal processing.

However, changes to the pattern of network traffic over time may highlight that something is not quite right. The traffic itself may appear to be legitimate, but if activity is at unusual times of the working day or month that are not easily explained by standard business processes, it needs to be flagged as suspicious.

Further controls could be on regular security updates ( patches ) to ensure that any vulnerabilities that may exist in the wider software environments are applied to an organisation’s own assets, thus reducing both the likelihood and the impact of any incident.

Bad actors are ever more nimble and organisations must be continually vigilant with regard to all potential new threats, so they can do all they can to prevent and detect infections.

New technologies should be embraced as soon as they become available, while technical solutions can be enhanced with activities such as keeping up to date on cyber security information, for example by using the services of specialised professionals, creating internal committee groups and taking part in industry conferences.

Overall, preventing this type of hacking event draws on our consistent message: preventing attacks of any kind is centred around good business practice.

How to hire for potential: Why transferable skills outrank experience


While working for Hershey as a security officer, Kirlin was given the opportunity to help improve security planning. His data-backed solution, a staffing plan that accounted for historically busy periods, caught the eye of Hershey’s VP of global security, Matthew Ryan, who saw Kirlin’s ability to diagnose problems, identify and recommend solutions, and see them through to implementation. After learning of a new HR project, Ryan suggested Kirlin for the job, effectively launching Kirlin’s career in HR operations.

Kirlin’s existing skills , like his affinity for data, his aversion to ambiguity, and his institutional knowledge, transferred well into HR, ultimately leading to his current role as senior manager of HR operations and systems.

Today, jobs and roles change so quickly that career paths, like Kirlin’s, aren’t as clear as they once were. In fact, even after spending more than a decade in the workforce, nearly half (47%) of professionals between the ages of 35 and 44 aren’t sure what their career path should look like.

This career path ambiguity is happening in the midst of an incredibly tight labor market: Job openings have reached a high of 7.1 million, according to the latest from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . To find the talent to fill open positions, employers might take a page from Hershey’s book and look beyond the resume to focus on a candidate’s skills and willingness to learn.

Skills are transferable

Given that many of today’s fastest-growing job categories didn’t even exist five years ago , it helps to remember that the skills needed for success in a particular role aren’t one-size-fits-all. When hiring managers take a closer look at the underlying skills needed for a role and then look for people with those skills, unique solutions often reveal themselves.

Say you’re looking for someone to take on a machine learning role. Given that machine learning is a fairly new specialty, chances are good that you’re not finding a ton of candidates with those skills. Try expanding your search. If you’re looking at the consulting industry, for instance, our data shows that by adding transferable skills like leadership, business intelligence, and data visualization to your search, you’ll broaden the pool of candidates, and they’ll be more likely to pivot to your company.


0×1 前言


0×2 传播和推广







0×3 模块和流程 功能模块

Mint 云控木马主要为6个功能:信息收集,广告弹窗,软件推广,图标推广,主页劫持,更新变异。







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0×4 影响和分布






0×5 细节分析 环境检测

















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(1)首先,Mint母体(“西瓜看图”)下载 http://plg. *******.com/plg.dat,并执行;plg.dat 从资源中释放两个dll(分别是32位和64位),用regsvr32.exe注册dll文件。

通过BHO机制劫持IE浏览器主页为 http://uee.me/q8gn (跳转后最终为2345网址导航)。














0×6 安全建议





附录IOC 087E97C0A106A4184E61E743664F8764






























BHO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser_Helper_Object


Spring Security系列之核心过滤器源码分析(四)


Spring Security系列之核心过滤器源码分析(四)

前面的部分,我们关注了Spring Security是如何完成认证工作的,但是另外一部分核心的内容:过滤器,一直没有提到,我们已经知道Spring Security使用了springSecurityFillterChian作为了安全过滤的入口,这一节主要分析一下这个过滤器链都包含了哪些关键的过滤器,并且各自的使命是什么。


由于过滤器链路中的过滤较多,即使是Spring Security的官方文档中也并未对所有的过滤器进行介绍,在之前, Spring Security系列之入门应用(二) 入门指南中我们配置了一个表单登录的demo,以此为例,来看看这过程中Spring Security都帮我们自动配置了哪些过滤器。

Creating filter chain: o.s.s.web.util.matcher.AnyRequestMatcher@1, [o.s.s.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter@8851ce1, o.s.s.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter@6a472566, o.s.s.web.csrf.CsrfFilter@61cd1c71, o.s.s.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter@5e1d03d7, o.s.s.web.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter@122d6c22, o.s.s.web.savedrequest.RequestCacheAwareFilter@5ef6fd7f, o.s.s.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter@4beaf6bd, o.s.s.web.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter@6edcad64, o.s.s.web.session.SessionManagementFilter@5e65afb6, o.s.s.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter@5b9396d3, o.s.s.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor@3c5dbdf8 ] 复制代码

上述的log信息是我从springboot启动的日志中CV所得,spring security的过滤器日志有一个特点:log打印顺序与实际配置顺序符合,也就意味着 SecurityContextPersistenceFilter是整个过滤器链的第一个过滤器 , 而FilterSecurityInterceptor则是末置的过滤器 。另外通过观察过滤器的名称,和所在的包名,可以大致地分析出他们各自的作用,如 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 明显便是与使用用户名和密码登录相关的过滤器,而 FilterSecurityInterceptor 我们似乎看不出它的作用,但是其位于 web.access 包下,大致可以分析出他与访问限制相关。第四篇文章主要就是介绍这些常用的过滤器,对其中关键的过滤器进行一些源码分析。先大致介绍下每个过滤器的作用:

