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Latest AV-Test October 2018 report rates Malwarebytes as the poorest performing ...


Latest AV-Test October 2018 report rates Malwarebytes as the poorest performing  ...

The entire point of purchasing a security suite is so you know it has your back. You want it to be assured the company has invested heavily in development to make sure it can counter the latest threats.

German-based independent security institute AV-Test regularly tests the latest security suites, pushing them through a range of measures including performance against the latest threats, plus how they impact your system. You don’t want a security suite to slow your PC.

The latest October 2018 report displays some interesting results. From our experience, and regular comments we read on our own posts, Malwarebytes is an American-developed security tool which can do almost no wrong, yet its performance in the October 2018 results are borderline shocking. Indeed, we’re not talking about Malwarebytes Free either, this is the paid Premium edition.

Malwarebytes has just been found to offer the worst protection against the latest security threats, compared to a range of other security suites from regular brands such as Norton, Kaspersky, AVG, Bidefender, Avast and somewhat lesser known solutions such as eScan, G-Data and Ahnlab.

Worryingly, Malwarebytes performed less effectively than windows Defender, which is built-in to Windows 10 and turned on by default. It also came below the likes of Avast Free, which you could install alongside Windows Defender.

If you want to go through the results yourself, in detail, read the AV-Test October 2018 report.

As to how other suites did in the tests, Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 (v19) was up at the top, as is Bitdefender Internet Security 2019 (v23) . Avira Antivirus Pro v15 performed admirably, as did Norton Security 2019 (v22) . eScan Internet Security v14 , which few people we know would recommend, was also one of the strongest performers, offering 100 percent protection against 0-day malware attacks, detection of the latest malware (all available in the last 4 weeks), with limited slowdown on the test PCs, whilst offering 0 false website warnings and 0 false detections of legitimate software through October 2018.

Comparing these results, Malwarebytes Premium delivered 97.2 percent protection against the latest 0-day threats, a 40 percent slowdown when accessing frequently-used apps and 4 incorrect detections of legitimate software as malware (13 in September) through October 2018.

The AV-Test October 2018 report is publicly available now.

IP Camera Security


In reviewing my browser bookmarks I see this blog https://reversatronics.blogspot.com/ is still active. I’m examining the blog entry at https://reversatronics.blogspot.com/2013/10/sunluxy-dvr-backdoor.html to learn and document my own adventures in embedded device security.

The author (Billy) has a Sunluxy CCTV DVR. The company website no longer exists but is basically a JuanDVR. You can still find these devices if you search on Ebay or Alibaba. The author’s link for the company no longer works but can be found at www.juancctv.com . No photos were posted in the blog. Based on the the author identifying 5v TTL and references found in the blog comments the unit referenced would be similar to the stock image from DX.com.

IP Camera Security

The author does not go into detail on how he identified a vulnerable CGI that provided root access to the device but he links to a pair of Craig Heffner blog articles (see references below). While reading Craig’s blog we are going to try and recreate the work discussed on two stand-alone security cameras. I will reference one more Craig Heffner blog post as we will attempt to identify the UART serial ports on the cameras. I also include links and will document my use of the JTAGulator to identify UART.

I own two security cameras that I had previously used as toddler monitors to watch my young kids. I have a SRICAM AP001 and ESCAM QF100.

The AP001 uses a Ralink RT5350F. This same chipset is used in the Vocore v1.0. The QF001 uses a Hisilcon Hi3518E which is used by the RobinCore v0.2. Because these chipsets are used in open source hardware projects identifying the pinout and where to find RX/TX is a lot easier otherwise. The resource section below details other individuals who opened up their security cameras and had an easy time finding UART because there were pinouts or they were otherwise easily identified. This is not the case with the AP001 and QF100. So far this blog will be a document of my failures in identifying UART. The attempts are educational and could have succeeded if I had gotten lucky. For details on the successful use of a JTAGulator see my post on working with the Linksys WRT54GL v1.1. Also see Joe Grande’s YouTube tutorial linked below.

You will need to remove two of the rubber feet to unscrew and pop off the bottom of both cameras. The following images so the circuit boards for the QF100 and AP001

SRICAM AP001 with bottom cover removed exposing the bottom of the circuit board. Nothing to see here.

IP Camera Security

The circuit board removed from the SRICAM AP001. The chip driving everything is connected to the main board via a header.

IP Camera Security

SRICAM AP001 circuit board with RalinkRT5350F circuit board removed.

IP Camera Security

Examining the AP001 board does not show any candidates for UART. I soldered wires to each pin of the header that was not 3.3v or GND. I determined GND by doing a continuity test with my multi-meter. I then determined the potential voltage by powering on the device and testing the voltage for each pin. I soldered twenty (20) potential candidates and attached them to the JTAGulator. I had no success in identifying UART.

IP Camera Security

ESCAM QF100 with the bottom cover removed exposing the bottom of the circuit board. On the board you see 0.5 mm pitch ribbon cables for communication with the camera as well as connectors the mic, speaker, and motor.Examining the board does not show any candidates for UART.

IP Camera Security

After examining the pinout and placement of TX/RX on the RobinCore I determined that two traces coming from the upper right corner of the Hi3518E could be UART. I could not determine where these traces went so I took a new X-ACTO knife and carefully shaved the top coating of the traces until I saw copper. Using a magnifying glass I carefully soldered a pair of wires to the traces. I’ve had success with this method on other projects or when I’ve accidentally pulled a pad up like on the TP-Link WR703n. I attached the wires to the JTAGulator but had no luck in identifying UART.

IP Camera Security

A last ditch attempt, based on a comment from blog post referenced below, I attached a 20-pin ribbon cable and breakout board to the cameras connectors and tested with the JTAGulator.

IP Camera Security

So no luck so far in identifying UART. This is just an educational tutorial as there are so many issues already documented with these two cameras. Part 2 will go over telnet access and the command-line injection vulnerabilities that have been documented for these two devices. I will document examination of the web code and binaries. Maybe we will find new issues with these devices.

All images I took of the devices can be found in mycoppermine gallery.







Craig Heffner Blog




Hacking IP Cameras



https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/hacking-the-aldi-ip-cctv-camera-part-2/ https://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2

Water and Energy Sectors Through the Lens of the Cybercriminal Underground


by Stephen Hilt, Numaan Huq, Vladimir Kropotov,Robert McArdle, Cedric Pernet, and Roel Reyes

In our research Exposed and Vulnerable Critical Infrastructure: Water and Energy Industries , we not only found exposed industrial control system (ICS) human machine interfaces (HMIs) but also pointed out how these systems were at risk. This risk is corroborated by the active interest in water and energy ICSs shown by different kinds of cybercriminal groups.

Looking at past incidents shows how real this interest was, enough to lead to attacks like the one on the Ukrainian Power grid in 2015 . The reported cases imply that the water and energy sectors are indeed targets, whether of sophisticated criminal groups or state-sponsored actors. However, our exploration into underground forums revealed attention coming from other groups like lone actors as well.

From underground

We categorized underground forum posts on water and energy ICSs into groups based on the context of the discussion, specifically the reason and motivation behind the posting.

