To the people whose data, devices, and digital lives we protect every day:
Lookout has just released a brand new design for the Lookout app for Android, all based on your feedback.We recently completed a comprehensive customer-insights initiative with you, our users. In it, we learned that you need:
Strong protection from the real threats to your devices and data Timely and easy-to-understand information about active threats Peace of mind that your mobile security app protects you automatically Knowledge and education that empowers you
“The goal of this redesign was to empower users with clear, straightforward, and actionable information about their device and data, all the while providing them peace of mind knowing that Lookout is always watching out for them.” Sachin Kansal, vice president of consumer product, Lookout
The Lookout team held workshops, user experience testing sessions, and interviews with Lookout users to determine how best to design the app, structure the information in the app, and give you the information about security that you really want.
Want to check it out for yourself?


“The new app is more modular, meaning if we want to add new features in the future, we can deliver them to our users in a faster, more efficient manner. This is great news for our users because it means their feedback can be implemented into our product much more quickly.” Sibo Zhao, principal product manager, Lookout
One of the most important changes we made to the app was to its modularity. We’ve designed it specifically to ensure that you can easily find whatever it is you’re looking for. This also means that we are able to quickly rearrange the existing features to make room for new ones in the future. You can see a lot of this modularity in the re-architected dashboard.
Let’s take a look at three of the biggest changes in the app:

1. The dashboard “I like it. It’s easy to navigate. … I don’t know if the other security apps do as much as this one.” Lookout user during testing session
When we performed our testing and interviews with people like you, we wanted to first and foremost make sure that we allowed you to get all the information you wanted right up front. That meant splitting our dashboard into three main sections ― Security, Theft Protection, and Backup.

We always embrace complexity and deliver simplicity, but we also didn’t want to oversimplify things. We focused on respecting our users’ intelligence, digging into the technical aspects and articulating them in a way that makes sense for everybody.” Amy Chiang, product designer, Lookout 2. The security alerts

“We didn’t completely gut the app and we didn’t want to spoil the parts that were working well. We knew the security features were answering a lot of our users’ needs. It’s the core of our product. What’s different is how we handle the information architecture of the app.” Sabrina Vogeley, product designer, Lookout
At Lookout, our goal is to deliver peace of mind to our customers. The app automatically works in the background to check if everything is OK. Did you encounter any threats? Are your apps behaving properly? If anything seems suspicious, we alert you and provide you with straightforward information on how to quickly remediate the situation.
Security alerts now come with more relevant information to help you understand and identify the threat at hand. You’ll see:
The app icon The app name The app version The amount of time since you encountered the threat Remediation action “This makes me feel better because I know what’s out there. It increases the value of the app.” Lookout user during testing session 3. The Threat encyclopedia
We are passionate about keeping you informed; that’s why we created the threat encyclopedia.
It provides easy-to-understand explanations of the threats you might encounter on your mobile device. We hope these definitions give you the knowledge to explain these concepts to a friend or family member.
Fear-based messaging is everywhere in the security industry, but we want our users to be informed, and confident their device and data are in good hands. We do not use fear or sensational language to communicate real threats.

“Knowledge is empowering. Ambiguity isn’t. In the security world, fear and vagueness are prevalent because the problems can be abstract. But if you can define threats and the need for mobile security in a way that is accessible, our customers become wiser and less reliant on sensational headlines. They realize that with mobile security, they can use their devices without fear.” Nam Bui, product designer, Lookout In our customer-insights testing, users loved the Threat encyclopedia:
“This makes me interested in other threats … I like the pics, the humor, even though security is a serious thing.”
“This is nice, because I don’t know the big, scary things that are out there.”
“It’s fairly clean, easy to use, and I don’t need to be on top of understanding jargon or technical issues. The whole idea is that someone else is out there doing that research for us.”
Here’s what else is new: Our backup features.
“Very easy. It’s not cluttered, photos, pretty simple, I like that. Easy to navigate and it’s clean.” Lookout user
Our locate feature.
“I could see anyone using this app who has a phone.” Lookout user
Our Safe Browsing feature.
“I do this [surfing the web] often … you never really know what stuff you’re clicking on, so this is good. I like that it tells you beforehand.” Lookout user Our design direction: modern, clean, light.

“I like that it had a lot, but was not overly complicated. It was all neatly laid out, there wasn’t, like, 800 things that I needed to worry about.” Lookout user
This design is brand new, but we’re just getting started.Download Lookout today and keep an eye out for more exciting features coming up soon. Already have Lookout? Make sure to update your app in Google Play .