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今天给大家介绍的是一款名叫Pacu的开源AWS 漏洞利用 框架,该工具可以帮助广大开发人员检测AWS云环境的安全状况。




Pacu是一款轻量级工具,它要求使用python 3.5+,并需要通过pip3来安装其他Python库。运行install.sh之后,脚本会检查你的Python版本,并确保所有的Python包都是最新版本。


git clone https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu

cd pacu

bash install.sh

python3 pacu.py

具体的安装指令,请参考【 安装指引 】。




Pacu的基础命令 >list:该命令可以列举出所有可用的模块; >helpmodule_name:该命令将返回特定模块的帮助信息; >runmodule_name:该命令可以配合特定的参数来运行指定的模块; > runmodule_name regions eu-west-1、us-west-1:该命令将针对eu-west-1和us-west-1这两个区域运行指定模块; 提交请求&漏洞报告

1、 大家可以直接通过电子邮件:pacu@rhinosecuritylabs.com上报Pacu的 漏洞信息 ;

2、 Pacu在每一个会话目录中都创建了错误日志,并且还通过全局错误日志来记录主目录下创建的会话错误。如果可以的话,大家尽量把这些日志一起发送给我们。

3、 如果你想添加额外的功能,或者有其他的想法,,可以从【 这里 】告诉我们。





如果你想开发自己的Pacu模块的话,可以先看看这篇【 指引文档 】,我们强烈欢迎社区的广大研究人员贡献自己的代码!

注意事项 1、 Pacu目前仅支持macOS和linux环境。 2、 Pacu是一款开源软件,遵循BSD-3-Clause许可证协议。

*参考来源: RhinoSecurityLabs ,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自CodeSec.Net

US Dept. of Homeland Security Calls on Blockchain Startups for Anti-Forgery Solu ...


US Dept. of Homeland Security Calls on Blockchain Startups for Anti-Forgery Solu ...

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is seeking innovative blockchain-based solutions from startups to prevent the forgery and counterfeiting of digital documents.

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is seeking blockchain-based solutions from startups to prevent the forgery and counterfeiting of digital documents, according to a press release published

Dec. 4.

According to the release, the request has been published under the aegis of DHS’ Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP). The call is open to startups or small enterprises that have not had a government contract in the past 12 months (totalling $1 million or more) and that have a workforce of under 200 employees. The release links to a detailed solicitation, entitled “ Preventing Forgery and Counterfeiting of Certificates and Licenses .”

The solicitation outlines that DHS is interested in possible interoperable implementations of blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) that could serve the “mission needs” of one or more of its programs or components; these include the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

The new SVIP call has been released in partnership with all three the CBP, USCIS, TSA and is purportedly the first SVIP solicitation to support USCIS use-cases. S&T SVIP Technical Director Anil John issued an official statement in the release, outlining that:

“The broad Homeland Security mission includes the need to issue entitlements, licenses and certifications for a variety of purposes including travel, citizenship, employment eligibility, immigration status and supply chain security. Understanding the feasibility and utility of using Blockchain and [DLT] for the digital issuance of what are currently paper-based credentials is critical to preventing their loss, destruction, forgery and counterfeiting.” Homeland security use cases are broken down for applicant startups as necessarily pertaining to one of the following six categories: “Identity Documents for Travel, Identity of Organizations and Organizational Delegates, Tribal Identity Documents for Travel, Citizenship, Immigration and Employment Authorization, Cross-Border Oil Import Tracking, [and] Origin of Raw Material Imports.”

Successful participant startups will reportedly receive up to to $800,000 in non-dilutive funding over four phases; the press release notes that participation, however, “does not ensure procurement contracts with DHS or its components.”

As reported this week, DHS issued a pre-solicitation notice for parties to comment and design applications for blockchain forensic analytics in respect to emerging cryptocurrencies . DHS’ proposal called for analytics solutions for privacy-oriented altcoins such as Zcash and Monero in particular.

Vertcoin loses over $100,000 in 51% attack: report


Vertcoin (VTC) has fallen prey to a 51% attack, with some estimates suggesting losses have already surpassed $100,000 as a result of double spend transactions on the chain. It is the latest example of a 51% attack, where attackers take control of a majority share of a network, reflecting the inherent weaknesses in the proof of work model.

According to a Medium post by Mark Nesbitt, a security engineer at Coinbase who identified the attack, the requirement for ‘honesty’ in proof of work remains the key vulnerability to attacks of this kind. He wrote: “The “honesty” of more than half of miners is a core requirement for the security of [BTC] and any proof of work cryptocurrencies based on [BTC]. Honest action, in this context, means following the behavior described in the…white paper. This is sometimes described as a “security risk” or “attack vector,” but is more accurately described as a known limitation to the proof of work model.”

“Failure to meet this requirement breaks several core guarantees of the Bitcoin protocol, including the irreversibility of transactions,” according to Nesbitt.

The attack follows on from several other similar attacks this year, including those affecting MONA, BTG and XVG. According to Nesbitt, this demonstrates the vulnerability of the so-called ‘long tail’ of crypto assets, as well as the weaknesses of the proof of work system.

“These attacks on VTC are not the only examples of a successful 51% double spending attack. 51% attacks occurred in BTG, XVG, and MONA earlier this year; this is merely another incident that shows that threat actors exist that are both resourced and sophisticated enough to execute this kind of attack. This recent spate of successful 51% attacks has significant implications on what is often referred to as the “long tail” of cryptocurrency assets,” he explained.

“There are a large number of cryptocurrencies, including many based on [BTC], that implement their own proof of work based blockchains. Observers of the industry have claimed that these assets have the same properties asSegWit. This claim has now been undeniably, empirically proven to be false.”

With attacks of this kind becoming increasingly common, it looks as though more unsuspecting crypto investors will be caught out by investing in insecure tokens.

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) Chain are Referred to as BTC coins. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision ( BSV ) is today the only Bitcoin implementation that follows Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BSV is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original vision forBitcoin as fast, frictionless, electronic cash.

热点 |外交部回应孟晚舟被拘押一事是否会影响中美经贸磋商


热点 |外交部回应孟晚舟被拘押一事是否会影响中美经贸磋商

铅笔道12月6日获悉,针对华为公司首席财务官孟晚舟被拘押一事,外交部发言人耿爽表示,“ 中方已就此事分别向加方、美方表明严正立场,要求对方立即对拘押理由作出澄清,立即释放被拘押人员,切实保障当事人的合法、正当权益。 中美双方应当按照两国元首达成的共识,加紧磋商,争取尽早达成一个互利双赢的协议。”

以下为外交部发言人耿爽主持例行记者会记录: 问:据报道,加拿大政府拘押了华为公司首席财务官孟晚舟女士,中国驻加拿大使馆发言人已就此发表谈话。中方是否在北京召见了加拿大驻华大使提出交涉?



































编辑 | 南柯




Micronaut Tutorial: Part 2: Easy Distributed Tracing, JWT Security and AWS Lambd ...


Key Takeaways Micronaut provides seamless integration with several distributed tracing solutions, such asZipkin and Jaeger Several security solutions are provided "out-of-the-box" with the framework, suchas JWT-based authentications. Micronaut provides features such as “Token Propagation” to ease secure communication between microservices. Thanks to its low memory footprint, Micronaut is capable of running in Function as a Service (FaaS) serverless environments.

In the rst article within this series we developed and deployed three microservices with the JVM-based Micronaut framework. In this second tutorial article we are going to add several features to our app: distributed tracing, security via JWT and a serverless function. Moreover, we will discuss the user input validation capabilities offered by Micronaut.

Distributed tracing

Breaking our system up into smaller, ne-grained microservices results in multiple benets, but it also adds complexity when it comes to monitoring the system in production.