SecurityContextPersistenceFilter 两个主要职责:请求来临时,创建SecurityContext安全上下文信息,请求结束时清空SecurityContextHolder。 HeaderWriterFilter (文档中并未介绍,非核心过滤器) 用来给http响应添加一些Header,比如X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection*,X-Content-Type-Options. CsrfFilter 在spring4这个版本中被默认开启的一个过滤器,用于防止csrf攻击,了解前后端分离的人一定不会对这个攻击方式感到陌生,前后端使用json交互需要注意的一个问题。 LogoutFilter 顾名思义,处理注销的过滤器 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 这个会重点分析,表单提交了username和password,被封装成token进行一系列的认证,便是主要通过这个过滤器完成的,在表单认证的方法中,这是最最关键的过滤器。 RequestCacheAwareFilter (文档中并未介绍,非核心过滤器) 内部维护了一个RequestCache,用于缓存request请求 SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter 此过滤器对ServletRequest进行了一次包装,使得request具有更加丰富的API AnonymousAuthenticationFilter 匿名身份过滤器,这个过滤器个人认为很重要,需要将它与UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 放在一起比较理解,spring security为了兼容未登录的访问,也走了一套认证流程,只不过是一个匿名的身份。 SessionManagementFilter 和session相关的过滤器,内部维护了一个SessionAuthenticationStrategy,两者组合使用,常用来防止session-fixation protection attack,以及限制同一用户开启多个会话的数量 ExceptionTranslationFilter 直译成异常翻译过滤器,还是比较形象的,这个过滤器本身不处理异常,而是将认证过程中出现的异常交给内部维护的一些类去处理,具体是那些类下面详细介绍 FilterSecurityInterceptor 这个过滤器决定了访问特定路径应该具备的权限,访问的用户的角色,权限是什么?访问的路径需要什么样的角色和权限?这些判断和处理都是由该类进行的。

其中加粗的过滤器可以被认为是Spring Security的核心过滤器,将在下面,一个过滤器对应一个小节来讲解。


试想一下,如果我们不使用Spring Security,如果保存用户信息呢,大多数情况下会考虑使用Session对吧?在Spring Security中也是如此,用户在登录过一次之后,后续的访问便是通过sessionId来识别,从而认为用户已经被认证。具体在何处存放用户信息,便是第一篇文章中提到的SecurityContextHolder;认证相关的信息是如何被存放到其中的,便是通过SecurityContextPersistenceFilter。SecurityContextPersistenceFilter的两个主要作用便是请求来临时,创建 SecurityContext 安全上下文信息和请求结束时清空 SecurityContextHolder 。顺带提一下:微服务的一个设计理念需要实现服务通信的无状态,而http协议中的无状态意味着不允许存在session,这可以通过 setAllowSessionCreation(false) 实现,这并不意味着SecurityContextPersistenceFilter变得无用,因为它还需要负责清除用户信息。在Spring Security中,虽然安全上下文信息被存储于Session中,但我们在实际使用中不应该直接操作Session,而应当使用SecurityContextHolder。

源码分析 org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter

public class SecurityContextPersistenceFilter extends GenericFilterBean { static final String FILTER_APPLIED = "__spring_security_scpf_applied"; //安全上下文存储的仓库 private SecurityContextRepository repo; public SecurityContextPersistenceFilter() { //HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository是SecurityContextRepository接口的一个实现类 //使用HttpSession来存储SecurityContext this(new HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository()); } public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; if (request.getAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED) != null) { // ensure that filter is only applied once per request chain.doFilter(request, response); return; } request.setAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED, Boolean.TRUE); //包装request,response HttpRequestResponseHolder holder = new HttpRequestResponseHolder(request, response); //从Session中获取安全上下文信息 SecurityContext contextBeforeChainExecution = repo.loadContext(holder); try { //请求开始时,设置安全上下文信息,这样就避免了用户直接从Session中获取安全上下文信息 SecurityContextHolder.setContext(contextBeforeChainExecution); chain.doFilter(holder.getRequest(), holder.getResponse()); } finally { //请求结束后,清空安全上下文信息 SecurityContext contextAfterChainExecution = SecurityContextHolder .getContext(); SecurityContextHolder.clearContext(); repo.saveContext(contextAfterChainExecution, holder.getRequest(), holder.getResponse()); request.removeAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED); if (debug) { logger.debug("SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed"); } } } } 复制代码



public class HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository implements SecurityContextRepository { // 'SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT'是安全上下文默认存储在Session中的键值 public static final String SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY = "SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT"; ... private final Object contextObject = SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext(); private boolean allowSessionCreation = true; private boolean disableUrlRewriting = false; private String springSecurityContextKey = SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY; private AuthenticationTrustResolver trustResolver = new AuthenticationTrustResolverImpl(); //从当前request中取出安全上下文,如果session为空,则会返回一个新的安全上下文 public SecurityContext loadContext(HttpRequestResponseHolder requestResponseHolder) { HttpServletRequest request = requestResponseHolder.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse response = requestResponseHolder.getResponse(); HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(false); SecurityContext context = readSecurityContextFromSession(httpSession); if (context == null) { context = generateNewContext(); } ... return context; } ... public boolean containsContext(HttpServletRequest request) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session == null) { return false; } return session.getAttribute(springSecurityContextKey) != null; } private SecurityContext readSecurityContextFromSession(HttpSession httpSession) { if (httpSession == null) { return null; } ... // Session存在的情况下,尝试获取其中的SecurityContext Object contextFromSession = httpSession.getAttribute(springSecurityContextKey); if (contextFromSession == null) { return null; } ... return (SecurityContext) contextFromSession; } //初次请求时创建一个新的SecurityContext实例 protected SecurityContext generateNewContext() { return SecurityContextHolder.createEmptyContext(); } } 复制代码

SecurityContextPersistenceFilter和HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository配合使用,构成了Spring Security整个调用链路的入口,为什么将它放在最开始的地方也是显而易见的,后续的过滤器中大概率会依赖Session信息和安全上下文信息。


表单认证是最常用的一个认证方式,一个最直观的业务场景便是允许用户在表单中输入用户名和密码进行登录,而这背后的UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter,在整个Spring Security的认证体系中则扮演着至关重要的角色。

Spring Security系列之核心过滤器源码分析(四)

可以看出UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter主要肩负起了调用身份认证器,校验身份的作用,至于认证的细节,在前面几章花了很大篇幅进行了介绍,到这里,其实Spring Security的基本流程就已经走通了。

源码分析 org.springframework.security.web.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter#attemptAuthentication

public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException { //获取表单中的用户名和密码 String username = obtainUsername(request); String password = obtainPassword(request); ... username = username.trim(); //组装成username+password形式的token UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( username, password); // Allow subclasses to set the "details" property setDetails(request, authRequest); //交给内部的AuthenticationManager去认证,并返回认证信息 return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest); } 复制代码

