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Gartner的分析师Brian Reed说过:技术人员和业务人员之间缺乏沟通,这是企业一直遇到的问题。业务人员不理解技术问题,技术人员不知道如何证明业务价值。

联邦快递习惯于为圣诞节前后发生的中断风险做计划,因为这是航运公司的旺季。然而,在2017年,一场勒索软件的袭击在6月份发生,造成了大约 3亿美元 的损失。可见,安全专家与业务部门的深入合作变得尤为重要,大家若多一些时间进行沟通,可以使对风险得管理变得更加有效。


近两年,网络风险最热的话题,非数据泄露莫属。数据泄露似乎每天都在发生,Facebook、Under Armour、AcFun、华住…用户数据是企业的宝贵财富,企业处理这些数据时面临着极大风险。想象一下,一觉醒来发现自己企业因数据泄露而占据各大新闻头条,是多么恐怖。
























为了解决数据在TCP上的安全传输问题,网景通信公司(Netscape Communications Corporation)在1994年提出了Secure Socket Layer(SSL)协议(又称套接字安全协议)。由于发布的SSL2没有和网景公司之外的安全专家商讨,考虑得不够全面,存在着严重的弱点。在1995年,网景公司发布了SSL3,修补了SSL2协议上的很多漏洞。SSL3发布以后,得到了业界的高度重视。之后IETF成立Transport Layer Security(TLS)工作组,基于SSL3设计了TLS,并于1999年、2006年和2008年分别发布了TLS 1.0,TLS 1.1和TLS 1.2,修补了协议中设计和实现中存在的大量漏洞。









无线局域网领域技术路线的博弈只是网络协议战争的冰山一角,隐藏于冰山之下的暗战更为刺激。正如上面所述,越来越多的网络安全协议被设计并应用,但令人尴尬的是很多安全协议在刚刚推出的时候就被发现其具有漏洞。不过,还有一种特定的存在,就是你一直没发现它有漏洞,直到某个人的出现,譬如美国人爱德华斯诺登(Edward Snowden)。

2013年6月,前美国中情局(CIA)职员爱德华斯诺登披露了美国的“棱镜计划”,其中的一项重要信息就是:美国通过控制国际标准的制定来实现网络信息监控,美国国家安全局(NSA)曾秘密运作安全标准成为国际标准。后续揭露的信息显示,美国政府用长达数十年的时间开发并完善可为其控制的网络安全协议技术和标准体系,这其中就包括802.1x、IEEE 802.11i等多项安全协议标准,以维护其国家网络安全利益。更多的细节包括利用其标准中蓄意制造的网络安全协议漏洞,进行大规模全球网络监控和网络攻击。目前可见的资料显示,早在1986年,美国国家安全局(NSA)就已开始介入网络安全协议的“开发”。


“棱镜门”的出现,直接导致了全球网络信任基础的崩塌。在2015年的一次国际标准组织ISO/IEC标准讨论中,挪威专家明确指出“我们非常清晰的一致意见是SIMON和SPECK算法不应当被包含进ISO 29192-2中,这个结论基于如下事实:这些算法是NSA提出的,我们不信任NSA会善意地提出安全标准。”我们无需了解技术细节,从这段话语中自然可以嗅到空气中散发的疑虑情绪。





参考资料: 揭开数据中心网络协议家族史 互联网怪谈9:没有阿帕网,就没有互联网 百度百科 TCP/IP协议 网络的基本概念和分类 阿帕网:“冷战”催生的传奇作者:刘洋 发布时间:2012-05-17 来源:环球财经 回顾互联网的前身――“阿帕网” TCP/IP协议维基百科/百度百科 技术往事:改变世界的TCP/IP协议 从计算机和计算机网络的发展看TCP/IP协议的重要性 陈中炜 网络安全协议在计算机通信技术当中的作用与意义 计算机通信技术当中网络安全协议的作用剖析 施乐的悲剧 环球财经 杨涛编译 《连线》杂志文章《TCP/IP设计者卡恩与互联网的第一次“圣餐”》 《计算机网络(第5版)》 互联网简史 拜读一下计算机界牛人前辈们 百度百科:BSD IPv6的未来 第9章 网络安全协议(https://wenku.baidu.com/view/cd6d092b647d27284b7351ec.html)


Cisco Fixes Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability in Prime License Manager


Cisco just patched a critical SQL injection vulnerability residing in the web framework code of theCisco Prime License Manager (PLM) designed to help administrators to manage user licenses on an enterprise-wide scale.

Potential remote attackers could execute arbitrary SQL queries on vulnerable machines after successfully exploiting the CVE-2018-15441 security issue.

According to Cisco's advisory detailing this SQL injection security bug in theCisco Prime License Manager solution, the issue resides in the "lack of proper validation of user-supplied input in SQL queries."

Cisco also says that "An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending crafted HTTP POST requests that contain malicious SQL statements to an affected application."

Furthermore, adversaries that manage to use an exploit to compromise a vulnerable target can also delete or modify any data within Prime License Manager's database, as well as obtain shell access with the system privileges of the postgresuser account.

There are no known workarounds to mitigate this vulnerability at the moment, but Cisco has already released software updates which address the vulnerability.

This vulnerability impacts only PLM 11.0.1 or later installations

The CVE-2018-15441 security issue impacts CiscoPrime License Manager 11.0.1 and later, with both coresident and standalone deployments being affected.

In coresident configurations, theCiscoPrime License Manager solution is installed as part of theCiscoUnified Communications Manager and CiscoUnity Connection suites.

Moreover,becauseCisco PLM is not included within versions 12.0 or later of CiscoUnity Connection and CiscoUnified Communications Manager, these versions of the two suites are not impacted by this SQL injection vulnerability.

"The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerability that is described in this advisory" also says the advisory.








1. 勒索软件逐渐减少,但破坏力依然惊人




2. 隐私监管和公众对隐私的看法将驱动数据保护策略





2019年有可能会颁布类似GDPR的隐私法律。《加州消费者隐私法案》已被通过,将在2020年生效。11月1日美国参议院 Ron Wyden 提交了《消费者数据保护法案》(CDPA),该法案对隐私违法行为的处罚非常严厉,甚至包括了入狱。



3. 民族国家对个人的攻击和监视会更多




4. 微软将在其所有主流产品中加装高级威胁防护(ATP)

windows 10 高级威胁防护(ATP)是可以让持有E5安全证书的用户了解攻击者所作所为的一项服务。计算机连接到ATP服务时即启动遥测。

微软将在所有版本的Windows上推广ATP服务,借以打造重视安全的品牌形象。未来几年,该项服务将成为令用户选择Windows产品而不是IBM Red Hat 产品的一大卖点。

5. 确认中期选举中出现了选票造假



6. 多因子身份验证将成为所有在线交易的标准




7. 鱼叉式网络钓鱼更具针对性



8. 各国将设立网络战规则




9. 更多公司将要求CSO/CISO拥有网络安全硕士学位




FIT 2019议题前瞻:从Bugbounty到网络空间,如何做好一名合格的白帽丨X-Tech技术派对









FIT 2019议题前瞻:从Bugbounty到网络空间,如何做好一名合格的白帽丨X-Tech技术派对



张天琪是斗象科技联合创始人兼首席技术官,应用安全专家,国内首家互联网安全新媒体“CodeSec”创办人之一,国内领先的互联网安全服务平台“漏洞盒子”,全息安全风险监控与分析系统“网藤风险感知”技术总负责人。Qcon、GSMA、ISC、OWASP等行业峰会演讲者,多次上榜Google,Microsoft,Yahoo,Paypal等国外厂商安全名人堂,360 Hackpwn大赛评委。




