AdvisorsBot Trojan Removal ― Identify and Delete Active Infections
The AdvisorsBot Trojan has been found in a recent attack campaign, the first instances of which were reported in May 2018. It appears that the ongoing infiltration attempts target primarily companies...
View ArticlePalo Alto Networks公布2018年第一季度网络钓鱼活动趋势
概要 网络钓鱼仍然是网络攻击最危险的威胁向量之一。尽管漏洞利用工具包总体呈下降趋势,正如我们在《 Rig EK One Year Later: From Ransomware to Coin Miners and Information Stealers 》一文中描述的那样,网络钓鱼本身并没有下降。 Unit 42 在最近已经开展了有关网络钓鱼攻击和钓鱼网址的研究。在这篇文章中,我们将展示在...
View ArticleWell, can't get hacked if your PC doesn't work... McAfee yanks BSoDing...
McAfee has pulled a version of its Endpoint Security software after folks reported the antivirus software was crashing their windows machines. The security giant said it has taken down the August...
View ArticleStatic vs Dynamic Data Masking: Why Are We Still Comparing the Two?
Earlier this month a leading analyst released their annual report on the state of Data Masking as a component of the overall Data Security sector ; which included commentary on what’s known as...
View ArticleSecurity Flaws Inadvertently Left T-Mobile And AT&T Customers' Account...
tech Security Flaws Inadvertently Left T-Mobile And AT&T Customers' Account PINs Exposed Mobile account PINs intended to protect T-Mobile and AT&T customers’ accounts were exposed by two...
View ArticleFacebook and Microsoft briefed state officials on election security efforts...
So much for summer Fridays. Yesterday, Buzzfeed reported that a dozen tech companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Snapchat would meet at Twitter headquarters on Friday to discuss election...
View ArticleApple Online Store Security Flaw Exposed PINs of T-Mobile Customers
A security flaw in Apple's online store exposed the account PINs of more than 72 million T-Mobile customers, reports BuzzFeed News . The vulnerability was discovered by security researchers Phobia and...
View ArticleFortnite’s Android installer shipped with an Epic security flaw
has clapped back in tremendous fashion at Epic Games, which earlier this month decided to make the phenomenally popular Fortnite available for Android via its own website instead of Google’s Play...
View ArticleTurla Trojan Removal Instructions ― Restore Your Computer From Infections
The Turla Trojan attacks are currently infecting users worldwide in an offensive campaign. The captured samples showcase that the threat can cause widespread damage on the compromised hosts. Our...
View ArticleBurp Suite Enterprise Edition
We're pleased to announce the forthcoming availability of Burp Suite Enterprise Edition. The key features of this new product are: Server installation , accessed via a modern web interface and REST API...
View Article黑客可以随意看摄像头?我想起家里智能家居产品
【PConline杂谈】物联网是实现时下火热的智能家居的必须条件,万物互联在给我们的生活带来极大便利的同时,也让我们的隐私受到了严重的威胁。连入了网络的家电产品可能无时不刻在监视着你的生活,而配备了摄像头的产品就更危险了。 用户隐私值何价?...
View ArticleDeploying SSL enabled React/Angular/Vue applications to AWS using Lets Encrypt
In a previous article , we saw how to deploy a simple React (or any UI) application using nginx and docker . In this article, we are going to take this one step further and deploy the dockerized...
View ArticleA Rant on Single Function Security Tools
As you may guess, I was raised on Unix and in Unixland single-function tools rule the seas. From “ls” to “ping”, Unix is full of commands that are in reality tools that do one thing well. And it is...
View ArticleMy Path to Security How Joe Ward Got Into Cybersecurity
An ongoing look at why and how our Foxes started their career in security. This is the fourth installment of the series. Name: Joe Ward Position: Senior Security Analyst Proud Fox since July 2017 Meet...
View ArticleNew Apache Struts Vulnerability Highlights Need for Software Composition...
On Aug. 22, the Apache Software Foundation announced that a new critical remote code execution vulnerability was found in Apache Struts 2 (CVE-2018-11776). According to the Semmle Security Research...
View ArticleUK phone giant EE hit by another security snafu
For the second time this week , UK phone giant EE has fixed a security lapse, which allowed a security researcher to gain access an internal site. The researcher, who goes by the pseudonym Six, found...
View ArticlesRDI:一款通过Shellcode实现反射型DLL注入的强大工具
今天给大家介绍的是一款名叫sRDI的注入工具,它可以基于Shellcode实现反射型DLL注入,并能够将DLL转换成独立的Shellcode。 工具介绍 sRDI的所有功能基于以下两个组件: 1.一个C语言项目,可将PE Loader编译为Shellcode; 2.转换代码负责将DLL、RDI和用户数据进行绑定。 该项目由以下元素组成: - ShellcodeRDI:编译Shellcode;...
View ArticleBecome an ethical hacker and take on the bad guys
Ever wanted to become the kind of BAMF who waltzes through firewalls and bends networks to his will? The Ethical Hacker Bonus Bundle must be the cheapest way of getting over60 hours expert training ....
View ArticleKCon 2018黑客大会在京盛大召开
2018年8月25日,KCon 2018黑客大会在北京市751DPARK 东区故事 Dlive 生活馆召开,这场由知道创宇主办的黑客大会在经过首日两场闭门培训过后,终于迎来万众期待的演讲日分享环节。 上午9点,在开场表演之后,KCon 主办单位知道创宇创始人、CEO赵伟登台致辞,宣告第七届 KCon...
View Article前端原发性 DDoS
来源 内容来源于公司内部技术分享< 前端原发性DDos防御与应对方案 > DDos 要知道DDos是什么?首先得了解Dos,拒绝服务攻击( denial-of-service attack...
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