You should assume that your networks are plagued with malevolent entities ready to unleash their ire on a whim. Sam Newman, Building Microservices

Micronaut integrates natively with Jaeger and Zipkin -- the top open-source distributed tracing solutions.

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system. It helps gather timing data needed to troubleshoot latency problems in microservice architectures. It manages both the collection and lookup of this data.

An easy way to start Zipkin is via Docker:

$ docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

The app is composed of three microservices. (gateway,inventory,books) which we developed in therst article.

You will need to do these changes to all three microservices.

Modify build.gradle to add tracing dependency:

compile "io.micronaut:micronaut-tracing"

Add the following dependencies to build.gradle to send tracing spans to Zipkin.

runtime 'io.zipkin.brave:brave-instrumentation-http'
runtime 'io.zipkin.reporter2:zipkin-reporter'
compile 'io.opentracing.brave:brave-opentracing'

Congure tracing:

url: http://localhost:9411
enabled: true
probability: 1

Setting tracing.zipkin.sample.probability=1 means we want to trace 100% of request. In production, you probably would want set a lower percentage.

Disable tracing in tests:

enabled: false

That is it. With minimum conguration changes you are able to integrate distributed tracing into Micronaut.

Running the app

Let us run the app and see the distributed tracing integration action. In the rst article, we integrated Consul for service discovery into our app. Because of this, you need to start both Zipkin and Consul before starting the microservices. When we start the microservices, they will register themselves at Consul service discovery. When we engage them with a request, they will send spans to Zipkin.

To start the microservices, Gradle has a handy ag (-parallel) for that:

./gradlew -parallel run

You can run a cURL command to engage the three microservices:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/books
[{"isbn":"1680502395","name":"Release It!","stock":3},
{"isbn":"1491950358","name":"Building Microservices","stock":2}]

You can then navigate to http://localhost:9411 to access the Zipkin UI.

Security via JWT

Micronaut ships with several security options out of the box. You can congure basic authentication, session based authentication, JWT authentication, Ldap authentication etc. JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.

Micronaut ships out-of-the-box with capabilities to generate, sign and/or encrypt, and verify JWT tokens.

We are going to integrate JWT authentication into our app.

Changes in gateway to support JWT

The gateway microservice will be responsible for generating and propagating JWT tokens.

Modify build.gradle to add micronaut-ecurity-jwt dependency to each microservice ( gateway,inventory and books ):

compile "io.micronaut:micronaut-security-jwt"
annotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-security"

Modify application.yml :

name: gateway
port: 8080
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
secret: pleaseChangeThisSecretForANewOne
enabled: true
enabled: true
service-id-regex: "books|inventory"

We have made several important conguration changes which are worth discussing:

micronaut.security.enable=true turns on security and secures every endpoint by default. micronaut.security.endpoints.login.enable=true enables the /login endpoint which we will use shortly to authenticate. micronaut.security.endpoints.oauth.enable=true enables a/oauth/access_tokenendpoint which we could use to obtain a new JWT access token once the issued token expires. micronaut.security.jwt.enable=true enables JWT capabilities. We congure our app to issue signed JWTs with a secret conguration. Please check the JWT token Generation documentation to learn about the different signing and encrypting options at your disposal. micronaut.security.token.propagation.enabled=true means we are turning on Token Propagation. This is a feature which simplies working with JWT or other token security mechanism in a microservices architecture. Please, read Token Propagation tutorial to learn more. micronaut.security.writer.header.enabled enables a token writer which will write the JWT tokens transparently for the developer in a HTTP header. micronaut.security.token.propagation.service-id-regex sets a regular expression which matches the services targeted for token propagation. We are matching the other two services in the app.

With Micronaut, you can use @Secured annotation to congure access at Controller or Controller's Action level.

Annotate BookController.java with@ Secured("isAuthenticated()" ). It permits access only to authenticated users. Remember to annot

Best antivirus software: 14 top tools


The AV-TEST Institute recently tested the most popular windows 10 client antivirus products on three primary criteria: protection, performance, and usability. Only six of the 18 products tested earned a perfect rating of 6 for each of those criteria: Bitdefender Endpoint Security 6.6, Kaspersky Lab Endpoint Security 11, Kaspersky Small Office Security 6, Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus 4.18, and Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.2 and Endpoint Protection Cloud 22.15. The top 14 antivirus offerings shown here in alphabetical order scored at least 17 points out of a possible 18.

The downloadable infographic below summarizes the results, along with earlier test data for Windows 7 and Windows 8. You can drill down on the full results at The AV-TEST Institute's website .


Windows antivirus tools test results

This infographic summarizes tests of Windows client antivirus software conducted by the AV-TEST Institute. The AV-TEST Institute

Best Windows 10 antivirus 1. Avast Antivirus Business 18.5 and 18.6

Avast Antivirus Business 18.5 and 18.6 could have had a perfect score with just a slight improvement on performance and protection. It stopped 99.3 perscent of all zero-day malware attacks, but the biggest issue was with slow-downs when launching popular websites. It was 6 percentage points slower on a standard PC than industry average. Otherwise, it had a perfect score for usability with no false warnings, detections or blockages.

2. Bitdefender Endpoint Security 6.6

One of five products with perfect scores for protection, performance and usability, Bitdefender Endpoint Security stopped all zero-day malware web and email attacks tested, and all malware discovered in the last four weeks. Performance degradation when using applications and websites was minimal and in some cases better than industry average. For the latest round of tests, the product gave no false positives.

3. Bitdefender Endpoint Security Elite 6.6

The results for Bitdefender Endpoint Security Elite are nearly identical to those of the standard Bitdefender product. The main difference was in some insignificant differences in a few performances tests.

4. ESET Endpoint Security 7.0

A newcomer to the top 10 list, ESET Endpoint Security detected all malware discovered in the last four weeks and 99.3 percent of all zero-day malware attacks. It did well in most performance tests, although it was six percentage points slower than industry average installing frequently used programs and 11 points slower copying files. It had no false warnings or blockages, and it did not flag any legitimate software as malware.

5. F-Secure PSB Computer Protection 18.5

PSB Computer Protection would have had perfect scores in all categories, except it slowed copying files locally or on a network more than industry average. A few percentage points improvement would have earned it a full 6 rating. The software did flag one legitimate program as malware during a system scan.

6. G Data AntiVirus Business 14.1

Except for some performance issues, G Data AntiVirus Business would have been among the elite products with perfect scores. It slowed the following actions morer than industry average: launching popular websites, launching standard applications, installing frequently used applications, and copying files locally or in a network. The software stopped 99.3 percent of the 311 zero-day malware samples used in the test, but detected all 21,257 malware samples discovered in the last four weeks.

7. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.0

With its nearly perfect scores across the board, Kaspersky Endpoint Security continues its run in the top tier of anti-malware products. It stopped 100 percent of all zero-day and known attacks tested. On the performance side, the product had minimal impact on the launching or installation of websites or applications. It did flag one out of more than 1.3 million legitimate software samples as malware.

8. Kaspersky Small Office Security 6

Kaspersky Small Office Security scored similarly to the company’s endpoint protection product. It had a slightly higher impact on website launches. It also falsely flagged one legitimate software sample as malware.

9. McAfee Endpoint Security 10.5

For protection and usability, McAfee Endpoint Security ranks with the best of its competitors. However, it falls a little short on performance, particularly during launch or installation of software. The McAfee product slowed launching standard applications by 32 percent, well above the industry average of 13 percent. It was worse during installation of frequently used applications―46 percent slower. The industry average there is 31 percent.

10. Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus 4.18

Performance is all that holds back Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus from elite status..In most performance categories, the product is faster than or nearly the same as industry average times. However, it slows installation of frequently used applications by 85 percent on a standard PC, nearly three times industry average. It detected 99.3 percent of zero-day attacks and all malware discovered in the last four weeks.

