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Safeguarding Your Corporate Environment from Social Engineering


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Technology on a global scale is getting smarter by the day. Breaching systems, networks and devices is no longer a piece of cake as it used to be many years ago. The majority of manufacturers are shipping devices which are considered secure out of the box; operating system manufacturers actively discourage insecure practices such as blank passwords, and online services have raised the bar to enhance the security on their platforms.

However, not having the right tools in place and failing to train employees on their role in information security is why hackers in the dark world are not relenting in devising new means of carrying out their acts. Very often you can find these unscrupulous individuals and groups concocting ingenious social engineering strategies to give them unauthorized access which they use for their monetary benefit.

Social Engineering strategies are schemes used to exploit the human vulnerability factor the weakest link in an organization - to gain access to sensitive data.

Your Security

No organisation can truly afford a data breach - Here are some useful tips to secure yourself and your organization from social engineering hacking attempts.

Be Informed After buying various hardware and software firewalls to prevent your devices and corporate network from hackers, it is important to secure the human loophole also. A single flaw or mistake by an individual can render an enterprise firewall useless and open an avenue for hackers to gain easy access. The most exploited forms of social engineering are phishing and spear phishing attacks. The antidote to this human loophole is information. Individuals should be informed about social engineering tricks and corporations should also organize training programs to help their staff recognize these ploys, so they don’t fall victim.

Limit the Information you Divulge of Social Media These days, everybody and their pet are on social media. Unfortunately, social media has become an open book where many people write the stories of their lives. Simply taking a look at the timeline of such people can empower a hacker to impersonate such an individual. The social media is great, use it to socialize and not to post your demographic information to the public. If your full names, date of birth, phone numbers, email addresses, names of family members are online, you are divulging too much information already.

Use of Technology

Use the Latest Software Research has shown that some of the information that hackers seek to gain unauthorized access to victims’ devices will not be valuable if these devices are up to date with all security patches installed. It is best to set your operating systems and software to download and install updates automatically so they can be up to date at all times.

Flag emails from new people Humans are naturally curious and tend to click on links and emails being sent to them without thinking much about security. Be careful in performing any action when you receive an email from a sender for the first time. Whether the email is in the spam folder or your inbox, do not click on links indiscriminately. When the link is a shortened URL, do not click at all. Be double cautious if the link takes you to another website that is asking for your personal information in exchange for some free stuff. Do not offer any details you cannot give to a real life stranger on the street!

Don’t answer out of place questions Hackers will like to communicate with less knowledgeable people who may not be aware of the sensitivity of the information they are divulging. When you receive calls asking for information which is not within your prerogative, forward such questions to the right person. Moreover, if the question seems unnecessary or you are confused, hold on and call your organisation.

Security Procedure

Implement security procedures Password management guidelines such as how often should a password be changed or the length and characters of a password must be implemented. Use of multi-factor authentication and anti-virus/ spam filters can minimize the threat of phishing and other social engineering attacks on an enterprise. It is important to secure physical access to sensitive assets as well as monitor employee and visitor movement by making use of ID cards, CCTV monitoring, biometrics, and passwords.

Implement security policies Information leakage occurs due to the human vulnerability factor. To avoid data leakage and theft, security policies such as sensitive information classification, management, and destruction policies should be maintained for all departments including management and IT. Confidential and sensitive information is shared between employees and businesses on a regular basis. Before information is shared, the sender must verify the identity and authorization of the receiver as well as the need for information request. Employees are to be made be aware of fake technical support and password reset requests from IT support.

Proper Incidence Response System Despite having security policies in place, organizations can still be compromised because social engineering attacks target the weakness of people to be helpful or their natural inclination to trust. Therefore, it is important to have a proper incidence response system in place to combat a social engineering attempt and to educate employees on the guidelines to be followed in case of such an attempt.

Being aware and taking steps to increase awareness is the best and the most powerful tool in the battle against cyber-crimes such as social engineering. With a little caution and abiding with the organizational policies, individuals and corporations can avoid becoming victims of social engineering ploys.

6 Best Email Security Services for Your Business

Why choosing the best email security services is important?

Are you looking for the best email security services? Not sure which email protection software is right for you?

Here are the best email security services, which I found out work best for businesses.

Having advanced DMARC protection can help You increase Your business authority and trust, as well as will prevent Your company from phishing and email impersonation.

I am going to tell You about some of the best email protection services which can step up Your business to a new email protection era. Before the introduction of email authentication services, I am going to tell You about email phishing .

According to the researches, 86% of businesses are using email as a primary mean of communication.

What is email phishing?

As per by researchers from 2017 and 2018 email phishing is the hackers most famous mean of stealing money and sensitive data from businesses in an effective and fast way.

In today’s fast-paced digital world business email protection is important for any user and organization in order to prevent business not only from email phishing, data breaches but also from money lose.

Email phishing is an illegitimate attempt to steal peoples sensitive information. For example, username, password, email addresses, and other important data for violating purposes.

To put it another way, Imagine, that some of Your sent emails can be Yours, and some of them can be also real looking, but not from the real source. In particular, email impersonation is one of the huge problems for businesses growth.

Stop worrying about money lose, start protecting You business with the best email protection services.

1. Agari

The company was founded by thought leaders of Cisco’s IronPort solutions. Agaris has its unique mission, which is to build new internet scale data-driven security solutions that eliminates email cyber attacks and let businesses and consumers to communicate in a secure way. Agari is one of the markets leads having more than 1000 customers in their database. Significantly, their customers are huge corporates, banks, and world-leading social media networks

Agari has 2 main products:

Agari enterprise protects, is referred to as targeted attacks detection and identification. This prevents the phishing against Your brand. It finds email threads, provides actionable thread intelligence, visualizing and monitoring Your trusted email identity. Agari Customer protects: Agari Customer Protect Stops Phishing by Automating DMARC Email Enforcement.

Reviews on AGARI

‘’With the adoption of Agari, we are enhancing our employees overall trust level in their email, taking the safety and security of our members, clients, and employees to the next level’’. CSO, Leading Healthcare Provider

2. EasyDMARC

Email protection SaaS solution helps you consistently monitor Your send emails and protect your domain from being used on Your behalf, as well as it combats fraud and increases domain reputation.

Moreover, with EasyDmarc You can authenticate You email and achieve advanced email protection. You will get DMARC alerts andDMARC reports.EasyDmarcsupport team and technical experts help you implement DMARC reject policy in a short period of time. Above all, it keeps Your email infrastructure healthy.

In fact, in 2018 45% of businesses said that email phishing damaged their company reputation and authority.

EasyDMARCgives You advanced email protection solutions for Your business.

Email Phishing protection Use complex and advanced email protection mechanism to achieve email top security. Advanced DMARC reporting- Investigate all aspects of send email traffic. DKIM lookup Validate and sign Your emails SPF lookup Authenticate whichIP addresses one can send emails from DMARC lookup Advanced email security. Spam vulnerability email checking opportunity.

The email protection software has easy to use platform which is convenient even for non-technical people.

3. Dmarcian

Dmarcian is one of the international DMARC platform providers which helps businesses successfully deploy DMARC. Their customers are banks, top internal properties, governments, marketing agencies, telecoms and other companies of all sizes.

Here are DMARCIAN`s tools which will help you protect Your email effectively. Together with Dmarcian, You can secure Your company from fraud successfully.

Dmarcian`s tools benefits Discover any issues of Your DMARC record Diagnose Your DKIM and SPF records Successfully add Your DMARC record Scan and test Your email security Data providers- it shows all top DMARC XML data providers 4. Ondmarc

OnDMARC is an email security product. It helps individuals and organization of all sizes to protect their emails, block phishing attacks and increase the deliverability of their authorized emails.

It has special solutions for each sector. For example, for the government, law, as well as for marketing agencies.


Reporting-You will getreports of fake and real emails sent from your domain.

Forensics DMARC report for failed emails

Email survey-Which monitors the Status of the item in DNS, as well as the Status of an item from reports, and the Status of the item in Dynamic SPF.

Dynamic SPF Unlimited DNS lookup

API-You can Integrate reports and manage your domains directly from your applications via an intuitive RESTful API.

Because of email phishing, lots of companies are losing their trust, money, and customers. 5. DMARC Analyzer

DMARC Analyzer is a SaaS solution which helps organizations to protect their emails. It provides businesses with user-friendly DMARC analyzing software which will easily move you towards a reject policy. This is one of the best email protection services which empowers organizations to easily manage complex DMARC deployment. The solution provides 360° visibility and governance across all email channels.


Analyzer generate Your DNS record.

Record check check whether You domain is protected or not.

SPF record check send email authentication

DKIM record check email signature

6. Postmark

Postmarkis a free tool to monitor and implement DMARC.

It will help You get reports from major ISPs about your domain’s DMARC alignment. Most importantly, it turns them into beautiful, human-readable weekly email digests, absolutely free.

Postmark services

DMARC implementation allows You to generate a DMARC record and start monitoring.

DMARC Reportshelps You get the visibility of Your email infrastructure.

Don’twait for the phishing attack to happen. Even if it didn`t happen, it means You are the next.

Wrapping it up DMARC is an email authentication policy and reporting protocol. DMARC, in fact, is the best solution to stop phishing attacks and email fraud in the most productive way. Putting it in a nutshell, DMARC stands as an email security officer which checks the senders and a receivers IP addresses origins. In other words, it checks whether they match each other or not. So, If it doesn`t matches with the senders or receivers keys, likewise Your message doesn`t deliver



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图 / 新华社



















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百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


相信大家都看到了百度杀毒软件退出江湖的新闻,难道随着windows 自带的Windows Defender越来越强大,第三方杀毒软件都要凉凉了么?


