There are seven key megatrends driving the future of enterprise IT. You can remember them all with the helpful mnemonic acronym CAMBRIC, which stands for C loud Computing, A rtificial Intelligence, M obility, B ig Data, R obotics, I nternet of Things, C yberSecurity.
In this post we dive deeper into the trend of Big Data.
For years now people and our sensors and our computers have been generating more information than we can analyze. Breakthrough methodologies and new scalable data approaches based around Hadoop hold great promise to helping us make sense over increasingly large data sets. Sensemaking is key to success in most all other technology advancements. The ethical considerations around privacy and security over data will only grow.
A snapshot of the trend right now indicates:
Estimates of 1 Trillion sensors by 2020 Breakthrough methodologies and new scalable data approaches based around Hadoop hold great promise in sensemaking over large data sets. Sensemaking is key to success in most all other technology advancements. Ethical considerations around privacy and security over data will only grow. How ethical considerations are resolved will depend on culture, politics, other factors.Open questions decision-makers should track include:
Can there be widely accepted ethical frameworks for data and its use? Who will individual citizens trust to analyze their personal, home, auto data? Can behavioral analytics enhance service and security?For deeper considerations of the impact of Big Dataon enterprise IT it is important to track all seven MegaTrends and consider them together. Dive deeper into all the trends and examine their impact on your organization via aCTOvision Promembership, available for enterprises and individuals.
You can launch your examination of the MegaTrends through the categories menu at CTOvision, or directly via these links: C loud Computing , A rtificial Intelligence , M obility , B ig Data , R obotics , I nternet of Things , C yberSecurity .