11. Sophos Endpoint Security and Control 10.8 You can count on Sophos Endpoint Security and Control to stop attacks as well as any other product in this group. It lags the leaders in a few performance categ

Thaumaturgic Security


Thaumaturgic Security

Contributed article from Edward Amoroso ( @hashtag_cyber )

I love to ask tech start-up founders what it was that prompted formation of their business. I’m usually listening to see if they are driven by some deeply-held personal belief (good answer) or by some greedy, near-term revenue growth objective (bad answer). I also listen for that wonderful moment when the spark was lit in the founder’s mind to hang out a shingle. Such inspiration is infectious, and usually drives customers to hop aboard.

When I asked this question to Brian Hazzard, co-founder of cyber security company Randori , his answer was indeed memorable: “My team at the time was using a guy named Moose to hack our systems,” he explained. “We noticed that every time Moose gave us a once-over, our security improved dramatically. So, I decided to partner up with Moose to create a company that would automate this red team process and the result is Randori.”

The Moose, of course, is Randori co-founder David Wolpoff, and it is from his LinkedIn profile that I pulled that awesome term at the top of my post: Thaumaturgic . Its Merriam-Webster definition is “performing miracles,” and in the context of expert penetration testing and white hat engagements, it seems a relevant term and one that potential Randori customers are likely to remember. Welcome to awesome Cyber Marketing 101.

What Randori does involves the automation of penetration testing using a platform that identifies and scans a customer’s attack surface for vulnerabilities. In the early days of simple white hat projects, this was a straightforward activity. But in today’s evolved enterprise ecosystem with remote access, third-party portals, mobile infrastructure, shadow IT, cloud services, and on and on locating an enterprise attack surface is easier said than done.

“Our cloud-hosted platform basically allows us to launch attacks on our customer’s infrastructure,” explained Wolpoff, “and we can be creative to locate unknown systems and other subtle vulnerabilities that a normal penetration testing process might not notice. And the automation allows us to provide continuous assessment in a way that would be challenging by a team of humans.”

I asked Wolpoff how the Randori platform stacks up against bug bounties, especially ones that employ automated platform support and he responded that Randori is designed to complement such crowd-based focus. I also asked how Randori stacks up against automated attack simulation platforms and his answer was the same: “We enhance the overall security ecosystem,” he replied, “even if pen testing, bug bounty, and simulation are present.”

The company was founded in February of 2018, so it remains a toddler, but I must say that it comes with some powerful supporters and advisors. My friend Stewart Baker, for example, serves on their Advisory Board, as do Patrick Morley from Carbon Black, and Mike Convertino from Twitter. It would be a real challenge finding higher quality cyber security veterans than that to offer guidance.

So, if you are in the market to complement your overall assurance program with an automated platform that will attack you from the cloud, then give a call over to David Wolpoff, and ask to hear the Randori story. And maybe you’ll be lucky enough to spend some time with Moose as well. Tell him you were inspired by his reference to Thaumaturgic security and perhaps Randori will work miracles for you.

As always, please share with us what you learned.

About the Author

Dr. Ed Amoroso is currently Chief Executive Officer of TAG Cyber LLC, a global cyber security advisory, training, consulting, and media services company supporting hundreds of companies across the world. Ed recently retired from AT&T after thirty-one years of service, beginning in Unix security R&D at Bell Labs and culminating as Senior Vice President and Chief Security Officer of AT&T from 2004 to 2016.

Trustology raises $8 million to safeguard digital assets


Trustology has raised $8 million in a seed investment for technology and services to help private and institutional investors make sure that their digital assets are safe.

The money comes from Two Sigma Ventures and ConsenSys. The latter helped incubate London-based Trustology.Both investors will be joining Trustology’s board of directors.

Trustology’s first product,TrustVault, combines private key protectionagainst cyber and physical threats with low latency execution. The company said it can safeguard private keys andcontrol code inside tamper-proof, programmable hardware security modules hosted in securedatacenters, with encrypted backups in the cloud.

“Key safeguarding is the catalyst for the world’s transition to digital assets and an inclusive shiftfor the internet economy,” said Trustology CEOAlex Batlin in a statement. “Trustology’sunique blend of people, process, and key management technology offers industry definingdigital asset security with speed of access and unrivalled ease of use. Trustology aspires to bethe digital trust brand of the future.”

The company’s team has more than 100 years of combined global banking and technology expertise.Batlin formerly ledblockchain innovation work at UBS AG and BNY Mellon and was a founding member of theEnterprise Ethereum Alliance, Trusted IoT Alliance, Utility Settlement Coin and R3 consortium.

Other team members include former executives from ADIA, Bank of America Merrill Lynch,Barclays, BNY Mellon, Curve, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, RBS, Starling Bank, and UBS.

“ConsenSysinvests in solutions that elevate ― and work toward integrating ― the blockchain ecosystem, providing individuals and institutions with the tools needed to transition from legacy systems to a world built on decentralised infrastructure,” said Joseph Lubin, ConsenSys founder and Ethereum cryptocurrency cofounder, in a statement. “Trustology has developed breakthroughs in keymanagement and is providing support services to clients seeking unparalleled safeguarding fordigital assets. By prioritizing security without the need to sacrifice accessibility, Trustology willserve current digital asset holders and attract new institutional and individual investors to thespace. Trustology represents a profound technological piece that will move the needlenoticeably on institutional adoption of digital assets. And the world-class Trustology team hasthe pedigree to drive these discussions.”

Trustology will use the money to develop new capabilities, like smart accounts withprogrammable controls; support additional asset classes; and expand its operationsinternationally. The company is currently bringing on selected clients for beta tests.

Venafi and DigiCert Machine Identity Protection Partnership Delivers New Solutio ...


SALT LAKE CITY (BUSINESS WIRE) #Cybersecurity ― Venafi ,

the leading provider of machine identity protection, and DigiCert, the

world’s leading provider of TLS/SSL, IoT and other PKI solutions, today

announced a new, deeper integration that simplifies and automates

complex machine identity programs for the world’s most demanding,

security-conscious organizations. The combined solution enables

organizations to customize and orchestrate public key infrastructure

(PKI) and machine identity protection at machine speed and scale.

Venafi and DigiCert Machine Identity Protection Partnership Delivers New Solutio ...

“The rapid adoption of DevOps, microservices, cloud, and IoT requires a

new level of technical sophistication and innovation to deliver

protection for all machine identities,” said Kevin Bocek, vice president

of security strategy and threat intelligence for Venafi. “The Global

5000 are looking for a certificate provider that tightly integrates with

the Venafi Platform and provides them with the confidence of a complete

solution. DigiCert is the leading CA of choice for large enterprises.” (1)

The integrated solution leverages DigiCert’s industry-leading, globally

dispersed, modern OCSP infrastructure and a deep API integration with

Venafi’s industry-leading machine identity protection platform. The new,

adaptable driver allows customers to access a rich set of new features

from DigiCert CertCentral. Mutual customers can customize specific

features, from fully automating certificate provisioning to enforcing

internal policies, allowing them to easily address industry regulations

such as PCI DSS, HIPAA and GDPR as well as the most demanding use cases.

The integrated solution also simplifies the integration of machine

identity protection across a wide variety of systems and allows

customers to fulfill high-value certificate requests in seconds. Venafi

solutions support the most popular CertCentral features out-of-the box.

“DigiCert enjoys a long-standing history of collaboration and

integration with Venafi, and we share mutual enterprise customers that

benefit from their robust platforms and services,” said Dan Timpson,

chief technology officer to DigiCert. “In an era when enterprises face

increasing threats from a growing landscape of connected devices and

agile deployments, Venafi provides leading solutions for addressing

machine identity and digital certificate management. We are looking for

additional ways to work together to support enterprise customers.”