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


国产三强鼎立 杀毒软件最辉煌时刻



百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件
还有小编那时候比较喜欢的诺顿安全特警(NortonInternet Security),自带防火墙功能的它,让用户可以灵活控制软件是否允许联网,小编也用过一段时间。


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件

说起防火墙,小编还用过著名的Agnitum Outpost Firewall,还有国产的早已不见踪影的天网。这两位控制程序联网,防范互联网、局域网攻击甚是有一套。

百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件

↑↑↑Agnitum Outpost Firewall

百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


为此,小编那时候还写了一系列的教程《一步一步教你用最好的杀毒软件 mcafee 8.5i》,一看编写时间--2006年,已经过去10多年了,真是时光飞逝啊!现在在搜索引擎上还找得到相关文章,只是图全裂了!

百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件
HIPS 非常好用的安全系统 可惜有点复杂

接下来,小编迷上了 HIPS (主机入侵防御系统)系列安全软件。

小编使用了其中的经典国产软件“Malware Defender”很长一段时间,用它可以灵活控制程序是否可以运行,可以灵活设置程序的权限,可以监控对进程、文件和注册表的可疑操作,总之你可以掌握电脑里程序的一举一动,并对任意程序作出限制。

Malware Defender虽好,可是操作有点复杂,而且使用时也会有一些麻烦,太多的弹窗警告,所以限制了使用的人群。

后来因为作者放弃了更新,并且被360收购,导致Malware Defender不支持64位系统,迫使小编放弃了该软件。多少MD用户都在期盼作者重拾更新,出个64位的版本也好啊!

百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件

放弃了Malware Defender,小编一直在寻找替代者,一款国外类似的且免费的安全软件Comodo Internet Security出现在小编面前,它除了HIPS,还带有沙盘功能,还是挺不错的,只是升级和更新病毒库有点慢!

使用了Comodo Internet Security一段时间,小编也懒得再去折腾了,决定再换一个安静点的安全软件。

百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件




百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件

在2005年开始,微软开始推出Windows Defender,一开始的它,不但杀毒性能低下,而且卡机,并且还会自动删除一些破解补丁(当病毒清除了),后来还集成到了系统之中,所以小编安装完系统后,第一件事儿就是禁用它,安装第三方杀毒软件。


到了现在,集成在Windows 10中的Windows Defender不仅杀毒能力得到了极大提升,卡机现象也改善了许多,还增加了一些实用的附加功能,这样一来,许多用户就在脑海里打了个问号:还需要安装第三方杀毒软件么?



百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件







百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件

小编目前使用安全软件的条件就是安静,高效,不要那么多附加功能,所以这几年陪伴小编的是ESET Internet Security,没错,它还是收费的杀毒软件。


百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件
杀毒软件靠啥查杀病毒 杀毒引擎是关键






百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件




百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件




百度杀毒退出江湖 盘点那些年红极一时的杀毒软件



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Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited MyDoom. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Virus: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited ClamWin: TSR viruses which get loaded into memory and infect at later stages Attack Phase: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Worm. Cehv6 module 09 viruses and worms is Strictly Prohibited Spread of Slammer Worm ― 30 min The Slammer worm also known as the Worjs worm was the fastest worm in h h f history―it modhle in size every 8.


Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Java. Post on Nov views.

Praveen Kumar Giluka ( Hacking Guru ) CEH v6

Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Socketshield: Here is a list of some freely available anti-virus software for personal use: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited EC-Council Scenario Ricky, a cehv6 module 09 viruses and worms professional with a reputed organization received a mail organization, which seemed to have come from some charitable organization.

Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Virus Databases The following databases can be useful if you are looking for specific information about a particular virus: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Virus Construction Kits Virus creation programs and construction kits can automatically generate viruses There are number of Virus construction kits available in the wild Viguses virus construction kits are: Through macros, the virus alters the Microsoft Outlook email program so that the virus gets sent to the first 50 people in the address book It d does not corrupt any d t on th h wrms d i or crashes th t t data the hard drive h the cebv6.

New files, changed filey attributes, or shared library files should be checked Acquire the infection vector, isolate it. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited ExeBug. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Virus Databases The following databases can be useful if you are looking for specific information about a particular virus: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited EC-Council Encryption with a Variable Key This type of virus use simple encryption to encipher the code The virus is encrypted with a different key cehv6 module 09 viruses and worms each infected file AV eorms cannot directly detect these types of viruses using signature detection wprms Virus.



What could be the dangers of opening an attachment from unknown source? Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Virus Construction Kits Virus creation programs and construction kits can automatically generate viruses There are number of Woems construction kits available in the wild Some virus construction kits worme Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited MyDoom.


Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Working of Virus: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Kaspersky Anti-Virus Provides traditional anti-virus protection based on the latest protection technologies Virruses users to work, communicate, surf the Internet, and play online games on computer safely and easily Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms, spyware, adware, and all types of keyloggers Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients Detects all types of rootkits Provides three types of protection technologies against new and unknown threats: B removed the entry for www.

What could be the dangers of opening an attachment from unknown source? Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Spread of Slammer Worm ― 30 min The Wworms worm also known as the Sapphire worm was the fastest worm in h h f history―it doubled in size every 8. Cehv6 module 09 viruses and worms is Strictly Prohibited Kaspersky Anti-Virus Provides traditional anti-virus protection based on the latest protection technologies Allows users to work, communicate, surf the Internet, and play online games on computer safely and easily Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms, spyware, adware, and all types of keyloggers Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients Detects all types of rootkits Provides three types of protection technologies against new and unknown viruess Cabir and based on Cabir’s source code Cabir is the first network worm capable of spreading via Bluetooth; it infects mobile phones which run Symbian OS Lasco.

Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Anti-Virus Software One of the preventions against viruses is to install antivirus software and keep the updates current There are many anti-virus works vendors.



EXE files Attempts to copy itself to removable drives and sets an autorun file to enable itself to spread d While running, it g, displays the following message: New files, changed filey attributes, or shared library files should be checked Acquire the infection vector, isolate it.

Cehv6 module 09 viruses and worms files Attempts to copy itself to removable drives and sets an autorun file to enable itself to spread d While running, it g, displays the following message: However, it affects MS Word settings Melissa arrives as an email attachment. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Why People Create Computer Viruses Virus writers can have various reasons for creating and g spreading malware Viruses have been written as: Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited What Happened Next Next day when he switched on his system, Ricky was surprised at the i i d h irregular b h i of hi system.

Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited McAfee www.

Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited Virusrs Databases The following databases can be useful if you are looking for specific information about a particular virus: He cehv6 module 09 viruses and worms his anti-virus software which he has not updated since long and scanned the system. EXE files Attempts to copy itself to removable drives and sets an autorun file to enable itself to spread d While running, it g, displays the following message: The mail was g pp having a.

Through macros, the virus alters the Microsoft Outlook email program so that the virus gets sent to the first 50 people in the address book It d does modue corrupt any d t on th h d d i or crashes th t t data the hard drive h the computer. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited What Happened Next Next day when he switched on his system, Aand was surprised at the i i d h irregular b h i of hi system.

The Benefits of Event Activated Learning (EAL) Training: How to Take Advantage o ...


One of the major pluses of this Internet-centric world is that we have the ability to find almost any kind of knowledge in the blink on an eye. This has led to the development of what is called EAL training, or Event-Activated Learning training.

The EAL training concept can be applied to multiple subjects, leading to a revolution in the world of online learning. This article will discuss what EAL training is, the benefits of EAL training and why this training model is a necessary component of security awareness training.

What Is EAL Training?

Event-Activated Learning training is the integration of an endpoint solution within your Information Security environment that delivers security awareness training to organization employees based upon the security incidents that they are involved with. The real world application of EAL training quite diverse as it can apply to any security incident. An example of a real world EAL training scenario is when a user clicks on a suspicious link that is hiding malware. This will trigger event specific training for that user that will hopefully prevent the user from clicking on a link like that again.

As this article will explore later on, EAL training and teachable moments go hand-in-hand. They share a similar habit of popping up at any time. This spontaneity makes them natural workplace pals because you can easily apply EAL training whenever a teachable moment occurs. In real-world practice, the information learned via EAL training is most effective when learned just before it is actually needed to be used in the workplace.

More important than hammering down an exact definition of EAL training is having an approach to EAL that works for your organization or business. Below is a list of some EAL training best practices that you can use to flesh out an organization’s existing EAL training approach:

Figure out what training will be needed in response to certain events Assess your current EAL approach Organize applicable learning categories for your organization Make the information easily digestible/absorbed Provide scenarios and examples, do not just provide information Determine where training is needed Find value-adding partners (where relevant)

Try to use this list of best practices when creating your organization’s approach to EAL training. You will find that these best practices are good as a starting point or launch pad for moving your EAL training approach in the direction that is best for your organization.

What Are the Benefits of EAL Training?

EAL training is nothing if not a benefit-generating machine for an organization. After all, the end goal of EAL training is efficiency, which benefits everybody involved. Aside from efficiency, there are a handful of other benefits that will come into play when you implement EAL within your organization. These other benefits are:

Maximization of Knowledge Retention

One of the most best traits of EAL training is the maximization of knowledge retention that occurs due to the immediacy of learning information just before you have to use it in the workplace. This concept, known as workplace reinforcement, occurs whenever you learn information right before you use it because it is still fresh in your mind.

Coupled with teachable moments (which can occur quite literally at any time), EAL training is a shining example of workplace reinforcement. Teachable moments can pop up at any time so there will have to be some sort of vision in place at your organization that will be able to predict what information will have to be taught to take advantage of these teachable moments. This will depend on the nature of the business and what is foreseen, yet this vision will be vital to taking advantage of teachable moments when they occur.

Better Facilitates Change

One of the major benefits of EAL training is that it helps to facilitate change across the organization. Change can be a difficult part of life for many people to adjust to for many reasons. Despite this fact, EAL training can smash this invisible barrier to workplace improvement because aside from teaching, EAL training can promote change by making the workplace team excited about upcoming changes in the organization. Achieving this goal can depend on the nature of the business, and how the information related to the change is presented, but it can definitely be accomplished within EAL training.