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter本身的代码只包含了上述这么一个方法,非常简略,而在其父类 AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter 中包含了大量的细节,值得我们分析:

public abstract class AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter extends GenericFilterBean implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware, MessageSourceAware { //包含了一个身份认证器 private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; //用于实现remeberMe private RememberMeServices rememberMeServices = new NullRememberMeServices(); private RequestMatcher requiresAuthenticationRequestMatcher; //这两个Handler很关键,分别代表了认证成功和失败相应的处理器 private AuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler = new SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler(); private AuthenticationFailureHandler failureHandler = new SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler(); public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; ... Authentication authResult; try { //此处实际上就是调用UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter的attemptAuthentication方法 authResult = attemptAuthentication(request, response); if (authResult == null) { //子类未完成认证,立刻返回 return; } sessionStrategy.onAuthentication(authResult, request, response); } //在认证过程中可以直接抛出异常,在过滤器中,就像此处一样,进行捕获 catch (InternalAuthenticationServiceException failed) { //内部服务异常 unsuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, failed); return; } catch (AuthenticationException failed) { //认证失败 unsuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, failed); return; } //认证成功 if (continueChainBeforeSuccessfulAuthentication) { chain.doFilter(request, response); } //注意,认证成功后过滤器把authResult结果也传递给了成功处理器 successfulAuthentication(request, response, chain, authResult); } } 复制代码



匿名认证过滤器,可能有人会想:匿名了还有身份?我自己对于Anonymous匿名身份的理解是Spirng Security为了整体逻辑的统一性,即使是未通过认证的用户,也给予了一个匿名身份。而 AnonymousAuthenticationFilter 该过滤器的位置也是非常的科学的,它位于常用的身份认证过滤器(如 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter、BasicAuthenticationFilter、RememberMeAuthenticationFilter )之后,意味着只有在上述身份过滤器执行完毕后,SecurityContext依旧没有用户信息,AnonymousAuthenticationFilter该过滤器才会有意义――基于用户一个匿名身份。

源码分析 org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AnonymousAuthenticationFilter

public class AnonymousAuthenticationFilter extends GenericFilterBean implements InitializingBean { private AuthenticationDetailsSource<HttpServletRequest, ?> authenticationDetailsSource = new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource(); private String key; private Object principal; private List<GrantedAuthority> authorities; //自动创建一个"anonymousUser"的匿名用户,其具有ANONYMOUS角色 public AnonymousAuthenticationFilter(String key) { this(key, "anonymousUser", AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_ANONYMOUS")); } /** * * @param key key用来识别该过滤器创建的身份 * @param principal principal代表匿名用户的身份 * @param authorities authorities代表匿名用户的权限集合 */ public AnonymousAuthenticationFilter(String key, Object principal, List<GrantedAuthority> authorities) { Assert.hasLength(key, "key cannot be null or empty"); Assert.notNull(principal, "Anonymous authentication principal must be set"); Assert.notNull(authorities, "Anonymous authorities must be set"); this.key = key; this.principal = principal; this.authorities = authorities; } ... public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { //过滤器链都执行到匿名认证过滤器这儿了还没有身份信息,塞一个匿名身份进去 if (SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() == null) { SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication( createAuthentication((HttpServletRequest) req)); } chain.doFilter(req, res); } protected Authentication createAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request) { //创建一个AnonymousAuthenticationToken AnonymousAuthenticationToken auth = new AnonymousAuthenticationToken(key, principal, authorities); auth.setDetails(authenticationDetailsSource.buildDetails(request)); return auth; } ... } 复制代码




这个过滤器非常重要,因为它将Java中的异常和HTTP的响应连接在了一起,这样在处理异常时,我们不用考虑密码错误该跳到什么页面,账号锁定该如何,只需要关注自己的业务逻辑,抛出相应的异常便可。如果该过滤器检测到 AuthenticationException ,则将会交给内部的 AuthenticationEntryPoint 去处理,如果检测到AccessDeniedException,需要先判断当前用户是不是匿名用户,如果是匿名访问,则和前面一样运行AuthenticationEntryPoint,否则会委托给AccessDeniedHandler去处理,而 AccessDeniedHandler 的默认实现,是 AccessDeniedHandlerImpl 。所以 ExceptionTranslationFilter 内部的 AuthenticationEntryPoint 是至关重要的,顾名思义:认证的入口点。


public class ExceptionTranslationFilter extends GenericFilterBean { //处理异常转换的核心方法 private void handleSpringSecurityException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain chain, RuntimeException exception) throws IOException, ServletException { if (exception instanceof AuthenticationException) { //重定向到登录端点 sendStartAuthentication(request, response, chain, (AuthenticationException) exception); } else if (exception instanceof AccessDeniedException) { Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (authenticationTrustResolver.isAnonymous(authentication) || authenticationTrustResolver.isRememberMe(authentication)) { //重定向到登录端点 sendStartAuthentication( request, response, chain, new InsufficientAuthenticationException( "Full authentication is required to access this resource")); } else { //交给accessDeniedHandler处理 accessDeniedHandler.handle(request, response, (AccessDeniedException) exception); } } } } 复制代码




@Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll() .anyRequest().authenticated() .and() .formLogin()//FormLoginConfigurer .loginPage("/login") .permitAll() .and() .logout() .permitAll(); } } 复制代码


public abstract class AbstractAuthenticationFilterConfigurer extends ...{ ... //formLogin不出所料配置了AuthenticationEntryPoint private LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint authenticationEntryPoint; //认证失败的处理器 private AuthenticationFailureHandler failureHandler; ... } 复制代码






public void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AccessDeniedException accessDeniedException) throws IOException, ServletException { if (!response.isCommitted()) { if (errorPage != null) { // Put exception into request scope (perhaps of use to a view) request.setAttribute(WebAttributes.ACCESS_DENIED_403, accessDeniedException); // Set the 403 status code. response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); // forward to error page. RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(errorPage); dispatcher.forward(request, response); } else { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, accessDeniedException.getMessage()); } } } 复制代码 FilterSecurityInterceptor


FilterSecurityInterceptor的工作流程用笔者的理解可以理解如下: FilterSecurityInterceptor 从 SecurityContextHolder 中获取 Authentication 对象,然后比对用户拥有的权限和资源所需的权限。前者可以通过Authentication对象直接获得,而后者则需要引入我们之前一直未提到过的两个类: SecurityMetadataSource,AccessDecisionManager 。理解清楚决策管理器的整个创建流程和SecurityMetadataSource的作用需要花很大一笔功夫,这里,暂时只介绍其大概的作用。


@Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers("/resources/**", "/signup", "/about").permitAll() .antMatchers("/admin/**").hasRole("ADMIN") .antMatchers("/db/**").access("hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('DBA')") .anyRequest().authenticated() .withObjectPostProcessor(new ObjectPostProcessor<FilterSecurityInterceptor>() { public <O extends FilterSecurityInterceptor> O postProcess( O fsi) { fsi.setPublishAuthorizationSuccess(true); return fsi; } }); } 复制代码



本篇文章在介绍过滤器时,顺便进行了一些源码的分析,目的是方便理解整个Spring Security的工作流。伴随着整个过滤器链的介绍,安全框架的轮廓应该已经浮出水面了,下面的章节,主要打算通过自定义一些需求,再次分析其他组件的源码,学习应该如何改造Spring Security,为我们所用。

Spring Security系列之核心过滤器源码分析(四)

3 Ways CISOs Can Break Out of the ‘Security as Necessary Evil’ Mentality


Security Boulevard Exclusive Series: What I Learned About Being a CISO After I Stopped Being a CISO

In this series we’re talking with former CISOs to collect the lessons they’ve learned about the job after they left―either to work as start-up founders, consultants or vendor executives. The goal is to take the wisdom they’ve gained from broader exposure to other security and business leaders and deliver those lessons back to CISOs who are still in the hot seat. We hope the current crop of CISOs can take some insight from their former compatriots and use it to up their game while they’re still on the job. Read more about the serieshere.

Recent Articles By Author

3 Ways CISOs Can Boost Their Credibility Within the Enterprise 2018 Sees API Breaches Surge With No Relief in Sight ‘Tis the Season―for a Phishing Frenzy

Lessons From Erkang Zheng, Head of Product for JupiterOne at Healthcare Tech Company LifeOmic/CISO

When most CISOs are faced with the task of doling out their energy and efforts between organizational culture problems and technological problems, nine times out of 10 they’re going to look to solve those technical problems first.

“It’s easier to focus on the latter,” said Erkang Zheng, a longtime CISO who now devotes most of his time to building security products. But this natural gravitation toward quick technological fixes actually tend to exacerbate long-term culture problems and reduce security program effectiveness. “Companies add tools and complexity to the point where the amount of noise coming through makes it nearly impossible to understand what is going on.”

If CISOs are going to take their security programs to the next level, they’re going to have to devote more time to the cultural blockers and process problems standing in their way, and work to simplify their technology stack rather than piling more on.

Zheng has come to this perspective over a career in which he has bounced between the vendor world and the CISO’s desk. He’s worked for IBM security, as a CISO advisor for other organizations and, most recently, headed up security at Fidelity Investing. In his time there he helped guide the company’s largest business unit through a digital transformation, which shifted security from an enterprise IT function to a core business function.

“Using a software-defined model within the product development teams (DevSecOps), it was a successful shift and a tremendous win for the organization,” he said.

Nowadays Zheng works for healthcare technology company LifeOmic. He pulls double duty at the company―he still works as a CISO in this position, but he’s also more prominently the head of product for one of the firm’s SaaS product lines.

“The majority of my time and energy is spent building a security product: JupiterOne,” he said.

This latest role has further crystalized his belief that “building a product is hard,” and that security leaders can greatly jeopardize their goals to reduce risks if they’re constantly seen as blockers to the innovation process.

“Security gets the bad rap for being a necessary evil, but it doesn’t have to be,” he said. The following are three ways security leaders can start breaking away from that perception of their department.

Don’t be a ‘Control Freak’

One of the biggest pieces of advice Zheng has is to stop being a “control freak,” which starts by recognizing that not everything has to be centrally controlled.

“Decentralized controls can be a good thing, as long as you have visibility to them,” he said, noting that this has an added benefit of reducing the risk of concentrating privileges and giving attackers the chance to steal the keys to the kingdom. “Don’t create a ‘god mode’ for your attackers. Be distributed and focus on keep things simple. Be as granular as you can to create granular access and small blast radius. Rely on automation.”

Unclenching a bit also opens up great opportunities for improved processes. For example, Zheng is a big proponent of public bug bounties―if attackers are going after these flaws anyway, he noted, then why not take advantage of the power of crowds and find those flaws faster?

Most importantly, stop saying “no” so much. This is a huge perception-changer.

“Resist the urge to say ‘no’ and stop operating behind closed doors,” he said. “Once security is viewed as a blocker, your users will just find ways to get around you, giving you a false sense of security.”

Get Devs and Security Engineers Talking the Same Language

Application security is so incredibly important these days, but if CISOs are going to get a word in edgewise with developers who are elbow-deep in innovation, then they need to make sure their security team is communicating on the same plane.

“Working with developers and engineers, I’ve learned you need to speak their language. Their perspective is critical to success all around so something I think is important is put yourself in their positions―literally,” Zheng said. “Security team members need to become developers and developers need to have security responsibilities.”

This is one of the reasons why Zheng believes CISOs need to insist that security engineers learn to code. The other reason is that it can greatly help them improve security operations and automation.

“We live in a software-defined world now,” he said. “We need to learn to operate security-as-code.”

Keep User Experience Top-of-Mind

“Security and compliance are the anti-user experience,” Zheng said. “They are inherently rigid and the tools for managing and enforcing them are worse.”

The worst part about it, though, is all of this rigidity isn’t keeping the breaches at bay. The constant breach announcements on the news are an all-too-stark reminder of that. The more CISOs can do to streamline their processes and technology, making things seamless for users, the better.

“What security and compliance need to be is simple, contextual and flexible,” Zheng said. “Day-to-day security operations should be logical and straightforward.”

Read the previous article in this serieshere andhere, and more about the serieshere.

API Security Weekly: Issue #9


If you are using Kubernetes, you should install a patch for it as soon as possible. There was a huge privilege escalation vulnerability that got fixed this week . The flaw allows attackers to contact Kubernetes API server using a non-privileged account and then get high-privilege operations forwarded to backend services. Even worse, the calls are not showing up in server audit logs or server logs, making the attack hard to detect.