Key features of the integration include:

Provides full visibility into the demand, usage and workflow of
certificate services. Reduces risk with automated policy and workflows, including
configurable approval and authorization, and detailed logging. Achieves compliance for workflow approvals, authorization and
authentication. Supports the full certificate lifecycle from request, issuance, and
renewal to revocation.

For more information please visit:


1. DigiCert maintains the largest market share for the Alexa Top 1000 as

measured by Datanyze. https://www.datanyze.com/market-share/ssl/Alexa%20top%201K/

About DigiCert, Inc.

DigiCert is the world’s leading provider of scalable PKI solutions for

identity and encryption. The most innovative companies, including the

Global 2000, choose DigiCert for its expertise in identity and

encryption for web servers andInternet of Thingsdevices. DigiCert

supportsTLS/SSLand other digital certificates for PKI deployments at

any scale through its certificate lifecycle management

platform,CertCentral. The company has been recognized with dozens of

awards for its enterprise-grade management platform, fast and

knowledgeable customer support, and market-leading growth. For the

latest DigiCert news and updates, visit digicert.com

or follow @digicert .

About Venafi

Venafi is the cyber security market leader in machine identity

protection, securing machine-to-machine connections and communications.

Venafi protects machine identity types by orchestrating cryptographic

keys and digital certificates for SSL/TLS, IoT, mobile and SSH. Venafi

provides global visibility of machine identities and the risks

associated with them for the extended enterprise on premises, mobile,

virtual, cloud and IoT at machine speed and scale. Venafi puts this

intelligence into action with automated remediation that reduces the

security and availability risks connected with weak or compromised

machine identities while safeguarding the flow of information to trusted

machines and preventing communication with machines that are not trusted.

With 31 patents currently in its portfolio, Venafi , delivers innovative

solutions for the world’s most demanding, security-conscious Global 5000

organizations, including the top five U.S. health insurers; the top five

U.S. airlines; four of the top five U.S., U.K., Australian and South

African banks; and four of the top five U.S. retailers. Venafi is backed

by top-tier investors, including TCV, Foundation Capital, Intel Capital,

QuestMark Partners, Mercato Partners and NextEquity. For more

information visit: www.venafi.com .


Media Contacts:


Shelley Boose


Windows 10 security question: How do miscreants use these for post-hack persiste ...


Black HatCrafty infosec researchers have figured out how to remotely set answers to windows 10’s password reset questions “without even executing code on the targeted machine”.

Thanks to some alarmingly straightforward registry tweaks allied with a simple python script, Illusive Networks’ Magal Baz and Tom Sela were not only able to remotely define their own choice of password reset answers, they were also able to revert local users’ password changes.

Part of the problem is that Windows 10’s password reset questions are in effect hard-coded; you cannot define your own questions, limiting users to picking one of Microsoft’s six. Thus questions such as “what was your first’s pet name” are now defending your box against intruders.

The catch is that to do this, one first needs suitable account privileges. This isn’t an attack vector per se but it is something that an attacker who has already gained access to your network could use to give themselves near-invisible persistence on local machines, defying attempts to shut them out.

The Windows registry, said Baz and Sela, stores items such as the local machine and service users’ passwords within the well-known LSA Secrets entry, which is so secret and secure that even Microsoft Technet bloggers offer step-by-step Powershell guides to examining their contents, which are encrypted. Inevitably, there is a way round that.

Baz told his Black Hat presentation’s audience: “The important thing to understand about how it’s encrypted is that in order to assemble the AES key with which the LSA secrets are encrypted, you need to collect artefacts from the registry on that machine. So if you have full access to the registry on the machine, it’s really not that difficult to get the key with which you can rewrite LSA Secrets.”

Working on the “lucky” assumption that the elevated-privs account they were using for their proof-of-concept test was able to edit local access control lists, the two gave themselves read/write permissions, with Baz adding: “If you want to locate the secret you find the registry key through the format L, for local; SQSA, which stands for security question and security answer; and the GUID of the user to whom the questions belong.” The actual Q&A data was stored as JSON.

Opening a remote desktop session to the target machine gives you the standard Windows logon screen. “Nowadays… if you look at it closely you won’t see a reset password button,” said Baz, who went on to demonstrate a method of bypassing this security protection by forcing the remote desktop session to “fall back to non-network level authentication”.

“Luckily,” said Baz, “as an RDP client you can say you do not support NLA. Thus you can ask the server to give you back the old Windows logon screen with the password reset option”. He and Sela simply created an RDP file with the appropriate flag set.

Once they had obtained access to the standard password reset screen, the two then looked into persistence. It is no good having local access if a suspicious user simply changes his password. But what if you can revert that password back to your known one? “It’s pretty simple, luckily,” said Baz.

“In order to prevent people from reusing their passwords, Windows stores hashes of the old passwords. They’re stored under AES in the registry. If you have access to the registry, it’s not that hard to read them. You can use an undocumented API and reinstate the hash that was active just before you changed it. Effectively I’m doing a password change and nobody is going to notice that,” he continued, explaining that he'd used existing features in the post-exploitation tool Mimikatz to achieve that.

As for protecting against this post-attack persistence problem? “Add additional auditing and GPO settings,” said Sela. The two also suggested that Microsoft allows custom security questions as well as the ability to disable the feature altogether in Windows 10 Enterprise. The presentation slides are available here ( PDF ).

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Trezor One vs Trezor Model T


In today’s cryptocurrency market, there are a wide variety of wallets available. However, one brand, in particular, has managed to set itself above the others. It is considered by many as the number one wallet in terms of safety, innovation, and reliability.

Trezor is a company preferred by many experts and is the wallet of choice by businesses of all sizes. It is also perfect for individuals who want to protect their investments with an extra layer of security.

Let’s take a look at two models offered by Trezor: The Model T and the Trezor One . The Model T is the most recent wallet released by Trezor, while the Trezor One was the first one available. Let’s take a look at these two wallets, along with how they compare with one another. This might give you an idea of which one suits your needs.


The Model T offers a stylish black finish with a nice sized 240 x 240 LCD. Through the LCD, you can manipulate and configure the wallet as needed. The sleek design of the Model T makes it more appealing than its counterpart as it gives off a finished and refined vibe. Additionally, the touchscreen available with the Model T creates another layer of security.

The Trezor One , on the other than, is made of plastic. Therefore, this wallet is resistant to falls and shocks. Included on the Trezor One are two buttons which allow you to operate the device. The 128 x 64 OLED is not a touchscreen. You can get the Trezor One in either white or black colors.

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T
In the Box

The Model T comes in a well-designed box which can be used for storage purposes. Additionally, the box comes with a security seal in place, so you can be sure that it has not been opened. You’ll get a power cable and two cards for the recovery seed, and the instruction manual.

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T
With the Trezor One , you’ll receive a box that also has a security seal to ensure that it has not been opened. Like the Model T , the Trezor One includes a power cord and card to track your recovery seeds.
Trezor One vs Trezor Model T

Trezor can handle over 500 cryptocurrencies, which include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, and many others. If you need a wallet that handles more digital currencies, then you’re better off going with the Model T . Trezor will provide an update which will allow for the support of more cryptocurrencies, including Cardano, Monero, Ripple, and Tezos.

External Wallet Compatibility

To use your hardware wallet, you’ll need software which allows you to manage it. It will need to send cryptocurrencies, generate addresses, and view the details of your account. Trezor has developed an online software which you can download without issue so you can manage your wallet.

Not only that, but you can also connect with other wallets like Mycelium, MyEtherWallet, Greenbits, and Electrum. Additionally, you can work with exchanges like Bitex, Bitstamp, and Coinmap.

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T

Both the Trezor One and the Model T are compatible with the online software. You’ll also discover that both work with iOS, linux, windows, and Android applications.

