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SMG Comms Chapter 10: Actions and RSA Keys


~ This is a work in progress towards an Ada implementation of Eulora's communication protocol. Start withChapter 1.~

Eulora's communication protocol uses RSA keys only for new players who don't yet have a set of Serpent keys agreed on for communication with the server. The main reason for not using RSA for all client-server communications is simply that RSA is essentially too expensive for that. As it happens, it turns out thatrepublican RSA with its fixed-size 256 octets (2048 bits) public exponent is anyway too expensive even for this reduced role - communicating all those octets to the server inside a RSA package takes quite a lot of space. As a result, Eulora will use a smaller e, on only 8 octets (64 bits) that fit neatly into the message structure for requesting a new account in the game (5.1 RSA key set). This means of course that I'll also have to patchEuCrypt to allow arbitrary size of the public exponent in order to have a way to actually generate such RSA key pairs but this will have to be the next step and another post on its own. For now, at the level of read/write from/to SMG Comms messages, there's no direct concern with the crypto lib itself: the e will simply be 8 octets long at its specified place in the message and that is that.

Since the RSA Key Set message includes also some client information (protocol version and subversion, client hash, preferred padding), I've first defined a new data structure (in data_structs.ads) to hold all this in one place:

type Player_RSA is record -- communication protocol Version number Proto_V : Interfaces.Unsigned_8; -- communication protocol Subversion number Proto_Subv : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; -- Keccak hash of client binary Client_Hash: Raw_Types.Octets_8; -- public exponent (e) of RSA key (64 bits precisely) -- nb: this is protocol-specific e, aka shorter than TMSR e... e : Raw_Types.Octets_8; -- public modulus (n) of RSA key (490 bits precisely) n : Raw_Types.RSA_len; -- preferred padding; magic value 0x13370000 means random padding Padding : Raw_Types.Octets_8; end record;

The choice to have the new structure shown above comes mainly from the fact that all the information in there is on one hand related (as it belongs to and describes one specific player at any given time) and on the other hand of no direct concern to this part of code. In other words, this part of the code reads and writes that information together but it has no idea regarding its use (nor should it have). It's for this same reason also that I preferred to keep e and n simply as members like any others of the Player_RSA record rather than having them stored already inside a RSA_pkey structure. For one thing there's no need for the read/write part to even know about the RSA_pkey structure (which is defined in rsa_oaep.ads where it belongs). And for another thing, having e and n as members of the record just like any others keeps the code both clear and easy to change in principle at a later time. Basically the read/write do as little as they can get away with - there is even no attempt to interpret e for instance as a number although its reduced size makes that possible here. Note that the protocol version and subversion are however interpreted as integers but in their case there's no point to keep them as raw octets. On the other hand, the choice of padding is kept as raw octets precisely because this is how it will be needed and used anyway.

Choosing the correct place for storing the padding option also gave me a bit to think about because it's not fully clear to me at this stage exactly where the padding belongs. Strictly speaking, padding is entirely the job of this level so there shouldn't normally be any leaking outside/upwards of anything to do with it. However, having the ability to choose types of padding means that the protocol itself effectively pushes this particular aspect upwards since it's the user ultimately who makes this choice. As a result, I decided to keep the mechanics of padding local (i.e. actual padding of messages + the magic value for requesting random padding + the interpretation of a padding parameter) while providing this Padding value in the Player_RSA record and otherwise refactoring all the Write procedures to require a Padding parameter indicating the desired choice of padding for that write. Moreover, to have this padding stuff in one single place, I also extracted the writing of counter+padding into its own procedure and then refactored all the Write procedures to call this one (since ALL messages always have at the end precisely a counter + padding). The main benefit to this is that it reduces the chances of making an error in one of the multiple places where otherwise one has to write the counter and then check the requested padding and then pad (if needed) accordingly. Other than this benefit, there isn't necessarily a big reduction in number of code lines nor really much an increase in clarity of the code since there is another procedure call to follow in there. Nevertheless, the alternative is worse: having copy-pasted same stuff in every write procedure and having to change all of it if anything changes. So here's the new Write_End procedure which is private to the Messages package since this is just a helper for all the other Write procedures:

-- Writes Counter and padding (rng or otherwise) into Msg starting from Pos. procedure Write_End( Msg : in out Raw_Types.Octets; Pos : in out Natural; Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Padding : in Raw_Types.Octets_8) is begin -- check that there is space for Counter at the very least if Pos > Msg'Last - 1 then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- write counter Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter ); -- pad to the end of the message if Pos <= Msg'Last then if Padding = RNG_PAD then RNG.Get_Octets( Msg( Pos..Msg'Last ) ); else -- repeat the Padding value itself for I in Pos..Msg'Last loop Msg(I) := Padding( Padding'First + (I - Pos) mod Padding'Length ); end loop; end if; -- either rng or fixed, update Pos though Pos := Msg'Last + 1; end if; end Write_End;