Enhanced Employee Engagement

Teaching an employee a new skill gives that employee a vested interest to truly learn the information. If employee thinks that they will be expected to use the information on the job, this increases the gravity of the information they learn to the point where the performance of the skill will be better cemented in their mind. In other words, make the employee think that they will be responsible for the information in their role and you will have a higher probability that the employee will be engaged by the information and will better put it into practice on the job.

Maximizes Money Invested into Training

Without a doubt, money invested into training when using EAL training will stretch farther than when EAL training is not used. When EAL training is not implemented, most organizations will just make note of teachable moments and maybe these lessons will be incorporated into the next time the organization holds an information security training session. Most times though, you would be lucky to find one or two more pieces of information (scavenged from EAL or teachable moments) within the next year’s information security training session. By using EAL training to respond to teachable moments, the information will be presented in a contemporaneous way that will catch more useful information than simply saving the information for the next training session.

Why Is EAL Training a Necessary Component of a Security Awareness Program?

EAL training is a necessary component of a successful security awareness program because it makes the training more effective. EAL training makes security awareness more effective for different reasons, with the most important being:

Makes Security Awareness Programs Personal

EAL training helps make a security awareness program more effective because it makes it more personal. When training is personalized, the subject of the training is more likely to absorb the information they are learning, making the training more effective. EAL training should be implemented in a way to take advantage of teachable moments in a responsive, real time fashion that will teach the employee what they need to know as the teachable moment occurs.

EAL Training Makes Security Awareness Programs Less of a Punishment

When EAL training is injected into a security awareness program, it makes the program seem less like a punishment which will make the information learned sink in more thereby improving program efficiency. EAL training contains a very in the moment, scenario specific focus that lets employees see that the training they are receiving is not based out of a place of punishment but rather a place of reaction to seemingly unforeseen circumstances. What most employees will not know is that your understanding of your business and information security environment is the reason that you were able to capitalize on these teachable moments.

Conclusion EAL training and responding to teachable moments go hand in hand. EAL training, by its nature, responds to information-based training in a way that this information is presented contemporaneously with when the information will be needed. Teachable moments, by their nature, can occur at almost anytime to almost anyone within the organization. The marriage of these two concepts is a very natural combination and will become

Plotting Traditional Colours of Japan


I was curious to know what colours were Traditional Colours of Japan . One of the site I came across showing 465 palettes of Japanese colour is this one. Japanese Site with 465 palettes of traditional colour . While site displays colour beautifully, to see every colour you need to scroll quite bit, so I wanted to plot them using ggplot2 .

First, I wanted to figure out if there’s way to plot many different colours at once, but in somewhat organized manner. So to experiment, I’ve randomly generated 3000 colours and decided to plot them in different way. One way I’ve liked is to plot as below. I thought it looks pretty when colours with same hue are sort of clustered together!

Plotting Traditional Colours of Japan
Get HEX value from the website using rvest

Below is to get colour values from website, and convert hex value to HSV, so that I can group colours by “hue” value.

library(rvest) color_w <- read_html("https://www.colordic.org/w/") #color_y <- read_html("https://www.colordic.org/y/") tmp <-color_w %>% html_nodes("td") color_jpn <- tibble( hex= tmp %>% html_attr("style") %>% str_remove(.,"background-color:"), yomi = tmp %>% html_nodes("span") %>% html_text(), name = tmp %>% html_nodes("a") %>% html_text() ) ## clean name name as name includes everything in td... color_jpn <-color_jpn %>% mutate(name=str_remove(str_remove(name,yomi),hex)) ## I couldn't figure out how to do this in one step... Hex to HSV... ## convert Hexvalue to RGB first color_jpn_df <-color_jpn %>% mutate(rgb_list = map(hex,my_hex2rgb)) %>% unnest(rgb_list) ## Then convert RGB to HSV... color_jpn_df <-color_jpn_df %>% mutate(hsv_list = pmap(list(r,g,b),my_rgb2hsv)) %>% unnest(hsv_list) ## Group into Hue Groups - I chose 10 groups. color_jpn_df <- color_jpn_df %>% mutate(hue_group=factor(cut_width(h,width=1/10, boundary=0), labels=c("Red/Yellow","Yellow","Yellow/Green","Green","Green/Blue","Blue","Blue/Purple","Purple","Puple/Red","Red")))

Fun Part! Making the flower with Japanese Traditional Colours ## golden angle g_ang <- pi*(3-sqrt(5)) color_jpn_df <-color_jpn_df %>% group_by(hue_group) %>% mutate(t=row_number(v), #t=row_number(s), x=sqrt(t)*cos(t*g_ang), y=sqrt(t)*sin(t*g_ang), g_size=n(), h_mean=mean(h)) %>% ungroup() color_jpn_df %>% ggplot(aes(x=x,y=y,color=hex)) + geom_point(aes(size=g_size)) + scale_color_identity() + theme_void(base_family="Roboto Condensed") + facet_wrap(~hue_group,ncol=5) + coord_fixed() + scale_size_continuous(range=c(4,3), guide="none") + labs(caption="There's so many different types of orange colours... ", title="465 Japanese Traditional Colours")
Plotting Traditional Colours of Japan

I thought it was interesting that there are lots of orange-ish colour and yellow colours, but not too many green or blue colours. I am now wondering why…

Chinese Characters Used in Traditional Colour Names

Since each of colours had name, I also was curious if there are some characters that are used more often than other. Colour name was written in two ways in this website. One in Kanji and other in Hiragana .

I love wordcloud2 to visualize the wordcloud, so I can see which characters appears more often the others.

library(wordcloud2) library(tidytext) color_jpn_tidy <- color_jpn_df %>% ungroup() %>% select(yomi,name,hex,hue_group,h_mean) %>% mutate(hue_group_hex = hsv(h_mean,0.8,0.8)) %>% unnest_tokens(word,name,token="characters") ## What characters are often used in colour names? color_jpn_tidy %>% count(word,sort=T) %>% mutate(n=sqrt(n)) %>% ## if I don't transform then 色 just gets displayed too big, and I can't see other characters... So I've used the hack. wordcloud2(fontFamily="Hiragino Sans W6", ## this gets ignored in website minSize=0.1, size=2, color=sample(color_jpn_df$hex), ## just use random colours out of japanese colour palette! rotateRatio=0) color_jpn_tidy %>% count(word,sort=T) %>% head(10) ## # A tibble: 10 x 2 ## word n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 色 206 ## 2 茶 55 ## 3 鼠 34 ## 4 } 28 ## 5 黄 25 ## 6 青 22 ## 7 紫 21 ## 8 薄 21 ## 9 白 20 ## 10 赤 16

It’s interesting that character “色” literally means “Colour” is used in the name! It appeared 206 times. The one I’m quite intrigued by is character “鼠” (rat or mouse). It appeared 34 times in following colour names.


Thoughts About Nothing at Stake


Thoughts About Nothing at Stake
Nothing at Stake ― Photo by Felipe Palacio on Unsplash Bottom line: yet another theoretical attack that does not work in practice.

Nxt, the first pure proof of stake coin, implements a simple algorithm to determine the next block generator (called forger). The algorithm is explained here . In a nutshell, the higher your NXT balance, the higher the chance that you’ll forge the next block proportionally. Actual block generation is randomized by the protocol. Simple, fast, efficient, no energy waste, and it can even run on a low power linux device or cheap VPS node.

Over the years this simple algorithm has been criticized heavily as inherently insecure mainly due to the “Nothing at Stake” attack explained by Competitors , Researchers , would be experts , and their cheerleaders.

On the other hand, empirical evidence shows absolutely no “Nothing at Stake” attacks in practice against Nxt, and Ardor/Ignis/Bits/AEUR and their clones and copycats. Zero, Zilch, Zip, Nada, Nothing.

Consider that the Nxt blockchain just celebrated its 5th straight year in production and the Ardor mainnet is about to celebrate its first birthday in January. Back in December 2017, both coins were valued at more than 1 Billion USD. During these 5 years, Nxt withstood numerous attacks executed using many different attack vectors, but strangely enough, a “Nothing at Stake” attack was never observed in practice.

Perhaps the Nothing at Stake attack is not such a serious threat?

I decided to explore.

The nothing at stake attack is nicely explained by an Ethereum document: “In the event of a fork, whether the fork is accidental or a malicious attempt to rewrite history and reverse a transaction, the optimal strategy for any miner is to mine on every chain, so that the miner gets their reward no matter which fork wins. Thus, assuming a large number of economically interested miners, an attacker may be able to send a transaction in exchange for some digital good (usually another cryptocurrency), receive the good, then start a fork of the blockchain from one block behind the transaction and send the money to themselves instead, and even with 1% of the total stake the attacker’s fork would win because everyone else is mining on both.”

You heard it right, all you need in order to double spend NXT coins is to own 1% of the tokens. Surely there are quite a few greed driven individuals out there who would happily use this opportunity to make a few bucks? Where are they?

In this article, I’ll explain why I think this problem was blown out of proportion by proof of work advocates, academic researchers, and teams that want to sell you their seemingly wise “solutions”.

Let’s put it upfront, if some entity or multiple entities which collude together, posses more than 50% of the stake in a proof of stake network, they can happily double spend. This is similar to the infamous 51% attack against POW coins which is regularly observed in practice.

So let’s look at Bob, our “would be attacker”, who holds 1% of the Nxt tokens. Let’s see how he can try to double spend. I’ll completely ignore economic arguments like: why would Bob try to attack and discredit a network in which he holds 1%? Let’s simply assume that Bob wants to destroy Nxt to make a point about its lack of security.

Bob, being the proud owner of 1% of the NXT tokens in circulation, will generate on average 1% of the blocks. Natural 1 block forks occur in the Nxt network around once per hour so Bob simply waits until he sees a fork or he can also use his turn to forge a block to create such fork by generating two different blocks and sending each one to another central node.

