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6 Ways to Strengthen Your GDPR Compliance Efforts


Companies have some mistaken notions about how to comply with the new data protection and privacy regulation - and that could cost them.

6 Ways to Strengthen Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

1 of 7

6 Ways to Strengthen Your GDPR Compliance Efforts
6 Ways to Strengthen Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

Image Source: Pixabay

We've now hit the six-month mark with GDPR, and all indications show companies are taking the data protection and privacy regulation seriously. In fact, a study by TrustArc published in the summer found that 74% of those surveyed in the US, UK, and throughout the EU expected to be compliant by the end of 2018 and 93% by the end of 2019.

All good news, but there's always dirt under the rug. Companies are making some serious oversights that could hurt them down the road.

"Keep in mind that the required implementation takes time, money, resources, and energy, but organizations need to realize that the $1 million spent to enact stronger security measures may be necessary to avoid a $10 million fine," says Matt Radolec, head of security architecture and incident response at Varonis.

Another important point: Many companies think that GDPR applies mainly to customer data, but its protections also apply to their own employee data and data about their customers' customers.

"Many think that if they are a B2B company, GDPR is not for them, but that's not the case," says Enza Iannopollo, a senior analyst on Forrester's Security & Risk team.

What other points should your company keep in mind? Read on for six tips on how improve your GDPR program.

Steve Zurier has more than 30 years of journalism and publishing experience, most of the last 24 of which were spent covering networking and security technology. Steve is based in Columbia, Md.View Full Bio

6 Ways to Strengthen Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

1 of 7

6 Ways to Strengthen Your GDPR Compliance Efforts

UDL files and connection strings


A co-worker showed me a really neat trick the other day. We deal with a lot of connection problems and one of the first places I look is the connection string. Now I’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years and more often than not I can point to problems. However, those other times can be a real pain. There is a great reference for connection strings but even it doesn’t always help. So what was the trick?

It turns out that udl files are mapped to something called OLE DB Core Services .

UDL files and connection strings

This neat little tool will let you test or create connection strings.


I haven’t found a way to just open the tool but if you create a udl file and double click on it then it will open.

UDL files and connection strings

Currently, it’s blank, and the first step is to confirm the provider on the provider tab. I’m switching from the OLE DB provider for MS SQL to SQL Server Native Client 11.0 .

UDL files and connection strings

Next fill in the server, login (trusted or SQL Id) and the initial database if any.

UDL files and connection strings

Last but not least you have the Advanced options (only the connection time in this case) and then you can hit Test Connection . Assuming it tests correctly you can now close the tool and open the udl file with a text editor. In this case here are the contents:

[oledb] ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID="";Initial Catalog=:smiley_cat:&:tiger:&:bear:o:raising_hand:;Data Source=KENNETH-LAPTOP\SQL2016CS;Initial File Name="";Server SPN=""

And you’ll see that line 3 of the file is the connection string. Of course, there are other ways to create connection strings but this is pretty handy.

Now, my favorite part of this is the ability to test them.


First, create a UDL file just like before and open it with a text editor. Here’s where things got weird. Those first two lines? I had to copy them exactly into the new file. I’m guessing there are other options here but I don’t know them and every letter had to be exact for this to work. Once that was done however I was able to put my connection string in with very limited information.

[oledb] ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=KENNETH-LAPTOP\SQL2016CS

I save the file, then double click on it and the editor comes back up. And this time I was able to just hit the connection test button and confirm that it works! I can of course also make changes, test them and then look in the file to see the results.

Sending Your First Email: Part 1


Day 5

25 Days of Sitecore EXM !

Today marks the beginning of the first mini-series in the 25 Days of Sitecore EXM . Sending Your First Email is designed to be a short, step by step guide for creating your first Sitecore Email Experience Manager message. Following this 4 part series, we’ll expand more on how to create a custom message template. For now, we’ll focus on the out of the box message templates that come with Sitecore EXM.

Creating an Email Message

Sending a message in the Sitecore Experience Platform 9 Email Experience Manager is actually very simple to do as a marketer. That seems like a really simple statement, but the reality is as long as the delivery service configuration, as described in yesterday’s post, is set correctly, there should be no issue creating and dispatching emails in EXM.

To begin, open up the Email Experience Manager application from the Sitecore Launch pad. Once there, click on the large blue “Create” button in the top left. This will open up a mega-menu of sorts for choosing various activities.

Sending Your First Email: Part 1

In this mini-series for creating your first email, we’re going to be clicking on the Regular email campaign . As we learned in the introduction to EXM post on Day 2, there are two different message types to EXM. Regular email campaigns are meant for mass distribution to multiple contacts at the same time, with the same email (that might have some personalization).

Additionally, this menu contains a number of options for managing lists. Every single function in the Create List menu is actually performing functions that are managed by Sitecore’s List Manager. This is an important distinction because EXM is not responsible for managing lists, List Manager is.

Another note is that List Manager calls lists Contact Lists, however, the EXM menu here calls them Recipient Lists . There is no difference between a Sitecore Contact and a Recipient. They are interchangeable.

Go ahead and click on Regular Email Campaign .

Selecting a Message Template
Sending Your First Email: Part 1

The next screen is a template selection screen. Out of the box, several options are provided, some work out better than others. However, in a “real world” point of view, my recommendation is to put a marketing plan together on what types of messages you are looking to create and build your own custom message templates. Let’s walk through the various types.


This is a fairly simple one to explain. Some companies prefer to use a marketing/advertising agency to build their marketing emails. Generally, that means there is no personalization that needed. Using the HTML file import method allows you to upload an HTML email to send.

Scaled Environment Note

If using one or more Dedicated Delivery Servers, the uploaded HTML file has to be manually copied to each Content Management and Dedicated Delivery Server in the architecture. Place the email file in the Website\layouts\EmailCampaign\Imported folder.

In the event that you want to add editable content to an imported HTML file for EXM, Sitecore provides some guidance on how to adjust imported HTML file layouts .

Sample Newsletter

This is an example email template demonstrating how to create component based message, making full use of Sitecore’s marketing capabilities such as A/B Variant testing and personalization in EXM. Out of the box, this is branded as a Sitecore Habitat message. For the purposes of this blog series, we will be using this message template as our testing template .