Set Up

Depending on your level of comfort, the installation for both the Model T and the Trezor One is relatively straightforward. Set up should take no more than ten minutes if you follow the guide. Visit the Trezor website and you’ll discover an assistant which will guide you through the entire process.

Download the Trezor software and connect your wallet to verify that you have the latest firmware version. Once that’s complete, you’ll create a new wallet and then a backup. When initial configuration finishes, you’ll want to write down your recover seeds.

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T

Make sure you write these words down as they are your saving grace if your device gets damaged, lost or stolen. When you have your recovery seeds in a safe place, put a unique name on your wallet so you can identify it.

Last, enter a PIN only you’ll remember so that no one else can physically access your device. You’ll be asked to enter this PIN anytime you turn on or want to access your wallet. If it is entered incorrectly more than three times, the information stored on the wallet gets deleted.

That’s it. Now your Trezor wallet is all set up. The on-screen software should show up which will let you use your wallet.

User Interface

Trezor devices work with the vast majority of operating systems. You’ll have no trouble with Windows, iOS, Linux, MacOS, or Android. There are also Chrome extensions available if needed.

Trezor’s user interface gives users the option to change the language and watch transactions via its screen. Both the Model T and the Trezor One connect via a USB cable.

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T

The Model T offers more features than the Trezor One , as it provides a touchscreen interface, as well as a microSD slot. This gives users the ability to manage passwords from the memory card as opposed to only having them available via the cloud.

You can also manage multiple funds from the same account by creating several wallets. You can view transactions, sign and record messages, or send transactions, all in a .csv format. Both the Model T and Trezor One are safe and versatile wallets so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your investments.

The Model T is a very user-friendly device. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, you’ll find this wallet easy to use while performing secure transactions. Both the Model T and Trezor one are very secure, which keeps them safe from hackers or other malicious attacks. It’s critical that you protect your cryptocurrency investments.

Final Thoughts

Overall, both of these Trezor devices are simple and easy to use. The Model T does have a few improvements over the Trezor One , but you’ll pay more for those features. Of course, Trezor has done its research and make its devices better, which is why there is now a newer option available on the market.

Trezor wallets are an easy and secure method through which you can store your cryptocurrencies. The Model T does a great job of providing new and exciting features. You’ll get a new touchscreen, a cleaner, sleeker design, and of course the security for which Trezor devices are known for.

However, keep in mind that the Model T is quite a bit more expensive than the Trezor One. Improvements have been made to the Model T , but the overall operation of the wallet is still basically the same. You’ll have to decide if the increase in price is worth the features.

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T

If you have significant cryptocurrency investments, then the price may be well worth it to have a newer, fresher, model. On the other hand, if your budget is limited, then you might be better off sticking with the Trezor One . The One model will meet your expectations by safeguarding your cryptocurrencies.

Trezor is and has been at the forefront of hardware-based cryptocurrency wallets. This means that no matter whether you go with the Trezor Model T or the Trezor One , you know you’re getting a wallet that will ensure the safety of your coins.


Image Source: “Flickr, Steemit, Trezor”

Trezor One vs Trezor Model T

Intro to NFC Payment Relay Attacks


Intro to NFC Payment Relay Attacks

This is a simple intro to relay attacks using NFC payment data. I will add different types of relays during next year.


A NFC payment relay is an attack that could be described as extraction of data, using a bridge between a NFC smart card or mobile payment system and the Point of Sale System(PoS) or terminal in real time. Extracting the information and making a bridge while avoiding the latency are the most important and challenging parts.

I already post different introductory content about NFC technology:

Intro to Analyze NFC Payment Methods & Contactless Cards NFC Contactless Cards: Brute Forcing Processing Options
Intro to NFC Payment Relay Attacks

Eddie Lee presented in DEF CON 20 about how to design a NFC relay using two Android cellphones . The idea is to generate a bridge using 2 Android phones as you can see in the above image.

The phone 1 is close to the NFC card and the phone 2 is close to the terminal. When the phone 2 approaches the terminal, it mimics a NFC card and the terminal initializes the communication process. Any time when the terminal sends a command to the phone 2 asking about what type of card it is, the phone 2 sends that data over WiFi to the phone 1 and this phone “asks” the smart card the same question. The card answers and phone 1 takes that information and sends it back to phone 2 which responds to the terminal. Using this behavior throughout the communication process. Basically, phone 1 acts as reader and phone 2 as smart card. Simple right?

In DEF CON 25, Haoqi Shan and Jian Yuan presented Man in the NFC implementing two special boards with SDR(Software Defined-Radio) technology to established a dedicated connection to communicate the NFC information faster and with a better control than using cellphones in the same WiFi network.


The main difference between a relay attack and replay attack is that the relay attack has to be done at the moment when the attacker is extracting the data; in the other hand, the replay attack occurs when an attacker extract the information from a transaction and save it to replay it later using a third-party device.

With this in mind, we know that we need at least two devices to approach this project, and they could be from different technologies that support NFC:

Arduinos Raspberry Pis Laptops PCs etc…

Even we can combine them to make a relay. For the communication part, we have different options:

SDR USB WiFi Bluetooth etc..

To understand the concept, I will start with a “local” relay using two Acr122u USB devices connected in the same computer by USB. One of them will act as PoS, and the second will mimic a smart card. All the connections will be handle by a python script, and my laptop will be the bridge between them:

Intro to NFC Payment Relay Attacks

The idea of this concept is to understand how to design a simple NFC sniffer. To read, see and study the NFC tags. With this design, I can track the communication process without making a real transaction. However, be aware that the ATC(Application Transaction Counter) will increase during this process.

To accomplish this task, the easier and simpler software to use is the library of RFIDIot . Specifically, I will use the pn532mitm.py script. In its help section, we can find different examples to run the code when we have two or more Acr122 connected to our computer or even to run it remotely:

Use device no. 2 as the READER and device no. 3 as the EMULATOR: python pn532mitm.py-r 2 3 Use device no. 2 as the EMULATOR and remote system on port 5000 as the READER: python pn532mitm.py -r 2 reader:

In this video, I run the command:

python pn532mitm.py-r 0 1

Being 0 the first reader and 1 the emulator:

We can play with the code to alter the data in real time which is one of the most useful things for relay attacks. Also, we can copy the APDU commands in a decoder to know the meaning of the tags using https://www.emvlab.org/tlvutils/




操作系统内核是每个漏洞利用链的最终目标,大家可以查看Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) Pwn2Own历年比赛,了解这方面内容。windows内核一直以来都是攻击者热衷的目标,我最喜欢的就是滥用 DeviceIoControl 调用来与各种驱动打交道,这样就能访问许多厂商编写的各种驱动,其中许多驱动代码写得并不完善,也没有经过完备测试。

多年以来,许多攻击者都借助 win32k.sys 来攻击Windows内核,这是一个内核模式设备驱动,可以控制Windows图形及窗口管理系统。当微软将该功能从CSRSS中迁移到内核时,进入Windows内核的攻击面也增加了1倍或者3倍,从那时起这已经成为许多漏洞的发源地。

在过去十年期间,自从WDDM(Windows Display Driver Model)取代早期的XDDM后,大家又找到了另一个巨大的攻击面。显示系统调用操作首先会经过 win32k.sys 处理,但在此之后,用户进程就可以直接调用 dgxkrnl.sys ,或者通过 GDIPlus 中的入口点直接调用其他驱动。这进一步扩大了攻击面,因此引起了研究人员的浓厚兴趣。


此外,Rancho和ChenNan在9月份的44CON会议上介绍过其中一种攻击技术(ZDI-18-946/CVE-2018-8405),强烈建议大家去学习此次演讲的 演示文稿 。



DirectX图形内核子系统由3个内核模式驱动所组成: dxgkrnl.sys 、 dxgmms1.sys 以及 dxgmms2.sys 。这些驱动会通过 win32k.sys 以及自己的接口来与用户通信。此外,这些驱动也会与 BasicRender.sys 、 BasicDisplay.sys 以及miniport(微型端口)显示驱动通信。

