The Crypto-Criminal Bar Brawl
As if e-commerce companies didn't have enough problems with transacting securely and defending against things like fraud, another avalanche of security problems -- like cryptojacking, the act of...
View ArticleVulnerable open source component adoption skyrockets in the enterprise
Open-source software and components are critical to many of the online services we use today. Companies, ranging from the most well-known technology giants to SMBs, will often use open-source...
View ArticleDeep North’s school security system uses AI and cameras to detect threats
Deep North (formerly VMAXX), a Silicon Valley startup with offices in China and Sweden, hopes to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to prevent violence and “other safety issues” facing schools. It...
View ArticleSecuring web vulnerabilities with WAF
With an increasing number of organizations going online along with the millions of their clients/ users/ customers, cybersecurity has become critical and indispensable for organizations to proactively...
View ArticleMojave’s security “hardening” | User protections could be bypassed
Any local or remote user can bypass Apple’s new Full Disk Access requirement using ssh. Find out how to stay safe. One of the signature features of Apple’s macOS Mojave is user safety. As we noted here...
View ArticleVerint FaceDetect Honored with 2018 Innovative Product Award
Advanced Facial Recognition Platform is Selected for Its Ability to Excel in Real-World Environments and Help Mission-Critical Organizations Boost Intelligence Global Security Exchange Las Verint Booth...
View ArticleDelivering Security and Speed: The 3 Core Principles of DevSecOps
Companies that are not baking in security throughout the software delivery pipeline are seeing delivery delays or risk releasing vulnerable applications. DevSecOps, the practice of shifting security...
View ArticlePolySwarm Appoints Patricia Hatter to Advisers Council
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (BUSINESS WIRE) PolySwarm , the first decentralized threat intelligence marketplace, announced today that Patricia A. Hatter will join the PolySwarm Council. Hatter will help...
View ArticleSecurity researcher fined for hacking hotel WiFi and putting passwords on the...
Singapore authorities have fined a Chinese security researcher with SGD$5,000 (USD$3,600) for hacking into a local hotel's WiFi system without authorization and then publishing a blog post about it,...
View ArticleSeptember 2018 Update for Netsparker
We’re delighted to announce a Netsparker Desktop 5.1 update. The highlights of this update are a new Bulk Export to Cloud feature, Send To integration support for ServiceNow and custom field support...
View Article安盟信息法院信息系统勒索病毒防护方案
勒索病毒(WannaCry)背景 距2017年5月12日WannaCry的大爆发已过去一年多了,但勒索病毒的威胁却从来不曾远离,反而呈现愈演愈烈之势,传播方式更多元,病毒更新迭代加快,勒索病毒俨然成为近两年来最严峻的网络安全威胁之一。安盟信息通过对WannaCry变种跟踪及在信息安全行业的技术积累,针对WannaCry病毒攻击制作了安全防护指南。 勒索病毒特点及攻击目标演变...
View Article一个人的安全部之大话企业数据安全保护
*本文原创作者:liong03,本文属CodeSec原创奖励计划,未经许可禁止转载 先简单自我介绍一下,其实,我是一个信息安全工程师,也是一个人的“安全部”…… 近期看到一些朋友问数据安全保护怎么弄,刚好为某企业简单规划过,很多前辈大佬都有介绍过数据安全,突然想用一种不一样的姿势来分享,通过一些文字条框再结合一些故事案例来思考。 目录架构 一、设计思路...
View Article全国政协委员谈剑锋:推动网络安全产业创新发展
原标题:推动网络安全产业创新发展(建言) 人民日报 全国政协委员 谈剑锋 从战略层面进行网络安全的体系化和层次化设计 制定积极的网络安全产业发展政策,实行主动纵向的产业政策 在政府及国有企业的信息化采购中,增加网络安全产品和服务采购比例...
View ArticleOff-by-none: Issue #4
All I see is choreography and I’ll never be a dancer Welcome to Issue #4 of Off-by-none . Thanks for being here! :raised_hands: Last week we started a conversation about serverless microservices. It...
View ArticleVault ties up with archTIS to bid for govt business
archTIS is based in Canberra and gained a listing on the ASX (ASX: AR9) on 21 September, a statement said, adding that the partnership would use archTIS Kojensi Gov cloud services to be used in Vault's...
View Article医疗行业安全指数报告(2018年8月)
前言 医疗服务信息化是国际发展的趋势,也是我国医疗改革的的重要内容和必由之路。随着信息技术的快速发展,越来越多的企业和医疗机构加入到医疗信息化的建设浪潮中。互联网医疗火热背后,医疗信息安全问题如影随形。近年来,针对医院的勒索、挖矿、医疗信息泄露等医疗行业的信息安全事件层出不穷,医院信息系统已经成为了不法黑客的重点攻击对象之一。 一、概述...
View Article广电总局科技委组织“网络安全技术及应用”交流活动
View ArticleWhy SQL Injections Are The Cockroaches of the AppSec World (and how CISOs can...
There’s a well-known theory that cockroaches can survive basically anything even a nuclear explosion. While that theory only rings true to a point , their simple body composition makes them extremely...
View ArticleCalculating a Security Principal’s Effective Rights
Security. Oh that most painful of topics. I discussed it a few months earlier when I discussed the need to give rights only through roles to users, so everything is the same in dev and prod except the...
View ArticleMetacoda Auth Domain Reviewer
One of the new Metacoda Security Plug-ins features arriving in version 6.1 is the Auth Domain Reviewer . Like the other reviewers, this plug-in is used for investigating, documenting and testing how a...
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