Knowledge about ICS/SCADA

Part of the chatter on the ICS/supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA) of energy and water infrastructure stem from people who want to know more about these systems. The kind of information they discussed in the forums like proofs of concept (POCs), vulnerabilities and exploits of ICS/SCADA would be dangerous in the wrong hands. Interestingly, some people go to such forums to learn about SCADA for free, too, to avoid fees for professional training. Some of the other examples we found did not reveal why they needed new information.

Water and Energy Sectors Through the Lens of the Cybercriminal Underground

Figure 1. Post asking about SCADA information to avoid expensive professional training

Opportunities for personal gain

Other conversations in the forums were more actionable, exploring ideas for possible opportunities and gains from ICS/SCADA systems. One of the more general discussions brought up Shodan and Censys within the larger conversation on industrial equipment being profitable IoT devices to exploit.

Some forums had more specific topics and were outright discussions on access and credentials for certain ICS/SCADA systems. An example of such discussions involved a hacker who apparently had success in getting into a system and is looking to sell acquired information. Other such discussions involved groups who are in the reconnaissance phase of a campaign; employees willing to use illicit means to get ahead; and organizations requesting attacks on competitors.

Water and Energy Sectors Through the Lens of the Cybercriminal Underground

Figure 2. Hacker selling acquired information on a forum

On the other hand, bug bounty programs of legitimate organizations hoping to test the security of their equipment in the wild are reposted by forum users. Bug bounties are a valid means to earn from vulnerability discoveries; however, they could also attract malicious actors seeking to gain more than the rewards offered.

Security implications

Whether these discussions have already turned or will turn into active campaigns is still to be determined. The fact that they exist already puts greater urgency on improving security for organizations in the water and energy sectors. Given that our research uncovered exposed systems in small and medium businesses (SMBs), these findings drive the point that no organization in any sector, of any size, is immune to attack.

Organizations need to keep in mind that cybercriminals will not stop at simply observing exposed systems they discover. As organizations in critical sectors (CI) like water and energy continue to incorporate the industrial internet of things (IIoT) in their operations, they should start with security in mind. Awareness of the different vulnerabilities that might exist in ICS can help pinpoint necessary improvements, not just at the beginning but throughout operations. They should also assess for possible areas of exposure and vulnerability and start improvements from there. After all, a strong security posture can ensure that IIoT systems are used as tools in enhancing CIs instead of the opposite― as avenues for malicious campaigns.

For more insights on exposed CI HMIs, in-depth descriptions of threat actors, and defensive strategies, read our research Exposed and Vulnerable Critical Infrastructure: Water and Energy Industries .

“黑客”勒索比特币 致一上市公司损失近千万元



昨天上午,杭州市公安局召开 “净网”2018专项行动暨打击网络黑客犯罪新闻通报会。

今年以来,杭州市公安机关以市、区二级网警主导推进的全市打击整治黑客攻击破坏违法犯罪行动中,共破获各类涉黑客犯罪案件 40起,采取强制措施77人,批捕25人,移诉45人。公安部督办案件3起,省公安厅督办案件3起。

今年 8月,滨江公安分局网警大队破获一起破坏计算机信息系统案件,抓获了一个“自学成才”的黑客。


网站被攻击发生不久后,该公司相关负责人随即接到境外电话号码发来的勒索短信以及勒索电话,要求支付 1个比特币,同时声称若在规定时间内不进行支付,则将继续加大攻击流量并涨价至2个比特币。

网警部门调查发现,这起 DDOS攻击案件,流量源非常复杂,既有来自重庆、山东等地的境内流量,也有来自境外的流量。

警方锁定嫌疑人后更惊讶: 40岁男性,初中文化,没有任何互联网从业经历,曾因强奸罪被判处有期徒刑十年,还有多年吸毒史,被公安机关多次处理。



犯罪嫌疑人通过跳板服务器,利用非法软件控制大量境内外 “肉鸡”,对网站发起流量攻击。


杭州警方介绍,目前网络黑客犯罪呈现出新型犯罪的 4个明显特征:攻击目标明显转移、犯罪技术手段越加专业、作案手段越加隐蔽伪装性强、犯罪成员呈年轻化趋势。



模型选择和超参数优化是机器学习技术应用过程中的关键步骤。给定个机器学习任务,人工参与模型选择以及超参数优化通常是个耗时、繁琐的过程。为了解决这样的问题,些关于自动化机器学习的研究工作被提出,比如 Auto-WEKA 、Auto-Sklearn 和 Auto-Keras 等。

另外近几年 NIPS、PAKDD 等会议已经开始举办 AutoML 比赛,这一新兴领域已经获得学术界和工业界的广泛关注。

以往 AutoML 的工作通常侧重于监督学习问题,需要解决包括特征工程、模型选择、和超参数优化等问题。已有的 AutoML 系统已经可以得到不错的模型预测性能。例如,Auto-WEKA 结合了机器学习框架 WEKA,并利用贝叶斯优化方法对新数据集进行模型以及超参数的选择。

Auto-Sklearn 改进了 Auto-WEKA,它使用元学习来初始化学习算法以及超参数,并集成了评估过程中产生的模型,从而得到鲁棒的模型选择结果。另外,谷歌也开发了一套针对图像分类的自动机器学习产品 Cloud AutoML。以上研究表明 AutoML 可以自动地选择一个适合当前任务的监督学习模型以及超参数。

然而在些实际的应场景中,获取有标记数据会常困难。例如,在网页分类、医学图像分类等领域中通常只能获得大量的未标记数据以及少量标记数据。因此能利用未标注信息的半监督学习(SSL)在现实应用中普遍存在,但自动化的 SSL 研究仍然有限。在本文工作中,我们主要研究了现有 AutoML 技术无法直接解决的 SSL 问题。


其次,SSL 在实施过程中可能会出现性能的严重下降,也就是说 SSL 利用了未标记数据以后的模型预测性能还不如仅仅利用有标记数据的监督学习算法。最近一些关于安全半监督的方法已经提出,然而这些研究方法通常侧重学习过程的某一个方面,并没有关注一个自动化的 SSL 解决方案。

为了解决以上问题,本文针对 SSL 提出了自动半监督学习方法(AUTO-SSL)。首先,受到 Auto-Sklearn 的启发,本文使用元学习以快速初始化 SSL 算法。考虑到未标记的数据分布对于 SSL 算法的选择至关重要,本文使用多种无监督聚类算法提取簇内和簇间的统计信息以增强元学习的表现。

其次,本文使用一种大间隔方法,用于微调超参数以缓解 SSL 可能出现的性能降低问题。这种方法的基本思想是,如果某个超参数较好,其在未标记数据上的模型预测结果分类间隔较大。在不同领域的 40 个数据集上,实验结果表明本文提出的方法相比以往的系统有较大的性能提升,包括 AutoML 系统 AUTO-SKLEARN 以及经典 SSL 方法。此外不同于传统的 SSL 方法会出现性能下降的情况,本文提出的方法几乎不会出现这样的情况。