DirectX定义了许多复杂的内核对象,大部分对象名以 DXG 开头。用户通过许多复杂的API接口与DirectX交互,其中许多接口以 D3DKMT 开头,其他接口以 DXGK 开头。


D3DKMTEscape D3DKMTRender D3DKMTCreateAllocation

从攻击角度来看,来自IOActive的Ilja van Sprundel曾在2014年的Black Hat会议上做过关于WDDM的一次演讲,题目为“ Windows Kernel Graphics Driver Attack Surface ”,这是非常好的概述资料。强烈推荐大家先参考这份材料,其中详细介绍了有关WDDM内核方面的复杂攻击面。


大家可以访问 此处 下载PoC源代码。如果大家想复现崩溃问题,需要安装2018年8月份之前的Windows版本(当时Windows还没打上补丁)。在测试过程中,记得将内核调试器attach目标主机上,并在待攻击的驱动上设置Special Pool(特殊池)。我已在Windows 10 x64位系统上测试过本文分析的这些漏洞。


我们分析的第一个漏洞位于 dgxkrnl.sys 的 DXGDEVICE::CreateAllocation 方法中,可通过 D3DKMTCreateAllocation 接口触发,本地攻击者可以利用该漏洞将权限提升到 SYSTEM 级别。大家可以访问 此处 阅读我们的安全公告,访问 此处 获取微软补丁。漏洞根源在于驱动没有正确验证用户提供的数据,导致存在类型混淆情况。

为了复现漏洞,我们需要在运行PoC之前在 dxgkrnl.sys 上设置一个Special Pool。类型混淆问题源自于在pool分配中没有正确使用 CrossAdapter 标志。在pool分配过程中,PoC代码将 CrossAdapter 标志设置为 0 ,然后将所得句柄传递给第2个分配过程,其中 CrossAdapter 标志被设置为 1 。




错误代码位于 DXGDEVICE::CreateAllocation ,这是一个在分配过程结束时的一个典型的类型混淆问题:


下一个漏洞位于 dxgmms2.sys 驱动中,可通过 D3DKMTRender 方法触发。攻击者同样可以利用这个漏洞将权限提升到 SYSTEM 级别。大家可以访问 此处 了解我们的安全公告,访问 此处 获取相应补丁。与第一个漏洞一样,这个bug会导致出现类型混淆情况。虽然本质上相似,但这些bug的根本原因并不相同。

同样,我们需要在 dxgkrnl.sys 和 dxgmms2.sys 上启用Special Pool才能复现bug,当然我们也需要将内核调试器attach到目标主机。这个类型混淆源自于两个不同适配器之间混乱的分配操作。







这个漏洞同样可以由 D3DKMTRender 例程触发。漏洞位于 dxgkrnl.sys 的 DGXCONTEXT::ResizeUserModeBuffers 方法中。大家可以访问 此处 了解我们的安全公告,访问 此处 获取微软补丁。由于驱动在将用户提供的值作为指针解析引用(dereference)时,并没有正确验证这个值,因此导致这个bug出现。出现指针dereference问题,是因为驱动会信任用户设置的一个标志。相关PoC细节如下:










最后一个漏洞稍微有点复杂,漏洞位于 BasicRender 驱动对 D3DKMTMarkDeviceAsError API以及 D3DKMTSubmitCommand API的处理过程中。大家可以访问 此处 阅读我们的安全公告,访问 此处 下载微软补丁。这个漏洞中,共享资源并没有得到适当的保护,可能导致出现内存破坏问题。攻击者可以利用这个漏洞将权限提升为 SYSTEM 级别。恶意软件经常使用这类权限提升方法,在用户不小心点击某些东西的时候将自己安装到目标系统中。需要注意的是,微软为这个bug和 ZDI-18-949 分配了同一个CVE编号,表明这两个漏洞的根本原因相同。




每次调用 SubmitCommand 时都会通过 VidSchiWorkerThread 生成一个线程。调用 MakeDeviceError 会修改相同对象的状态,导致出现竞争条件。





对于 ZDI-18-949 ,虽然漏洞根源一样,但我们还是可以在PoC代码中看到不同之处。PoC中关键代码如下:


执行这个PoC会导致 Run 方法崩溃:




存在漏洞的代码会在第二次运行 Run 时崩溃。



通过直接静态分析方法,我们还是可以获取一些攻击信息,然而这肯定是一项艰巨的任务。还有一种可能采取的方法,我们可以部署一个模糊测试框架,在不同的标志上设置不同的值,然后以不同的顺序来调用DirectX方法,查找崩溃点。当然,我们也可以添加多个线程修改及释放数据,来寻找是否存在竞争条件和TOC/TOU问题。另外别忘了在所有相关驱动上设置Special Pool。

老生常谈,Zero Day Initiative对新漏洞非常感兴趣,当大家发现新漏洞时,可以通过推特( @FritzSands )联系我,也可以关注我们团队的 推特 获取最新漏洞利用技术和安全补丁信息。



这个除了查看错误信息、打印调试信息(console.log())、写一些测试脚本以外,还可以当作 javascript API 查看用。例如我想查看 console 都有哪些方法和属性,我可以直接在 console 中输入"console"并执行

[x] console.assert()

判断第一个参数是否为真,false 的话抛出异常并且在控制台输出相应信息。

[ ] console.clear()





与 console.count()配合,清除调用次数。

[x] console.error()

打印一条错误信息,使用方法可以参考 string substitution。

[x] console.group()

打印树状结构,配合 groupCollapsed 以及 groupEnd 方法;


创建一个新的内联 group。使用方法和 group 相同,不同的是 groupCollapsed 打印出来的内容默认是折叠的。

[x] console.groupEnd()

与 console.group()配合使用,结束当前 Tree


打印以感叹号字符开始的信息,使用方法和 log 相同

[x] console.log()

打印字符串,可以使用 printf 风格的占位符。支持字符(%s)、整数(%d 或%i)、浮点数(%f)和对象(%o)四种。

例如:console.log("%d 年%d 月%d 日",2011,3,26);


可以以第一个参数为标识,开始 javascript 执行过程的数据收集。和 chrome 控制台选项开 Profiles 比较类似,具体可参考 chrome profiles


配合 profile 方法,作为数据收集的结束。(暂时未发现结果)

[x] console.table() 将数据打印成表格。console.table [en-US] [x] console.time()


[x] console.timeEnd()

与 console.time()配合使用,接受一个参数作为标识,结束特定的计时器。


打印 stack trace.

[x] console.warn()

打印一个警告信息,使用方法可以参考 string substitution。


常用的方法 方法 描述 $() 返回与指定的CSS选择器相匹配的第一个元素,等同于document.querySelector() $$() 返回与指定的CSS选择器相匹配的所有元素的数组,等同于document.querySelectorAll() $x() 返回与指定的XPath相匹配的所有元素的数组

实际操作过程中发现 $()并没有按预期返回相匹配的第一个元素,而是返回了所有匹配的元素数组


主要用来查看源代码以及调试 js




从发起网页页面请求 Request 后分析 HTTP 请求后得到的各个请求资源信息(包括状态、资源类型、大小、所用时间等),可以根据这个进行网络性能优化。


区域① --> Controls 控制Network的外观和功能。 区域② --> Filters 控制Requests Table具体显示哪些内容。 区域③ --> Overview 显示获取到资源的时间轴信息。 区域④ --> Requests Table 按资源获取的前后顺序显示所有获取到的资源信息,点击资源名可以查看该资源的详细信息。 区域⑤ --> Summary 显示总的请求数、数据传输量、加载时间信息。