Abraham Ingersoll from Gravitational published details here :

Attacker contacts Kubernetes API server and requests a connection to a backend server over HTTP/2 websockets. API server forwards the request to the backend server. The request is made in a way that it automatically fails. An error is returned to the attacker, but API server leaves open a connection to the backend that is authenticated with high-privilege TLS certificate of the API server itself, The attacker uses the open, authenticated connection to send requests to invoke high-privilege operations. The backend server has no reason to suspect anything out of ordinary but completes the request.
API Security Weekly: Issue #9

One of the popular security camera systems, NUUO NVRmini2 Network Video Recorder, had a serious API vulnerability reported by Digital Defense. Because string parameters were not checked for their length or sanitized, attackers could craft an overly long GET request, cause stack overflow and execute arbitrary code as root . This way, the attacker can intercept and even replace the video stream from the security cameras.

If you’re using ElasticSearch, you may expose more APIs than you are aware of. Lots of companies have lately had ElasticSearch breaches and their customer records exposed:

SKY Brasil (32 mln customer records) Atrium Health (2.65 mln) Urban Massage (300K) Brazil’s Federation of Industries of the State of So Paulo ― FIESP (millions) Data & Leads (83 mln)

The breaches happen because, by default, ElasticSearch is wide open and not secured at all. So, to avoid the breaches:

Avoid having your ElasticSearch accessible from the internet at all if you can. Enable (or install for older versions) the X-Pack security module and set secure passwords for all default accounts. Best Practices

Are you implementing your APIs in Node.js? If so, check out this brilliant list of 23 security best practices .

Kristopher Sandoval from NordicAPIs goes through the possible ways how APIs get hacked and how these could be remediated. His list of attacks includes, for example:

Reverse engineering Spoofing Man-in-the-middle Session replays Social engineering

Tsahi Levent-Levihas posted in TechTarget his 4 steps to securing your APIs . The checklist is, in a nutshell:

Authorization Audit trail Data at rest and data in motion Rate limiting Standards

The free “HTTP/3 explained” ebook from Daniel Stenberg contains some good information on the upcoming HTTP/3 protocol . In this protocol, the encrypted traffic will be based on the QUIC protocol.


According to a recent survey by Ping Identity , security and IT professionals seem to have doubts whether the security teams of their companies are up to speed with API security:

45% lack confidence in their security team to detect malicious API access 51% are not confident their security team is aware of all APIs existing in their organization.

















陌陌安全应急响应中心:陌陌安全应急响应中心(MMSRC,MOMO Security Response Center)是陌陌建立的安全漏洞收集及安全应急响应平台,致力于保障陌陌旗下所有产品及用户信息安全,促进陌陌与白帽子及团队的交流合作。为感谢白帽子及团队为亿万陌陌用户信息安全做出的贡献,陌陌安全应急响应中心特别设立年度百万奖金池,单漏洞或情报奖励可达万元,活动期间可获取更高奖励。于此同时,我们会不定期组织、赞助安全会议等线下活动,为广大白帽子创造线下交流沟通机会。








补天漏洞响应平台:补天漏洞响应平台成立于2013 年3月,是专注于漏洞响应的第三方公益平台。补天平台通过充分引导和培养民间的白帽力量,实现实时的、高效的漏洞挖掘与响应,守护企业网络安全,积极推动互联网安全行业的发展。面对复杂多变的网络安全态势和层出不穷的攻击手段,补天平台通过 SRC、众测等方式服务广 大企业,以安全众包的形式让白帽子从模拟攻击者的角度发现问题,解决问题,帮助企业树立动态、综合的防护理念,维护企业的网络安全。截至2018年6月,平台注册白帽子已达43,000余名,发现的漏洞数量超过26万个。被公安部、CNCERT(CNVD)、中国信息安全测评中心(CNNVD)分别评定为技术支持先进单位、漏洞信息报送突出贡献单位和一级技术支撑单位。




人工智能技术有望成为防火墙 助力构建网络安全




人工智能技术有望成为防火墙 助力构建网络安全













聚焦2018中国存储与数据峰会 紫晶存储助推行业发展



聚焦2018中国存储与数据峰会 紫晶存储助推行业发展

当前,我们正处在一个数据量成几何倍数增长的IT时代,数据以每年50%的速度在增长。根据IDC报告显示,预计到2020年,全球数据总量将超过44ZB。如何低成本、安全、长期保存数据是今后存储技术面临的巨大挑战。12月11日,紫晶存储董事长郑穆在峰会主论坛上以《打造“硬核”存储 构建数字化基石》为主题,围绕以介质为核心的自主可控技术,发表如何能在行业存储中摆脱同质化竞争,构建多种商业模式的演讲。

聚焦2018中国存储与数据峰会 紫晶存储助推行业发展



聚焦2018中国存储与数据峰会 紫晶存储助推行业发展





Midsized Businesses Need Enterprise-Sized Security


Though cybersecurity is not a one-size-fits-all proposition, it is also not accurate to say that smaller companies need smaller security. Osterman Research surveyed 900 security pros worldwide and found that 73 percent of midsized companies were impacted by a security threat in the preceding 12 months. Firms of this size face a similar number of attacks as larger companies do but must address them with fewer employees and resources.

This may seem like a no-win situation at first glance, but the market is responding to the changing security landscape and making some of the same tools that enterprises use available to midsized businesses.

Consider the following security challenges to a more robust cybersecurity strategy and best practices to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to keep your data and that of your customers safe.

Multiple Challenges

One challenge is the mistaken assumption that your company is too small to interest attackers. If only attackers shared that belief! They know that midmarket companies often don’t have the same financial and personnel resources for security that enterprises do, which makes your company a potentially smaller, but usually easier win for them.

Dealing with the reality of human error is another challenge. Yes, it’s good to train your employees on security best practices, but it’s even better to put a security system in place so that when an employee eventually slips up―because they will―your data is still going to be protected.

Reduced resources and workers who take on a variety of roles are additional challenges. We routinely talk to people who have to be both the CISO, responsible for mission-critical data security, and the IT operations lead, responsible for almost anything IT under the sun! Cybersecurity often gets presented in confusing or convoluted ways that are meant for larger organizations, which means legitimately useful products and services do not always get adopted and cybersecurity falls short.

Tips for Improved Security

Midmarket businesses will benefit from implementing these four best practices, which will increase data security and help decision-makers focus on solutions that provide the strongest protection.

Look for External Security Expertise

It’s helpful for IT departments with limited staff and resources to find a trusted adviser or partner who knows the security space deeply. There is a lot of conflicting information in the market, and the security landscape shifts quickly with new vulnerabilities and new threats. It is difficult to impossible to wade through this morass alone and in addition to all your other daily job duties, much less come to fully informed decisions. Look for a security adviser with a good track record of coming alongside their customers with a partnering mindset.