论文:Towards AutomatedSemi-Supervised Learning


自动半监督学习定义 符号表示:给定包含大量未标记数据和少量有标记数据的半监督数据集
的标记。自动半监督学习的目标如下: 定义:给定半监督学习算法
上得到的训练模型。那么 AUTO-SSL 的目标可以表示为:
在未标记数据上的预测性能。 传统元学习和增强元特征 元学习[Brazdil et al.2008] 旨在利用以往的经验知识来指导新任务的学习,具有学会学习的能力。具体来说,在 AutoML 中,我们收集大量经验数据集的性能数据和其对应的元特征,其中元特征是用来刻画数据集的特征,有助于有效地初始化目标任务上的学习算法 [Feurer et al.2015]。元特征是元学习的核心,传统的元特征主要包括描述数据集基本的结构信息的元特征 (Simple metafeatures)、表示数据集主要成分统计量的 PCA 元特征 (PCA metafeatures )、统计数据的分布情况的统计元特征 (Statistical metafeatures )。详细的传统元特征如下表:

对于 SSL,数据分布信息对于 SSL 算法选择至关重要,例如,基于图的半监督学习算法要求数据具有平滑性假设,即相似的样本具有相同的标记;而半监督支持向量机要求数据具有低密度假设,即半监督支持向量机试图找到能将两类数据分开,且穿过数据低密度区域的划分超平面。本文通过无监督学习算法提取数据的分布信息,详细的聚类算法以及提取的特征如下表所示:


元学习能够有效地给目标任务初始化 SSL 算法,但无法对超参数进行优化。然而,实际的应用场景中,超参数优化虽然可以得到不错的性能调整,但效率低下,通常需要消耗大量的时间。传统的 AutoML 系统通过贝叶斯优化调整超参数,需要大量的标记数据切分验证集并多次进行模型评估,对于 SSL,标记数据通常不足以用来切分验证集进行模型评估。本文提出了一种大间隔的方法来优化超参数,基本思想是,如果某个超参数较好,其在未标记数据上的模型预测结果分类间隔较大,反之亦然。下图给出了大间隔方法用于优化超参数的示例。


为了充分考察 AUTO-SSL 在实际场景中的效果,本文在 40 个数据集上同 AUTO-SKLEARN、传统 SSL 方法以及监督学习方法进行了对比实验。其中数据集涵盖了商业、生命科学、物理、社交、金融、计算机等各种不同的应用领域。因为有标记数据数量是影响 SSL 性能的重要因素之一,我们展示了 AUTO-SSL 在多种场景下可以获得同传统 SSL 方法相比更加鲁棒的结果。


图 3 给出了在 20 个有标记数据情况下,AUTO-SSL 与 AUTO-SKLEARN 模型预测性能的比较结果,其中绿色部分表示性能的提升量,红色部分表示性能的下降量。可以看出,AUTO-SSL 利用了未标记数据辅助提升模型预测性能,相比仅仅利用标记数据的 AUTO-SKLEARN 在多数情况下会有比较大的性能提升。

5.2AUTO-SSL 与传统 SSL 方法的比较结果

表 2-3 给出了 40 数据集上 AUTO-SSL 与传统 SSL 方法的详细比较结果,ASSL 表示本文提出的方法。图 4 给出了 AUTO-SSL 和传统 SSL 方法相比基准监督学习方法 SVM 的比较结果,从图中可以看出,传统 SSL 方法存在一些情况下,利用未标记数据以后的模型预测性能不如仅仅利用有标记数据的监督学习方法,而 AUTO-SSL 能够避免这种情况的出现。

5.3 有标记数据数量对结果的影响

图 5 给出了不同有标记数据情况下,AUTO-SSL 与对比方法的平均预测性能。表 4 给出了不同有标记数据情况下,AUTO-SSL 与传统 SSL 方法相比于基准监督学习方法「胜/平/负」的统计情况;其中,「胜/平/负」表示该方法得到的模型预测性能相比基准监督学习方法 SVM 有」显著提升/无显著性/显著下降」。从实验结果可以看出,AUTO-SSL 相比各个比较方法更能够得到鲁棒的模型预测结果。


Samsung Galaxy S9 gets One UI beta 2 update w/ tons of bug fixes, latest securit ...


Just two weeks after the initial rollout of Samsung’s One UI beta program , the first update is on its way. For Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ users testing out the One UI beta, here’s what to expect from the first update.

Samsung Galaxy S9 gets One UI beta 2 update w/ tons of bug fixes, latest securit ...
The best gifts for Android users

Rolling out over the past 24 hours or so, Samsung’s One UI beta 2 update for Galaxy S9 brings a huge list of improvements. This update doesn’t include any major interface changes, but the changelog notes over two dozen bug fixes for the OS. You can take a look at the full changelog below for more details, but some of the biggest fixes include:

Delay of displaying a screen with an incoming call Swiping left or right does not work in Recent menu Not able to log-in Samsung face, fingerprint recognition is not working Alarm comes with vibration only Alarm does not ring at scheduled time When earphones are connected there is no sound through them Rapid battery discharge during Netflix streaming with Chromecast

Users on Reddit have also noted some other miscellaneouschanges in this Samsung One UI update. One user notes how Samsung’s gesture navigation no longer has a fluid transition when swiping to the homescreen. Others note that some UI elements are broken or missing after this update is installed until the phone is rebooted. Hopefully, these are issues Samsung can continue to iron out in further releases.

One UI is set to arrive in full on the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 9 starting in January. Beta testing will continue in the meantime, and it already seems to be available for some Galaxy Note 9 owners as well.

Full Samsung One UI beta 2 update changelog

Samsung Galaxy S9 gets One UI beta 2 update w/ tons of bug fixes, latest securit ...
More on Samsung One UI:

Netflix Information Security: Preventing Credential Compromise in AWS

Netflix Information Security: Preventing Credential Compromise inAWS

by Will Bengtson

Previously we wrote about a method for detecting credential compromise in your AWS environment. The methodology focused on a continuous learning model and first use principle. This solution still is reactive in nature ― we only detect credential compromise after it has already happened.. Even with detection capabilities, there is a risk that exposed credentials can provide access to sensitive data and/or the ability to cause damage in our environment.

Today, we would like to share two additional layers of security: API enforcement and metadata protection. These layers can be used to help prevent credential compromise in your environment.


In this post, we’ll discuss how to prevent or mitigate compromise of credentials due to certain classes of vulnerabilities such as Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) and XML External Entity (XXE) injection. If an attacker has remote code execution (RCE) or local presence on the AWS server, these methods discussed will not prevent compromise. For more information on how the AWS services mentioned work, see the Background section at the end of this post.

Protecting Your Credentials

There are many ways that you can protect your AWS temporary credentials. The two methods covered here are:

Enforcing where API calls are allowed to originate from. Protecting the EC2 Metadata service so that credentials cannot be retrieved via a vulnerability in an application such as Server Side Request Forgery ( SSRF ). Credential Enforcement

Credential enforcement only allows API calls to succeed if they originate from a known environment. In AWS, this can be achieved by creating an IAM policy that checks the origin of the API call. To achieve this, it is important to understand where API calls come from (described below in Background). An example policy is shown below.