区域① Controls信息如下

网络日志录制 日志清理 捕获屏幕 过滤器 视图切换 保留日志开关 Cache开关 网络连接开关 网速阀值

区域④ Requests Table 信息如下


Name 资源名称,点击名称可以查看资源的详情情况,包括Headers、Preview、Response、Cookies、Timing。 Method 请求的方法类型 Status HTTP状态码。 Remote Address 远程地址 Type 请求的资源MIME类型。 Initiator 标记请求是由哪个对象或进程发起的(请求源)。 鼠标移入可显示详情 Cookie 当前请求附带的cookie数量 Priority 优先级 Size 从服务器下载的文件和请求的资源大小。如果是从缓存中取得的资源则该列会显示(from disk cache) Time 请求或下载的时间,从发起Request到获取到Response所用的总时间。 Waterfull 显示所有网络请求的可视化瀑布流(时间状态轴),点击时间轴,可以查看该请求的详细信息

区域⑤ Summary 信息如下

DOMContentLoaded 从 开始到页面上DOM完全加载并解析完毕 所花费的时间(不会等待CSS、图片、子框架加载完成),在 Waterfull 以一条 浅蓝色的线 标注。 Load 从 开始到页面上所有DOM、CSS、JS、图片完全加载完毕 所花费的时间,在 Waterfull 以一条 浅红色的线 标注。 requests 成功的请求数量/总的请求数量 transferred 所有资源的大小 Finish 从页面开始到最后一次服务器交互完成,所花费的时间 查看具体资源的详情

通过点击某个资源的 Name可以查看该资源的详细信息,显示信息如下

Headers 该资源的HTTP头信息。 Preview 根据你所选择的资源类型(JSON、图片、文本)显示相应的预览。 Response 显示HTTP的Response信息。 Cookies 显示资源HTTP的Request和Response过程中的Cookies信息。 Timing 显示资源在整个请求生命周期过程中各部分花费的时间。 Performance性能





记录网站加载的所有资源信息,包括存储数据(Local Storage、Session Storage、IndexedDB、Web SQL、Cookies)、缓存数据、字体、图片、脚本、样式表等。



HTTPS(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer),是以安全为目标的HTTP通道,简单讲是HTTP的安全版。即HTTP下加入SSL层,HTTPS的安全基础是SSL,因此加密的详细内容就需要SSL。 它是一个URI scheme(抽象标识符体系),句法类同http:体系。用于安全的HTTP数据传输。https:URL表明它使用了HTTP,但HTTPS存在不同于HTTP的默认端口及一个加密/身份验证层(在HTTP与TCP之间)。


① https协议需要到CA申请证书,一般免费证书很少,需要交费。 ② http是超文本传输协议,信息是明文传输,https则是具有安全性的ssl加密传输协议。 ③ http和https使用的是完全不同的连接方式,用的端口也不一样,前者是80,后者是443。 ④ http的连接很简单,是无状态的;HTTPS协议是由SSL+HTTP协议构建的可进行加密传输、身份认证的网络协议,比http协议安全。

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本系列文章会发布今年5位学员在训练营中的成果。文章相关代码后续会在 训练营github代码仓库 发布 。



因此,我们需要一种有效的解决方案来搜索固件中的漏洞。 由于各种设备供应商使用了各种不同的处理器架构和独特的工具链,以及固件的高度定制特性,在固件搜索漏洞代码片段极具挑战性。





Yaniv David, Nimrod Partush, and Eran Yahav. 2018. FirmUp: Precise Static Detection of Common Vulnerabilities in Firmware. (ASPLOS ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 392-404. Yaniv David, Nimrod Partush, and Eran Yahav. 2017. Similarity of binaries through re-optimization. SIGPLAN Not. 52, 6 (June 2017), 79-94. 问题定义

给定程序集F={T1, T2, …, Tn} 和一个查询程序Q, Q中包含一个(有漏洞的)函数q,我们的目标是判断 Ti (∈ F) 是否包含一个与q相似的函数。









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CFG控制流图中每个节点代表一个基本块(basic-block),跳跃目标以一个块开始,和以一个块结束。生成CFG有很多成熟工具可以完成,同时也允许编程,比如IDApython,和angr 二进制分析框架。


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第四步:Vex-IR to LLVM-IR

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第五步是对刚刚第四步翻译出来的strand(LLVM-IR形式)进行语义上的优化,之所以费了很大力气把Vex-IR转化成LLVM-IR,是想利用llvm 非常成熟的优化工具opt,这样一来不同优化等级、不同工具链编译的代码,能够在opt的分析下统一优化为最高优化等级的代码,这是Firmup论文的思路中起到跨优化等级跨工具链的主要工具。


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但是此时会遇到一个问题,如上图,上侧的ftp retrieve glob与sub443ee2是strand交集是最多的,但实际上443ee2的最佳匹配是getftp,这是函数不同的大小规模造成的,ftpretrieve比sub443ee2小了一些,正确的匹配应该是像上图右半侧里的对应关系。

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我们拿a1作为查询函数,首先看b1、b2、b3哪个函数与a1的strand交集数量最多,是b2,直观上可以看到是不对的。算法继续,计算b2的最佳匹配是a2函数,a2和a1是不同的函数,也就表明a1的最佳匹配应该不是b2。这时候我们把b2也放入tomatch栈,先寻找b2的匹配对象,b2的最佳匹配是a2,a2的最佳匹配也是b2,这时候我们认为a2、b2才是正确的匹配,加入到match列表。 最后这时候tomatch里又只有a1,继续计算最佳匹配,现在应该是b1,因为b2已经找到了最佳的匹配对象,继续再看b1的最佳匹配也是a1,匹配成功。至此匹配完成,可以看出在没有在3×3匹配都计算的情况下得到了正确的匹配。最后更加详细的匹配算法伪代码在论文的Algorithm2,感兴趣的同学可以自行仔细阅读,在此不再贴出来赘述。




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匹配算法做了一个很强的假设,就是假设Q T两个程序有相似的函数,或者说从同一套源码编译的,这也就限制了应用的场景在同源程序间的匹配,没有办法只单单搜索函数或片段。


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复现及评估 软件架构
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因为translator在论文里基本是一句带过,但实际上是技术上实现难度最大的,他的输入是一块vexIR,输出是一个LLVM IR的函数,VexIR里面未读先写的寄存器作为全局变量传入函数,最后一个计算的变量作为函数的返回值,右侧的函数体内是左侧的每条指令逐条翻译过去的,最后用llvm opt优化翻译出的函数,最后根据变量出现的位置进行统一重命名。



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Red Team 104: CrackMapExec


Welcome back to our series on red teams! Here, we’re explaining the tools and concepts behind the in-house organizations designed to test a company’s defenses. We started by introducing Kali linux , a foundational operating system for penetration testing.

Over the last few blogs in this series, we’ve talked about something called “getting shell.” In layman’s terms, getting shell access to a computer, server, or application means that a hacker is able to take it over remotely. The hacker can open a command prompt on their computer that connects to the infected system and execute commands.

Many times, getting shell as a red team member means that you’ve won you’ve successfully penetrated the defenses of your site and it’s time to wrap up. Sometimes, however, you’ll find that shell is just the beginning. You may have shell on a database, for example, but if the database contains nothing of interest, your work is still cut out for you.

When this happens, you have three goals:

Persist ensure you can’t be dislodged if someone reboots or re-images their machine.

Move traverse the network to find better targets.

Escalate upgrade your privileges to access more sensitive data stores

How do you do this? One of the best tools for moving behind the scenes as an attacker is called CrackMapExec (CME).

Getting Started with CrackMapExec

Unlike the other tools we’ve covered in the past, CME is not installed by default in Kali Linux . Fortunately, the installation process is easy, even if you’re relatively new to the operating system it should download, install, and configure with just a single input on your command line.