Make encryption standard

Authentication stands at the front line of your organization’s defense, but encryption is the last bastion of an organization. By scrambling data to make it unusable to hackers, it protects like no other security solution can because even if intruders make it past your firewall, they will find only mounds of jumbled nonsense.

Encrypting sensitive data at the source―the application that brings data into the application for the first time―is the strongest way to protect it. Additionally, ensure that only authorized applications may decrypt such data upon authorizing those using FIDO Alliance-based strong authentication.

Midsized companies have not been able to afford encryption technology until recently. The market now offers affordable solutions that make enterprise-level encryption available to smaller organizations.

Stop Relying on Passwords

Not only are passwords annoying for employees to use, remember and change, but they are also insecure. In 2017, weak or re-used passwords were responsible for more than 4 in 5 breaches.

Get Rid of Passwords but Keep Your Employees’ Sanity

Employees frequently complain about having to rely on one-time PINS sent over text, carrying an authentication device dedicated to just one service or needing to use a personal cell phone. They need solutions that enable them to do their work securely without constant frustration.

Easy, seamless online interactions have become the norm. However, convenience must be balanced with security. The FIDO Alliance and the FIDO protocols are changing the nature of authentication by using standards to replace passwords. Replacing passwords means more security, and using standards means that the same protocol can be used across many websites and applications. Currently, today, FIDO can be implemented in ways that make sense to a business―physical USB authenticators, Bluetooth, NFC and more.

Raising a Higher Standard

Your midsized company is not too small for cybercriminals’ notice. They often seek the low-hanging fruit of valuable data in an organization that likely doesn’t have enterprise-level security. With 73 percent of midsized companies suffering data breaches, it’s time to step up security measures―and this includes adding authentication and encryption to your arsenal. These tools are now available at an affordable price point and more user-friendly. Use the guidelines above as best practices to raise your security profile so that criminals will no longer find your network worth the effort.

Zero-day in Windows Kernel Transaction Manager (CVE-2018-8611)

Executive summary

In October 2018, our AEP (Automatic Exploit Prevention) systems detected an attempt to exploit a vulnerability in the Microsoft windows operating system. Further analysis led us to uncover a zero-day vulnerability in ntoskrnl.exe. We reported it to Microsoft on October 29, 2018. The company confirmed the vulnerability and assigned it CVE-2018-8611. Microsoft just released a patch, part of its December update, crediting Kaspersky Lab researchers Boris Larin ( Oct0xor ) and Igor Soumenkov ( 2igosha ) with the discovery.

This is the third consecutive exploited Local Privilege Escalation vulnerability in Windows we discovered this autumn using our technologies. Unlike the previously reported vulnerabilities in win32k.sys (CVE-2018-8589 andCVE-2018-8453), CVE-2018-8611 is an especially dangerous threat a vulnerability in the Kernel Transaction Manager driver. It can also be used to escape the sandbox in modern web browsers, including Chrome and Edge, since syscall filtering mitigations do not apply to ntoskrnl.exe system calls.

Just like with CVE-2018-8589, we believe this exploit is used by several threat actors including, but possibly not limited to, FruityArmor and SandCat. While FruityArmor is known to have used zero-days before, SandCat is a new APT we discovered only recently. In addition to this zero-day and CHAINSHOT, SandCat also uses the FinFisher / FinSpy framework.

Kaspersky Lab products detected this exploit proactively through the following technologies:

Behavioral detection engine and Automatic Exploit Prevention for endpoint products Advanced Sandboxing and Anti Malware engine for Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (KATA)

Kaspersky Lab verdicts for the artifacts used in this and related attacks are:

HEUR:Exploit.Win32.Generic HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic PDM:Exploit.Win32.Generic Brief details CVE-2018-8611 vulnerability

CVE-2018-8611 is a race condition that is present in the Kernel Transaction Manager due to improper processing of transacted file operations in kernel mode.

This vulnerability successfully bypasses modern process mitigation policies, such as Win32k System call Filtering that is used, among others, in the Microsoft Edge Sandbox and the Win32k Lockdown Policy employed in the Google Chrome Sandbox. Combined with a compromised renderer process, for example, this vulnerability can lead to a full Remote Command Execution exploit chain in the latest state-of-the-art web-browsers.

We have found multiple builds of exploit for this vulnerability. The latest build includes changes to reflect the latest versions of the Windows OS.

Zero-day in Windows Kernel Transaction Manager (CVE-2018-8611)

A check for the latest build at the time of discovery: Windows 10 Redstone 4 Build 17133

Similarly to CHAINSHOT, this exploit heavily relies on the use of C++ exception handling mechanisms with custom error codes.

To abuse this vulnerability exploit first creates a named pipe and opens it for read and write. Then it creates a pair of new transaction manager objects , resource manager objects , transaction objects and creates a big number of enlistment objects for what we will call “Transaction #2”. Enlistment is a special object that is used for association between a transaction and a resource manager. When the transaction state changes associated resource manager is notified by the KTM. After that it creates one more enlistment object only now it does so for “Transaction #1” and commits all the changes made during this transaction.

After all the initial preparations have been made exploit proceeds to the second part of vulnerability trigger. It creates multiple threads and binds them to a single CPU core. One of created threads calls NtQueryInformationResourceManager in a loop, while second thread tries to execute NtRecoverResourceManager once. But the vulnerability itself is triggered in the third thread. This thread uses a trick of execution NtQueryInformationThread to obtain information on the latest executed syscall for the second thread. Successful execution of NtRecoverResourceManager will mean that race condition has occurred and further execution of WriteFile on previously created named pipe will lead to memory corruption.

Zero-day in Windows Kernel Transaction Manager (CVE-2018-8611)

Proof of concept: execution of WriteFile with buffer set to 0x41

As always, we provided Microsoft with a proof of concept for this vulnerability, along with source code. And it was later shared through Microsoft Active Protections Program ( MAPP ).

More information about SandCat, FruityArmor and CVE-2018-8611 is available to customers of Kaspersky Intelligence Reports. Contact: intelreports@kaspersky.com

Taking notes with Standard Notes


Online note-taking tools seem to have bloomed like 100 flowers . The tallest ones in that garden are usually proprietary, closed source applications like Evernote, Zoho Notebook, Google Keep, and Notion.