Netflix Information Security: Preventing Credential Compromise in AWS

One way to deploy this is to create a managed policy that encompasses your entire account across all regions. To do this, describe each region and collect your NAT gateway IPs, VPC IDs, and VPC endpoint IDs to create the policy language for the managed policy (similar to the example above) that can be attached to the IAM Roles that you want to protect. The limitation of this method is that you can only protect IAM Roles that are used on EC2 instances deployed to the internal subnet. IAM Roles that are associated with EC2 instances in the external subnet should be excluded. Exposing your service publicly through a Load Balancer would allow you to deploy your EC2 instance into the internal subnet and allow you to attach this policy to your IAM Role.

Another limitation to this method is that AWS often makes calls on your behalf that are triggered by certain API calls. For example, when you restore an encrypted RDS instance, AWS will make KMS calls on your behalf to figure out which key should be used in the restore process. When these services make calls for you, the AWS credentials that are tied to the IAM Role that made the first call are used. The originating IP address will be one from AWS and not reflect what is in your policy. You can see this in CloudTrail by looking from events with sourceIPAddress resembling <service>.amazonaws.com . Even with this limitation, you will find that you can protect most IAM Roles and find workarounds to address this.

Metadata Service Protection

As described above, the EC2 Metadata service is the mechanism for providing credentials to your application running on an EC2 instance in AWS. It is available by making a request to the IP address of The current AWS Metadata service does not require any HTTP headers to be present and allows any process to make HTTP requests.

Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to trick the application into making a HTTP/HTTPS requests on their behalf. One of the most common attacks against applications that are vulnerable to SSRF target the Metadata service credential path. When an attacker exploits a SSRF vulnerability, they cannot control which HTTP headers are sent in the request. The lack of header control by an attacker enables a required header on the metadata service to mitigate this class of vulnerability. If an attacker is able to set HTTP headers, such as having a shell on the server and controlling headers in a curl command, the header protection is useful in protecting against an attacker that does not realize there is a header required.

If the Metadata service required a HTTP Header when talking to it, the SSRF attack vector that aims to steal your AWS credentials can be mitigated. In the past it was not possible to create your own Metadata proxy to protect the Metadata service from attacks such as SSRF. The Metadata proxies you might find in open source are typically scoped to providing credentials for containers running on your hosts and not able to protect against these attacks. We have been working with AWS to enable the ability to protect against this attack by setting the User-Agent HTTP Header when making requests to the Metadata service from the AWS SDKs to something known. By knowing what User-Agents will be set when official AWS SDKs make requests to the Metadata service and combining this with the fact that in the SSRF vulnerability scenario you cannot control HTTP Headers, we are now able to proxy traffic to the Metadata service and reject requests without the appropriate User-Agent HTTP Header, thus mitigating the SSRF attack vector on AWS Credentials.

The current User-Agents that you will see when proxying traffic from the SDKs start with the following strings:

Netflix Information Security: Preventing Credential Compromise in AWS

Default configuration in the cloud leaves your environment at increased risk in the event of a credential exposure/compromise. Coupling a Metadata proxy with API enforcement increases the security stance of your AWS environment, implementing defense in depth protections. Combining this approach with Detecting Credential Compromise in AWS paves a road for protecting IAM in your cloud environment.

Be sure to let us know if you implement this, or something better, in your own environment.

Will Bengtson, for Netflix Security Tools and Operations

Background What is a credential?

“Credential” in this post is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) API key that is used to describe and make changes within an AWS account.

The main focus are the credentials that are used on an AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance, although the outlined approach is valid beyond EC2. AWS provides an ability to assign permissions to an instance through an

The Christmas Season is Almost Here and Retail Cyber Defenses are Lacking


The year’s busiest period for retailing has begun and once again will test the effectiveness of retailing cybersecurity and just as the World Economic Forum has produced a new report stating North American business executives rank cyber attacks among their top risks. While retailing cybersecurity is improving to some extent, its breadth and quality still has ample room to grow.

This means retailers may not be fully able to protect customers amid holiday season sales almost certain to ring in sales north of $700 billion in the U.S. alone.

Merchants often don’t spend their cybersecurity dollars as efficiently as they should. More importantly, retailers don’t spend enough; about four percent annually of their IT budgets are devoted to cybersecurity , according to Gartner less than the healthcare industry, another tight-fisted spender. By contrast, the financial services industry spends more than 5.5 percent on cybersecurity annually.

In part, this is why giant retailers such as Home Depot, Neiman Marcus and Target have suffered breaches in recent years. This year alone, Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor, Sears and Under Armour have also fallen victim to major data breaches. In total, nearly one in three retailers have suffered revenue losses stemming from cyber attacks, according to the Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report.

Retail Cybersecurity Ranks near the Bottom

SecurityScorecard, which monitors more than 200,000 businesses globally and grades the cybersecurity effectiveness of various industries, ranks the retail industry second from the bottom. One big problem is that merchants are enticing targets of personally identifiable information and associated financial information. Another is that big retailers have complex networks, making them more vulnerable.

In addition, retail is a rich target of social engineering attacks, according to SecurityScorecard. A SecurityScorecard report also found a retail industry failure to sufficiently comply with PCI DSS standards for the protection of cardholder data.

Because the fifth anniversary of the Target breach in December 2013 the biggest retail breach in history - is on the horizon, merchants this year are more fidgety about the state of their cybersecurity protection. Point-of-sales terminals at Target were compromised by hackers for more than two weeks, enabling them to steal credit and debit cards from more than 40 million customers. The company paid dearly on multiple fronts, including breach-related cumulative expenses of $162 million.

Barely More Than Half of Retailers Have Good Security Infrastructure

The Cisco cybersecurity report found that that just 52 percent of retail organizations consider their security infrastructure up-to-date and upgraded with the best technology tools. Among other industries, this figure averaged 59 percent.

The online retailing industry, in particular, has become a choice hunting ground for cyber criminals, especially with new payment technologies that are transforming the way consumer shop, whether online, via mobile or in the store. These technologies provide new entry points for cyber criminals.

Also newly at risk are large volumes of business-related data regarding operations, business management, procurement and logistics all a profitable source of data for cyber criminals.

Other substantial threats are point-of-sale (POS) breaches, ransomware and distributed denial-of-service (DDos) and credential stuffing attacks.

In the last two arenas, at least, multiple companies now offer effective defenses in one or both, including Shape Security, Akamai, Netacea and F5.

POS Systems Get Little Attention

Many companies, in particular, fail to maintain their POS system. This means they use outdated operating systems. In addition, POS systems lack point-to-point encryption, which is why retailers are implementing less effective endpoint protection. Meanwhile, DDoS attacks are growing in concert with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). And ransomware, an older retailing threat, is experiencing a resurgence. To help combat these attacks, retailers are increasingly automating data backup.

Retailers must take a number of other steps to successfully thwart malicious actors. Here are the key things they must do:

Determine the location of the most sensitive data and networks and implement endpoint detection and response technology. This not only enhances protection but curbs the gap between when an intrusion begins and when it is discovered. Avoid default passwords like the plague, particularly for hardware devices that can allow direct access to critical data. Patch operating systems and third-party applications. Employ next-generation anti-virus protection to detect and prevent malware on POS terminals. It doesn’t rely on reactive signature updates to allow businesses to detect and stop attacks. At least begin to investigate the implementation of technology that tracks online visitors as they use websites and apps. The way people press, scroll and type on a phone screen or keyboard can be as unique as fingerprints or facial features. This can weed out suspicious transactions and automated attacks.

