Australia’s second largest telco Optus is investing a further $23.6 million into its South Australian network, building more than 40 new sites by the end of March next year in a move aimed at improving network coverage and to deliver faster download speeds for customers.
The new investment builds on a $45 million investment by Optus across South Australia in the last 12 months.
In Adelaide on Wednesday, Optus CEO, Allen Lew highlighted the company’s commitment to offering people across South Australia with what the telco says will be increased telecommunications competition and choice.
“Our investment in South Australia reflects our commitment to provide people across Australia with a premium national mobile network. We want customers to have a choice when selecting their network carrier, which is why we have invested in over 70 new sites across South Australia in the last 12 months with more than 40 set to come online over the next four months,” said Lew.
The new Optus sites will be spread throughout South Australia, from Kangaroo Island up to Eyre Peninsula, covering major transport corridors, tourist areas and regional towns.
And the new sites will also include a further six Federal and State Government Mobile Black Spots with Optus having already delivered 10 in the last 12 months.
“The last 12 months has seen a real boost to our services in regional and rural parts of South Australia and this investment will continue with 50 percent of our new sites set to sit within a regional or rural location,” Lew said.
“We believe Australians should have equivalent access to reliable mobile coverage wherever they live, work and holiday, and are working closely with the State Government here in South Australia to identify areas most in need of improved mobile coverage, as well as further densifying our existing network”.
Lew says South Australia has been home to many milestones for Optus including being the location for the recent launch of Optus’ 50th Mobile Black Spot, located in in Parawa. "Adelaide was also the first location in Australia to trial Optus 3G back in 2002 as well as being the location for the launch of Optus’ first Satellite Small Cell in Oodnadatta in 2015 and “our first 4G Satellite Small Cell at William Creek. Optus’ 5000th mobile site was also in South Australia, located at Corny Point.
“We have a rich history here in South Australia and we remain committed to delivering the best possible network and service to our customers across the state. Our investment doesn’t stop here. We will continue to respond to our customer needs and invest where it matters most to them to ensure they can access the latest technologies. We look forward to welcoming new customers as we build on our existing network,” Lew said.

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