After the above changes, the read/write procedures for RSA key set from/to RSA messages are quite straightforward to write:

procedure Write_RKeys_RMsg( K : in Player_RSA; Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Pad : in Raw_Types.Octets_8; Msg : out Raw_Types.RSA_Msg) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; begin -- write correct message type Msg( Msg'First ) := RKeys_R_Type; -- write protocol version and subversion Msg( Pos ) := K.Proto_V; Pos := Pos + 1; Write_U16( Msg, Pos, K.Proto_Subv ); -- write keccak hash of client binary Msg( Pos..Pos + K.Client_Hash'Length-1 ) := K.Client_Hash; Pos := Pos + K.Client_Hash'Length; -- write e of RSA key Msg( Pos..Pos + K.e'Length - 1 ) := K.e; Pos := Pos + K.e'Length; -- write n of RSA key Msg( Pos..Pos + K.n'Length - 1 ) := K.n; Pos := Pos + K.n'Length; -- write preferred padding Msg( Pos..Pos + K.Padding'Length - 1 ) := K.Padding; Pos := Pos + K.Padding'Length; -- write counter + padding Write_End( Msg, Pos, Counter, Pad ); end Write_RKeys_RMsg; -- Reads a RSA Keyset (Player_RSA structures) from the given RSA Message. -- Opposite of Write_RKeys_RMsg above procedure Read_RKeys_RMsg( Msg : in Raw_Types.RSA_Msg; Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16; K : out Player_RSA) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; begin -- check type id and raise exception if incorrect if Msg(Msg'First) /= RKeys_R_Type then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- read protocol version and subversion K.Proto_V := Msg( Pos ); Pos := Pos + 1; Read_U16( Msg, Pos, K.Proto_Subv ); -- read Keccak hash of client binary K.Client_Hash := Msg( Pos..Pos+K.Client_Hash'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.Client_Hash'Length; -- read e K.e := Msg( Pos .. Pos + K.e'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.e'Length; -- read n K.n := Msg( Pos .. Pos + K.n'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.n'Length; -- read choice of padding K.Padding := Msg( Pos .. Pos+K.Padding'Length - 1 ); Pos := Pos + K.Padding'Length; -- read message counter Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter ); -- the rest is message padding, so ignore it end Read_RKeys_RMsg;

As usual, I also wrote the tests for all the new procedures, including the private Write_End. However, the testing package as it was could not directly call this private procedure from Messages. My solution to this is to change the declaration of the testing package so that it is effectively derived from Messages - at the end of the day it makes sense that the tester simply needs to get to all the private bits and pieces. This change makes however for a lot of noise in the .vpatch but that's how it is. The new test procedure for the counter+padding is - quite as usual - longer than the code it tests:

procedure Test_Padding is Msg : Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg := (others => 12); Old : Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg := Msg; Pos : Natural := 16; NewPos : Natural := Pos; Counter : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2; Pad : Raw_Types.Octets_8; Pass : Boolean; begin -- get random counter RNG.Get_Octets( O2 ); Counter := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 ); -- test with random padding Pad := RNG_PAD; Write_End( Msg, NewPos, Counter, Pad ); -- check NewPos and counter Pass := True; if NewPos /= Msg'Last + 1 then Put_Line("FAIL: incorrect Pos value after Write_End with rng."); Pass := False; end if; Read_U16(Msg, Pos, U16); if U16 /= Counter then Put_Line("FAIL: incorrect Counter by Write_End with rng."); Pass := False; end if; -- check that the padding is at least different... if Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) = Old(Pos..Old'Last) or Msg(Pos..Pos+Pad'Length-1) = Pad then Put_Line("FAIL: no padding written by Write_End with rng."); Pass := False; end if; if Pass then Put_Line("PASS: Write_End with rng."); end if; -- prepare for the next test Pass := True; Pos := Pos - 2; NewPos := Pos; Msg := Old; -- get random padding RNG.Get_Octets( Pad ); -- write with fixed padding and check Write_End( Msg, NewPos, Counter, Pad ); Pass := True; if NewPos = Msg'Last + 1 then -- check counter + padding Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 ); if U16 /= Counter then Put_Line("FAIL: Counter was not written by Write_End."); Pass := False; end if; for I in Pos..Msg'Last loop if Msg( I ) /= Pad( Pad'First + (I - Pos) mod Pad'Length ) then Put_Line("FAIL: Msg(" & Natural'Image(I) & ")=" & Unsigned_8'Image(Msg(I)) & " /= Pad(" & Natural'Image(Pad'First+(I-Pos) mod Pad'Length) & ") which is " & Unsigned_8'Image(Pad(Pad'First+(I-Pos) mod Pad'Length))); Pass := False; end if; end loop; else Put_Line("FAIL: Pos is wrong after call to Write_End."); Pass := False; end if; if Pass then Put_Line("PASS: test for Write_End with fixed padding."); end if; end Test_Padding;