FIT 2019议题前瞻:从Bugbounty到网络空间,如何做好一名合格的白帽丨X-Tech技术派对

黑哥(superhei),全名周景平,知道创宇首席安全官兼404实验室总监,多次带领团队协助修复了微软安全分级最高级别漏洞,也因于此,在2015年世界黑帽大会 BlackHat 上入选了微软“历史Top100贡献榜单”,次年再次入选年度MSRC 2016 Top100榜单。黑哥因在 Web 安全领域做出了杰出的贡献被称为“ 中国黑客传说”, 同时利用自身的影响力, 带动了一批年轻人一起做出了一些意义不凡的成绩。




FIT 2019议题前瞻:从Bugbounty到网络空间,如何做好一名合格的白帽丨X-Tech技术派对



K哥,孔韬循(K0r4dij-小K),丁牛科技现任CSO,著名信息安全团队破晓团队(Pox Team)创始人,半路高中辍学野路子出身,至今领域接触时间已逾10年,中途曾多年公益性质帮助过无数白帽子走上网络信息安全行业相关岗位,并正确的方式引导和协助白帽子群体制定自己专属的人生成长轨迹。从业多年安全并拥有多年国家级党政军信息安全项目服务经验,如:国家部委机关单位等。擅长渗透测试、Web漏洞挖掘、应急响应等信息安全技能,期间曾参与过世界一带一路-信息安全相关项目实施。作为安全从业者,始终相信:没有高手和菜鸟,只有玩的多和少!

FIT 2019互联网安全创新大会


FIT 2019大会会期为 2018年12月12日~13日 ,会议将在 上海宝华万豪酒店 举行。本次大会主论坛议程聚焦 「全球高峰会」、「前沿安全神盾局」、「WitAwards颁奖盛典」、「WIT安全创新者联盟」「X-TECH技术派对」、「HACK DEMO」 六大板块,独立分设 「白帽LIVE」「企业安全俱乐部」 两大分论坛,与来自全球的安全从业者、优秀技术专家、企业安全建设者、白帽安全专家、研究机构等共同展开演讲与探讨。同时 「中国首席信息安全官高峰论坛 」、 「漏洞马拉松线下邀请赛」 也将在特色分会场同期举行。此次盛会致力于分享2018年度安全行业创新硕果,共同探索与展望未来安全新边界。

>>>【FIT 2019官网】

FIT 2019议题前瞻:从Bugbounty到网络空间,如何做好一名合格的白帽丨X-Tech技术派对

【公益译文】网络安全滑动标尺模型 SANS分析师白皮书


【公益译文】网络安全滑动标尺模型 SANS分析师白皮书

阅读: 52


作者 :罗伯特 梅里尔 . 李( Robert M. Lee )








【公益译文】网络安全滑动标尺模型 SANS分析师白皮书

图1 网络安全滑动标尺模型






【公益译文】网络安全滑动标尺模型 SANS分析师白皮书




安全的一个最重要方面是合理构建系统,使其与组织的任务、资金和人员配备相匹配。架构安全指在 用安全思维规划、构建和维护系统 。安全的系统设计是基础,在此之上才能开展其他方面的网络安全建设。此外,根据组织的需求合理构建架构安全,可提升标尺的其他阶段的效率,降低开销。例如,若网络分段不合理且未安装软件补丁进行维护,则存在很多安全问题,防御方可能疲于应对,导致网络攻击者等真正需要识别的威胁淹没于各类安全问题、相关恶意软件以及由于架构不合理而导致的网络配置问题中。




样本架构模型 国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)的800系列特刊




支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS)

-PCI DSS作为信息安全标准,面向的是处理特定类型信用卡及其相关数据的组织。其中,一些标准与防火墙实现等被动防御相关,而大部分标准旨在实现架构安全,例如,开发和维护安全的系统、数据加密、持卡人数据访问限制以及不使用厂商提供的默认密码等要求都有助于实现合理的架构安全。






了解被动防御术语的历史,我们或许会得出这样一个结论:可在结构中添加插件实现防护。防御攻击而未必增强系统自身能力这一理念可帮助我们得出被动防御的定义。在现实世界中,被动防御同样也不需要频繁的人工互动。因此,被动防御的定义为: 架构中添加的提供持续威胁防护和洞察且无需经常人工互动的系统。 架构中添加的样本系统,如防火墙、反恶意软件系统、入侵防御系统、防病毒系统、入侵检测系统和类似的传统安全系统,可提供资产防护、填补或缩小已知安全缺口,减少与威胁交互的机会,并提供威胁洞察分析。这些系统需定期维护、更换和保养,而不是需要时常人工互动才能运行。系统可能一直运行,但并非总是处于有效防护状态。目前,已有多个模型针对此类系统的部署提供建议。

建议被动防御模型 深度防御








20世纪70年代,美国陆军在谈到陆地战时使用了“主动防御”一词,引发激烈辩论。一级上将威廉E德普伊(William E. DePuy)是陆军训练与条令司令部(Army Training and Doctrine Command)的第一任司令,他在1974年的一篇关于1973年阿拉伯/以色列战争的文章中使用了该词。文中,他谈及了防御方的动态而非静态的战斗能力:“这意味着防御方必须要有行动能力,必须对作战区域进 行主动防御。”之后,他进一步阐述了该术语的概念:“主动防御是指紧密联合的武装小组和特遣部队相互支持,在整个战斗区域从不同的位置展开战斗,连续不断地打击攻击者,最终拖垮攻击者。”他在1976的《美国陆军野战手册》100-5“军事行动”中收录了该词。德普伊将军后来指出,“主动防御”一词之所以饱受质疑,是因为对《野战手册》中的术语存在误解,尽管该手册被认为是开创了越战后的陆军条令先例。他表示,“‘主动防御’一词仅在100-5中作为形容词顺便提及而已,在71-2中很少提及。然而,在71-1中,‘主动防御’成为了该系列手册中所规定的防御原则的官方描述符。但是,正如我们之后看到的那样,对该术语的含义没有达成共识。”




【公益译文】网络安全滑动标尺模型 SANS分析师白皮书


主动防御建议模型: 主动网络防御周期

主动网络防御周期是本文作者创建的模型,是SANS ICS515―主动防御和事件响应课程的研究对象。



网络安全监控(NSM)在20世纪80年代被托德海伯林(Todd Heberlein)最终定义为一系列行动。当时,他开发了网络安全监控系统,用于检测网络入侵。随后,其他分析师推广和扩展了NSM的概念。值得注意的是,理查德贝杰利希(Richard Bejtlich)的作品拓展了这一领域,尤其是《网络安全监测之道》(The Tao of Network Security Monitoring)一书,让NSM引起了广泛关注。虽然NSM是主动网络防御周期的一个组成部分,但它本身就是一种模式,是一种主动防御方法。这种方法突出了分析师检测其环境内部对手的价值,可驱动对攻击事件而不是单一入侵的事件响应。




Tripwire Products: Quick Reference Guide


Here at The State of Security , we cover everything from breaking stories about new cyberthreats to step-by-step guides on passing your next compliance audit . But today, we’d like to offer a straight-forward roundup of the Tripwire product suite.

Get to know the basics of Tripwire’s core solutions for FIM, SCM, VM and more. Without further ado…

SCM and FIM: Tripwire Enterprise
Tripwire Products: Quick Reference Guide

Tripwire’s flagship product is the industry standard for integrity monitoring and security configuration management . It’s essentially a security configuration management (SCM) suite that provides fully-integrated solutions for policy, file integrity monitoring (FIM) and remediation management.