Existing Page

Jumping to Existing Page, this is a special message template in the fact that the rendering of the message can be based on another Sitecore item, such as a page item that would be viewed on the website. All CSS and javascript elements added to the rendering of this page is extracted and embedded in the HTML of the sent email message.

Item Security Note

EXM enables you to define how email campaigns are created from web pages. There are two options:

1) EXM respects the security settings. In this case, recipients with different security privileges will receive different email campaigns (if the source page has security restrictions).

2) EXM ignores the security settings. In this case, EXM renders all elements on the page and all recipients receive the same email campaign.

Other Email Templates

The other email templates are simple, predefined templates that are very simple in nature. They are meant as examples, and could be re-purposed, changed, or removed altogether from the list.

Name Your Message

For this example, we are going to go ahead and select the Sample Newsletter item.

Sending Your First Email: Part 1

Give your message a name and press the Create button! Congratulations, you have just generated your first EXM Mail Message item.

EXM Message Editor

After clicking the create button, you’ll be brought to the Email Experience Manager message screen, which provides a tabbed experienced.

General Tab General Information
Sending Your First Email: Part 1

The General Tab provides fields for defining what the message is. None of these fields will be visible to the Sitecore Contact are meant to help the marketer define and categorize emails.

Nameand Description fields are simply that. Setting up the name and the description of the email.

Locationis meant to be the location of where email campaigns are kept. These are contained in the Marketing Control Panel.

Sending Your First Email: Part 1

For clarity, as the image below shows, email items themselves are saved as items relative to the EXM Root that it was created in. In this case, our EXM Manager Root is Email .

Sending Your First Email: Part 1

Campaign Groupallows the marketer to specify a campaign group for the email message. This allows the marketer to combine multiple different campaign activities together from separate channels. For more information about Campaign Groups, view Sitecore’s Campaign Group documentation .

General Tab Sender Details
Sending Your First Email: Part 1

Sender details are straightforward. The values for From name , From email , and Reply to setup the message header that is shown to the Sitecore Contact. These fields are also copied from the EXM Manager Root settings. Unless you need to change the name that a particular email message is sent from, you generally don’t need to modify these settings.

With that, we wrap up Part 1 of Sending Your First Email and Day 5 of









那么易语言什么呢? 易语言 是一门以中文字符作为程序代码的编程语言,其以“易”著称,方便中国人以中国人的思维编写程序,极大的降低了编程的门槛和学习的难度。从2000年以来,易语言的用户数量已经发展到较大的规模。









2017年4月,开始尝试通过论坛传播“正常源码+带毒模块” 2018年4月,开始尝试投递带毒工程项目,当时还使用的是github存储远程控制信息, 2018年下半年,开始使用豆瓣分发控制指令。通过豆瓣日志可以看到,9月30 开始进行调试 2018年10月,通过论坛以“分享源代码”的方式开始尝试传播 2018年11月13日,作者开始在论坛散布带有恶意代码的所谓“恶搞代码”,这次本次感染用户计算机的恶意代码首次对外公开传播 2018年11月13日当天,就有易语言的开发者开始中招。 2018年11月15日,作者在易语言开发者论坛进一步传播: 2018年11月15日,第一款被感染的应用开始在互联网中传播 2018年11月19日,超过20款应用被篡改,恶意程序开始在互联网大肆传播 2018年11月底,恶意模块被举报,论坛管理员发现问题,并删除了传播源 2018年11月30日,病毒作者开始下发“微信支付”勒索病毒软件 2018年12月1日,360安全卫士发布安全预警,提醒用户及时查杀木马。 2018年12月2日凌晨2点,360安全卫士首家发布解密工具,支持“微信支付”勒索病毒解密。 2018年12月3日,360安全卫士发布勒索病毒追溯分析,解析勒索病毒源头以及下发方式,提醒广大用户注意 2018年12月4日,360支持对该病毒感染的易语言开发环境的查杀。 解密极速通道:360安全卫士“解密大师”强势击杀


1. 不要相信刷量、外挂、打码、私服等一些较为灰色的软件所声称的“杀毒软件误报论”。360不会针对任何特定类型的程序进行“误报”。

2. 对来自即时通讯软件或邮件附件中的陌生软件要提高警惕。尽可能不下载、不运行,如确实需要,一定要提前用安全软件进行查杀以保障安全。

3. 养成良好的安全习惯,即使更新系统和软件,修补漏洞。不给黑客和恶意程序可乘之机。



SentinelOne Replaces Any Need For Legacy AV Suites With New Features

SentinelOne , the autonomous
endpoint protection company, today announced two new features for the
SentinelOne platform that extend its scope beyond traditional endpoint
protection (EPP) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities.
SentinelOne unveiled Endpoint Firewall Control, a robust feature that
enables security and IT teams to control the endpoint's firewall and
immunize an organization's network from data exfiltration and malicious
IP addresses. SentinelOne is the first and only next-generation vendor
to offer this capability, enhancing the control of how an endpoint
interacts with the network or cloud, to provide access and data control,
beyond the reach of the classic network firewalls. This ability is
especially important in a "post-perimeter" world, and in zero-trust
models, as a means to enforce and control the device's trust posture.
Additionally, the company announced Device Control, a feature that
enables enterprises to maintain full control and complete visibility
over peripheral devices. SentinelOne's
Endpoint Firewall Control and Device Control features provide what some
considered the missing pieces to fully replace legacy antivirus (AV)
solutions with its next-gen product, providing unparalleled protection
and visibility capabilities. These two features, as well as the entire
platform, are delivered via SentinelOne's single agent, single codebase,
single console architecture, available seamlessly in cloud-delivered or
on-premises deployment models. With the addition of these abilities,
SentinelOne becomes the only vendor to provide complete visibility into
every aspect of the endpoint's data transport, controlling all "ins and
outs" of a given device. Endpoint
Firewall Control allows an organization to create and enforce endpoint
firewall policies, integrating into an organization's layered security
model. The feature enables the SentinelOne agent to block unauthorized
network traffic flowing into or out of devices, across both windows and
macOS. Endpoint Firewall Control has been a final holdout for retaining
legacy AV suites: SentinelOne is proud to rapidly deliver critical
features that enable enterprises of all sizes to remove the shackles of
legacy AV. With
SentinelOne's Device Control, IT and security teams gain complete
visibility into how USBs and other peripheral devices are being used and
can easily control and manage that usage. The feature provides
customers with visibility into every connected device's information and
history, robust control over storage devices, and a greater frame of
reference around the host activity to see what's happening in an
organization's environment. "At
SentinelOne, we strive to deliver full, 360-degree protection of the
endpoint, by providing the tools and automation capabilities needed to
harden, prevent, find, and mitigate threats in an ever-evolving threat
landscape," said Tomer Weingarten, CEO and Cofounder, SentinelOne. "The
nail is in the coffin for legacy AV: our Firewall Control and Device
Control features allow organizations to make a full transition from
legacy AV by providing device management efficiency with the
unparalleled endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities
customers expect, enjoying full context monitoring and control of every
aspect of the endpoint device."