There are a number of simpler, open source alternatives to proprietary note-taking applications. One of the newer ones on the block is Standard Notes . Standard Notes was brought to my attention a while back by its developer, Mo Bitar. I've been using Standard Notes for almost a year, and it does a great job of organizing my information.

Getting started

Standard Notes is open source. That means if you have the technical know-how, you can grab the building blocks of the application and modify them. Or you can just install it on your own server.

That might work for you, but I'm not an uber techie. Or a techie of any stripe. So, I took the easy route and registered for the hosted version of Standard Notes. It's free, although you can get a paid account that gives you access to a number of extensions that beef up Standard Notes.

Whether you've installed Standard Notes or signed up for a hosted account, you see three panes when you log in:

Tags: lists tags you've added to your notes All notes: lists your notes with the newest at top Editor: where you type your notes standard-notes-basic.png
Taking notes with Standard Notes

The interface is plain, but it is functional.

Working with notes

Click the + icon in the All notes pane to create a new note. Give your note a title, (optionally) add a tag to the note (more on this in a moment), and start typing. Simple, no?

Taking notes with Standard Notes

Out of the box, Standard Notes is plaintext-only. No images, no formatting, no tables, nor anything like that. You can add markup to your notes (using, say, Markdown or HTML), but you don't get syntax highlighting or a preview.

You can enter anything into Standard Notes that you would put into another note-taking tool or text editor:

Point-form notes Draft blog posts Longer pieces of writing Schedules Journal entries Work logs Task lists Plaintext templates Organizing your notes

Unlike Evernote and some other note-taking tools, out of the box Standard Notes doesn't have a way to organize notes in folders. Your notes are in a long (assuming you have a lot of notes) list in the All notes pane. Instead, you can use tags to organize your notes.

You can add tags to a note by typing in the field below the note's title.

Taking notes with Standard Notes

When you want to filter your notes, click the tag in the Tags pane. Only the notes with that tag will appear in the All notes pane.

Importing and backing up your notes

You might be coming to Standard Notes from Evernote. Or, you might have plaintext notes scattered across various devices. How do you get them into the app? Use the import conversion tool , which converts Evernote or plaintext files to a plaintext data format called JSON . Once you've converted your notes, import them by selecting Account > Import from backup .

The import tool has a couple of limitations. You can only import one file at a time. That can be cumbersome if you have a large number of notes. If you're moving to Standard Notes from Evernote, you'll lose formatting, images, and attachments.

If you want to get your notes out of Standard Notes―either because you want a copy of them to archive or you want to leave Standard Notes―select Account and choose either:

Encrypted , which saves all your notes in a single, encrypted JSON file that you can import back into Standard Notes, or Decrypted , which converts all your notes to text files and compresses them into a ZIP file. Security

While it has little to do with taking notes, one of Standard Notes' selling points is privacy and security. The application says it is "100% private. Your notes are encrypted and secured so only you can decrypt them. No one but you can read your notes (not even us)."

Learn more about how Standard Notes secures your notes . I'll embrace my naivete and state that I don't think the developer will do a 180 on either the privacy or security pledges. I hope he doesn't prove me wrong ...

Final thoughts

Standard Notes is simple and it's flexible. That it embraces the plaintext ethos and is open source are the two main reasons I started using it and continue to use it.

Several paragraphs back, I mentioned that you get a lot more with a paid account―these include themes, editors that render markup, desktop extensions, and options to create folders, as you can below.

Taking notes with Standard Notes

It's up to you to decide whether those features are important to you, but subscribing helps keep the service afloat and development chugging along.

Standard Notes gives me both the simplicity and flexibility of Simplenote andLaverna (another favorite notetaking tool)―so much so that I've moved my notes in Laverna over to Standard Notes. As an online note-taking tool for the plaintext junkie, you can't do much better than Standard Notes.

This article was originally published, in a slightly different format, at The Plain Text Project and appears here via a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .

Blog Review: Dec. 12


Mentor’s Harry Foster checks out how much time and effort is spent on verification of FPGAs and points to the increasing demand for verification engineers.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan digs into IC Insights’ year-end report to see how some of the top semiconductor companies stack up.

Synopsys’ Taylor Armerding warns that air gaps, a valuable barrier against cyberattacks, are disappearing from industrial control systems and considers what that means for the global shipping industry.

UltraSoC’s Gadge Panesar looks at using RISC-V alongside Arm cores and argues for heterogeneous architectural and modeling exploration systems and the importance of open APIs.

GlobalFoundries’ Dave Lammers checks out the effort to come up with new, less power-hungry devices for neuromorphic computing and why advanced packaging will play a key role.

PDF Solutions’ Dave Huntley contends that traceability throughout the supply chain, even for component parts, is necessary for security and anti-counterfeiting with the introduction of a proposed new standard for a common traceability scheme.

A Rambus writer takes a look at the differences between GDDR6 and HBM2 and how that impacts system design.

Arm’s Jason Andrews provides a walkthrough of how to set up Arm’s Development Studio and connect to a custom Fast Model simulation for early software debugging.

ANSYS’ Shawn Wasserman points out a new design for offshore wind turbines that could be cheaper to deploy and easier to install and maintain than traditional designs.

And don’t miss the blogs featured in the latest IoT, Security & Automotive and Packaging, Test & Materials newsletters:

Editor In ChiefEd Sperling contends that making sense of technology directions requires a different starting point.

Mentor’sAndrew Macleod explains why autonomous vehicles shouldn’t be considered in isolation.

Synopsys’Mike Borza shows how a hardware Root of Trust can thwart attacks on ever more complex vehicles.

Achronix’sAlok Sanghavi looks at why processing data from multiple cameras in real time is a challenge for surround-view systems.

Flex Logix’sGeoff Tate examines how to beat latency in neural networks while retaining high hardware utilization.

Marvell’sSree Durbha zeroes in on why pushing intelligence into everyday things means demand for low power, cost-sensitive designs.

Editor in ChiefEd Sperling finds the normally quiet test segment is suddenly boiling over with challenges.

Advantest’sJudy Davies examines the good and bad of using technology to modify what we eat.

Rambus’Nisha Amthul points out the best practices for protecting personal assets from cyber criminals.

Arm’sSuresh Marisetty explains how to build a security plan and put it into action.

