Enterprise data security needs an upgrade, andsoon. Since January 2017, roughly6 billion confidential digital records have been stolenworldwide.
Butnow, startups are rising to the challenge.
The common wisdom in the security industry today is to assume hackers are already inside the perimeter.As a result,enterprises need to focus not only on fortifying the walls around their network, but also on securing the sensitive data inside those walls.
Enterprises that collect users’ personally identifiable information (PII) are particularly vulnerable to theft and abuse. In response, cybersecurity startups are developing technology to help enterprises protect sensitive data, using novelformsof encryption, anonymization, blockchain, and more.
The Future of Data SecurityCybersecurity startups focused on data are gaining visibility as threats increase. Look for The Future of Data Security in the Collections tab.
Track the Future of Data Security The Future of Data Security40+ items
We used the CB Insights database to identify 30+ startupsenhancingenterprise data securityacross 8 categories, including homomorphic encryption, data access management, and more.
CB Insights clients can access this market map with our Collections toolhere.
This market map includes private companies only and is not meant to be exhaustive of companies in the space. Categories are not mutually exclusive.
Please click on the map to enlarge .