RBS Leading the Cutting Edge

A leader in this space is The Royal Bank of Scotland. When clients log in to their RBS accounts, software begins recording 2,000 interactive gestures. On phones, it measures the fingers they use to swipe and tap, the pressure they apply, and how quickly their scroll. On a computer, the software records the rhythm of keystrokes and the way the mouse is wiggled.

Among all the security vulnerabilities confronting retailers, the single biggest problem is unmistakably obvious: stores often don’t realize they have been attacked until far too late.

Often, they don’t learn about an attack until receiving a call from a credit card company regarding seemingly strange activity. In the interim, according to the 2018 Crowdstrike Global Threat Report, the average attacker’s “breakout time” in 2017 was 118 minutes, and it continues to narrow. The upshot: Once an intruder compromises a network, he can move to other machines in the network in less than two hours.

This is unacceptable, and retailers must confront this vulnerability immediately and head-on. It’s too late to act this holiday season. But this needs to be their top priority for the holiday season in 2019, and preferably much sooner.




各位新年好!2018年的首个重要安全公告是影响CPU 和操作系统的 ――“猜测执行边信道攻击安全漏洞”。这类漏洞刚被公开披露。它们影响了整个行业、多个厂商的不同硬件(Intel, AMD和ARM)、软件(windows, linux,Android, Chrome, iOS, Mac OS)等 。

微软作为行业重要一员,一直以来始终把用户安全放在首位。我们积极展开研究开发工作,并以最快速度推出缓解漏洞影响的各种安全更新。这些更新除了修复针对本地计算平台,也对云平台(Azure, Office 365, Dynamic等)做了相应修复处理。


ADV180002 | Vulnerability in CPU Microcode Could Allow Information Disclosure

中文链接: https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/zh-cn/security-guidance/advisory/ADV180002

英文链接: https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/ADV180002

CVE-2017-5715 - Bounds check bypass CVE-2017-5753 - Branch target injection CVE-2017-5754 - Rogue data cache load




螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 使用外挂“吃鸡”当心反成“肉鸡”



螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 使用外挂“吃鸡”当心反成“肉鸡”



螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 使用外挂“吃鸡”当心反成“肉鸡”







◆此外,玩家最好能够安装趋势科技PC-cillin云安全软件等安全软件对个人设备进行保护。趋势科技PC-cillin云安全软件可以同步支持windows、Mac、Android、iOS 操作系统,并采用全球第一主动式云端截毒技术,在云端就能主动侦测通过各种途径传送的恶意程序,实时、快速地防御各种以游戏为幌子的木马和病毒,保护玩家的金钱与个人信息免遭损失。







2018-10-23至2018-11-11, 玄武盾参与防护上海区域网站群共计受到攻击448.27万次。












































挖矿病毒不仅吞噬电力 更可拖慢企业的计算能力


据国外媒体报道,普林斯顿大学的计算机科学教授Arvind Narayanan评估,比特币挖矿每天耗掉5吉瓦的电力,接近全球耗电量的1%。然而,这其中并不包括隐形的“挖矿病毒”,许多“中招”的数据中心,以及无法精确统计的僵尸网络,正在贪婪的吞噬电力、拖慢企业的计算能力。针对“挖矿病毒”大肆泛滥的情况,亚信安全建议企业用户,在增强安全教育,倡导员工提高安全意识的同时,更应建立行之有效的病毒治理体系,严防内网出现“矿工”。

挖矿病毒不仅吞噬电力 更可拖慢企业的计算能力










对于面临挖矿病毒威胁的组织来说,可以综合部署亚信安全深度威胁发现平台(Deep Discovery,DD)、发挥深度威胁发现设备(TDA)、深度威胁安全网关(DE)、深度威胁邮件网关(DDEI)、深度威胁分析设备(DDAN)、深度威胁终端取证及行为分析系统(DDES )等产品,发挥其联动效果,在挖矿病毒传播的各个环节建立“抑制点”。





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个人用户最易中招的挖矿陷阱 “隐性刚需”软件暗藏猫腻























挖矿的长时间高速计算,导致电脑发热,风扇快速运转,加速硬件老化。硬件老化可能会使电脑出现各种故障,比如时常死机或频繁重启,直接缩短电脑的使用寿命。 挖矿计算会占用系统资源,中招的个人电脑往往会出现系统变慢或CPU使用率异常增高的情况,影响使用流畅性。在这方面来看控制资源占用的挖矿木马也是“良心发现”。 虽然家用普通电脑的算力和功耗有限,但长时间挖矿日积月累增加的电费开销也是一笔不小的支出。 如何避免落入挖矿木马的陷阱


及时更新系统补丁,修复系统漏洞,做好基础防护,避免挖矿木马利用漏洞侵入电脑。 开启杀毒软件防护功能,定期用杀毒软件扫描。360已经推出了反挖矿功能和网页挖矿防护功能,能实时拦截各类挖矿木马的攻击。
保持良好的上网习惯,不随意点击陌生链接,从正规渠道下载软件,不运行安全性不明的程序,尤其避免运行杀毒软件已明确报警的程序。 如果出现系统突然变慢或某些进程异常占用CPU资源的情况及时使用杀软扫描并停止相关风险软件使用,如果自己无法处理可以联系360安全专家帮忙解决。

OWASP Dependency-Check: How Does It Work?


OWASP Dependency-Check: How Does It Work?

The Open Web Application Security Project ( OWASP ), is an online community that produces free, publicly-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of web application security .

Open source components have become an integral part of software development. According to WhiteSource’s Annual State of Vulnerabilities Report , 96.8% of developers rely on open source components. The increasingly widespread use of open source components requires that developers take a more proactive approach to open source security management. They need to make sure throughout the development process that the software products that they are creating and maintaining don’t contain vulnerable components.

In hopes of making working with open source components more secure, the good folks at OWASP have released their OWASP Dependency-Check , a free utility created for developers, that identifies project dependencies and checks if they contain any known, publicly disclosed, open source vulnerabilities.

We’ve taken a look at the OWASP Dependency-Check’s functionality, along with its features and integrations, and I’m here to share what we found.

Programming Languages and Integrations

The OWASP Dependency-Check currently supports five different programming languages. Java and .NET are fully supported and additional experimental support is provided for Ruby, Node.js, and python.

The widespread adoption of open source requires developers concerned with the security of their software projects to integrate open source management tools into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Dependency-Check enables developers to stay on top of their open source components early in the development process with support for command-line integration. This allows seamless integration with other tools, build systems and APIs, helping developers to detect security vulnerabilities as early on in the CI/CD process as possible, without interfering with development time.