With SentinelOne's acclaimed multi-tenant console, enterprises and service providers can customize endpoint firewall control and device control settings to best fit their organizations' security needs without compromising end user productivity. To learn more about how SentinelOne's Firewall Control and Device Control features are replacing legacy AV solutions, please visit https://www.sentinelone.com/category/spotlight/ .

The Case for a Human Security Officer


Wanted: a security exec responsible for identifying and mitigating the attack vectors and vulnerabilities specifically targeting and involving people.

It is clear that end users are a major, if not the primary, attack vector for most significant attacks. Whether using phishing, traditional social engineering, or physical compromise, sophisticated attackers know that it is easier for them to find a successful entry point into an organization by targeting users instead of by probing for technology weaknesses. As important, well-meaning users cause more damage in aggregate than malicious parties ever could. In response, there is a focus on trying to make users more resilient through awareness.

The reality is that this works to an extent, but more is required.

Technology is in place to stop user actions in advance, as it should be. In the safety field, it is believed that around 90% of workplace accidents are avoided by creating an environment that prevents employees from being exposed to situations where they can be injured. For example, in one factory where employees were frequently struck by forklifts, they painted a line down aisles, creating distinct walkways. This one change alone reduced almost all accidents involving forklifts. The remainder of the incidents were the result of walkers who were looking at their cellphones and drifted into the forklift because they weren't paying attention.

In the cybersecurity world, one equivalent of creating a secure environment is anti-malware software, spam filters, and PC protections that prevent users from installing software. Creating a secure environment filters out more than 99.9% of potential attacks before they can reach the user, or stops the user from causing damage. But clearly, attacks still make it through, which means awareness is still necessary to reduce the risk.

The truth is thatawareness programs should focus on how users should do their jobs properly and not on what they should be afraid of. This requires a definition of proper governance. You cannot expect users to detect every possible trick, but they should at least be able to follow proper procedures in how to act appropriately.

Focus on the User

While in general most companies have some form of software to defend against attacks reaching users, some form of awareness, and something that resembles policies and procedures, these efforts are uncoordinated and haphazard. There is no focused effort to stop specific attacks or user actions.

To address this concern, what is required is a position that I call the human security officer (HSO), who is responsible for specifically identifying the different attack vectors and vulnerabilities involving people. The HSO examines where problems may arise and identifies the optimal ways to prevent, detect, and respond to the attacks or user actions.

Some people may contend that this is the job of the CISO or perhaps an awareness manager. The reality is that awareness people have a very specific role and focus on providing information to people in an attempt to get them to improve their security-related behaviors. The awareness team does not have the responsibility -- and especially not the authority -- to account for all aspects of preventing and mitigating vulnerabilities. The awareness team should report to the HSO.

The HSO would be responsible for determining where human-related vulnerabilities exist and focus on a coordinated method for mitigating the vulnerabilities. This would involve an examination of underlying business processes and the determination of the best combination of technology operational processes that most effectively mitigate vulnerabilities. The HSO would then ensure that the awareness team focuses on ensuring that the awareness program primarily addresses how people should perform their jobs correctly.

While it would be good for a CISO to take on the role of an HSO, in any company of reasonable size, the CISO has a team of people to whom she can delegate responsibilities. Much like there are individuals reporting to the CISO responsible for network security, incident response, and governance, there should be an HSO specifically responsible for all aspects dealing with human-related vulnerabilities. The role should be treated distinctly and go well beyond the traditional awareness roles.

69 percent of employees use work devices for personal tasks


69 percent of employees use work devices for personal tasks

New research released by security awareness and email protection company Mimecast finds that more than two-thirds of employees admit to personal use of work devices during office hours.

Mimecast surveyed more than 1,000 people who use company-issued devices (such as mobile phones, desktop computers or laptops) in the workplace, in order to understand their behavior, but also their awareness of basic threats plaguing organizations.

The top three personal uses are reading the news (53 percent), checking personal email (33 percent) and browsing social media (23 percent). Additionally, nearly 28 percent say they use their company-issued device for personal reasons for at least one hour a day, with the number rising to 40 percent among younger workers (18-24-year-olds).

The findings show that one in four respondents aren't familiar with the most common threats like phishing attacks and ransomware, and 15 percent say they could be more cautious when it comes to cybersecurity or that just blindly trust emails that they receive.

There's a high level of ignorance about usage policy too. 60 percent of respondents either aren't aware of their companies having a formal policy on their personal web use at work or say there isn't one in place at all.

In addition only 45 percent of modern businesses provide mandatory, formal cybersecurity training. Another 10 percent do offer this, but on an optional basis. Among businesses that do offer cybersecurity training and education, just six percent do so monthly, while four percent do so quarterly.

Michael Madon, SVP and GM of Mimecast Security Awareness writes on the company's blog:

...businesses are inherently trusting their employees to know what, and what not, to click on, and to be smart when it comes to browsing the web -- for both professional and personal reasons. It could also mean that today's organizations simply don’t have the resources or know-how to implement formal cybersecurity and awareness training. And with cyberthreats continuing to evolve so they can bypass traditional security methods, like anti-virus and anti-spam filters, it's essential organizations integrate cybersecurity awareness training into their overall cyber resilience strategy.

You can read more about the findings on the Mimecast blog .

Image credit: AllaSerebrina / depositphotos.com













Hyperledger在机构之间和商业领域越来越受欢迎。上周消息,俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(Sberbank)最近通过在Hyperledger Fabric平台上部署智能合约,完成了一项场外外汇回购协议。

黑客肆虐、菠菜控场 DApp为何沦为一小撮人的狂欢?