Now, he executes his sinister plan: he sends all his funds to Bittrex on fork A and all his funds to himself on fork B. He now starts to forge on both forks. Alas, his chance of generating the next block is only 1%. His chance to generate any of the next 30 blocks is only around 26% (1 (0.99)).

Around 60 seconds later, a new block is generated by someone (99% it is not by Bob) and eventually Bittrex receives it. There is a 50% chance that Bittrex now sees fork A in which Bob sent his funds to Bittrex. However the folks at Bittrex are not naive, they wait for 30 confirmations before accepting the deposit.

According to the myth, all block generators should now forge on both fork A and fork B until Bob can see his deposit accepted by Bittrex on fork A and then he has a chance of 1% to double spend on fork B and get fork B to become the accepted fork.

I will now try to convince you that this attack does not work against Nxt’s implementation of Proof of Stake

What happens in practice is that all block generators use the Nxt official software, the Nxt software chooses the best fork based on the stake invested in it, and switches to it immediately, discarding the other fork. Therefore within a block or two, the A/B fork will be resolved. One of Bob’s conflicting transactions will be accepted and the other rejected. No double spend is possible.

The software needed by Bob to build on all forks to execute his attack, simply does not exist. It is also quite difficult to develop this software. After all, the Nxt software on which it should be based is designed to handle a single fork and forge on it, not to track multiple forks and forge on all of them. Adding this functionality will require some considerable effort. You can forget about getting help from the core developers.

But even if Bob hires a dream team of blockchain developers and develops this Nxt software variant that builds on all forks, if he is using it alone, he can’t cause much damage since he can only generate 1% of the blocks. Even if he is lucky to generate the next block, he will never generate 30 blocks in a row to trick Bittrex.

According to the myth, Bob will need to convince all block generators to collude with him and work on his unofficial version of the software. But we already agreed that if more than 50% of the stake owners collude they can double spend - so what’s the big deal?

In practice, I dare you to find a single block generator with significant stake who will use this malicious fork designed to cheat and destroy the reputation of his beloved blockchain. If Bob is willing to double spend, perhaps he is also willing to attempt to steal private keys? Users will simply laugh at Bob.

And what if the value of Nxt or Ardor spikes to $100B? Surely Bob will have sufficient resources to develop the modified Nxt software? But surely nobody will use this software and risk destroying such a valuable coin.

Another myth busted.


The existence of an attack vector does not mean that this attack vector is practical. For example, to reverse a SHA256 hash all one needs to do is attempt on average 2 hash operations. Theoretically doable - but practically impossible.

In this article I attempted to convince you that the “Nothing at Stake” attack is mostly a theore

Day 1 Porting Vigilance, integrating Perl 6 with standard tools


Greetings everyone, today we’ll be taking an infrastructural script and port it from Perl 5 to Perl 6. This article is based on a pair of posts by James Clark, which you can find here:

Part 1 Part 2

This script is used to create and verify MD5 sums. These are 128-bit values that can be used to verify data integrity. While MD5 has been proven to be insecure in protecting against malicious actors, it is still useful for detecting on-disk corruption.

The Perl 6 ecosystem is growing and contains a variety of tools that are either ported from the Perl 5 CPAN, or are replacements. I’ll walk through a few aspects of the original script and my port and show why I make some specific changes. Hopefully this will encourage you to go out and port your own little scripts.

Shebang and imports

The Perl 5 version uses some basic necessities and a few utilities for working with Unicode and making the command line output nicer:

#!/usr/bin/perl -CSDA use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Encode qw/encode_utf8 decode_utf8/; use Getopt::Long; use Digest::MD5; use Term::ANSIColor; use Term::ProgressBar; use File::Find; use File::Basename; use Data::Dumper;

Perl 6 already has warnings and strictures enabled by default and has built-in Unicode support, so we can leave those off. Data::Dumper is already implemented as well, and it has very useful IO functionality. Adding all that together we can get away with a very lean head:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; use Digest::MD5; use Terminal::ANSIColor; use Terminal::Spinners; Command line options

Perl 5 has a number of great modules for handling command line arguments, in our original scripts we used Getopt::Long:

# Define our command-line arguments. my %opts = ( 'blocksize' => 16384 ); GetOptions(\%opts, "verify=s", "create=s", "update=s", "files", "blocksize=s", "help!");

In Perl 6 we can define command line options straight in our MAIN methods. We use multiple dispatch to steer the execution of the script based on the arguments passed:

multi MAIN (Str :$create, *@files where { so @files }) { ... } multi MAIN (Str :$update, *@files) { ... } multi MAIN (Str :$verify, *@files) { ... } multi MAIN (*@files where { so @files }) { ... }

This also means we don’t have to define a help option/sub because we can document our MAIN subs, thus:

#| Verify the MD5 sums in a file that conforms to md5sum output: #| multi MAIN (Str :$verify, *@files) { ... }

You might have noticed that the Perl 6 version doesn’t define a blocksize option, I’ll come back to that.

IO: reading and writing files

We store the checksums in a file where each line is formatted like the output of the md5sum program from the GNU coreutils: 32 hexadecimal digits, two spaces, and the filename.

Some basic IO and we use regexes to parse each line. Using significant whitespace helps keep each regex fairly terse:

sub load_md5sum_file { my ($filename) = @_; my @plan; open(my $fh, '<:utf8', $filename) or die "Couldn't open '$filename' : $!\n"; my $linenum = 0; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; $linenum++; if ($line =~ /^(?\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}{32}) (?.*)$/) { # Checksum and filename compatible with md5sum output. push @plan, create_plan_for_filename($+{filename}, $+{md5}); } elsif ($line =~ /^(?\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}{32}) (?.*)$/) { # Checksum and filename compatible with md5sum's manpage but not valid for the actual program. # We'll use it, but complain. print STDERR colored("Warning: ", 'bold red'), colored("md5sum entry '", 'red'), $line, colored("' on line $linenum of file $filename is using only one space, not two - this doesn't match the output of the actual md5sum program!.", 'red'), "\n"; push @plan, create_plan_for_filename($+{filename}, $+{md5}); } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # Blank line, ignore. } else { # No idea. Best not to keep quiet, it could be a malformed checksum line and we don't want to just quietly skip the file if so. print STDERR colored("Warning: ", 'bold red'), colored("Unrecognised md5sum entry '", 'red'), $line, colored("' on line $linenum of file $filename.", 'red'), "\n"; push @plan, { error => "Unrecognised md5sum entry" }; } } close($fh) or die "Couldn't close '$filename' : $!\n"; return @plan; }

Perl 6 allows us to verify that we pass an actually existing file via the signature. Furthermore we replace the regex with a grammar that we can use at different places in the script if needed:

grammar MD5SUM { token TOP { <md5> <spacer> <filehandle> } token md5 { <xdigit> ** 32 } token spacer { \s+ } token filehandle { .* } } sub load-md5sum-file (Str $filehandle where { $filehandle.IO.f }) { my MD5Plan @plans; PARSE: for $filehandle.IO.lines(:close) -> $line { next PARSE if !$line; # We don't get worked up over blank lines. my $match = MD5SUM.parse($line); if (!$match) { say $*ERR: colored("Couldn't parse $line", $ERROR_COLOUR); next PARSE; } if (!$match<filehandle>.IO.f) { say $*ERR: colored("{ $match<filehandle> } isn't an existing file.", $ERROR_COLOUR); next PARSE; } if ($match<spacer>.chars == 2) { @plans.push(MD5Plan.new($match<filehandle>.Str, $match<md5>.Str)); } else { say $*ERR: colored("'$line' does not match the output of md5sum: wrong number of spaces.", $WARNING_COLOUR); @plans.push(MD5Plan.new($match<filehandle>.Str, $match<md5>.Str)); } } return @plans; }

Writing out data is pretty similar:

sub save_md5sum_file { my ($filename, @plan) = @_; my $fh; unless (open($fh, '>:utf8', $filename)) { ... } foreach my $plan_entry (@plan) { next unless $plan_entry->{correct_md5} && $plan_entry->{filename}; print $fh "$plan_entry->{correct_md5} $plan_entry->{filename}\n"; } close($fh) or die "Couldn't close '$filename' : $!\n"; }

Worthy of note is that Perl 6 by default writes files in Unicode:

sub save-md5sum-file (Str $filehandle, @plans) { my $io = $filehandle.IO.open: :w; WRITE: for @plans -> $plan { next WRITE unless $plan.computed-md5 && $plan.filehandle; $io.say("{ $plan.computed-md5 } { $plan.filehandle }"); } $io.close; } Getting the MD5 sums

The Perl 5 version of Digest::MD5 uses a fair bit of XS to be very performant. Included in the XS are methods to add data in chunks to be parsed en masse. This allows us to use ProgressBar to show us the progress while the user is waiting:

sub run_md5_file { my ($plan_entry, $progress_fn) = @_; # We use the OO interface to Digest::MD5 so we can feed it data a chunk at a time. my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new(); my $current_bytes_read = 0; my $buffer; $plan_entry->{start_time} = time(); $plan_entry->{elapsed_time} = 0; $plan_entry->{elapsed_bytes} = 0; # 3 argument form of open() allows us to specify 'raw' directly instead of using binmode and is a bit more modern. open(my $fh, '<:raw', $plan_entry->{filename}) or die "Couldn't open file $plan_entry->{filename}, $!\n"; # Read the file in chunks and feed into md5. while ($current_bytes_read = read($fh, $buffer, $opts{blocksize})) { $md5->add($buffer); $plan_entry->{elapsed_bytes} += $current_bytes_read; $plan_entry->{elapsed_time} = time() - $plan_entry->{start_time}; &$progress_fn($plan_entry->{elapsed_bytes}); } # The loop will exit as soon as read() returns 0 or undef. 0 is normal EOF, undef indicates an error. die "Error while reading $plan_entry->{filename}, $!\n" if ( ! defined $current_bytes_read); close($fh) or die "Couldn't close file $plan_entry->{filename}, $!\n"; # We made it out of the file alive. Store the md5 we computed. Note that this resets the Digest::MD5 object. $plan_entry->{computed_md5} = $md5->hexdigest(); }