The OWASP’s tool also supports the Jenkins plugin, and can fail the build process, allowing you to make (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog WhiteSource authored byShiri Ivtsan. Read the original post at: https://resources.whitesourcesoftware.com/blog-whitesource/owasp-dependency-check

Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap

In my role, I often meet with CISOs and security architects who are updating their security strategy to meet the challenges of continuously evolving attacker techniques and cloud platforms. A frequent topic is prioritizing security for their highest value assets, both the assets that have the most business value today as well as the initiatives that the organization is banking on for the future. This typically includes intellectual property, customer data, key new digital initiatives, and other data that, if leaked, would do the greatest reputational and financial damage. Once weve identified the highest value assets, it inevitably leads to a conversation about all the privileged accounts that have administrative rights over these assets. Most of our customers recognize that you can no longer protect the enterprise just by securing the network edge; the cloud and mobile devices have permanently changed that. Identities represent the critically important new security perimeter in a dual perimeter strategy while legacy architectures are slowly phased out.
Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap

Regardless of perimeter and architecture, there are few things more important to a secure posture than protecting admins. This is because a compromised admin account would cause a much greater impact on the organization than a compromised non-privileged user account.

If you are working on initiatives to secure your privileged accounts (and I hope you are
Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap
), this post is designed to help. Ive shared some of the principles and tools that Microsoft has used to guide and enhance our own security posture, including some prescriptive roadmaps to help you plan your own initiatives. Protect the privileged access lifecycle

Once you start cataloging all the high-value assets and who can impact them, it quickly becomes clear that we arent just talking about traditional IT admins when we talk about privileged accounts. There are people who manage social media accounts rich with customer data, cloud services admins, and those that manage directories or financial data. All of these user accounts need to be secured (though most organizations start with IT admins first and then progress to others, prioritized based on risk or the ability to secure the account quickly).

Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap

Protecting the privileged access lifecycle is also more than just vaulting the credentials. Organizations need to take a complete and thoughtful approach to isolate the organizations systems from risks. It requires changes to:

Processes, habits, administrative practices, and knowledge management. Technical components such as host defenses, account protections, and identity management.
Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap
Principles of securing privileged access

Securing all aspects of the privileged lifecycle really comes down to the following principles:

Strengthen authentication:

Move beyond relying solely on passwords that are too often weak, or easily guessed and move to a password-less, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solution that uses at least two forms of authentication, such as a PIN, biometrics, and/or a code generated by a device. Make sure you detect and remediate leaked credentials.

Reduce the attack surface:

Remove legacy/insecure protocols. Remove duplicate/weak passwords. Reduce dependencies. Increase monitoring and detection. Automate threat response. Ensure usability for administrators.

To illustrate the importance we place on privileged access controls, Ive included a diagram that shows how Microsoft protects itself. Youll see we have instituted traditional defenses for securing the network, as well as made extensive investments into development security, continuous monitoring, and processes to ensure we are looking at our systems with an attackers eye. You can also see how we place a very high priority on security for privileged users, with extensive training, rigorous processes, separate workstations, as well as strong authentication.

Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap
Prioritize quick, high-value changes first using our roadmap

To help our customers get the most protection for their investment of time/resources, we have created prescriptive roadmaps to kickstart your planning. These will help you plan out your initiatives in phases, so you can knock out quick wins first and then incrementally increase your security over time.

Check out the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) roadmap to plan out protections for the administration of this critical system. We also have an on-premises roadmap focused on Active Directory admins, which Ive included below. Since many organizations run hybrid networks, we will soon merge these two roadmaps.

On-premises privileged identity roadmap

There are three stages to secure privileged access for an on-premises AD.

Stage 1 (30 days)

Stage 1 of the roadmap is focused on quickly mitigating the most frequently used attack techniques of credential theft and abuse.

Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap

1. Separate accounts: This is the first step to mitigate the risk of an internet attack (phishing attacks, web browsing) from impacting administrative privileges.

2 and 3. Unique passwords for workstations and servers: This is a critical containment step to protect against adversaries stealing and re-using password hashes for local admin accounts to gain access to other computers.

4. Privileged access workstations (PAW) stage 1: This reduces internet risks by ensuring that the workstations admins use every day are protected at a very high level.

5. Identity attack detection: Ensures that security operations have visibility into well-known attack techniques on admins.

Stage 2 (90 days)

These capabilities build on the mitigations from the 30-day plan and provide a broader spectrum of mitigations, including increased visibility and control of administrative rights.

Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap

1. Require windows Hello for business: Replace hard-to-remember and easy-to-hack passwords with strong, easy-to-use authentication for your admins.

2. PAW stage 2: Requiring separate admin workstations significantly increases the security of the accounts your admins use to do their work. This makes it extremely difficult for adversaries to get access to your admins and is modeled on the systems we use to protect Azure and other sensitive systems at Microsoft (described earlier).

3. Just in time privileges: Lowers the exposure of privileges and increases visibility into privilege use by providing them to admins as they need it. This same principle is applied rigorously to admins of our cloud.

4. Enable credential guard on Windows 10 workstations: This isolates secrets for legacy authentication protocols like Kerberos and NTLM on all Windows 10 user workstations to make it more difficult for attackers to operate there and reach the admins.

5. Leaked credentials 1: This enables you to detect a risk of a leaked password by synchronizing password hashes to Azure AD where it can compare them to known leaked credentials.

6. Lateral movement vulnerability detection: Discover which sensitive accounts in your network are exposed because of their connection to non-sensitive accounts, groups, and machines.

Stage 3: Proactively secure posture

These capabilities build on the mitigations from previous phases and move your defenses into a proactive posture. While there will never be perfect security, this represents the strongest protections against privilege attacks currently known and available today.

Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap

1. Review role-based access control: Protect identity and management systems using a set of buffer zones between full control of the environment (Tier 0) and the high-risk workstation assets that attackers frequently compromise.

2. PAW stage 3: Expands your protection by separating internet risks (phishing attacks, web browsing) from all administrative privileges, not just AD admins.

3. Lowersthe attack surface of domain and domain controller: This hardens these sensitive assets to make it difficult for attackers to compromise them with classic attacks like unpatched vulnerabilities and exploiting configuration weaknesses.

4. Leaked credentials 2: This steps up the protection of admin accounts against leaked credentials by forcing a reset of passwords using conditional access and self-service password reset (versus requiring someone to review the leaked credentials reports and manually take action).

Securing your administrative accounts will reduce your risk significantly. Stay tuned for the hybrid roadmap, which will be completed in early 2019.

The post Secure your privileged administrative accounts with a phased roadmap appeared first on Microsoft Secure .

Dunkin' Donuts Serves Up Data Breach Alert


Forces potentially affected DD Perks customers to reset their passwords after learning of unauthorized access to their personal data.

Dunkin' Donuts has alerted DD Perks account holders to a security incident after learning an unauthorized party accessed some of their usernames and passwords, NBC News reports.

DD Perks is a rewards program that lets Dunkin' customers purchase food and beverages for pickup and receive free drinks via rewards points and on their birthdays. On Oct. 31, a security vendor detected a third party accessing users' accounts. It believes these actors stole usernames and passwords from other companies and used them to attempt DD Perks logins.

Information exposed varies from user to user, depending on what was in their accounts. Dunkin' reports third parties may have been able to access first and last names, email addresses (which are used as usernames), the 16-digit DD Perks account numbers, and DD Perks QR codes.