ThinkPHP5 远程代码执行漏洞分析

公众号: ADLab 漏洞介绍


ThinkPHP 5.0.5-5.0.22 ThinkPHP 5.1.0-5.1.30 漏洞复现

本地环境采用ThinkPHP 5.1.29+PHP7+Apache进行复现。安装环境后直接访问POC给定的URL即可执行phpinfo(),如图所示:

ThinkPHP5 远程代码执行漏洞分析



public function pathinfo() { if (is_null($this->pathinfo)) { if (isset($_GET[$this->config['var_pathinfo']])) { // 判断URL里面是否有兼容模式参数 $pathinfo = $_GET[$this->config['var_pathinfo']]; unset($_GET[$this->config['var_pathinfo']]); } elseif ($this->isCli()) { // CLI模式下 index.php module/controller/action/params/... $pathinfo = isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][1] : ''; } elseif ('cli-server' == PHP_SAPI) { $pathinfo = strpos($this->server('REQUEST_URI'), '?') ? strstr($this->server('REQUEST_URI'), '?', true) : $this->server('REQUEST_URI'); } elseif ($this->server('PATH_INFO')) { $pathinfo = $this->server('PATH_INFO'); } // 分析PATHINFO信息 if (!isset($pathinfo)) { foreach ($this->config['pathinfo_fetch'] as $type) { if ($this->server($type)) { $pathinfo = (0 === strpos($this->server($type), $this->server('SCRIPT_NAME'))) ? substr($this->server($type), strlen($this->server('SCRIPT_NAME'))) : $this->server($type); break; } } } $this->pathinfo = empty($pathinfo) || '/' == $pathinfo ? '' : ltrim($pathinfo, '/'); } return $this->pathinfo; } 该路由函数中 $this->config['var_pathinfo'] 是配置文件的默认值,其初始化代码如下,值为’s’:
ThinkPHP5 远程代码执行漏洞分析
当请求报文包含 $_GET['s'] ,就取其值作为pathinfo,并返回pathinfo给调用函数。

分析发现pathinfo函数被 library/think/Request.php:716 中的path函数调用:

public function path() { if (is_null($this->path)) { $suffix = $this->config['url_html_suffix']; $pathinfo = $this->pathinfo(); if (false === $suffix) { // 禁止伪静态访问 $this->path = $pathinfo; } elseif ($suffix) { // 去除正常的URL后缀 $this->path = preg_replace('/\.(' . ltrim($suffix, '.') . ')$/i', '', $pathinfo); } else { // 允许任何后缀访问 $this->path = preg_replace('/\.' . $this->ext() . '$/i', '', $pathinfo); } } return $this->path; }

显然,这里 $this->path 源自pathinfo,因此可以被攻击者控制。继续分析该变量的传递,在 library/think/App.php:597 中被引用:

//public function routecheck() $path = $this->request->path(); // 是否强制路由模式 $must = !is_null($this->routeMust) ? $this->routeMust : $this->route->config('url_route_must'); // 路由检测 返回一个Dispatch对象 $dispatch = $this->route->check($path, $must); if (!empty($routeKey)) { try { if ($option) { $this->cache->connect($option)->tag('route_cache')->set($routeKey, $dispatch); } else { $this->cache->tag('route_cache')->set($routeKey, $dispatch); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // 存在闭包的时候缓存无效 } } return $dispatch;


public function check($url, $must = false) { // 自动检测域名路由 $domain = $this->checkDomain(); $url = str_replace($this->config['pathinfo_depr'], '|', $url); $completeMatch = $this->config['route_complete_match']; $result = $domain->check($this->request, $url, $completeMatch); if (false === $result && !empty($this->cross)) { // 检测跨域路由 $result = $this->cross->check($this->request, $url, $completeMatch); } if (false !== $result) { // 路由匹配 return $result; } elseif ($must) { // 强制路由不匹配则抛出异常 throw new RouteNotFoundException(); } // 默认路由解析 return new UrlDispatch($this->request, $this->group, $url, [ 'auto_search' => $this->autoSearchController, ]); }

分析代码可知,如果开启了强制路由则会抛出异常, 也就是官方所说的该漏洞在开启强制路由的情况下不受影响(默认不开启)。



public function __construct(Request $request, Rule $rule, $dispatch, $param = [], $code = null) { $this->request = $request; $this->rule = $rule; $this->app = Container::get('app'); $this->dispatch = $dispatch; $this->param = $param; $this->code = $code; if (isset($param['convert'])) { $this->convert = $param['convert']; } }

$dispatch 变量可控并赋值给了 $this->dispatch ,经过多次函数调用返回,最后如下的Url类的init函数将会被调用来处理 $this->dispatch 。

class Url extends Dispatch { public function init() { // 解析默认的URL规则 $result = $this->parseUrl($this->dispatch); return (new Module($this->request, $this->rule, $result))->init(); } public function exec() {}

这里调用parseUrl对 $this->dispatch 进行解析,这是该漏洞的核心点之一:

protected function parseUrl($url) { $depr = $this->rule->getConfig('pathinfo_depr'); $bind = $this->rule->getRouter()->getBind(); if (!empty($bind) && preg_match('/^[a-z]/is', $bind)) { $bind = str_replace('/', $depr, $bind); // 如果有模块/控制器绑定 $url = $bind . ('.' != substr($bind, -1) ? $depr : '') . ltrim($url, $depr); } list($path, $var) = $this->rule->parseUrlPath($url); if (empty($path)) {

这里调用parseUrlPath函数对 $url 进行解析,继续分析该函数:

public function parseUrlPath($url) { .... .... } elseif (strpos($url, '/')) { // [模块/控制器/操作] $path = explode('/', $url); } elseif (false !== strpos($url, '=')) { // 参数1=值1&参数2=值2... $path = []; parse_str($url, $var); } else { $path = [$url]; } return [$path, $var]; }





list($path, $var) = $this->rule->parseUrlPath($url); ... ... // 解析模块 $module = $this->rule->getConfig('app_multi_module') ? array_shift($path) : null; if ($this->param['auto_search']) { $controller = $this->autoFindController($module, $path); } else { // 解析控制器 $controller = !empty($path) ? array_shift($path) : null; } // 解析操作 $action = !empty($path) ? array_shift($path) : null; ... ... // 设置当前请求的参数 $this->request->setRouteVars($var); // 封装路由 $route = [$module, $controller, $action]; return $route; 路由封装返回到 library/thi
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