The Perl 6 version uses pure Perl and lacks the add functionality, so I use a spinner instead of a progress bar. We also need to set our encoding specifically to avoid the errors we get when reading binary data as Unicode:

sub calc-md5-sum (MD5Plan $plan) { my $md5 = Digest::MD5.new; print "Calculating MD5 sum for { $plan.filehandle } "; # We need some space for the spinner to take up. # I like 'bounce', so I need 6 spaces for the spinner # + an extra one to separate it from the filehandle. my Buf $buffer = $plan.filehandle.IO.slurp(:close, :bin); my $decoded = $buffer.decode('iso-8859-1'); my $spinner = Spinner.new(type => 'bounce'); my $promise = Promise.start({ $md5.md5_hex($decoded) }); until $promise.status { $spinner.next; } say ''; # Add a new line after the spinner. $plan.computed-md5 = $promise.result; } Closing thoughts

I am not using the Perl 6 version as-is on my systems because of the low performance of Digest::MD5, on my system I replace it with calls to md5sum. Other possibilities would be to use Inline::Perl5 and the Perl 5 version of Digest::MD5, or using the amazing Perl 6 native calling interface to run a C implementation. I hope this article has inspired you to port some of your own Perl 5 scripts to Perl 6, or at least gives you some tips for command line interactions.

Hackers From North Korea Targeting Bitcoin, Crypto Investors

North Korea Still In Love With Bitcoin, Crypto

Due to the decentralized, borderless, and censorship-resistant nature of Bitcoin and related technologies, North Korea, the world’s most well-known hermit state, has taken a liking to this decade-old innovation. But some would argue that North Korea has taken its crypto penchant a bit too far, with a multitude of reports indicating that the nation is leveraging cryptocurrencies for dubious financial gain.

As reported by Ethereum World News in mid-October, Lazarus, a supposed North Korea-based hacker consortium, was found to be responsible for five cryptocurrency exchange hacks, including the now-infamous $500 million breach of CoinCheck. A report from cybersecurity firm Group-IB, who first divulged this information, indicated that Lazarus’ constituents used social engineering, phishing, and malware to forcefully visit pertinent databases and access points.

Now, per the South China Morning Post , Lazarus has set its targets on retail crypto consumers, like you or me, who often aren’t the target of such bigwig hacker collectives.

Simon Choi of IssueMakersLabs, a so-called “cyber warfare research group,” recently told the SCMP that while Bitcoin hackers from North Korea used to target exchanges and their employees, a shift towards ‘common Joes’ in the cryptocurrency economy.

Backing this claim, Kwon Seok-chul, CEO of South Korea-based cybersecurity organization Cuvepia, noted that his firm has detected a minimum of 30 times that North Korean hackers have attacked cryptocurrency holders since April 2018.

Kwon, accentuating that the victims were just “simple wallet users,” went on to note that Cuvepia’s systems likely just detected the tip of the iceberg, adding that the “true number may be well over 100.” Explaining the reasoning behind the shift from lucrative exchange hacks, a seeming Robinhood-inspired form of attack, to individual wallet breaches, Choi noted that the former group has begun to bolster their security efforts.

Binance, for example, recently moved a majority of the Ethereum-based tokens it has custody over, more than $1.2 billion worth, to a new, arguably more secure wallet, as reported by Ethereum World News previously. The cybersecurity researcher explained:

The exchanges have become used to the attacks and boosted their security somewhat.Direct attacks on exchanges have become harder, so hackers are thinking about alternatively going after individual users with weak security.

Interestingly, Choi went on to add that the North Korean hackers are likely targeting South Korean CEOs, many of which may have billions of won in digital assets, such as Bitcoin.

Although the aforementioned statements make it sounds like Lazarus has given up on attacking exchanges entirely, Luke McNamara of FireEye recently claimed that Lazarus’ inauguralclaims to fame could have aided in its efforts to target individual cryptocurrency users. He noted:

It’s possible from previous intrusions they’ve been able to collect information related to the email addresses, usernames of the people using these exchanges.

Regardless of the details, the SCMP’s most recent report on the matter underlines the state’s goal to reportedly bypass sanctions through the trading, garnering, and use of cryptocurrencies.

And in spite of purported hackers, other reports indicate that North Korea is still hell-bent on launching its second international crypto- and blockchain-centric conference.

Title Image Courtesy of <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/FXFz-sW0uwo?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Markus Spiske</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/search/photos/code?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

The post Hackers From North Korea Targeting Bitcoin, Crypto Investors appeared first on Ethereum World News .



今天我要分享 "黑客小白"必用的一个"工具箱",这个"工具箱"也是我个人从事安全行业,经常学习和使用的,可以称之为一个"神器的集合",到底是什么这么神奇,不卖关子了,这个工具箱叫做"暗组",这个工具集主要包含了以下四大类内容:

一、编 NO.1

文件编辑-----1.PEID查壳软件 2.Uedit32 32位编辑器 3.WinHex 16进制编辑器 等……


免杀辅助-----1.MYCLL定位器 2.AV Devil定位器 3.PosConv偏移量转换器 等……


编程辅助-----1.Delphi、VC、ASM、易语言等源代码 2.Visual.Basic.6.0 简体中文迷你版 3.Delphi7 精简双语版等……


破解辅助-----1.keymake2.0 2.keymake1.73 3.Crack tool 等……


学习资源-----1.安全 2.汇编 3.免杀 4.破解 5.编程 6.系统

二、壳 NO.1

花指令类-----1.多款花指令添加器 2.木马彩衣 3.冰枫文件加密器 等……


保护壳类-----1.Unknown Protect v1.1 2.PEProtector0.3 3.Punisher1.5 等……


压缩壳类-----1.Minkecn 2.NeoLiteCN 3.WinUpack0.39 等……


脱壳程序-----1.stripper 2.QUnpack 3.AspackDie 等……

三、攻 NO.1

漏洞攻击-----1.多线程网站后台扫描工具1.3 2.Domain3.5 3.流光Fluxay5Beta2 等……


漏洞利用-----1.ShutDown 2.GetWebshell 3. FtpServer 等……


脚本攻击-----1.ANI网马生成器(暗组版)2.RealPlayer网马 3.MS06014网马 等……


密码破解-----1.pcanywhere破解器 2.多款MD5破解器 3.多款*密码查看器 等……


远程控制-----1.Hav_Rat_1.2_Private 2.TGA BAckdoor 3.0 3.Poison ivn2.20 等……


其他精品-----1.Framework-2.7 2.SSS扫描器7.84版本 3.DDOS攻击软件包 等……

四、防 NO.1

文件检测-----1.HashCalc文件检查 2.Winmd5文件检查 3.FBFD捆绑检测 等……


系统防御-----1.Atool 2.Wsyscheck 3.fint2005木马辅助查找器 等……


杀毒升升-----1.卡巴激活码申请专家1.0 2.金山毒霸通行证申请专家1.0



如果程序运行出错!提示需要控件运行的可以到"tool控件"目录下把全部文件复制到C:windowssystem32目录或C:winNTsystem32下即可。 软件包内部分被杀毒软件!(原因是Hacker、Cracker软件)请大家自己做好软件保护。 建议安装测试环境运行在虚拟机里,使用WindowsXP系统测试。 本软件解压后大小要3.29 GB空间




Identifying DGA domains using Scrabble scores: a naive approach


I had the idea of applying Scrabble scores to DGA domains over the summer of 2018, but the idea was rekindled when I saw Marcus Ranum ‘s keynote at BroCon 2018 . He talked about the advantages of scoring systems: they are fast, they are simple, and they can be surprisingly effective.

Domain Generating Algorithms (DGAs)

Malware uses DGAs to generate hundreds or thousands of new domain names daily. The malware then attempts to contact some or all of the domains. If a successful attempt is made to a control server, the malware will receive new instructions for malicious activity. The people and systems managing the malware need only register one new domain a day, but a defender would have to anticipate and/or discover thousands a day. To read more about DGAs, I recommend these articles from Akamai:

What Are Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs) and Why Should You Care? A Death Match of Domain Generation Algorithms Spotlight on Malware DGA Communication Technique Scrabble Scores and DGAs

I’ve noticed that some, not all Domain Generating Algorithms produce unreadable domains like:


It doesn’t look like a normal domain name, but is there a way a computer can reliably differentiate between that and a normal domain name? I noted that it’s loaded with high-value Scrabble letters like z , y , and k . I calculated the Scrabble score of the domain, assigning a score of 1 to all non-alphabetic characters (in this case, the dot).

That above domain, including the dot-com TLD, has a length of 28, a Scrabble score of 101, and an average Scrabble score per letter of 3.7. I hypothesized that normal domain names would have lower average per-letter scores.

When I introduced my plan to a colleague, he called it poor man’s entropy. Which it is! But it is also very fast and can be (presumably) calculated at line speed.

The Experiment

I took the Majestic Million ― the top one million sites on the web ― as my control group, and a list of 969 DGA domains harvested from @DGAFeedAlerts as my experimental group. Keep in mind that the Majestic Million still contains sites like michael-kors-handbags.com : highly questionable sites, but that are probably not generated by an algorithm.

I created and ran a script (available at https://github.com/cherdt/scrabble-score-domain-name ) on the domains from both groups, calculating the length (total number of characters), the Scrabble score (assigning 1 to non-alpha characters), and the average Scrabble score per letter (Scrabble score/Length) for each domain.

Average Scrabble Score Per Letter

I initially thought the average Scrabble score per letter would be a superior measure. I didn’t want to penalize lengthy domain names. After all, I once registered, on behalf of a friend, the domain name theheadofjohnthebaptistonaplate.com . It’s ridiculously long and has a total score of 68, but an average per letter score of just 2.0.