Dunkin' reports its security vendor successfully blocked most of the attempted logins, but it is possible some accounts were accessed. It has launched an internal investigation and forced all potentially affected DD Perks users to reset their passwords and log back in with new ones. It has also taken steps to replace any stored DD Perks cards with new account numbers while retaining the cards' values. Law enforcement is helping identify the parties responsible.

Users are advised to create unique passwords for their DD Perks accounts, as well as all online accounts, and to never use the same password twice.

Read more details here .

Dunkin' Donuts Serves Up Data Breach Alert

Black Hat Europe returns to London Dec 3-6 2018 with hands-on technical Trainings, cutting-edge Briefings, Arsenal open-source tool demonstrations, top-tier security solutions and service providers in the Business Hall. Click for information on the conference and to register.

Dark Reading's Quick Hits delivers a brief synopsis and summary of the significance of breaking news events. For more information from the original source of the news item, please follow the link provided in this article.View Full Bio

Browser Security: What’s Up with WASM?


Browser Security: What’s Up with WASM?

WebAssembly, a newer type of “low-level” code that can be run by modern web browsers, is aimed at improving the web experience. The catch: Regular browsers execute such code locally. WebAssembly merely a faster way for web-borne exploits to reach the local browser?


WebAssembly (WASM) is currently supported by major browsers including Firefox, Chrome, WebKit/Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Because the browser is running the WebAssembly code locally, any problems with that code also end up on the user’s machine and potentially pose a threat to the local IT environment.

How does WebAssembly work? WASM is not a high-level language. It is a way for language compilers (like those that read C, C++, and Rust high-level code) to express their assembly-level output in a different format. This output then can be directly executed by the browser.

Browser Security: What’s Up with WASM?

Source: LogRocket Blog

By itself, WebAssembly code isn’t supposed to be able to do anything. It’s run inside a sandboxed virtual machine. WASM depends on other parts of its surrounding environment (javascript or the browser itself) to actually handle tasks and passes information to these other helpers via an API.

There’s a logic behind this. Javascript (or the browser that can execute WASM code) already has the glue in place to deal with external tasks like writing to a screen. So why not take advantage of what’s already there?

Are WASM’s Security Safeguards Sufficient?

However, WebAssembly was specified to be run in a sandboxed execution environment for safety purposes. WebAssembly will additionally enforce the browser’s same-origin and permissions policies. There was some thought given by the language’s designers to basic security safeguards, especially in how memory is managed.

Yet in spite of the initial consideration, security problems have arisen with WASM. And not surprisingly, they are related to the inherent security weakness of the traditional browser model. WebAssembly code has been found, for example, to be a major component of cryptomining malware designed to hijack local browsers.

WASM has been a boon for cryptominers. The developers of Coinhive (one of the major miners) even stated that “Our miner uses WebAssembly and runs with about 65% of the performance of a native Miner.” They were drawn to WebAssembly for the performance boost it promised in the execution of the malware.

Good or Bad WASM? The Browser Wouldn’t Know.

One of the most obvious problems with WebAssembly is that there is not currently a means to do integrity checking on WASM code. This means there is no way to see if the actual code has been changed or altered in some way from a known “good” state before the browser executes it.

The lack of integrity checks would mean that the possibility exists that an attacker could substitute their own WASM code inside of a module that is going to be run by the browser without tripping any alarms. Since the actual code of the module is not directly human-readable, checking integrity would require some sort of pre-processor program to read the code before execution.

Once Again, Security Takes a Backseat

So why not add that component, you ask? The simple answer is that the added processing alone might negate any performance benefits in the code execution that WebAssembly promises.

There are more potential problems with WebAssembly. CVE-2018-5093 is one recent example that affects the Firefox browser. This heap buffer overflow vulnerability may occur in WebAssembly during Memory/Table resizing, resulting in a potentially exploitable crash.

Another recent vulnerability (CVE-2018-5094), which also affects the Firefox browser, is similar in nature. A heap buffer overflow vulnerability can occur in WebAssembly when "shrinkElements" is called followed by garbage collection on memory that is now uninitialized.

One more potential problem results from the use of multiple languages that are compiled into WASM code. If a developer cross-compiles an application into WebAssembly, any security problems the original application already has may be transferred as well.

Any exploits in libraries used by the original code will then also be present in the WASM code, where they may be hard to identify. In general, any problem present in the high-level language will also become a problem with WebAssembly.

Less Control = More Risk

Where WASM is executed in the local browser, all of these risk factors are entirely out of the user’s and IT admin’s control, leaving them (once again) at the mercy of programmers and their ability to avoid them. However, if the history of the web is any indication, this likely won’t be enough to keep WASM from becoming a raging success.

Because of the inherent security weaknesses of regular browsers, these problems with WASM were entirely predictable. As with Flash and Java in the 1990s, extending the functionality of the traditional browser model to run arbitrary code in this case, WebAssembly once again expands the local attack surface for web-borne exploits.

So should we just throw up our hands and go with the program?

Regain Control of the Browser

Fortunately, today you have a better way to take advantage of new code like WASM. You can do so without putting your local IT at risk. How about using a cloud browser, which processes all content securely in an isolated environment offsite?

A secure cloud browser completely insulates the local IT infrastructure from the consequences of bad WASM behavior. WASM-enhanced cryptominers won’t get a chance to gobble up local CPU resources.

The cloud browser model helps you regain control on the web. It ensures that web-borne bugs or exploits whether introduced by WASM or any other internet code are isolated and neutered in the cloud. This way, they can never reach the user’s machine and ripple from there through the local network.

Properly coded applications offering WASM must provide an asm.js fallback, which the cloud browser can execute. With a secure cloud browser, you (or your IT admin) don’t have to worry anymore about what could go wrong in the browser with WASM.

Browser Security: What’s Up with WASM?

Larry Loeb has been online since uucp "bang" addressing (where the world existed relative to !decvax) and served as editor of the Macintosh Exchange on BIX and the VARBusiness Exchange. He wrote for BYTE magazine, was a senior editor for the launch of WebWeek, and authored books on the Secure Electronic Transaction Internet protocol and "Hack Proofing XML" (his latest). Larry currently writes about cybersecurity for Security Now.

PureSec Collaborates with Amazon Web Services to Provide Zero-Overhead Applicati ...


The new PureSec protection layer for AWS Lambda is designed to help AWS customers further secure their serverless applications against cyber-attacks with minimal effort and no operational overhead

TEL AVIV, Israel, November 29, 2018 ― PureSec, today launches the world’s first serverless security solution, which is designed to require zero operational overhead by using a new product feature from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda, called ‘AWS Lambda Layers’.

Using the new PureSec layer for AWS Lambda, customers can build and deploy secure serverless applications in a standardized and consistent way, without requiring developers to modify function code, or include any additional components into deployment packages.

The new PureSec layer for AWS Lambda also allows organizations to govern and enforce serverless security best-practices, and to tightly integrate the PureSec serverless security platform into every serverless application, with zero additional operational overhead.