The suite lets IT security, compliance and IT operations teams rapidly achieve a foundational level of security throughout their IT infrastructure by reducing the attack surface, increasing system integrity and delivering continuous compliance.

Tripwire Whitelist Profiler

You can augment Tripwire Enterprise with a number of add-ons like Tripwire Whitelist Profiler, which helps bridge the IT/OT gap by giving operational specialists better visibility into environments like industrial control systems (ICS) . ICS operators regularly find themselves needing to manage device-specific policies―a task made difficult when they only have default reporting tools at their disposal.

Tripwire Whitelist Profiler enables you to report on both authorized and unauthorized settings based on your whitelist: your set of permitted ICS settings. It also lets you verify that only approved users exist on your systems at any given time.

Tripwire Malware Detection
Tripwire Products: Quick Reference Guide

Tripwire Malware Detection is another extension of Tripwire Enterprise that identifies malware as soon as it is introduced into your system. Should any unwarranted changes appear on the critical servers monitored with Tripwire Enterprise, Tripwire Malware Detection can immediately inspect the changed or new file to identify malicious behavior.

Tripwire Malware Detection spins up suspicious files into a protected sandbox environment for inspection. A comprehensive PDF report is (Read more...)

Botnets Are Being Repurposed for Crypto Mining Malware: Kaspersky


A security bulletin released by Kaspersky Labs states that botnets are increasingly being used to distribute illicit crypto mining software.

In the note , analysts for the cybersecurity firm said Wednesday that the number of unique users attacked by crypto miners grew dramatically in the first three months of 2018. Such malware is designed to secretly reallocate an infected machine’s processing power to mine cryptocurrencies, with any proceeds going to the attacker.

According to Kaspersky, more users were infected in September than in January and “the threat is still current,” though it is unclear whether the recent collapse in the crypto markets’ prices will have an impact on the infection rate.

The firm’s analysts said that a noticeable drop in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks may be attributable to “the ‘reprofiling’ of botnets from DDoS attacks to cryptocurrency mining.”

As the note detailed:

“Evidence suggests that the owners of many well-known botnets have switched their attack vector toward mining. For example, the DDoS activity of the Yoyo botnet dropped dramatically, although there is no data about it being dismantled.”

A possible explanation for cybercriminals’ increased interest in crypto-mining may lie in the fact that once the malware is distributed, it’s difficult for victims and police to detect.

Of the various types of software identified and cataloged, most reconfigure a computer’s processor usage to allocate a small amount to mining, keeping users from noticing.

The organization further looked into reasons for the prevalence of this type of malware in some regions over others, concluding that regions with a lax legislative framework on pirated and illicitly distributed software are more likely to have victims ofcryptojacking.

U.S. users were the least affected by the attacks, constituting 1.33 percent of the total number detected, followed by users in Switzerland and Britain. However, countries with lax piracy laws like Kazkhstan, Vietnam and Indonesia topped the list.

“The more freely unlicensed software is distributed, the more miners there are. This is confirmed by our statistics, which indicates that miners most often land on victim computers together with pirated software,” the report said.

Image via Shutterstock

How AI and Machine Learning Can Fool Biometric Sensors


Both my phone and my tablet have fingerprint sensors. For some reason, my tablet never reads my fingerprint correctly, so I find I have to try multiple times before giving up and using another method of authentication to log on. But my phone’s sensor has worked great, allowing me quick access to my apps and giving me a sense of privacy that no one else can pick up my phone and use it.

However, fingerprints as a biometric authentication solution isn’t foolproof, and researchers from New York University and Michigan State University recently presented a paper on how easy it is to create synthetic fingerprints that can trick biometric sensors.

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How AI and Machine Learning Can Fool Biometric Sensors

Suddenly, my phone―or anything that relies on fingerprint scans―doesn’t seem as private.

Already a Flawed Scan

I think it is important to point out that fingerprint sensors on our phones and tablets are already a flawed security protection. As the researchers explained, the sensors are so small that they only grab a small part of the fingerprint. This means that naturally, the chance of “matching” with another fingerprint increases. This concept led to something called MasterPrints, which the researchers didn’t develop but described: “MasterPrints are a set of real or synthetic fingerprints that can fortuitously match with a large number of other fingerprints. Therefore, they can be used by an adversary to launch a dictionary attack against a specific subject that can compromise the security of a fingerprint-based recognition system. This means, it is possible to ‘spoof’ the fingerprints of a subject without actually gaining any information about the subject’s fingerprint.”

The researchers then went a step beyond MasterPrints with DeepMasterPrints: “Images that are visually similar to natural fingerprint images.” This is the print that can spoof any type of fingerprint sensor, matching it to a number of different fingerprint identities. It is essentially the master key of fingerprints, and it could create chaos in a security world that sees biometric authentication as the most secure option available right now.

Using AI and ML to Generate Fingerprints

As The Guardian explained, the researchers used two particular properties of fingerprints and sensor technology to come up with DeepMasterPrints. First, it took advantage of the partial print scan done on smaller devices. Second, it used fingerprint features that are common as opposed to unique―in other words, our fingerprints are more alike than we realize. Then, the article stated, “the researchers used a common machine learning technique, called a generative adversarial network, to artificially create new fingerprints that matched as many partial fingerprints as possible.”

Dictionary Attacks, but for Fingerprints

How can synthetic fingerprints affect security? Just as hackers use dictionary attacks to generate potential passwords, the researchers concluded synthetic fingerprints could be used to launch dictionary-style attacks against systems that rely on this type of biometric authentication.

“Could” is the operative word here. It’s important to remember that this research was conducted in a controlled environment, proving synthetic fingerprints―and the science behind creating them―are possible.

“While that doesn’t invalidate the findings,” Sam Bakken, senior product marketing manager at OneSpan said in an email comment, “the costs of executing such an attack are far from negligible and attackers probably don’t see a good return-on-investment at this time.”

However, you know if it can be done in one setting, cybercriminals will work hard to replicate the findings for their own use. With this research, the rest of us are getting a bit of a head start to ensure our authentication systems are able to combat potential synthetic fingerprint hacks. That begins with a layered authentication that adds on to fingerprint biometrics.

“A layered approach might include taking into account additional contextual data (e.g., whether the authentication event is taking place on a compromised device or via an emulator, etc.) to score the risk associated with the transaction and if that risk is too high, ask the user to provide another authentication factor,” said Bakken.

Fingerprints are a popular biometric because they are easy for consumers to use―no passwords to remember and no added device necessary. But it is only a matter of time until they are no more secure than a user name and password combination.

Landmark GCHQ Publication Reveals Vulnerability Disclosure Process


Landmark GCHQ Publication Reveals Vulnerability Disclosure Process
Landmark GCHQ Publication Reveals Vulnerability Disclosure Process
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“Our default is to tell the vendor and have them fix it. But sometimes, after weighing up the implications, we decide to keep the fact of the vulnerability secret and develop intelligence capabilities with it”

GCHQ and NCSC today for the first time published the decision making process they use to decide whether to retain a technology vulnerability for intelligence purposes, or disclose it to a vendor to be patched.

Release of the so-called Equities Process is a move of striking transparency for the traditionally secretive signals intelligence organisation. It comes amid growing pressure from vendors to disclose all such finds.

Equities Process: Wait, What?

The UK’s GCHQ, like other intelligence agencies globally, conducts vulnerability research seeking out flaws in technology that can be exploited for intelligence purposes, either by malicious actors, or UK intelligence.

Landmark GCHQ Publication Reveals Vulnerability Disclosure Process
GCHQ Director Jeremy Fleming. Credit: GCHQ

Many it refers back to vendors for “repair”; indeed the NCSC was named one of the top five bounty hunters under Microsoft’s “bug bounty” programme this year.