It quickly became apparent that this is not a useful measure. Here are 3 short, legitimate domains that have high average per letter scores:

qq.com (a popular messaging platform in China) has an average per letter score of 5.4 xbox.com (the gaming console) has an average per letter score of 3.9 xkcd.com (a popular web comic) has an average per letter score of 3.6
Identifying DGA domains using Scrabble scores: a naive approach
Histogram showing the relative frequencies of DGA and Majestic Million domains by average Scrabble score per character.

The goal of any such calculation would be not just to identify DGA domains, but to investigate or block them. qq.com is, according to the Majestic Million as of 20 November 2018, the 49th most popular domain on the Internet. Blocking or manually investigating domains based on high average scores alone would not be advisable.

Both of those domain names are very short though. What about some combination of average per letter score and length, such as the total Scrabble score?

Total Scrabble Score

The highest total Scrabble score in the Majestic Million is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com , with a score of 359. This is higher than the highest score on my DGA domain list: pibcjbpzdqzhvklfkbrsfuhyayfy.biz , with a score of 125. It’s still possible that a legitimate, although unusual, domain name could exceed the DGA domain scores.

Identifying DGA domains using Scrabble scores: a naive approach
Histogram showing the relative frequencies of DGA and Majestic Million domains by Scrabble score.

From the above graph, it looks like a Scrabble score of 75 or above is indicative of a DGA domain, right? Well, yes and no: recall that the sample size of DGA domains is 969, compared to the Majestic Million. Taking into account only domains with Scrabble scores of 75 or above:

1045 Majestic Million domains (about 0.1%) 56 DGA domains (about 5.8%)

If a 0.1% false positive rate and a 5.8% true positive rate are acceptable, then this is potentially actionable information. I suspect that in some environments, such as corporate networks, that might be acceptable. You might block a few legitimate sites, like highperformancewindowfilmsbrisbane.com.au , but on the whole that might be worth it to block malicious Command & Control (sometimes referred to as C2, CnC, or C&C) domains.

Variance in Command & Control DGA Domains

The 969 DGA domains I analyzed are related to 21 different C2 sources, and not all of them look the same. The first example I used, rjklaflzzdglveziblyvvcyk.com , is a Qakbot domain. Suppobox, on the other hand, combines 2 random words to create domains such as:

callfind.net desireddifferent.net eveningpower.net

Not only do the Suppobox domains have low Scrabble scores, they aren’t even obviously unusual to a human observer. Automatically detecting Suppobox domains would be difficult. On the other hand, eliminating Suppobox and similar algorithms from the sample may make identifying other DGA domains easier.

I selected 5 C2 DGAs that appeared to have high-entropy domain names: Bedep, Murofet, Necurs, P2pgoz, and Qakbot. This subset included 244 DGA domains:

34 Bedep domains 14 Murofet domains 176 Necurs domains 14 P2pgoz domains 6 Qakbot domains
Identifying DGA domains using Scrabble scores: a naive approach
Histogram showing the relative frequencies of high-entropy DGA and Majestic Million domains by Scrabble score.

If we keep the Scrabble score threshold at 75, the number of false positives will remain the same: 1045. However, the number of true positives is 51. For the 5 selected DGAs, the true positive rate is now, or 21%. Still far from perfect, but potentially worth trying.

Further Discussion

It is likely that any such naive approach will become less and less effective as malware, such as Suppobox, uses DGAs that are more difficult to detect.

While analyzing these data, I had several ideas for less naive approaches and additional analyses, including machine learning techniques (binary logistic regression, principal components analysis), but I will save that exploration for a future post.

勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染


12月1日,火绒客服团队、官方微博和微信公众号接到若干用户求助,遭遇勒索病毒攻击。火绒安全团队分析确认,该病毒(Ransom/Bcrypt)为新型勒索病毒, 入侵电脑运行后,会加密用户文件,但不收取比特币,而是要求受害者扫描弹出的微信二维码支付110元赎金,获得解密钥匙,这也是国内首次出现要求微信支付赎金的勒索病毒。


勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染
勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染
勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染

该勒索病毒加密文件后弹窗提示,用户需在今年12月3日之前交付赎金解密,如果超出时间,则 服务器 会自动删除密匙。火绒工程师表示,通过勒索病毒的界面信息都是中文可以推测,病毒或为国人制作,并使用不匿名的微信收取赎金,行为十分猖獗。

勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染


勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染


勒索病毒首次要求微信支付 已有多人被感染

50,000 printers were hijacked to promote PewDiePie


Facepalm:A hacker hijacked 50,000 printers around the world to promote PewDiePie's YouTube channel and spread awareness about cybersecurity for printers.

In a bit of strange news, approximately 50,000 printers were hijacked to print out messages asking people to subscribe to popular Youtuber PewDiePie. A hacker by the name of TheHackerGiraffe took responsibility and claimed the hack was to spread awareness about printer security and to get PewDiePie to notice him.

Spread the word with your friends about printers and printer security! This is actually a scary matter. Will tweet everything about this entire #pewdiepie hack later to explain to everyone exactly what went down. Also @pewdiepie please notice me

― TheHackerGiraffe (@HackerGiraffe) November 30, 2018

Printers located in various locations around the world were hit with the attack including the United States, Canada, and England. TheHackerGiraffe used a website called Shodan.io to search for internet-connected printers. From there, he used a tool called Printer Exploitation Toolkit or PRET to send print commands to the unsecured printers. PRET also allows you to do some pretty invasive things like manipulate print jobs and access the file system.

Fortunately, it seems that this was more of a prank than a serious attempt at exploitation. Although TheHackerGiraffe was kind enough to provide the scripts and ports he used to exploit the printers, it does highlight how insecure many IoT devices are.

As far as PewDiePie, his subscribers have been locked into a battle with Indian music company, T-Series, for the most subscribers. TheHackerGiraffe mentioned that he was "a huge fan of PewDiePie and thought it might give him a slight edge in his struggle to remain the number one."

Regardless of whether or not you care about PewDiePie, we all should be more cognizant of how our connected devices can turn on us if we aren't careful.

继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站


日前有网友发现在百度搜索QQ邮箱时置顶付费广告竟然是钓鱼网站,用户如果输入账号和密码则会被窃取。百度在接到用户反馈后已将这个钓鱼网站广告删除,百度解释称付费推广客户擅自修改落地页跳转钓鱼网站。 随后有网友发现在360搜索中也出现针对QQ邮箱的钓鱼网站,同样开通付费推广然后出现在搜索结果顶端。



新浪微博网友 @Cuvage 的截图:

这名网友在搜索QQ邮箱登录时出现的推广广告为钓鱼 网站 ,点击后会跳转到新网站诱骗用户输入账户密码。

继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站


继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站


如下图:搜索关键词邮箱时第二个付费推广结果为钓鱼网站,点击后也同样是跳转到新 域名 诱骗用户的密码。

继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站

这些钓鱼网站看起来几乎都是相同的,完全仿冒QQ邮箱界面诱导用户输入账号和密码然后会再次进行跳转。对于用户来说初次输入账号密码后点击登录会再次出现输入框,估计用户会以为刚刚登录失败重新登录即可。重新输入密码后这次可以登录到真正的QQ 邮箱官网,但这个时候账号密码其实已经发送到黑产团队的手里。

继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站




继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站


继百度之后 360搜索也出现付费广告推广QQ邮箱钓鱼网站


Using Terraform for container security as code with Sysdig Secure


In the following tutorial you can learn how to implement container security as code. You probably have a CI/CD pipeline to automatically rebuild your container images. What if you could define your container security as code, push it into a Git repository to version control changes and then enforce your policy in your container orchestration tool like Docker or Kubernetes usingSysdig Secure?

Terraform is an awesome tool to deploy and update your infrastructure using code. You might be using it already to automate your clusters deployment in cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, Azure or IBM. The good news is that now you can configure your container security as code with Terraform and Sysdig Secure.

Installing the Sysdig Secure Terraform provider

Installing the Sysdig Secure Terraform provider is really easy. Some pre-requirements that you need to have installed in your system are Terraform ( see here how ) and Go (>1.9) to compile the provider code (the easiest is to install Go runtime using a package manager like apt or yum ).


Go to our the Sysdig Secure Terraform provider repository and clone the code with git clone https://github.com/draios/terraform-provider-sysdig.git . From the repository directory run go build . Once built you will find a binary terraform-provider-sysdig , move it under $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins (you might have to create that directory).

And you are ready to go!

Terraform uses descriptive files that contain the resources definition (in this case your security policies). The provider will parse these definitions and will execute the required actions in the remote infrastructure (Sysdig Secure for us) so the described configuration matches with what’s actually deployed.

These files can use either Terraform format ( .tf ) or JSON ( .tf.json ). If you are completely new to Terraform snyax might be a good idea to have a look at the syntax documentation .

How to implement #container #security as code with #Terraform and @sysdig Secure

Click to tweet

Quickstart your container security as code with Sysdig Secure Terraform provider

Let’s start getting our hands dirty and creating a basic Terraform configuration file for our containerr security policy configuration.

First of all you need to tell Terraform that we are going to use the Sysdig Secure provider and that all the following configuration will be handled by this module with:

provider "sysdig" { }

Now Terraform will use the provider to handle all the resource definitions in the file. You need the Sysdig Secure API token so Terraform can execute all the required actions against the Sysdig Secure backend:

provider "sysdig" {
sysdig_secure_api_token = "<your_token>"

If you don’t want to save it in the file, Terraform will ask you to input it when executed interactively.