自主网上线以来,大型的漏洞攻击就在逐个上演,有数据统计,一系列攻击事件导致项目方累计损失达数十万 EOS,价值超百万元。











黑客肆虐、菠菜控场 DApp为何沦为一小撮人的狂欢?





9月10日,黑客破解DEOSGames 游戏,短时间内,黑客利用随机数漏洞,赢走4000个EOS。9月12日,黑客发起攻击,导致一账户损失5000 个EOS。同一天,Fair Dice 被同一个种攻击手法攻破,损失 4000 EOS。9月14日,黑客在EOSBet 上,利用假币投注赢取真币,并将这部分假币转至交易所,最终挂单交易成功。



区块链信仰“Code is Law”,认为代码即法律,分布式技术可确保链上数据不可篡改,最大程度保证系统安全,尤其是区块链游戏,将资产上链,能在最大程度上保证用户资产。





黑客肆虐、菠菜控场 DApp为何沦为一小撮人的狂欢?








9月14日,代码未开源的掷骰子游戏EOSBet被攻击,黑客通过创建名字为EOS的“假币”,套取了项目账号中真的EOS;随后,相同手法又被用在了 EOS.win上;就连去中心化交易所Newdex也难逃“假币攻击”,用户损失了近万枚EOS。

黑客肆虐、菠菜控场 DApp为何沦为一小撮人的狂欢?










12月1日,安全团队PeckShield 发布了一份报告,报告显示,截止11月19日,EOS主网一共有506310个EOS账号,其中沉默账号达39%,群控账号占23%,活跃的账号仅占37%。











Hackers among most vulnerable to China’s first WeChat Pay ransomware

Hackers among most vulnerable to China’s first WeChat Pay ransomware

Dec 5, 2018

| In With Chinese Characteristics

| ByBailey Hu

Hackers among most vulnerable to China’s first WeChat Pay ransomware

Creators of illicit software may have been the most vulnerable targets of a recent, apparently homegrown, ransomware effort in China.

Attacks were first reported on the night of December 1, according to antivirus software provider Huorong Security . The software encrypted important files in .doc, .txt, .jpg, and other formats, and also stole 20,000 passwords and other pieces of data from Taobao and Alipay platform users, among others. The attack affected only PCs, The Paper reports, and a majority of victims were likely illicit software creators or purveyors who often don’t use security software.

Hackers among most vulnerable to China’s first WeChat Pay ransomware
Taobao, Tmall, and Alipay accounts were most affected by the hack, followed by Aliwangwang, 163 email, QQ email, QQ accounts, JD.com, and Baidu Pan. Unit: Number of incidences. Image credit: Huorong

The incident marks the first time Chinese ransomware creators have used a (traceable) WeChat QR code to demand payment, with users asked for RMB 110 (around $16) to unlock their documents.

Software security companies including Huorong, Tencent, 360, and others moved quickly to upgrade their security systems and provide decryption keys to affected users. By the night of December 2, Tencent states, the account receiving payments had been shut down.

A company representative told TechNode that the QR payment code has also been frozen, and neither WeChat users’ money nor their account safety had been affected. The company’s claims could not be verified by TechNode.

Alipay made similar assertions, saying that there were no signs the hack affected its users’ accounts. It added that in the “unlikely” case of data theft, losses would be paid back in full.

As of Tuesday night, Huorong stated, 100,000 computers had been infected by the ransomware, although those who had upgraded their security systems should be safe.

Following the data trail to its source on GitHub, Huorong found that the malware originated from a person surnamed Luo. His identity has since been shared with police.

According to Huorong, the malware entered various software products and programs developed using Chinese programming language EPL (literally, Easy Programming Language).

Although the hack eventually affected multiple popular platforms, Huorong determined that WeChat Pay and Alipay played no direct roles in spreading or creating the virus, and the companies’ platforms also didn’t have any significant security weaknesses.

Schneider Electric Patches Critical RCE Vulnerability


Schneider Electric Patches Critical RCE Vulnerability

Researchers discovered a critical remote code execution vulnerability in two Schneider Electric industrial control related products that could give attackers the ability to disrupt or shut down plant operations.

Tenable Research, who discovered the vulnerability ( CVE-2018-8840) and created a proof-of-concept attack scenario, said that the bug was in Schneider Electric products InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Machine Edition. Schneider Electric has since issued patches for the vulnerability.

InduSoft Web Studio is a suite of tools to develop industrial control systems such as human-machine interfaces or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. InTouch Machine Edition is a software toolset to develop applications connecting automation systems, and to develop interfaces for web browsers and tablets.

“This software is commonly deployed across several heavy industries, including manufacturing, oil and gas and automotive,” according to Tenable’s report released Wednesday . “With the growing adoption of distributed and remote monitoring in industrial environments, OT and IT are converging. As OT becomes increasingly connected and boundary-less, these safety-critical systems are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks.”

Schneider Electric said in a security bulletin it has released InduSoft Web Studio v8.1 SP1 and InTouch Machine Edition 2017 v8.1 SP1 to address this vulnerability. Impacted users are strongly advised to apply patches as soon as possible.

“An unauthenticated remote attacker can leverage this attack to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems, potentially leading to full compromise of the InduSoft Web Studio or InTouch Machine Edition server machine,” according to Tenable’s report. “A threat actor can use the compromised machine to laterally transfer within the victims’ network and to execute further attacks. Additionally, connected HMI clients can be exposed to attack.”

The vulnerability stems from a stack-based buffer overflow in the two products. Tenable said that a threat actor could send a crafted packet to exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability using a tag, alarm, event, read or write action to execute code.Packet crafting is a method usually allowing network administrators to check firewall rule-sets and find entry points into a targeted system.

“In order to validate the vulnerability, we developed a proof of concept that uses a simple linux terminal and standard Linux command line utilities,” Tenable told Threatpost.

The vulnerability is similar to CVE-2017-14024 , another stack-based buffer overflow issue discovered in Schneider Electric InduSoft Web Studio v8.0 SP2 Patch 1 and prior versions, and InTouch Machine Edition v8.0 SP2 Patch 1 and prior versions, said Tenable.

“While researching CVE-2017-14024 for a Nessus plugin, Tenable found a new stack buffer overflow in InduSoft Web Studio and InTouch Machine Edition. The vulnerability is similar to CVE-2017-14024 in that it involves calling mbstowcs() inTCPServer.dll. However, this new vulnerability leverages command 50 instead of command 49,” researchers wrote .