Some it holds on to for intelligence purposes.

Such nation state retention of so called 0days, or previously unknown vulnerabilities, has become increasingly controversial however, after 0days stockpiled by governments leaked into the wild and were weaponised by “bad actors”.

Read this: Microsoft Demands “Digital Peace” What Does It Really Want? As Microsoft President Brad Smith last year put it : “The WannaCrypt exploits… were drawn from the exploits stolen from the National Security Agency, or NSA, in the United States. [They] provideyet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem. This is an emerging pattern…” He added: “Exploits in the hands of governments have leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage. [We are calling for]governments to report vulnerabilities to vendors, rather than stockpile, sell, or exploit them.”

Jaya Baloo, the CISO of the Netherland’s KPN Telecom,speaking at an event on critical infrastructure security earlier this year was also blunt:“There is no vulnerabilities equity process. No sharing. If we want critical infrastructure security we need law enforcement and intelligence to share the info they know. Otherwise we are just creating both a white and a black market for vulnerabilities.”

Landmark GCHQ Publication Reveals Vulnerability Disclosure Process
GCHQ Equities Process: Intelligence Capabilities Have Their Place…

In a blog published alongside a description of the decision making process by which GCHQ and the NCSC decide when or not to disclose such finds, Dr Ian Levy, the NCSC’s technical director, however, said disclosing all finds would be “naive”.

He wrote: “Our default is to tell the vendor and have them fix it. But sometimes, after weighing up the implications, we decide to keep the fact of the vulnerability secret and develop intelligence capabilities with it.”

He added: “There has to be a very good reason not to either an overriding intelligence case, or the fact that disclosing could reduce the security of people who use the product and we really do mean it. From an NCSC point of view, some of our best technical folk are involved in the day-to-day decision making, and a couple of us not involved in the day-to-day process are available to the Equity Technical Panel and the Equity Board to provide senior, independent technical advice if necessary.

“We’ve also asked the Investigatory Powers Commissioner , who oversees the use of statutory powers by GCHQ, to provide oversight of the process we run to make sure we’re really taking the right things into account when making a decision. We think that provides world class assurance around this bit of our work,” he noted.

Landmark GCHQ Publication Reveals Vulnerability Disclosure Process
The GCHQ Foyer So, What’s the Process?

There has to be a “a clear and overriding national security benefit in retaining a vulnerability”, GCHQ said . It uses a trio of entities to help determine this (and has also adopted the ISO 29147 approach to vulnerability disclosure, it said).

1:The Equities Technical Panel (ETP), made up of a panel of subject matter experts from across the UK Intelligence Community including the NCSC.

2:The GCHQ Equity Board (EB), “which includes representation from other Government agencies and Departments as required”. This is chaired by “a senior civil servant with appropriate experience and expertise, usually drawn from the NCSC”.

3: The Equities Oversight Committee, chaired by the CEO of the NCSC, which “ensures the Equities Process is working… in accordance with specified procedures and which advises the NCSC ‘s CEO on equity decisions escalated from the Equity Board.”

Decision Criteria

In deciding whether to release or retain a vulnerability, GCHQ looks at these criteria:

Possible remediation. Consideration of the possible routes to mitigate the impact of the vulnerability, in particular focusing on whether there is a viable route to release, or whether releasing it would have a negative impact on national security.

Operational necessity.Consideration of the intelligence value to the UK in retaining the vulnerability, which includes the following questions:

What operational value can be gained from this capability? What are the intelligence opportunities from this capability? How reliant are we on this vulnerability to realise intelligence? How likely is a disclosure to impact other operational capabilities or partners

Defensive risk. An assessment of the impact on security of not releasing the vulnerability in the context of the UK and its allies, including Government departments, critical national infrastructure, companies and private citizens. This includes:

How likely is it that this vulnerability is/could be discovered by someone else? How likely is it that this vulnerability could be exploited by someone else? What technology/sector is exposed if left unpatched? What is the potential damage if the vulnerability is exploited? Without a patch applied to the software are other mitigation opportunities possible such as configuration changes? Ultimately, GCHQ concludes, although when discovering a vulnerability its starting point is to disclose it, retaining knowledge of the vulnerability, “can be used to gather intelligence and disrupt the activ

SOAR Doesn’t Have Mood Swings


If you looked back at how your cyberdefense centers have evolved, you’ll realize that you’ve only thrown more eyeballs on the screen to deal the with the ever-expanding threat landscape. The challenge for the current team is to stay afloat in this endless stream of alerts and identify, rank and respond to the most critical ones. Given that cybersecurity data doubles every year, you’d soon be looking at a real estate problem―you will need to house an exponentially increasing number of analysts to handle the exponentially growing number of alerts. What seems like a challenge today, will be an impossible task tomorrow. Amid these non-stop threat notifications, you realize that it’s only a matter of time until someone drops the ball.

SOC at Scale: That’s a Problem. Here’s Why

You have security information and event management (SIEM) systems that listen to the chatter from around the infrastructure. Hopefully, they help us connect the dots. Next, there are analysts at the security operations center (SOC) who crunch these alerts and validate threats, weeding out false positives and prioritizing events of interest. This process is easy if it works, but the reality is different. The ratio of false positives to meaningful alerts turns the game. Add to that our love for mindless notifications. This creates tremendous pressure on the SOC by requiring analysts to be “extra” attentive to ensure nothing slips through. Let’s face it; it is painful to spend time analyzing alerts and eventually discover that some of them are not even real.

The equation is simple: More alerts requires more analysts. You are now hunting for the right talent while trying not to settle for whatever is available. After you hire, you realize that this is just the beginning. Next, you start worrying about training them, helping them with the process and finally holding on to them. However, the fact remains that more the people in your SOC, the more it seems like a mishap is around the corner.

Same Problem, Different Outcomes

If you give the same incident to 30 analysts in a SOC, you are likely to see six different lines of investigation and four of which won’t achieve the desired end goal. This is due to a skills gap that also ensures you have a vibrant spread of reaction times in your weekly report. And because it is impossible to have all your analysts at the same skill level, you end up leaning on your superstar handlers during times of stress.

As a culture, analysts must continually be kept aware of the threat landscape and helped to build strategies to tackle these threats. While these strategies are sometimes standardized, most of the times threats are left to the good judgment of the handler.

The State of Mind is a Significant Contributor

Running a SOC is like managing a team that must win at all costs. As in a group, where having all members switched on at all times is a challenge, in a SOC, temperaments play a part in bringing out varying results from every individual. Laxity (and similar traits) in mundane tasks can result in significant breaches. Let’s also get practical here; even skilled analysts can make errors when inundated with this deluge.

Going from Machine to Machine

Validating an alert is critical because it is here that an alert becomes a possible threat. The process of validation can include multiple internal and external checks and cross-checks against other devices or endpoints.

Typically, the validation process accounts for about two-thirds of the time required for investigating a threat. Security orchestration automation and response (SOAR) helps in connecting the threat management life cycle to API-driven service providers that respond with third-party intelligence on the threat. SOAR brings capabilities that validate threats internally and externally (using these third-party threat intelligence partners). Today, the majority of the validation checks done by analysts (including correlations) can be automated.

As per a study performed on MSSPs (predominantly servicing customers in India), it takes an average of 170 minutes from the time a threat is identified to the time a response action is initiated. This is because response is a manual process, and different levels of validation are performed before initiating a response action.

By chaining these response actions after an automated validation check, we can cut down the dwell time of an attacker significantly and save time spent in investigating mundane alerts.