With the above read/write of a RSA key set, all the RSA messages specified in the protocol are provided. Of the Serpent messages, those not implemented are the Client Action, World Bulletin, Object Request and Object Info. All of those still require some details to be filled in but for the moment I went ahead and implemented read/write for Client Action based on a text representation of the action itself (i.e. precisely as specified in the protocol for 4.5 although the action can be/is in principle a fully specified structure by itself as described in section 7 of the specification). At this stage I'm not yet sure whether to provide another layer of read/write for that action text or whether to attempt to read/write directly the Action structures. So this will have to wait and as details are becoming clearer, the code will get changed /added to, no big deal. Anyway, the Write_Action and Read_Action for now:

-- writes the action (octets+length) into the specified Serpent message procedure Write_Action( A : in Raw_Types.Text_Octets; Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Pad : in Raw_Types.Octets_8; Msg : out Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; MaxPos : Natural := Msg'Last - 1; --2 octets reserved for counter at end U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin -- check whether given action FITS into a Serpent message if Pos + 2 + A.Len > MaxPos then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- write correct type ID Msg( Msg'First ) := Client_Action_S_Type; -- write action's TOTAL length U16 := Interfaces.Unsigned_16(A.Len + 2); Write_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 ); -- write the action itself Msg( Pos..Pos+A.Len-1 ) := A.Content; Pos := Pos + A.Len; -- write counter + padding Write_End( Msg, Pos, Counter, Pad ); end Write_Action; -- reads a client action as octets+length from the given Serpent message procedure Read_Action( Msg : in Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg; Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16; A : out Raw_Types.Text_Octets) is Pos : Natural := Msg'First + 1; U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin -- read and check message type ID if Msg( Msg'First ) /= Client_Action_S_Type then raise Invalid_Msg; end if; -- read size of action (content+ 2 octets the size itself) Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 ); -- check size if U16 < 3 or Pos + Natural(U16) - 2 > Msg'Last - 1 then raise Invalid_Msg; else U16 := U16 - 2; --size of content only end if; -- create action, read it from message + assign to output variable declare Act : Raw_Types.Text_Octets( Raw_Types.Text_Len( U16 ) ); begin Act.Content := Msg( Pos..Pos+Act.Len-1 ); Pos := Pos + Act.Len; A := Act; end; -- read counter Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter ); end Read_Action;

As previously with the components of a RSA key, I chose to keep the "action" as raw octets rather than "text" aka String. This can be easily changed later if needed but for now I fail to see any concrete benefit in doing the conversion to and from String. The new Text_Octets type is defined in Raw_Types and I moved there the definition of Text_Len (previously in Messages) as well since it's a better place for it:

-- length of a text field (i.e. 16 bits, strictly > 0) subtype Text_Len is Positive range 1..2**16-1; -- "text" type has a 2-byte header with total length -- Len here is length of actual content ONLY (i.e. it needs + 2 for total) type Text_Octets( Len: Text_Len := 1 ) is record -- actual octets making up the "text" Content: Octets( 1..Len ) := (others => 0); end record;

There is of course new testing code for the read/write action procedures as well:

procedure Serialize_Action is O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2; U16: Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Len: Raw_Types.Text_Len; Counter: Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin Put_Line("Generating a random action for testing."); -- generate random counter RNG.Get_Octets( O2 ); Counter := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 ); -- generate action length RNG.Get_Octets( O2 ); U16 := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 ); if U16 < 1 then U16 := 1; else if U16 + 5 > Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg'Length then U16 := Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg'Length - 5; end if; end if; Len := Raw_Types.Text_Len( U16 ); declare A: Raw_Types.Text_Octets( Len ); B: Raw_Types.Text_Octets; Msg: Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg; ReadC : Interfaces.Unsigned_16; begin RNG.Get_Octets( A.Content ); begin Write_Action( A, Counter, RNG_PAD, Msg ); Read_Action( Msg, ReadC, B ); if B /= A then Put_Line("FAIL: read/write of Action."); else Put_Line("PASS: read/write of Action."); end if; exception when Invalid_Msg => if Len + 5 > Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg'Length then Put_Line("PASS: exception correctly raised for Action too long"); else Put_Line("FAIL: exception INCORRECTLY raised at action r/w!"); end if; end; end; end Serialize_Action;

The (rather lengthy) .vpatch for all the above and my signature for it can be found on myReference Code Shelf as usual or through those links:

smg_comms_actions_rsa.vpatch smg_comms_actions_rsa.vpatch.diana_coman.sig

The next step now is to patch the rsa/oaep part of SMG Comms to use the 8-octets public exponent and then to get back to EuCrypt and patch it to allow arbitrary size public exponent - so much for fixed size. In other words, it's a very good opportunity to re-read and review EuCrypt!

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