Messaging systems like Skype, Slack, Telegram and others are increasingly used by both individuals and businesses. But how do you know the person you're talking to is who they say they are?
A new product from biometric solutions company ID R&D offers multi-layer continuous authentication across messaging platforms without any impact on the user experience.
Called SafeMessage, it provides authentication of verified users by adding a positive ID icon with each incoming message, ensuring the authentic biometric identity of the sender. There are no additional steps needed by a sender to enable this authentication check. All biometric data is collected during the natural interaction between a sender and a device. SafeMessage is designed to provide an additional layer of security for the enterprise and the public at large while communicating on messaging platforms.
Should an employee forget to log out of a computer or lose a smartphone, any attempts to send messages on those devices will be flagged as fraudulent in real time, and any recipients will be alerted immediately that the sender is unauthorized. Parents, for example, can be sure that the messages they receive from their children are verified and not sent by imposters.
SafeMessage works by combining voice, behavioral, and facial recognition, along with voice and facial 'liveness' analysis to provide authentication and security.
"ID R&D is thrilled to be the first to introduce frictionless authentication to messaging apps and platforms. Now secure and seamless communication is a possibility for all end users, whether over text, mobile app, instant message, chat, or the internet," says Alexey Khitrov, CEO of ID R&D. "For enterprises seeking to protect sensitive data while delivering an enhanced communications UX, ID R&D's solutions deliver incomparable results."
You can find out more on the ID R&D website .
Image source: Shutterstock / Carlos Amarillo