The vulnerability can be remotely exploited without authentication and targets the IWS Runtime Data Server service by default on TCP port 1234.

Tenable told Threatpost that an attacker would likely develop a custom script that connects to the vulnerable application on port 1234 and would send a malicious string of characters over a network connection to exploit the vulnerability.

So far, there is no evidence to suggest that the vulnerabilities have been exploited in the wild, a Tenable Research spokesperson told Threatpost. The vulnerability is rated 9.8 out of 10 using the Common VulnerabilityScoringSystem (CVSS).

IT-OT Security Worries

The vulnerability is just one example of the road bumps that industrial manufacturers face as their industrial control systems, such as programmable logic controllers and HVAC systems, become connected to the network.

“The OT industry has historically been somewhat insulated from the attention of most security researchers…With IT and OT converging and now sharing more standardized protocols and libraries, this is quickly changing,” a Tenable Research spokesperson told Threatpost. “Understanding the new risks associated with this digital transformation will take some time. So far, the necessary paradigm change has been slow in coming, but we are seeing some vendors begin to take this more seriously.”

Focus around industrial control system security has tightened in particular since FireEye researchers in December found amalwarecalled Triton targeting Schneider Electric’s Triconex Safety Instrumented System controllers.

But Schneider Electric and other industrial manufacturers have faced cybersecurity issues long before that. In2016, a critical vulnerability was found in Schneider Electric’s industrial controller management software, Unity Pro, while in2017a critical vulnerability was found in Schneider Electric’s WonderWare Historian.

“The cost and difficulty of gaining access to OT devices for research purposes and the fact that they often use proprietary protocols, has given OT the benefit of security through obscurity. In addition, as OT devices have traditionally not been connected to the internet, OT developers have not had to take malicious attacks from remote users into consideration,” the Tenable spokesperson said.

The disclosure timeline for this most recent (CVE-2018-8840)vulnerability includes discovery of the bug by Tenable on Jan. 18.Tenable reported the vulnerability to Schneider on Jan. 28 and on March 15 the company issued a patch to affected customers. Public disclosure of the patch is today.

The Tool Sprawl Problem in Monitoring


The Tool Sprawl Problem in Monitoring
Home Blog DevOps The Tool Sprawl Problem in Monitoring One of the biggest KPIs in the DevOps space is monitoring. There are so many tools to help any organization to complete their monitoring picture, but no tool does everything and most organizations use many tools to help complete their monitoring solution. Mashing tools together often creates a problem of its own ― the tool sprawl problem.

More on the subject:

AWS GuardDuty Monitoring with Logz.io Security Analytics and the ELK Stack MongoDB Performance Monitoring Using The ELK Stack OpenStack Monitoring With Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana

In modern computing, it’s not how much data you collect and report, or how efficient, or how durable your monitoring solution is. Sure, those are all important considerations, but it’s how effective and useful your monitoring is that makes the difference. It’s how much value to the business it creates, and how well the data can be exploited to identify and resolve critical issues. Monitoring is never a completed effort.

It evolves. It is enhanced by tools and by integrations. Often enough, the journey to improve monitoring is what creates and accentuates the tool sprawl problem. In this article, I’d like to examine how monitoring tool sprawl can become a serious issue for modern, engineering-driven companies.

Monitoring Challenges

The task of monitoring modern IT environments is too complex to properly handle without tools. The days of allowing logs to sit on servers and fishing through them to find answers are long gone. Alerting on an operating system issue and manually clearing out all the noise from old vendor solutions for sysadmins (think HP, Dell, IBM) no longer scales in the world of cloud computing.

Luckily, there are plenty of modern tools to solve modern issues. But like any type of software, every monitoring tool has weaknesses and strengths in their own right. Organizations will often patch together multiple monitoring tools based on their strengths and just deal with the sprawl.

So what are the modern problems to solve and tools to solve them?


Log data is considered an extremely valuable data source for monitoring and troubleshooting both applications and the infrastructure they are installed on. Most log management tools on the market provide analysis capabilities. Some provide advanced analytics such as machine learning and anomaly detection. Most of these tools now include plugins and integrations with cloud vendors to provide greater insight into cloud-based applications.

The world’s leading open source log management tool is, of course, the ELK Stack ― an extremely popular and powerful platform but one that often requires more engineering effort and expertise to scale .


Metrics, or time-series data, is another type of telemetry data used for monitoring. Used primarily for APM (Application Performance Monitoring), ITIM (IT Infrastructure Monitoring) and NPM (Network Performance Monitoring), metrics introduce another kind of challenge being more verbose in nature and requiring more elaborate data storage and retention strategies as well as analysis features.

Open source solutions are often comprised of a time series database such as Prometheus, InfluxDB or Graphite with Grafana playing the role of the analysis and visualization layer. Plenty of SaaS vendors offer their own APM and monitoring solutions, including premade dashboards for monitoring specific services or platforms.


The increase in cyber threats means organizations must operate with security in mind. A big part of security is active monitoring and reactive controls. Triggering alarms on root or administrator login is an example, or signaling a Puppet run when a security-controlled configuration is changed via an automated response to a security incident. To be able to build this kind of solution requires a very specific kind of tool, usually falling under the category of SIEM or Security Analytics. Again, there are both open source and proprietary solutions on the market but the skills gap is proving to be as big a challenge as integrating and deploying these solutions.


SOC, PCI, HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, ISO, and CODA are just a few regulatory and compliance certifications companies must contend with to remain in business. All of them require some level of auditable data to show that their required checks and controls are being maintained. This means companies must find tools to capture, store, and retrieve data for compliance. Some tools excel at configuring controls or capturing security data but aren’t as strong at capturing application logs and transforming them into formats that mesh well with security logs to have an overlay picture.


Again, most tools provide canned reports, most also allow you to build your own reports. The key difference is some provider’s reports will be more relevant to an organization than others. An example of where the tool sprawl can become real is an organization with a security team that prefers the tailored security event reports from Alertlogic, an operations team that uses Datadog’s metrics for capacity planning and the developers use the ELK Stack to determine API performance issues. All three tools can create all three reports, but they do not specialize in providing all three. This key difference is what creates a tool sprawl challenge, in this case for reporting and alerting.

Multiple solutions mean what?