Making SOAR Work for You

SOAR platforms allow binding validation and response plugins based on defined logic; these platforms have the benefit of integrating with various data providers and network and security components. The most effective way of implementing automation is to:

Collect past alerts and group similar threats. Pick threats that occur the most. Notice the path of investigation and the combination of validations and response analysts take for each threat type. Mark validation and response blocks that can be automated.

After the first phase of automation, you could look at a more connected approach using security orchestration. Multiple playbooks can be connected, allowing investigations to automatically branch out into different directions. In a way, train systems to handle threats like humans.

The Outcome

Introducing SOAR capabilities into your business is the beginning of quick decision-making and rapid response without human errors. SOAR is the best escape for analysts stuck in the maze of SIEM alerts. It enriches events to prevent false positive alerts from lowering the sensitivity bar, streamlines your incident response workflows and improves overall security operations―incident response times define effective cybersecurity.

After figuring out the exact steps in the human (as-is) process, as a part of SOAR, you can automate them to reduce the personnel workload by more than 41 percent. This means 410/1,000 alerts can be automated! Even the remaining 59 percent have contextual information added to assist analysis, enabling speedy and accurate decision-making. Security is no longer a trade-off between the two.

Your SOC analysts will rock―minus the mood swings!

Perspectives on the ‘Paris Call’


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union”

“Four score and seven years ago”

“I have a dream”

These are very well known quotes to every American. These quotes where opening salvos by great leaders who knew we had to come together for change and for good. Although the quotes I know off the top of my head are provincial, I also know that when there is a time that requires change, a time people must come together, for good, we should be listening to great leaders around the world.

Earlier this month, French President Emmanuel Macron made the call to come together and address a global challenge, the need for data security in cyberspace. Without data security there can be no trust, bad actors can wreak havoc, and we the people can have our lives quickly turned upside down by hackers. There isn’t a day that goes by without news of how hackers, terrorists, and nation states are infiltrating the foundations of what President Macron defines as “information and communication technologies (ICT).”

Perspectives on the ‘Paris Call’

Macron made the opening salvo to address this problem, globally and together, not only through piecemeal regulations. He rolled out the “ Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace ”. He called for leaders to reaffirm “our support to an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful cyberspace, which has become an integral component of life in all its social, economic, cultural and political aspects.”

Essentially, he is asking to apply the best practices we learned as a society from world wars and large scale disasters to the new world of cyberspace. The document calls for leaders to condemn malicious cyber activities in peacetime, just as we do for traditional invasions and attacks on infrastructure and indiscriminant attacks on individuals. He asks that we support victims of malicious use of ICTs and for stakeholders to cooperate to protect and respond to such attacks.

The Paris Call lists out nine norms, all of which you can find in the link above. Here’s a sampling of three:

Strengthen our capacity to prevent malign interference by foreign actors aimed at undermining electoral processes through malicious cyber activities Prevent ICT (information and communication technologies) enabled theft of intellectual property, including trade secrets or other confidential business information, with the intent of providing competitive advantages to companies or commercial sector Strengthen the security of digital processes, products and services, throughout their lifecycle and supply chain

The U.K., Canada, and New Zealand have all signed on, along with leadership from Microsoft, Google, IBM, and HP. It is reported that the United States is in ‘talks’ and has not yet signed onto the initiative. We should all hope that China and Russia join in this effort too. What is important is that the call has been made and it has early success. I’m hopeful that this is the start of more collaboration and ultimately a safer cyber environment for working, living and playing in cyberspace. Incredible changes for good often take time and may never be entirely reached, but they always start with the call for moving together towards a dream with the goal of perfection. It is time for us to start this journey, globally and together.

Have questions? Leave a comment below, or follow Thales eSecurity on Twitter , LinkedIn and Facebook.

The post Perspectives on the ‘Paris Call’ appeared first on Data Security Blog | Thales eSecurity .

Axiado’s Processor Architecture Without Meltdown & Spectre Vulnerabilitie ...


SAN JOSE, Calif. (BUSINESS WIRE) #Firewall Axiado today announces a deterministic in-order protocol for its

firewall processor architecture, delivering high performance without

compromising security.

Axiado’s Processor Architecture Without Meltdown & Spectre Vulnerabilitie ...

Current high-performance processor architectures use out-of-order

processing, exposing digital systems to critical hardware

vulnerabilities like Meltdown and Spectre. After-the-fact patches to

those vulnerabilities significantly diminish processor performance.

Axiado’s firewall processor architecture does not have a performance

downside from in-order processing due to its efficiencies of intercore-

and interprocessor-communication.

Out-of-order processing was introduced in the late 1990s as a response

to market expectations of continuous performance enhancement. While

offering a potential performance gain of up to 15 percent, out-of-order

processing and related predictive execution (speculative branching,

speculative caching, and cache dumping by OS debugger) left systems

vulnerable to cyberattacks.

“In totality, our processor outperforms existing processors that use

out-of-order protocol because our OS makes a better use of all cores and

accelerators that take care of most computationally intensive programs

and subroutines,” said Axel Kloth, founder and CTO of Axiado.

According to John Gustafson, inventor of Gustafson’s Law of Parallel

Speed-Up, former Director of Research at Intel Labs, and Senior Fellow

of AMD, “A lot of companies have discovered that things like

out-of-order execution, and all these other tricks that processor

companies have done to improve performance, are full of holes and allow

people to penetrate and abuse the systems.” Attempts to remedy these

vulnerabilities by software patching diminishes processor performance,

resulting in incomplete security and zero gain in processor performance.

Nick Tredennick, developer of Motorola’s MC68000, AMD’s Nx686, and IBM’s

Micro/370 processors affirmed, “Out-of-order execution within the

current CPUs requires speculative execution, speculative branching, and

speculative caching. These caching and aging algorithms are very complex

and highly prone to error, causing high latency for cleanups. An

in-order processor does not have this challenge, and the remaining issue

of per-core performance can be mitigated using other methods.”

“The most valuable thing that a company can do is to protect individuals

and make sure that their sensitive information is not exposed on the

internet,” said Ashok Babbar, CEO of Axiado. “Our response to the need

for uncompromised security is a processor architecture that employs

in-order processing that is immune to the vulnerabilities of all other

processors today without giving up high performance. Our processor

architecture has been specifically designed to protect itself and other

processors from known and unknown cyberattacks at the first point of

intrusion. We believe this technology is invaluable to network systems

companies who want to deliver impenetrable firewalls with high

performance to their customers.”

See more about Axiado’s high-performance in-order processing at https://axiado.com/hpiop/

About Axiado

Axiado is a firewall processor company securing the digital

infrastructure At the 1 st Point of Intrusion TM . By

architecting both the computational and networking stacks, the company

has developed the most advanced security platform from the ground up.

Axiado’s security platform, comprising a secure microprocessor,

firmware, OS kernel and APIs, is free from the attack surfaces that

other processors and operating systems exhibit today.

Press kit available at https://axiado.com/press/

Discover more at https://axiado.com

and follow us on Twitter at security@axiado.corp .

Axiado TM and the Axiado logo are trademarks of Axiado



Minna Holopainen, VP Communication

Axiado Corporation

Axiado’s Processor Architecture Without Meltdown & Spectre Vulnerabilitie ...
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Bare Metal Programming


As the need for safety and security grows across application areas such as automotive, industrial, and in the cloud, the semiconductor industry is searching for the best ways to protect these systems. The big question is whether it is better to build security and safety into hardware, into software, or both.

In the early days of embedded systems development, software was rather minimal, and often something of an afterthought, said Colin Walls, embedded software technologist at Mentor, a Siemens Business . “Commonly, it was developed by the same engineer(s) who had designed the hardware, and naturally their code interacted very closely with the electronics. They understood all the nuances of the hardware’s behavior, so it was not seen as a particular challenge.”