To begin with, this tool is a post-exploitation tool. It assumes that you already have shell, or at very least a single login to the network. Your next step is to use the tool to map the rest of the network what else is there? CME can scan the network and tell you how many machines are attached to a given domain.

Your next step is to determine the limits of your abilities. You have default access, but you need administrator credentials. How badly will the system resist your attempt to get them? CME will tell you if the authentication systems for your targeted network will do things like lock you out if you make too many failed attempts within a given window.

Assuming not, the next step is to see what happens when you login. CME is fully concurrent, so it can do things like log you into multiple machines at once or log you into multiple machines using multiple sets of credentials. This allows you to test the same login across the entire network at the same time. As you do this, CME will tell you the extent of privileges whether you have read-only or read-write permissions over various machines and directories.

Finally, let’s say that you manage to find a set of credentials with admin privileges over a given machine. The machine may have nothing interesting on it, but it’s a start. CME gives you the tools to start escalating from there. First, wait until someone with a higher level of access logs on, then use your admin credentials to enable the UseLogonCredential registry key. Once that admin logs out and logs on again, their password will be dumped from memory in plaintext! into the CME database.

How to Defend Against CrackMapExec?

CME is as detailed and powerful in its own way as tools like Metasploit , and like Metasploit, we’ve barely scratched the surface of this tool’s capabilities. Suffice to say that it adds scale and automation to the task of penetration testing, which makes it great for red team members who have to audit systems with hundreds or even thousands of machines. That said, it also has stealthy capabilities that an attacker could use to slowly and carefully break into even a carefully-guarded network .

At Safe-T, we’re well aware of the potential for damage caused by attackers who move laterally through the network. This is a hallmark of advanced threats and capabilities. To protect against it, our Software-Defined Access product offers the power of a Zero Trust Network , which segregates internal networks to prevent attackers from escalating privileges. To learn more, contact us for a free demo today.

Red Team 104: CrackMapExec



驱动中国2018年12月6日消息 日前,超过两万用户的电脑感染“微信支付”勒索病毒引发多方媒体关注。目前,该勒索病毒已被破解,关于此事细节线索相继曝出。








360全球首个发现国家级0day攻击 “毒针”行动瞄准俄总统事务管理局 俄总统事务管理局遭 ...


2018年11月25日,乌俄两国又突发了“刻赤海峡”事件,乌克兰的数艘海军军舰在向刻赤海峡航行期间,与俄罗斯海军发生了激烈冲突,引发了全世界的高度关注。四天后,360安全大脑在全球范围内第一时间发现了一起针对俄罗斯的APT攻击行动。值得注意的是此次攻击相关样本来源于乌克兰,攻击目标则指向俄罗斯联邦总统事务管理局所属的医疗机构。攻击者精心准备了一份俄文内容的员工问卷文档,该文档使用了最新的Flash 0day漏洞(cve-2018-15982)和带有自毁功能的专属木马程序进行攻击。在发现攻击后,我们第一时间将0day漏洞的细节报告了Adobe官方,Adobe官方及时响应后在12月5日加急发布了新的Flash版本修复了此次的0day漏洞,并在官网致谢360团队。

360全球首个发现国家级0day攻击 “毒针”行动瞄准俄总统事务管理局 俄总统事务管理局遭 ...

从攻击过程看,攻击者通过投递rar压缩包发起攻击,当受害者打开压缩包内的问卷文档后,将会播放Flash 0day文件。触发漏洞后, winrar解压程序将会操作压缩包内文件,执行最终的PE荷载backup.exe。

360安全大脑经过漏洞分析发现,利用代码借助uaf漏洞,可以实现任意代码执行。从最终荷载分析发现, PE荷载是一个经过VMP强加密的后门程序,通过解密还原,我们发现主程序主要功能为创建一个窗口消息循环,有8个主要功能线程,其中包括定时自毁线程。

360全球首个发现国家级0day攻击 “毒针”行动瞄准俄总统事务管理局 俄总统事务管理局遭 ...
360全球首个发现国家级0day攻击 “毒针”行动瞄准俄总统事务管理局 俄总统事务管理局遭 ...
播放Flash 0day漏洞 目前我们还无法确定攻击者的动机和身份,或有政治意图

按照被攻击医疗机构的网站(http://www.p2f.ru) 介绍,该医疗机构成立于1965年,创始人是俄罗斯联邦总统办公室,是专门为俄罗斯联邦最高行政、立法、司法当局的工作人员、科学家和艺术家提供服务的专业医疗机构。由于这次攻击属于360在全球范围内的首次发现,结合被攻击目标医疗机构的职能特色,我们将此次APT攻击命名为“毒针”行动。目前我们还无法确定攻击者的动机和身份,但该医疗机构的特殊背景和服务的敏感人群,使此次攻击表现出了明确的定向性,同时攻击发生在“刻赤海峡”危机的敏感时段,也为攻击带上了一些未知的政治意图。

近年来,乌克兰和俄罗斯两国之间围绕领土问题的争执不断,发生了克里米亚半岛问题、天然气争端、乌克兰东部危机等事件。伴随着两国危机事件愈演愈烈之时,在网络空间中发生的安全事件可能比现实更加激烈。2015年圣诞节期间乌克兰国家电力部门受到了APT组织的猛烈攻击,使乌克兰西部的 140 万名居民在严寒中遭遇了大停电的煎熬,城市陷入恐慌损失惨重,而相应的俄罗斯所遭受的APT攻击,外界却极少有披露。



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关于首个 Kubernetes 重要安全漏洞的声明


近期,社区发现 Kubernetes 的首个重要安全漏洞 CVE-2018-1002105 ,此漏洞严重等级为 9.8(最高 10 分)被认为非常重要,主要原因是它允许未经授权的用户通过特制的网络请求,通过 Kubernetes API 服务器创建与后端服务器的访问连接。另一个影响涉及具有 pod exec / attach / portforward 权限的普通用户,可以将权限升级为集群管理员,使其能够访问任何容器并 pod 中运行任意命令。

DaoCloud Enterprise 平台的安全设计

DaoCloud 团队在得知此安全漏洞后,迅速响应,对该安全漏洞进行了分析与确认。经过产品团队严格全面的安全排查与验证,确认此次安全漏洞对于 DaoCloud Enterprise 产品 并无影响 。产品团队在设计研发产品之初,产品本身在安全设计上能够很好地避免此次 CVE-2018-1002105 安全漏洞所带来的风险,所以使用 DaoCloud Enterprise产品的客户尽可放心。


DaoCloud 安全与支持中心团队迅速做出了响应,从安全漏洞被提出的第一时间,与产品团队一起紧密沟通合作,确认漏洞详情与潜在影响,全面认真排查了目前上百家客户、总共上万个数据节点的生产环境,排查消除其他安全隐患。并与客户进行了及时沟通与反馈,解答客户的疑问和提供相应的技术支持,让客户充分了解此次安全漏洞情况与当前所有平台环境的安全情况,能够继续放心地使用 DaoCloud Enterprise 平台,无需实施特别的修复或升级等操作。


DaoCloud 始终重视企业系统平台安全,为了能够更好地为客户系统进行安全保驾护航,近期将发布 云原生平台安全工具――“DaoCloud KubeSecure” ,通过对系统进行全方位扫描,及时发现安全隐患并避免潜在的安全问题发生。

在此,我们衷心感谢每一位客户对 DaoCloud 产品的信赖和支持,我们也将一如既往的提供最优质、最周到的服务支持。

目前,我们也收到许多用户关于 Kubernetes 相关安全问题的咨询,他们或在使用开源产品,或在使用其他的商业平台产品;如果您也有任何 Kubernetes 相关的问题,欢迎随时通过服务热线、邮件、DaoVoice 等方式联系我们,我们期待与您的沟通。

联系方式 服务热线 400-002-6898 服务邮箱 support@daocloud.io

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