After reading the previous section, it is easy to see how companies choose multiple tools and vendors to solve their monitoring needs. In the following section, I’d like to examine some of issues that can result from having multiple monitoring solutions.

Multiple panes of glass

Having security data flow to one tool, systems performance data to another, and application data to a third makes correlation much more difficult. Even if you are able to have data sources feed multiple frontend tools, it still requires additional “stitching” to deliver the data in a meaningful way and the systems still present information differently. This can force the need to build translation jobs between solutions, or lengthy exports and manual correlation in spreadsheets. Nobody wants to do that.

Administration (and cost) is heavier

This means managing permissions through RBAC, customization of data feed sources, plug-in management, and supporting infrastructure must be considered. The resources and cost burden can become extremely heavy pretty quickly when designing for scale, high availability, and storage.

Additional automation Every age

Symantec markets USB security to industrial facilities amid shift to enterprise ...


Written by

Dec 5, 2018 | CYBERSCOOP

Cybersecurity giant Symantec on Wednesday announced a new product meant to protect industrial control networks from a pernicious threat: USB flash drives.

Numerous studies have determined that roughly half the population is likely to plug a USB drivefound in the parking lot into their computer, presenting hackers with an invaluable opportunity to infiltrate sensitive networks. Symantec is trying to solve that problem with Industrial Control System Protection (ISCP) Neural, a USB-scanning station meant to help energy, oil, gas and manufacturing organizations ― which often use USB drives to update legacy systems ― check for malicious software.

ISCP Neural utilizes artificial intelligence capabilities to malware on USB drives in a way that will increase detection efficacy by up to 15 percent, the company claims. The devices are scheduled to be available for shipping in early 2019 at a rate of $25,000, the company told SecurityWeek .

The product announcement comes amid internal changes at Symantec, an established security player that’s shifting away from traditional antivirus technology to enterprise security products.

USB drives, much like weak passwords, have for a generation presented a significant threat to international cybersecurity.Flash drives infected with malicious software have been used to carry out attacks like Stuxnet, which destroyed equipment at an Iranian nuclear facility, and Trisis, which targeted a Saudi chemical plant before creeping to U.S. networks.Schneider Electric, a major ICS supplier, announced in September that it hadaccidentally shipped malware-infected USB drives with a product.

The Symantec product is the latest in a number of emerging technologies focused on securing industrial facilities from USB-based threats, including a similar solution unveiled last year by Honeywell. Numerous cybersecurity companies also offer USB security products for individual consumers.

Symantec’s ISCP Neural announcement also comes at a time when the established security vendor appears to be on the precipice of change. Three executives including Chief Operating Officer Michael Fey have left the company, and the firm is in the process of transitioning from the consumer market to enterprise sales, according to Bloomberg .

The Mountain View, California, company last month announced it has acquired Appthority, a mobile application security company, and Javelin Networks, which protects businesses from active directory attacks.

Windows 10 Security Questions Prove Easy for Attackers to Exploit


New research shows how attackers can abuse security questions in windows 10 to maintain domain privileges.

Attackers targeting Windows are typically after domain admin privileges. Once they have it, researchers say, the security questions feature built into Windows can help them keep it.

In a presentation at this week's Black Hat Europe, security researchers from Illusive Networks demonstrated a new method for maintaining domain persistence by exploiting Windows 10 security questions. Despite good intentions, the feature, introduced in April, has the potential to turn into a durable, low-profile backdoor for attackers who know how to exploit it.

Windows admins are prompted to set up security questions as part of the Windows 10 account setup process. Tom Sela, head of security research at Illusive Networks, said the addition reflects a broader effort by Microsoft to build security into Windows 10. However, it also shows the delicate balance companies must strike in maintaining usability while improving protection.

"I think Microsoft also wants to introduce new usability features," Sela explained in an interview with Dark Reading. "There is a fine line with advancing security but also adding new usability features that may compromise security."

Magal Baz, security researcher at Illusive Networks, said the questions are more of a usability feature, designed for convenience, than a security mechanism. Today, if you forget your Windows login password, you're locked out of your machine and have to reinstall the operating system to regain access, hesaid. The questions feature lets users log back into their accounts by providing the name of their first pet, for example, in lieu of their password.

"Now in terms of security ... I don't think that it is well-protected," he explained. Because those questions and answers have the same power as a password, you'd think they would be as secure. However, unlike passwords, answers to security questions are not long and complex, they don't expire, and most of the time they don't change. "All the limitations that make passwords safer are not applied on the security questions," Baz pointed out.

In addition to having answers that can be found on social networks,the security questions"are not monitored. There are no policies around it it's just there," he continued. "It allows you to regain access to the local administrative account." There's a reason why companies including Facebook and Google have stopped using security questions to secure accounts,Baz added.

Unlocking Admins' Answers

Before describing how this approach works, it's important to add context first. In recent years, attackers have not only sought domain access but a means of maintaining a reliable and low profile on the domain. The process of becoming a domain admin has become much easier,Baz added. "A couple of years ago, it was thought this could take months ... it has shrunk into hours," he says.

To turn the questions feature into a backdoor, an attacker must first find a way to enable and edit security questions and answers remotely, without the need to execute code on the target machine. The attacker must also find a way to use preset Q&A to gain access to a machine while leaving as few traces as possible, Baz and Sela explained in their presentation.

Windows 10 security questions and answers are stored as LSA Secrets, where Windows stores passwords and other data for everyday operations. With administrative access to the registry, one can read and write LSA Secrets. One can change a user's security questions and answers, installing a backdoor to access the same system in the future.

An attacker could remotely use this feature, for any and all of the Windows 10 machines in the domain, to control security questions and answers to be something he chooses, Baz said. The implications for someone abusing this without the account holder's knowledge are huge. Unlike passwords, which eventually expire and can be edited any time, security questions are static. The name of your first pet or mother's maiden name, for example, don't change, Baz pointed out.

Sela and Baz described use cases in which this tactic can be useful for an attacker. Someone could "spray" security questions across all Windows 10 machines and ensure a persistent hold in the network by ensuring everyone's dog is named Fluffy and Fluffy is the name of everybody's birthplace, place where their parents met, model of their first car, etc.