Now we are going to create some resources. The provider currently supports creating and updating:

Security policies using the Falco language Notification channels for alerts and events forwarding into your SIEM or logging system Container security as code (as available on the UI) Creating advanced container security policies using Falco rules

Falco is a behavioral acitvity monitoring tool built for containers, microservices and Cloud Native applications. It’s an open source project started by Sysdig but now hosted under the umbrella of the CNCF foundation . The commercial product Sysdig Secure is built on the foundations of Falco and you can leverage Falco filtering rules to create advanced Sysdig Secure policies.

In Falco you can group your rules in different files. Actually we created default security profiles or rulesets for different services/applications like Nginx, HAproxy, Traefik, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, etcd or the different Kubernetes components like api-server or kubelet. You can finde them in the Falco extras repository . In order to include the rules within these files you just need to instance a resource that includes the content of each file:

resource "sysdig_secure_user_rules_file" "rules-traefik" {
content = "${file("${path.module}/rules-traefik.yaml")}"

You can instance rules from multiple files as long as you use a different resource name. Note that the path of the YAML file is relative to the same folder as your Terraform definition files.

Sending container security alerts to a SIEM or forwarding events to a logging system

Typically you want to aggregate security events from different sources in your SIEM or log them for auditing and compliance purposes. This is accomplished through notification channels in Sysdig Secure.

Using Terraform for container security as code with Sysdig Secure

To define a new notification channel we will create a new resource with the desired name and options. Options actually match the ones available within the Secure configuration GUI.

resource "sysdig_secure_notification_channel" "sample-email" {
name = "Example Channel - Email"
enabled = true
type = "EMAIL"
recipients = "root@example.com"
notify_when_ok = false
notify_when_resolved = false

If you need to define notification channels that require OAuth authentication like Slack or PagerDuty, have a look at this little tool we built to automatically generate the resource definition from an existing channel created through the UI and configured using your browser.

Container security as code

Sysdig Secure allows you to create simple but very effective security policies using the UI. These define a behavior pattern and if the conditions are met, a security event is triggered. To respond to these events Sysdig can take multiple actions like isolating or killing the container, but also create a Sysdig capture with all the system activity for performing forensics and post-mortem analysis.

Again, the options here match what’s available on Sysdig Secure UI, including name, description, severity, scope and then whitelists and blacklists for processes, container images, network activity, files activity or just system calls. We can also reference any rule created with Falco language.

Using Terraform for container security as code with Sysdig Secure

Here you can see a container security policy definition example including all posible options:

resource "sysdig_secure_policy" "sample2" {
name = "Other example of Policy"
description = "this is other example of policy"
severity = 4
enabled = true
container_scope = true
host_scope = true
processes = {
default = "accept"
whitelist = ["mysql", "apache"]
blacklist = ["ssh"]
containers = {
default = "none"
whitelist = ["cassandra"]
blacklist = ["mongo"]
network = {
inbound = "accept"
outbound = "deny"
listening_ports {
default = "none"
tcp {
whitelist = [80, 443]
blacklist = [8080, 5000]
udp {
whitelist = [53, 4000]
blacklist = [3400, 543]
filesystem = {
read = {
whitelist = ["/home"]
blacklist = ["/etc"]
readwrite = {
whitelist = ["/home"]
blacklist = ["/tmp"]
other_paths = "none"
syscalls = {
default = "accept"
whitelist = ["accept", "close"]
blacklist = ["bind", "bpf"]
notification_channels = ["${sysdig_secure_notification_channel.sample-victorops.id}"]
falco_rule_name_regex = "Unexpected spawned process Traefik"

As you create create your container security as code, multiple rules will have to evaluated in a given priority order. This is just another resource that defines an ordered list rules referenced by their resource IDs:

resource "sysdig_secure_policies_priority" "priority" {
policies = [
} A real example of a container security as code

Creating a security policy that alerts if someone executes an interactive shell inside any container in your production environment is definitely a good idea. This could be either an external attacker running a reverse shell in your container or someone within your organization that decided to play within the production environmment, not a good practice in any case.

In response to this security event we will fire an alert and we will trigger a system call capture to analyze what happened after spawning the shell.

We are going to create a bunch of files here, we will place all within the same directory:

demo_provider.tf that indicates we are using the Sysdig Secure Terraform provider:

provider "sysdig" {

demo_notification_channels.tf that includes the definition of our notification channels:

resource "sysdig_secure_notification_channel" "elastic-search" {
name = "ElasticSearch"
enabled = false
type = "WEBHOOK"
url = "http://ec2-44-444-44-444.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9200/sysdigsecure/event"
notify_when_ok = true
notify_when_resolved = true

demo_policies_priority.tf that defines the evaluation order of our policy rules, just one this time:

resource "sysdig_secure_policies_priority" "priority" {
policies = [

demo_policies.tf contains the policy rules definition:

resource "sysdig_secure_policy" "terminal-shell-in-container" {
name = "Terminal shell in container"
description = "A shell was spawned by a program in a container with an attached terminal."
severity = 1
enabled = true
filter = "not kubernetes.namespace.name in ('ping', 'default')"
container_scope = true
host_scope = false
actions {
capture {
seconds_before_event = 10
seconds_after_event = 20
notification_channels = ["${sysdig_secure_notification_channel.webhook.id}", "${sysdig_secure_notification_channel.elastic-search.id}"]
falco_rule_name_regex = "Terminal shell in container"

If we had to upload our own Falco language rules, we would have a demo_user_rules.tf file with:

resource "sysdig_secure_user_rules_file" "rules" {
content = "${file("${path.module}/rules.yaml")}"

Now, in order to apply the changes, from within this directory we just need to run terraform apply and we are done! You can store all these files in Git and then let Jenkins or your favourite CI server to do the apply for you.


One of the most significant advatages of implementing container security as code with Sysdig Secure Terraform provider is having reproducible version controled security policy. Additionally this can be deployed within the same pipeline that you use for deploying your applications.

Using Terraform for creating rules and notifications channels is extremely easy and if you already are using Terraform within your toolkit this can be a small step with a huge impact on how you handle security.

We hope you find it useful, would love to hear your feedback and if you haven’t given Sysdig Secure a spin, do it now!

BT announces new head of security business


BT has announced the appointment ofKevin Brown as managing director of BT Security to succeed Mark Hughes, who is stepping down at the end of 2018.

In 2019, Brown will take over responsibility for BT’s physical and cyber security activity around the world, while Hughes is to take up a new position outside of BT.

BT is one of the world’s biggest providers of cyber security services, with 3,000 staff around the world protecting BT’s operations across 180 countries as well as its customers’ networks.

According to BT, its global network of Security Operations Centres protects the company against 125,000 cyber attacks every month and provides cyber security solutions and services to consumers, governments and businesses.

Brown joined BT in 2012, following a 20-year career in law enforcement. He has specialised in security throughout his time at BT, and in previous roles has led its global investigation and intelligence teams and driven the modernisation of BT’s protection systems.

In his previous role of vice-president at BT Security, Brown led engagement with international governments, and managed its relationships with international law enforcement agencies such as Interpol and Europol .

“Our global network gives us a ringside view of the latest threats so we can anticipate and mitigate emerging attacks before they impact our business or our customers,” said Brown. “I’m really looking forward to continuing the rapid growth that BT Security has seen in recent years.”

According to BT, its security business is one of the company’s fastest growing areas, driven by the industrialisation of cyber crime and the need for organisations and individuals to take proactive measures to protect their digital assets.

BT claims to be the UK’s biggest private cyber security employer, and plans to increase its headcount by 25% in the next five years to develop the next generation of cyber security professionals and meets BT’s growth ambition.

Failure to develop cyber security skills is exposing organisations to cyber attacks and exacerbating the skills gap, according toresearch published in March 2018.

More than half (51%) of 500 IT professionals and IT decision-makers at UK organisations believe they need to grow these skills in the next five years, according to a study by Rackspace and researchers at the London School of Economics (LSE) with sponsorship from Intel.

The lack of investment in training new hires in skills, such as cyber security, is expected to contribute to a shortage of professionals to meet demand in the next five years, with organisations urged to increase in-work training.

There could be up to 1.8 million information security-related roles unfilled worldwide by 2022, according to the latest Global information security workforce study from(ISC)2, while in Europe, the shortfall is projected to be about 350,000, with the UK’s share of unfilled cyber security jobs expected to be around 100,000.

To Get Full AI Payoff, Invest First in Data Management


Garbage in, garbage out. That’s long been the issue for successful data analytics, andit’s an even bigger issue today, giventhe rapid pace of investment inartificial intelligence (AI).

About80 percent of enterprises report they are investing in relatedAI technologies in some capacity and 30 percent plan onexpanding their investments, researchshows . Businesses expect AI to help keep them aheadof the competition.

Butrisk abounds. How can companies break the cycle of garbage in, garbage out andassure that insights derived from AIare sound?