As systems became more sophisticated, software specialists began to get involved. These specialists tended to be engineers with a significant knowledge and understanding of hardware, so they were quite happy programming close to the hardware. But rising complexity has made this much more difficult.

“As complexity increased, the single software engineer became a team,” Walls said. “Different team members would have different types of expertise. Those with good hardware knowledge would encapsulate that expertise in software modules, which provided a clean interface and concealed the complexity of hardware interaction. These modules were termed drivers.”

With increasingly powerful microprocessors/microcontrollers and larger memories, the need for a rational program structure drove the adoption of real-time operating systems (RTOSes) that enabled the use of a multi-tasking model. It was a natural progression for the drivers to become part of the RTOS.

Bare Metal Programming

Fig. 1: Software stack. Source: Mentor

Bare metal software

When developing an embedded system, an early decision to make is whether to employ an RTOS or not. Many engineers give this very little thought because they are used to coding on top of an operating system. An RTOS is code written on bare metal, and it’s an important choice for design teams.

The simplest structure for an embedded application is an infinite loop―do something, do something else, do something else, then repeat.

“This simplicity has real value, as the behavior of the code is quite predictable,” Walls said. “The issue is that each part of the code is dependent on other parts of the code for its opportunity to run. This becomes a problem if the code is modified/updated and the equilibrium thus disturbed. The code structure does not scale. The (perhaps obvious) way to restructure the software to reduce the interdependency is to unload some of the hardware responsive code into interrupt service routines (ISRs). The ISRs should be small and fast, primarily concerned with queueing up work to be done in the main loop. This structure is more scalable, but still ultimately depends on all the application code being ‘well behaved.'”

Here, the most flexible and scalable program structure is a multi-tasking (multi-threading) model, where each piece of software functionality is coded as an independent program that is allocated CPU time by a scheduler (see Fig. 2). That, in turn, is part of an RTOS.

Bare Metal Programming

Fig. 2: Multi-tasking model. Source: Mentor

Increasingly, there is interest in creating SoC monitoring systems that simply ignore things like run control, which is the classic debug of software running on a processor. Instead, they non-intrusively observe a system in real time, without affecting the behavior of the system. Working at the bare metal layer, i.e., exclusive of the operating system, can be an option.

Programming challenges and options

Although the largest proportion of modern embedded software designs are implemented utilizing an OS of some kind, there are a couple of circumstances when doing without―programming on bare metal―may be a reasonable decision. This could include situations where the application is extremely simple and is implemented, perhaps, on a low-end processor. It also could include situations where there is a need to extract every last cycle of CPU power for the application, and the overhead introduced by an OS is unacceptable.

In both cases, thought must be given to possible future enhancements to the software. If further development is likely, starting out with a scalable program structure is a worthwhile investment, Walls said.

There seems to be growing interest in this approach. While programming on bare metal is not mainstream today, a number of companies are kicking the tires for in-life analytics, said Gajinder Panesar, CTO ofUltraSoC. The goal is to observe and detect anomalies while a system is running, which is essential in autonomous vehicles if the anomaly can cause a safety-related malfunction.

“There are people moving toward that, to be able to use the metrics or the rich data that bare metal monitors generate, and they want to chew that data and then decide if that’s anomalous or not,” Panesar said. “The next step would be to take that data and say, ‘Ah, this is why it happened. It was because somebody did this seconds earlier, or nanoseconds earlier.’ It’s primarily the safety and high integrity systems, where it will be used for things like making sure the system is performing and functioning as well as expected, and then to make sure the system is continuously behaving.”

This can be extremely useful in bothsafety andsecurity applications. “Simple cases could be the observation of how a set of things within the system are playing―the orchestration of software and hardware and how that’s going,” he said. “You can look at this by stepping back a bit and saying, ‘The way the system behaves is that this set of things must talk to this other set of things, and there should be this interaction.’ If this pattern or tune changes slightly or is off pitch, we can detect that. So we can detect things that should happen but haven’t happened, or things that have happened that shouldn’t happen. Also, we can watch when things start drifting. If you think about it as a tune or a regular set of things, when there’s a blip or when the tune changes, the words are still the same but the tune is different. One example is a stuck pixel for the automotive app, where by observing what’s happening in theSoC and the communication between things like a camera input and the memory, we can make a judgment call about whether that camera has got some stuck pixels or not.”

This can be done purely in software, but it would require software running in the stack to detect this. The big concern there is latency and the time it takes to detect an anomaly, and software closer to the metal reacts more quickly than software way up in the stack.

“Interestingly, you don’t necessarily know what you’re looking for to begin with,” Panesar said. “You realize that this SoC is going to go into, say, the engine management of a car, and you know the set of accesses or sequences of transactions that should take place, and off you go. But then you realize that it’s actually connected to something like aCAN bus or automotive Ethernet, so it hasn’t got an interface. And by the way, the other end of the Ethernet there is a user console for infotainment, and why is it accessing the engine management system? Is that sensible? So at runtime, you actually can make sure that only these communications can access any part of the SoC. You can incrementally build this without re-spinning the SoC, without having to change the application software running.”

Market drivers

In the automotive world, standards such asISO 26262 are the gatekeepers. If you don’t follow those standards, you can’t sell your chip into a specific system.

“That’s really where the need for bare metal programming in automotive is coming from today,” said Frank Schirrmeister, senior group director for product management and marketing for emulation, FPGA-based prototyping and hardware/software enablement atCadence. “It stems from the failure rates you see for certain components in the system. If you look into the car, there are certain rates for how often things are allowed to fail. That trickles down into the components underneath―how often they are allowed to fail. And then it’s all about the multiplication of the different probabilities. The problem is the more you multiply, the bigger the probability that one of them fails.”

Many engineering teams look at the safety-related aspects at the chip level where they examine whether the system will still behave safely if this bit is stuck at a certain level.

“In that context, we also are checking for items that involve the software at that level,” Schirrmeister said. “And then it’s really bare metal. This is the first layer of contact to the functional safety in the chip through an extension offault simulation tools, which test to see what the system will do if a certain node is stuck at zero or stuck at one. So in the automotive case, it’s all about the ISO 26262-type definitions. Software plays a role in that it runs on a processor at the bare metal level. Then you will want to figure out if the system will go back into a safe state. The main problem there becomes the planning of the fault campaigns, which are the things you really want to test, because you want to test if this particular part of my chip fails, will my system go into the safe state or not?”

And while this needs to be accounted for at the architectural level or very early in the design process, there are also some of the mechanisms to allow the system to falls back into a safe state. Those are implemented a bit lower down.

“For a software system, you want it to not just crash,” Schirrmeister said. “You want it to get into a safe state, and that’s where the bare metal layer of software may be helpful to basically identify, ‘What happens if this routine fails? Or if the hardware fails at this point I’ll trap into an interrupt routine or what have you.’ And that needs to get the system into a safe, predictable state.”

Safety risks and benefits

While the benefits to visibility at the bare metal level is clear, there are valid concerns about providing different levels of access to a chip. Some industry experts wonder if vulnerabilities may be introduced along the way.

This is one area where formal verification can play a vital role, because it can identify potential problems across a complex system that may not be obvious.