What's more, security questions and answers aren't carefully protected. "The questions today are not monitored, are not changed. Probably most of IT admins are not even aware of their existence at the time being," Baz continued. "The implications ... for now [are] permanent access to all Windows 10 machines in the network quite easily and in low-profile manner." The security questions also don't come with auditing capabilities, Sela added. "Even [for] IT administrators that would like to be aware of that, out of the box, Windows doesn't give them a way to monitor the status of those security questions."

Best Practices and Deleting Security Questions

Admins should constantly monitor security questions to make sure they are unique, or disable them by periodically changing them to random values, Baz and Sela said.

"Even before the question of security questions, it's a good practice to have as few local admins as possible on the network," Baz said.

Security admins don't feel good about the tool, the researchers said, noting how many people are looking for ways to get rid of it. As part of their presentation, Baz and Sela also shared an open-source tool they developed that can control or disable the security questions feature and mitigate the risk of questions being used as a backdoor into a Windows 10 machine.




























Cloud Security Command Center is now in beta and ready to use


If you’re building applications or deploying infrastructure in the cloud, you need a central place to help understand your security posture, put it in a business context, and act on changes. In March, we announced Cloud Security Command Center in alpha, becoming the first major cloud provider to offer organization-level visibility into assets, vulnerabilities, and threats. Starting today, this security service is available to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) customers in beta.

This beta release comes with a number of new features, including:

Expanded coverage across GCP services including Cloud Datastore, Cloud DNS, Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud Spanner, Container Registry, Kubernetes Engine, and Virtual Private Cloud 13 IAM roles added for fine grained access control across Cloud SCC New examples of how to generate notifications when changes occur, or to trigger Cloud Functions from a Cloud SCC query Ability to view and search for new, deleted, and total assets over a specified time period Expanded client libraries including Java, Node, and Go Expanded capabilities to manage asset discovery Self-serve onboarding via GCP Marketplace Self-serve partner security sources, such asCavirin, Chef, and Redlock, via GCP Marketplace

Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC) provides security teams with insight into infrastructure, configuration, application and data risk so that you can quickly address vulnerabilities, mitigate threats to your cloud resources and evaluate your overall security posture. With Cloud SCC, you can view and monitor an inventory of your cloud assets, be alerted to security anomalies, scan cloud storage to discover where you are storing sensitive data, detect common web vulnerabilities, and review access rights to your critical resources, all from a single, centralized data platform and dashboard.



5分钟前 Nugget 89

金色财经 比特币1月30日讯根据网络安全公司趋势科技发布的一份报告指出,谷歌的DoubleClick广告服务已经被挖矿恶意软件利用,波及到欧洲和亚洲地区很多用户。


在趋势科技旗下“Security and Intelligence”官方博客中,他们透露一款基于javascript的恶意软件CoinHive能够利用计算机处理能力来挖掘门罗币,然后再通过谷歌DoubleClick进行病毒扩散。更重要的是,像CoinHive这样的挖矿恶意软件,能够在未经用户同意的情况下运作。




“受影响的网页会显示合法广告,然后这两个挖矿脚本就会在后台秘密执行挖矿任务。我们推测,攻击者在合法网站上使用这些广告其实是一种策略,目的就是为了针对更多用户。1月18日之前, DoubleClick 广告流量就开始不断攀升。而到了1月24日,Coinhive 矿工数量已经开始大幅增加。”



责任编辑: Golder 分享到:

比特币实时价格 ¥ 71994.72 (数据来源:火币Pro)


Migrating to password_verify - Rob Allen


I’ve recently been updating a website that was written a long time ago that has not been touched in a meaningful way in many years. In addition to the actual work I was asked to do, I took the opportunity to update the password hashing routines.

This site is so old that the passwords are stored using MD5 hashes and that’s not really good enough today, so I included updating to bcrypt hashing with password_hash() and password_verify() in my statement of work.

I’ve done this process before, but don’t seem to have documented it, so thought I’d write it the steps I took in case it helps anyone else.

Updating existing passwords in the database

The first thing I did was hash all the passwords in the database to bcrypt with password_hash . As the current passwords are stored in hashed form, we don’t have the original plain-text passwords, so we end up with bcrypt hashes containing the MD5 hashes. This is okay as we can handle this in the login process.

This update is a one-off php script:

$sql = 'SELECT id, password FROM user'; $rs = $database->execute($sql); $rows = $rs->GetArray(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $sql = 'UPDATE user SET password = ? WHERE id = ?'; $database->execute($sql, [ password_hash($row[['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);, $row['id'], ]); } echo "Passwords updated\n";

This website uses ADOdb so I just continued using it. The principles apply regardless of whether you’re using PDO or any other database abstraction library.

I also had to update the database schema and change the password column from varchar(32) to varchar(255) . The 255 characters is recommenced by the PHP manual page as it allows for the algorithm to change again.

Updating login

The authentication code needs updating to deal with bcrypt passwords. It currently looks like this:

$email = $_POST['email_address']; $password = $_POST['password']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM user where email = ? and password = ?"; $rs = $database->Execute($sql, array($email, md5($password))); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { // valid user $_SESSION['user'] = $rs->FetchRow(); }

In this code, there is a single step that only retrieves the user if and only if the email address and the MD5 of the plain text password match in the database record. If precisely one record is returned, it is assigned to the session.

To use password_verify() , we need a two step process:

Retrieve the user via email address Check the retrieved hashed password against the password the user has supplied Step 1

For the first step, I can retrieve the user by removing the password check from the SQL query:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM user where email = ?"; $rs = $database->Execute($sql, array($email)); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { // ... Step 2

I now need to check the password, which I do with password_hash() :

if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { $user = $rs->FetchRow(); $validPassword = password_verify($password, $user['password']); if ($validPassword) { // valid user $_SESSION['user'] = $user; } }

This works great for all users who have an updated singly hashed plain text password, but none of my existing users can log in! This is because their bcrypt passwords are an MD5 hash of their plain text password.

To allow all users to log in, we need to also check for an MD5 hash if the password_verify() fails:

$validPassword = password_verify($password, $user['password']); if (!$validPassword) { // check for a legacy password $validPassword = password_verify(md5($password), $user['password']); } if ($validPassword) { // valid user $_SESSION['user'] = $user;

In this code, we MD5 the password supplied by the user and check again with password_verify against the database record. If it succeeds this time, then the credentials are verified.

Now all our users can successfully log in.