In cloud environments such as AWS, the cloud provider is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs all of the cloud services. This infrastructure is composed of the hardware, software, networking and facilities that run cloud services. AWS Lambda takes this protection one layer higher, and also provides security for the operating system and supported languages/runtimes. At the same time, the customer is responsible for securing the application layer, which includes protecting application logic and code, configuration of the different cloud services that the application consumes, and any custom configurations.

“In AWS Lambda, application owners can control their code and configurations, while security for the application layer has to come from within the code itself,” said Ory Segal, CTO and co-founder at PureSec. “Up until today this meant that deployment of a serverless security platform such as PureSec could only be done by involving the development team and having developers embed the PureSec runtime protection into each function.”

Segal also noted that “the PureSec protection layer for AWS Lambda is the outcome of collaborative work with the AWS Lambda team. It represents our unique serverless security vision, to make serverless runtime protection more accessible and easier to consume for all AWS Lambda customers.”

PureSec’s Serverless Security Platform is designed to provide comprehensive end-to-end serverless security for AWS Lambda applications, which includes:

Serverless asset inventory and near real time threat visibility
risk management, security posture analysis and best practices checklists Serverless-specific static analysis for the detection and mitigation of weaknesses, vulnerabilities and misconfigurations during development Serverless runtime application layer protections: Serverless application firewall capable of detecting and stopping event-data injection attacks such as: SQL injection, Cross-Site-Scripting, External XML entities, Runtime code injection, Local file include and Command injections Machine Learning (ML)-based behavioral protection capable of detecting and preventing malicious behavior such as data leakage through outbound network connections, execution of malicious processes, unauthorized access to the file-system, etc. Integration with SIEM systems and data analysis platforms such as Splunk Below is a short movie clip demonstrating how to deploy the PureSec serverless security platform by using the new AWS Lambda Layers feature.
PureSec Collaborates with Amazon Web Services to Provide Zero-Overhead Applicati ...



摘要: 国外公司面向消费推出iOS设备解锁服务:一台收费近3万据外媒报道,当地时间11月27日,DriveSavers宣布向消费者推出一项新的服务,即为那些忘记密码、多次输入错误密码后被锁住设备或需要访问已故家庭成员设备的用户解锁iOS设备。DriveSavers表示...

国外公司面向消费推出 iOS 设备解锁服务:一台收费近 3 万



优步 270 万用户信息被黑客盗取,遭英国监管机构重罚 38.5 万英镑
优步(Uber)近日被英国媒体曝光:旗下约270万英国用户个人信息在2016年被黑客盗取,而最夸张的是优步为了“息事宁人”居然支付了10万美元给黑客,因此被英国监管机构重罚38.5万英镑。据报道,英国政府网络安全监管机构信息专员办公室(ICO) 当地时间11月27日表示,优步在遭遇黑客攻击后,没有第一时间告知被泄露的用户有关细节,反而支付黑客10万美元让其销毁被盗信息,这一做法是对用户和优步司机信息安全性的漠视。ICO将这次的黑客行为定义为“严重违法行为”。被盗取的资料涉及注册用户和注册优步司机的个人信息,增加其被网络欺诈的风险。更多细节显示,不光是英国用户的数据被黑客盗取,在全球范围内有5700万优步用户和60万司机的个人信息也存在安全隐患。今年9月,优步曾与美国50个州以及华盛顿特区达成和解协议,同意支付1.48亿美元用于客户隐私信息被泄露的和解,并承诺加强网络安全。



phpCMS 2008 爆高危漏洞
近日,国家信息安全漏洞共享平台(CNVD)发布最新安全公告,PHPCMS 2008存在代码注入漏洞,漏洞编号为CNVD-C-2018-127157,CVE编号:CVE-2018-19127。攻击者利用该漏洞,可在未授权的情况下实现对网站文件的写入。PHPCMS 2008是一款基于 PHP+mysql 架构的网站内容管理系统,也是一个开源的 PHP 开发平台。PHPCMS网站内容管理系统是采用OOP(面向对象)方式自主开发的框架,该框架具有易扩展、稳定且具有较高的负载能力,是国内主流CMS系统之一。攻击者利用该漏洞,远程通过代码注入,可在未经授权的情况下,向网站上路径可控的缓存文件写入任意内容,进而可能在目标网站上植入后门,实现在未经授权的情况下,对目标网站进行远程命令执行攻击。



因 Google 未屏蔽 “ 非法网站 ” 俄罗斯提起民事诉讼
俄罗斯对 Google 提起民事诉讼 ,指控搜索巨人未遵守法律要求从搜索结果里移除某些条目。俄罗斯指责 Google 没有加入它认为含有非法信息的网站黑名单,因此违反了法律。最终裁决预计会在 12 月宣布。过去五年,俄罗斯推出了更严的网络法,要求搜索引擎删除一些搜索结果,要求即时通讯服务与安全服务分享加密密钥,并要求社交网络将俄罗斯用户的个人数据存储在俄罗斯国内的服务器上。但目前俄罗斯的主要惩罚手段是罚款,且金额不高,这起诉讼对 Google 的罚款预计最高 70 万卢布约 1 万多美元。俄罗斯正在考虑 加大处罚力度 。









linux 内核又被曝多个未修复的 DoS 漏洞




安全帮,是中国电信北京研究院旗下安全团队,致力于成为“SaaS安全服务领导者”。目前拥有“1+4”产品体系:一个SaaS电商(www.anquanbang.vip) 、四个平台(SDS软件定义安全平台、安全能力开放平台、安全大数据平台、安全态势感知平台)。

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Find certificate files that will expire soon and create a csr


The certificate expiration period should be kept as short as possible in a public key infrastructure. But the cost of resigning certificates must not be too high. This trade off causes a lot of problems. Every now and then a certificate expires without anybody noticing it or the same certificate is used for 10 years, which is obviously a security risk. In order to avoid this problem you either use Let’s Encrypt or another fully automated certificate management system. If this is not available you must know at least which certificates are going to expire soon.

In my case I had a project with multiple certificate and dynamically built key stores. I had to find the certificates in the project folder structure that expire soon and need to be resigned. In order to automate this process I’ve built the following bash script.

# look for certificates that will expire before this date maxage="2018-12-31" # create numeric date from max age intmaxage=$(date -d $maxage +%s) # search for all pem files in current folder for certfile in $(find ./ -name *.pem); do # filter files by certificates if [[ "$certfile" == *certificate.pem ]] then # extract the not after date string noafter=$(openssl x509 -in $certfile -text -noout | grep 'Not After :' | cut -d':' -f2- | sed 's/ //') # convert it to a date value date=$(date --date="$noafter" "+%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y GMT") # convert date value to a numeric date intdate=$(date --date="$date" +%s) # set the key file keyfile=$(echo $certfile | sed 's/certificate.pem/key.pem/') # create csr file variable csrfile=$(basename $certfile | sed 's/certificate.pem/.csr/') # create new csr openssl req -out ~/$csrfile -key $keyfile -new # check if certificate expires before the max age if [[ $intdate -le $intmaxage ]] then # confirm the creation of the csr and provide meta information echo "A csr file: $csrfile" echo "for the certificate: $certfile" echo "with key file: $keyfile" echo "has been create as it will expire soon at: $date" echo "" fi fi done


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