“You are looking at the unknown use cases, and most of functional verification is built with use cases,” Sergio Marchese, technical marketing manager atOneSpin Solutions. “I once found a bug in an Arm core. The instruction was being marked as valid, when it was not. The designer who is, of course, very, very busy tells me this is a crazy scenario that is not going to happen. ‘This is not the recommended use case. It’s not something that a normal human being would use, so it’s safe. I don’t have time to deal with this. I need to fix bugs that are gonna mess up my use cases.’ But when it comes to security, let’s say this kind of bug leaks. It could potentially lead to a vulnerability, because that’s exactly what an adversary is looking for. The adversary is looking not for normal use cases. It’s looking for funny things that can compromise the security of the chip. So that’s one aspect of it security. Then I think in terms of problems, and there are two categories. One is security itself, which means, ‘Let’s say, we’ll never build this through genuine mistakes, so to speak, or mistakes that can be at the architecture level, at the implementation level, functional bugs, whatever.’ And then there are vulnerabilities perhaps due to malicious mistakes.”

Panesar stressed the intention is not to replace conventional security methods. Rather, it is to augment those methods. “The likes of public key encryption, etc., that should all be in place,” he said. “In a typical example, maybe an SoC has been hacked somehow, and someone’s managed to download some crypto mining software. How do you detect that? You can detect this by anomalous CPU loading. You can detect this by knowing or observing. There are a number of ways you can observe CPU utilization, even during idle periods when there’s no activity. Even when a car isn’t moving, this information can be transmitted over a secure channel, maybe an SSH channel, to some supervisor system.”

This approach also works for identifying ramsomware. “You have to detect this anomalous activity when the system is potentially idle and get that across to people,” he said. “This data is sent periodically in systems that are always connected. The automotive industry will be doing vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and they’ll always be connected just to make sure that the car hasn’t suddenly broken down and they’ve not heard anything. So this can exploit that connection. You can be periodically sending some sort of heartbeat. And from that you can see all of a sudden a CPU has gone to 90% loading, when actually it’s stuck in a car park.”


Clearly, there is work yet to be done, and solutions are still evolving―especially in security.

“This area still is much less established,” Marchese said, “How do you trade off the security architecture, so to speak, with power, with area, with complexity, with the extra design and engineering work? Safety, in a sense, is easier because you have a visible adversary. You model your random faults to say, ‘I want to see these types of faults in this type of logic.’ You can quantify it. It’s rather hard work, but at least you know exactly what kind of adversary you are defending against. With security, that’s not the case. You have some known facts, but ultimately the tricky things you don’t know about are the things you want to defend against, so everything becomes more complicated. Even when you add new logic, you need to be careful not to add new vulnerability because with security, things are pretty crazy.”

Bare metal programming may be the ultimate compromise between hardware and software, but it requires a deep understanding of both at the very outset of the design process. So while there are clear benefits, this stuff isn’t easy.



摘要: 泄露数百万儿童数据,玩具制造商伟易达被FTC处以65万美元罚款 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)本日同意与一儿童电子玩具制造商达成和解协议。而实际上该公司伟易达收集了数百万儿童用户数据,却未能做好数据保护工作。 参考来源: theregister windows...





Windows 7 装 CPU漏洞补丁后出现蓝屏 安全模式也进不了

近日又有消息称微软面向Windows 7系统发布的KB4056894存在升级失败问题,导致错误代号为0x000000c4的蓝屏情况。目前尝试过多种常规修复方案均没有奏效,唯一解决方案就是移除该补丁并选择忽略直到微软官方正式修复为止。



苹果针对 Spectre CPU 发布安全更新

苹果发布了安全更新,以减轻影响与苹果设备上的Spectre处理器漏洞的影响,目前设备包括macOS High Sierra 10.13.2, iOS 11.2.2, 和Safari 11.0.2。



趋势科技:在Google Play上发现36个伪装成安全工具的恶意软件

趋势科技的研究人员在GooglePlay上发现了36个恶意应用程序,而这些应用程序伪装成了大公司的安全工具。本月,Google再次进行了应用程序的安全检查,而趋势科技的研究人员在Google Play上发现了36个装成安全工具的恶意应用程序,诸如安全卫士,安全守卫,智能安全,高级升级应用等。




近日有用户报告表示,黑莓手机网站感染了Coinhive加密货币挖矿脚本,脚本访客的CPU处理能力挖掘虚拟货币门罗币。一位Reddit用户在网站上发现了代码并公开 他们注意到只有TCL通信技术控股公司所拥有的www.blackberrymobile.com网站受到影响。



AMD 彻底躺枪:微软 KB4056892 补丁或导致系统变砖

据外媒 1 月 8 日报道, 微软为 Meltdown 、 Spectre 发布的安全更新 Windows KB4056892 对一些 AMD 设备的系统(尤其老款 AMD Athlon 64)产生了负面影响。



新型 CoffeeMiner 攻击:劫持公共 Wi-Fi 用户设备秘密挖掘门罗币

据外媒 1 月 6 日报道,开发商 Arnau 发布了一个名为 CoffeeMiner 的概念证明项目,展示了攻击者如何利用公共 Wi-Fi 网络来挖掘加密货币。














7 Novice Mistakes to Avoid When Adopting Smart Devices for Your Company


Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

It typically takes careful planning and execution to be successful when adopting any new technology. Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are no different. The problem is that some of us typically get too enamored with the technology. We often fail to take into account the realities that our respective companies face.

Hopping on to the IoT bandwagon without planning is a recipe for disaster. A study by Cisco revealed that only 26 percent of surveyed companies were successful with their IoT initiatives.Whether it is updating firmware, security vulnerabilities or simply not taking user experience into account, it is critical for companies to avoid common stupid mistakes when adopting IoT.

Here are seven common pitfalls you should avoid now that IoT devices have infiltrated your office.

1. Don't be cheap.

The market is now flooded with cheap IoT devices. On the upside, these low-cost devices lower the barriers to adoption. On the downside, they can also be security risks. These devices typically have few security features and minimal active support. These leave them vulnerable to malware and expose infrastructures to cyberattacks in case potential exploits are found in their software, which means that companies need to implement additional solutions in order to maintain control.

“In IoT initiatives, organizations often don't have control over the source and nature of the software and hardware being utilized by smart connected devices,” notes Ruggero Contu , a research director at Gartner. “We expect to see demand for tools and services aimed at improving discovery and asset management, software and hardware security assessment, and penetration testing.”

These solutions can be costly, mind you, which is why Gartner predicts spending on IoT security to reach $3.1 billion in the next three years. Make sure you invest in devices that have essential security features such as user authentication, data protection, and upgradable firmware. Get devices from companies that have active support and development for their products. Take time to identify vendors that could provide you with longer-term support that cover the lifespan of the devices.

Related:25 InnovativeIoTCompanies and Products You Need to Know

2. Overlooking alignment with business goals.

You have to know why you’re starting an IoT project. What business goals do you intend to meet? Do you intend to reduce costs, gather more data, or automate processes? Knowing this would make it easier for you to match appropriate IoT solutions for what you seek to improve.

Having a goal in mind also lets you avoid the trap of novelty. Are you installing Nest thermostats because it’s the cool thing to do or are you really keen on reducing energy costs? Just because everyone else is installing these devices doesn’t mean that you should also rush to do the same.

Try to determine how these devices enhance your ability to deliver value to your internal and external customers. Your strategy should also consider extracting as much value from the effort. For example, the data from IoT devices should fuel business intelligence efforts.

3. Overlooking the ongoing need for maintenance.

Each device you integrate with your network is an additional endpoint that needs to be managed and secured. By adopting IoT at your company, you’re likely to see a spike in the number of devices connected to your network.

“As our ownership of smart technology expands, there will become a moment in time when you will no longer have the instant knowledge of the devices in your home or office which could be used to expose critical vulnerabilities, breach your network or steal your identity,” notes Robert Brown , Cloud Management Suite’s director of services.