In place migrating

As the login process is the only time when we have the user’s plain text password available to us, this is the ideal time to migrate the user’s password in the database from a hashed MD5 string to a hashed plain text password.

I did this in the code where we checked for the MD5 version, but only if the check was successful:

$validPassword = password_verify($password, $user['password']); if (!$validPassword) { // check for a legacy password $validPassword = password_verify(md5($password), $user['password']); if ($validPassword) { // migrate user's record to bcrypt $sql = 'UPDATE user SET password = ? WHERE id = ?'; $database->Execute($sql, [$password, $user['id']]); } }

Now, every time a user logs in with an MD5 hashed password, we will automatically re-hash their plain text password to bcrypt.

Updating password creation

Finally, I went through and fixed all the code that created a password in the database. This was in the user admin section and the user’s change-password and reset-password pages.

In all cases, I changed:

$password = md5($new_password);


$password = password_hash($new_password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

password_hash() requires a second parameter which is the algorithm to use. Unless you have a specific reason not to, use PASSWORD_DEFAULT .

That’s it

That’s all the steps that I went though. I would expect that for applications actively maintained, that most if not all have been updated by now as PHP 5.5 came out in 2009! However it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s many sites out there that were built by an agency in the past where the client doesn’t actively maintain it, but only asks for updates when changes are required as in this case.

极简 Session & Token


我们站在 Server 的角度来看「保持状态」这个事儿,

Session 方式 :Client 过来打了个招呼(登录),那好,我生成一个随机串,你 Client 存一份,我 Server 存一份,你下次再过来,只要和我这的号对上了,没错,你就是登录过的那个人。

Token 方式 : 就是要确定某一 Client 嘛 为什么要用额外的内容(session 用的随机串),我们这样,Client 过来打了个招呼(登录),我使用加密算法把你 Client 的名称以及时间等登录相关信息加密一下,生成一个加密串,你 Client 每次过来带着这个加密串,我 Server 用加密算法一验证,用户没问题,时间没问题,没错,你就是登录过的那个人。

Session 方式是用另外一套机制(保存 sessionID)专门去处理「登录」这个事儿;

Token 方式就是用「登录信息」本身来处理「登录」这个事儿

Six ‘Lessons Learned’ For Mitigating DDoS Attacks


The world of DDoS is dynamic and evolving. So, when considering the most important features that a DDoS Mitigation should have, it’s always worth examining them in light of recent trends and applying some lessons learned.

That, however, can be a rather time-consuming assignment. But worry not. We’ve done the hard work for you. Here’s a list of our top six ‘lessons learned’ you’ll want to apply if you want to ensure that any mention of the term ‘DDoS’ doesn’t keep you awake at night.

Get Always-on Scalable Mitigation

The biggest and baddest attack , Memcached, came as a surprise with a record breaking attack in terms of throughput. Reports claim that it surpassed 1 Tbps by using a new, previously unused attack vector: vulnerable Memcached servers exposed to the Internet.

If there’s one thing this teaches us, it’s to always expect the unexpected. In other words, prepare for the worst with an always-on scalable mitigation solution that can handle big Tera attacks at any moment.

Protect Yourself Against Today’s and Tomorrow’s Threats

Protecting against unknown threats is way more important than known threats.

Here’s why. During February 2018, the Memcached attack hit its first targets: around 50,000 unsecured Memcached installations on the Internet that were used as DDoS reflectors. Given the element of surprise, the potential to launch a damaging attack was high. Soon after, however, the quantity of exposed servers dropped significantly. Today there are just 3,500 Memcached installations, and so the amplification factor and risk of a damaging attack are much lower.

The lesson learned: Unknown threats have greater potential to be much more harmful. Make sure that your DDoS Mitigation solution uses technologies such as NBAD and machine learning, as they can detect and block previously unseen attacks.

Get Fast Mitigation

Remember Mirai, the famous digital Godzilla? Mirai increased the frequency of massive attacks because it could easily propagate to compromised IoT devices. Even more importantly, it introduced a new attack technique known as pulse wave attacks which produced massive spikes to the target and lasted only a few minutes. These attacks challenged traditional scrubbing center solutions that divert traffic, and often take 10 to 15 minutes to mitigate and attack. By the time the scrubbing center detected an attack, it was already over.

Lesson learned: With subscribers expecting the best QoE and minimal disruption, any DDoS mitigation needs to react in seconds rather than minutes. The faster the better.

Contain Outbound Attacks

The Mirai botnet also intensified an old problem that needs addressing: outbound attacks originating from within the network. With the botnet propagating so quickly, it infected many devices. So much so that when commanded to launch a DDoS attack, they not only threatened the target victim but also the source network infrastructure where the compromised IoT reside. Consequently, it generated enough congestion to jeopardize users’ QoE and also resulted in getting into DNS IP blacklists.

Lesson learned: To avoid such large-scale damage, a DDoS Mitigation solution should be able to protect the network from both internal and external threats.

Catch Even the Smallest Attacks

Why should anyone care about small attacks, after all their impact is insignificant, right?


In fact, the majority of attacks are small. And many simultaneous small attacks add up to a lot of unused bandwidth. This is what drives an operator to make unnecessary upgrades to infrastructure. While a single small attack of say 200 Mbps may not be felt in the operator network, it may disrupt an Enterprise network.

If you are an enterprise or a CSP providing a managed anti-DDoS service to enterprise customers, small attacks are very important to detect and mitigate.

Lesson learned: Solutions which rely on NetFlow sampling usually deliver a 1:10,000 sampling ratio and therefore cannot detect attacks below 1Gbps. Inline devices, however, inspect 100% of network traffic and are far more likely to detect and mitigate even the smallest attacks.

Go Real Deep

During May 2018, a new hacker’s evasion technique was published. It enabled reflective amplified floods to bypass traditional DDoS mitigation techniques. The randomized nature of attack traffic made it extremely challenging to filter. This technique used DNS floods leveraging a uPnP exploit.

Lesson learned: Even if you have a solution that can handle any threat, known and previously unknown, you still need a solution that can inspect the traffic deep enough into the payload (DPI) to be able to form a distinctive pattern in spite of the randomization employed to the TCP/IP packet header.

There are a lot of DDoS Mitigation solutions out there. Many of which apply some of the ‘lessons learned’ mentioned above. But you’ll be heard pressed to find one that applies them all. Unless of course, you turn to Allot .

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