Afterall, any information system―AI or other―is only as good as thequality of its data. Information systemsarelargely reliant on user input and entries need to be correct and credible.AI uses computer algorithms to replicate the humanability to learn and makepredictions, and AI software finds patterns and make inferences from largequantities of data. That’swhy the success of any AI effort will start with thedata. Good data in means good intelligence out. This requires thatenterprises:

Ingest data quickly andseamlessly. Old and messed up data will result in misinformed intelligence.Enterprises needto ingest data quickly when it is fresh, and that means as itis. This is not an easy task. First, the volume of availabledata is exploding: IDC forecasts that by 2025, the global data-sphere will grow to 163ZB (i.e., atrillion gigabytes).That’s 10 times the 16.1ZB of data generated in 2016.Second, much of that data growth will be in “unstructured”data, such as videosand social media. That’s a problem for many enterprises because “unstructureddata doesn’teasily lend itself to older models of data storage and analysis,”IDCreports. Nor will such dataeasily lend itself to AIengines. Enterprises need to deploy technologies thatenable the rapid ingestion of data, including unstructured, sothat AI enginesanalyze the whole picture and make full use of data to better serve customersandanticipatetheirneeds. For data to be a winningcompetitive edge, it needs to be processed in real-time―not after never endingcycles of data normalization. Require data-levelsecurity. Security at the data level ensures the safety and integrity of the datawithin AIalgorithms. Data quality and security policies should be crafted atthe data level and be based off the metadata, whichis the data about the data.This guarantees that no matter where the data comes from or where ittravels to, securitypolicies will be with the data. It also means that, ifdata is changed, those changes are accounted for downstream andthe AI canadjust. The explosion of data sources―driven by such forces as the internet of things (IoT) and growth of mobiletechnologies―makes data-level security ever morecritical. Driveteamwork/collaboration. With a consistent view of data across organizations anddepartments, AI engines willbe more productive because only the best, mosttailored data will be accessed for analysis. Without teamwork andcollaboration, different departments may not know the full scope of availabledata. Teamwork and collaboration willbreak down data and department silos sothat only the right data at the right time is fed into the AI engine, and sothat data can be found more easily. It is also essential to have a consistentview of data that can be used across thelarger organization even if a slice ofthe data that a particular department needs is unique. AI Empowers

No doubt, AI has the capacity todisrupt all areas of a business and improve business performance. Marketresearcher Vanson Bourne , after conductingonline surveys of 260 senior IT andbusiness leaders last year, found thatcompaniesexpect a $2.87 return on investment over 10 years for AIinvestments.

To get there, enterprises will needthe full value of the data going into the AI engine. They need to ingest dataquickly,use that data, review what data is useful and then get more of thatuseful data. AI will enable enterprises to do thismore quickly, as long as thedata and the data management infrastructure is in good shape.

Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar


作者:Johanna Amann, Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz

单位:ICSI / LBL / Corelight, Technical University of Munich, The University of Sydney

出处:IMC 17

原文: http://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2017/papers/imc17-final227.pdf


为了防范各种针对SSL/TLS协议设计和实现的攻击,TLS、HTTPS、web PKI增加了很多新的特性。 这篇文章的主要工作就是对这些新特性的使用情况作了一个大规模调查。

作者主要从不同新特性的应用普遍性、各种特性部署的正确性、特性应用普遍性与部署难度之间的关系特性部署的相关性等多个维度进行调查。 考察的安全特性主要包括:Certificate Transparency(CT),HSTS,HPKP,CAA,TLSA,SCSV等。 作者声称这是第一个针对这些特性应用情况的大规模调查(实际上不是,NDSS’15上有篇文章是针对HSTS、HPKP部署情况的调查,只是调查的范围没有这次广、覆盖的安全特性没有这次多,其它也有一些相关工作提及部分安全特性的应用情况)。 作者采用了主动扫描和被动测量的方法,调查覆盖的域名数量达193M,是截止到2017.3所有注册域名数量(330.6M)的58%。 补充说明: CT:Google主推的一项透明审查技术,主要目的是提供一个开放的审计监控系统,可以让域名所有者确定证书是否被错误签发或恶意使用,以缓解现有SSL/TLS协议信任模型中对CA过度信任的问题。 HSTS:HTTP Strict Transport Security,强制客户端使用HTTPs与服务器连接,可以很大程度防范SSL Stripping攻击。 HPKP:HTTP Public Key Pinning,主要是防止其它可信CA未经网络拥有者授权为网站颁发证书。对防止攻击者攻破CA恶意签发证书进行中间人攻击比较有效,典型的案例是DigiNotar事件。 值得一提的是,2017年10月,大力推广该技术的Google宣布不再支持HPKP,并计划在2018年5月的Chrome 67解除对HPKP的支持 。 CAA:Certificate Authority Authorization,基于DNS的一项扩展,域名所有者在其域名记录的CAA字段中,授权指定CA为其域名签发证书,弥补SSL/TLS任意CA能够为任意域名颁发证书的不足。 TLSA:又称DANE-TLSA,DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities TLS,使用DNSSEC基础设施来保存TLS协议中用到的数字证书或公钥,依托DNSSEC基础设施来限制TLS服务器可用的CA范围。TLSA是一种DNS资源记录的名称。 SCSV:SCSV扩展,主要被用来防止协议回滚降级到低版本,是用来避免POODLE攻击的一种方法。 研究方法

作者采用了主动扫描和被动测量相结合的方法,将主动扫描得到的网络流量保存到一个pcap trace,用相同的分析方法来处理主动扫描和被动测量得到的数据。


CT:从X.509证书、TLS及OCSP扩展里提取SCT(Signed Certificate Timestamps)信息。使用了一个修改后的Google log监视软件来从Chrome接受的log中获取证书。 HSTS/HPKP:解析扫描器收集到的HTTP response。 SCSV:降低TLS版本,并设置Signaling Cipher Suite Value来进行降级保护。这是客户端应该拒绝链接。 CAA/TLSA:从DNS收集这些资源记录。


在悉尼大学(IPv4)和慕尼黑工业大学(IPv4 & IPv6)进行主动扫描; 扫描是基于域名的而不是IP地址的,这样的好处是可以处理基于SNI的服务器(多域名复用一个IP地址)。 扫描域名的策略是把之前相关工作扫描的根域名取并集,最终收集到了193M个域名。
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar


为了分析Certificate Transparency的使用情况,监测了伯克利的Internet uplink几周;同时在悉尼大学和慕尼黑工业大学监测了两周来验证UCB的监测结果。 为了分析TLS版本演进,使用了ICSI的SSL Notary的数据。
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar
调查结果 Certificate Transparency
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar
如果一个域名的任意一个IP地址的SSL链接传输了SCT,就认为它是支持CT的。 在悉尼大学和慕尼黑大学的扫描结果相近,12.7%-13.3%的TLS链接中有SCT,差不多是有 6.8M的域名支持Certificate Transparency技术。IPv6支持CT的有357K个域名,这个和IPv6部署的少有关。
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar


作者发现越流行的网站利用TLS扩展传送SCT的就越多,考虑到通过TLS扩展传送SCT仅在客户端要求的情况下才会发生,作者推测这是因为流行网络需要优化移动端体验,不把SCT包含在证书里可以在mobile HTTPS事务开始时少传输数百个字节左右。 作者的数据集分析发现,大部分的SCT都是嵌入在X.509证书里的,只有不到1000个在TLS扩展里,49个在OCSP staple里。 几乎所有支持CT的域名都提供一个来自Google管理的log里的SCT,以及一个来自非Google log的SCT,这是Chrome对EV证书的最低要求。 UCB收集的数据集里,SCT的出现频率高一点,进一步分析发现56%的支持用TLS扩展传送SCT的域名是属于Google的,基本上都是流行网站在使用CT技术。 UCB收集的数据中,74.311个(99.2%)嵌入了SCT的证书是在443端口上的,279个在80端口上。


少数CA签发了大多数嵌入了SCT的证书:Symantec签发了67.16%的嵌入SCT的证书。可能是因为Symantec之前的误签发事故,Google要求Symantec记录它签发的所有证书。 其它CA包括GlobalSign,Commodo,StartCom,其中StartCom和其父公司WoSign新签发的证书已经不被Mozilla信任了,Chrome在2017年9月也不再信任它们的证书。


还有很多CA对提供嵌入式SCT没什么兴趣,换句话说是不打算支持CT,这个情况从2014年至今没有变化; Google的计划是证书需要被多个Log维护者记录log,但是大多数证书只被Google记录了,certificate Transparency技术的推广情况和Google的预期不太一致,不是很理想。 还有部分证书包含了错误的SCT。 HSTS 和 HPKP

作者主要从部署、一致性(是不是不同IP返回的HSTS/HPKP header一致)、生命周期、密码学合法性等几个方面来考察。

极少数域名存在header不一致性; 约3.5%的域名支持HSTS,0.02%的支持HPKP(低普及率也是Google停止支持HPKP的主要原因之一)。 支持HSTS和HPKP的域名有一些存在部署错误,一般是在设置max-age,includeSubDomains等问题上出错。 流行域名对HSTS和HPKP的支持情况比较好。
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar
SCSV是支持的最多的一项技术。主要原因是主流密码学库里提供了SCSV的支持。 部分流行网站不支持SCSV,因为它们使用了IIS,而IIS和SChannel不支持SCSV。考虑到IIS占用了11%的HTTP服务器市场份额,影响还挺大的。 CAA及TLSA
Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security After DigiNotar
CAA推广的时间比较晚,但是2017年的扫描结果和2016的一项工作对比,部署的增长比较好,有望进一步推广,有意思的是很多CAA记录里的issue属性指定的是Let’s Encrypt. TLSA是依托DNSSEC的,而DNSSEC部署比较少,所以TLSA的应用情况也不太乐观。支持TLSA的域名中验证DNSSEC签名的比率明显比支持CAA的高很多。 TLS版本演进 2013年左右应用最多的是SSL v3和TLS 1.0. 2014年底之后应用的较多的就是TLS 1.2了,TLS 1.1被用的比较少,主要是因为OpenSSL同时支持了TLS 1.1和TLS 1.2,很多网站直接从TLS 1.0跳到了TLS 1.2. 作者一共观察到700万个TLS 1.3链接,峰值是2017年2月Google Chrome 56支持TLS 1.3的时候出现的,但Chrome停用TLS 1.3后又降下去了。 总结

从文章的调查可以看出来,尽管学术界和工业界提出了多种方案来帮助防范各种针对SSL/TLS协议的攻击,这些方案的实际应用非常少,Google主推的Certificate Transparency和HPKP技术应用情况都不理想。网站管理者们大多倾向于采用部署难度低的方案,比如密码学库直接支持的SCSV,这也侧面反映了密码学库的安全性对整个SSL/TLS生态环境安全性的重要性;而需要网站管理者自己配置的方案常常会出现错误,比如配置HSTS和HPKP。

2018年3月,IETF正式批准TLS 1.3成为互联网标准,全面升级到TLS 1.3是应对现有针对TLS攻击的一个好的方案。

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