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies are now the standard for many organizations. These typically increase staff productivity by ensuring that they are connected and productive wherever they are. However, you must anticipate the addition of these devices to your infrastructure and consider them in your strategy.

Evaluate how well-equipped your IT team is to manage additional devices. Invest in the proper tools and technologies that would help them be more efficient in maintaining your infrastructure.

Related:3 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats Facing Small Businesses Right Now

4. Ignoring security warnings.

Many IoT devices claim to be user-friendly but sometimes this simplicity contributes to vulnerabilities. Many devices are left exposed to attacks just because users haven’t bothered properly configuring them.

Check if you’ve done basic security checks like changing the default access to administration panels of devices. Most malware bots target devices that are left using default usernames and passwords . Are your devices running on the most up-to-date firmware and software? Patches must also be regularly deployed to ensure that recently-addressed vulnerabilities and bugs are fixed.

Staff members’ own devices are also potential security weak points. Make sure you have measures and protocols that ensure that your data and network are secure especially when accessed through these devices.

5. No contingencies.

IoT devices rely on connectivity to function. But what happens when the Wi-Fi or the internet goes out? If you rely on being online all the time, then you’re inviting trouble. Check if your devices have the options to function offline and temporarily store data locally before resyncing to the cloud at a later time. This way, you will still be able to function without any loss of productivity and data even if you lose internet.

“Despite all the advancements in technology, database, hardware, and software downtime are an expected aspect of doing business,” notes Matt Woodward , who serves as VP Digital Transformation at Rand Group. “The only way to mitigate the risk is to prepare and have the right technology in place to monitor, restoreand restart.”

In addition, you may also want to implement redundancies, backupsand failover measures. Cloud backup solutions help not only to prevent data loss but for businesses to recover and become operational quickly in the event of downtime. Downtime is costly to any enterprise. If you’re not prepared to invest in these measures at the moment, then reconsider embarking on IoT altogether.

Related:ThisCloud-Based Data Service Makes theIoTLess WTF

6. Forcing technology on people.

Success of IoT projects also relies on how well staff can use the technology to achieve results. However, new technologies sometimes get forced on them. It’s important to have people of all levels buy into the effort.

Educate your staff about how these new devices and measures will make them more productive. They must also be involved, or at least consulted, so that you’d be able to create an engaging working environment that truly delivers value for everyone.

Users must also be educated on how to use

Instart Logic Is Now Instart

Rebranding Reflects Corporate Vision for Making Digital Properties
Faster, More Appealing and Profitable PALO ALTO, Calif. (BUSINESS WIRE)


, the company helping thousands of leading brands around the

world deliver a faster, safer and more profitable digital experience,

today announced that it has officially changed its name to Instart. More

identifiable and easier to remember, the company’s new name “Instart” is

short for Instant Start, and the rebranding initiative is reflective of

the company’s ongoing commitment to making digital properties as fast,

visually appealing and profitable as possible. Instart’s new URL will be https://www.instart.com .

Instart Logic Is Now Instart

Thousands of global brands, retailers and media and publishing firms

from around the world including Edmunds, Hearst, Neiman Marcus and

Office Depot use the Instart Digital Experience Cloud (DX Cloud) to

increase performance, reliability, security and customer satisfaction

without requiring any changes to their digital applications or

infrastructure. Instart provides secure, high-performance and consistent

digital experiences to end users while at the same time helping global

brands improve conversion by up to 30 percent, online retailers drive

increased sales of up to 10 percent and offering media and publishing

firms the ability to boost their advertising revenues by as much as 20


“Our new name is all about the company’s charter, focus and

forward-looking vision,” commented Instart Chief Marketing Officer

Daniel Druker. “Our passion is helping our clients deliver amazing

digital experience to their customers, which result in improved

operations, higher revenue and greater profit for them. The Instart DX

Cloud is the fastest, easiest and highest ROI way for digital centric

companies to improve the performance, reliability and security of their

digital applications. Our new name makes sense because we truly deliver

the ‘Instant Start’ on the Internet that consumers crave and that

digital businesses need to maintain their competitive edge.”

About the Instart DX Cloud

Instart’s global, cloud-based platform connects customers’ cloud, web

and mobile applications with consumers’ devices and automatically and

dramatically improves performance, consumer experience and security,

leading to higher engagement, conversion, revenue and lifetime value.

About Instart

Instart helps thousands of leading brands around the world deliver a

faster, safer and more profitable customer experience through its

revolutionary digital experience cloud. Instart combines machine

learning, application and device awareness, and open APIs with a broad

suite of integrated and automated cloud services, including web and

mobile application performance optimization, image optimization, digital

advertising optimization, tag analytics and control, web application

security, DDOS protection, bot management and security, and content

delivery. Using Instart, enterprises can provide ultra-fast, visually

immersive, amazingly engaging and highly secure experiences on any

device to maximize revenue, deliver superior customer experience, and

gain competitive advantage. Learn more at https://www.instart.com .



Ruben Ramirez, 917-699-9083

Instart Logic Is Now Instart
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Confiant首席技术官Jerome Dangu表示:














本篇文章是在做ctf bugku的一道sql 盲注的题(题目地址: 注入题目 )中运用了fuzz的思路,完整记录整个fuzz的过程,给师傅们当点心,方便大家加深对web sql注入 fuzz的理解。



3.我自己写了个简单的fuzz burp插件,先将登陆请求包发送到插件扫描,可以看到是存在盲注的,payload的形式为:


(1)从payload的形式可以猜测题目应该是过滤了注释符( +和#)





fuzz特殊字符,结果如下,可以看到长度为370的是被wa了的,过滤了相当多的字符,特别是内联注释 注释符 空格 %0a %0b %0d %a0这些比较常用的绕过关键组件,尤其注意过滤了逗号


(3)fuzz一遍关键字,过滤了and or order union for 等等,因此取数据常用的mid( xx from xx for xx)就不能用了,之前逗号也被过滤了也就不能用mid(xx,1,1)。


不出意外,确实是只有包含关键字or and等的函数被wa了,其他基本没有,其实这里我们也可以联想到跑表经常要用的information_schema表是存在or关键字的,因此后面构造语句的时候也就不能直接用information_schema




CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN (sleep(5)) ELSE (2) END

但空格也被过滤了,需要用括号代替空格(/*!*/ 空格 tab %a0 %0d%0a均被过滤了)

(CASE WHEN(1=1)THEN(sleep(1))ELSE(1)END);

最后本地测试的时候发现case when之间不能用括号,做一下字符fuzz,从%00到%ff



由于无法使用if或者case/when,只能使用题目自带的bool盲注做逻辑判断(=) 比如我们一开始就注意到存在admin用户,改造插件的payload: ‘+sleep(5)+’ (注意把+换为%2b)

admin'+1+' (false,注意把+换为%2b)
admin'+0+' (true,注意把+换为%2b) select * from user where name='admin'+1+'' and passwd='123456';(为false) ==>提示用户名错误
select * from user where name='admin'+0+'' and passwd='123456';(为true) ==>提示密码错误


select 'admin'='admin'+0 union select 'admin'='admin'+1;




这里不能用mid(xxx,1,1)也不能用mid(xxx from 1 for 1),但查手册发现可以使用mid(xxx from 1),表示从第一位开始取剩下的所有字符,取ascii函数的时候会发生截断,因此利用ascii(mid(xxx from 1))可以取第一位的ascii码,ascii(mid(xxx from 2))可以取第二位的ascii,依次类推



a.判断passwd字段的长度: 跑出长度为32











2.这里仅仅是常规的fuzz,但大多数fuzz其实都是相通的,主要是fuzz的判断,fuzz的位置,fuzz payload的构造技巧等等



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